Questions for smart people and smart girls for elementary school. Game "smart guys and smart girls". Competition “Warm-up on forest paths”

Zamyshlyaeva Galina

That's it the final round of the intellectual game "Smart Guys: First Steps"! All participants prepared very well for the final and were determined to win! Questions were answered quickly, meaningfully, and confidently. Only twice did they give the audience a chance to answer the question.

The game is over, the diplomas have been awarded!

Let's see how it went.

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends! I am pleased to welcome you to the finals of the intellectual competition “Smart Men and Women: First Steps.”

IN final game The winners of the first round of the game take part, this is... (the participants of the game are called). Let's welcome them.

(Spectators greet the participants in the game)

Leading. At the end of our game 5 categories: fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin, the world around us (birds, local history (my native land, Russian holidays, Russian language (outdated words).

Rules of the game all the same. I will ask each participant one question. If the answer to the question is correct, the participant moves forward along the track; if incorrect, it remains in place. The question goes to the audience. For correct answers, viewers can earn a token.

Be careful, only the one who was asked the question answers.

Our fair jury will evaluate your answers. .(members of the jury are introduced)

So, let's start the game. I ask participants to go to the tracks. Wish you Good luck!

Questions for the final game

1. In “The Tale of Tsar Saltan,” the girls, doing needlework, had a leisurely conversation and dreamed about their future.

Question: what did they promise to do as queen?

Answer: prepare a feast, weave cloth, give birth to a hero.

2. The old man from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish,” on the orders of the old woman, went to the sea several times with requests to the goldfish.

Question: How many of the old man’s requests did the goldfish fulfill and which ones?

Answer: four (trough, hut, noblewoman, queen)

3. In “The Tale of the Dead Princess,” the evil queen decided to kill her young stepdaughter. Dressed as a beggar, she treated the queen to a poisoned apple. And only the faithful dog sensed trouble.

Question: what was the name of the dog of the seven heroes in this fairy tale?

Answer: Sokolko.

1. Every spring, birds hatch their chicks, and then feed them and teach them to fly. But there is a bird that abandons its chicks immediately after birth.

Question: what kind of bird are we talking about?

Answer: cuckoo.

2. Several hundred species of woodcutting beetles and bark beetles live in our forests - the worst enemies of trees. This bird not only destroys beetles and their larvae, it gets them from where no one can get them. And if bark beetles and woodcutters have not yet destroyed our forests, then this is due in no small part to the well-known bird, which is popularly called the forest doctor.

Question: what kind of bird is this?

Answer: woodpecker.

3. This bird is one of the largest birds of the forests; it lives in thickets and swamps. She has excellent hearing, eyesight, beautiful black plumage and bright red brow ridges.

Question: what is the name of this bird?

Answer: capercaillie.

1. In our country, and in other countries of the world, every city, town, village, village has its own name, which distinguishes it from others settlements. Our village got its name in honor of the great playwright Ostrovsky

Question: what was the name of our village before?

Answer: Semenovskoe-bast.

2. Each person has his own small homeland, that is, the place where he was born, grew up, and lives. And to find him, you need to know his residential address. But not only residents, but also various buildings have an address.

Question: on what street is our kindergarten located?

Answer: Shkolny Lane.

3. You all know that each country has its own state symbols. Cities and towns also have their own flag and coat of arms, which tell about their features.

Question: what are the colors on the flag and what is depicted on the coat of arms of our village?

Answer: blue and green, Snow Maiden.

1. This holiday is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in many other countries, which is why it is international. In our country, all women and girls are congratulated on this day.

Question: what holiday are we talking about?

2. In the law on days military glory This is what they say about this holiday: February 23 is the day of the victory of the Red Army over the Kaiser’s troops of Germany in 1918. Now this is a holiday for all real men.

Question: what is the name of this holiday?

Answer: Defender of the Fatherland Day.

3. This holiday is probably the most touching, most joyful holiday in our country. A veteran with orders on his chest, leading his grandson by the hand, is a symbol of the connection between generations, the strength of our Fatherland. On this day, we feel especially proud of our history and want to believe that we will overcome all difficulties.

Question: what kind of holiday is this?

Answer: Victory Day.

1. Late in the evening, three girls under the window shared with each other their dreams if they became a queen...

“I just had time to say something, the door creaked quietly, and the king, the sovereign of that side, entered the little room.”

Question: what kind of room was called the light room in ancient times?

Answer: The Eastern Slavs have a bright front room, often in the upper part of the house.

2. Listen to an excerpt from “The Fairy Tale...”

“The Tsar Father came out into the vestibule. Everyone went into the palace. The king didn’t get ready for long: he got married that same evening.”

Question: explain what a canopy is?

Answer: the non-residential part of the house connecting the living space with the porch.

3. Prince Guidon, after the shipmen’s first visit to the beautiful city on the island of Buyan, wanted to see Tsar Saltan, his father. He told the Swan Princess about his desire, and with a flap of her wing she performed a miracle:

“Then he shrank to a point, turned into a mosquito, flew and squealed, and caught up with the ship at sea.”

