Computer games are to blame for everything. Guilty! Mafia is not immortal Under cover of darkness

In an amicable way, in every average city there is a head of the executive branch of the government (in other words, a mayor), a modest administrative apparatus and local residents, happy or not very happy with their lives. In a bad way, somewhere among these people, several representatives of criminal communities (in other words, the mafia) will certainly be found.

Local residents, who do not want to become victims of a showdown among criminal groups, decided in advance to eradicate evil from their city, so to speak, to prevent crimes. So a curfew is imposed in the city: you should not walk along the night streets, otherwise the residents will take you for the villains and will immediately pronounce the verdict: "Guilty!"

The last day of the mafia

Board Game Action Guilty! lasts only one day and one night, because unofficially the name of the game sounds like "the last day of the mafia." There are no familiar, boring civilians here, and each character is unique and colorful in its own way. For example, the Rogue once lost his documents in cards, so now he lives by strangers, the Blogger knows how to find even the most hidden information on the World Wide Web, and the Drunkard often gets drunk to the point of green devils, and therefore does not remember who he is and where he is.

As expected, all actions take place at night: the mafia meets, the hacker learns the vacant roles, the detective checks the suspects, and the mayor sleeps sweetly. With the onset of morning, discussions, gossip begin, civilians try to figure out the mafia, and the mafia - in every possible way to substitute the peaceful. At this time, among others, there is a Psycho, whose task is to convince the others that it is he who is the criminal.

Voting in the game Guilty! it happens quite interestingly: the mayor reveals his card first and votes against one of the participants. Now the accused participant votes against, and so on, until everyone has made their choice. The player with the most votes is sentenced: "Guilty!" If a representative of the mafia is accused - the civilians win, if someone from the townspeople is accused - the mafia will win. The situation with a draw is supposed to be decided by the mayor of the city.

Board game Guilty - the great mind is gone for lunch!

Game rules Guilty! do not provide for the option of holding a party without a leader, however, it is quite possible to organize it. One of the participants, who is well familiar with the rules, can play the game, simultaneously playing the role of one of the characters. He will simply announce with closed eyes who is waking up and what he is doing, and then count to five and announce the next action. As practice has shown, when playing for ten, such a maneuver is perfect.

Game cards Guilty! perfect for the classic Mafia, however, if you are used to the original characters (mafia, don, civilians), you can safely choose episodes and. Know, now is the time to fight back the evil and tear off all the masks!

A terrible tragedy took place in Kerch. The teenager took a gun, went to college and, his peers and teachers. Russia has not yet encountered such a thing. No, there were cases when another traveler took up arms and went to shoot at people, but there have never been such a number of victims.

And now deputies, politicians and various talking heads from blue screens are looking for who is to blame for the tragedy. It turns out that everything is to blame computer games! O! What a surprise! Once children play games, they immediately become aggressive and want to go and kill everyone.

It's hard for me to argue with the deputies. Indeed, all these war games affect the psyche. But why do we need these half measures? Let's be serious. From the TV, children are told about radioactive ash and the prospect of destroying the whole world and going martyrs to paradise.

Every year, children are dressed up in military uniforms, given toy machine guns in their hands and sent to look at the rockets that will destroy this very world.

On YouTube there is a video of a play about the war, allegedly from "that very" college. It looks like a fake, but such performances are staged in absolutely all schools in Russia.

Enemies on all sides! The world sleeps and sees how to strangle Russia. You watch news broadcasts and all sorts of Sunday shows where people are ready to kill each other live, and you think how you can never go crazy in this atmosphere of hatred, endless search for enemies and propaganda of militarism. You look at the faces of deputies, governors, mayors, listen to their statements and think how not to grab a rifle.

And computer games against the backdrop of all this shit that spreads across the country from blue screens, which every day outside the window, at work, in hospitals and schools, looks like an innocent cute prank.

Deny yourself, everyone will feel better at once.

In every city, in addition to a wise ruler, a modest administrative apparatus and residents satisfied with their lives, there are irresponsible elements called "mafia". With the onset of darkness, gloomy personalities come out onto the streets, plotting evil deeds against society. But the residents are on their guard and ready to fight back anti-social elements. Today on the Pink Couch there is a mafia-seeking board game "Guilty!"

To prevent crime and maintain order, respectable citizens unite and go out in the evenings to patrol the streets. Seeing a suspicious shadow in the alley, the vigilantes grab the offender, pack him into the trunk of a special car and take him outside the city walls. Unfortunately, such active defensive actions also have a collateral nature - an ordinary citizen who is late at an evening meeting can become a “victim of law and order”.

