Vanguard Bandits, gameplay. Tips - Vanguard Bandits Vanguard bandits what stats affect

Published by Working Designs. The original American name was Detonator gauntlet(rus. "Detonator Gauntlet"), but due to the similarity with the existing Gauntlet the name had to be changed to Vanguard Bandits ... As a bonus, the game included a disc with a demo version of the game Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete... The video game is made in a medieval setting, but battles are fought on huge robots - "ATTACK"(English ATAC).

Action Vanguard Bandits takes place on the continent of Eptina, where wars are constantly waged between different kingdoms. The main character games - a young man named Bastion, originally Randy, ラ ン デ ィ), who was raised by a strict and domineering soldier named Camorge, a former bodyguard of the king. From childhood, Bastion learned to manage ATAC. He himself dreams of becoming a warrior and fighting against the Yunaris empire. The Imperials have pursued him with his father ever since Bastion can remember.

Game process

Vanguard Bandits- tactical role-playing game, the action of which unfolds on an isometric map, divided into equal squares. The player controls a squad of several people, fighting against a group of enemy ATTACKS - a similar system resembles Final fantasy tactics and games of the series Front mission... The battle takes place in turn-based mode; each character on its turn can move, attack the enemy, or use supporting abilities. Any action spends a certain amount of action points (AP, Action Points), in addition, the use of attacks increases the number of points of fatigue (English FP, Faint Points). If the FP value reaches 100, then the character temporarily cannot perform any actions and receives more damage from opponents. When a hero attacks or defends, he and his opponent are transported to a separate three-dimensional "battlefield", where each performs the chosen action. However, the animation of the battle can be turned off - in this case, the player will only see the outcome of the battle (the number of lost health points). After the end of the battle, which is called a mission, there is usually a dialogue between the characters and further development storyline. Before the start of the next mission, the player can check the status of his squad, talk to several characters, change the ATTACK equipment or visit the store (in certain parts of the game).

The game consists of 56 missions and has five different storylines.


The game begins during an Imperial ATTACK attack on the village where Bastion and Camorge live. Further events differ depending on the actions of the player. The first and simplest storyline is conventionally called "royal", the second, with a large number of twists and branches, is called "imperial"; the third and most difficult one is the "ruins" branch. The choice of the branch may depend directly on the answer to the questions, the analysis of the level of the protagonist or the state of love of the heroines for the Bastion ("imperial branch"). "Royal" plot Vanguard Bandits has two endings, good or bad (if Bastion is below a certain level), the "imperial" scenario also has two endings (love line with Sadira or Cecilia). "Ruins" have one end.


ATTACKS ( ATAC) - these are huge robots, outwardly similar to the iron knights, which are controlled by people. By plot Vanguard Bandits, these giant machines were found in the ruins of a lost civilization. After the discovery of prototypes, mass production of ATACs for military needs began on their basis. However, by power, they cannot cope with the original ATTACKS, which are controlled by the rulers of states and the best warriors of the continent. The most powerful ATTACK is considered to be the legendary lost Ultra Shooter ( Ultragunner).

All ATASs are divided into 6 types:

  • Infantry (Infantry) - otherwise called "regular" ATAC, which are quite mobile. Severely loses mobility in deserts, snowy areas and rocky terrain. Most ATACs belong to this type, including Ultrashot.
  • Light infantry (Light infantry) - More mobile than most ATACs, but less armored. This type includes: Dantarius, Flaros and Prince Dyer's Sarbelas.
  • Heavy Infantry (Heavy infantry) are slower and less mobile than most ATACs, but also with higher stamina and attack than most ATACs. This type includes: Sharking, Bahamut of the Duke of Radkot, Roaring Lion of the Marquis of Dionne, Zulvarne.
  • Cavalry (Cavalry) - very fast on normal terrain, but slow on everything else, especially in conditions such as snow or sand. This type is Duke Zeira's Toreador.
  • Ninja (Ninja) - agile, with strong attacks, and very fast moving in all terrains, but with a reduced defense rate. This type includes Vedokorban and Madoc's Secret Development # 69.
  • Volatile (Flight) - Possesses excellent mobility, as this type has wings built in, they soar above the ground, and this is what distinguishes them from other types. This type includes: Korbelan, Sylph of Princess Sadira, and Vaiban of the traitor Ganlon.


