Fun games with children at home. The best indoor games for kids. Game "Homeless Hare"

To make the children's holiday fun, you need to come up with games and entertainment for the kids. An adult acts as the host; other adult guests of the holiday can also participate in the games or help with them. If the holiday is held in an apartment, then you can choose games that are easy to organize in a limited space. To celebrate outdoors, we offer outdoor group games.

We hold games and competitions at home

If we call some kind of entertainment the word “competition,” we mean that we use this concept conditionally. After all, in a real competition there are winners and losers, but we don’t need such competition at all at our holiday. Our goal is to have a fun and joyful time. Therefore, all our participants are great, everyone gets applause and praise. Well, the one who fell behind or made a mistake can complete some comic task.

Riddles in verse

Children love to solve riddles. We offer you several thematic series of riddles in verse. The presenter reads the riddle, and the kids must add the last word of the answer in unison.

Riddles in verses about parts of the human body. (Children answer in unison, pointing to the hidden part of the body.)

I won't get sick in winter

I'll tie a scarf... (neck)

Mom gave me a hat

So as not to freeze... (head)

We walked along the road for a long time,

And we are tired... (legs).

We'll have breakfast with you!

I'll take a spoon... (with my hand).

I don’t want compote now -

Full of semolina porridge... (mouth).

I brought the flower to my face.

To smell, you need... (nose).

They're already used to chatting,

After all, lives in the mouth... (tongue).

Their lips hide them from everyone.

If you smile, you can see... (teeth).

Riddles in poems about animals.(Children finish the lines of poetry in chorus.)

Jumps through the forest clearing

Long-eared gray... (bunny).

The most cunning one in the forest

Everyone calls it... (fox).

Among the trees, among the cones

A clubfoot wanders... (bear).

He clicked his teeth terribly.

Everyone in the forest is afraid of... (the wolf).

Early in the morning at the window

Our paws are licked... (cat).

New Year's riddles in verse.(Children add words to rhyme in chorus.)

The winter holiday is coming to us!

We are celebrating... (New Year)

Green needles

At the elegant... (Christmas tree)\

The New Year's holiday is bright

Hidden under the tree... (gifts)

Who brought gifts for everyone?

Good Grandfather... (Frost)

Competitions for little artists

You can organize competitions for small artists, after which you can immediately organize an exhibition of works.

Complete the drawing. This activity will require drawing sheets, markers or colored pencils. On all sheets you need to draw the beginning of the picture in advance. It can be a simple geometric figure, a tree trunk, or a flower stem. Participants in the competition are given the task of finishing the drawing in 5 minutes. For example, you give children sheets of paper, each with a circle drawn on it. Kids finish drawing what their imagination tells them: a flower, a sun, a car or a person.

Decorate the Christmas tree. If you are celebrating a New Year's holiday, then as an assignment you can give out sheets with a picture of a Christmas tree. Children will have to draw holiday decorations on it.

Color it. For the youngest participants, you can give the task to color ready-made drawings.

Challenges for the Agile

You can conduct tests for dexterity among children. Such competitions are held if children express a desire to participate in them. You can eliminate the competitive element if the children complete the task one by one. But adult guests can compete by participating in the same competitions. We offer you several tasks.

Right on target. To conduct the competition you will need a ball of any size and some object that will be the target. You need to roll the ball so that it hits the target. The younger the children, the larger the size of the ball should be and the shorter the distance to the target.

Don't spill it. To conduct the competition, you will need wide bowls of water, tablespoons and identical glass jars, on which a line is marked at the same height, for example, at a height of 5 cm from the bottom. Participants need to use a spoon to pour water into the jar to the indicated level.

Breeze. To hold the competition you need to make a small ball out of cotton wool. Participants must blow on the ball, thus moving it along a flat surface from the start to the designated finish.

Games for attention

Ear - nose. The presenter explains to the children that he will name parts of the body, and they must point to them. He himself will also point to a part of the body, but perhaps not to the one he named, that is, children should follow the words of the presenter, and not his gestures. Whoever makes a mistake performs some task: recites a poem, dances, portrays some animal.

Sun - rain. The game is played as the previous one, only only two movements are selected. If the presenter says the word “sun,” then everyone shows their palms outstretched, fingers up. If the presenter says the word “rain,” then everyone puts their palms down with their fingers and moves them. The presenter confuses the players with his gestures.

Comic entertainment for children

On children's party You can conduct comic entertainment in which both adults and children will take part. We offer several joke competitions, and you can come up with others.

Make-up artists. To perform, you will need theatrical makeup. Children paint their parents' faces. Let them create images of animals using makeup.

Unusual outfit. To hold the competition, you will need to collect different things from your wardrobe; it is best to find large-sized clothes and accessories for them. It is necessary to divide the company into pairs: a child and one of the parents. Clothes are put into boxes according to the number of participating pairs. The child becomes a fashion stylist and dresses up the adult using the contents of the box. Then all the adults show off their outfits. Don't forget to take photos for memory.

Imitation games for children

Children will enjoy taking part in pretend role-playing games. Here are some of them.

What's happened? Who it? The leader of this game is the most artistic adult. He uses movements and sounds to show children animate and inanimate objects. Whoever guessed it raises his hand. After what is shown is guessed, the presenter invites the children to depict an action associated with the shown object. For example, the presenter showed a wolf. The children guessed right, and the presenter asks them: “How does a wolf click its teeth?” Everyone imitates this action at the same time. It is better for very young children to show animals that they know. Older children can also be shown inanimate objects or phenomena that are familiar to them, for example: wind, mobile phone, water tap, car. Older preschoolers will already guess the people involved different types sports, and people of different professions. Watching the adult presenter, perhaps some children themselves will want to act as artists.

Zoo. Each child is given a picture of an animal, secretly from the others. The presenter announces that each participant in the game must depict an animal from the picture that he received. The rest of the children guess the animals. All performances are supported by loud applause and praise.

Animal voices. The roles of animals are distributed among the children. These should be animals that can be depicted with a voice. After the roles are distributed, the presenter asks everyone to voice their animal in turn. The game is played in this way: the presenter names the animal, it must respond immediately. The game is played at an accelerating pace. Possible animals: cat, dog, cow, goat, mouse, bear, lion, etc.

