World of Warcraft Legion review. WOW game classes. About the benefits of sleep and the reaction of elves to awakening

A tale about why YOU are the main figure in Azeroth, how to defeat demons, and why Legion is the best addition in the twelve-year history of the game.


Blizzard have repeatedly emphasized that this is their main addition. Like, it is the largest, the most interesting and the most important from the point of view of the universe. For the creators of the longest-running MMORPG, this is indeed a very serious statement, because “” is the seventh of the large content packs, each of which lasted players for a couple of years. Moreover, today, when the genre itself is experiencing better times, WoW feels quite comfortable. Before the release of the expansion, the number of players with an active subscription jumped again. And this is when there are simply no other MMORPGs with a paid subscription left. All this gives reason to say that the day of the release of “Legion” is the main day for the genre in all of 2016.

And so, the Burning Legion has returned to Azeroth. Moreover, if earlier we were faced with expeditionary forces, now we face a regular army. Never before has the threat been more serious. For comparison, let's say that the Lich King with his army of undead was only a derivative of the Legion, and in general all troubles began with the demons. Even the fallen titan Sargeras appears to be alive, and he has always been considered the main antagonist in the universe.

To show the gravity of the situation, we are shown a monumental defeat for the combined forces of Azeroth. The King of the Alliance is brutally killed, the leader of the Horde dies of wounds before our eyes, the Supreme Paladin, who survived the battle with the Lich, in agony gives up his soul to the Light. And this is just the beginning of the local “Game of Thrones”. During the course of the plot, many will die, whom players remember from Warcraft strategies.

To battle the forces of evil, the Light requires only the most powerful heroes. This is where Blizzard shows how beautifully its writers can work. You and I turn out to be these very heroes. We who defeated Deathwing himself, saved Pandaria, destroyed the armies of the Undead and destroyed plans Iron Horde. We've been sent to command expeditionary forces on Draenor before, but now the stakes are much higher. We have to become a chapter... At the head of something very important, because each class received its own story.

The Death Knight has been chosen - prepare to take the place of commander of the forces of the Ebon Blade and resurrect the mighty heroes of the past in the form of the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Are you playing as a Shaman? Go straight to the Whirlpool to ask for help from the forces of the Earth. Do you like magicians? Your hour has come - the hero is named the Archmage of the revived Order of the Guardians of Tirisfal. Moreover, the head of the pack of Blue Dragons, the archmage of the Dalaran council and one of the first human magicians - Meryl Felstorm - will come into your service.

Lack of epicness? Check out the paladins. Here we will accept from the cold hands of Tirion Fordring almost the most powerful in the universe and the title of High Lord at the same time. The initiation scene in the Cathedral of Light makes your jaw slowly drop to the floor. It is clear that the whole Dalaran will be running around with such high lords, but what difference does it make? Isn't all this legendary status worth it?

Along with the new position, we also get a new house. There is one for each class. If the paladins live in the majestic Cathedral of Light, then the magicians climbed to the highest tower of Dalaran and set up a small Hogwarts there. The druids got a spacious clearing, the warriors generally settled down imposingly in Valhalla. The strongholds look cool, and they have to be developed using the mechanics familiar from Draenor. We gathered our comrades, sent them on missions, and spent special resources. The process doesn't get any more fun, and some missions last up to 20 hours. Reminds me of artificially stretching out the game time. Yes, a companion mobile application has appeared that allows you to send comrades and recruit students directly from the phone screen, but it does not change the main thing - delving into all this is still a bit boring. Each specialization received its own unique artifact. The same Retribution paladins now run around with the Ashbringer - the most powerful weapon in the history of the game. The fire mages borrowed Kael'thas Sunstrider's blade and stuff like that. From now on, the artifact will have to be upgraded instead of the character itself. From time to time we will be given special items that increase the power of the artifact. There are also relics that can be inserted into special sockets. Inside the artifact there are systems of talents and skills. You need to choose wisely, because at later levels of pumping you will need a lot of strength. You can change and appearance artifact. You will have to run for some particularly rare “skins”.

The pumping itself also takes place in an unusual way. There is a class campaign, and there are four zones of the Broken Isles. You will have to go through the first one in any case, but the goal of visiting each zone is to find the Pillar of Eternity, an important item with which you can defeat demons. You can go through the zones in any order. The creatures' level will be automatically adjusted to yours.

The whole story is presented very beautifully and elegantly. Each location is preceded by a “prequest”, or even a full-fledged scenario. The dungeon crowns the story. As a result, we are told the main stories very consistently and smoothly - like in a good single player. If you like the Warcraft universe and, like us, have been waiting for details about the key aspects of this world, then pleasure is guaranteed. Never before have stories been told so smoothly. Lots of beautiful videos, bright characters, dramatic or funny stories - there is a lot of all this in the game.

Azsuna is the ruined realm of the night elves who did not survive the Sundering due to their queen Azshara. The queen's shadow has often hung over us - it seems, throughout the 12 years of the game's history. We defeated many of her minions, but we saw the queen herself for the first time only here. This evil naga has clearly been saved as a raid boss, and we will be only too glad to finally have a heart-to-heart talk with her.

Stormheim is a very picturesque autumn location. Here live dragons, ghosts and vrykul - the huge ancestors of modern people. You can also find the most controversial quests here. In one of them, we complete quite a lot of complex and long tasks, so that in the end, instead of a reward, we are called aphids. The other is the story of local friendly owlkin who are mercilessly exterminated by a dragon they wanted to befriend. In short, be careful: some of the tasks here may seem quite cruel.

Highmountain is the homeland of the local tauren. Here we learn the story of their struggle with the Drogbar tribe. The location turned out to be the weakest, both in terms of plot and pictures. It's a pity: it could have turned out well.

Valshara, the homeland of the brothers Illidan and Malfurion, completes the quartet. These are picturesque elven forests, overrun by the corruption of the Emerald Nightmare. Here we will take part in the last battle of one of the key characters in the universe and meet the oldest blue dragon.

There is one more, fifth location. We are talking about Suramar - the city of the elves, sealed for 10,000 years. Showing those same elves, but changed under the influence of the magic of the night well, was a great idea. The dome disappeared, and lifeless ruins lay around the stunning beauty of the city. This contrast only emphasizes the situation of the inhabitants of Suramar. It really looks amazing. Blizzard has made without a doubt the most beautiful location in the game.

By concluding an agreement with the Legion, the Nightborne, in essence, signed their own death warrant. We see the most beautiful city of elven culture dying, and behind the beautiful facades one can see fear and oppression. This is where the fun begins. Suramar is a full-fledged quest zone, which we find ourselves in after leveling up. That is, these tasks are high-level content that replaced the usual daily tasks, and this is the best thing at level 110. There are a lot of tasks, the rewards are good, and immersing yourself in the history of a dying city is really interesting.

