Walking dead new frontier episode 5 walkthrough. Walkthrough of The Walking Dead: A New Frontier. "Return to Richmond"


The walkthrough is written on the original STEAM -game version


A game with a third-person view and a non-linear plot. Depending on your actions and choice of phrases in dialogues, the passage changes. Not all phrases affect the passage; some lines affect the outcome at the end of the episode and the game as a whole. Having selected a similar phrase, an inscription approximately as follows appears in the upper left corner with the following content: “Clementine remembered this.” In my walkthrough, I will focus on those phrases that specifically affect the walkthrough. And I will leave the choice of phrases that affect the plot of the game to your discretion. I draw your attention to the fact that the choice of phrases is given certain time. The game is controlled using both the keyboard and mouse buttons. Keys are used to move the character WASD. The left mouse button is used to interact with objects. The mouse wheel is responsible for scrolling through dialogues. Saving in the game is automatic. Alternative actions are highlighted in italics in the walkthrough.

Chapter I: Family Journey

In the backstory of the game, David calls his brother Javi and tells him to come home immediately because... their father is dying. Due to huge traffic jams, Javi has to abandon the car and run. He does not manage to arrive on time, his father had already died by this time. David blames his younger brother for not being with his father when he was sick and not even being able to arrive in time to say goodbye to his dying father. We try to justify ourselves to our brother, but we get a fist in the face. Gabriel comes out of the house and interrupts the brothers' quarrel. We make up and go into the house, where we receive a slap in the face from our mother, who, like David, condemns our absence. Soon the little girl Marianne fills the deceased's glass and reports that the dead grandfather has woken up. We all enter the room and see how the father has turned into a walking dead man. The zombie attacks his wife and bites her. We neutralize the living dead, and we ourselves decide to take mother to the hospital. David puts Yaya in the car and takes her to the hospital. We, together with our brother’s wife, find our niece Marianne and her brother Hector and all leave together in the second van.

In the present day, Kate, Javi and his brother's two children are traveling in a van in an attempt to escape a herd of the walking dead. Kate turns out to be the children's stepmother. In the car, when the kids fall asleep, we agree or refuse to smoke weed with my sister, and then we decide to take a break and stop.

Achievement STEAM : After going through the first chapter, we get achievement "Family Travel"

Chapter II: Unexpected Guests

Upon arrival, we decide what we will look for first, and a little later we notice the walking dead approaching us. Three times press the key " E" to defeat the enemy. We give instructions to Marianna, and go in search of something useful. Let's look into broken window bus on the right and we realize that most of the front panel has been torn out and the seats are missing. Next we examine mattress to the left of the bus and point a finger at it. We return to the first bus and look into barrels to his left. Used oil is stored in barrels, which has no value for us. We move towards Kate and turn left towards the cars. We examine car on the left and begin to drain gasoline from it. A dead man crawls out from under the car and tries to attack us. Quickly press the " S" to strike the enemy. We continue to pour gasoline, why? four times press the button " E" We study acetylene tanks and decide to leave them in place. We're getting closer to to the right car and easily drain the gasoline by pressing four times button " E" Gasoline is still not enough. We walk past Gabe to truck, drain the gasoline from it using the “” key four times E" We continue to explore the area. We head into the right passage and find stairs, along which we jump over the fence together with Gabe. On the other side of the fence we find a non-looted ambulance. First of all, let's try to open tank cover, but we can't do it. Then we apply a crowbar to the lid and hold down the left mouse button. As soon as the circles of the cursor are connected into one, then drag the mouse down. This is how we open the tank. We insert the pump hose into the tank and press the ““ key four times. E", and drain the next portion of gasoline. There turns out to be plenty of fuel in the car, and while it is being overflowed, we will continue to walk around the landfill. We study rear doors Ambulances that are locked. We move forward between the boxes and meet the walking dead, which we neutralize by pressing the " Q" We continue to go forward and soon come out to a small trailer. We go up to the porch, first try to open the door with our hands, and then try to break the door using a crowbar. Both attempts are unsuccessful. Then we look inside through the glass of the door and assume that we can climb into the trailer through the hatch in the floor. We go down from the porch by clicking right click mice. We study beam, leaning against the porch, and move it to the side. We climb into the resulting passage. Using the control keys, we crawl to the left and stop under the hatch.