All residents of a small town fit into a compact box from the Gemenot publishing house. In addition to the square portraits, there was room in the container for round voting tokens and two reference sheets.

Positive and highly cultured residents of the city, led by the mayor, are depicted against a green background. Who is not here: both granddaughters and grandmother, and a couple in love, and a detective with a hacker (who, by the way, created a popular social network) ... Square tiles with portraits serve as role cards in the game.

Criminal elements are depicted on a red background, symbolizing danger. The mafia boss and two of his subordinates will try to bring panic into the ranks of citizens, the task of the lawyer is to justify these atrocities, and the psycho ... abnormal people are themselves, they even have a background of a special, light brown color.

Each square portrait corresponds to a small round medallion, which will be useful when voting. Pay attention to the number - it determines in what sequence this or that character enters the game. According to the established tradition, it is possible to distinguish criminal elements from honest citizens by the color of the background.

Under cover of darkness.

So, the time is approaching midnight: volunteer squads took to the streets, and criminals rush about their business, moving along narrow streets in the shadow of buildings. I wonder who is out of luck today ...

To determine the number of people present in this moment in the city, you need to count the players, and then choose the smartest of them - this person will act as the Universal Mind (or the leader, who prefers which term).

The number of cards and the types of roles used in the current game are determined by a special look-up table. In any case, the number of tiles is equal to the number of players (except for the leader) plus three. All unused cartons are put into the box.

The leader shuffles the cards, then the players receive one random tile, and the rest are placed face down in the center of the table. Note: there should not be a "mayor" and two mafiosi among the boxes in the center of the table. The players view the roles received and keep them secret from the neighbors on the table. The presenter lays out round medallions in descending order in front of him, takes a memo in his hand and ... everyone falls asleep (they close their eyes, try not to breathe and generally pretend that they are not here).

The facilitator lists the roles, the players "wake up" and perform actions typical of their characters. For example: the mafia can get to know each other, the detective can look at one card, the hacker can find out the roles that lie in the center of the table. Only the mayor sleeps in the sleep of the righteous, since he has nothing to worry about (he is the mayor, and the mayor, as you know, everyone needs - both the mafia and the residents).

After all the presenter lists all the characters, morning comes, all the townspeople wake up and begin to actively find out who is who. The goal of civilians is to find the mafia and expel its representatives from the city. The goal of the criminals is to disguise themselves as honest taxpayers and substitute an unsuspecting citizen in their place. In order not to get confused in guesses, you can use round tokens.

As soon as the passions subside and the players consider that they know the representatives of the criminal environment for certain, the final phase begins - the voting. All round tokens are at the disposal of the host, he gives each player one round and ... the mayor wakes up.

Sleep and content, he turns his card face up and places his token on the suspect tile. That, in turn, votes against the next, and so on, until everyone at the table has expressed "their strong opinion."

Then the tiles are revealed, and the "lucky one" is determined, who collects the knapsack and takes his feet out of the city. If it's a civilian, then the mafia is celebrating a victory. If it was possible to expose at least one mafiosi, then he surrenders his accomplices and civilians win. A lawyer and a psycho (they are different people) win when special conditions... There are some more nuances associated with roles, but read about them in the rules.

In the dark before dawn.

The original version of the well-known "Mafia", in which "night" is reduced to one single round. There are no “killed” residents idly walking around the table, until the very end everyone takes part in the voting. This, by the way, is a very good innovation, it is this aspect of the rules that is quite often a "stumbling block" in the team, since people who have dropped out of the game have absolutely nothing to do. Additionally, citizens have no margin for error. They need to reveal the representatives of the mafia on the first try by the morning, otherwise everyone will lose.

In Guilty, some characters can secretly exchange cards. The player learns about the substitution only at the end of the round - from an honest citizen, any citizen can instantly become a criminal. An unexpected surprise ... The variety of roles and their special properties on the one hand, they allow you to transform the game, on the other hand, the minimum number of townspeople, in my opinion, should be equal to six "plus" the presenter.

As practice has shown, character tokens are much more convenient than rollers. The square tile is quite compact, it is easier to view it secretly, it is less easily soiled and resistant to dirt (in "Mafia" they play quite often at a set table). This is definitely a big plus for designers. But what upset me personally a little was the pictures - to be honest, “not mine”. At the same time, there is absolutely nothing to complain about, since all the images are made in the same style, the drawings are made with a grain of humor and, of course, will find their admirer. But, again, not mine. It's a matter of taste and worldview ...

Interesting, noteworthy implementation of the well-known "Mafia". I recommend it for out-of-town trips and funny youth companies as an entertaining pastime.

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