In general, quests are absolutely everywhere here. We go through quests to get to a location, we go through quests to get recipes for professions, we go through quests to get equipment, and this is not bad at all, because familiar things have become much more interesting.

However, there are also regular repeating quests, although they are served in quite a unusual shape. From time to time, tasks of various kinds appear on the map of the islands: here you need to kill harpies, here a dangerous monster has settled down, and there you are invited to take part in a pet battle. There are incredibly many types of such activities, as well as the activities themselves. They are also rarely repeated, and the rewards are quite valuable. You can get good equipment, you can grab the resources of a stronghold, or you can get a boost for an artifact. If you complete quests in certain locations, you will also be given a chest necessary to increase your reputation. This, in turn, will provide the ability to fly over the Broken Isles. This is a complex scheme designed to extend the players’ stay in Azeroth.

No, the usual ones for the maximum level of activity have not gone away either. The dungeons are amazingly good. They will let you visit a ghost ship, visit Valhalla and the lair of Deathwing himself. World bosses are dangerous, but thanks to the cross-server system, it is very easy to find a raid on them. The raids themselves have just appeared in the game. The first of them, “Emerald Nightmare,” invites you to visit the territory that players have dreamed of since the classics.

Professions have also changed. In addition to the fact that many recipes are now obtained through quests, from now on you only need to level up to the limit for a handful of schemes. Jewelers make fewer stones and more jewelry. From now on, sketchers deal only with cosmetic symbols, but they have learned to write raunchy romance novels. Engineering - The best way Travel quickly across the Broken Isles using a glider. At the same time, nothing particularly worthwhile was added to it from the new recipes.

Finally, it remains to talk about demon hunters. Everyone has been waiting for this class for a very long time, and here it is - appeared in all its splendor. These guys look cool and have amazing mobility. They soar on wings and can instantly shorten the distance or, on the contrary, run away. They also start right away at level 98 with a personal dramatic chain of quests, which is accompanied by epic cutscenes. In a word, the class was clearly a success, but because everyone rushed to level them up, it’s better to start playing “Legion” with a familiar class - it will be easier to both find a group and get into a good guild.

What can I say: if anyone tells you that MMORPGs are dead, send them to conquer the Broken Isles. The next time you see this person will not be soon. But seriously, seize the moment - this is truly the best and most important addition in the history of the game.

Developer and Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment.
Genre: online RPG.
Similar games: Neverwinter.
Platforms: Windows, Mac.
Minimum system requirements: Win 7 32, Core 2 Duo E8500 or AMD Phenom II X3 720, 2 GB RAM, GeForce GT 440 or Radeon HD 5670, or Intel HD Graphics 5000, 45 GB hard drive, Internet access.
Recommended: Win 10 64, Core i5-3330 or FX-6300, 4 GB RAM, GeForce GTX 750 Ti or
Radeon R7 260X.
Age rating: 13+.

About the benefits of sleep and the reaction of elves to awakening

No, don't expect to see it here "The Witcher 3" or even Pillars of Eternity. Everything is simpler: from now on, completing quest chains is an important indicator of your success in the game, along with your character level or gold and foreign exchange reserves. If you want to buy armor from the latest season, go through the campaign of your class. If you want to hire more teammates, go through quests. You need resources to upgrade your base - complete the tasks. And it’s better to immediately say goodbye to the stereotype that you will complete all the chains in a couple of evenings. Session is great, but in some quests you will have to wait 8 hours in real time - and this is not the limit.

But there are really a lot of tasks, they add up to long stories, where there is everything that we love in RPGs: epicness, dynamics, unexpected turns, a sense of involvement in the fate of the universe. It all started with a new invasion of Azeroth by the Burning Legion and Gul'dan's attempt to penetrate the tomb of Sargeras, once the head of this very Legion. The best heroes the world rushed to stop the orc sorcerer, but complete defeat awaited them. Then, foreseeing a catastrophe, the bitchy guard Maiev “unleashed” the demon hunters - and this gave a temporary respite.

Then you are personally appointed as the last hope of Azeroth and tasked with collecting all sorts of legendary artifacts - the Pillars of Creation. And at the same time, the solution to the mystery of the Brick, which fell from the sky and carries a message from Space: “Revive Illidan, he’s so cool!” And you ask: how come all the most interesting things are entrusted to you alone, if in WoW thousands of people playing at the same time? And here it is: you will complete all these epic tasks alone, with the support of bots. Multiplayer in Legion– entertainment is strictly optional, not for everyone.

Despite the well-thought-out plot, the solo game proceeds half asleep. Formally, automatic balance adjustment ensures that the strength of monsters matches the player’s level. In fact, in battle you don’t even lose health, and I took the maximum level 110 without even pulling out all the skills on the interface panel. The tasks have not changed either: still run to the marked area and do something according to the instructions in the diary. They will tell me: nothing new on the engine WoW You can’t imagine it anymore, everything has been tried a long time ago. Three times "ha"! Look at what designers are doing on the strategy engine, and what a fine balance there is. Just to the creators Legion It was forbidden for players to have even the shadow of a thought that they might have difficulties with some task. And even missions like the liberation of Exodar, where there is no difficulty, there is simply freedom of maneuver - these are the rarest exceptions, only confirming the guess that they could, but did not want to.

Of course, the missions are not the same and are fascinating. It could be beautiful flights in the form of a firefly through the elven forest, an escape from hell in the spirit Dark Souls or rune writing lessons in a time-lost elven academy. The problem is different: there is no game here. Because a game, not just a computer game, but any game, is when you make an effort and get a reward. The first necessarily determines the second. Breaking the dragon's mouth, doing something incredibly difficult and getting a beautiful ribbon for it is normal for the game. But the whole “talk to Khadgar to become LI-GIN-DAR-NY!! hero” only offends, and I want to forget such falseness as soon as possible. Quests Legion– an amazingly balanced chewing gum for the brain. They are not interesting enough to leave pleasant memories for a long time, but also not boring enough for the next piece of the plot to be perceived as a reward for completing them. The new addition contains quite a few videos, but the effect is not achieved - you still feel like a spectator of a performance.

Finally, the age rating is again confused with the target audience, and the battle-worn heroes behave like 13-year-old teenagers. In an hour of play, I twice participated in the attacks of the “invincible” Horde armada, and twice it ended in failure, but the Horde somehow managed to quarrel with the Alliance. Elsewhere, I watched as the heroes of the dark elves, who had already fought off the Legion more than once over the past 10,000 years, became lazy, became insolent, and in a fit of hysteria, one by one gave themselves into the hands of some third-rate demonic minion. And the endless “Wa-ha-ha!” I will kill you all! and “You’re late, Azeroth will fall!”, all sorts of “royals in the bushes” with bosses running away “with all their strength” and simply oversights when one quest contradicts another in meaning. And what? This is how it has always been WoW. It’s just that the plot wasn’t given a central role before.