Question: what does it mean, turned around?

Answer: reincarnate, transform.

Leading: Dear participants, you passed all the tests with honor!

And we completed all the difficult tasks. The moment of truth is coming

It's time to dot the I's

Let him announce the winners of the competition

Our impartial and strict jury.

(The floor is given to the chairman of the jury to sum up the results.)

The most erudite viewer of the game.

Second place participants.

Winner of the intellectual game "Smart Guys: First Steps"

Leading: This concludes our “Clever Men and Women” competition. I thank you, dear viewers, for your smile and the sparkle in your eyes, and I wish the participants of the game further success in the next competitions. Well done! Keep it up!

Dear colleagues, thank you for your attention!

Students are divided into teams of 4 people.

Each team chooses a name associated with the Russian language, for example: “Zvukovichki”, “Funny Syllables”, “Little Letters”, “Gramotei”, “Azbukovedy”, “Russia”, etc.

Progress of the game

Beginning of the game: Teams introduce themselves and take turns playing with the team name.


Phonetics studies us,

We are not letters, we are the sounds of speech.

They pronounce and hear us.

"Little letters": Any word consists of different sounds. But the sound will sound and disappear. Is it possible to somehow stop the sounds so that you can encounter them many more times?

People came up with letters - written figures, icons to represent sounds. Each letter figure is like a frozen sound.

"Happy syllables": Syllables are the building blocks from which words are built, and then sentences. If there were no these bricks, there would be no words, sentences, speech would disappear.

"ABC experts": Popular wisdom says: “Here comes the beeches, and then there’s science.” Only by mastering literacy can one learn other sciences.

"Diplomas": “Learning to read and write is always useful.” But you need to start learning to read and write from an early age. Knowing how to read and write, you can read many interesting, smart books and become an educated person.

"Russia": The Russian language is the most beautiful, richest language in the world. By learning the secrets of the Russian language, you become smarter, kinder, wiser.

Then the teacher introduces the students to the rules of the game.

1. Qualifying round.

The team that collects the most orders advances to the main round and takes one of the lanes. Three teams can advance to the main round at once.

2. Main tour.

The right to choose the first track is given to the team that has collected the most orders, the second track is occupied by the team that has collected the second number of orders, the third track is occupied by the team that has collected the third number of orders.

The first team chooses any track. The second team chooses any of the remaining two tracks. The third team takes the remaining free lane.

Teacher. Attention! There will be 2 questions asked on the red carpet, but you can never get it wrong.

On the yellow track you will be asked 3 questions and you are allowed one mistake.

On the green track you will be asked 4 questions and allowed to make mistakes.

If the players on the track made a mistake, then theorists - the players sitting in the hall - can give the answer.

After the first three teams have answered the questions and completed their journey through the lanes, the next three teams take their place (if the time allotted for the game allows).

3. Summing up.

1. Team. Three teams receive certificates (diplomas) for first, second and third places, respectively.

2. Individual championship. The three students who accumulate the most orders receive diplomas and prizes.

Knowledge is assessed by a pre-selected jury.

Questions were asked and I was asked for the qualifying round.

1. Find errors in words and correct them.

It is unknown how it happened

Only the letter got lost:

Ran into someone's house

And he rules it.

And I barely entered there

Naughty letter

Stranger Things

Things started to happen:

The hunter shouted: “Oh, the doors are chasing me!”

Look, guys, the crayfish have grown in the garden bed.

There is smoke in the street, the house is pouring out of its chimneys.

On a spring day, the honey began to melt at the gate.

Pies are baked in the river, fishermen sit by the stove.

Near the house by the path, sparrows were pecking at brooches.

The spring gnome thundered, clouds in the sky all around.

The poet finished the line and put his daughter at the end.

2. Solve puzzles.

3. Solve the crossword puzzle “Do you know fairy tales?”

1. She had glass slippers, but she lost one of them. (Cinderella)

2. A cheerful wooden man, the son of Papa Carlo. (Pinocchio)

3. Sister of brother Ivanushka. (Alyonushka)

4. Carlson's friend. (Baby)

5. All cats only have

nicknames, but this one had a surname. (Matroskin)

4. Put the words in the plural.

Hedgehog, lake, star, nest, table, chair, bucket, tear.

5. Proverbs are funny.

Proverb, we know you

But you weren't like that:

Is it really a mischievous letter?

Have you taken someone's place again?

The first clip is lumpy.

You can't spoil Sasha with oil.

We make sushi ourselves.

A whisker is good, but two is better.

Without knowing the ford, don’t meddle in fashion.

6. Look at the pictures.

Why were they paired up?

What should we conclude? (There is one word, but there are several objects that it denotes)

What are these words called? (Multi-valued)

7. Humorous riddles.

How do day and night end? (Soft sign)

Which month is the shortest? (May, only three letters)

How to write "dry grass" in four letters? (Hay)

A stone fell into the water. What has he become? (Wet)

How many consonants are there in the words: stack, table, stop? (One hundred)

How many vowels are in the words: family, forty? (Seven forty)

Tasks for players standing on the tracks.

