Vikings War of Clans: guide and cheat codes, hacking and secrets, development and bugs. Vikings: War of Clans - how to distribute skills for rapid development Viking totems

is one of the most popular multiplayer games from the Plarium studio, which invites you to build your kingdom, unite in a clan and confront enemies. The game, as a rule, has a large number of various locations, tasks, both daily and weekly, a huge selection of troops, leveling up characters and much more. A new user, having registered in the game, does not know where to start or how to quickly and effectively upgrade his castle. In this guide we will tell you about general rules and secrets of development. Thanks to our recommendations, you will be able to develop much faster than other players.

We distribute resources correctly

A lot of resources does not mean that you are very developed! Remember that a smart player allocates resources correctly. Namely, so that his building is constantly modernized or built, and there is no surplus left. If you constantly accumulate and store a huge amount of supplies in your castle, then you will become a “feeding trough” for your neighbors, and in the end you will only remain in the red, even if you then begin to distribute resources more evenly. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you immediately spend your resources profitably.

Co-op mode is the key to success

This game is all about clans, and in order to survive, you will need to join one of them. If you are left alone and play “solo”, then soon other clans, stronger players, will begin to attack you. If you join a clan, then with a greater degree of probability these problems will fade into the background! As a rule, your further development largely depends on the choice of alliance.

Try to choose a strong and popular clan that has a high rating. But again, keep in mind that not every alliance will be happy to see players with a low level. View the rating of your clans in the general list, look on the map to see who your neighbors are, what communities they belong to. Write to the heads of the clans you would like to join, just keep in mind that in this game there are both Russians and people from other countries, including China, Japan, the USA, and Germany. As a rule, for each clan in the description you can see the country to which it belongs. Choose Russian, or in extreme cases English. There are also many Russian players there, but the best, of course, is RUS!

As soon as you join a clan, look where their mines are located, where the main players are, and move there. In the game Vikings: War of Clans there are special teleports that allow you to move from one coordinate to another. You just need to do this at the initial levels, because... then this opportunity will be available only via paid teleport. Have you moved? Great! Let's move on to the next steps!

Correct development of the mines in your castle

You can extract resources in several locations at once: around the castle on farms, in the mines of your clan, and in your kingdom. While you have resources, pump up your mines to the maximum. Try to upgrade the mines with each upgrade of the castle so that they constantly bring you resources: wood, wheat and much more.

Also, use the remaining resources to upgrade warriors to send them to the mines that belong to your clan. They won’t be able to attack you there, so you can safely send soldiers to get resources and go to sleep. As soon as you accumulate a sufficient number of warriors, start sending them to the mines that are located around your kingdom. As a rule, few people will attack you here, especially if you are in a strong alliance. This will have a detrimental effect on the attacker and the entire clan, so the likelihood of an attack is very low. But beware of raids from other clans. If, suddenly, a war breaks out, they will teleport to you and begin to attack everyone, especially the weakest.

Additional tips for growing quickly

For the first few days, no one will touch you, because you will have a special shield hanging. During this time, you will be able to find and join a clan, accumulate resources and boost your mines in the kingdom.

To get more goodies and useful bonuses, log into the game every day and receive them. Most of them will be very useful to you, but you shouldn't spend them all at once! The main advantage of Vikings: War of Clans is that you can store an unlimited number of items that can be activated at any time. For example, you can use the item to replenish your food supply by 10,000 units, or 100,000 units. And there are a lot of such options.

If you increase the number of troops, then be sure to build hospitals where, in the event of an attack, they can be cured. In this case, most of your warriors will be able to survive the attack!

Activate the second building option to build two buildings at once. This will significantly shorten the process of building buildings and allow you to upgrade your mines to an average level within a few days. To activate you need gold. Essentially, what is given in the game is enough for you.

There is also a VIP status in the game, and it has several levels. Each level adds new options. For example, at the first level you can reduce the construction time by 2 minutes, at the second by 4, at the next you can send not 2, but 3 troops at once on campaigns. And there are a lot of such “buns”! Therefore, try to collect bonus points to quickly raise your VIP status. You can activate it for gold or wait for the next “up” level, and it will be activated automatically for a day.