Theatrical games for children

To conduct such a game, you need to write a small script for several characters (animals, fairy-tale characters, plants, etc.). Here are some small plots for theatrical games.

Curious ducklings. One of the adults is designated as Mother Duck. The presenter calls Mother Duck to the center of the room and asks to show duck movements: hands on the belt, waving our wings and arms and quack. All children become ducklings and repeat the movements of mother Duck. The children are told that they will have to hide from Mother Duck and come out when she says the word “round dance”.

Leading. Mother Duck took the ducklings out for a walk.

All children line up in a column behind Mother Duck and walk in single file.

Leading. But the curious ducklings ran away in different directions.

The children run and hide.

Mom Duck. Quack quack! Where are you, ducklings? Where are you guys?

She calls several times, but the ducklings do not come out.

Mama Duck. I know how to collect them. My ducklings love to dance in circles!

All the ducklings should gather near the mother Duck.

Leading. Let's start the duck round dance! Everyone joins hands and walks in a circle to the music. As soon as the music stops, everyone flaps their wings and quacks loudly.

The presenter unexpectedly turns the music on and off several times.

Bouncing Bunnies. The presenter lines up the children and tells them that they are now bunnies. You can give everyone a bunny mask or ears. For convenience, each bunny retains its own name.

Leading. What do bunnies do best? Of course, jump. But each bunny jumps in its own way. Each of you will need to remember your jumps.

The presenter calls the children one by one, announcing how his bunny jumps.

Leading. Sasha the bunny is the best at jumping on one leg! Show us all! Can you do that?

Everyone jumps like Sasha.

Next, the methods of jumping are distributed to everyone: one jumps back, the other jumps on each leg alternately, the third jumps holding a ball between his knees, the fourth jumps while turning around himself, etc. Then the bunnies jump to the music. As soon as the music stops, all the bunnies must sit down and not move. The presenter unexpectedly turns the music on and off several times.

Win-win lottery

We propose to include a win-win lottery for guests in the holiday program.

There are many ways to conduct a lottery. Can be done lottery tickets different colors and pack the prizes in the corresponding color boxes. You can make cards with images of prizes that guests will pull out of the bag. You can hang prizes with numbers on a rope and invite party participants to blindly pull pieces of paper with numbers out of the bag.

Children's disco

Be sure to organize a children's disco at the holiday. To do this, you need to make a selection of children's songs in advance that you can dance to. Children, of course, can dance on their own, but not for long. That's why we offer several group dance fun.

Dancer in a hat. The presenter is holding a hat in his hands (any children’s hat will do). The host announces the rules: only the one on whom he puts the hat dances, and everyone else claps their hands. So, the presenter alternately puts the hat on one or the other child. And it can also be worn by adults.

Mirror reflection. For this entertainment, the presenter must come up with a sequence of dance movements in advance. Everyone stands in a circle and repeats the movements of the leader to the music. You can include some funny moves, even not quite dance ones.

Round dance. The most popular round dance on New Year's holiday— “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” during which the round dance participants make movements according to the text of the song. Music is not required for a round dance, but a song is needed. If you are not holding a New Year's disco, then any rhyme that can be sung and dramatized is suitable for a round dance. Here is an example of such a round dance.

Round dance "Sun". The song is sung to any suitable motive and repeated several times.

Sunshine, sunshine

Everything around is warm!

(Children raise their arms up, turning around themselves.)

Sunshine, sunshine!

(Children holding hands walk in a circle.)

Gather in a circle!

(Everyone, holding hands, walks to the center of the circle.)

Hot dances. The presenter invites the participants to dance in a special way, changing the task after a short time. He suggests dancing like bunnies, like bears, like mosquitoes, like horses, like butterflies, like frogs, like aliens, etc.

Interrupted dance. In this dance game there is a condition for the dancers: if the music is interrupted, then they need to perform some action. For example, shout “Hurray!”, puff out your cheeks, sit on the floor, take candy from a box, or cover your ears.

Fantasize, invent, and all the guests at your holiday will have fun!

What do you do at home when the whole family gets together, or just one of the parents stays with the child? Do you play active games together? Board games? Or do you sit separately at computers and tablets? What does a child do with brothers, sisters and friends? A great way to unite in a small circle and cheer each other up is to play one or more games, live, human, noisy and funny, or calm and intellectual. Whatever game you choose, it will give you positive emotions and a lot of benefits.

What to play at home with children 5-6 years old?

When a child is alone, the easiest way to keep him busy is, of course, with some kind of puzzle, magnetic construction set, coloring book, or plasticine. And this is only if he does not sit uncontrollably with a console or gadget. Let's sometimes play with him as a family, and call little friends more often so that we can play hide and seek and Interesting games pay attention, for example, to this:

Ear - nose (from 3 people). The presenter names the parts of the body, and the children must point to them. He himself will also point to his own part of the body, but perhaps not to the one he named, so children should follow the words of the presenter, and not his gestures. Whoever makes a mistake performs a forfeit: he recites a poem, dances, or imitates some animal.

If you have the opportunity to make noise and have fun at home, throw the ball around in the games “Hot Potato”, “I Know Five Names”, “Edible-Inedible”. Collect and try not to drop the wooden Jenga tower or Firewood. Lay out your cards and grab a log at speed in the Wild Jungle or Bear.

So that your child, even when alone, wants to play away from the computer, you can give him several puzzles, depending on his interests. And first try to complete tasks with him, and then give him complete independence. And be sure to praise him for completing tasks correctly, even if he was doing a puzzle instead of brushing his teeth or tidying up his room. Give praise, and then do the right things together. Here are the most popular puzzles:

  • Color code (for children 5-6 years old, the easiest level is suitable)
  • Shy rabbit (you need to hide the rabbit according to certain rules)
  • IQ element and Quadrillion (you won’t be able to tear yourself away from them),
  • Labyrinth (maximally voluminous puzzles are popular with younger children),
  • Tangos (there are many of them, you can start from 6 years old and not stop).

And children 7-10 years old with active games will not destroy the house?