We lift the hatch cover and climb into the trailer. We unlock the door from the inside and invite Gabe into the trailer. Open the chest drawer on the right and remove the batteries from it.You don't have to take batteries. We look around the bed and shelves in the room. We find large supplies of food on the shelves and decide: to stay here for the night or to leave. If we decide to stay, we make a choice: give Marianna the batteries for the player or leave them for later. We communicate with Kate, and after that we go for gasoline. Before we have time to take the canister, we are surrounded by a group of men who are completely unfriendly. At gunpoint we go to the trailer and open the door.If we don’t open the door, but stand and wait in front of it, then they will kill us. We see how at the last moment our comrades barely have time to hide under the hatch. Press the button "A" to align the manhole cover. The gang leader decides to pacify us and goes to get handcuffs. We remain under Lonnie's supervision. There is some noise under the hatch, and our guard hears it. Regardless of our choice of line, the guy lifts the manhole cover and Javier stabs him.Or we grab a crowbar and hit Lonnie with it. Control returns to us. Quickly click on the "A" to strike again. Next, we squeeze the enemy’s neck by pressing the ““ key several times.Q" We throw away the enemy with the " key"E" Members of the group enter the trailer and tie our hands with zip ties.

Achievement STEAM achievement "Unexpected Guests"

Chapter III: Her Responsibility

One of the guys loads us into a truck and takes us to an unknown direction. No matter what we tell him, the man will be adamant. Suddenly a tree falls on the road and the truck slides into a ditch. Javi takes the gun from the panel and is the first to get out of the car. The driver comes out next and tries to run away. We decide whether to shoot him or not. After that, we are targeted by the girl who set up this accident. The girl turns out to be our old friend – Clementine. Clem finds out that Javi still has a working van at the junkyard. She agrees to save Javier's life and take him to the landfill, in exchange for which the prisoner will give up his van.

Achievement STEAM : For completing the third chapter we get "Her Responsibility" achievement

Chapter IV: Things Go Bad

We move with the girl along the road and talk, while choosing any phrases. We soon realize that a herd of the walking dead has overtaken us. We cut the clamps on Harvey’s hands and run to the camp, where the dead are already located. We dodge the first walking dead man by pressing the " A" The inhabitants of the camp close the gates in front of us, but help us deal with several zombies. In order for us to be allowed into the territory, we need to deal with the rest of the zombies. We shoot three active dead people and see how Clem is having problems shooting. We shoot at the walking dead man who attacked the girl, and then we run into the opened gate. A woman named Francine comes into the territory with us on a horse. From a conversation with the inhabitants of the camp we learn the name of the main one - Tripp. Together with Clem we go to a bar, where she goes to solve the problem with her bullets, and the girl recommends that we make friends with someone. We go forward and examine the chess on the table on the left. We notice the card players behind the bar and examine them. We start a conversation with the players and meet the bartender Conrad, who recognizes us because... Previously, we were disqualified for life for dishonest betting. We help Francine beat the bartender, and when we hear a noise in the next room, we rush to Clementine’s aid. The man with whom Clem had a conflict slipped her blank cartridges, which made the girl unable to defend herself. We enter into a fight with the deceiver, press the "" key several times Q", and then press the " key once E" The surrendered enemy is ready to return the batteries for which the bullets were exchanged, but Clementine is not happy with this. She puts the gun to the man's head and starts shooting. Among the blank cartridges there is also a live cartridge, the girl accidentally kills the man. Residents of the camp come running and begin to find out what happened. We are deciding whether to cover for Clem or not. In any case, we are taken away and locked behind bars. If you told the truth and pawned Clementine, then only she will be behind bars.

Achievement STEAM : After going through the fourth chapter, we get achievement "Things Gone Bad"

Chapter V: A Hard Goodbye

In the cage, the local doctor, Eleanor, visits us and immediately takes a liking to Javi. If only Clem is sitting in the cage, then we go to the doctor on our own. Tripp comes up and invites us to sleep in the cage, and in the morning he will let us go. If you are free, Tripp will take Clem to the doctor.. Eleanor advises us to escape from the camp through the back gate at night, and the girl was planning to escape with us. We talk with Clem and together decide what to do. We sleep together in a cage or in the infirmary.

While falling asleep, Javi notices that the girl is missing one phalanx of her finger. Here, depending on our choice at the end of the second season, we can see a tattoo or a scar. Either way, we are transported into a memory.