Complete tasks every day. In principle, you can perform them to the maximum at any level and get a good reward. Be sure to follow the news and collect resources that are introduced in the game. With their help you can receive rich rewards.

At the initial stages, distribute your hero’s skills to increase resource production. In the future, you can change and redistribute them by paying in gold or purchasing a special artifact in the alliance for this.

Another important tip! Accumulate resources so that you can run multiple processes at the same time. Let's say, upgrade your skills at the academy, improve buildings, make defensive structures and train troops. Distribute resources so that there is enough for all this, and there is never any left over. If you're saving up resources for the next castle level upgrade, use your alliance's storage or use a shield to prevent enemies from attacking you!
Try to save all accumulated items so that they can be used only in extreme cases. For example, when upgrading buildings, quickly healing troops, purchasing some additional items or resources at the fair. Save gold too, and don’t waste it just like that. We recommend using it only for VIP, second construction and sometimes for purchasing items if you come across something valuable!

As you can see, in general, development in the browser game Vikings: War of Clans does not imply any “top secret” methods, however, every little detail described in this guide plays a very important role in the development of your castle. Follow our recommendations and you will succeed!

A massive MMO from the Plarium studio, which instantly became popular and acquired a large audience. The main emphasis in the game is on the usual activity - building a powerful village with good infrastructure and an army. Attack other users, develop your own territory and become one of the hundred best players world table - and we will tell you how to do this in this article.

And after that, two main points:

  • The application is available on iOS platforms both Android and all gamers are on the same server.
  • There are no “bonus codes” for gold and other resources, unless we are talking about official promotions and gifts. Don't let scammers fool you.

Resources and where they are used

In Vikings: War of Clans there are 8 types of resources, 6 of which are basic and should be available to everyone. Here are some of them:

  • Food is necessary to maintain the army and the urban population. Produced on farms.
  • Wood - obtained from a sawmill.
  • Iron - mined in mines
  • Stone - brought by workers from the quarry

Food is an important thing, without which your warriors will either run away or die of hunger. Under no circumstances should food production be ignored, in fact, like all of the above goods, it goes towards the construction of buildings and their upgrades. Also, supplies can be replenished by completing quests - daily and recommended.

There is also silver - it is earned during the construction of estates and other similar structures, and is spent when creating military equipment (shields, swords, etc.)

Where can I get resources?

  • One of the simplest and most logical ways to obtain materials is to construct buildings that are engaged in production or reserve generation - all of them are listed above. In addition, as the level of the structure increases, the productivity of its work increases, although the modernization process requires time.
  • The in-game world is teeming not only with enemies and monsters, but also with pleasant surprises. For example, locations are full of natural deposits of some resources, including food (rabbits, wild boars, berries and fruits) - they can be captured and used for their intended purpose, but only if you have a strong and numerous army, because there are a lot of people willing to profit. Periodically send squads of soldiers in different directions and get a stable increase in materials.
  • Always go through quests and complete tasks from NPCs - often they are not difficult, and the reward is quite decent, and will definitely not be unnecessary.
  • The speed and volume of resource extraction primarily depends on the level of upgrade of buildings and skills - the higher they are, the faster the resources come. Don’t forget to upgrade your skills and upgrade the infrastructure of the village - to do this, you need to go to the Oracle Building and select the appropriate section.
  • Some players are literally embarrassed to attack other, weaker villages, and this looks at least strange. If you have accumulated enough troops to attack less protected players, do it without hesitation, and you will receive a good reward. However, first, it is better to make sure whether such actions do not contradict the clan’s policies.
  • When materials are running low, and you desperately need them, ask for help from your clanmates or alliance members - often even minimal contributions from several people can normalize the situation in your state.

Perhaps the most important resource in the title is gold - it is difficult to mine, and even unsafe, but it is necessary for the rapid construction of buildings or training of warriors. Of course, you can purchase coins for real money, but there are also free way, which we will discuss below.

Where to find gold

Unlike food and building materials, providing yourself with jewelry is much more difficult if you don’t want to donate. The balance of power between ordinary users and those who invest in the game is not always stable, but for the most part it is possible to achieve success without spending extra money.