Vanguard Bandits focuses on interactions between countries and people on the Eptin Continent. Seven countries are involved in the conflict:

  • Kingdom of Farastia, also simply "The Kingdom", are the remnants of a once great army whose fighters are fighting to return Farastia to its former glory. It is in alliance with the principality of Avalon. Formally story line for the Kingdom is depicted as positive. The Kingdom was involved in a long-standing war with the Empire, which conquered parts of the Kingdom, including its capital.
  • Empire Yunaris (Junaris) - was formed by Emperor Degall, who opposed the war over territories. However, Degall was corrupted by the power he had gained. His army is led by the calculating General Faulkner and the Empire as a whole is positioned as an evil, antagonistic element in the game. The army in particular is often associated with robbery and plunder of innocent cities, even their own (although the Kingdom, as it turns out, is also seen in such atrocities).
  • Principality of Avalon- this small country was formed by the Duke of Zeira and is in a difficult situation. Avalon supports the Kingdom, but at the same time is busy with its own conflict with the country of Muspel in the south.
  • Nordilia (Nordilian forest) is a large country rich in vast forests. Ruled by the fierce warrior Duke Logan. Enters into an alliance with the Empire, believing that he is using it to his advantage. It is in conflict with the Duchy of Hibernia.
  • Muspel (Muspel nation) - a country in the desert, which enriches itself using its resources and raw materials. Although he claims to be neutral, he constantly attacks Avalon and is secretly allied with the Empire. Most countries are considered poor, while its tyrannical, cunning leader, the Duke of Redcot, lives in his own palace, thwarting any attempt at rebellion.
  • Duchy of Hibernia- a snow-covered country in the north, ruled by a man known as Lord Alden "Ice Wolf". Originally, Hibernia was created by King Farastia, who separated part of his territory and gave it to one of his brothers. Hibernia's goal is to keep an eye on developments in the Kingdom and intervene if necessary. At the beginning of the game, Hibernia is not involved in the conflict, although this ultimately leads to a war with the Empire.
  • Dionne-Leo, Dionne-Leve (Dionne-Lehve) - this country is ruled by mercenary warriors who are ready to provide their services to any side. While they have no formal alliances at the start of the game, they are at war with the Empire. Their leader, the Marquis of Dionne, is one of the most influential and powerful warriors on the continent.

Game Characters

Main characters

  • Prince Bastion- the long-lost Prince of the Kingdom, the protagonist of the game. When the Empire took over the Kingdom's capital, Alugard fled with Bastion (then just a child) and raised him as his son, teaching him the art of fighting. At the age of sixteen, Bastion returns to become the leader of the Kingdom's struggle against the Empire. At the beginning of the game, Alba controls ATAC, inherited from Alugard, during the game he is transferred to the legendary Ultrashot or TIK-TAK, depending on the storyline.
  • Princess Sadira - beautiful princess Empire and Duaer's sister, one of the possible romantic interests for Bastion. Impulsive, follows the principle of "action first, talk later" in relation to hostility and injustice. Conflicts with General Faulkner. Drives Sylph, a blue ATAC with large wings.
  • General Faulkner- General of the empire, the antagonist of the game. Faulkner is an evil, cunning person who will do anything to achieve his goals. Embittered against the whole world for the death of his father and other atrocities of the belligerents during the war. Faulkner's father, Savaro, was tricked by Emperor Degall into convincing him that the Kingdom was guilty of his wife's death. Savaro and the King were killed fighting each other as the Imperial Army entered the capital. Faulkner outwardly shows respect for the members of the Imperial Family, exploiting them for his own purposes. Initially, he controls Solaris, which he received from his father, but later transplants into the legendary and polar opposite of Ultrashot, the powerful ATAC Zulvarn, or into the Madoc prototype # 69 depending on the storyline.

