The witcher 2 assassins of kings how to defeat the dragon. Difficulty of choice. Key points of the game. What to do with Prince Stennis

Hello everyone! In this guide, I will share with you a way to defeat the dragon in the finale of the amazing game The Witcher 2, practically without entering into open combat with him. No, no, no cheats or bugs. everything is legal) Someone will not be new, but someone may be very useful))

So, first of all, I would like to say a little about pumping and, in fact, the build that we create throughout the game - and believe me - this will just be a walking killing machine by the end, and battles with enemies will look like a fighter MMA attacked a group of kindergarteners. The only thing you can regret is that there are not enough enemies and they will not attack in hundreds, so beautifully they will spray their guts on the walls))
I advise you to choose the branch of the swordsman and the branch of the alchemist for this, and by the way we have enough talents to pump both branches. I advise you not to touch the branch of magic, the signs work so well, and they will not be useful when the enemy just falls from the flop)

Here, by the way, you don't have to take lvl 2 to beat arrows (I took it for achievement), and you can start the alchemy branch from the left, for the sake of mutagens, this is your choice, but you can win a couple of extra talents. In other guides, I've seen advice to upgrade armor, upgrade protection, choose elixirs that increase armor (Virga, Tiara) - FORGET! We swing the attack and only the attack, and at the exit it will be simply prohibitive, I assure you.
For the final battle we need
1) Swords - DEITVEN and FORGOTTEN SWORD OF BIRDS. You don't even need to bother with the craft of Zerrikanets, it's not worth it. After all, Deitven's ability gives 6 times! more damage on large monsters, which will be more convenient for us
2) Elixirs - Raffard's Potion and Thunder (with Catalysis pumped lvl 2) The rest of the elics in the game can be said and nafig are not needed when there is this killer couple. Do not forget to smear swords with Falka's Blood
3) I advise you to shove mutagens on the attack, hammer on the armor, still good ones for Critical effects, everything else is superfluous.
4) You need to understand that our goal for the final and for the battle with the final boss is a bunch of hp and a huge attack, which together gives us a local god mode. Yes, the damage to you will be considerable, with a small amount of armor, but your bunch of hp still needs to be demolished, and your attack knocks everyone and everything with 1-2 splashes

And as a result of all this: We run to the top of the tower, while the dragon breaks through the walls, breathes fire and sticks its face into the gap, at this moment we hit him / her in the face with our uber sword. Usually you need to take down half of the dragon's hp, but not this time) For a couple of times, the dragon's hp scale drops to zero. We go upstairs to Sheala, save her (or watch her burst). At this point I thought that there would not be a battle on the roof of the tower, but no, a dragon with zero lives arrives and ... you can throw a bomb at it, you can hit it with a sword again, it doesn't matter what you choose, just to kick. The final scene starts.
Congratulations, you didn't have to spin, spin, set traps, think out tactics, and reinvent the wheel. Believe me, you will experience relief. just like me when I went through the game for the first time and reloaded the final battle many many many times.

The bottom line I would like to sum up is that the Attack decides everything. You can be perverted in the swing as you like, but by choosing an attack, make sure how easily all your problems are solved) Thank you for your attention)

P.S. One of the most difficult missions - a fight in a room with an Operator in the quest Memory of Old Years - also falls on easy, my Operator withstood a couple of splashes and leaned back like a nice little one. Well, you will understand. what am I talking about
P.P.S. This guide is useful on levels of difficulty Difficult and above, below then it will not be interesting at all)

For several years now, one of the legendary games based on the novel by Andrzej Sapkowski has haunted gamers around the world. Returning home after work or school, they immediately turn on their computers and go into the world of new adventures, where they have to help Geralt figure out intrigues and deceptions, as well as get out of the water, having proved that he was not involved in the murder of the king. And thanks to new technologies that have become available through the use of modern graphics engine RED Engine, you will enjoy fine and very clear rendering of every facial feature, equipment and the world around you.

If you are just starting your research game world, you should definitely at least familiarize yourself with the game "The Witcher 2". Perhaps it will not drag you into its plot and you will never know how to kill a dragon, but you will still have an idea of ​​the legends of the gaming world and will always be able to keep up a conversation with your friends.

So, the bottom line is this: you need to go through quests, additional side missions, solve puzzles, play mini games, collect new items, maps, blueprints, recipes and tips for the successful completion of subsequent missions. The game is quite fun, but you shouldn't think that you will easily complete everything.