  • First of all, the location of your city is important. Surely many of you did not get a very good plot of land, but in general it is possible to move the state closer to fertile lands and gold mines - this must be done up to level 6.
  • If everything went well and you are ready to organize a campaign to get the “redhead”, build a larger detachment - to get 1 treasured pebble you will need at least 1000 warriors, and there is no point in going there with a smaller army.
  • The second way to get gold is to do the same thing by completing missions and completing quests - they give experience, and when the hero’s LVL increases, coins are awarded. Don't forget to claim your reward in a timely manner.
  • There is also Loki's Chest - it stores not only wood, stones and silver, but also precious metal. Open it more often if possible.

Without changing, the important parameters are Loyalty and Valor, the values ​​of which depend on your assistance to other clan members and the completion of intra-clan tasks. So, for Valor you purchase all sorts of items in a specially designated store, and then they appear in your personal guild shop - to finally get them, you need to pay with Loyalty. Help those in need, and you will be handsomely rewarded for it!

How to develop correctly

Constantly replenishing supplies, training your troops and improving your character’s skills is not all that is needed for a good game. As in any MMO, strategy, competent tactical maneuvers and cold calculation when attacking other players play a big role. You can only gain experience in this matter by trial and error, but there are some recommendations:

  • In Vikings: War of Clans you cannot be alone, since your strength also depends on your friends and clanmates. It’s worth quickly finding an active clan with adequate users and joining it, which will bring many privileges (help, support in defense or attack, etc.)
  • When choosing an organization, you need to take into account a lot of parameters. For example, find out how often its participants enter the game, what is their power and rating in the world table. Go to the description and look at the ratio of power and number of people - the fewer users, the stronger the clan.
  • Construction takes a lot of time and resources, so do not hesitate to ask your allies for material - they will willingly agree to help, increasing their Valor and Loyalty
  • New players are given a free shield for a few days, which protects the base from other Jarls. Don’t wait for the weather to come from the sea, but use the time as quickly and efficiently as possible to improve the infrastructure of the village - then such a chance will not come for a long time.
  • You can speed up the process of creating towers or other structures by increasing the level of VIP status - this is done by purchasing special points for coins, Loyalty, and also for free if you log into the game every day
  • Unlike similar projects of the genre, here construction, training and construction do not interfere with each other, are carried out simultaneously and do not require additional materials. Try to think pragmatically, and feel like a real Caesar!
  • Do not ignore tasks, including those from the clan - they are often updated and some of them disappear. Find out which quests are best completed now, and which ones to postpone until later or not touch at all.

“Boost” is available for rapid development - it can be paid, or free if you have recently registered in the game. Don't buy an expensive upgrade until the normal one wears off.

The promised series of game guides Vikings: War of Clans, military-economic strategy from Plarium, I will continue with a guide about Hero and his assistants Shamans.

So what can it do Hero in Vikings War of Clans, like Hero sets can make your life easier, why are they needed? Shamans, who to choose and how to upgrade - you can read about this in this guide :)

Heroes in Vikings War of Clans

Hero- this is your character in the game. You can choose the gender and appearance, name and avatar. Persians in this game do not have any basic bonuses by default, i.e. you simply choose the external surroundings, which one is closer to your heart. But you can influence the game parameters using the Hero’s skills and things, inlaying these things with stones and runes, studying knowledge in the building Oracle in the “Hero” branch.

Your hero lives in a building Hall of the Warrior, built in the administrative part of the city from the very beginning of the game. The character menu - Hero and active Shaman - is located in the upper left corner of the display if you are playing mobile version games like me. When you improve the Warrior's Hall, you increase the bonus to the hero's experience. But what is the hero’s experience and why is it needed?

Hero experience and levels in Vikings War of Clans

You can develop your Hero by leveling him up level from 1 to 60. For each open level you are given useful bonuses, but the main thing is hero skill points. By unlocking skills, the hero learns to give you bonuses for various game actions. You move to the next level if the Hero has gained enough experience.

How to get Hero experience in Vikings: War of Clans:

  • destroy enemy warriors (troops of other players) by attacking enemy cities, as well as various locations on the map if they are occupied by the troops of other Vikings;
  • attack invaders (mobs on the map);
  • complete tasks: every 6 hours the section of short tasks is updated, after completing which you receive a reward in the form of resources, experience of the hero and shamans, stones, materials, etc.;
  • complete quests: complete the required action in the game and receive a reward;
  • build buildings in the city and increase their level;
  • study knowledge in the Oracle building;
  • apply the item “Book of Knowledge”.