About serial production and trade unions

Still have trump cards WoW there is, and therefore the game is still alive. Automatic difficulty adjustment has a chance for the future - just Blizzard introduces difficulty levels similar to the heroic dungeon mode. And if she gathers her strength and attaches auto-adjustment to all locations, dungeons and raids of the world Warcraft? It will be just a bomb!

Further it is difficult to avoid irony, because in Legion all heroes of the same class use the same “unique” weapon. That is, they constantly tell you that your dagger (staff, bow) is simply legendary through and through - and then they force you to hang out in the company of other players with exactly the same weapon - isn’t it insanity? These two innovations are the stronghold of class and class weapon- by definition incompatible, did no one notice this at the alpha test stage?

Essentially, class weapons are another amputation of old mechanics. Previously, everything was built according to the proven laws of the genre: you went into a dungeon, killed the boss, received a new powerful “gun” - and this gave that feeling “I"ve got a power!”, for which we love all types of RPGs. From now on, the chain has lengthened. We start with quests, after a couple of dozen of them we get a relic, which gives us “experience” of the artifact. We collect more and more relics - and, finally, we are allowed to choose the “feature” of the weapon. We open a beautiful window, we even see a leveling tree. But we take a closer look. offered bonuses - and there are only modest numerical increases: +6% damage with such and such a skill, +5% healing with others. Seriously: is this all we can improve after several hours of play? Even though a dozen skills are actively used, huh? That means you need ten times more “features” for a 5% increase in DPS or HPS. Are you kidding me?

And it’s not a matter of numbers, but the fact that leveling up is not felt in battle in any way: it doesn’t affect tactics, doesn’t add individuality to your playstyle, doesn’t create a feeling of increased hero power, doesn’t even add any visual impact. Sacrifice for balance? But in earlier versions WoW there were talents that accelerated the casting of magic, reduced the cost or cooldown of skills, increased crit power by 10% at once, or even gave new effects to previous skills - and everything was in order with the balance. Why such a balance at all? It's better Diablo 3 with its fireworks of effects, it's at least fun.

But Legion goes further and removes the "characters" entered in the addon Wrath of the Lich King. For what? They were almost decorative. But at least they gave us some flexibility. There are no explanations. Here's an addition for your money: one mechanic was introduced, two were killed. Don’t ask what the scribes are doing now - introducing a plug in the form of regular “runes” that give numerical bonuses in the raid is not a problem.

And since we're talking about numbers. In the hero's window, I counted only nine of them. In fact, only one thing matters - the level of objects. You can just say: “My hero’s power is 795.” Does this even happen in MMORPGs? Can you even imagine this in an action RPG or MOBA? Moreover, you unexpectedly find objects with interesting bonuses, like “+N to movement speed,” but there is no way to find out where this is displayed and what the real bonus is. Is it any wonder that hundreds of thousands of players dream of opening early version servers? WoW? Take a look at the talent calculator Burning Crusade- yes, this is simply a divine revelation against the background of the current fake rules.

Yes, regarding one-day rules - there really are a lot of them. There is “artifact knowledge” that speeds up weapon upgrades. There are “honor talents” intended for PvP. But you no longer believe in this: well, that Most Important Number will rise to 850 or even 853 - and what will this change in the gameplay?

About the attempts to fly of those born to crawl

Graphics WoW V best case scenario It's underwhelming and can barely compete even with games from ten years ago. Actually, I’m still in the review about problems with graphics Mists of Pandaria in 2012, since then the generation of consoles has changed in the world, and WoW stayed there. The question is not even about technology, but about design - it is mediocre and dreary. The corrupted lands of Outland are a fountain of colors, madness, and space. Corrupted Locations Legion- this is a pile of black cobblestones with poisonous green spots. Northrend is dozens of completely different zones, united by the theme of the north and cold. The Broken Isles are unconnected forests, mountains and ruins.

There are other reasons why WoW At first you have to get used to it. Let’s even leave behind the outdated interface, where you can’t drag windows, and you spend a long time looking for the right item in your bag. What’s worse is that the design of the armor is boring: only the models of the pauldrons and helmet change, the rest of the elements only have textures. Therefore, in principle, it is impossible to create a sorceress in a costume like Jaina or a warrior in armor like Garrosh. Let's go further: monsters run towards you through textures, and in other cases you cannot attack them, because supposedly you “can’t see” them. Contact personnel always need to guess the distance, and shooters always need to identify each target, and God forbid it ends up behind them!

Yes, this is all a legacy of the era when lags due to poor Internet were more dangerous than management conventions, but today in WoW these “crutches” are depressing. And now Blizzard introduces new class- Demon hunters. They run fast, jump high, glide on their wings and look through walls. Introducing such a class was risky, but playing for it is damn fun - you feel the freedom and drive, as if you were playing a slasher film. Add to this the aggressive appearance “like Illidan” and an exemplary prologue campaign - and it becomes clear why almost every second person on the Broken Isles is a winged elf with glowing eyes.

In short, you want to enjoy Legion– create a demon hunter, go through quests and look at the statistics window less often. Playing with other classes is a complete pain due to the feature cut, and you are unlikely to want to go through the same missions with a different hero a second time.


  • The wheel of Azeroth's history is picking up speed.
  • Demon Hunter is worth playing.

Nasty things:

  • The game feels obsolete.
  • Neither quests nor battles challenge the player.
  • Key mechanics continue to be sawed off.

Rating: 6.0.

Legion I wasn’t surprised by anything and I wasn’t really pleased by anything. Old fans will come here to look at familiar heroes, wipe away the nostalgic trace and in a month forget about WoW until the next addon.

We thank Blizzard Entertainment for providing the game key.

Class is the main style for character development in World of Warcraft. A character's class determines the abilities, strength, skills, and spells they will gain during their adventures, and therefore the playstyles available to the character. The class determines the types of weapons and armor they can use, what attributes they will evaluate (and how those attributes function), and what combat roles suit the character. Class also greatly determines a character's path choice: whether he will follow the dark arts of a warlock or the holy light of a paladin; the bloody honor of a warrior or the secret knowledge of a magician.

Keep in mind that the choice of which class to play is limited by the choice of race; Each race has its own group of available classes to choose from.

Each class has its own unique specializations for example: (Druids have four, and Demon Hunter has two). Each specialization represents a very different approach to the game, offering a variety of new abilities and often changing the combat role to one whose personality best suits the player. Each class can then have three (or four) main variants, each with their own skill set, strengths, and playstyle.