Inveterate players, choosing medium or hard levels of passage, have repeatedly stocked up on strength and patience to conquer enemies, traveling through cities such as Vizima or Lok Muinne.

In addition, thanks to a well-thought-out plot, in the course of which you still need to find out who killed the king of Temeria, you will surely go headlong into the game and no one will be able to tear you away from the game action.

To successfully complete one of the main missions of the game, each PC user should acquire certain combat skills, acquire good magical protection, agility, potions, and, of course, have an appropriate level, tk. in torn clothes and with a frying pan in your hands, you are unlikely to defeat a fire-breathing monster. Therefore, you should not rush to quickly rush through certain levels, in pursuit of speed, you will not be able to complete additional quests (side tasks) in which unique artifacts may await you. With their help, you can raise certain characteristics that will not be superfluous in the fight against evil.

So, what should you pay attention to when passing "The Witcher 2":

  • passing the main task, you yourself have to make decisions. It will depend on this further development storyline... This is very exciting as it is. allows you to play the game not one, but several times and always learn something new, be on the alert and look for unique things.
  • v side quests, the developers also offer all players to decide for themselves what to do with this or that item. For example, in the quest "Melitele's Heart" one of the mercenaries, nicknamed the Little One, made a bet. He will be assured that he can survive with one magic amulet during the assault without using any armor. Your role in this story is as follows: you can either confirm that the thing is really bewitched and has some power, or you can refute this statement. You will learn about the consequences of your choice during the game. But, looking ahead, I will note that the amulet will end up in our hands and will help in performing more complex tasks.

If you go through one more side quests, which is called "Woe to the Vanquished", you can get armor and money as a reward at the end of the mission (in Flotzam). In the quest "The Wild Hunt and the Return of Memory" you will have a chance not only to learn unique information about the Herald's past, but also to get additional experience points that will add to your strength, agility or endurance. In any case, completing the main missions or side quests, each player approaches in the final chapter, where he will have a duel with the most dangerous monster in this world.

How to kill a dragon in the Witcher 2 some of the nuances and subtleties of a successful battle

After spending more than one hour at the computer and spending a lot of energy, you finally got to the tower, where you have to find out your relationship with the insidious sorceress Sheala. After she mysteriously disappears from the screens of your monitors, a fire-breathing monster will immediately appear, with which, as you already understood, you will have a difficult fight.

If we consider the strategy of how to kill a dragon in stages, it will look like this:

  1. as soon as you notice the appearance of this character, immediately put "Quen".
  2. do not forget to move and dodge melee attacks all the time.
  3. counterattack after the dragon swings its claws. It will be more effective to use simple punches or short combos and immediately run back. Although it seems that the damage is not great, this tactic will save your life and bring a long-awaited victory.
  4. after the monster has lost half of its lives, it will fly away, giving you the opportunity to restore your vitality... After catching your breath, climb onto the roof, activate magic protection and do not lose your vigilance. The fight is not going to be easy. Attacks must be continued short, which will consist of a maximum of two attacks. A bit tedious, of course, but there is no other way to defeat this winged creature.
  5. flames and air attacks are best avoided by constantly running in a circle. Having exhausted the monster, the final scene will begin, in which, as always, you will be given a choice: to kill the dragon or leave it to die in the forest.

Video: How to kill a dragon in The Witcher 2!

The shortest chapter, in the second "The Witcher". If we take as a basis only story passage... But there are side quests to prolong the pleasure. Which to some extent relate to the story itself, but do not affect the result in any way. So, if you are not in a hurry to find out how the case will end, then go ahead. Well, according to the plot ... Geralt and Vernon Roche walk the mountains in Lok Muinne. They indulge in harpies on the way.

As soon as Lok Muinne appears on the horizon, we will see the Knights of the Order of the Burning Rose. They camped just outside the main gate. King Radovid asked them to stand guard at all approaches to the city. If in the first part you helped them, then we will meet our friend and master of this order, Siegfried. If in the first game you were overwhelmed by an attack of pity and anger at the seemingly unfair treatment of squirrels, then do not expect a warm welcome. But even in this situation, Roche will not give us offense.

Upon entering the city, you can immediately go to a meeting with King Radovid, or stroll around the city, read the announcements. And according to the plot, we go to the king. There, if you gave Roche freedom, and he, accordingly, flunked Henselt, Radovid will ask about it. You can choose any answer, no consequences. You can take everything upon yourself, perhaps this will somehow make Roche's life easier. In the future, he can enter the service of Radovid.