Several lifehacks, how to level up a Hero quickly and efficiently:

  • do not collect rewards for completed quests until you have raised the level of the Warrior’s Hall to at least level 21 in order to receive a greater bonus to the hero’s experience for the reward you collect;
  • do not use and save updates for daily quests up to level 21 of the Warrior’s Hall building, because the size of the reward in quests depends on the level of this building;
  • beat high-level invaders (level 6, or even better, uber invaders), because... the higher the level of the invader, the more experience is given for the percentage of lives taken (there is guide to invaders);
  • the same story with troops: the higher the tier (level) of the enemy warriors, the more experience you will receive for killing them;
  • before going on a hunt for invaders and epic battles clans - traps and assaults - activate the “Accelerated Training” boost for the hero’s experience, which will give you + 20% to the hero’s experience gained for 24 hours. Activate the same boost when you collect rewards for all quests and complete daily tasks.

You can also craft hero gear, which gives additional bonuses to experience, but I’ll tell you about the equipment a little later. And now about skills.

Hero skills and sets in Vikings War of Clans

Hero Skills- these are additional bonuses to the most important parameters in the game: the combat performance of your troops, the speed of learning knowledge, the construction of buildings, the production of resources in your city, the effectiveness of attacks against invaders, and so on.

Initially, skills are locked and can be unlocked using skill points. Points are given only for increasing the hero’s level and reaching levels 21 and 26 of the Warrior’s Hall. The number of available skills is very limited. Even if you upgrade the hero to maximum level, you will not be able to unlock all skills. You will have to choose what is more important and adjust the hero's bonuses depending on the situation in the game.

Skills are divided into 2 branches:

  • basic: affect the performance of the player’s troops and the performance of his city;
  • skills against invaders: weaken invaders and increase the hero’s performance in the fight against them.

Important! Your success in the game depends on how effectively you learn to use the hero’s skills.

Each type of action requires its own set of bonuses. But it would be inconvenient to reset and reconfigure them every time, so caring developers made our life easier with the introduction of Hero Sets into the game.

Hero Set- This is an imprint of the hero’s customized skills and equipment. By correctly setting up and saving the sets, you can quickly switch the set of hero bonuses depending on your goals: starting long-term construction, accelerating the production of resources, training new units, or war. The number of sets in the game is limited, but they can be deleted and re-saved.

To increase the hero’s parameters, you can use not only skills, but also the hero’s equipment, as it is called in the game. She's the same hero's things or gear.

Hero's things and crafting in Vikings War of Clans

The hero can be dressed in things that are created not so much for beauty, but to increase his bonuses.

We have 6 equipment slots of different types available to us: helmet, armor, weapons, shoes and 2 amulets.

By default, your character does not have any items; gear must be crafted from mined materials or even other things.

Depending on what the item is crafted from, there are 3 categories of gear of each type:

  • standard things: are created from standard materials that can be obtained in daily tasks, dig up with resources in resource locations, buy for gold in material chests;
  • invaders' things: created from materials stuffed with invaders;
  • special things: created from materials and things different types. They can be opened and crafted only by members of the clans that built the clan city - the Citadel.

Which is logical, the more difficult it is to obtain materials for crafting, the more bonuses the resulting item gives. At the start of the game, you will most likely have a hodgepodge of standard items and invader items. But over time, it is better to focus on special things, without them it will be difficult for you to fight. But to open access to special gear, you will need a strong clan that can pull in the development of the Citadel. After all, it is there that drawings for special things are studied.

You can see more details and craft available gear in the building Forge. There you will see that things can be of different quality: from second-rate to legendary. I advise you to craft only legendary ones, so as not to waste materials on all sorts of garbage.

Attention question! If you are interested in examples of correctly configured hero sets (skills + items and stones) for war, resource production, knowledge / construction, etc. - write in the comments and I will add screenshots.

And to help the hero you can call on shamans, each of whom specializes in certain economic or military parameters.

Shamans in Vikings: War of Clans

Shamans- these are additional characters, something like the Hero’s assistants. You can summon several Shamans and activate one of them depending on the game situation, because... each of them is endowed with certain bonuses by default and has a narrow specialization.

