Wasteland 2 director's cut complete walkthrough. Miscellaneous. There are two solutions to this problem. Peaceful and... no. Let's start with the conflict

rail nomads camp map

note to the map

  1. Login to the location
  2. Jessica
  3. Where will Ralphie drown?
  4. Topecan with a severed leg
  5. Defuse your bike on the playground
  6. Drug addicts
  7. Radioactive mushrooms
  8. Cemetery, it is possible to dig up a large number of fascinating things, it is possible to reach a medal of honor from a toaster; this medal can be given to Honest John at the Atkinson camp. The star will say Bellona, ​​this is the password for the safe in Darwin's village.
  9. Archive in will be the book “Sunrise of the Midnight Bombardier” +1 to the skill of the air defense technician
  10. House with people
  11. Here is Ralphie, whom we saved while he was drowning in the river; it is possible to take him to our own team. He has an excellent skill in repairing toasters 5
  12. the woman Anna will give us the item “Anna's eagle feather”
  13. It's possible for Scotchmo to take this homeless guy into his own team. If you don’t want him to be on your team, transfer everything he has in his inventory to the second team member and exclude him.
  14. The rotting corpse of a desert ranger. Pick up the Ranger A.K. star from it. and his diary. Give it to General Vargas
  15. This is an entertaining and at the same time slightly tedious quest. Use force on the turtle, then follow it. It will trudge for a very long time and eventually die on the shore and a nest will appear near it, which can be dug up.
  16. A place that you have the opportunity to dig up if you follow the turtle
  17. Aethelwulf Utopia, it is possible to give the captain Ethyl Mercaptan in the citadel
  18. Use the animal taming skill on the statue. A learned rat will come out from under the statue. The owner of the animal will be subject to the effect of the secret of N.I.M.Z. + 1 intelligence
  19. It is possible to use a train whistle
  20. The bar in which Gorkinovich is located that implements the squeeze. You must have the 4th ass-licking skill and then the Gorkinovich distillery mark will appear on the map. In the bar, ask Samuel about the ranger Ace, with your dialogue skills leveled up, he will agree and tell you about the ranger and the robot battle and give you Ace’s diary. If you take Angela Deth into a bar with you, she will shoot him. Contact the base and report.
  21. A gun store where Mr. Holliday will be. It is possible for him to return the goods stolen by drug addicts. The goods are in Atkinson's camp
  22. Dilapidated slot machines. Go inside and talk to Quorex, offer him help. He will ask you to bring an old CD-I device for him. Found in Atkinson's camp, can be purchased from Honest John
  23. Entering this trailer, on the closet shelf, pick up the book “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” give it to Corporal Flintlock Eggleston at the Ranger Citadel
  24. Trader “Junkie” It’s possible to shove radioactive mushrooms into him, see the location on the map (7)
  25. If Scotchmo is on the domestic team, he will take us to the hiding place
  26. An unusual person will follow us
  27. A dilapidated radio tower, we need to find details for it if we want to attach a repeater to it
  28. The meeting room where the Topecan chief is located
  29. entrance to Atchinson's camp
  30. If you want to steal the golden crutch (does not lead to a peaceful response) Generator. Disarming the alarm before attempting to disable it. Turn off the generator.
  31. Side entrance to the meeting room, you need to disarm the alarm and break in, you need a huge level of skill. This is also necessary in order to steal the golden crutch
  32. The golden crutch itself

A peaceful response to the conflict between the Topekans and the Akinsons

At the time when you deal with the CX center or Highpool, be sure to go to the citadel to sell the trash, buy something and take on other tasks. Upon completion of this task, you will be allowed inside. I won’t describe everything here Additional tasks.

We run to the city center. A woman, Jessie, will run out to meet us and ask for help for a drowning man. Run after her to the bridge and run along it to the pillars.

Ralphie will be in the water, use force on the pillar, he will fall into the water and Ralphie will be saved. Talk to him and go further into the city. On the way you will come across a Topekan with a torn off leg, help him using surgery.

Then it is possible to go to the camp ..... and chat with Kekkaba - report to him that we helped one of the Topekans. Talk to him. He will tell you that they have enmity between the Atkinsons and the Topekans. He doesn’t want us to help him in any conflicts.

In order to get him to talk, you need to find the brake pad.

Go to the Atchinson camp. Talk to leader Casey. If you ask him about the stocks, he will tell you to bring his daughter to him and then he will tell you where the blocks are (the blocks are in the swing next to his house, you need to break them easily). Fundamentally important: but if you bring the pads to Kekkabu, he will tell you that now we will wipe them all off the face of the earth and without that, in general, this is not a solution to the problem.

