Possibility of dropping a legendary card. Statistics of card drops from booster packs of the addition “Great City of Gadgetzan. Golden cards from Hearthstone booster packs

The internet is full of tricks and guides on how you can get legendary cards in Clash Royale, but most of them don't work. If you don't invest a lot of money into the game, you will have a harder time getting legendary cards than those who do. In this article, I wanted to tell you about several ways you can increase your chances of getting a legendary card.

Chances of getting legendary cards

Before we start, I want to show you which chests can drop Legendary cards in Clash Royale and their drop rates.

Getting legendary cards from chests is pure luck.

So now let's see where we can get legendary cards.


Here are the chances of a legendary card dropping from chests, depending on the Arena you are in.

Please note that these numbers change from update to update and are more informative for a general understanding of the mechanics of legendary cards dropping from chests.

You can see that the odds of the Super Magic Chest are the highest, but this is not a guarantee that you will get the card by opening 2 or 3 of these chests, these are average odds calculations. That is, it means that the chance for a Super Magic Chest in Arena 9 is approximately 50% (1 Legendary per 2.14 chests), but it may be that by opening 3 such chests you will not fall into this range.

As can be seen from the table, Magic and Super-Magic chests have better chances in relation to other chests, for example, to get a Legendary card from Silver and Giant, the chance is very small.


The more victories you have in challenges, the higher the chances that you will find legendary cards in chests that are given to you as rewards.

Here are the odds (which also change a little over time, but not that much)

Number of Challenge Wins Legendary Card Odds
Big test Classic challenge
0 0.53% 0.05%
1 0.79% 0.08%
2 1.32% 0.13%
3 2.25% 0.21%
4 3.44% 0.32%
5 4.90% 0.45%
6 6.62% 0.61%
7 8.74% 0.79%
8 11.12% 1.01%
9 14.03% 1.27%
10 17.74% 1.61%
11 22.76% 2.06%
12 29.12% 2.65%

As you can see, this is a great way to get legendary cards.

Legendary chests

There is only one chest inside the game that will give you legendary cards - the Legendary Chest. However, this chest is quite rare, there are several ways you can get it.

You can read more about how to get a Legendary chest and what is the chance of dropping it in the article e" The secret to dropping a legendary chest"

Legendary Card in the Store If you are in the Legendary Arena, then very often Legendary cards will be sold in the store, each time for 40,000 gold. The second card purchased on the same day will cost 80,000 gold.

Best Ways to Get More Legendary Cards

I think if you're a player who can't afford to spend a ton of money to get a legendary card, here's what you can do to give yourself the best chance.

If you have 40,000 gold. Once you reach the Legendary Arena, you can afford to purchase Legendary cards from the store.

Accumulate 500 gems and don't waste them! You can earn about 20 gems every day by opening free, royal and other chests. If you have 500 gems, you can buy the Legendary Chest when it goes on sale in the store.

Don't buy Super Magic Chests to get a Legendary Card! This is 3700 gems, for which it is not a fact that a Legendary card will appear.

The best way!

The best way to farm Legendary cards is to complete Classic Challenges in Clash Royale (but try to keep at least 500 gems in case a Legendary chest appears in the store). Classic Challenges are relatively cheap, since you get enough gems every day and doing a couple of Classic Challenges every day will not be a problem, and the chances of getting a Legendary card will increase.


There are no hacks, glitches or tricks to get legendary cards in Clash Royale, but you can improve your chances if you read the article carefully.

My friend already has 3 legendary cards, but I have none. It's not fair!

Yes, it's all based on luck, so you can say it's not fair. But all these rules and calculations apply to everyone without exception, so in a general sense everything is fair.

I only have one legendary card, so I can't climb the trophies.

There are many decks with one legendary card. Or without them at all. Look at the decks section and choose a deck to your liking. Yes, legendary cards are strong, but they can still be fun without them. Best Clash Royale Decks

When will legendary cards be available in the store?

When you reach 2000 trophies.

Should I buy certain legendary cards from the store?

It depends on what for. If you have gold and want this particular card, then yes. But spending 40k gold to get the second Sparky out of the required four is not worth it.

