Minecraft embroidery at what depth are diamonds. Minecraft - All about ore: Coal, Iron, Gold, Lapis lazuli, Red ore, Diamonds. Minecraft video how to find diamonds

In fact, if you set out to extract more diamonds, it will not be difficult. There are several principles that must be followed when mining any mineral. Therefore, if you think that gravel is easier to obtain than diamond, then you are deeply mistaken. To explain this, let's look at how to get diamonds in Minecraft.


The first way to get the desired item without cost or special preparation is provided to us by Minecraft itself. It won't be possible to do this quickly anyway.

To begin with, you can start exploring the surface of the world. Find an abandoned fortress or temple. There, in the chests, you can find a small amount of diamonds. This will be a good help before you dig deep into the mines.

In addition to abandoned places, you should visit the village. In it, you can either buy diamonds from residents, or try to steal them from the blacksmith's chest. But how can you get diamonds in Minecraft in another way?


If long hikes are not for you, then you should prepare for quite a long excavation of the earth’s bowels. Where to get diamonds in Minecraft? Rocks can be located at very different depths. In particular, it was noted that deposits of this mineral are found in large quantities at a depth of 12 blocks. Moreover, they can be found even more often near lava. But more on that later.

Before you go digging for diamond ore, you will need to make some items to take with you, namely:

We're digging

So, how to get diamonds in Minecraft if you are already fully prepared? You have at least two options.

  1. We go down to a depth of 12 blocks and set up a room for ourselves with all the equipment indicated above. We illuminate it completely. We must install a door at the entrance. Now you have three bare walls. Start digging straight in one direction. The hole should be 2x2. Every two blocks you create a half-room, from which a branch will later be built. It will also be 2 blocks in height, but in width and length it will be 4. Then again we dig a 2x2 corridor. And so - as long as endurance is enough. It’s better not to go too far: you might fall into a cave or dig up a lake. In the same way, from the initial room we swarm to the remaining directions. After you have dug in all directions, you can move on to the branches and dig them according to the same principle as the main tunnels.
  2. We go down to the maximum depth and look for lava. Dig along and next to it, and also try to use the tips from the previous paragraph.

Big boom

The fastest, but also the most dangerous way to get diamonds in Minecraft. Having descended to the required depth, which was mentioned earlier, you dig a long tunnel. At the end, place the dynamite and activate it. Now run as far as possible. The explosion will be strong, but it will make it possible to “develop” a huge layer of earth. The main thing is to make sure that there is no water or lava above or below, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.

In Game Minecraft Diamond is not only a necessary mineral, but also the most valuable, and therefore the most rare. Diamond is mined in a certain way from blocks consisting of diamond ore. Why is diamond so important? Yes, because the strongest and most durable armor and tools are made from it - for obvious reasons, because diamond is like real life, and in game reality it is the hardest of all existing natural materials. In addition, without the help of a diamond, it is impossible to create a magical enchanting table.

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How and where to find diamonds

How can you find diamonds V game world Minecraft? To answer this question, you must first determine where this mineral is found. Given that it is extremely rare, it is only possible to find a diamond close to the so-called bedrock. As for bedrock, this is material that cannot be destroyed, and it is located at the very bottom, below. The bedrock is something like the bottom of the world, so getting to it is not easy.

Diamond ore can be found (if you're lucky) at most eighteen blocks away from the bedrock. The maximum probability of finding diamond ore is present at a height of twelve to five blocks, if you move down to the bedrock. This gap is optimal for the formation of ore material containing diamonds.

What is needed for diamond mining

Thus, in order to find diamond ore and, accordingly, diamonds, your player character must prepare. He will need first of all:

  • pickaxes made of iron,
  • sufficient food and water,
  • several torches,
  • wood material,
  • fire resistance potion.

The latter is not absolutely necessary, but if possible, it is better to take the potion with you - just in case. Pickaxes will definitely be needed, since you will have to dig a large number of tunnels underground with their help. remember, that mine diamonds you can only use a pickaxe made of iron or a diamond pickaxe. Any other material here is, as they say, powerless.

You will need food and water so that you do not become weak from hunger and thirst and your health bar does not begin to drop. The fact is that it is impossible to say in advance how long it will take to find diamond ore and mine diamonds. Therefore, do not skimp and grab more provisions.