Radovid will ask to save the daughter of King Foltest, Anais... His son, Busi, seems to have died. This will end the conversation. We leave into the city. Roche offers to go to rescue Anais. Geralt faces another choice. Save Anais, Foltest's daughter or Triss Merigold... It is not clear why it was impossible to allow to do both. But, nevertheless, the developers figured out that the final will depend on this choice. Or rather, its consequences. It's strange somehow, but oh well ...

Flesh from flesh

We save the daughter of King Foltest, from the clutches of the insidious Detmold, who kidnapped her. Together with Roche, through the sewers (entrance from the central square, there along one of the walls, descent to the bottom) we come to the gate leading to the castle. (Or a fortress?) At the gate, politely poking the guards with our head on these very gates, we overcome the obstacle.

Having got to the surface, we see that the guards are there ... as the same ones, not cut. We put Roche on the wall, and we ourselves slowly but surely move through the back streets of the castle. There are quite a few guards, but we can handle it. Closer to the entrance we see a magician who constantly teleports from place to place. At this moment, you need to catch it, otherwise it closes with a dome. Having got rid of him, we will see that the magic curtain fell at the entrance to the castle.

We follow inside. There we find our friend, Detmold. He tries to injure Geralt, but he himself falls with a broken arm. At the same time, he screams how expensive his hand is. Further cutscene, Roche has a nice conversation with the sorcerer and cuts him off ... In general, it is understandable. Detmold goes into another world. The magic that closes the passage to the cell where Anais is located disappears, we go to her.

We are offered to choose whom to give the girl to, Radovid (whom Roche seems to have promised to bring) or Jan Natalis, the governor of Temeria. In fact, this issue must be decided by Roche himself, because by and large, Geralt is completely purple, who and where is the king. But the developers came up with the idea that if Geralt poses the necessary questions, then Roche can change his mind. If we decide to give it to Radovid, then we follow with the escort of the Knights of the Order of the Burning Rose. If we decide to give it to Natalis, and Siegfried is not your friend at all, then this very escort will have to be sentenced ...

Where is Triss?

We follow to the Nilfgaardian embassy. We grab Ambassador Shilard as a hostage and step into the enemy's lair. There we stumble upon a detachment of soldiers led by Renuald Matsen. Our hostage did not last long in this role, in general, we throw the cooling Shilard forward and with a song. We chop everyone and everything. From the corpse of Renuald Matsen we take the key to the cell in which Triss is locked. True, you still have to run after him. After that, we go into the dungeon and free our girlfriend. That's all.

Meeting of the Sorcerers

At the amphitheater, where the meeting of sorcerers and kings is to take place, we meet with Roche or Triss. It depends on whom they saved. Then there is a cutscene, a debate in the arena, about the revival of the chapter of sorcerers, about the division of territories. Then our introduction ...

Who should I transfer Anais to?

Geralt and Roche take Anais out and hand her over:

  • Radovid... The girl will remain in the upbringing of the King of Redania until she comes of age, and then, will take the throne of Temeria.
  • Jan Natalis... The girl will be crowned, and a regent will be appointed with her.

Geralt and Triss go out to the public. Triss Merigold accuses Sheala de Tanserville of murder and attempted murder of kings. The Knights of the Order of the Burning Rose appear on the scene to arrest the sorcerers in the first instance, and the sorceress in the second. But then a dragon appears, puffing with flame, and having roasted a number of knights, gently grabs Sheala and carries her away. And then, returning, the pogrom begins ...

And the Dragon came

To fight the dragon, you need to climb the tower. While we run up the stairs, the dragon will try to attack us and make holes in the tower. Will spit fire. Here we have to make one, seemingly important decision. In the upper room we find Sheala, who wants to escape through the teleport, but one of the crystals is changed and Sheala is about to die. If we decide to save her, then we need to take out the damaged crystal, in gratitude Sheala tells where to look for Yennefer. (Whether we receive this information or not, does not affect the further development of events.) If we are equally divided, then we do nothing and Sheala is torn to pieces.

If we assume that the player is familiar with this individual, then the position is quite understandable. Even leaving Sheala alive, in the third part, the developers themselves will ukantropupuyat her ... Even she annoyed them with something ... Now the showdown with the dragon. He made a hole in the wall and wants to bite us. We hit him in the head all the time. (preferably, we do more damage) After the dragon spits fire, there is time to strike back. Having received several times on the head, the dragon falls off. We climb to the roof. During the battle, the QTE control will appear (well, how can it be without it, it's so cool ...)