I also advise you to pay attention to World guides of Warcraft, if you are a beginner you need them.

Class progression is a way for players to improve their character when they reach a new level. Most dungeon, raid, and pvp sets consist of armor pieces specifically designed for a specific class; however, faction reward sets also include various trinkets. As players collect more set pieces, they can receive set bonuses.

On this moment There are 12 game classes in World of Warcraft:

Death Knight(appeared in the WotLK add-on)
Roles: tank, melee physical/magical damage warrior.
The Death Knight combines martial prowess with dark, necromantic energies. Death knights in blood can use DoT and AoE attacks to keep their enemies at bay. Frosty and Unholy Death Knights are melee classes that use unholy power to destroy their enemies. While death knights can resurrect undead minions, the Unholy specialization emphasizes this function by becoming true minions. Death Knights use a unique two-part resource system called the Rune system, in which core abilities are powered by runes that regenerate periodically; Using these abilities generates Runic Power, which in turn can be used to control other abilities.
Death Knights are the first heroic class and therefore can be played by reaching level 55 in Ebony Hold (Eastern Plaguelands). To create a Death Knight, the player must have at least one character above level 55 associated with his or her account, even if this character was in another kingdom (realm). However, this requirement was later removed by the developers of Draenor.

(introduced in the Legion expansion)

Roles: melee warrior, tank.
Disciples of Illidan's Stormfury, Demon Hunters maintain a dark balance that terrifies their allies and enemies. The Illidari have mastered the dark rage and chaotic magical energies that have long threatened the world of Azeroth, believing they must challenge the Burning Legion. With the abilities of the demons they kill, they develop demonic traits that drive disgust and fear in the elves.
Demon Hunters are the second hero class and start at level 98 in Mardum, the Shattered Abyss. To create a Demon Hunter, the player must have at least one character level 100 or higher.


Roles: Melee and ranged damage dealer, Tank, Healer. Druids are the most versatile hybrid class, using the power of animal transformation to take on different forms and fill different roles within their group.

Guardian Druids transform into [Bear Form], becoming powerful tanks with high armor and using a Rage resource system similar to Warriors. Feral Druids evolve into , becoming powerful sources of melee damage and using an energy resource system similar to Rogues. Druids in Balance transform into [Owl Form] to become powerful offensive spellcasters that rely on the powers of the sun and moon. Restor Druids (heals) remain in humanoid form (race), directing the renewing power of nature to heal the wounds of their allies. While each spec focuses on a different form, all specs can use the Bear and Cat form, and each gains additional [Journey Form], [Water Form], and [Flying Form] forms as they level up. Druids also have the ability to revive slain allies in battle with [Rebirth], restore allies' mana with [Innervate], strengthen their allies with [Mark of the Wild], and actually fill a different role in battle for a limited time with [Heart of the Wild] .


Roles: Causing physical damage in ranged and melee combat.
Hunters use the power of the wild and weapons (bows, guns and crossbows) as their main source of damage. Hunters tame many varieties of beasts, which serve as combat animals that deal damage. Very well versed in kiting, they have many tools to avoid melee combat, which is a great advantage. Hunters are masters of tracking and survival which makes them great characters. The Hunter's talent specializations are shooting, beast mastery, and survival. In the legion of survival, he is also a survivor, retrained as a melee fighter with a two-handed weapon in the form of a spear.

Hunter is a great class for beginners due to its ease of learning and variety of specializations. I think you will really enjoy taming pets and playing new continents with them World of Warcraft.

If you are a beginner and cannot start the game, choose a class, etc. Be sure to visit.


Roles: Dealing ranged damage with a spell.
Mages are natural warriors with very powerful spells. Mages have a variety of useful spells, including crowd control (), mana and spell power raid buffs, teleportation and group portals to capital cities, and the ability to conjure food and water. Due to their high damage spells and tricky traps, they are often effective in PvP even with relatively low armor and health. The mage's magical talent trees are Fire, Ice, and Arcane.

The mage is a very versatile character and is one of the most difficult to master; he more than compensates for his small amount of health with enormous damage and his traps. In the arena, even a mid-level mage will make you nervous; if you are a beginner and want difficulties, then I advise you to start with this class and it will not disappoint you.

Monk(Monk appeared in the MoP expansion) Roles: melee master, tank, healer.

The latest class to be added to World of Warcraft, Monks have a unique combat system that combines energy or mana with combos.

similar chi and different positions to determine their current role. Students of the ancient Pandaren martial arts, the monks embody the skill, focus, meditativeness and deadly efficiency of a seasoned Kung Fu master, pummeling enemies with a barrage of punches or flying strikes, incapacitating enemies through intimate knowledge of nerve centers and acupressure points, and harnessing inner calm and connection with the Universe to heal and restore balance to his allies. A true hybrid class, monks can serve as melee, tank, or healer roles, have a range of hybrid abilities that combine damage and healing, and use stationary statues and a range of herbal infusions to enhance their abilities. Monks are a unique mobile class and are capable of creating Chi Orbs, special objects that must be transferred to gain their benefits. This creates a mobile battlefield, and the monks quickly roll and float around the arena to regain health before jumping back into the fray. Brewmaster Monks (Tanks) are unusual tanks that use drunken brawling tactics to disrupt incoming damage; Mistweaver Monasteries are channeling healers who channel healing mists and often work within close range; While Windwalker monks are classic martial artists who eschew weapons to punch and kick their enemies.


Roles: Physical or magical melee damage dealer, tank, healer Paladins are holy knights. With the soul of a priest and the muscles of a warrior, paladins combine Holy magic with powerful weapons and powerful armor. Like the knights of legend, paladins battle the forces of evil, destroying enemies with divine wrath and bringing allies back from the brink of death with the power of Holy Light. A true hybrid class, paladins can fill any role thanks to their combination of damaging, healing, and defensive abilities. Paladins are especially well known for their high survivability. Paladins are also well known for their range of buffs and support spells, and are arguably the strongest support class in the game. Paladins can provide several different auras and blessings to suit any occasion, and use long-range skills that give them special benefits each time they attack. Paladins tend to combine self-healing with damage dealing, effortlessly maintaining their health while focusing on defeating their enemies. Paladins use their abilities through a combination of mana and Holy Power, a sort of combo point system that allows them to create a powerful cast of healing or damage. Holy Paladins are reliable healers who specialize in single-target healing and protection; Defense - Unstoppable tanks with strong AoE and multi-target abilities; While Retribution punishes melee DPS, combining Holy Magic attacks and melee attacks to crush opponents.