In general, they won’t destroy them, they’re not raccoons. But take them outside too! In good weather, you can throw a Frisbee, weave in Twister, and play a couple of matches of badminton. On the street it is even better than at home to control a car or a helicopter, or shoot from a safe weapon - nerfs. If there are at least 10 of you, you can even play at home great game for attention and concentration: “killer”.

Rules of the game. Participants stand in a circle, close their eyes, the leader explains the rules and discreetly touches one or two people on the shoulder. They will become killers. All participants open their eyes and begin to walk back and forth in a small space, looking into each other's eyes. To “kill” a person, the killer must wink at him. But it is important to do this unnoticed, because if two “civilians” suspect a killer in one person, they can deal with him - point at him with their hands and put him in the same place where all the “killed” go.

Yeah, it’s a little like the mafia, which has both classic adult and toothy children’s versions.

And in small companies for 3-5 people, for example, when the family gathers at home after work or on a weekend, you can sit down for an hour and a half for several batches of cool board games. The big advantage of board games is that they are fun, and often no less strategic, mystical and adventure than computer games. But at the same time, they have live communication, the exchange of positive emotions that unites people, and they are also useful, because board games develop many necessary skills. If you have just started to distract your child from the computer, try giving him the following games:

  • 7 by 9, Svintus, Uno - simple and fun, boys of 6 years old will already be delighted, especially those who like simple computer games, "timekillers",
  • Carcassonne and Colonizers - for lovers of history, games of resource accumulation, development and division of territories,
  • Jackal Treasure Island, Pirate Maps, Pirate Munchkin - very different games for those who usually use gadgets pirate adventures, steals treasures, fights monsters.

To get a child who is used to playing silently at the computer to talk, but in life either communicates little or simply finds it difficult to formulate thoughts out loud, there are games for children 6-10 years old: quizzes, Crocodile Children's Easy, Imaginarium Childhood, Children's Activities, Friday, Danetki.

And a little more crazy and cynical games for older children:

The presenter describes the hero or heroine of fairy tales and cartoons in two or three words, without naming names, and the children must guess who they are talking about. Raised your hand - answered, answered correctly - received a prize. Examples: yellow cartoon characters, neither people nor animals, eat bananas (minions), female gender, blue hair, excellent upbringing (Malvina), from the cat family, in his world he is a king (Lion King) and so on.

Guess the animal

The presenter says 2-3 words, and the child must guess the animal. Whoever raises their hand first answers, and whoever has the most answers wins a prize. For example: neck, spots - giraffe; saliva, hump - camel; horseshoe, cart - horse; king, mane - lion and so on.

Lost color

All the children stand in a circle, and the leader explains the rules: when he says: “One, two, three. Find the color red!”, the guys must find this color on the clothes of the guests or in the hall and put their palm to it. The one who could not find anything sits down, and for the rest the competition continues. Now the presenter calls a different color. And so on until one participant remains.


This competition will require large balloons and markers. They explain to the children that they have in their hands the planets of the Universe, which do not yet have inhabitants. Each participant must “populate” their “planet” with little people. The one with the most drawn creatures on his ball wins. You can also award a prize for the most original alien.

The strongest couple

Children are divided into pairs. The main task of each couple is to express themselves to the fullest and never let go of their hands. The presenter takes turns giving commands, for example, “run from the tiger”, “squat quickly, quickly”, “fly like an airplane”, “catch a butterfly” and so on. The couple that opens their arms is eliminated, and the strongest and most artistic pair of guys will receive a prize.

Everyone to get vaccinated

Children are divided into 2 teams, the participants of which line up in 2 rows. Each team is given a syringe (without a needle). Opposite each team, at a certain distance, there is a basin or other container with water. And next to the first team members there is an empty container. The task of the teams is to transfer water from one container to another faster than their opponents using a syringe, with one participant replacing the other. The team that finishes it faster wins.

In the footsteps of a wild beast

Children are divided into 2-3 teams with the same number of participants. Teams line up in separate rows. Each team (the first participants) receives two footprints (footprints of a wild animal cut out of plain paper, for example, a tiger footprint). At the command “start”, the first participants place the first footprint, take a step, then the second, step on it and so shift the footprints and follow them to the goal. And this very goal will be the mark on which the bowl of cakes, for example, will be located. As soon as the participant reaches the goal, he eats one cake and runs back at a free run, passing the baton and tracks to the second participant. The team that follows the tracks of the wild animal the fastest and eats all its prey (cakes), with the first participants again in first place, will be the winner.

How many insects does the birthday boy have?

The host states that the birthday boy has a lot of insects and the guests will have to count them. In advance, in the room where the celebration will take place, different insects, for example, 7 butterflies, 7 ladybugs, 7 bees, are placed in the same number of cut-out paper or small toy-figurines. Insects can be placed anywhere - on the walls, on the ceiling, on a chandelier, on a table, and so on. Whichever guest is the fastest and correctly counts all the insects will receive a prize.


In this competition, each of the holiday guests has the opportunity to feel like a turtle. So, the guests are divided into teams with the same number of people. Bowls with goodies (cookies or candies in quantities equal to the number of team members) are located at the same distance from the teams. The first participants are given basins (bowls). At the “start” command, the first participants get down on all fours and put the basin on their backs and set off towards their goal (to a bowl of treats), take one treat and back to their team, pass the basin and baton to the next participant. The team that quickly covers the distance and snatches up its treats will be the winner.

Birthday snowman

A package of ice cream for everyone and a special ice cream scoop for each participant. At the command “start”, each participant, using a spoon, places ice cream ball onto ball on his plate, trying to make the tallest snowman. Whoever can build the tallest birthday snowman in a minute will win a prize.

Yulia Maznina

Sometimes circumstances are such that the child is forced to spend most of the day at home: the mother is busy or the weather is not at all suitable for walking. But for a child’s normal well-being and development, both physical and mental, he must move a lot during the day. Is it possible to organize outdoor games for children at home so that the child gets his share of movement, and the house remains intact? Can. In addition, when playing outdoor games with child at home, you can teach him not only new movements, dexterity and the ability to control his body, but also combine movement games with role-playing and educational games. But first things first.