We jump on the dragon and fly (QTE to help). We fly for a short time, the dragon loses height, and we fall into the forest. Well, we jumped off and that's it, our truncated is in order, which cannot be said about the dragon. The poor guy ran into a sticking out tree ... It is a pity that, unlike the passage for Iorvet, we can do nothing to help. If we stand close by for a bit, we will see how the dragon frees itself from the trunk that has pierced it and collapses next to it. Hope he survives. Especially if we know what kind of dragon it is.

Kings killer. Summer.

Having dealt with the dragon, Geralt returns to Lok Muinne. He needs to deal with another citizen, whose name is Leto. The one who killed Foltest and framed Geralt. Here, the game developers give two options for this encounter. Either disperse peacefully with this guy, or kill him. I reasoned like this. If the "comrade" is so greedy for money and ready to take orders for the murder of people, then there is no guarantee that tomorrow he will not accept an order for me, tobish for Geralt. Leto became nothing more than the chain mongrel of Emperor Nilfgaard. And therefore, without remorse, I urinate this pathetic caricature of the witcher. That's all. As the French say, "Finita la comedy!" That is, the end of the game.

Throughout this epic, memories will return to Geralt, everything that the elven magician Caranthir erased from his memory. Memories will return during the adoption of any important decisions (one might say, fateful) or will perform equally important actions. Before we overwhelm Leto, the conversation will reveal the last memory. Now our Geralt REMEMBERED EVERYTHING! Therefore, in the third part of the game, it is better not to think about memory loss, especially in a conversation with Yennefer. Fraught with consequences ...

A little about the consequences:

  • If we saved Anais... All magicians and sorcerers will be destroyed, a sea of ​​blood will be shed. The heads of the sorceresses from the box will fly first. Although Triss will not touch on this yet. In the future, a witch hunt will be announced ... In general, it is clear that nothing good will happen ...
  • If we saved Triss... The Chapter and Council will be created, nevertheless, and although not everyone will be satisfied with their powers, there will be no general pogrom. As for Anais, on the way to a meeting with Leto, we will stumble upon Roche, who is surrounded by the Kaedweni and is trying to save Anais. Well, how can you not help an old friend ... There will be hope that someday, when she grows up, she will be able to lay claim to the throne of Temeria.

Together with Roche we will travel from Vergen to Lok Muinne, following on the heels of Saskia, Philippa, Sheala and Detmold. The trek will end on a mountain plateau, not far from the city. Vernon will lead us further.

Along the way, you will have to fight off the harpies several times. [Combat] To defeat the winged predators, you need to knock them to the ground with the Aard Sign and finish them off with a silver sword. Unexpectedly, Roche will notice the Knights of the Order of the Burning Rose - they will stand guard at the city gates.

If we passed the first Witcher for the Order, then we can safely enter the camp of the knights. If not, the captain of the special squad will put in a word for us. Roche will be able to convince the guards that we are not guilty of Foltest's death. In the camp of the knights we will meet Siegfried. Fortunately, the Grand Master does not believe in our involvement in the murder of the king. He briefly describes the situation in the city and explains why the Order sent its knights to Lok Muinna.

After talking with Siegfried Roche invites us to take a walk around the city. The captain himself, meanwhile, will drop into the Redan camp, where he will be waiting for us. We will have time to wander the streets, and then go to the main square and meet again with Roche. Now is the time to visit Radovid.

We will tell the king about the assassins and their connection with Sheala de Tanserville. In return, the king of Redania will share with us his thoughts on Temeria: the country is going to be divided up by the kingdoms of Redania and Kaedwen. However, the monarch himself would have preferred to put Princess Anais, Ariana's sister La Valet, on the Temerian throne. So he will get the opportunity not to divide the country. Unfortunately, the girl was kidnapped and is now in Detmold's hands. Radovid asks us to take the princess from the sorcerer (Flesh from flesh). In addition, he promises us to take care of Sheala's business and informs us that the sorceress Triss Merigold is in Lok Muinne - she was taken prisoner by the Nilfgaardians. (Where is Triss?).

After an audience with the monarch, we leave the Redanian camp and exchange a few words with Roche on the way. The pragmatic Vernon believes that the life of one sorceress does not mean anything compared to the fate of the whole Temeria. Meanwhile, we have every reason to write for the life of Triss. As a result, Roche leaves a choice for us and informs us that if we decide to save Princess Anais, he will wait in the drains - through them you can get to the Kaedwena camp.