Roles: healer, dealing ranged damage with a spell.
Pious followers of the Holy Light, priests are a class of clothing covered in fabrics. Traditional healing masters with the knowledge of the priest of the Light, as well as control over the dark forces of the Shadow. Priests in the Discipline are powerful healers who specialize in mitigation, using a series of powerful shields to magically protect their charges. Excelling at healing, Discipline priests can keep a single target alive for long periods of time, and can also heal, deal damage, and use their attacks to tend to the needs of their allies during quiet periods or gaps in fights. Holy Priests are the archetypal pure healer, using a wide combination of direct heals, heal over time (HoT) effects, AoE and multi-target heals to respond to any situation. Holy Priests trade the Priest of Obedience's damage absorption effects for good healing power, taking advantage of the pure healing effect. Calling upon the powers of the Holy Light or spreading plague and death among enemies, priests are a powerful opponent who is often underestimated by their opponents.


Roles: Causing physical damage in melee combat.
Sinister masters of the night, rogues are a lightly armored class that uses [Stealth], poisons, and sharp blades to dispatch enemies without making a sound. Focusing solely on DPS, the Rogue is a sinister foe, preferring to strike from the shadows and [vanish] silently. Assessing muscular dexterity, rogues wear leather armor that allows them to move quickly and usually carry a light weapon in each hand. Rogue Outlaws use poisons and finishing moves to strike targets; Rogues are one of the most notorious classes in PvP, capable of incapacitating opponents for extended periods with various poisons, bleeds, stuns, and other disabling effects while they slice and gnaw at their helpless target. Rogues have excellent access to [Stealth], able to sneak around enemies and pounce on their prey with special opening attacks, and they have a range of evasive abilities to escape in battle.


Roles: Spell Fighters ranged, wars of physical or magical melee weapons, Healer.
Shamans are spiritual leaders, masters of the elements, using spells and totems to heal and strengthen raid members. These powerful practitioners of warfare communicate with the ancestors and seek to balance the raging elemental forces and can call upon them in battle against their enemies or strengthen and heal their allies. Shamans can enhance their weapons with elemental effects, strike enemies with lightning strikes and bursts of lava, and summon powerful elementals to carry out their tasks. Shamans can also grant themselves and their allies powerful elemental buffs and call upon their ancestors to aid them by transforming into [Ghost Wolf] or using [Reincarnation] to return from the dead. This versatile class can fill the roles of caster, healer, and melee damage. Elem Shamans are powerful spellcasters that act as the caster's DPS to blast and burn out enemies from afar; Enkh Shamans are weaponsmiths who deal melee damage by hitting opponents with elemental weapons; While Heal Shamans are versatile healers, well suited to any situation. Shamans provide excellent raid buffs through totems and abilities such as Bloodlust.


Roles: Long-range damage dealer.
Enslaving demons and calling upon dark magic and curses to destroy their enemies, Warlocks are a cloth-wearing DPS spellcaster class known for their wide range of debuffs and damage over time. Warlocks are primarily ranged magic casters and can use a range of fully controlled demons to tank, disable and devour enemies, including seductive succubus demons, fire golems and terrifying hunters. Warlocks can also summon temporary demons, such as the powerful Doomgardar, for powerful bursts, and at higher levels can choose [Grimoire of Supremacy] to make these demons permanent. Warlocks also have access to a range of debuffs and curses, as well as useful skills such as Health Stones. Sorcerers in the Conjuration specialization are able to cast curses, draining the health of their targets with a variety of powerful debuffs and DoTs; Sorcerers in demonology call upon enhanced demons to carry out their tasks, drawing power from their minions and even turning into demons themselves; while sorcerers in destruction scorch and burn enemies, specializing in heavy damage and Fire spells.


Roles: Melee physical damage dealer, tank
Warriors are armored melee fighters who can serve as tanks or damage dealers. Warrior abilities use rage, which is restored by dealing damage, but will disappear over time if the warrior does not fight. Warriors can use stances to focus on a specific type of combat, as well as abilities like and to stand next to their opponents. Warriors at Arms are powerful fighters, using powerful two-handed weapons to deal heavy, devastating blows to their enemies; Fury Warriors are two-handed berserkers who quickly deal with any enemies thanks to wild attacks with a weapon in each hand; while tank warriors are tough defenders, using strong shields they can absorb and block enemy attacks and deal damage. Warriors have many combos, and often focus on combining them to provide a devastating burst while breaking and destroying their enemies. Warriors are also naturally immune to fear effects and can use war flags to inspire their allies or frighten their enemies. Warriors love the thrill of close combat and are usually found in the thick of battle, fighting hordes of enemies in [Whirlwind] of steel.

This is another large-scale addition to the original World of Warcraft. The plot of Legion tells about the events that began after. Players travel to the ancient lands of the Broken Isles to fight the hordes of the Burning Legion and stop them from summoning a dark titan to Azeroth.

Legion adds completely new locations, story and additional tasks, as well as new heroes. The addition also makes changes to game process and adds a demon hunter class, which you can try out by pre-ordering.


Reviews and reviews of the game “World of Warcraft: Legion”

Age of Geeks

Despite its respectable age for MMORPGs, World of Warcraft has again proven its right to life. Legion will undoubtedly please current subscribers, offering them a mountain of interesting content, new dungeons with raids and a PvP balance that has been turned on its head thanks to major changes to all classes. The game will also be of interest to beginners, because over 12 years an incredible amount of gameplay has accumulated here and it has been brought to perfection through experience.

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No matter what those who like to criticize World of Warcraft say and no matter how many new “Wow killers” are released, the game continues to live and actively develop. This fact cannot be denied. Legion significantly expands the player experience and provides them with new high-level content. This will, at a minimum, save old players and attract new ones, and perhaps open up new page in Game.

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It's no secret that World of Warcraft's subscriber base is falling year after year. And it’s not about the quality of the game at all, but about banal fatigue. The most famous MMO in the world has existed for 12 years, and during this time several gaming generations have changed. Blizzard showed us hundreds and thousands of different stories, but sooner or later the ideas become fewer and fewer, and the developers begin to repeat themselves. This is exactly what the Legion expansion shows us.

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[email protected]

In general, we can say that the updated PvP system, leveling up an artifact, and even going through dungeons in the Legion are designed in such a way that you can get access to these things instantly, but understanding them well and mastering them at a high level will take a lot of time. And this is the whole Legion. The longer you play it, the more it is ready to give: suddenly hidden story quests, suddenly you notice a path...

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World of Warcraft: Legion is truly such a large-scale addition that you won’t experience and complete everything in a matter of days, because it’s simply impossible. It will take you not just weeks, but entire months of exciting adventures. I think it’s already clear to any World of Warcraft fan that the game engine is outdated and even covered with dust, so the graphical component is saved solely by the brilliant work of the designers.

