All about PV. Colors, attribute, skill point. Pathfinder in la2 Skills pv l2

PlanesWalker - Light Dager (PV)

PlanesWalker Guide

Important skills:

BackStub - Attacks the enemy from behind to hit a weak spot, dealing damage to the enemy's HP, ignoring CP, and an over hit is possible. Possible critical. hit. Possible death.
Deadly Blow - Potentially lethal attack. Increases Attack Power by 1107. Requires a dagger. An overshot is possible. Possible death.
Lethal Blow - Potentially lethal attack. Increases Attack Power by 5773. Requires a dagger. An overshot is possible. Possible death.

Dual Blow - An attempt to deliver a powerful blow to the enemy's vulnerable points. Possible lethal outcome, semi-lethal blow, Crit. Hit. and Overstrike. Requires dual daggers.

Shadow Step - Jump behind your back. Range 600
Bleed - For 20 sec. Reduces enemy movement speed by 20% and also inflicts bleeding. Takes HP every sec.
Bluff - Tricks an enemy into turning their back to you. Stuns the enemy for 9 seconds and removes the desire to attack. Requires a dagger. Cancels the target.
Dodge - Evades melee and ranged attack skills for 10 sec.
Focus Death - Reduces Critical Chance. Atk. by 30%, Crit. Damage from the front by 30% and increases the chance of success when using Fatal Blows skills by 60%, Crit. 90% rear damage for 2 minutes. Requires a dagger.
Critical Wound - Increases damage from Critical attacks inflicted on the target. Impact. Requires a dagger.
Assassination - Increases attack power by 70 and the chance of a fatal attack by 3% when using a dagger. Sharpen for strength
Sixth Sense - When your strength is running low, your feelings reach their peak. The skill increases Evasion by 15 when HP falls below 30% of its maximum.
Forus Skill Mastery - Increases the effect of Skill Mastery by 1000%. Consumes MP during the action depending on the Level.
Vicious Stance - Increases Critical Strike Power by 139. MP consumption depends on level
Mortal Strike - Increases the chance of deadly Atk. within 2 minutes. Requires a dagger
Ultimate Evasion - Increases Evasion, P. Evasion ability, resistance to negative effects for 30 seconds.

Wind Riding - For 30 seconds, increases Speed ​​by 50, Evasion by 20, chance of Lethal Attack by 20%, physical ability to evade by 75% and defense against attacks that remove positive effects, at 80.
Hide - Becomes invisible. Movement speed is reduced by 30%. When performing any actions, the effect disappears.
Elemental Heal - Restores HP. Power 546. A very important skill for light elves, sharpen for power.

PlanesWalker Guide

Important skills:

BackStub - Attacks the enemy from behind to hit a weak spot, dealing damage to the enemy's HP, ignoring CP, and an overshot is possible. Possible critical. hit. Possible death.
Deadly Blow - Potentially lethal attack. Increases Attack Power by 1107. Requires a dagger. An overshot is possible. Possible death.
Lethal Blow - Potentially lethal attack. Increases Attack Power by 5773. Requires a dagger. An overshot is possible. Possible death.

Dual Blow - An attempt to deliver a powerful blow to the enemy's vulnerable points. Possible lethal outcome, semi-lethal blow, Crit. Hit. and Overstrike. Requires dual daggers.

Shadow Step - Jump behind your back. Range 600
Bleed - For 20 seconds. Reduces enemy movement speed by 20% and also inflicts bleeding. Takes HP every sec.
Bluff - Tricks an enemy into turning their back on you. Stuns the enemy for 9 seconds and removes the desire to attack. Requires a dagger. Cancels the target.
Dodge - Evades melee and ranged attack skills for 10 seconds.
Focus Death - Reduces Critical Chance. Atk. by 30%, Crit. Damage from the front by 30% and increases the chance of success when using Fatal Blows skills by 60%, Crit. 90% rear damage for 2 minutes. Requires a dagger.
Critical Wound - Increases the damage dealt to a target by a Critical Wound. Impact. Requires a dagger.
Assassination - Increases attack power by 70 and the chance of a fatal attack by 3% when using a dagger. Sharpen for strength
Sixth Sense - When your strength is running low, feelings reach their peak. The skill increases Evasion by 15 when HP falls below 30% of its maximum.
Forus Skill Mastery - Increases the effect of Skill Mastery by 1000%. Consumes MP during the action depending on the Level.
Vicious Stance - Increases Critical Strike Power by 139. MP consumption depends on level
Mortal Strike - Increases the chance of deadly Atk. within 2 minutes. Requires a dagger
Ultimate Evasion - Increases Evasion, P. Evasion ability, resistance to negative effects for 30 seconds.