[Choice] We have to decide who to save: [A] Triss (Where is Triss?) Or [B] the hope of Temeria (flesh from flesh).

Flesh of flesh

If, after a conversation with Radovid, we decide that the needs of the country are higher than the needs of an individual, we will have to save Princess Anais from the clutches of the sorcerer Detmold. To do this, we go down into the sewers and meet Roche there: he will take us to the Kaedweni camp. We inform Vernon that we are ready to fight on his side, and together with him we scatter the Kaedwen guard guarding the entrance to the camp.

Moving down the hallway, we will eventually get out in the air. Roche will skillfully get rid of the shooters on the wall, and we have to kill the soldiers below. [Fight] When facing several enemies at the same time, you need to remember about blocks and dodging, not forgetting about the Witcher Signs Aard, Yrden, Quen.

Roche opens the gate for us. On the other side of the gate, even more Kaedwen soldiers await us. [Fight] Steel sword, powerful blows and Yrden Sign will help to deal with them. Soon, the people of Detmold attack Geralt. Fortunately, Roche is helping us again. [Combat] We will use the Yrden Sign again: it will allow you to incapacitate opponents, and then finish them off with powerful blows. At the end of the battle, we will be able to get to the sorcerer: we dodge the fiery arrows and move towards him. If you just get closer, he will teleport, so you need to quickly roll up and knock the sorcerer off his feet with the Aard Sign.

Having dealt with the guards, we hurry to the tower. Anais is easy to find, but her dungeon is sealed with magic. We'll have to look for Detmold's room. We go to the left, we get to the hall and become witnesses of an extremely cruel scene ... If you do not go into details, the sorcerer gives up the spirit, not without the help of Roche. With the death of Detmold, all magical barriers collapse.

We return to the dungeon where Anais is kept. We remember the words of Radovid and tell Roche that now the fate of all Temeria is in our hands. Now Vernon must act not as a warrior, but as a diplomat. [Choice] We either honor our agreement with King Radovid [A], or give the girl to the Temerian delegation [B].

[A] If we decide to give the girl to Radovid, the knights of the Order will be waiting for us near the tower. If Siegfried is still alive, I'll have to talk to him. In any case, after that it will be necessary to go to the Redan camp. Having reached the gate to the main square with us, Roche stays there and warns that he will go with the knights to King Radovid. We will meet with the captain during the negotiations.

[B] If we convince Roche that it is better to give Anais to the Temerians, the knights of the Order will still be waiting for us at the exit from the tower. If Siegfried is alive, he will show leniency and let us leave without a fight. But if we passed the first "Witcher" on the side of the Scoy'taels, then we will have to fight the knights. [Combat] The best tactic in the fight against men at arms will be a combination of the Yrden Sign and powerful blows. After the Knights of the Order, we will somehow head towards the exit from the Kaedwena camp. Then Roche will say goodbye to us and go with Anais to the court of Constable Temeria Natalis.

Where is Triss?

The meeting with King Radovid and the information he gives us pose a difficult task for us. We must choose whether to rescue Princess Anais with Roche, or to deal with the rescue of Triss Merigold. We decide to save Triss, which means it's time to remind the Nilfgaardians of ourselves. At the exit from the passages we will successfully come across Shilard and a couple of his bodyguards. During the conversation, we kill one of the soldiers and take the ambassador hostage. After that we go, accompanied by Shilard.

Coming to the surface, we find ourselves in the camp of the Nilfgaardians, and we are immediately surrounded by soldiers. The commander of the Nilfgaardian Guard is not afraid of hostages: he himself kills Shilard, after which we have to fight with many opponents at once. [Fight] In the fight against the overwhelming number of enemies, as always, the Aard and Quen Signs help us. By knocking down opponents and paralyzing them, we can easily deal with entire groups of soldiers. To defeat the crossbowmen, you need to approach them at the length of the blade and kill with powerful blows even before they have time to get their swords. Helping ourselves with the Aard Sign.

Having destroyed the enemy, we learn that the gates to the city are closed. We'll have to look for another way out of the camp. This time we have only two opponents in front of us. We block their attacks and counterattack with powerful blows. This should be enough. After the death of the guards, we will have to run, destroying all the other soldiers we meet. Sooner or later we will reach the square where the fresh forces of Matsen are waiting for the witcher.