Minor characters

  • Kamorge (Alugard)- Adoptive father of Bastion and former bodyguard of King Farastia. He escaped from the burning capital with Bastion on the orders of the king, and in order to escape from the empire, he changed his name from Alugard to Camorge. At the beginning of the game, Barazaf controls the ATAC.
  • Mileya- Bastion's adoptive sister and potential romantic interest for the protagonist. Her parents were killed by the Imperial forces when she was young, and Camorge, who was a friend of the family, adopted her. She cooks and does the housekeeping for the Bastion squad. Ultimately, he learns to control the ATAC.
  • Pack- Bastion's undersized friend and extremely skilled ATAC mechanic. Wears oversized glasses. He has some skill in controlling ATACs, in particular, he captures Zulvarn in one of the scenarios.
  • Galvas- The elder brother of Alugard and the commander of the current forces of the Kingdom. Possesses great self-esteem, and dreams of the day when the Kingdom will return to its former glory. Galvas is extremely stubborn and lacks a sense of humor. Manages ATAS-ohm Serat.
  • Prince Dwire(Duyere) - the direct heir to the imperial throne. He is an impudent, immature, naive and inept commander. General Faulkner uses him as a pawn for his plans. His father, Emperor Degall, the previous ruler of the Yunaris Empire, was assassinated on Faulkner's orders, allowing his easily influenced Dwyer to ascend the throne. Duyar has a very serious competition with his sister, Sadira. He inherited the ATAC from his father - Sarbelas.
  • Duke of Alden- the gray-haired and pale-skinned ruler of Hibernia. In a constant state of war with Duke Logan. Believes that it is the best chess player on the Continent (although in one of the plot branches, Miley defeats him in the second game and gets the rights to his ATAC for two weeks). His ATAC is Altgrave. Alden's right hand and the only person the Duke trusts unconditionally is the female ATAS pilot Amfisia Melior... She manages the affairs of Hibernia during Alden's absence.
  • Duke of Zeira- the ruler of the principality of Avalon. He helps the people of the Kingdom in the fight against the Empire, although he left part of the troops to protect the people. His ATAC, the Toreador, has the guise of a centaur.
  • Andrew- One of the main subordinates of the Marquis Dionne, a ninja prone to alcohol and female abuse. He possesses a great deal of self-confidence regarding his fighting skills and his ability to seduce a lady. Manages Vedokarban.
  • Cecilia is a ninja girl working under Princess Sadir. Cecilia is a possible romantic interest for Bastion. Also double agent General Faulkner, who uses her to keep an eye on Sadira. Manages Vedokarban.
  • Clare- the daughter of Duke Logan with dark red hair. Although she looks like an annoying child, she is actually a strong warrior. Rivalry with Sadira since the days of training at the academy. Runs Ainlager.
  • Barlow- Davlin's bosom friend. An eternally hungry, chubby pilot who often makes situations comedic. He claims that he is affected by a lack of iron in the body, which, presumably, gives him a greedy appetite. The initial ATAC is Ratatoskr.
  • Davlin is a cheeky young man with a strong sense of duty. Hot-tempered, he cannot tolerate the shedding of the blood of innocents. Brother of Meliora. The initial ATAC is Ratatoskr.
  • Marquis Dionne- the ruler of Dionne-Leva, the Marquis of Dionne is a rude old warrior. His family was tasked with guarding the Grace, the stone needed to activate the Ultrashot. His ATAC is Roaring Lion.
  • Duke Logan- the ruler of Nordilia. Courageous person, always looking for battle and very aggressive. Despite this, it can sometimes be extremely mean. He runs the dark red ATAC Crimson.
  • Franco- one of Sadira's bodyguards, a gentle elderly man. Franco acts as the man playing the role of the father of the young princess, as her real father lacks either time or the desire to be a father. Runs Corbelan.
  • Halak- one of Sadira's bodyguards, a serious elderly woman. Halak is the complete opposite of Franco in the way she tries to influence Sadira. While Franco prefers to let Sadira learn freely from her own mistakes, Halak prefers to rule the young princess. She is the mother of Emperor Degall (and, accordingly, the grandmother of Dyer and Sadira). Runs Corbelan.
  • And she is a close friend and comrade of Reyna. Because of her appearance can be mistaken for a man. At the beginning of the game, Barazaf controls the ATAC. Her father Kaidul, a member of the Avalon Protection Corps, enraged by Avalon's commitment to help the Kingdom by neglecting its own people, begins a coup d'état instigated by Imperial agents. Kaidul controls the ATAS Hizuron.
  • Reina- An energetic blonde-haired girl who fights for the Avalon Defense Corps. At the beginning of the game, Horol controls the ATAC.
  • Zakov“The cheeky, incompetent commander of the Imperial army. He has a terrible German accent (in both the original and English versions), which provides some comic effect. Zakov constantly persuades Madoc to give him the latest ATAC developments. The initial ATAS is Einlager.
  • Duke Redcot- the obese dictator of the country Muspel. He seeks to take over the entire continent, and is ready to work for both the empire and the kingdom, attacking in the back, just to achieve what he wants. He controls ATAC Bahamut, which has the features of a dragon.
  • Madoc- the designer of many ATACs of the Empire, including the Sharkings. He is the grandfather of Puck, Bastion's engineer. Madoc has a lack of respect for human life, and this is reflected in his ATAC projects, whose main ability was to destroy the enemy pilot, not the equipment.
  • Nana- daughter of the Duke of Redcott. Steals his father's ATAC after he was killed by General Faulkner's man. Nana has a bizarre pet named QQ.
  • Ganlon- the commander of the army of the Kingdom, who betray their country for a place in the army of the Empire. He often stutters and stutters. When fighting for the Kingdom, he controls ATAC Vaiban.
  • Shion- Servant of Duke Logan, perplexed to take care of Claire. He is a pedantic and professional man with a secret passion for Claire. Manages Rahabor.
  • Thomson- one of the generals of the Kingdom, hometown“Eiza, along with the families of the soldiers, was captured by Faulkner to force Thomson to cooperate with the Empire. Manages Hizuron.