What are there Shamans in Vikings: War of Clans?

2 conditionally economic shamans and 6 military ones have been introduced into the game - by type of troops.

Economic Shamans:

  1. Big Buggy: gives bonuses to processes in the city - construction and resource production.
  2. Inga the Wise: bonuses to the speed and cost of learning knowledge, speed and number of warriors trained.

Military shamans:

  1. Ulf the Bold: Bonus to damage, defense, health and infantry training cost.
  2. Stig the Marksman: Bonus to damage, defense, health and training cost for shooters.
  3. Einar Volny: bonus to damage, defense, health and training cost of siege troops.
  4. Elsa the Nomad: Bonus to damage, defense, health and cavalry training cost.
  5. Sibba the Bloody: Bonus to damage, defense, health and assassin training cost.
  6. Wendla of the Shadow: Bonus to damage, defense, health and training cost for spies.

Sibba and Einar were introduced into the game quite recently in the long-awaited update of the game, for which many thanks to the developers =))

In general, shamans are very similar to heroes in terms of mechanics. Shamans also need to be developed, gaining experience and increasing their level. For this you are also given skill points. You can craft items for shamans. But there are several key features.

First, active shamans give you default bonuses, depending on what game processes they, let's say, answer. For example, Big Buggy's abilities:

Even if you don't allocate the shaman's skill points at all, he gives you a small bonus to economic indicators.

Moreover, only shamans can attack Spirits on the map. Only by attacking spirits can you collect runes to enhance your gear. They give huge bonuses.

It is also worth noting that Each shaman has a unique set of available skills. And to raise the level of a shaman you need not only to gain experience, but also to increase shaman steps using the “Amulets” item. Each shaman has his own amulets.

There are often reviews from players that shamans are entertainment for big donors. What should “small” and “medium” players do? First, evolve Big Buggy. It is available for free to all players, and amulets for its development can be purchased for clan points. It will give you significant bonuses to city construction and resource production. Secondly, shamans are another hint from the developers that the most effective way of development is a mono-army. Those. you choose 1 type of troops and upgrade everything for this type. Accordingly, you will only need one military shaman.

Here you can see the maximum skill bonuses for each shaman.

Well, a couple of tips:

  • never use troops in battle without the leadership of a Hero: they are just meat without bonuses from his skills and equipment;
  • send a military shaman on a campaign with the troops, but only together with the hero, because the shaman cannot cope alone, but will become a good assistant to the hero.

Do you know what a hero's ideal attack set looks like? Do you have your own life hacks for leveling up your hero and shaman? Do you know who needs Inga the Wise and why? Found any inaccuracies or errors in my guide? Leave your tips, questions and feedback on Vikings: War of Clans: Heroes and Shamans in the comments.

Oct 16, 2016 Game guides

No matter how long you've been playing Vikings War of Clans, you probably understand the value of troops in this game. There should be a lot of troops and they should always be at your disposal, because your safety and power in the gaming arena depends on their number. How to make sure that troops are always available and you don’t have to wait days for their training? This guide will try to answer this question.

  1. Build estates

Estates are the only building in the game that gives an increase in the speed of troop training. Conclusion - build more estates! Each increase in the level of the estate gives +1% to training speed, and moving from level 20 to level 21 will add as much as 5% to this indicator - as much as 25% from one level 21 estate! What if there are more such estates? By building 12 estates, you will increase the growth rate of your army by as much as 300%!

  1. Use the hero's skills

Among the hero’s skills there is an excellent skill - “Learning Speed”. This skill has two levels and to fully develop them, you will need to level up to level 30 and spend 86 skill points on leveling up accordingly. By maximizing these skills, you can increase your hiring speed by 120%. With such leveling and the use of the 12 estates mentioned above, you can get 420% of the speed of recruiting troops! If you have already started playing and have transferred your hero development points to other skills, then in the clan store you can purchase the “Second Chance” item, which will allow you to reset your skill points and distribute them again - you can buy several of these items and switch your hero between “construction” modes ” army and its “use” (i.e. pumping in the military branch).