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gambling addiction

World of Warcraft: Legion is so big that it's simply impossible to experience everything in a matter of days. It takes weeks and months. And in the near future, players will be treated to a number of more content patches: in particular, the Emerald Nightmare raid will open in parts over two months, and along with it, Mythic versions of dungeons will come to the game. Take the time to see everything with your own eyes. It's worth it!

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Reviews from World of Warcraft: Legion players (15)


    I liked the game, unlike other add-ons, it has a lot of things, and that’s understandable. Roughly speaking, after losing 3 million subscribers due to Draenor, the people fell into a state of “berserker”, and now we have a legion. Perhaps this is even the best addition that has ever been in its history. Although there is one drawback - this is a huge farm, of course, Vova always had it, but in this add-on there is a lot of it).

  1. Valentine

    The worst addon ever. The game is addictive and generally has a lot of interesting things, but the cruelest thoughtless farming kills everything. The farm in pandas was several times smaller. If you want to play with multiple classes, prepare for hell! Upgrading an artifact, professions, and garrison for one character requires a huge amount of time. If there are two characters, it will take twice as long, three three times, etc. Without a pumped-up artifact, you’re nobody and it’s impossible to play, you won’t be able to get away from pumping up an artifact, you won’t be able to get away from pumping up a stronghold... there will be the most brutal farming of resources, artifact power, and other things. The game turned into the most brutal farming without any pleasure, a lot of people were killed. The entry threshold for new players has been raised to the point of impossibility, leveling up to level 110 is easy, but without leveling up an artifact, that 110 level is just meat. If you don’t have time to devote at least 6-8 hours a day to this “game” there is simply no point in playing it, most likely you will not achieve anything in it in the so-called “high level” content.

  2. Alexei

    WWII is not Warcraft or even its sequel. When I first entered this game, my first impression was disappointment. Then it just became funny. It certainly became a game for young children. Boring and monotonous quests. The plot is completely twisted. For some reason they made Illidan an enemy and killed him with 40 bodies in some incomprehensible raid. I didn’t think that blood elves were so similar to women. Kel...a bloody magician, one of my favorite characters also became some kind of enemy and he was also killed. The Lich King became smaller and lost the strong story that made most players fall in love with Warcraft 3. And what happened to my favorite character, the strongest and most powerful warrior with two axes and his faithful bear companion, Rexxar? I would like to nightmare I didn’t dream that he was made into a nobody and worse than some pitiful comrade-in-arms of some stinking stronghold! This is not a continuation of Warcraft 3, it is a completely independent game, not bad, very kind, even a little feminine and very childish. Quite a mass product, but by no means for gourmet content. As an addition it is very interesting and most importantly entertaining. Namely, I consider entertainment to be the key to the success of any MMORPG.

  3. Serg

    The Legion is the final degradation of the Second World War. Leveling up too quickly leads to the fact that at least 2/3 of the content is not needed by anyone, and entire locations are empty. I remember a time when completing even a low-level instance was perceived as an achievement - you could die there, more than once; Now they go through the motions, which is simply boring. Here it is worth adding the presence storyline, which must be completed voluntarily-compulsorily. But the main evil is dailies and farming. It’s boring, like in the “line” with its quests like “collect 200 wolf tails.” :)

  4. Eugen

    Hello, farming all sorts of rubbish is annoying, and very annoying. Leveling up professions is terrible. And the obligatory completion of the entire line of tasks is already too much. Bring back freedom, otherwise it has become some kind of dictatorship. For the abolition of PvP gear) +. Now the chances in the world are equal! Yes, and you can bite on BG. By the way, there is almost no imbalance, or not significant. There are hands and pairing with the head, there will be a result.

  5. Pivopyun Ash-Forest

    Since I am basically a pvp player (vpvp player), the legion kills pvp, he forces us to farm pve gear, I stopped raiding back in October, and what does that mean? So the fact that I have 872, although others have 900, the imbalance in vpvp is terrible. in terms of class, and in gear, I know that the imbalance is part of vpvp, but there has never been anything like it in the legion... I have been a fan of Warcraft for many years, they tried to kill me with such adons as Cataclysm, Draenor, but the legion is generally terrible... PvP Killed both the arena and the fan bgshek. 7 out of 10 my rating, just a fucking pve farm.

On August 6, 2015, Blizzard announces the release of the next expansion for World of Warcraft at Gamescom. Legion will be the sixth expansion for best MMORPG our days. Increased for characters maximum level- 110, new mainland of Azeroth - Broken Isles, new heroic class - Demon Hunter, 36 artifact weapons for each class specialization, class strongholds, 10 dungeons and 2 raids in the first update. Big changes have affected PvP systems. The class mechanics have been reworked.

We have a beta version of World of Warcraft: Legion in our hands. Now about everything in more detail...

The story continues

The last addition ended with the death of one of the leaders of the Burning Legion; before his death, Archimonde sends Gul'dan to the Broken Isles, pointing to an oath. We can only speculate about the oath, the warlock is clearly not happy with the circumstances. Gul'dan opens portals for the invasion of demons. Blizzard is also teasing the return of Illidan. If after the defeat of Archimonde at the World Tree of Nordrassil, Blizzard came up with a way to bring him back, then in Warlords of Draenor (hereinafter referred to as WoD), the leader of the Legion died according to all canons. The Burning Legion doesn't have many leaders who can be considered bosses. It is not clear how Grommash forgives the murder of his son, but he is forgiven for his atrocities on Draenor. WoD left a lot of questions, will Legion answer these questions? Blizzard has mentioned that the end of WoD will be a bridge to the next expansion.

Our adventure begins with a landing on the Broken Shore and a hike for artifact weapons. Next, we collect the relics of the titans - the Pillars of Creation, one for each new location Broken Isles in order to close demonic portals.

New continent and character development system

Previously, we had encountered the Broken Isles Warcraft stories II: Tides of Darkness and Warcraft III:The Frozen Throne, in the chapter “Horror from the Depths.” Getting to the islands we encounter the Legion army and local inhabitants: nagas, satyrs, drogbars and vrykul.

New character development zones are no longer divided by level. All opponents, treasures, dungeons are adjusted to the current level of your character. Adventures in different zones and dungeons will remain relevant and interesting, and the rewards will correspond to your level, even if you play in a group with friends. There are many positive aspects to this. At the start of the expansion, the load of players will be distributed across zones. The choice is yours where you go, in the end you will still have to visit everything.

A new approach to the process of developing characters and equipment. Events constantly appear on the map and are marked with an asterisk. The amount of experience for story chapters is distributed so that last chapter we get the largest amount of experience and an item for the main quest of the Legion expansion.