You can organize many outdoor games at home:

Gymnastics and games at the sports complex

One of the most simple options outdoor games at home is gymnastics, but it must be done in game form, adding some kind of plot to make it interesting for the child. You can play out nursery rhymes or poems. For example, like this:

Monkeys(from 1 year)

Early morning in the clearing

(I.p.: we squat. We stand up, raising our hands up, as if the sun is rising)
This is how the monkeys frolicked:

(We hop on two legs several times)
Right foot stomp, stomp
(Stomp with your right foot)
Left foot stomp, stomp!

(Stomp with your right foot)
Hands up, up, up!!! (Pull both hands up)
Who will rise the highest???

(We stand on our toes and stretch upward even more)

Hammer, Hammer, hamster(from 1 year)

Khomka, Khomka, hamster -
(Puff up our cheeks)
Striped barrel.
(Hands on the belt, bend to the sides)
Khomka gets up early
(Stretching, raising our arms up)
He washes his cheeks and rubs his neck.
(Rap the cheeks with both hands, then the neck)
Khomka sweeps the hut
(Imitate sweeping)
And goes out to charge.
One two three four five -
(Arms to the sides, rhythmically bend our elbows)
Khomka wants to become strong!
(Press your hands to your shoulder, tensing the arm muscles, as if showing how much strength they have)

Classes at the sports complex can also be accompanied by some kind of plot or poems.

Taxi in the miracle city(from 2 years)

Build a city out of a sports complex. Gift paper bags with handles can serve as houses. City residents are little toys. Hang the bags at different levels of the wall bars, rope ladder, rope (if the child knows how to climb a rope). You can paste on each house a picture of its resident or an inscription if the child can read. Invite your child to become a bus or taxi and take the residents of the wonder city home. To ensure that the child's two hands are free to climb around the sports complex, passengers can be placed in a pocket on the child's clothing.

In a troop of monkeys(from 2 years)

Monkeys are very funny animals that love to play pranks. Invite your child to turn into a monkey and have a little fun too. The monkey can:

  • swing on vines (swing on a trapeze and twist - spin on rings);
  • climbing trees (climbing up and down the wall bars);
  • walk on branches on four paws (we walk on all fours on a bench, raised board or tape laid out on the floor);
  • move on your hands from branch to branch (we walk on a monkey bars, if there is one), we twist ourselves on rings);
  • sitting on a branch, throw the fruits of a tree (attach a gift paper bag with table tennis balls or rag balls to the sports complex at such a height that the child needs to climb up to it, the child can climb behind each ball or can sit on the crossbar and throw the balls at the target ).

For climbing the wall bars, this poem by N. Shilov is perfect:

In the shop

In the shop,
Where is the halva
The hills rise
And the cookies
Where's the candy?
"Red poppy"
Like mountains
And the ranks
Like the ridges
Only for men -
Conquerors of peaks.

When playing at the sports complex, do not forget about safety precautions: there should be a mat under the sports complex, and insure the child when he makes new movements. You can read about how to organize a home sports corner in the article.

Imitation games

Imitation games can be a good option for outdoor games at home. The child can imitate your actions or pretend to be something. You can depict anything:

  • toys (yule, tumbler, ball);
  • animals (animals, birds, insects);
  • transport (bicycle, plane, car, train, etc.);
  • appliances (vacuum cleaner, iron, washing machine, hair dryer).

You can also give a task in several ways:

  • you simply show or tell the child what to do, who or what to portray;
  • the child chooses a card with a drawn or written task (such cards must be prepared in advance). If you depict animals, then on task cards you can draw not the animals themselves, but their shadow, traces, or only part of them;
  • you can ask your child a riddle about what he will need to draw.

Here are some options for imitation games.

Do as I do(from 1 year)

The parent gives commands and carries them out together with the child. For example, reach with your handle to your head, your ear to your knee, your foot to your pillow. You can wish for objects in different parts of the room or apartment so that you still need to run to them: touch the closet with your heel, touch the table with your elbow, and so on, as far as your imagination and surrounding objects are sufficient. You can execute these commands at speed.

Dwarves and giants

This is a well-known outdoor game for attentiveness. It's more interesting to play it with several children. The presenter can only pronounce the words “giants” and “gnomes”. When the word “giants” is said, everyone should rise on their toes and raise their hands. And when you hear the word “gnomes,” everyone should sit down lower.

The presenter tries to get the players to make mistakes. You can first say “giants” loudly, and “gnomes” quietly. And then suddenly it’s the other way around. Or another option: when saying “giants”, the presenter squats, and when saying “gnomes”, he rises on his tiptoes. And then suddenly it’s the other way around. The pace of the game needs to be gradually increased.

If you are playing with several children, the one who makes a mistake is out of the game. The last player who never makes a mistake becomes the leader. If you are playing together with a child, after a mistake you can simply change roles or assign a penalty for the mistake - for example, sit down 5 times.

Yula(from 1.5 years)

Surely you have a spinning top at home. Invite your child to spin around like a spinning top. When you say “stop”, the baby should stop. You can spin on two legs or on one leg (for children over 4 years old). The following poem by E. Gaiterova would suit this game well:

I’ll become a top now -
I'll spin on one leg.
And now I'll change my leg
And I’ll spin around on it a little.

Tumbler(from 1.5 years)

The most convenient way to play this game is on a mat on the floor. The child sits on his heels, leans or falls on one side, then on the other. A suitable poem by T. Koval “Vanka-Vstanka”:

Vanka-Vstanka is a tumbler.
Even if he wants to sleep,
It's still worth it, poor thing,
And he can't go to bed.

Car(from 1.5 years)

Designate several places in the room: garage, gas station, service station, post office, and so on. Invite your child to become a machine. Give the car directions where to go.

After 4 years, you can use places in your city that your child knows as places. You can also tell your child where to go, or ask him to give you a tour of the city: let the child driver hold your hand and choose the route himself.

Around the world(from 4 years old)

This game is a variation of the previous game, but for this game you will need political map peace. Designate in different places rooms or apartments in the country that can be reached in different ways - by land, by water, by air. Invite your child to take a trip. You suggest a country, the child decides how to get there and moves to Right place, performing the appropriate movements: driving a car or train, sailing on a ship or flying in a plane or helicopter. For example, you can get from Russia to France by car, train or plane. And from France to Canada - by plane or by ship.