  1. Wear the right equipment

If you put the necessary uniform on the hero, you can speed up the training of troops even more significantly. There are five items in total that increase the speed of recruiting troops - Fur Hat, Plate Helmet (hat and helmet cannot be equipped together), Steppe Kaftan, Khazar Bow and Lion Medallion. Each item has five levels - from second-rate to legendary. By crafting and equipping all of the listed legendary level items, you will receive a 91% increase! A hat/helmet gives an increase of 15%, a caftan will add another 15%, a bow will add 25%, and two medallions will give 18% each - a total of 15+15+25+36 = 91%! The most important thing is that, unlike the skills mentioned earlier, equipment can be changed completely free of charge at any time, so you can quickly add up to 91% troop training speed to your hero at any time.

  1. Develop knowledge

Even though the guide does not start with this step, you must do it first. The Oracle will allow you to learn the “technology” Recruitment Speed, which increases training speed by 20%, already in the early stages of the game - and if you develop the training branch further, you can open Recruitment Speed ​​II, which increases the growth of troops even more.

  1. Use gold correctly

The fastest way to get troops is simply by using gold, the game’s donated resource. But you should not do this whenever you want, because it is much better to wait until the start of the troop training competition and then use the precious gold. Why not earlier and not later? Because if you win a competition for training troops (which is quite easy to organize if you have gold), then you will get back part of the resources spent and you will receive valuable prizes - and the trained army, of course, will remain with you. This way you can get more and save more!

  1. The kingdom will help you

Sometimes in the Kingdom (server) in which you play, there will be various bonuses for all players. One of these bonuses is acceleration of troop training by 10% during the day. If you get such a bonus, then do not hesitate to hire troops and speed up their recruitment with the help of accelerators - this way you will spend them much less than if you used them on a regular day. Also, if the bonus for recruiting troops and the competition for training troops coincide, then it would be a sin not to take advantage of this opportunity - invest all your efforts and resources in training soldiers and get a much larger army than ever before.

  1. Distribute resources

There are four types of units in the game. Each requires one of four resources for training: melee fighters require food, cavalry need stone, archers need wood, and assassins need iron. If there is little resource, then there is no need to wait until it accumulates in order to simply train a certain type of army. It would be much more correct to spend resources, of which there are many, while resources of which there are few are accumulating - i.e. If, for example, you have a lot of wood but no food, then concentrate on the archers, and by the time they are ready, you can use the accumulated food to recruit melee fighters.

  1. Training should not stop for a minute

While you are working, the enemy is swinging! While you are eating, the enemy is swinging! While you're sleeping, the enemy is rocking! In order to keep up with competitors, you must always load your castle with the work of hiring troops. Log into the game approximately every 6-8 hours and put new warriors on the queue for training - this way you will passively increase the size of your army without spending additional resources and effort on it. Ideally, your base should always be busy recruiting troops, without a single moment of rest - and then you will increase the efficiency of training significantly.

  1. Build infirmaries

No matter how big an army is, there is no point in it if the soldiers are dying like flies. Keep track of the number of infirmaries and try to maintain it according to the size of your army. If every wounded soldier can heal his wounds, then you can have a steadily developing and growing army, the number of soldiers in which is unlikely to decline over time.

  1. Protect your army

The less you risk, the less troops you lose. The fewer troops you lose, the more you have left. The more of them you have left, the better prepared you are for surprises and military operations. You shouldn’t attack high-level clans and risk the health of soldiers just like that - every military action should make sense. A secure castle and a reasonable commander are the main factors that allow your army to maintain its strength and steadily increase it.


By actively using the tips given in this guide, you can increase the speed of troop training up to 600%, which will be extremely useful for effective play. If you just started playing, then some things, such as a level 30 hero or legendary equipment, most likely seem exorbitant to you - but believe me, when active game you will quickly reach these heights and the advice received in advance will be extremely useful for you. Use bonuses and resources wisely and you will quickly be able to raise huge armies in Vikings War of Clans!

On the Internet you can find many guides for the game Vikings: War of Clans, the authors of which, without achieving significant success, try to teach beginners. But, as has been said, without significant success, these “teachers” encourage beginners to make stupid mistakes and not get the success they deserve. In our knowledge base, we present to you a series of guides on the game Vikings: War of Clans from user Gennady Radko, who prefers to adhere to the tactics of using donations (in moderation and effective use) to achieve high performance, including getting into various TOP- s.