Vanguard Bandits("Bandits in the Vanguard", also known as " Crusaders") Is a tactical role-playing video game developed by Human Entertainment for the PlayStation platform. Released in Japan under the name エ ピ カ ・ ス テ ラ, it is in 2000 year was localized in the United States by the publisher Working Designs. The original American name was Detonator gauntlet("Detonator Gauntlet"), but due to the similarity with the existing Gauntlet the name had to be changed to Vanguard Bandits... As a bonus, the game included a disc with a demo version of the game Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete ... The video game is made in a medieval setting, but battles are fought on huge robots - "ATTACK"(ATAC).

Action Vanguard Bandits takes place on the continent of Eptina, where wars are constantly waged between different kingdoms. The protagonist of the game is a young man named Bastion (originally Randy, ラ ン デ ィ), who was raised by a strict and domineering soldier named Camorge, a former bodyguard of the king. From childhood, Bastion learned to manage ATAC. He himself dreams of becoming a warrior and fighting against the Yunaris empire. The Imperials have pursued him with his father ever since Bastion can remember.

Walkthrough with comments of the game Vanguard Bandits (Epica Stella) on Sony playstation... We pass all the branches! The continent is mired in war. The Yunaris Empire is robbing and ...

Game process

Vanguard Bandits is a tactical role-playing game that takes place on an isometric map divided into equal squares. The player controls a squad of several people, fighting against a group of enemy ATTACKS - a similar system resembles Final fantasy tactics and games of the series Front mission ... The battle takes place in turn-based mode; each character on its turn can move, attack the enemy, or use supporting abilities. Any action spends a certain number of action points (AP, Action Points), in addition, the use of attacks increases the number of fatigue points (FP, Faint Points). If the FP value reaches 100, then the character temporarily cannot perform any actions and receives more damage from opponents. When a hero attacks or defends, he and his opponent are transported to a separate three-dimensional "battlefield", where each performs the chosen action. However, the animation of the battle can be turned off - in this case, the player will only see the outcome of the battle (the number of lost health points). After the end of the battle, which is called a mission, usually there is a dialogue between the characters and the further development of the storyline. Before the start of the next mission, the player can check the status of his squad, talk to several characters, change the ATTACK equipment or visit the store (in certain parts of the game).

The game consists of 56 missions and has five different storylines.

The game begins during an Imperial ATTACK attack on the village where Bastion and Camorge live. Further events differ depending on the actions of the player. The first and simplest storyline is conventionally called "royal", the second, with a large number of twists and branches, is called "imperial"; the third and most difficult one is the "ruins" branch. The choice of the branch may depend directly on the answer to the questions, the analysis of the level of the protagonist or the state of love of the heroines for the Bastion ("imperial branch"). "Royal" plot Vanguard Bandits has two endings, good or bad (if Bastion is below a certain level), the "imperial" scenario also has two endings (love line with Sadira or Cecilia). "Ruins" have one end.


Walkthrough with comments of the game Vanguard Bandits (Epica Stella) on Sony Playstation. We pass all the branches! The continent is mired in war. The Yunaris Empire is robbing and ...