If at the end of the second season you killed Kenny, but then left alone. Playing as Clem, we try to survive with AJ, Rebecca's child from the previous season. Clementine carries the child behind her back while she tries to shoot the hare. The child's cries scare the hare all the time and he runs away. Soon the children come out to the car. We open the car door and put AJ in it, and we ourselves go hunting. After going after the loot, we hear a strange noise from the parking lot and return back, where we see the walking dead trying to get inside the car. We shoot the two closest zombies and run to the car, from which we get the child. Before we have time to run away, one of the dead closes the door and pinches Clem’s fingers in the door. We grab the stone to the right of us and hit the ghoul with it twice by pressing the " E" We can’t get our hand out from under the door, so we open the door and take out our hand. One of the fingers turns out to be broken and bent in the other direction.

If at the end of season two you killed Kenny and ended up with Jane . Jane gives us a tattoo on our arm with AJ's initials. We come up with a middle name for the baby, after which Jane goes to bed, and she tells us to inspect the perimeter. After some time, we enter the building and open the door behind which, presumably, our companion is sleeping. Only she is no longer sleeping - she hanged herself, and her body has already turned into a walking dead man. On the floor we find a positive pregnancy test. We aim the gun at the zombie in the loop.

If at the end of season two you stayed with Kenny and didn't go to Wellington . We are driving in a car, and Clementine is driving the car under the strict guidance of an older comrade. AJ is sitting in the back seat. We switch speeds according to Kenny’s instructions, while holding down the RMB and waiting for the cursor circles to connect, then pull the mouse up. Then we lose control and go into a skid. We quickly press the “D” key to turn the car towards the skid and get out of it, but we still fly into a tree. We look around and realize that Kenny flew through the windshield. We run to him and help Kenny get up by pressing the “Q” key several times. I can’t get up because... Kenny was paralyzed from the waist down. Immediately we are surrounded by zombies. There is no chance to save Kenny, so we rush to the car and take the baby in our arms. Together with AJ we run away. Kenny gets eaten by walkers.

If at the end of season two you initially stayed with Kenny but then went to Wellington . We see several cars approaching the camp. We are transported to a room where AJ is sitting on the floor and drawing something. We make any assumption about what is drawn on paper. We hear some noise and immediately open Edith’s door. Edith is the girl who let us into Wellington at the end of season two. Our camp was attacked and we urgently need to disappear from here. Edith orders to quickly collect all the essentials. We head to the rack, where we take any four items. I grabbed a bottle of water, a box of bullets, canned soup and bandages. Edith comes running, takes the baby in her arms, and together we run out of the camp gates. The enemy shoots and hits Edith. We approach the murdered woman, take AJ from her hands and run away into the forest.

Let's return to reality.

Achievement STEAM : For completing the chapter we get Achievement "A Hard Goodbye"

Chapter VI: On duty

In the morning, Tripp brings us to the landfill. Together with Eleanor we head to the landfill on horseback. We look around and pick up a hammer from the floor. We are trying to pick up the cassette recorder, but a zombie wakes up next to it. We kill the dead man with a hammer, after which we select Marianna’s record player. Soon the girl herself runs out of hiding. We go in search of Kate and Gabe. There are no relatives in our van, but we hear someone trying to start a car somewhere nearby. We look around the corner and see how the walking dead have surrounded the truck that Kate is trying to start. The zombies notice us and begin to attack. We fight the first enemy by pressing the " A", and the second - with the key " W" We beat the third zombie using the button " Q" We also destroy the next dead person with the “ Q", and after that we hit the enemy in front of us with a hammer. Having interrupted everyone, we hug Kate and Gabe. We all head to Tripp's van together ( or Eleanor's horses), because The truck Clem promised burned down. Marianne picks up the headphones from her captivity and gets shot in the head. The owners of the trailer from which we previously stole food are shooting from the forest. Kate decides to drag the girl's body away, but a bullet hits her in the stomach. Gabe rushes to his stepmother. We choose: shoot at the enemy or run to the family. If we decide to shoot, then we shoot at the enemy in front of us and tell our relatives to run. Or we immediately run to the family. Having run over to them, we see that Marianne can no longer be helped, but Kate needs to see a doctor. Tripp ( Eleanor) advises to immediately go to the camp, because... Kate needs a doctor. Clementine advises them to deal with the enemy, otherwise he will continue to pursue them. If you decide to leave, then Clem shoots back and distracts the enemy until all the members climb into the van ( horses). If you stayed to fight, then fast pick up a bomb and throw it at opponents. We see how the people remaining in the forest are attacked by the dead. On the way to the camp, Kate loses consciousness.