Guide 1. Basics of city development

To begin with, we should highlight the main elements on which the successful (or not so successful) development of the city depends:

  • Economy;
  • Hero;
  • Army;
  • Power.

The key to a successful economy is the resources produced in the city. On the Internet you can find various guides and manuals, the authors of which claim that it is necessary to develop the economy in a balanced way. This is an unproductive thing. Just think logically which will give a more significant effect: +40 to the production of each resource or +2000% (yes, plus two thousand percent). How to swing correctly and what resources to focus on, watch the video, everything is explained and shown there.

Hero. The hero is the second most important element, after the economy. The hero’s skills allow you to receive extremely useful bonuses, thanks to which you can overtake in development not only your competitors, but even your clan allies. Army? Yes, it is important. Extremely important. Insanely important. But, in the end, we have a limited number of troops on the campaign, which means it’s better to focus on quality. This is where the hero with his bonuses will help us. Set yourself a goal: level 50 hero. When developing a hero, the main skills that should be emphasized are:

  • Protecting Enemy Troops. Improving this skill will reduce the defense indicators of enemy troops.

  • Damage to enemy troops. Improving this skill will reduce the attack rates of enemy troops.

  • Health of enemy troops. Improving this skill reduces the health of enemy troops.

Army. The main source of power. When developing this component, you should understand several rules:

Focus all your attention and all your efforts on developing ONE type of troops.

There is no point in chasing level 4 for several reasons. Firstly, it is very expensive, and secondly, the construction of the necessary buildings also requires huge costs. In addition, at the third level you can get, conditionally, 200 thousand troops, and at the fourth level only 10 thousand. At the same time, despite the fact that soldiers of the 4th level will be stronger than those of the 3rd level, quantity still matters.

The buildings are distributed as follows: 1 barracks, 1 infirmary, in the remaining cells of the estate at least level 17.

Power. Power is the main indicator of coolness and strength, affecting your status in the clan. There is no point in specifically chasing high numbers. If you approach the development of the economy and the game in general correctly, this indicator will automatically become high. The main source is the army. But the loss of an army has a very painful effect on the mighty, so it is better to be prepared for this. They also give a decent amount high levels hero, knowledge, unique buildings (Oracle, wall, etc.).

Guide 2. Correct donation without taxes

This guide will discuss in detail the different types of donation. You can spend a large amount of money, but still not get the desired result, or you can spend a purely symbolic amount and get the maximum effect. The cost of the most expensive does not exceed 7,500 rubles. How to do this will be described below, and in more detail in the video. And so, the entire payment system can be divided into four types:

Wrong donation. To put it mildly, this is a stupid donation, in which you will throw away a large amount real money, but you still won’t get the desired effect. The first thing to understand is that you do not need to buy packages with an amount of gold less than 400 thousand. Such packages do not appear immediately, but they are worth it.

Correct. Two weeks after the start of the game, you will be able to purchase more profitable packages, and even at promotional prices. For example, you can buy a package with 400 thousand gold for only 300 rubles. But even here you can make a mistake and miss the opportunity to get even greater benefits.

Effective. By analogy with the previous option, we are waiting for the appearance of profitable packages, there should be nine of them!!! To do this, you need to wait a whole month, but don’t worry, because you can easily catch up. In addition, you should not rise above the second level. Why? Because in addition to regular packages, there are also beginner packages, in the amount of two pieces. One for 600 rubles, the second for 1200. The amount of gold is 900 thousand in each. In addition to money, you can find other extremely useful and tasty resources in these packages. However, once you reach level three or higher, you lose the opportunity to receive these packages. An effective donation is 9 profitable packages and 2 beginner packages.

Mind blowing donation. This is, in essence, brief instructions, how to raise 100 lyams in three days. Having spent time and money on preparation :) Firstly, we maintain the account of the second lvl with a WHOLE move to another kingdom for a month. We are waiting for 9 packages. We buy them. We forget about the account for another month. Advantageous packages are appearing again. We are transported to the newly formed kingdom, sharply level up to level 6 (don’t forget about the shield), buy 9 profitable packages, plus 2 beginner packages and IT IS PREFERABLE to match this event with holiday packages ( New Year, March 8, etc.), which will add a bunch more bonuses to the piggy bank. We sell approximately 10 million gold and a simply unrealistic amount of bonuses, raising the power to 80-120 million in 3-7 days.