[Fight] There are many opponents, and you won't be able to rest between the first and second waves of enemies. We should actively block and dodge the attacks of the soldiers, not forgetting to deliver powerful retaliatory strikes. The Aard and Igni signs will give us a serious advantage. Soon we will cross blades with Matsen himself, but before that we will have time to talk with him about Triss and the Lodge. After the conversation, the Nilfgaardian will rush into battle. [Fight] There is one more battle ahead with the subordinates of Emperor Emgyr. We already know how to deal with the shield-mongers: we dodge a blow with a shield and deliver powerful blows in response. Signs Aard, Igni and Yrden will not interfere here. After killing Matsen, we search his corpse and find the key to Triss's cell.

Now we are one step away from saving Triss: all that remains is to go down the stairs and open the camera. Then there is a long conversation with Merigold, and the sorceress explains a lot to us: she talks about the creation and significance of the Lodge, about the role of Philip and Sheala in the death of Demavend, about their plans to create a new state in the Pontar Valley ... Nilfgaardian camps. We go to the exit from the prison. Here Triss proposes to split up: in her opinion, it is easier to act separately, and it will be possible to meet again already at the gathering place of the sorcerers (Meeting of the sorcerers).

Meeting of the sorcerers

After rescuing Anais (Flesh from flesh) or Triss (Where is Triss?), We will head to the Lok Muinne amphitheater. There will be negotiations, which will decide the fate of the Northern Kingdoms. Depending on past actions, either Triss or Roche and Anais will be waiting for us at the entrance to the amphitheater. Events in the negotiations also depend on our past actions.

After talking with Roche in front of the amphitheater, we decide to contribute to the debate. Constable Natalis will declare Temeria divided. Let him formally represent this country at the meeting, in a week his words will cease to mean anything. In general, he is ready for Temeria to disintegrate. Radovid and Henselt (or another representative of Kaedwen, if the king was killed) unanimously declare the inadmissibility of separation. The divided Temeria will not be able to withstand the armies of Emperor Nilfgaard if they suddenly set out on a campaign. Consequently, all Temeria should become a protectorate of Redania ... It is at this moment that Roche, Geralt and Anais enter the conference room. Our heroes place the girl under the tutelage of King Radovid, who announces that, having reached age, Anais will become the Queen of Temeria. If in the first "The Witcher" we killed Adda, the king will say that he will marry the princess as soon as possible.

After talking with Roche in front of the amphitheater, we decide to contribute to the debate. Constable Natalis will declare Temeria divided. Even if he formally represents this country at the meeting, in a week his words will cease to mean anything. In general, he is ready for Temeria to disintegrate. Radovid and Henselt (or another representative of Kaedwen, if the king was killed) unanimously declare the inadmissibility of separation. The divided Temeria will not be able to withstand the armies of Emperor Nilfgaard if they suddenly set out on a campaign. Consequently, all Temeria should become a protectorate of Redania ... It is at this moment that Roche, Geralt and Anais enter the conference room. Our heroes place the girl under the care of Jan Natalis, who immediately changes his mind and presents the princess as the legitimate heir to the Temerian throne.

The next topic of debate concerns the creation of a new Council and Chapter of Sorcerers. The course of this dispute does not depend on who we gave Anais to. Mages demand the creation of a Council in the image and likeness of the institution that existed before the riot in Thanedd. But then Ambassador Nilfgaard Schilard appears at the meeting. He claims to have managed to capture the murderer of Foltest and Demavend. Nilfgaardian soldiers lead Leto into the hall, who tells the audience about the secret Lodge, behind which are Philip and Sheala. Radovid sends for the Knights of the Order of the Burning Rose to arrest the sorceress Sheala. But the dragon prevents them ...

If we did not help Roche in rescuing Princess Anais and went to the Nilfgaard camp to help Triss Merigold, a sorceress will be waiting for us at the entrance to the amphitheater. After talking with her, we decide to contribute to the debate. Constable Natalis will declare Temeria divided. Let him formally represent this country at the meeting, in a week his words will cease to mean anything. In general, he is ready for Temeria to disintegrate. Radovid and Henselt (or another representative of Kaedwen, if the king was killed) unanimously declare the inadmissibility of separation. The divided Temeria will not be able to withstand the armies of Emperor Nilfgaard if they suddenly set out on a campaign. Consequently, all Temeria should become a protectorate of Redania ... Radovid introduces Princess Anais to the audience and declares that, having reached age, Anais will become the Queen of Temeria. If in the first "The Witcher" we killed Adda, the king will say that he will marry the princess as soon as possible. The next topic of debate concerns the creation of a new Council and Chapter of Sorcerers. The course of this dispute does not depend on who we gave Anais to. Mages demand the creation of a Council in the image and likeness of the institution that existed before the riot in Thanedd. At this moment Geralt and Triss appear. The latter asks for the floor and accuses Sheala of organizing the assassination attempts on Foltest and Demavend. Triss claims there are witnesses. Radovid orders the arrest of de Tanserville. The Knights of the Order of the Burning Rose surround the sorceress, but she summons a dragon.