Achievement STEAM : Having completed the sixth chapter of the game, we open achievement "On Service"

Tatiana Diamandi

Detailed walkthrough of the last episode of the game Walking Dead:A New Frontier, The - Episode 5 - "From the Gallows"


  • Walkthrough The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Episode 1
  • Walkthrough The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Episode 2
  • Walkthrough of The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Episode 3
  • Walkthrough of The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Episode 4

Not long ago, the fifth and final episode of the third season became available The Walking Dead: A New Frontier. At the beginning of the game you will see a brief sequence of events from previous episodes. As always, the game can be played in several ways to achieve one or another result.

In the last episode David was tried for attempting an uprising, and the player was subsequently asked to make a choice - to kill one of two comrades. In the end, Joan was killed.

Watch a flashback during which the father Javier And David declares that he has cancer.

There are several options you can choose to help or hurt your relationship. David And Javier. If you decide to support your father in a conversation with David, then the latter will feel betrayed. If you agree with the words David, he will feel a stronger family bond with his brother. After the flashback ends, there will be a sequence involving Javier, David, Kate, Gabe And Clementines. Follow the prompts, completing simple QTE actions, until you see the episode title on the screen.

You will have a number of options to judge David in the way he communicates with Gabe.

A choice will appear: forgive or condemn Eleanor for betraying the group.

Afterwards there will be another choice: cut off the hand of the victim of the dead man's bite, or allow him to die in peace.

Even if you cut off a hand, the person will die from painful shock.

Soon things will go wrong when David breaks his arm Fern, and she will shoot at her husband when he turns around.

David will ask Javier stand with him on the parapet. This key choice gamer:

  • If you decide to stand with David, it will increase the bond between the two brothers.
  • Otherwise, everything will go the other way around.

Javi and David on the parapet

If you show support and loyalty David, then this will further increase the bond between the brothers.

will appear Tripp and you will even be able to restore your relationship with him. Gabe And Javier let's talk about David, and then another short sequence of actions will begin.

After the group crosses the bridge using the helicopter's propeller, Tripp will fall to his death.

David changes plans and decides to take the group and leave. Kate decides to stay and save Richmond.

Kate announces that she is in love with Javi, and players will have a choice - to fight with David, or insist on communication, saying several times that you love him.

David is furious

After leaving David With Gabe players will be able to either pursue them using a motorcycle or return to Richmond with Kate And Clementine to save the city.

If you decide to return to the city and help people, then another QTE sequence awaits you. Then you will have to open the gate on the observation tower. To open this gate, click on the green button.

If you decide to help Richmond, then after you fix the gate, Javi And Clementine decide to go searching David And Gabe. However, by the time Javier reaches them, the father will be dead, and the son will die in his arms. One of the key things that will allow a guy to survive is whether you give him a gun or not.

At the end Javi And Kate will be able to discuss the possible creation of a family, or refuse, but remain living in Richmond.

Jesus will appear in the city to help save people, but will not be able to stay and will declare that he must help others. After a short conversation with Clementine the game will end.

Timely help

In the alternate ending, if you choose to follow David And Gabe rather than help Kate, Javi will get to the truck with father and son and fight off the zombie attack using a baseball bat. In the same time David will be bitten in the neck, but you will have the opportunity to communicate with him before he dies.

Then Gabe uses a gun to kill David before he turns around. Javier And Gabe will return to Richmond and the gates will open.

When this happens they will know that Kate turned around. No one will tell you exactly how the residents of Richmond managed to seal the hole in the wall.

The kind of ending where Gabe survives, ends with two flashbacks telling of death Kate, unlike if Kate And Javier remained alive and talked about death Gabe, David And Mariana.

There is another alternative that may prove more difficult. It is due to the fact that Clementine will go to a meeting with Gabe trying to stop him and David will run away. Clementine will save Gabe, Bye Javier And Kate will be repairing the Richmond Wall using a tractor. This will happen if you have a good relationship with Clementine. If you did not kill the doctor in the fourth episode, then he will still be alive. If the doctor is alive, then he will tell Javi And Clementine, where is A.J.. In this case Clementine will leave Richmond to find and return the baby.