Truck(from 1.5 years)

Invite your child to become a truck. You can use for the game a large truck that the child can drive with his hands, a car - a gurney on which the child moves, pushing off with his feet, or an ordinary backpack that the child will put on himself. At one end of the room, prepare the parts of a large construction set. These will be bricks. The truck must complete a task - transport bricks from the factory to the construction site. Help your child at the factory load bricks into the back of a car or backpack. At a construction site, a child truck must unload bricks. When all the bricks have been transported, you can build a house, a zoo, or something else out of them.

Horses(from 2 years)

Tell your child about how horses and ponies are trained, and offer to play with a trained horse. Designate a stable in the room. The mother-trainer gives commands to the horse, at the end the horse can receive a treat. Example commands that a horse can perform:

  • “step” - the horse walks, raising its knees high;
  • “trot” - the horse runs;
  • “turn” - the horse turns in a circle;
  • “bow” - the horse leans forward;
  • “to the stable” - the horse runs to a specially designated place, and so on.

Games with large objects, or building a shelter

Games with large objects– excellent physical activity for children under 4 years old.

We are building a house(from 2 years)

Invite your child to build a den for a bear, a hole for a mouse, a booth for a dog, and so on, out of pillows and blankets. This game can easily turn into a role-playing game.

Helping mom(from 2 years)

Ask your child to help you: move a pillow, stool or something else large, but not too heavy, to another room; put books on a high shelf and so on. The baby will not only be glad that he was able to be useful to you, but will also receive additional physical activity.


A great option outdoor games for children at home can become dancing. They not only contribute to the development of the baby’s gross motor skills, but also develop his auditory concentration and attention. Here are some options dance games.

Just dancing(from 6 months)

The child and you can simply move to the music the way you like.

Let's dance(from 1 year)

There are many simple children's songs that you can dance to by doing certain movements during the chorus (clapping, stomping, spinning).

Dance with stops(from 2 years)

This game will require a host who will periodically turn off the music. While the music is playing, the child dances; as soon as the music stops, the child must stop. For children over 4 years old, the task can be complicated: not just stop when the music ends, but freeze in the position in which he was at that moment. When the music starts again, the child starts dancing again.

We dress up and dance(from 2 years)

If your child is tired of just dancing, try dancing in costumes. For costumes, you can use items of clothing you have at home, or parts of fancy dress costumes if you have them. To dance in a certain costume, you can choose the appropriate music. Here are some examples:

  • put on a red and white Pinocchio cap and dance to the song from the movie “Pinocchio”;
  • on the head is a captain’s cap - we dance to the song “Brave Captain”;
  • We put on a cap and a sailor collar and dance to “Yablochko”;
  • there is a cowboy hat on our head and a wooden or inflatable horse under the saddle - we dance to the songs “Two Cowboys” and “The Song about Cowboy John”;
  • We put on our father’s or mother’s slippers or shoes – and dance to the song “Barbariki”;
  • put on khaki shorts and a military cap - we march to the song “Soldiers - Brave Children”;
  • mouse costume - Scary beast (Song about a mouse) music. A. Moskovoy sl. A. Shutko;

Musical "Cat and Mouse"(from 2 years)

You will need two melodies (loud and quiet) and a presenter who will switch them. You will be a cat, the child will be a mouse. When quiet music is playing, the child can run around the room as he wants, for example, he can try to steal crumbs from the table. When the melody changes, the cat wakes up and tries to catch the mouse. This game is fun to play with several children - mice.

Catching up at home

There is hardly a child who does not like to run. Catch-up, or tag, is one of the most ancient folk games, like hide and seek. With some restrictions, it is quite possible to play catch-up at home. The goal of the game is the same in all cases - the leader tries to catch up and make fun of the other player or players. If the apartment space does not allow active running, you can invite the baby to play catch on all fours.

Catch-up with the plot

There are a lot of catch-up plots with corresponding poetic accompaniment. While the poem is being told, the leader (bear, wolf, dog, etc.) hides or sleeps, and the children walk around him. As soon as the poem ends, the children run away, and the leader catches them:

By the bear in the forest

By the bear in the forest,
I take mushrooms and berries,
But the bear doesn't sleep
And he growls at us.

Geese, Geese

Shepherd: Geese, geese!
Geese: Ha, ha, ha.
Shepherd: Do you want to eat?
Geese: Yes, yes, yes.
Shepherd: Well, fly.
Geese: We can't. The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home.
Shepherd: Well, fly as you want, just take care of your wings.

Angry dog

Here lies a shaggy dog,
He buried his nose in his paws.
Quietly, quietly he lies,
Otherwise he’s dozing,
or else he's sleeping.
Let's go to him and wake him up
And let's see what happens...

Don't be as quiet as a mouse...

The mice dance in circles
The cat is dozing on the bed.
Hush, mice, don't make noise,
Don't wake up Vaska the cat.
How Vaska the cat wakes up,
It will break up your round dance.

But you can easily come up with your own plot: a fox and a chicken, a wolf and a hare, and so on.

Catching up with houses

Houses can be circles made of rope, sheets of paper laid out on the floor, parts of a children's rug, stools and a sofa. The mother catches up with the baby, but if the baby has jumped into the house, the mother can no longer make fun of him. You can do without stationary houses: a player can be considered “in the house” if he squatted down, folded his hands above his head in the shape of a roof and said: “Cheers, I’m in the house.”

Feet higher off the ground

This game is similar to the previous one, but the mother cannot make fun of the baby only if he lifts his legs off the ground: sits on the sofa or on the floor and raises his legs, lies on the floor on his stomach and raises his legs bent at the knees, hangs on the crossbar. You can agree that you can stay in the house as long as the person cooking counts to 5 or 10.


Zhmurki This is also a type of catch-up, but the driver is blindfolded with a thick scarf or scarf. The driver is spun up, and at the signal, the players scatter and begin to “tease” the driver, giving signals about their location. You can ring a bell or clap your hands. The driver needs to insult at least one of the players.

Catch up with a ball

In this version of the game of catch, you need to tease the child not with your hand, but with a ball (at home it is better to use a soft rag ball or a small beach ball) or a soft toy.