Red carpet (I)

1. Listen carefully and continue the phrases:

Crawling like... (turtle).

Silent, like... (fish).

They chatter like... (magpies).

2. Connect the words in pairs:

Red carpet (II)

1. What's wrong?

Fairy tales ask:

And now you, friends, get to know us.

Emerald Cap.

Wizard of Snow City.

Red key.

Golden Queen.

2. Which word is missing?

Marina, Tamara, Nikolai, Irina, Galya.

Yellow track (I)

1. Listen carefully to the phrases.

Gold ring; golden character; golden rye; Golden heart; skillful fingers; Golden ring.

In which of them is the word “golden” used in its literal meaning? Which ones - figuratively?

2. What's wrong?

Change the phrases to make it correct:

Cowardly as a bear.

Hungry like a donkey.

Clumsy as a hare.

Stubborn as a wolf.

3. Choose synonyms for these words:

young - _______________; elderly - _______________; brave - _______________.

Yellow track (II)

1. Choose the appropriate word and complete the sentences: Marina went to (twig, pond).

An Indian (magician, poppy) performed.

(a raft, a fruit) is floating along the river.

2. Replace with one word:

turn up one's nose; getting underfoot; throughout Ivanovskaya; know by heart.

3. Listen to the poem.

Oh, you again, balloon,

Fly away, naughty one!

Here is my palm -

Get some rest.

What is the theme of this poem?

Green path (I)

1. What's wrong?

Julia swept the floor and dishes.

2. “The fifth is odd.”

Fifth, five, Friday, spot, spot.

3. Which word got lost?

rose hip

4. Listen to the poem.

Underfoot in leaf fall

Yellow leaves are flying,

And under the leaves they rustle

Rustling, Shurshikha and Shurshonok -

Dad, mom and child.

What do they mean?

Green Path (II)

1. Which letter disappeared from the words?

2. Find out what it's all about.

They hang him when they become despondent, they bully him when they become arrogant, they poke him around everywhere, interfering in something other than their own business.

Additionally: as you know, it was he who was torn off by the curious Varvara at the market.

3. Change the letters in the words so that you get new words. LIGHTHOUSE CARRIAGE

4. Imagine that you are poets. Finish the lines.

The bear cries and roars:

Asks the bees to give...

Mikhail played football

And scored into the goal...

The kitten made himself some slippers,

So that you don't freeze in winter...

The mouse hid under the hill

And gnawing quietly...


These tasks can be used while the jury is summing up the results of the game.

1. Restore the offer.

Three girls were spinning under the window late in the evening.

2. Finish the poem, remembering the phraseology.

More friendly than these two guys

You won't find it in the world

They usually say about them:

They falsify, they confuse words,

They sing, who goes into the forest...

The guys won't listen to them:

From this song...

3. Add the letter “I” to the words.

What new words did you come up with?

Trouble (sneak).

Mak (lighthouse).

Paul (aphid).

Kol (Kolya).

4. Replace with one word.

Iron roof. Brick house. Silk ribbon. Strawberry jam. Raspberry jelly. A building where grain is stored. A machine that digs the earth.

5. Replace these words with antonyms.

Brave; Kind; fast.

6. Fairy tales ask: “And now you, friends, get to know us!”

He pounded and pounded on the plate with his nose -

I didn’t swallow anything and was left with my nose...

But the road is long, and the basket is not easy,

I wish I could sit on a tree stump and eat a pie...

There is no river or pond. Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water in the hoof hole!..

The red maiden is sad, she doesn't like spring,

It’s hard for her in the sun, the poor thing is shedding tears!..

The mouse found a home for itself, the mouse was kind:

That house eventually became full of tenants.

Target: ability to apply knowledge in practice, develop intelligence, memory, erudition, logical thinking in students, promote interest in studying the humanities Equipment: game tracks, cards with questions, cards with names, orders of “Wise Guys”. Participants: students in grades 8-11

Step by step description.

Preparatory stage.

    Preparation of tasks for each round. Preparing the props necessary for the game, making “Umnikov” orders. Formation of a list of participants Selecting members of the Areopagus.

Progress of the game

Organizing time.

Greetings from the presenter. Announcement of the name and rules of the game. Presentation of the judges - members of the Areopagus.

Rules of the game:

The event was developed according to the analogue of the television game “Smart Guys and Clever Girls”.

    During the qualifying round, it is necessary to select the participants of the game - agonists. Therefore, everyone who comes to the game answers the teacher’s questions, and if they answer correctly, they earn the “Clever” order. The three students who received the most orders move on to the second round and become agonists, and the remaining participants become theorists (fans). Conditions for the second round: on the green track you can make 2 mistakes, on the yellow track – 1 time, on the red track – you cannot answer incorrectly. If the participant could not answer the question, then the right to answer is transferred to the theorists (fans), the one who first raises his hand answers, if he answered correctly, he receives an order.