But there is one more ending. This best ending, wherein Javi saves Kate, Gabe And David!

If you have a strong enough relationship with Clementine then she will go for Gabe. If Javi will go with Clementine behind Gabe And David, he will be able to save both heroes. Players will be able to talk to David and persuade him to return to Richmond, or allow him to leave.

This is considered the best ending because everyone survives and Clementine will confirm that A.J. alive. At the end, the results of your relationship with different characters. And so key points

Javi And David:

  • After the night my father died David hit Javi, you agree or refuse to shake your brother's hand.
  • Attempt to leave Richmond without David or rejection of this idea.
  • At the moment when David support will be needed, you could turn away from him or agree to help.

Elections that affect relationships Javi And Kate:

  • Kiss Kate landfill or refuse.
  • Support the plan Kate flee Richmond or give up.
  • Say Kate that they would like to build a future with her, or refuse.
  • Say Kate that you want a family or give up this idea.

Elections that affect relationships Javi And Gabe:

  • Please Gabe, agreeing to spend the night in a trailer, or refuse.
  • Hide from Gabe the truth about his neighbor friend or tell him everything.
  • Before you go for Gabe, you helped Kate in Richmond (or vice versa).
  • If Gabe bitten, then you can give him your weapon or refuse.

Detailed walkthrough of the last episode of the game Walking Dead: A New Frontier, The - Episode 5 - “From the Gallows”


  • Walkthrough of The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Episode 1
  • Walkthrough of The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Episode 2
  • Walkthrough of The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Episode 3
  • Walkthrough of The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Episode 4

Not long ago, the fifth and final episode of the third season became available The Walking Dead: A New Frontier. At the beginning of the game you will see a brief sequence of events from previous episodes. As always, the game can be played in several ways to achieve one or another result.

In the last episode David was tried for attempting an uprising, and the player was subsequently asked to make a choice - to kill one of two comrades. In the end, Joan was killed.

Watch a flashback during which the father Javier And David declares that he has cancer.

There are several options you can choose to help or hurt your relationship. David And Javier. If you decide to support your father in a conversation with David, then the latter will feel betrayed. If you agree with the words David, he will feel a stronger family bond with his brother. After the flashback ends, there will be a sequence involving Javier, David, Kate, Gabe And Clementines. Follow the prompts, completing simple QTE actions, until you see the episode title on the screen.

You will have a number of options to judge David in the way he communicates with Gabe.

A choice will appear: forgive or condemn Eleanor for betraying the group.

Afterwards there will be another choice: cut off the hand of the victim of the dead man's bite, or allow him to die in peace.

Even if you cut off a hand, the person will die from painful shock.

Soon things will go wrong when David breaks his arm Fern, and she will shoot at her husband when he turns around.

David will ask Javier stand with him on the parapet. This is a key choice for a gamer:

  • If you decide to stand with David, it will increase the bond between the two brothers.
  • Otherwise, everything will go the other way around.

Javi and David on the parapet

If you show support and loyalty David, then this will further increase the bond between the brothers.

will appear Tripp and you will even be able to restore your relationship with him. Gabe And Javier let's talk about David, and then another short sequence of actions will begin.

After the group crosses the bridge using the helicopter's propeller, Tripp will fall to his death.

David changes plans and decides to take the group and leave. Kate decides to stay and save Richmond.

Kate announces that she is in love with Javi, and players will have a choice - to fight with David, or insist on communication, saying several times that you love him.

David is furious

After leaving David With Gabe players will be able to either pursue them using a motorcycle or return to Richmond with Kate And Clementine to save the city.

If you decide to return to the city and help people, then another QTE sequence awaits you. Then you will have to open the gate on the observation tower. To open this gate, click on the green button.

If you decide to help Richmond, then after you fix the gate, Javi And Clementine decide to go searching David And Gabe. However, by the time Javier reaches them, the father will be dead, and the son will die in his arms. One of the key things that will allow a guy to survive is whether you give him a gun or not.

At the end Javi And Kate will be able to discuss the possible creation of a family, or refuse, but remain living in Richmond.

Jesus will appear in the city to help save people, but will not be able to stay and will declare that he must help others. After a short conversation with Clementine the game will end.

Timely help

In the alternate ending, if you choose to follow David And Gabe rather than help Kate, Javi will get to the truck with father and son and fight off the zombie attack using a baseball bat. In the same time David will be bitten in the neck, but you will have the opportunity to communicate with him before he dies.