If you don’t want to play catch-up with your child, allow him to run around alone, but not just like that, but with a plot: you tell the poem and show the movements, the child repeats the movements after you, and at the last phrase he runs off about his business:


In the morning the butterfly woke up.
(We make fists like three eyes)
She stretched and smiled.
(We stand on our toes, stretch our arms up.)
Once - she washed herself with dew.
(We pretend to wash ourselves.)
Two - she spun gracefully.
(We spin around in place.)
Three - she bent down and sat down.
(Lean forward and squat.)
At four, it flew away.
(We run away, waving our arms).


Bees sit in the hives
(We squat down.)
And they look out the window.
(We support our cheek with our right fist. With our left hand we support the elbow of our right hand.)
Wanted to have some fun
(We get up.)
They flew off one after another.
(We run away.)


Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

Build a labyrinth on the floor of a spacious room using large construction blocks or a long rope. The baby can run through the maze on his own, carry soft toys or drive cars.

Hide and seek at home

Hide and seek is also one of the outdoor games that can be played not only on the street, but also at home. There are a lot of options for playing hide and seek. The main thing in all of them is that the child “hides” from prying eyes himself or hides an object, and the leader looks for it or the hidden object.

Hide and seek for the little ones(from 1 year)

Everyone knows the little game of “peek-a-boo”. You can play it a little differently with kids: invite your baby to hide his arms with you (put them behind his back), legs (sit on his heels), and tummy (curl up). You can hide your shoulders, elbows, heels, knees by covering them with your hands. This game will allow your baby not only to learn to coordinate his movements, but also to learn body parts.

Looking for a toy(from 1 year)

Choose a toy with your baby that will hide. Ask your baby to close his eyes or close his eyes with his hands, and hide the toy yourself. The kid will probably take a peek and then quickly find it. Then switch roles. When you are searching, it is better to deliberately look in the wrong places and loudly comment on your actions. This will be more fun, and at the same time you will introduce your baby to the space and names of objects surrounding him at home.

The toys hid

Hide toys in the apartment so that they peek out a little and the child can notice them. Ask your child to find all the hidden toys. If the toys are small, they can be placed in a bucket or basket; if large, they can be placed in a specific place, for example, on the sofa. For older children, you can complicate the game: while searching, play funny music and warn that the toys need to be found while the music is playing.

We are looking for treasure(from 3 years)

Hide a “treasure” (sweets or new toy) and ask the child to find it. You can give him a hint:

  • make a riddle about the place where the treasure is hidden;
  • comment on his actions with the words “hot - cold”, “warmer - colder”.

For older children, you can draw a search map or use notes with hints.

Regular hide and seek(from 1.5 years)

Almost all children enjoy playing hide and seek at home. If space allows, you can hide behind doors, behind curtains, behind the end of a sofa or closet, in the closet itself, if you allow it. If you search for your baby, deliberately making mistakes and loudly commenting on your actions, this will give your child a lot of pleasure. You can also search for a child for a deliberately long time or with the help of binoculars or an improvised telescope. You can climb onto a stool and look for the child from there - you can see better from above.

Stick - squealer(from 3 years)

This is a version of hide and seek with a stick with a knocker, when it is first thrown into the house, and then the presenter must “knock” each player found with this stick. Determine a place - a house and put a stick there. As soon as you find a child, he should run to the house faster than you, knock with his stick and shout: “Knock.” knock, stick. Help me out! If he doesn’t have time, he becomes the leader.

Ball games at home

For ball games at home, it is better to use rag balls or small rubber balls: they can cause the least damage. You can also play at home with a small inflatable beach ball or a small plush toy.

Piggy toy(from 2 years)

You will need a funny plush toy, such as a cockerel, pig or frog, fun rhythmic music and an assistant who will stop and turn on the music. To the music, we throw the toy into each other's hands. Suddenly the music stops. The one who at that moment found himself with a toy in his hands crows loudly, grunts or croaks!

“Edible – inedible” and other question-answer games(from 3 years)

“Edible – inedible” is one of the most famous games with a ball. The presenter throws the ball to other players and names some food or object when throwing. The player to whom the presenter throws the ball must catch it if something edible is named (apple, porridge, juice), and throw it away if an inedible object is named (car, sofa, scissors).

You can diversify this game. For example, agree that players catch the ball only if the one named by the leader an object has a certain characteristic(blue, can fly, alive and so on).

Another ball game where you have to catch the ball is the game "question answer". While throwing the ball, the leader can ask a question, and the player who caught the ball answers it by throwing the ball to the leader. Questions can be any or on the same topic. For example, on the topic of family: Who are you to your mother? Who is your daddy's brother? and so on. Or on the topic of birds: What do birds build in trees? Can the ostrich bird fly? Is a sparrow a poultry? and so on.

Another version of the ball game, which involves the players' responses. The leader and players determine topic, for example, transport or vegetables. The presenter throws the ball to the players, the players catch the ball and, throwing it to the player, name an object from the selected group. For example, for the general concept of “transport” the following answers are suitable: car, bus, train, plane, and so on.

While playing these ball games, show your baby that the ball can be thrown in different ways: from the chest, from behind the head, from below, with one or two hands.

Roll the ball(from 1 year)

Show your child how to roll a ball on the floor. Can roll the ball to each other sitting on the floor.

After 3 years, you can offer the child, holding the ball with his hand, take a ride his snake– between construction kit parts or soft animals.

Can be arranged at home bowling. If you don't have skittles, empty plastic bottles can replace them. Let your child throw or push the ball, trying to knock down the pins placed on the floor. Filling bottles with water will make them harder to knock down.

Right on target(from 1.5 years)

Attach a large target on whatman paper or a piece of paper to a wall or door at the child’s eye level. Show your child how to throw a small ball at a target. Your child’s successful throws can be marked on the target with felt-tip pens or stickers. You can throw balls into a large bucket or basin. Gradually increase the distance to the target or bucket.

Let's practice hitting(from 1.5 years)

Hang the ball in a toy net on a sports complex or door handle. Invite your child to hit the ball with a table tennis racket or a plastic bottle.