At level 110, players are offered world quests. By looking at the map you can understand which tasks are currently active. World quests cover almost every aspect of the game: local bosses, PvP, pet battles, dungeons and even professions. World quests are grouped by faction.

The continent is divided into 6 unique locations: four for level 100-110 characters, one for level 110 characters, and the last one, “Broken Shore,” we will see only in subsequent updates.
Night elves driven out of Suramar with a thirst for mana. Nagas wander around the location without motivation. There is a new model of a giant naga that resembles gronn. The plot chapters are monotonous, it is unclear what you are doing at the moment and why it is so necessary. Although there are a couple additional tasks filled with humor. We help the demon gain freedom, the demon calls his owner and asks us to kill him.

The architecture of the ancient civilization of the night elves and the location are made in gray colors. You move either on “something wet” or on “something gray.” All visual objects, including the atmosphere, are bland and boring. Only the blue dragon Senegos and the tasks associated with him are remembered; without them, the location would be the worst in the entire game.

Val" ball

The dense groves of Val'shar are a sacred place for the Druids. The threat of the Emerald Nightmare is growing, and the boundaries between reality and dark force are erased. The demigod Cenarius, one of the strongest druids, falls under the full power of the Nightmare. Most of the location is divided into two characteristic areas. A dense forest and its reflection subjected to Nightmare. The landscape, creatures, trees, local architecture - all details are worked out, with the intention of conveying the influence of the Emerald Nightmare on the nature of Val'shara.

Also located here is the Black Rook Fortress, where we meet an old friend of Maiev. A new area for PvP arena battles will be added to the Black Rook Fortress.


Upon arrival in Highmountain, we are greeted by a tauren settlement in the mountains. Thunder Totem's terrain is very similar to the tauren capital. We are faced with the task of uniting the scattered tauren tribes. Also in Highmountain, Heming Earnestway returns to us; in WoD, he sat under an umbrella in Nagrand and drank.

In addition to Ernestway, we meet another character known earlier. The developers let us feed him, collect pufferfish eggs and prepare the “young animals”... And then even play for him...

Stormheim continues the series of interesting Legion locations. It is easy to notice the similarities with the Howling Fjord: vrykul with their settlements, mountainous terrain, fir trees or the like of fir trees. The narrative leads us to the test before the vrykul.

In mountainous areas we are given a device so that we can climb on pre-prepared hooks. These hooks are very reminiscent of the mechanics of Far Cry 4, where we could cling to pre-prepared places and climb.
A large city of night elves, along with its surrounding territories, lies in the center of the Broken Isles. The master ruling the city entered into an agreement with Gul"dan and the demons, desecrating the local Pillar of Creation. Unlike previous locations, where we were led by the hand through chapters, here we will have to search for everything on horseback. The "Darkened" faction represents exiled elves who are very need a local resource - ancient mana. By satisfying the hunger of Nightfallen characters, we improve our reputation. The mana itself is distributed across the location.

The new capital floats above the Broken Isles. The old one did not go away and remained in Northrend. The developers' decision, why not. In the new Dalaran there are portals to all class strongholds, profession teachers, and in the very center there is a hall with relics of the titans. The Violet Fortress dungeon has been raised to level 110. The rest is without significant changes. For example, the view from the Violet Fortress.

The merchants of Dalaran have very expensive items at their disposal, including the original Ring of the Kirin Tor, which first appeared in the Wrath of the Lich King, the cost of the ring in those days was an impressive amount. At the moment the ring costs 250,000 gold, in the initial stages for most the ring will be a luxury.

One merchant has a Bloodfang cocoon, the new Bloodfang Widow mount worth 2,000,000 gold will be a challenge for virtual businessmen.

Demon Hunter

Illidan became the prototype for a new heroic class - the Demon Hunter. The class is available to night elves and blood elves. According to the plot, representatives of the class are Illidari who fled from the Black Temple during the events of The Burning Crusade.

The Demon Hunter has two specializations: Havoc to deal damage, Vengeance to protect allies. The new class dresses in leather armor and carries a unique weapon, twin blades. Both Artifacts were sucked out of thin air, not the biggest problem.

Specialization Extermination has double jumps, a bunch of jerks and a demonic form. The class design is a cross between a warrior, rogue, and monk. The character does somersaults back and forth, can float and deliver many lightning-fast strikes, and has elaborate and effective animations. And yes, using the example of Death Knights, we can say that at the start, demon hunters will bend everything and everyone. The combat resource is very similar to the warrior resource. Recruiting and using a resource, even taking into account the accumulation from dashes and some talents, does not seem like something new and interesting. It's safe to say that Extermination will appeal to a wide audience.

The Vengeance specialization is super strong at the time of beta, I witnessed how five players fell apart from a rare monster and went their separate ways. I had no other tasks, and I was left to wait for help. A character of this specialization came running and literally dealt with the problem alone. My help to him was that I managed to die and run back.


Class Halls are special areas in Legion. Each stronghold has a history or theme associated with its class. The most interesting strongholds went to: paladins - Chapel Last Hope, for shamans - the Whirlpool, for robbers - the Drains of Dalaran. I would like to say right away, do not cling to the word “stock”, the robbers have confidentiality and security this time at the highest level. The stronghold is common to everyone; in strongholds you can see other players of your class. Here is a tool for improving the artifact. Like comrades in garrisons, we have defenders in strongholds. There were much fewer of them than there were comrades in the garrison. Despite this, each defender belongs to your class and has a small backstory in the game. Defenders can be sent on missions and taken along as bodyguards.

Tasks inside the stronghold involve the extraction of artifacts and the recruitment of new adherents. Improving your class skills, the paladin has a warsteed. This steed can be used to fight on horseback for an hour and can only be used on the Broken Isles. There are a lot of questions here about limiting the use of such transport. Just imagine, you take a horse with a solid 100% bonus to movement speed and go to scare players who are still leveling up. What if you meet someone like you? Knight Tournament! There is a stronghold campaign, for which you get the appearance of the artifact, the third socket in the artifact, equipment and an achievement.

Class Artifacts

In my opinion, one of the most important innovations of Legion is the class artifact weapon. Each specialization has its own artifact with its own branch of talents, the development of which depends on the accumulated power of the artifact.