ATTACKS ( ATAC) - these are huge robots, outwardly similar to the iron knights, which are controlled by people. By plot Vanguard Bandits, these giant machines were found in the ruins of a lost civilization. After the discovery of prototypes, mass production of ATACs for military needs began on their basis. However, by power, they cannot cope with the original ATTACKS, which are controlled by the rulers of states and the best warriors of the continent. The most powerful ATTACK is considered to be the legendary lost Ultra Shooter ( Ultragunner).

All ATASs are divided into 6 types:

  • Infantry (Infantry) - otherwise called "regular" ATAC, which are quite mobile. Severely loses mobility in deserts, snowy areas and rocky terrain. Most ATACs belong to this type, including Ultrashot.
  • Light infantry (Light infantry) - More mobile than most ATACs, but less armored. This type includes: Dantarius, Flaros and Prince Dyer's Sarbelas.
  • Heavy Infantry (Heavy infantry) are slower and less mobile than most ATACs, but also with higher stamina and attack than most ATACs. This type includes: Sharking, Bahamut of the Duke of Radkot, Roaring Lion of the Marquis of Dionne, Zulvarne.
  • Cavalry (Cavalry) - very fast on normal terrain, but slow on everything else, especially in conditions such as snow or sand. This type is Duke Zeira's Toreador.
  • Ninja (Ninja) - agile, with strong attacks, and very fast moving in all terrains, but with a reduced defense rate. This type includes Vedokorban and Madoc's Secret Development # 69.
  • Volatile (Flight) - Possesses excellent mobility, as this type has wings built in, they soar above the ground, and this is what distinguishes them from other types. This type includes: Korbelan, Sylph of Princess Sadira, and Vaiban of the traitor Ganlon.


Vanguard Bandits focuses on interactions between countries and people on the Eptin Continent. Seven countries are involved in the conflict:

  • Kingdom of Farastia, also simply "The Kingdom", are the remnants of a once great army whose fighters are fighting to return Farastia to its former glory. It is in alliance with the principality of Avalon. Formally, the storyline for the Kingdom is portrayed as positive. The Kingdom was involved in a long-standing war with the Empire, which conquered parts of the Kingdom, including its capital.
  • Empire Yunaris (Junaris) - was formed by Degall, who opposed the war over territories. However, Degall was corrupted by the power he had gained. His army is led by the calculating General Faulkner and the Empire as a whole is positioned as an evil, antagonistic element in the game. The army in particular is often associated with robbery and plunder of innocent cities, even their own (although the Kingdom, as it turns out, is also seen in such atrocities).

Genre: RPG / Strategy
Platform: PlayStation.
Developer: Human Entertaiment
Publisher: Working Designs
Emulator Compatibility: VGS 1.4 - OK; Bleem 1.5b - OK

I was waiting for this game. Primarily because it is published by Working Designs, a worthy competitor to SquareSoft. So what do we have? Vanguard Bandits(PS1) is an RPG / Strategy, that is, a worthy (or not) follower of the cause Shining force, and Vandal hearts... Plot in Vanguard Bandits(PS1) yes, the combat system is basically similar to the classic turn-based console, but 2/3 of the time is devoted to it. And the plot is done in a rich way, as it should be in an RPG. If you like these games, then in Vanguard Bandits(PS1) you can and even need to play.

It all starts with a beautiful anime video with a song. Remember Lunar: The Silver Star Story Complete from Working Designs. The same guys obviously worked here. If you liked the image style and translation (into English from Japanese, not RussEfecation :)) in Lunar, then for sure VB will please.

Plot Vanguard Bandits(PS1). No heartwarming stories about evil sorcerers or, say, unhappy love. Information is given out a little to whet your curiosity. There is a family (dad, his excessively warlike son and two of his sidekicks), which runs around the world from the soldiers of the Empire. Why - it is not known, he hides it even from his own son. The empire is at war with some kind of kingdom and the soldiers of this very kingdom are, in theory, your allies. There is also the princess of the Empire, who suddenly found out that her soldiers - the defenders of the innocent and the poor - really love to plunder. Especially innocent people, because they don't defend well. But the troops of the kingdom are also not a model of chivalry. So the plot is ambiguous, confusing, non-standard and very interesting.