Football(from 1.5 years)

Children under 3 years old can play football at home with a soft ball. Show your child how to kick a ball. Let him try to score it into the goal. The gate can be a stool turned on its side, or a table covered on three sides with fabric. You can designate a gate with two large construction blocks.

Outdoor games with balloons at home

Balloons are perfect for outdoor games at home. Here are some game options.

Flyer(from 9 months)

Children really like this game. You will need one balloon. Inflate the balloon, but do not tie it. Give the ball to the child and ask him to let it go. The air will come out of the ball, and the ball will fly around the room, making indescribable turns. Children enjoy running after the flying ball and looking for where it fell.

Volleyball(from 3 years)

You will need one inflated balloon. The goal of the game is to push the ball up with your hands so that it doesn’t fall as long as possible. You cannot catch the ball with your hands.

Race balloons (from 4 years old)

You will need two inflated balloons (or more depending on the number of participants), a free floor or a long table. The goal of the game is to move the balls from one part of the room to another. You can blow on the balls, push them with your feet, elbows, chin, and so on.

You can make the game more difficult by adding obstacles that need to be avoided, such as stools or a tunnel through which you need to crawl. The tunnel can be a box without a top or bottom, placed on its side, a rolled-up gymnastics mat, or a table covered with a cloth.

Running with balloons (from 4 years old)

You will need two inflated balloons (or more depending on the number of participants). Goal: move from one part to another without letting the ball fall to the floor. The balls can be pushed with your hands, carried on plastic plates, you can toss them with a table tennis or volleyball racket (if you don’t have a racket at hand, you can make one from a plastic plate and a stick using tape), you can jump with the ball clamped between your knees.

Transfer(from 2 years)

You will need several balls of two colors. You can use small balls. Blow up the balloons and scatter them around the room. Divide the room into two parts. Choose the color of the balls that you will collect and which ones your child will collect. The goal of the game is to collect balls of your own color in your half faster than your opponent. You can collect the balls in large bags or a basin. You can agree that the orange balls are pumpkins, the green balls are zucchini, and harvest.

About what other games are possible with balloons, you can read in the article.

We play outdoor games in a circle at home

If there are more than two children gathered, you can also play outdoor games in a circle at home in a spacious room. Distinctive feature of these games is that the participants move in a circle, and the leader is in the center of the circle.


The presenter reads a poem. The players stand in a circle and hold hands (or a hoop). Move in a circle clockwise. Gradually they speed up their pace, then run. Then they gradually slow down, stop and squat down:

Barely, barely
The carousels are spinning
And then, then, then
Everybody run, run, run.
Hush, hush, don't rush.
Stop the carousel.

Next time you can move counterclockwise.

Blow up, bubble

The players join hands, forming a circle, move back, expanding the circle and saying:

Blow up, bubble,
Blow up big
Stay like this
Don't burst!

Then, if the leader says: “The air is coming out!”, the players, without opening the circle, run to the center, depicting the air coming out: “shhh.” If the presenter says: “The bubble has burst!”, the players scatter around the room.


This game can be played not only at birthday parties.

As on (child's name) name day
We baked a loaf:
(Children dance around the birthday child).
Such a height
(Raise clasped hands up).
Such lows
(Squatting down, they lower their hands.)
This is the width
(Children spread out to the width of outstretched arms, stretching the circle.)
These are the dinners.
(Children converge in the center of the circle, lowering their hands down and slightly forward).
Loaf, loaf, choose who you love!
(The birthday boy chooses children by walking around them in a circle).
I really love everyone
But (name of the chosen child) is the best!
(Points to one of the children in the circle).

The game is repeated with the selected child.

Children will be happy if adults join them in these games. Playing in a circle creates an amazing feeling of togetherness between children and parents.

Good for home outdoor games with ropes. You can read more about these games in the article.

We play outdoor games at home for a walk

As you probably already understood, many outdoor games that you play with your child on a walk can be adapted for home by adding a little imagination and reducing the running speed. Here are some more options outdoor games with children at home depending on the time of year.

Snowballs at home. It's winter outside and your little one really enjoys playing in the snow? But there's a snowstorm outside and you can't go for a walk? Play snowballs at home: Crumpled sheets of white printer paper work well as snowballs. Shelters made from chairs and sofa cushions will make the game even more interesting.

Home leaf fall. It’s autumn now, and it’s raining outside, but just yesterday you had so much fun playing with fallen leaves? Try arranging leaf fall at home: leaves can be cut out of colored paper or scraps of fabric.

Ships at home. Does your child like to float boats in spring streams? Invite him to become the captain of such a ship. To play, you will need a boat on a string of such length that the baby can pull it behind him. You can take a toy boat or make a boat out of paper. You can simply pull the boat along the stream (the stream can be made from a blue ribbon or a piece of fabric). And here is a suitable poem by A. Barto “The Ship”:

Rope in hand
I'm pulling the boat
Along the fast river
And the frogs jump
On my heels
And they ask me:
- Take it for a ride, captain!

Or you can, while playing this game, tell your child about how a stream is born from a spring, how a stream flows into a river, and a river into the sea. For a stream and a river you will need ribbons of different thicknesses, for the sea - a piece of blue or light blue fabric. The Norwegian folk song translated by Yu. Vronsky “In a wooden shoe” is perfect for this trip.

You, me, you and me
In a wooden shoe
With a fair breeze
We will go to the sea along the river.

And then, and then
We will cross the sea
We'll come overseas
We'll meet the musician.

The musician will play for us
Something like that
So to the legs, so to the legs
There was no peace.

And then home again
You, me, you and me
By sea and by river
In a wooden shoe.

Once, while acting out this poem, we used a real shoe, although not a wooden one.

Home hike. Have you ever gone camping with your baby? If so, then he probably really liked it. Why not repeat it at home? If not, then it's time to practice at home. How? Set up an obstacle course for your child and play it like a hiking game: mountains, rivers, forests, clearings. Don’t forget to pack your backpack before the game, and take a short break in the middle of the hike. If you have a home tent, you can even organize an “overnight stay.”

Such games will not only bring a lot of fun to your baby, but will also contribute to the development of his imagination.

A few more ideas for outdoor games with children at home you can find in this video:

Have fun playing games at home!