The role of torches is completely clear: they will illuminate the path in the dark, serve as guides for you, and also scare away monsters from you who do not dare to appear in the light. And from wood you can make new ones or repair old ones if they are broken or damaged.

If your hero suddenly falls into lava (by the way, there is a lot of it near bedrock), a potion of fire resistance will help him survive. That's all, actually. All you have to do is be patient and act, but extremely carefully, especially if you don’t have a potion of fire resistance. Surely you will soon have new, durable tools and armor.

Minecraft video how to find diamonds

Gather the necessary items. Diamonds are found at levels 5–16 (Y coordinate is from 5 to 16), so create a base underground and dig two horizontal tunnels from it (2x2 blocks in size) in opposite directions. How more land The sooner you dig, the sooner you will find diamonds. To prepare for diamond mining, put the following items in your inventory:

  • Iron pickaxe- crafted from three iron ingots, which are obtained from three iron blocks, and two sticks. Diamond can only be mined with an iron or diamond pickaxe.
  • Bed- crafted from three boards and three blocks of wool. The bed will become your respawn point, that is, if you die while mining resources, you will be reborn near the bed.
  • Torches- crafted from one stick and one coal/charcoal. As you go underground, torches will help you see what's going on around you.
  • Chests- crafted from eight boards, which are obtained from two wooden blocks. Chests can be used to store ore that you obtain while searching for diamonds.
  • Bake- crafted from eight cobblestones. You can smelt any ore in the furnace (for example, iron, gold or diamond), which means theoretically you can get an unlimited number of pickaxes.
  • Crafting table- crafted from four boards, which are obtained from one wooden block. The workbench allows you to create different items and tools.
  • Doors- crafted from six boards. The door will prevent mobs from entering your base while you are sleeping.
  • Wooden blocks- there is no wood underground, but it is necessary to create tools and other items. We recommend stocking up on at least 64 wooden blocks.
  • Map(only on console and mobile device) - crafted from eight papers and a compass. The map displays your coordinates and will update as you move down.
  • Raw meat- He is also not underground. Meat that can be cooked while in the mine will completely satisfy your hunger and restore your health.

Dig down to level 16. Diamonds are found at levels 5–16 (Y coordinate is from 5 to 16), but most of them are between levels 5 and 12. To find your Y coordinate, open the map (on console and mobile) or press F3 (Windows) or Alt + Fn + F3 (Mac).

  • We recommend digging in a zigzag pattern, because digging in a straight line can result in you falling into a cave, a mob room (this is a room with 2 chests, a torch and a mob spawn point) or even lava.
  • If you fail to craft a map or if it doesn't work, dig down to bedrock (this is a layer of bedrock that cannot be broken by any tools). This layer is at level 4, meaning you will be standing at level 5 or 6.
  • Create a base. To do this, dig a room measuring 3x5x5 blocks (at least), create a doorway and place your items (for example, torches, a bed, a stove and chests) on the created area.

    Dig the main tunnel. Its dimensions must be at least two blocks in width, two in height and twenty in length. The tunnel can start directly behind the door, or you can make a turn so that the tunnel is perpendicular to the base.

    • The secondary tunnels will branch off from the main tunnel at right angles, so make sure that none of these secondary tunnels end up against your base.
    • Place torches every few blocks to avoid getting lost.
  • Dig a secondary tunnel to the right or left of the main tunnel. The length of the secondary tunnel must be at least twenty blocks, and the width - 1–2 blocks.

    • Dig a secondary tunnel a few blocks from the end of the main tunnel.
  • Dig another secondary tunnel on the same side of the main tunnel as the first secondary tunnel. Remember that secondary tunnels need to be dug several blocks from the end of the main tunnel.

    Durable, just like in real life, diamonds in Minecraft are mined from the corresponding ore. Its deposits are usually generated underground, at a height of up to twenty blocks from the bedrock. However, statistical analysis shows that the largest accumulation of such ore is observed in five to twelve cubes above the adminium.

    At the same time, getting hold of such valuable material is quite a rare success. Although blocks with diamond ore (which has a gray stone texture with light blue inclusions) are usually found in whole veins - up to eleven units - they still need to be found.

    Until you manage to attack such material, you may have to break more than one pickaxe. The tool, by the way, only requires an iron one and must have a silk touch enchantment (however, it is possible without it, but then the extraction will not be so effective). To get more diamonds from ore, you should mine it with a tool enchanted for good luck. However, there is another way to extract them - melting them in a furnace.