    The winner is the player who completes his lane the fastest with the fewest penalties.

    Students who receive the largest number of orders determine the right to choose a playing track. Conducted between three agonists. They are given sheets with terms in which errors were made. Agonists must find errors within a minute and correct them correctly.

Selection of agonists:

    Dimocracy - democracy
    Hippodrome - hippodrome
    Stratek - strategist
    Amphora - amphora
    Arator - speaker
    protectionism - protectionism
    tolerance - tolerance
    Kalonia - colony Questions for 1st agon:

    3. During the Patriotic War of 1812, it happened that Russian soldiers in the heat of battle or at night they mistakenly took prisoners, and sometimes killed their own officers. Why was this error happening?

(Most Russian officers, according to the fashion of that time, knew French perfectly and often communicated in it).

    9. In the 19th century, Moscow physician Christian Loder founded an establishment of “artificial mineral waters”, where visitors led a leisurely, passive lifestyle. What were the visitors to this establishment called?


    His real name translates as “forged of iron,” and his title is “Great Khan.” This conqueror said: “Fear is ahead of my army, and sabers only finish the job.” Say the name of this person.

(Genghis Khan)

    In ancient manuscripts the name “Russian Sea” is often used, since our ancestors had the largest number of ships there, but then lost it for a long time, regaining access to it only in the 18th century. What name does this body of water have now?

(Black Sea)

Questions for agon 2 - right:

1. The President of the Russian Federation is ex officio the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.


2. The Russian Federation is a secular state. ( Yes)

3.What term are we talking about?

The right to vote, i.e. the right of citizens to participate in elections to bodies of state power and self-government.


4.The Constitution of the Russian Federation defines Russia as:

A) federal state

B) unitary state

B) a secular state

D) clerical state

D) welfare state

(a, c, d)

5. A republic can be:

A) symmetrical

B) asymmetrical

B) presidential

D) aristocratic

D) parliamentary

(c, d)

6. The Greeks have an agora, the Novgorodians have a veche, and the Cossacks have?


7. W. Churchill called it “the worst form of government,” not counting, of course, all the others. What was he talking about?

(About democracy)

Questions for 3rd agon - numeral:

    What is the distance between Constantinople and Constantinople?

(These are the names of one city)

    The poet Simonov wrote in a poem that the battle took place

"on blue and wet

Peipus crackling ice

In six thousand seven hundred and fiftieth

from creation"

What battle was he writing about? Why was the ice “wet”? When did this battle take place? Why does the poet indicate a different date?

(We are talking about the Battle of the Ice, which took place on Lake Peipsi. The ice was a little melted, since it was spring. April 5, 1242. The date is indicated according to the old calendar 6750-1242 = 5508 5508 + 2014 = 7522 from the Creation of the world).

Questions for 4th agon - overseas:

1.What is the longest river in Great Britain? (Thames)

2.Where does the English Parliament sit? (Westminster Abbey)

4.Which French king said “I am the state?” (Louis 14)

5.What does the English proverb “Time from money” mean (time is money)

6.What do they mean English word: price list (pre-list or list of prices)


Cheeseburger (cheese sandwich)

    What does “boutique” mean in French?

“muffler” (hide your nose)

“Pince-nez” (pinch your nose)

    What does the English proverb “Time out of money” mean? (time is money)

For a snack.

Residents of Moscow - Muscovites, Muscovites

What would you call the inhabitants of St. Petersburg, Tula, Arkhangelsk, Kursk, Perm?

(Petersburger, Petersburger; Tula, Tula; Arkhangelsk, Arkhangelsk; Kuryanin, Kuryanka; Permyak, Permyachka)

It is generally accepted that a happy holiday New Year came to us from Byzantium along with the Christian religion. However, the folk traditions of celebrating the New Year clearly have pagan roots, which means that they originated long before the Baptism of Rus'. Unfortunately, we do not have any information about how the Slavs celebrated the pre-Christian New Year.

When our ancestors adopted the European Julian calendar, the new year began to begin for them on March 1st. But it was only an official holiday, not particularly revered by the people. If in Mediterranean countries the beginning of March coincided with the beginning of agricultural work, then in Rus', and especially in the north of Rus', there was still snow on the fields at that time. Therefore, festive rituals dedicated to the winter solstice, when “the old sun dies and a new sun is born,” were much more popular among the people.

In 1492 (and according to other sources - in 1348), the Orthodox Church, according to the decision of the Council of Nicaea, moved the onset of the new year from March 1 to September 1. Since then, in Rus', the New Year began to be celebrated in the fall. This holiday also failed to become popular. For the peasants, the beginning of September coincided with the height of the harvest, when rest was out of the question. However, many official ceremonies were dedicated to the New Year. On the eve of the New Year, bells were rung throughout Moscow, and the next day a large crowd of people gathered on Red Square, which was congratulated by the sovereign himself.