Wind Riding - For 30 seconds, increases Speed ​​by 50, Evasion by 20, Lethal Attack chance by 20%, physical evasion ability by 75%, and defense against attacks that remove buffs by 80.
Hide - Becomes invisible. Movement speed is reduced by 30%. When performing any actions, the effect disappears.
Elemental Heal - Restores HP. Power 546. A very important skill for light elves, sharpen for power.

Used for Olympus:

Attack Aura - For 20 minutes. increases P. Atk.
Defense Aura - For 20 minutes. increases P. Def.

You can also replace the last paint with an increase in evasion and all characteristics that are affected by DEX:

Selection of subskills.

Subskills are very important in any kind of activity, be it PVP, Olympics or just farming/quality.

We take Tselestn from DB/PP, Boost Evasion - increase in dodge (I usually take from an archer), Counter Defense - when receiving a blow, there is a chance of increasing physical and magical protection for some time (from a paladin or other tanks).

Pumping PV

PlanesWalker — Light Dager (PV)

Where to download PlanesWalker

Gracia final/Epilogue/Freya:

Dragon valley

Catacomb of the Branded (Near Giran Harbour)

Alligator Island/Cruma Tower

Gracia final/Epilogue/Freya:

Seal of shilen/Forbidden Gate

Catacomb of the Apostate (Oren Lands)

Tanor Canyon/Cruma Tower/Graveyard

Gracia final/Epilogue/Freya:

Valley of saints

Catacomb of the Witch(Hunter's Village Lands)

Swamp of Screams

Gracia final/Epilogue/Freya:

Catacomb of Dark Omens (Dark Elven Village Lands)

Silent valley

Blazing Swamp/Hot Springs

Gracia final/Epilogue/Freya:

Dino island/Dino island

Crystal Island

Dens of Evil/Cave of Giants/Crypts of Shame/Valley of Dragons

Catacombs are also well suited for downloading on high lvl servers (starting from x50) because... on such servers it is very convenient to start development by selling AA, which you will fill by hitting lvl 76+


Equipment for PV in L2

PlanesWalker — Light Dager (PV)

What PlanesWalker Wears

Plastic Leather Armor Set +4 STR, -1 CON.

Crystal dagger (kamon or crit damage).

Gracia final/Epilogue/Freya/hight Five:

Zubei Light Set +4 Evasion.

Chris (focus)

Gracia final/Epilogue/Freya/hight Five:

Majestic Leather Armor Set +50% Stun Defense, +1 DEX/-1 CON

Naga Storm (crit. damage.)

Gracia final/Epilogue/Freya/hight Five:

Dragon Leather Set (+1 Dex, +1 Str, -2 Con) P.Atk speed. +4%, Maximum MP 289, weight limit +5759

Angel Slayer (crit damage).

Gracia final/Epilogue/Freya/hight Five:

Icarus Spray (crit damage).

Twin Icarus daggers (sometimes for reasons of increased attack speed and increased chance of striking

Gracia final/Epilogue:

Dynasty leather set (essence on dager mastery).

Vesper's tip (crit. damage).

Dual Vesper Daggers (sometimes for reasons of increased attack speed and increased chance to hit

death blow wear this particular item.

Freya/High Five:

Verpes Leather Set - movement speed +3%, attack speed +5%, +crit damage +182.

Mamba tooth (critical damage).

Paired mamba teeth (sometimes for reasons of increased attack speed and increased chance of hitting

death blow wear this particular item.


Buff for dagger in L2

PlanesWalker — Light Dager (PV)

Buff for PlanesWalker

You can also replace the POV with one at your discretion.

→ Pathfinder in La2

In the series of lineage 2 dagger reviews there has always been one missing link - the pathfinder la2. It's time to restore justice, since this light elf definitely deserves a separate guide on PV in La2.