Then Gabe uses a gun to kill David before he turns around. Javier And Gabe will return to Richmond and the gates will open.

When this happens they will know that Kate turned around. No one will tell you exactly how the residents of Richmond managed to seal the hole in the wall.

The kind of ending where Gabe survives, ends with two flashbacks telling of death Kate, unlike if Kate And Javier remained alive and talked about death Gabe, David And Mariana.

There is another alternative that may prove more difficult. It is due to the fact that Clementine will go to a meeting with Gabe trying to stop him and David will run away. Clementine will save Gabe, Bye Javier And Kate will be repairing the Richmond Wall using a tractor. This will happen if you have a good relationship with Clementine. If you did not kill the doctor in the fourth episode, then he will still be alive. If the doctor is alive, then he will tell Javi And Clementine, where is A.J.. In this case Clementine will leave Richmond to find and return the baby.

But there is one more ending. This is the best ending Javi saves Kate, Gabe And David!

If you have a strong enough relationship with Clementine then she will go for Gabe. If Javi will go with Clementine behind Gabe And David, he will be able to save both heroes. Players will be able to talk to David and persuade him to return to Richmond, or allow him to leave.

This is considered the best ending because everyone survives and Clementine will confirm that A.J. alive.At the end, your relationships with different characters will be summed up. And here are the key points...

Javi And David:

  • After the night my father died David hit Javi, you agree or refuse to shake your brother's hand.
  • Attempt to leave Richmond without David or rejection of this idea.
  • At the moment when David support will be needed, you could turn away from him or agree to help.

Elections that affect relationships Javi And Kate:

  • Kiss Kate landfill or refuse.
  • Support the plan Kate flee Richmond or give up.
  • Say Kate that they would like to build a future with her, or refuse.
  • Say Kate that you want a family or give up this idea.

Elections that affect relationships Javi And Gabe:

  • Please Gabe, agreeing to spend the night in a trailer, or refuse.
  • Hide from Gabe the truth about his neighbor friend or tell him everything.
  • Before you go for Gabe, you helped Kate in Richmond (or vice versa).
  • If Gabe bitten, then you can give him your weapon or refuse.

The fifth and final episode of Telltale's season 3 The Walking Dead: A New Frontier now available for , and users mobile games. The latest episode gives players short review events that have happened over the past few months, and you can find both standard and alternative walkthroughs The Walking Dead: The New Frontier - Episode 5: From the Gallows.

In the alternate ending, David is bitten in the neck. Javy will have the opportunity to talk to David before he dies.

Gabe then uses the weapon to kill David before he turns around.

Javier and Gabe will return to Richmond and open the gates.

When they return to Richmond, they learn that Kate has turned. They don't show or explain how, but she manages to cover the hole in the wall. This doesn't necessarily make sense since Javier wasn't there to open the gate in the first place since she went through the tractor?

However, the end in which Gabe lives, ends with two in the memorial talking about Kate's death, as opposed to Javier and Kate talking about the deaths of David, Gabe and Mariana.

One alternate ending that might be a little difficult involves Clementine going to meet Gabe to stop him and David running away. Clementine is able to save Gabe, while Javier and Kate repair the wall with a tractor. YouTuber Jacksepticay Managed to reveal this ending in my playthrough, which you can check out below.

Hi all! If you played through New Frontier, you probably noticed some understatement and shortness in the entire season (not counting the first two episodes, they were no match for the remaining three). And now I will try to touch on all the cut content of the New Frontier.

Already from it you can judge how much processing the script was subjected to, take at least the mark of a capricorn on Javier’s neck. But more on that a little later.

The first screenshots were made public on July 22, 2016. And here it’s probably worth noting what the episodes were called as of 07/21/2016:
1. ties that bind - ties that bind
2. divided we fall - we will fall separately
3. united we stand - together we will stand
4. the end of days - end of the world
5. how hard i try - [no matter] how hard I try.

As you can see, of all the episodes, only the first one retained its name, which the tails decided to divide into two parts. Of course, we can say that the original titles of the episodes were a rough draft. But you can safely discard this option after reading the following material.

The first episode of TWD TiesThatBind was almost completed in July 2016 with a completely different plot and a different cast. But something didn’t work out and the Realese Candidate version of the episode, along with the plot of the entire game, was sent for revision by TelltaleGames management.