Dragon apparition

Turning into a dragon, Saskia takes Sheala and takes her to a tower near the amphitheater. While the dragon is circling over the city, we have to go to this tower and finish off the sorceress. You can only go to the tower - all other paths are cut off by the flame ...

We run to the tower and on the way we try not to die from the attacks of the dragon. De Tanserville is at the very top. Sheala admits that the Lodge is behind the death of Demavend, and Leto just conveniently fell under the arm. But at the same time, the sorceress believes that the Lodge is not responsible for the death of Foltest and the attempt on Henselt. Like, Leto spent everyone here and acted in the interests of Emperor Nilfgaard Emgyr var Emreis. Moreover, Sheala tells us about a report from an agent of the Lodge in Cintra: shortly before the start of the Meeting, Imperial troops crossed the Yaruga River. De Tanserville makes us a pen and disappears, leaving alone with a very evil dragon ... [Fight] Protect ourselves from the jets of flame with the help of the Quen sign. It is better to attack at the moment when Saskia exhales fire, because it is at such moments that it is easiest to get close to the dragon. When our resistance exhausts the flying creature, the floor will not support the dragon's weight and she will fall down. To escape, we will have to climb to the roof of the building. But the battle will continue there too: we still have to deal with Saesintessis.

[Fight] It will be difficult to defeat Saskia. You will have to dodge the dragon's attacks and wait until you have the opportunity to deliver a series of powerful blows with a silver sword. Towards the end of the fight, a QTE scene begins, as a result of which we leave the city on the back of a dragon. After the next QTE-scene, the dragon will unsuccessfully descend on the forest edge and tear her stomach with a broken tree trunk. Saskia's fate will be in our hands. [Choice] [A] If earlier we freed not Triss, but Philip, then in our things lies a dagger that breaks the spell. With the help of this enchanted weapon, you can save Saskia's life. [B] If we slaughtered the Nilfgaardians to save Triss, there will be no saving dagger at hand. It remains only to abandon the dragon to fend for itself or finish off.

Assassins of Kings

The decisions made in Lok Muinne will lead to the fact that after the battle with Saskia and returning to the city, we will meet with Leto. If earlier we saved Triss from the Nilfgaardians, she will be waiting for us at the city limits. If we didn't save her, Roche will be in the same place. After a short conversation, Triss or Vernon will inform us about Leto, who is sitting in the former Temer camp and seems to want to see us.

On the way, we see soldiers who are smashing the city. [Combat] The easiest way is to block their attacks, then stop them with the Aard and Yrden Signs, and then finish off with powerful blows. The sword, of course, is steel.

Sooner or later we get to the place where the Temerian camp stood, and we see the Killer of Kings himself. He stands openly on the square, and we will again face the problem of choice. [Choice] You can give him a chance to explain himself, or you can rush to the attack. If conversation ensues, we learn about looking at recent events from a slightly different point of view. If Leto can convince us, the fight can be avoided. If not, the words will be replaced by the sound of swords. [Combat] If we can still be sure that Leto deserves to die, he must get what he deserves. You can defeat an experienced killer, the main thing is not to forget about the blocks, powerful blows and the Signs of Igni and Yrden. This will be followed by a final scene.

Prologue | Chapter I [

So, you are in the snowy Lok Muinn. Go down the slope. The elf Iorveth will be next to you. On the way, you will need to soak a dozen harpies. As a result, you will reach the remains of the most ancient city, make your way through the ruins. When you meet the "Order of the Burning Rose", you will be able to choose a further path.

You can send Iorveth through the underground tunnels, and rush directly to the knights yourself. Or you can go to the dungeon together. You can go to the Order if you have a save from the first part and there Geralt was friends with Siegfried. If this is not the case, then it is better to go alone with the elf.

In the dungeon, you will meet the evil Glavoglaz. You will kill him, spending not so much energy.

