Exit World of Tanks. Leaving the World of Tanks clan. How to leave a clan in tanks if you are a commander

A user who decides to leave a clan in the popular multiplayer strategic action game “World of Tanks” will encounter a problem that the developers did not foresee function to leave the clan in the game client. Many players do not know about the possibility of voluntarily leaving a clan and, because of this, prefer not to join it at all. However, it is possible to leave the clan voluntarily, but for this the user will have to go to official website "WOT"— this is where the opportunity to start the process of leaving the clan is provided.

Independent exit from the clan.

If the user intends to leave, he must perform the following actions:

  1. log in personal account clan portal (a player who is a member of a clan will be taken to the clan statistics page, where all important statistical parameters will be reflected);
  2. you need to expand the left side menu (if collapsed) by clicking on the icon located in the upper left corner;
  3. select the bottommost item “Leave the clan” and confirm your action in the pop-up dialog box.

It must be remembered that joining new clan will be available only after 2 days - this is a kind of penalty for this game.

Leaving the clan with the help of the commander.

This method is used mainly by users who play “WOT” via mobile devices and includes a direct message directly to the clan commander with a request to exclude the user from the clan indicating the reasons (it is advisable to indicate an objective reason, since the commander will certainly be interested in it - it is better to refer to an invitation to join another clan from friends or declare a desire to become commander of his own clan).

Leaving a clan in which the user is a commander.

If for some reason the user decides to leave the clan in which he is the commander, then he can do this in two ways:

  • dissolve the clan (on the clan page you must exclude all members from the clan, and then click on the special “Disband the Clan” button);
  • transfer command to another user (to do this, you need to go to the clan portal, select the “Personnel” tab, mark the user and click on the “Transfer control” button. After this, the users will switch places and the former commander, having become a private, will be able to leave the clan in the first described way) .

Because it adds personal reputation among the players and has great privileges. But being in a clan, some players may experience situations when they lack experience and the participant is in constant reserve or is not satisfied with the weak activity of clanmates, respectively, the tanker is deprived of clan battles and any privileges. In such cases, players want to leave the clan, however, in order to do this, they must take several successive steps.

Instructions for leaving the clan

There is no function in the game that would allow you to quickly leave a clan. The exit system has several complications. This was deliberately arranged by the developers so that players would not make frequent dashes and in the future would more carefully examine the clan regulations.

To be a member of a clan, you must comply with the rules and conditions that were created by the commander. Good clans always practice new tactics on maps, using training rooms, launching attacks on provinces and defending fortified areas. Therefore, the clan commander forces players to appear at a set time. Participation in a strong clan will take a lot of time from the player, so some tankers leave clans more often due to lack of time.

You can leave the clan only on the official website of the game:

  1. When visiting the site, you must log in. The authorization function is located at the top right of the screen.
  2. After entering the login and password, the player will be returned to the title page, but already authorized. Next, you need to click on the nickname, after which a list of games from Wargaming in which the player is registered will be displayed. There will also be an inscription “clan”, where the user needs to go.
  3. After going to the clan page, you will need to log in again. Perhaps this is another move by the developers so that the player cannot simply leave the clan, since without authorization the necessary function will not appear.
  4. On the player's achievements page in the clan, there will be a " »»» ", which will open the menu.
  5. In the menu that opens, at the bottom there will be a “leave clan” function. After confirmation, the player will leave the clan.

After a tanker has left a clan, he will be able to join a new one only after 2 days. A similar condition applies when creating a clan.


Before accepting an invitation to join a clan, you should study its regulations. As a rule, good clans are constantly active in confrontations. Participants train daily and learn new tactics on maps. Therefore, if a player joins a top clan, he should know that he will have to devote a large amount of time to the game, and the clan commander will set a time for mandatory activity of all participants. However, being in a good clan means that you can earn good prizes and bonuses.

The most common earnings in the clan are gold and silver, in some cases premium equipment.

You can also see the reputation of a clan player in random.

As for other players, they are more trusting if there is a player from a popular clan on the team, but there is also a minus. Top clans often fight among themselves and have a negative attitude towards competitors, so in some battles you can see how allies engage in unsportsmanlike behavior, preventing the player from taking any actions. In some cases, rival clans specifically hunt down opponents in order to mock them and show their superiority.

The question regularly comes up on the Wargaming forum: how to leave the clan World of Tanks / World of Warships ? The fact is that the opportunity to leave the clan is not provided by the developers in the game client. For some unknown reason, this can only be done through the official website. Because of this nuance, some players believe that leaving clans in WOT is completely impossible, and therefore do not want to join them.

How to leave a clan in World of Tanks yourself

If you decide to change a clan or create a new one, follow these steps.

After this, the World of Tanks will come to the hangar notification that you have been expelled from the clan. It will be possible to join the new one only in 2 days . You cannot leave the clan without a fine!

How to leave a WOT clan with the help of a commander

An alternative method has been proposed World players of Tanks on YouTube in the comments under the thematic video. It is relevant for users who need to leave the clan via phone, and consists of writing a personal message to the commander with a request to exclude themselves from the membership. He may want to know the reason for your leaving, so you should immediately indicate it in your message. In order not to offend anyone, you can write that you were invited to another clan by friends from real life.

How to leave a clan in tanks if you are a commander

  1. Disband the clan. This can be done on the clan website. First you need to exclude all its members except yourself, and then click on the “ Disband the clan ».
  2. Transfer clan to another player. The commander will be a player at your discretion, and you will take the place of an ordinary member of the squad, after which you can leave the clan using the methods described above. To do this on clan portal Wargaming go to " Personnel ", mark the desired player and press the " Transfer control ».

You can also leave the World of Tanks clan while retaining management rights. To do this, create another Wargaming account and transfer the clan to it.