But this tradition did not last long. Wanting to keep pace with Western countries, Peter the Great forbade Russians from celebrating the New Year in September. By special decrees of December 15 and 19, 1699, the holiday was moved to January 1, and chronology was now carried out not from the creation of the world, but from the Nativity of Christ. And if earlier it was not customary for ordinary people to congratulate each other on the New Year, then from now on it has become everyone’s responsibility.

The first New Year was celebrated very noisily: on the night of December 31 to January 1, 1700, people were entertained with festive fireworks and a parade on Red Square. And after 4 years, all New Year’s celebrations were moved to St. Petersburg. Under Peter I, mass celebrations and masquerades at the Peter and Paul Fortress became especially popular. Both commoners and nobles, led by the Emperor himself, had fun at these masquerades.

As one might expect, the “winter” New Year did not immediately take root in Russia. For a long time, our ancestors tried to secretly celebrate the September New Year, but Peter fought such attempts rather harshly. He strictly ensured that by January 1, all houses were decorated with spruce, juniper or pine branches, which at that time were supposed to be decorated with nuts, fruits and even eggs. Gradually, Russians began to get used to the new holiday, and new traditions and beliefs developed among the people. For example, a rich holiday table began to be considered the key to the family’s wealth for the entire coming year. At the beginning of the 19th century, champagne appeared in Russia. Soon this drink became an integral part of every New Year's table, as it remains to this day. During the reign of Emperor Nicholas I, decorations made from pine branches were gradually replaced by whole Christmas trees. The tradition of decorating spruce trees for the New Year and Christmas took hold somewhere in the middle of the 19th century. Around the same time on New Year's table the famous goose in the apples appeared.

The Soviet era became a kind of test for the New Year and Christmas holidays. Of course, now we celebrate the New Year not exactly the way our ancestors celebrated it, and yet the mood of a cheerful winter holiday, the traditions of which have developed over centuries, lives in us to this day.

North-Kazakhstan region.

district named after G. Musrepova.

Chistopol Secondary School.



Prepared and conducted by: teacher primary classes

Bayakhina Roza Akhmetzhanovna

2012 academic year.

TARGET: children's knowledge of the sections of the program; develop memory, intelligence, resourcefulness; to cultivate in children such qualities as courage, dedication, modesty; to develop interest in games of a competitive nature.

Equipment: Whatman paper, album sheets, cut pictures, felt-tip pens, geometric shapes.

Leading: Hello, guys and dear comrades adults! I am glad to welcome you to the intellectual game.

I represent the esteemed jury, which will judge strictly but fairly.

So let's begin tournament! (Fanfares sound)

Meet commands: “Pochemuchki”, “Knowledge”, “Guessing”.

Evaluate implementation There will be a jury, for each correct answer a token will be awarded.

To begin, I ask the teams to introduce themselves... (Team mottos are heard).

Well, let’s begin our intellectual game on such an emotional note.

1. What time of year is it now?

2. Name the autumn months.

3. What signs of autumn do you know?

Question for team captains: Remember and recite the verse. about autumn.

I block “Speech development”

1. Remember and tell tongue twisters.

2. “Say the word”

It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,
Not a lantern, but shining brightly
And it’s not the baker, but the baker (the sun).

3. No beginning, no end,
Neither the back of the head nor the face,
Everyone knows, both young and old,
That she is a huge ball (earth).

4. Flows, flows - will not flow out, runs - runs - will not run out (river).

5. It flies - growls, breaks branches, raises dust.
You hear it, but you don’t see it (the wind).

6. Through the fields, through the meadows
An elegant arc (rainbow) appeared.

7. He is everywhere: in the field and in the garden,
But it won’t get into the house.
And I won't go anywhere
As long as it rains.

8. Say it the other way around:

More less);

9. Above – (below);

10. Older – (younger);

11. Deeper – (shallower);

12. Previously - (later);

13. Wider - (already);

14. Bad - good;

15. Sweet - bitter;

16. Cold - warm;

17. Quiet - loud;

18. Cheerful - sad;

19. Good - evil;

20. Greedy – generous;

21. Polite - rude;

22. Trusting – suspicious;

23. Clean - dirty;

24. Rough – smooth;

25. Shallow - deep.

26. “Say the proverb”:

Without difficulty...(you can’t even pull a fish out of the pond);

27. “You will hurry...(you will make people laugh);

28. “What you sow...,(that is what you reap);

29. “When I eat...(I am deaf and dumb);

30. “A book...(man's best friend);

31. “Skillful hands...(do not know boredom).

32. Complete the sentence:

The crow croaks, and the magpie?

33. The owl flies, but what about the frog?

34. The cow chews hay, and the fox?

35. The deer is running, but what about the snake?

36. The horse neighs, and the cow?

37. The moon is shining, and the stars?

38. The tractor drives...(tractor driver);

39. Painted the walls...(painter);

40. Planed the board...(carpenter);

41. The light was installed in the house... (fitter);

42. He works in the mine...(miner);

43. In a hot forge...(blacksmith).

44. “Syllable Auction”:

Think of words with the syllable “in”:

In - va, in - rona, in - company, in - robey;

MA – mA, mA – layer, mA – rka, mA – line;

Come up with names with the syllable “Va”:

Va-sya, Va-rya, Va-nya, Va-la.