It is also worth giving advice how to save a little when buying packages. The fact is that with a regular purchase using regular money from your phone, you also pay a commission, which can sometimes be quite large. In order to save, you need to link your account to your profile in social network Facebook, and then make payments through electronic payment systems such as Qiwi, WebMoney, etc.

Guide 3. How to spend gold correctly

Let's start off with, what NOT to spend precious coins on.

Never build or explore new knowledge for gold. Firstly, this is not profitable, the same accelerators are much cheaper, and secondly, the amount of resources can be easily restored, but with gold it will be more difficult. In addition, it is also not worth spending money on resurrection and, especially, building an army.

Now let's get back to the main question, what should you spend your coins on?.

1. After purchasing all the packages, go to the VIP tab and extend the VIP account for two months (at least) and level up to level 13. For this you will receive various bonuses and goodies, as well as an autoclicker, the usefulness of which is quite high.

2. Go to the section dedicated to the hero and open the sets tab, where we activate at least three slots: a Farm set (for extracting resources, constructing buildings and learning knowledge), a combat set and a set for training troops.

3. After this, open the section dedicated to various accelerations and boosters (on the right between the jumping coin and events). After that, scroll down and find the contents of the army. Click on this icon and see the boost "Great Savings, 75%" for 80k gold. Without hesitation, we buy four pieces at once. If you already came across a similar booster in one of the packages, then you can buy less, the main thing is that there are 4 units.

Another booster we need is hero experience. We go upstairs and buy a couple of pieces. Let's activate one right away.

Also you can buy the “Protection” booster, we buy 30 pieces for 24 hours (800 gold each). For what? In order to increase the protection of your settlement by 20% for a month and not bother your head with thoughts that at some point the protection may disappear or that you simply could not/did not have time to activate it.

4. After the boosters, go to the “Items” section, where we find “Attack, Huge Chest”. We buy 10 pieces, after which you get a huge bunch of attack boosts.

5. And, finally, what we spend almost all the gold on (you can leave a few hundred thousand in reserve, just don’t waste it out of stupidity), and this is about 4 million. We return to the Treasures, scroll down a little: ACCELERATIONS, HUGE CHEST. Acceleration is everything to us. Without them, the rest is meaningless. So about a hundred of these chests is an amazing leap forward in development

Guide 4. Knowledge

Knowledge is studied in the Oracle building, which must first be built.

All knowledge is divided into five types:

Economic. This type of knowledge can significantly improve the most important indicators of economic processes in your city. Here it is recommended to study Construction (we study to a maximum of 10 out of 10), then Farming, the extraction of your resource, which you have focused on. After this, you can improve your knowledge of Carrying Capacity and Celerity. It’s not worth spending energy on knowledge about gold mining. Gold is mined in a different, more efficient way.

Military. This type of knowledge can significantly improve the most important combat characteristics of your troops. First of all, we teach Learning Speed ​​1 (10 out of 10). After that, we study the damage and protection of those types of troops that you focused on and made priority. Then we study what we like best, until we reach the opportunity to learn the skills Troop Health and Troop Defense 1. After which T 4 troops become available. Our training does not end there, because below, you can find six knowledge determining Health, Damage and Protect your troops during defense and attack. It is recommended to study them all to the maximum, but we warn you, it will be very difficult and expensive, but it will be worth it.

Espionage. This type of knowledge allows you to significantly improve the most important characteristics of your spies. An underrated troop class in the game. Spies are needed to identify the most “fat” target. How and what to study is described in the video.

Education. Military. This type of knowledge can significantly improve the most important indicators of the training process for soldiers. A real treasure trove of experience for your Hero and your army. Here you should study everything and always, as this will give you an unrealistic increase in experience. The priorities are Learning Limit, Celerity 2 and Resource Production. After this, you can study the cost of training level 4 troops to reduce the price.

Invaders. Military. This type of knowledge can significantly improve the most important combat performance your Hero in the fight against the Invaders. If you study all the knowledge presented in this section before Invaders 5, then after almost every battle with the Invaders you will receive legendary items.

Guide 5. Packages

Guide 6. Army

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