Show picture

Show picture

An anonymous source who previously worked on the script for TWD: ANewFrontier has lifted the veil of secrecy about what changes have occurred in the game since the summer of 2016 and why this happened. Initially it was planned to make 8 chapters in each episode of the game. The proportions between playing as Javier and Clementine were 75/25. It was planned to make 5 chapters of the game for Javi in ​​real time, one chapter for him in flashback and two chapters each in Clementine’s past. The three episodes released (“Ties that bind” and “Above the law”) were two and lasted about 4 hours.
However, due to the implementation new version TelltaleTool engine had to abandon this scenario. In the summer of 2016, the game was replete with bugs and crashes, caused regular damage to saves and ignored their transfer from episode to episode. As you can see, the role of Clementine was mostly cut, which was partially confirmed in interviews with Melissa Hutchison (voice of Clem) and Job Stauffer. We also had to give up the ability to replay individual chapters, reducing their number to six.

The main plot of the game, after Javier and Clem’s stories about themselves in the form of flashbacks, began with their return to the tent camp from a reconnaissance expedition. Javier was attacked by a group of armed men who had previously been under his command. After the fight, Clem and Javi learned that AJ, Kate, Eleanor and Mariana had been kidnapped. The further plot was based on finding out the place where they were being kept. This place was Prescott Airfield.
Further, according to the scenario, Javier gathered forces for the attack. This gathering of forces required the completion of various tasks of groups from the comic, other camps of the group under the sign of Capricorn, and groups not mentioned in the comic. Completed tasks for some groups harmed relationships with others. One of the groups was ready to provide artillery to attack the airfield.
In the end, after the fall of Prescott's resistance, Clem found out from the girls that no one had kidnapped them, and AJ simply had no one to leave with. Clementine was new to the community, so she was not privy to the details of the plot against Javier and his bandits.
The reason for the rebellion was his methods of managing the community, actions under the influence, and Javier’s family relationships.

It's also worth noting that the characters David and Gabe were not in the original script. As the story progressed, Clem fell in love with Javi and at the end learned the whole truth about him.

All information is taken from the page href = "vk.com/id363358239">

Now let's move on to the actual cut content.

The community of Prescott was originally called "Schulenburg". However, it was renamed to the well-known version in the spring of 2016. The original title remains on the art.

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The scene at the junkyard, when Gabe offers to spend the night in the trailer, could have gone differently.
If you decided to leave, the scene played out as in the final version of the story.
If you decided to spend the night, you saw people with flashlights through the window and forced Kate and the children to hide under the floor.
- You could fight with Max, then you would be knocked out, and Max could get injured or the gun would misfire.
- Or give up, then they will tie you up and take you away conscious. It was possible to tell Kate in Spanish that you would be back for her.

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The character the Thales wanted to kill in the first episode was Max. He was faced with a choice - to leave him to be eaten by the walkers or to have mercy on him and end his torment with a shot in the head.

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The Slaughterhouse, which appeared in the first screenshots, was cut from the game.

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Now let's jump to episode 5.
The following were cut from the episode:
1) Flashback Clem: with Lee and Sandra.
2) Conrad's death, if you were chasing David and Conrad was still alive by that time.
3) Life or death of Max (it’s strange that he just fell into a black hole from the 3rd episode).
4) David's death at the landfill where Mariana was killed. From the hand of Javier, if you followed David. From Gabe's hand, if you didn't go.
5) Losing Clem's cap in a crowd of walkers if you stayed to defend Richmond.
6)Indirect confirmation of AJ’s status /walking dead/. Prologue to the explanation of the mark “Capricorn”.
7)Big stage in Richmond, with a plan to rebuild the community. Javier could leave or stay, negotiate the return of supplies to the affected communities (if Clint is alive), decide the fate of Joan (if she is alive).
8) Less LGBT dialogue with Jesus, more about business than about male love.
9) Clem kissed the surviving Gabe in a dark corner.

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More detailed description cut material.

In addition to this, in different versions The ANewFrontier script planned to include the following characters from the comic:
1) Negan (cut out in the summer of 2016/changed the time frame and plot of the game, making Clem a little over a year younger)
2) One writer wanted to include Eugene Porter and Rosita Espinosa, but he was pushed away from development after the release of #TiesThatBind
3) Sofia (cut in February 2017)
4)Maggie Green

Robert Kirkman personally does not want to send Rick and Carl into the game.

Different games