45 . “Fairytale Lotto”:

Sivka -...

Geese -...


Horse -...

Red -...


Freezing -…



Flower -...


Dead -...

46. Pronounce the phrases clearly, without confusing the words:

Clara stole corals from Karl”;

47. “The Greek was driving across the river,
The Greek sees a cancer in the river,
The Greek put his hand in the river,
Cancer for the hand of the Greek DAC!”

48. “Four little black little imps drew an extremely clean drawing with black ink.”

49. Let's remember the fairy tales:

Fairy tales ask:
And now, you, friends, get to know us!”
“And the road is far
And the basket is not easy
I'd like to sit on a tree stump
I would like to eat a pie” (“Masha and the Bear”)

50. “On the path,
Walking briskly
Sami water
They're dragging buckets!” ("By magic")

51. “Oh you, Petya - simplicity
I messed up a little
Didn't listen to the cat
Looked out the window” (“Cat, Rooster, Fox”)

52. “The pretty maiden is sad
She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun,
The poor thing is shedding tears” (“The Snow Maiden”)

53. “There is neither a river nor a pond
Where can I get some water?
Very tasty water
In the hole from the hoof” (“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)

54. “The mouse found a home for itself,
The mouse was kind
In that house after all
There are a lot of residents” (“Teremok”)

55. (K. Chukovsky)
Only suddenly, from behind a bush,
Because of the blue forest,
From distant fields
Arrives... (sparrow “Cockroach”).

58. Long, long time crocodile
The blue sea was extinguished
Pies and pancakes,
And dried...(mushrooms “Confusion”).

59. I am for a candle,
The candle is in the stove!
I'm for a book
Ta - run
And skipping
Under…(bed “Moidodyr”).

60. Come up with a rhyme for the words:

Bump - daughter, barrel, dot, line.
Potato - cat, matryoshka, Seryozhka.
Frog - frog, girlfriend, pillow, mug, cheesecake.
Bunny - finger, boy, runaway.
A mouse is a coward, a sparrow, a baby.
Cloud - a bunch, a pen, a bug.

61. “Say it in one word:
A fly, a mosquito, a bee are insects.
Oak, birch, linden are trees.
Hare, bear, fox are animals.

Physics minute: “Dwarves are giants.”

II block “Mathematics”

62. “Make a man out of geometric shapes.”

63. “Name and count geometric shapes.”

64. “Name the neighbors of the number”:

5 –;

65. – 2 –;

66. – 9 –.

67. What number will you get if you increase 7 by 1?

68. Reduce 10 by 1?

69. 5 minus 1?

70. Solve the riddles:

Two bellies, four ears” (pillow);

71. “Two in hand,
Two at the feet -
Don't fall through the snow
And you will pass without difficulty -
Only two tracks (skis) will fall;

72. “Five steps -
On the steps -
Song (notes).

73. What numbers can say to themselves: “Turn me up or down and I’ll become a different number” (6 and 9).

74. The chair has 4 legs.
How many legs do two chairs have? (8)

75. When the goat turns seven years old, what happens next? (8 will do)

76. Think and decide:

The monkey brought 2 bananas to the elephant.
Here I pleased the giant with a gift:
He had 1 banana - look!
Now how much is it in total?

77. The hedgehog brought three apples from the garden,
He gave the most rosy thing to the squirrel.
The squirrel happily received the gift.
Count the apples on the hedgehog's plate.

78. Four ripe berries
They were swinging on a branch.
I managed to take two into the basket.
How much is left?

79. In a clearing by the river
May beetles lived
Daughter, son, father and mother (4 beetles); I

80. The hedgehog gave the ducklings
Eight leather boots.
Which one of the guys will answer?
How many ducklings were there? (4)

81. Time to visit the bunny for lunch
A friend - a neighbor - galloped up.
The bunnies sat on a tree stump
And they ate two carrots
Who's counting, guys, is dexterous?
How many carrots did you eat? (4)

Physical exercise: “Pinocchio”

III block “Fundamentals of life safety”

82. A coal fell on the floor,
The wooden floor was on fire,
Don't look. Don't wait, don't stand
And fill it with... (water).

83. If little sisters
Lighting matches at home
What should you do?
Immediately those matches...(take away).

84. Hisses and gets angry,
Afraid of water
With tongue, and not barking,
No teeth, but bites (fire)

Physical exercise: “The deer has a big house”

IV block “Rules” traffic

85. What types of transport are you familiar with?

86. In what places can you cross the road?

87. What is the difference between traffic lights for vehicles and for pedestrians?

88. Well done, guys! What's your mood?

Then I propose to draw a portrait of one of you - “The Cheerful Man”;

89. Have you stayed too long?
Well, get up and take on the next test: “Collect a picture.”

The final stage:

Perhaps it's time to sum it up,
Although each of you did everything you could,
You passed the test with honor! And our difficult tasks.
Thank you for your work, you answered the questions well.

