Hacked version of the game dark legends for android. Dark legends. Plot and action in the game

So it came out New episode an amazing adventure in which the player must find unique items. The player becomes a professional hunter. True, he will have to kill not animals, but real monsters. All of them are allies of the secret Order. Every day these creatures attack Lichtenheim. Nightmare and darkness reign everywhere. In addition to this, someone stole the artifact. The city requires a new hero. You can easily become one if you can download Grim Legends 3. Dark City for Android. Establish the truth of the secret past and find out what is hidden behind the walls of your hometown.

Why is it worth downloading Grim Legends 3. Dark City for Android?

The player must go on a search insidious monsters. It so happened that a member of the Order, Sylvia, lost her memory. A year has passed since that moment, and it is unclear how the legendary Incarceri stone disappears. He was kept in prison for many years. Its power is unmatched in the whole world and now most likely this thing belongs to the enemies. A passage opened in the dungeon, from which monsters and fantastic creatures climbed out one after another. It is up to those who decide to deal with them download Grim Legends 3: Dark City for android.

The hero will visit thirty-six locations. All of them are well drawn. You will have to speak for Sylvia. In the story, she and her teacher go on a very dangerous journey. Following a mysterious path, they come to Lichtenheim. There they are met by a petty thief. His personality turned out to be not so simple. To understand it you need to download Grim Legends 3. Dark City for Android. The hero will complete 36 mini-games. Each of them has an interesting scene in which an artifact or interesting subject. The city walls keep some secret about monsters. It must be solved in order to forever block enemies’ access to the peaceful town.

This game is full of mystical secrets and riddles. Players will also be pleased with the thoughtful plot and high-quality graphics.

Plot and action in the game

The main characters of this mysterious game are twin sisters. One of them fell in love with a local handsome man named Edward. However, soon the heroine began to notice that something was wrong with her sister’s fiancé. His behavior seemed strange to her, and it was impossible to call it normal. Maybe he's just worried about the upcoming wedding? No, it doesn't look like it. Together with the heroines, you will have to find out what is happening to Edward, and also remove the terrible ancestral curse that was placed on them a long time ago.

Game process

Since the project is a typical quest, throughout the entire gameplay you will have to do everything the same as in other games of this genre. In this case, you should be extremely attentive to all the details. Inspect the locations in detail so as not to miss a single important and necessary item. Try to be attentive and quick-witted, and also act accurately and quickly.


The graphical component of the game is excellent. Throughout gameplay you will be able to enjoy detailed objects and beautiful special effects.

It is also worth noting the presence of background accompaniment. The musical compositions are particularly gloomy and at the same time create the right atmosphere.

From our website you can download Grim Legends on Android for free without registration and SMS.

Grim Legends for Android- The first part of a great quest from Artifex Mundi. This company is famous for games of this genre, and if its past “creations” can be called very successful, then this game is simply a masterpiece that everyone needs to play. In this Android quest, all components are perfectly developed, from the plot to the gorgeous graphics. The plot is able to interest the player from the first minutes of the game; the events unfold in a certain village of Ravenbrook, which is located among dense forests and impenetrable swamps. Very superstitious people live in this strange village. They believe that they live in a huge depression not far from the village. evil spirits, and that is why people surrounded themselves and the entire village with various amulets to protect themselves from them.

You have to visit this village as a guest at a wedding, the fact is that our heroine’s twin sister lives there, the girls have not seen each other or communicated for many, many years. As soon as our heroine arrives at the place, strange things begin to happen: right during the wedding celebration, a huge bear kidnaps the bride and takes the girl deep into the forest. A few minutes later a stranger appears who invites our heroine to go after the bear. So you, together with this stranger, have to find your sister, but to do this you will have to solve many riddles and discover a lot of secrets. In addition to solving puzzles, you also have to look for hidden objects, explore colorful locations and puzzle over complex puzzles. It is noteworthy that in the game Grim Legends for Android Hidden object areas don't look like a bunch of rubbish, everything is done wisely, every element is in its place, and every item found has its own specific purpose.

Grim Legends 2 is a beautiful and at the same time addictive quest with an entertaining plot that will keep you in suspense until the very end of the game.

The second part of everyone's favorite quest begins on such an unpleasant note: the queen who gave birth to the heir was speechless. The best healer was rescued from a distant kingdom in order to somehow rectify the situation and return the queen’s voice. It is this healer that we have to play as, exploring the huge castle and revealing all its secrets.

Arriving at the scene of the tragedy, you will receive a room and can go to explore the castle, perhaps in it you can find a solution to the problem. The quest turned out to be standard, in some places you just need to look for objects, in others you need to solve puzzles, match pictures, assemble mosaics and much more. Finding items is not so simple, you need to carefully examine the locations and tap on everything, because sometimes you simply cannot find what you need any other way.

All the puzzles in the game will be different from each other and this is good news; the most important thing in such games is the variety for which the “Gloomy Legends” series is famous. If it becomes difficult, just use the hint that will indicate the desired action. Hints are free, but you will have to wait a while before using them again.