Fight in Vanguard Bandits(PS1). This is the most important thing here. The locals do not fight by hand, but with the help of large robots called ATAC. Of course, what anime would do without furs :)? Someone reminds ATAC Robotech, some taken from the original American Battletech, but in fact, ideas were drawn from old games WD for SegaCD, TurboGraphx CD. You cannot spend on drink experience :). The robots are not even armed with plasma megablasters. There are ordinary spears, swords and other edged weapons. There are many types of robots, heroes can change from one ATAC to another.

Combat system in Vanguard Bandits(PS1) regular. Heroes can move around the field and attack the enemy. During the attack, a 3D background is loaded and beautiful three-dimensional ATACs "and (a pun made :)) exchange blows. Vandal hearts and monsters like FF Tactics and Kartia, in that the combat system is much simpler and more convenient. No need to deal with incomprehensible controls, choose a bunch of items on the menu, think about whom and where to move. On the one hand, this is bad, because there are fewer opportunities to use your strategic genius. But for some reason, the game is much nicer than these FFT and Kartia... In addition, the battlefield is not crammed with houses, towers and fences. Of course, the relief is far from flat, you have to think with your head, but you don't need to think about how to turn the map to see your hero!

And in fact Vanguard Bandits not as simple as it seems at first. To really learn how to win, you need to understand the concepts of AP and FP. I don't know how they are translated, but I need to tell you about their meaning. Each ATAC has two lines - AP and FP. AP is spent on walking and striking, and is replenished at the start of each turn. If you have moved a long distance, then there is little energy left and the blow to the enemy will be weak. And vice versa: if you strike immediately, without moving, then the strike will be much stronger. FP is added during attack, defense and especially counterattack. When it crawls to 100, ATAC skips one turn. And, of course, you need to make sure that the members of your small army develop evenly. Otherwise, it may turn out that you will have one or two tough heroes and a dozen weaklings who die from the first blow.

About development Vanguard Bandits - pumping heroes is, as it should be, you get experience to advance the hero to the next level. But the characteristics in Vanguard Bandits when pumping heroes do not improve automatically - you yourself choose what to upgrade. New abilities (strikes, etc.) appear if the corresponding characteristics have increased to the desired level. Heroes give advice on this topic between battles (menu item Interview).

The game Vanguard Bandits complex! V Vanguard Bandits when pumping heroes you have to think with your head! There are many opportunities for applying the strategy. For example, if you didn't spend AP during your turn, then when the enemy hits you, you can try to dodge, you can try to block (less damage), attack yourself or counterattack. Each action spends AP, adds FP and has a chance that you will succeed. That's not all! I was shocked that when you choose who to attack, you are immediately shown the damage that you and your opponent (!) Will receive. It also indicates the likelihood that you will hit at all. Those. you can check all the available combinations and choose the best one. After all, it is foolish, for example, to attack, knowing that the enemy will have one unit of energy. Or that he can counterattack and kill you with an 80% chance. Similarly, you can choose between strong, but inaccurate strikes, and weak, but reliable.

Plot Vanguard Bandits(PS1) made for a solid five. Moreover, there is no clear division into plot and battle. During the battle, reinforcements can come to you (or to the enemy) and a lot of interesting conversations can happen. You may have allies (uncontrollable). And if you see ATAC, which is too strong - wait. Perhaps he will leave on his own. On many missions you do not need to kill everyone - it is enough to do what is asked of you.

Moreover, the plot is not linear. Even the same battle can lead to different minor consequences. And then the plot will branch out globally depending on the decisions of the player.

Graphics in Vanguard Bandits good. Of course, there is nothing stunning about it, but it is better than the competition. Instead of horrible polygon houses and bridges, it has a neat battlefield with beautiful textures. The characters are sprite and are drawn in medium. But the robots are stylish. Polygon people usually don't look very good, but robots should be somewhat square.

Music Vanguard Bandits... To be honest, it is not very good, it could have been done better, but at least it doesn’t get boring. Although ... about the music, I got excited. On the splash screen (not a video clip, but a start / Load / .. menu) they sing a terribly beautiful song. In general, the music in the game is also above average.

Output: Vanguard Bandits - very enjoyable game. Of course, this is not such a monster as or, say, Lunar, but she has her own circle of fans, to whom I am happy to attribute myself.
Konstantin Govorun