Small, but smart

Before talking about the features of this class, it is worth remembering the main differences between light elves and other races. The main feature of all light elves is speed. It doesn't matter what exactly. All Elven hit, run and cast damn fast.

To prevent an imbalance from arising due to this, the developers slightly reduced their strength. In fact, in La2 PV does not hit hard, but quickly. On the other hand, this limitation can be easily corrected with tattoos (we will discuss them a little later).

The second disadvantage of the la2 ranger is the amount of health. Unfortunately, there is not as much of it as we would like, but the high running speed compensates for this shortcoming. In addition, all light daggers have an excellent set of self-buffs.

Following in the footsteps of the players

Let's move on directly to the process of pumping pv la2. There is no need to come up with something new here, because many players have already discovered the best ways to level up, and I will now give all the tips and hints in the PV la2 guide.

Up to level 40 everything is standard. We go on quests (and don’t forget about the Newcomer Assistant), get professions, start leveling up in the necropolises and catacombs (the guide to leveling up PV in the necropolises of La2 will help you). At level 45+, a good location for leveling up will be the Ivory Tower.

As soon as you get b-grade gear (more on choosing a little later), go to either Forbidden or Antharas Cave. Be careful - there are a lot of social mobs there, and there won't be enough health for everyone. It’s better to bring a party with you that includes a healer. After 65 we go to Blazing Swamp (near Aden).

At level 74+ we go to Varka or Ketra Outpost. There are many quests created for this location, so don’t forget to take them (why do we need pointless quality?).

Kamalok, citadels and other dungeon zones also have their place, but without a good party there is nothing to do there.

A guide to PV in La2 would not be like this if we had not examined the special skills of this class. What abilities distinguish pv from other dagger wielders? We have already talked about its “native” characteristics, so now we will analyze the skills directly.

In terms of combat skills, there are no big differences, everything is standard here: Deadly Blow, Lethal Blow and so on. More interesting are the buffs and debuffs. At the beginning of the article, I mentioned that a ranger can level up perfectly in La2 on self-buffs alone. And indeed it is! Moreover, this also gives him a good advantage at the Olympics.

The most interesting, in my opinion, are the evasion and crit skills:

  • Wind Riding - significantly increases speed, evasion and the chance of a Lethal Attack (when your La2 PV can kill an enemy with almost one blow). Due to the fact that it lasts only 30 seconds, it is used as follows: we hit with attacking skills, if there is little health, we run away, if not, we continue to hit further.
  • Dodge is an ultimate for 10 seconds that protects against all physical skills.
  • Focus Death - reduces crit, but increases the chance of passing attacking skills.
  • Mortal Strike - acts approximately the same as Focus Death, but does not reduce your stats in any way.
  • Ultimate Evasion - increases the chance of dodging attacks for 30 seconds.

In addition to buffs, la2 ranger also has debuffs. They are aimed at reducing the enemy's defense against critical hits:

  • Expose Weak Point - finds the enemy's vulnerability. Once used, your opponent's physical defense and chance of evading critical hits will be reduced.
  • Critical Wound - the power of critical hits will be increased if the enemy is affected by this debuff.

In addition, there is also Bluff, standard for daggers, and a slightly non-standard Bleed (opens bleeding on the enemy).

Choice of clothes and tattoos

The selection of armor and weapons is a purely individual matter. But I will give you some tips that will make this difficult choice a little easier.

In La2, your pv should buy a dagger with a crystal for either Focus or Crit. Everything else is of no interest. Well, choose the armor to your taste. A lot depends on tattoos, subs and weapons.

From tattoo sets, one of the following two options is most often chosen:

  • 1.More strength and attack, but less health: +4CON +4STR, -2CON +2DEX, -3CON +3DEX. The downside of this set is the reduction in CON (health), which the ranger already has little of.
  • 2.More health, but less strength: -4STR +4CON, -2STR +2DEX, -3STR +3DEX.

One more important point is the choice of subclass. He gives you some skills that are very useful. I recommend taking the subclass either Hawkeye or Destroyer. It’s almost like with tattoos: the first option gives your La2 PV more strength, the second - endurance.


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