    Difficulty in finding a diamond

    Finding diamond ore is a fairly resource-intensive process. Until luck smiles, you can grind a few picks and eat a ton of food. In addition, to descend into the mine you will need a lot of torches - you will have to illuminate the dug tunnels so that hostile mobs do not spawn there. It also doesn’t hurt to take weapons with you (several copies), especially if the game is on in multiplayer: there are a lot of people out there who want other people’s diamonds.

    One of the obvious dangers for a miner aiming to extract a valuable mineral is that the resource he needs is very often adjacent to lava lakes. It is better to get rid of them by displacing them with any solid blocks and then destroying the latter. Pouring water onto the lava will also help (at the same time, perhaps, you will get several cubes of cobblestone).

    Many experienced gamers use the following method of searching for diamond veins. They dig a tunnel at a height of about six to twelve blocks from the bedrock and from it into different sides at a distance of approximately every two cubes, perpendicular corridors are set off. So there is a great chance of not missing a vein of diamond ore.

    When you come across earth (by the way, a sure sign of the proximity of the desired mineral) or gravel on the way, it is better to scoop them out with a shovel or other simpler tool, so as not to waste the strength resource of an iron pick on them. Of course, we must not forget to install torches on the walls of the tunnels.

    When you see a vein of diamond ore, you should dig around it from all sides before mining. Such precaution is necessary due to the fact that there is often a lava lake right under a valuable resource. Here the player character faces not just death, but also the certain loss of inventory. By the way, it is better to quickly hide the mined diamonds in a secluded (preferably secured) place. Then, if a gamer loses his gaming life, they will not be lost.

    Other mining methods

    Diamonds are also found in gameplay in the form of precious stones themselves. You can find them in various treasuries, abandoned mines, temples, fortresses and other places where there are chests. However, one should not assume that this method of extracting them is much simpler than going down a mine.

    Quite the contrary - any treasury is fraught with much more dangers than ordinary man-made mines a stone's throw from the player's home. Temples are often multi-level; they often contain many labyrinths and traps that the gamer must overcome at least in order to determine where the exit is.

    In addition, such locations are usually teeming with monsters of all stripes. The treasuries even contain spawners of hostile mobs, constantly producing these creatures. Therefore, the gamer will need all his cunning and gaming skills to think through the tactics of battle and passing such obstacles. The valuable resources that he will then find in the chests, including diamonds, will be a small reward for such a mini-feat.

    Those who own a large number of diamonds in Minecraft game, are rightfully considered to be the rich, since this is the rarest and most expensive resource in the entire gaming world. Due to the strength of this stone, the most durable and expensive types of armor and weapons are made from it. Diamonds can also be used to make decorative blocks that will remind of the wealth of its owner. But it is worth remembering the danger that can come appearance diamond blocks - grippers. These players love to destroy any buildings, and rare and expensive ones - first of all.

    Where to find diamond ore in Minecraft.

    To get the precious material, the player first needs to find its location.

    First way to find diamonds (Labour-intensive)

    Typically, this will require making a depression in the ground of 40-50 blocks, since diamond reserves lie precisely at this depth. The mining process is quite labor-intensive, and the places where such ores are located can hardly be called safe. For example, lava lakes in which the player can burn alive.

    If luck did smile on you and you found Right place, then in one group you can dig up to 3 units of ore, and if you’re lucky, then from 4 to 6.

    The second way to find diamonds (Easier and faster)

    There is one very unusual method of searching for diamond ore, which greatly increases the chance of finding a lot of precious material in one place:

    • It is necessary to make a hole in the ground down to the bedrock.
    • Now we go back up 5 blocks, since this is exactly the height of the bedrock from the base.
    • The next stage is to make 4 tunnels in all directions, that is, we dig forward, right, left and back along the passage at a distance of 5 units. This will significantly increase the likelihood of finding diamond ore.

    I checked it personally. WORKS even in version 1.8, but there are not as many diamond blocks as in the video! Such procedures should be carried out until you are lucky enough to find diamonds.

    That's the whole method. Many players confirm the reliability of this method and even cite already made weapons and armor as confirmation. In order not to dig up all the surrounding land, you can use exactly this method of extracting diamonds in the game Minecraft.

    How to find diamonds in Minecraft video