And now we find out who won.

(The jury announces the winner, prizes are distributed).

Target competition-game "Smart Men and Women": creating conditions for the development of inventive thinking, productivity, digital literacy, effective communication and creative abilities of primary schoolchildren.

Objectives of the competition-game

  • activate children's cognitive activity;
  • contribute to the development of the ability to competently express one’s thoughts in Russian;
  • create conditions for the development of self-organization, the ability to organize one’s activities, and verbalization of knowledge;
  • promote the development of personal responsibility and communication skills when working in a team.

The game competition “Smart Men and Women” is aimed at developing the following skills of the twenty-first century:

  • Communication skills– the ability to create conditions for effective oral, written, multimedia communication in various forms and contexts, manage it and understand it.
  • Creativity and curiosity– the ability to self-develop, apply new ideas and communicate them to other people.
  • Ability to work with information and media– ability to find, analyze, manage, integrate, evaluate and create information in different forms and in different ways
  • Interpersonal interaction and cooperation– ability to work in a team and be a leader; take on different roles and responsibilities; work productively in a team; the ability to empathize; respect different opinions.
  • Ability to pose and solve problems– ability to identify, analyze and solve problems.
  • Social responsibility– the ability to act in the interests of the community.

Planned results:


  • realize yourself as part of a team (interested and active participation in a collective endeavor);
  • explain to yourself: “what I want to know” (goals, motives) and “what I learned” (results);


  • on one's own make up a plan for completing tasks, solving problems of a creative and search nature;
  • work according to a collectively drawn up plan, a common agreement.


  • assimilate initial ideas about the characteristics of various professions;
  • explain the world animals (insects, spiders, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, animals), mushrooms, plants .
  • determine your attitude to the world: prove the need for people to treat living organisms with care.
  • consciously follow the algorithm for performing actions in expressions with and without brackets;
  • use when calculating at the skill level, knowledge of tabular cases of multiplication of single-digit numbers and corresponding cases of division ;
  • realize themselves as native speakers;
  • highlight groups of homogeneous objects among heterogeneous ones and give names to these groups ;
  • differ statements from other proposals, drive examples of statements, determine true and false statements .

Stages competition-game

The competition-game “Smart Men and Women” is held in five stages.

  • The first stage “Warm-up” ( area of ​​general knowledge).
  • The second stage of "Gramoty" (philology).
  • The third stage "Dress the captain" ( career guidance).
  • Fourth stage "Sharpshooter" ( mathematics).
  • The fifth stage of “Journey around the Planet” ( the world).

Approximate duration competition-game : 45-50 minutes

Interdisciplinary connections:“The world around us”, “Philology (Russian language)”, “Mathematics and ICT”.

Materials and resources required for carrying out competition-game.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, interactive whiteboard, software, Internet access, Wi-Fi, personal Macbooks And for each group of participants, a lottery drum, boxes containing items needed by people of various professions.

Didactic and handout materials: cards with tasks for the lottery drum.

Participants of the competition-game: Pupils of grades 1–2 take part in the competition-game. Participants from each educational institution represent a team of five people (captain and four team members).

Jury of the competition-game: The jury is formed from teachers (educators) of participants in the competition game.

Jury tasks:

  • evaluate the performance of teams according to specially developed criteria;
  • notify participants about decisions made;
  • take part in the awarding procedure for winners and participants.

Based on the results of five stages, the jury determines the winners and awards the teams.

Commentary for the teacher. Presentation, accompanying the course of the competition-game, consists of 17 slides.

  • 1 slide. Title
  • 2 slide. Game map. You can use hyperlinks to navigate to the selected slide.
  • 3 slide. Warm up. Returns are carried out in the direction of the arrow.
  • 4 slide. Read more The hyperlink opens the game in Leaningapps. Returns are carried out in the direction of the arrow.
  • 5 slide. Accurate shooter. Returns are carried out in the direction of the arrow.
  • 6 slide. Captains competition. Returns are carried out in the direction of the arrow.
  • Slide 7 Traveling around the planet. Using the hyperlink you can go to the desired slide. 1 – Forest. 2 – Desert. 3 – Ocean. 4 – Meadow. Follow the arrow to move to the final slide.
  • 8 -11 slides. The trigger system has been configured. If you click on a picture with an image of an extra animal, the picture disappears. If the answer is incorrect, the picture will sway.
  • 8 slide. Forest. Return to the seventh slide by following the arrow.
  • Slide 9 Desert. Return to the seventh slide by following the arrow.
  • 10 slide. Ocean. Return to the seventh slide by following the arrow.
  • 11 slide. Meadow. Return to the seventh slide by following the arrow.
  • 12. slide. Splash screen (title slide).
  • Slide 13 Congratulations to the winners.
  • Slides 14-16. Sources (not shown)

Progress of the event

I. Organizational moment.

Slide 1

Presenter 1: We are starting the competition-game “Smart Men and Women.”