Are Legendary cards better than Common or Epic cards?

You can't say that. Each card has its place in a well-built deck. It is necessary to look at cards from the perspective of their work in the deck - this is the most important thing.

Which legendary card is better: Flame Dragon or Log?

Next question?

Starting from which arena can I get a legendary chest in battle or a legendary card from a regular chest?

What is the minimum arena in which I can get a special offer with a legendary chest?

Can a Low Arena Legendary Chest contain any Legendary card?

Yes, there may be legendary cards even from high arenas that you haven’t reached yet.

Can I get a legendary card from an epic chest?

No. (Seriously. Just no.)


Good day, friends. Today's article will not be long, but very informative. It’s been a long time since I’ve gotten any legendary cards, and I thought I’d write why.
The so-called “experiment” involved 4 people. The subjects were given complete freedom of action regarding HS. We did what we wanted: arena, adventures, packs. The fate of the four was tracked and remembered. Experiment results:
Player 1: 4 legendary cards in 3 months of play;
Player 2: 2 legendary cards in 3 months of play;
Player 3: 2 legendary cards in 3 months of play;
Player 4: 0 legendary cards in a month and a half of play.
I’ll make a reservation right away: we, of course, did not take into account the legendary cards that fall from the dungeon.
There was practically no donation for the packs themselves; sets of 3 players were purchased entirely with in-game currency or won in the arena. Considering that the quests vary (40 60 100 and a pack of cards), the average result will be 60 gold + 10 every three victories. Players went to the arena almost all the time, so players received gold from there too. It turns out that the test subjects received a trip to the arena, and accordingly the pack, once every 1.75 days. We will build on these numbers.
30/1.75=17 packs. This number of packs was received by players per month.
Results: On average, there is one legendary card for every 17-25 card sets. This means the drop rate for the legendary is 4.9%.
Now that there is a brawl with four free booster packs per month, you can get even more legendaries. However, this also happened (turn down the volume).

Legendary cards are the rarest and most coveted class of cards in Clash Royale. Due to the excellent characteristics of their characters, these cards are highly valued by almost all players! Considering their extremely high rarity, they are practically never found in “regular” chests (Silver and Gold chests)... and if they do appear, it’s very rare! In this post, I will share information about what chances a player has of getting a legendary card by opening different chests.

Note: information on chests for Arena 12 (maximum chest size) ... Although I don’t think that for other arenas the probability is significantly different.

So, here we go:

Chests that can be obtained as a reward for victories and a free chest from quests:

Free chest (wooden) 0.23%
Super Magic Chest 88%

Chests that can be bought in the store:

Box Possibility of having a “legendary”

Note: As you can see, the probability of getting a legendary card in chest of fortune only 10% (or in other words, the card is only in one of 10 chests!). In the same time llegendary king's chest guarantees the presence of one card and there is no chance of getting a second one in it!

Chests with a selection of cards (given to league players at the end of each season):

League “Seeker I” – 33.667%
League "Seeker II" - 50.333%
League “Seeker III” – 67%
League “Master I” – 83.667%
League "Master II" - one legendary card is guaranteed and the chances of getting a second one are 0.333%
League "Master III" - one legendary card is guaranteed and the chances of getting a second one are 17%
Champion League – one legendary card is guaranteed and the chances of getting a second one are 33.67%
Grand Champion League - one legendary card is guaranteed and the chances of getting a second one are 50.333%
Ultimate Champion League - one legendary card guaranteed and a 67% chance of getting a second one

1/10 – 0,6%
2/10 – 1,267%
3/10 – 2%
4/10 – 2,8%
5/10 – 3,667%
6/10 – 4,6%
7/10 – 5,6%
8/10 – 6,667%
9/10 – 7,8%
10/10 – 9%

Chests for winning challenges (in case of 12 victories):

Classic Challenge – 3.333%
The Big Challenge – 36.667%

As you can see, the highest probability of having a legendary card is in a super magic chest, as well as in chests with a choice of cards! That's all. If you have any other information about the likelihood of getting a legendary card in Clash Royale, please share it with me.