Artifact power is another resource for which we choose talents for weapons. Items that give artifact power can drop from rare monsters, dungeon bosses. You can find them in treasures, receive them as a reward for a task, or participate in PvP. Each new talent requires more and more artifact power. You can redistribute the power of an artifact only within the artifact on which it was accumulated at the cost of the talent. At the time of beta, we are faced with the fact that to obtain, for example, the 15th talent, you need to spend a lot of time. There are 34 talents in total. Will we be improving the artifact throughout the expansion, or will patch 7.1 add new talents and styles? There are interesting key talents that affect the mechanics of the class, but there is a banal 10% multiplier on the main abilities. Passable talents do not arouse any interest. The artifact has an item level of 750, and now you are wondering how to increase this level? Similar to inlaying stones into sockets, relics are inserted into an artifact and give a level to one of the talents, and depending on the level of the relic, the level of the artifact increases. Early fears that all players would have the same artifacts and two characters with the same specialization would look the same did not materialize. Weapons can change appearance depending on what aspect of the game you excel at.

Imagine your class has multiple damage specializations. At the start, you invest all your accumulated power into the artifact whose specialization you like best. Your choice compared to other players does not provide sufficient benefit. This problem will affect players who want to be the first to close current content. This difficulty can slow down the development of raid content. Leaving us with many questions, the artifact becomes an interesting companion in Legion.

Honor Point System and PvP Progression

The new PvP progression introduces 50 honor levels, upon reaching which you can reset them and increase your prestige level. There are currently 13 prestige levels. Added PvP talents that will be available as you reach certain honor levels. PvP talents are activated when entering a PvP battle, even in the open world.

Honor levels unlock their own PvP talents for each specialization, and look very interesting. The honor talents you choose change your approach to the game, and you can also choose those talents that are more interesting for you to play. What can not be said about the levels of prestige. Apart from “cosmetics”, which are very tacky and at the moment inappropriate, prestige does not give anything. With the exception of a cosmetic change to our artifact, but even here, not every artifact improvement looks the way we would like it to. In practice, the peak of PvP effectiveness occurs at honor level 50, and does not depend in any way on the level of prestige. But PvP is primarily about showing off, which WoD forgot about while lazily collecting the weekly share of conquest points, so prestige will come in handy. Reduced the impact of equipment on strength in PvP. The only stat that increases your PvP effectiveness is your item level. It will work this way: after entering PvP, all your characteristics from equipment are reset to zero, and a difference equal to one will give you a 0.1% increase in characteristics. A difference of 25 will give an advantage of 2.5%. Is it good or bad? It's not good or bad, it's new. Unless PvP players will need to get enough equipment. Many saw this as equalizing equipment in PvP. Knowing the PvP community, there will be a fight for every percentage of dominance.

Class mechanics

Class abilities and mechanics have undergone changes. There is no point in talking about each class, there are too many of them. The Rogue specialization "Combat" has been replaced by "Outlaw", representing a master of the blade in open combat with sneaky and dirty tricks. Hunters of the "Survival" specialization have been transferred to melee combat. Most of the mechanics have been simplified or removed completely. Dual specialization has been removed. You can use any specialization at any time. Large symbols were removed, and “cosmetics” were left among the small ones. There is logic here; after calculating the optimal combination of symbols, it was copied from player to player, and the set of symbols ceased to be individual.

All class mechanics are tied to the artifact and specialization talents. Switching talents is now only possible in recreation areas. And here the question arises: in order to switch talents in the middle of a dungeon, do you need to leave it? As they say, neither to the village nor to the city. New interesting mechanics have appeared, for example, a paladin's horse in battle. Talents at the time of beta look unfinished: the paladin has the “10% damage from ability 1” type, and the warlocks add one of the “old” basic abilities of the specialization.

“Previously, basic abilities migrate to talents. For example, for a warlock, choosing between Backdraft and Burn of Darkness is the same for me as choosing which hand to cut off, right or left, I need both of them.” - Naur

The trend continues in the Affliction warlock specialization. Wandering Spirit or Soul Stealing.

New graphic and sound effects for abilities during combat. New abilities have cool effects, such as Roll the Dice for the new Rogue specialization. Updated Bladestorm for the Warrior and Starfall for the Balance Druid. And this is just what immediately comes to mind. However, everything is done strictly and concisely. The effects of abilities do not create tinsel on the battlefield.

Dungeons and Raids

Ten new dungeons have been added to the game in Normal, Heroic and Mythic difficulty. Mythic mode has an interesting innovation. Now, players who have successfully completed dungeons in Mythic mode will have their difficulty increase, even adding modifiers for the dungeon. The image shows an example of how, at the thirteenth level of the dungeon, the effect of periodic damage to players and the berserk ability were added, in which creatures in the dungeon begin to deal increased damage by 100%, with health reduced to 30%. Behind high levels- high awards. Looks very interesting for PvE conquerors.

There are also 2 raid dungeons waiting for players. The Emerald Nightmare led by Xavius. And the Citadel of Night under the control of Gul is given. Legion’s storyline continues here.

General innovations

We raised the skill level of professions to 800. This is not the only change for professions. Many recipes can be obtained during adventures, found among loot, and completing quests. Most new recipes have ranks; the rank of a recipe can be increased by completing tasks for professions.

Increasing the crafting rank reduces the amount of resources required to create items for one, and gives a chance to create an additional item for others. Ranks in gathering professions increase the chance of finding rare resource, increase the collection speed.

“At the current stage, any changes are good in principle. We are now in such a boring and monotonous situation when collecting resources that any change is perceived as positive.” - Naur

The character and enemy health indicators have been reworked. Now you can see the resource reserve under the character. Information about applied effects is displayed on opponents. Easy to customize. The new indicators are very convenient, but it will take time to adjust.

We increased the amount of gold that can be accumulated on a character to 10,000,000 million. Added 12th place to create a character on one game world. Minor improvements graphics engine. Increasing the maximum display range of objects.


World of Warcraft: Legion leaves the best impression. Like its WoD predecessor, Legion creates huge expectations. Just like WoD, Legion shows us new aspects of the game. Mythic keys, class strongholds, prestige levels, and artifact weapons seem like something incredibly deep to study and develop. World of Warcraft is moving forward, introducing new changes to the usual game mechanics. Everything about the scope of the plot events, Legion appeals to the best feelings. We guarantee you that some moments will cause a fountain of emotions in you. We are given only fragments of the narrative at the time of beta, so it is difficult to compare with Warlords of Draenor.

Expectation of hundreds, who are we kidding, thousands of hours spent mastering and conquering new content. We really hope that Legion will not repeat the mistakes of the previous expansion. After all, after two or three months, WoD did not create motivation to play. Of course, Blizzard hasn’t forgotten about the wide audience, just look at the new class. Until now, World of Warcraft has struggled to balance between casual and veteran audiences, leaning more and more towards a wider audience. We hope that Blizzard has worked on WoD's bugs. And Legion will look like the best addition not only according to the game designer Brian Holinka. The release date of the addition is scheduled for August 30, 2016. We are waiting!

The material was written as of Legion beta as of June 20, 2016. A lot may change by release.

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