Presenter 2:

Presenter 1: Our competition will be judged by your mentors.

The jury takes its seats and receives the protocols.Annex 1

Presenter 2: Participating in our game...

The presenter lists the names of educational institutions taking part in the game.

Presenter 2:

Answer, are you glad to be here? (Yes)
Do you have a lot of knowledge? (Yes)
Did you take your wits with you? (Yes)
Are you ready for a fair fight? (Yes)
Will a faithful friend support you along the way? (Yes)
Will you go together? (Yes)

Slide 2

Presenter 2: Girls and boys. Our competition “Smart Men and Women” consists of five stages. The first stage “Warm-up” will help you show your general knowledge, outlook, and erudition. The second stage of “Literature” will invite young philologists. The third stage, “Dress the Captain,” is dedicated to different professions. Perhaps it will serve as a guide for some of you when choosing a future profession. The fourth stage, “Sharp Shooter,” takes you into the realm of mathematics. In the fifth stage, you will go on a “Journey around the Planet”.

Presenter 1:

Let you have the whole game today
Success follows!
Go ahead, friends! The game is calling!
We are rooting for everyone!

II. First stage

Slide 3

Presenter 2: So, we begin the first stage “Warm-up”. Appendix 2

The lottery drum contains cards with a task. Representatives of each team take turns taking out a card with a task. The team deliberates and gives an answer to the question posed.

Evaluation criteria for the first stage

III. Second phase.

Slide 4

Presenter 1: Girls and boys! Before you is the task of the second stage of “Literacy”. This is a grammar puzzle. It is made up of dictionary words. Above and below playing field letters are located. You need to choose a letter and a word that contains this letter. The team that completes the task faster wins.

(Each Macbook team

Second stage assessment criteria

IV. Third stage.

Slide 5

Presenter 2: Our third stage is “Dress the Captain”. Appendix 3

People from five different professions visited us. We put their overalls and tools in different boxes. Looks like we got something mixed up. We invite you to carefully consider the contents of your boxes and the boxes of your opponents. Find a uniform for your captain and explain what profession he represents. Be careful!

(In special boxes, tools, uniforms of a doctor, a cook, an athlete, a sailor, a builder are laid out in a chaotic order. There are items that do not belong to any of the professions listed above).

Third stage assessment criteria

V. Fourth stage. Part one.

Slide 6

The fourth stage consists of two parts.

Presenter 1: The fourth stage is “Sharp Shooter”. (Children are given worksheets. Appendix 4)

Presenter 1: We invite you to consider the first round target. Fire eight shots, fill in the blanks and fill in the missing numbers. The multiplication table will help you with this. Three minutes are given to complete the task.

(After completion of the work, forms with the completed task are given to the jury.)

Evaluation criteria for the fourth stage (1)

VI. Fourth stage. Part two.

Slide 7

Presenter 2: We suggest you check your accuracy using a second target. Shoot four arrows (choose four numbers) and score exactly 100 points in total. The one who can find more options will win.

Evaluation criteria for the fourth stage (2)

VII. Fifth stage.

Slide 8


We'll take a map of the world
Let's begin the journey
Across the seas, across the oceans,
Countries and continents.
(Author of the poem Elena Knysh)

Leading: Girls and boys. We begin our journey around the planet. Be careful because some animals get lost. Your task is to determine which of the animals ended up in someone else's habitat. Guess the riddle and you will find out where we ended up.

The house is open on all sides,
It is covered with a carved roof.
Come to the green house -
You will see miracles in it!

Children(first team) answer in chorus: Forest.

Slide 9

Leading. Determine which animal should not live in the forest. If you give the correct answer, then the extra animal is sent to its habitat. If the answer is incorrect, the picture will wobble.

The slide shows a forest in which they live peacock, squirrel, magpie, hare, kangaroo, elk.

Slide 10

Leading: We continue our journey.

There are large piles of sand in it
They are called dunes,
And camels walk along them,
Stretching out like a caravan.

Children(second team) answer in unison: Desert.

The slide shows a camel against a desert background, wolf, snake, jerboa, raccoon, lizard.

Slide 11


The kingdom of fish, whales, squids,
Sea stars, jellyfish, corals.

Children(third team) answer in chorus: Ocean.

Against the background of the ocean are depicted: pike, whale, shark, cancer, starfish, corals.

Slide 12


We walk along the carpet with you,
Nobody wove it.
He spread himself out
Lies by the blue river
And yellow, and blue, and red!

Children(fourth team) answer in unison: Meadow.

Against the background of the meadow are depicted: a mouse, deer, bumblebee, butterfly, quail, capercaillie.

Stage 5 assessment criteria

VIII. The result of the competition-game “Clever and smart girls”.

Presenter 2: The competition is over. The jury speaks to announce the number of points and names of the winning teams.

Presentation of cups and certificates.