You can read about what outdoor games you can play with your baby depending on his age in the following articles.

Consultation for kindergarten parents “Games for children at home”

One of the conditions for the normal development of a child and his successful future education at school is the correct formation of speech in preschool age. Any violation, even a minor one, affects the child’s behavior and activities. It is necessary to work on the development of all aspects of speech, solving the problems of forming correct pronunciation and developing grammatically correct, coherent speech.

Games on the way to kindergarten

“Who is the most attentive?”

You can invite your child to compete in attentiveness. The object that was encountered along the way is named, and at the same time the distinctive feature of this object is highlighted. For example: “I saw a hill, it’s high” or “I saw a car, it’s big,” etc. You can also offer the following task: compete with the child in selecting signs for one object. The one who names the most words wins. By doing such exercises, children learn to agree adjectives with nouns.

"Fun account."

Can be done outside, while walking with your child. When playing this game, not only the correct use of case forms of nouns is reinforced, but also the ability to count. It is only necessary to name each number when counting objects: for example, one tree, two trees, three trees, etc., and ensure that the case endings of numerals and nouns are clearly pronounced.

"Fish, bird, beast."

When an adult says “fish,” the child must list the types of fish and vice versa, if the adult lists and names, for example, perch, pike, carp, the child must quickly name the generalizing word.

“What (who) is green (cheerful, sad, fast...)?”

To a specific question like: “What is green?” you need to get as many different answers as possible: grass, leaves, crocodile, ribbon, etc.

“Guess the object based on a couple of others.”

An adult names a couple of objects, actions, images, and the child guesses: dad, mom are a family, meat, onions are cutlets, cake, candles are a holiday, etc. The world of children's consciousness consists of only questions. They are interested in everything. It is important to use such situations to improve children's speech.

“I’ll give you a word.”

An adult and a child take turns giving each other a word, explaining its meaning, while the child can name a word familiar to him, and the adult can name a word unfamiliar to the child, and not just explain the meaning of this word. But they also make an offer with him. During such exercises, the child’s vocabulary is enriched and coherent speech develops.

"Live offer."

The whole family can play. Together, a sentence of three or four words is composed, depending on the number of family members. Each player is assigned one word from the sentence. At the signal, everyone must stand in one line and read the resulting sentence. The game can be played several times, but the important condition is that each time the players must stand in a different order, then the sentences will sound differently. For example, the sentence “Blue snowdrops bloomed in spring” was conceived. During the game, the sentence may sound like this: “Blue snowdrops bloomed in the spring” or “Blue snowdrops bloomed in the spring.” Every time a new sentence is received, you need to give the child the opportunity to read it. This game promotes the development of intonation expressiveness of speech, and also helps to form a child’s memory and attention.


Adults and a child together tell the plot of a well-known fairy tale, a story, starting from the end.

"Intellectual Tennis".

The child names the word and quickly passes (throws) the tennis ball to the adult so that he can come up with a definition for the word, for example: the sea is blue; the sun is bright; rain - mushroom.

Games in the kitchen

“Tasty words” (similar to the game “Cities”).

Each subsequent word begins with the sound that the previous word ends with.


The child is asked to remember tasty words for a certain sound: A - watermelon, pineapple, etc.; B - banana, sandwich, etc. The words are pronounced by the adult and the child in turn. It is important that the child says: “I am treating you with a pineapple”, “I am treating you with an orange”, etc. In parallel with completing this task, the child practices the correct use of case forms of nouns. To strengthen the ability to coordinate nouns with an adjective, you can invite the child to add some attribute to his word: “I am treating you with an orange orange” or the numeral “I am treating you with two bananas.”

“Confusion” is a game to consolidate the syllabic structure of a word.

Offer to make a word from syllables, for example, sa-ko (braid), lo-my (soap). If the child knows letters and can read syllabics, this game can be played as follows: syllables are chaotically written on a piece of paper, the child must connect the syllables with a line to form a word. The game promotes the development of hand motor skills.

"One two".

Invite the child to become a wizard, turn two words into one or vice versa, for example, big eyes - big-eyed, long tail - long-tailed, etc.
In order to introduce antonyms into your child’s speech, you can play the game “On the contrary”.
The question is asked: “What kind of forest?” It is necessary to answer with a couple of antonym words: big forest - small forest, old forest - young forest, winter forest - spring forest, or an adult names a word, and the child selects an antonym for it.

The development of fine motor skills of the hands has a great influence on the speech of children, since it has been proven that if the development of finger movements corresponds to the age norm, then the development of speech is also within normal limits. When doing exercises at home to develop hand motor skills, you can use a variety of available materials: clothespins, caps from plastic bottles, “dry pools” with peas, beans, and rice.

"Games with clothespins."

Various geometric figures from multi-colored cardboard with the help of clothespins they turn into objects, silhouettes of animals, birds, etc. It all depends on the imagination of the players. For example, an oval can be turned into a fish by attaching fins from clothespins to a hedgehog, clothespins will play the role of needles. You can arrange a fun game-competition between family members. Who can remove the clothespins from their clothes faster?

"Dry pool".

At the bottom of a bowl with beans (rice, millet, etc.) hide toys from a kinder surprise. Who will get them faster?

"Modeling from dough."

When preparing baked goods, give your child a piece of dough and invite him to make any shape.

With the help of such games, the action of the speech zones of the cerebral cortex is stimulated, which has a positive effect on children’s speech.
The development of a child’s speech is directly related to the development of general motor skills in children. Therefore, great attention should also be paid to the child’s motor activity, playing games with him to develop coordination of movements and spatial orientation. Range of games and game exercises contributing to the solution of these problems is very large.

"Slick Bunny"

Invite the child to jump on two legs while moving forward.

“Knock down the pin” (any object - box, bottle).

You need to knock down the pin by rolling the ball forward.

“Pass on, don’t touch me.”

Walking on toes between objects placed at a distance of forty centimeters from each other. The distance can be reduced or increased, depending on the child’s capabilities.

Every minute of communication with a child can be turned into exciting game, which will contribute not only to the development of children’s speech, but to the formation of the child’s personality, his moral and volitional qualities, and will also become a kind of bridge from the world of children to the world of adults.