When you get to the fresh air, you will hear the conversation. The bottom line is this - some kind of witch Philip Eilhart languishes in a dungeon. You can get to the dungeon in two ways. The first way is simple and fast, and the second one is simple and lengthy. To pass The Witcher 2, you need to anger the guards, and wait until Geralt gets punches. As a result, you will find yourself in a dungeon. There you will meet the long-awaited Philippa.

After talking with her, you will learn that she knows about the secret of Saskia and wants to use the secret to strengthen some magical mysterious society. Unfortunately, the conversation will be interrupted, as the sorceress will be taken away by King Radovid. He will order to gouge out the eyes of your companion, then go to your person. Naturally, they will not immediately take your life, but you will need to wait for the decision of the council. But you can't waste time, so it's worth getting out of the dungeon.

You will not hesitate for a long time, since Ambassador Fitz-Hesterlen is coming. He will talk about his insidious plan, and at this time you will be able to untie yourself with the help of "Igni". Then there will be a video. There will be a conversation with the already blind Philip. You will have to make a choice - save her from captivity, or go to the aid of Triss.

Passage of game The Witcher 2 - Where is Triss?

It makes sense to go to the aid of Triss. Take Fitz-Esterlen hostage, go along the secret passage with him. The path along it will be shown by the ambassador. You will come out, but directly under the Nilfgard camp. Its settlers don't have a very good attitude towards the "White Wolf".

They will kill the ambassador, they will appoint a rather high reward for your head. Their head will leave, leaving to be torn apart loyal dogs... In such a situation, it is best to use the "Quen" sign. When you have dealt with all the bastards, go to the door. You will find that it is closed. Take a detour. There is a staircase near the place where the battle took place. On it you can climb the walls of the camp. You will have to kill a couple more of the emperor's soldiers.

When you get to the hill, get ready to fight with a bunch of soldiers. At first they will attack by three people, then they will knock them down with a dozen. When you kill everyone, climb the hill and continue your way to the dungeons. After talking with Renuald aep Matsen, get ready for the next Nilfgaard attack. When you soak them, you need to fight 1v1 with Matsen. He is not such a strong fighter, but he has a huge supply of vitality.

After his death, take the keys and go down to the dungeon where Triss is languishing. There will be a pretty serious conversation with her.

Walkthrough for game WITCHER 2 - Meeting of the Wizards

When you get out of the camp, the girl will offer to split up. Quite reasonable. Buy new weapons from a local blacksmith, brew some elixirs, go to the place where Triss Merigold is waiting for you. The entrance is guarded by soldiers - kill them. Go inside and watch the cutscene. Sheala was sentenced to death for killing royals. But before putting on the shackles, she will call on the help of a tame dragon. He will carry her away from the battlefield, leaving behind a lot of scorched territory. Geralt was trapped. In this case, you need to deal with the witch, otherwise Saskia will deal with you, becoming a dragon.

Walkthrough for game The Witcher 2 - And the Dragon Came

Climb up the slope, run into the tower. Walk carefully along the steps, they collapse. Among other things, you will be disturbed by the dragon, which just wants to fry the hero. When you are at the top of the building, watch the cutscene, activate the crystal until the sorceress is torn apart. As a token of gratitude for saving her, she will want to tell you that she did not kill anyone except King Dimovend. It turns out that the "snake" witcher is to blame for everything. Say goodbye to Sheala and get ready to fight the dragon.

Although the dragon looks formidable, in fact, using the "Quen" sign will make it very easy to defeat this byaku. When the health of the representative of the old race is at a critical level, the QTE scene will be launched. In it, you need to quickly click on the left mouse button. As a result, Saskia, in the guise of a dragon, will fall on a tree and pierce herself through. If you chose the path of saving Triss, and not Felippa, then feel free to leave.

Walkthrough of game The Witcher 2 - Epilogue: Assassins of Kings

When you arrive in town, you will be greeted by Vernon Roche. He will announce that Summer is waiting in the marketplace. A little surprised, go to the meeting point. On the way, you will meet marauders ransacking the body of Iovert. It's good that the elf is still alive, but he needs help. While Triss is busy with the treatment of a sick comrade, you must continue on your way.

When you meet the main enemy face to face, you will again have a choice. The witcher can be questioned or challenged.

If you decide not to fight, then go and drink vodka with him to find out about the motives that prompted him to do so. So you learn that Leto killed to revive the witch school that raised him. If these arguments seem unconvincing to you, you can dunk it.

Well, the passage of the game The Witcher 2 has come to an end. Geralt has cleared his name, the assassins of kings have been found. But there are new adventures ahead, in which Triss Merigold and Vernon Roche will help!