In order to peacefully resolve the conflict, talk to Casey with a proposal for peace (do not ask questions about the pads). Then he will say that he is ready for a truce if we bring his daughter.

We go again to Kekkab, then you need the smart-ass skill - 6 or ass-licking - 5. If you have one of the skills, he will let Jesse go. Go to Casey again and talk to him. He will offer to meet near broken roads.

Please note that at the end of his phrase the word two is in italics. Write this word directly on the line. Then you offer him a new option: “What if you both began to have it?”

In general, he will agree.

Again we run to Kekkab, he will demand that Casey cut off his left hand and then he will agree to peace. We go to the arrow, which will be near the entrance to the Atchinson camp and talk to Casey about this. He will agree.

Camp Atkinson

Camp Atkinson Map

note to the map

  1. enter exit
  2. Halliday's stolen supplies
  3. rail thieves camps
  4. Camp Atkinson, Melissa
  5. Antiquities of the switchman - Trade Shop Honest John might give him a medal. He will tell you about Darwin. Buy CD-I from him
  6. A house with a broken toaster. Having repaired it, I took a sprayer for liquid fertilizers and give it to Melon Lewis at the CX center. He will give you a melon, use it and you will get the effect melon +1 charisma +2 AP
  7. Chisel is located, if we resolve the conflict between the camps, he will be located at the exit from the rail nomads’ camp, it will be possible to take him into the group good tank, but little intelligence
  8. Casey James Principal Atkinson
  9. brake pads - hidden in the swing, you need to smash them. As has been repeated before, stocks do not lead to a peaceful response to conflict between warring camps.

Gorkinovich Distillery

Gorkinovich Distillery

The mark on the map will appear only after we’ve chatted with Gorkinovich in the rail nomads’ camp, and you need to have the skill of ass-licking more than 4. He will ask you to find his missing party. Find out at the plant and report to Gorkinovich when finished.

note to the map

  1. Larry was surrounded by tramps, here it is possible to use conversational skills in order to peacefully resolve the conflict, or to fight. In addition, if you take Scotchmo with you, he will solve the problem. Ivan will ask us to deal with the honey badgers
  2. Ben, you can give him dried juniper berries, which are available in the toaster in the colony location. For this he will give a special squeeze

Wasteland 2 WORLD in the Rail Nomad Camp walkthrough (part 5) release version 2014 Steam

A funny moment - Wasteland 2: Director's Cut is not placed on top of the original, but is an independent game, or rather a remake. Moreover, this is one of the best remakes ever created, since the authors reworked everything they could get their hands on: starting with the interface and elements gameplay and ending with the graphics engine and character models. In this regard, we can only feel sorry for those unfortunate people (including ourselves) who set out to explore the Wasteland a year ago - into an ugly, crooked and askew world. But from the creators of Fallout and about the nuclear post-apocalypse. For many this was quite enough.

It is one of the most high-profile projects on Kickstarter. People from all over the world shelled out almost $3 million to finally see a game with a sweet top-down view, turn-based tactical combat, scorched desert and ferocious mutants. The outcome was somewhat disappointing. It is clear that there was not enough money, and the project was completed in a hurry. A huge number of the most unpleasant errors, poorly drawn locations with smartphone-level graphics, annoying game design and interface, forcing you to do the same tedious manipulations over and over again when opening doors and chests.

The plot was not valuable, but in such games it is interesting to discover the world, no matter what you are looking for there main character, a water chip or a “Paradise City Creation Kit” of unknown purpose. It’s interesting to just travel, explore cities, carry out numerous missions, meet people and... kill them, to be honest. In this regard, Wasteland 2 was good, however, a lot of things were completed after release, with the help of updates. But it turned out that the inXile Entertainment studio was simultaneously working on a completely different set of improvements.

The desire to enter the console market had a beneficial effect on the team of Brian Fargo (creator of the legendary Wasteland (1988) and Fallout (1997)). The guys suddenly remembered that games should be, you know, beautiful, and took a decisive step in this direction.

Wasteland 2: Director's Cut is based on last generation graphics engine Unity - Unity 5 (the original used Unity 4.5). Whether the updated tools helped them or whether a professional artist was hired in the inXile office is not important. However, the game now looks completely different, there is a desire to rub your eyes and, just in case, pinch yourself - isn’t it a dream? Well, a completely different game!

Character models have been redrawn. Instead of sloppily hewn dolls, well-built figurines stand at attention in front of us. If you wanted to put the old ones away in a dusty box, or better yet, burn them, then the new ones are quite suitable for interior decoration. The locations were also redrawn. So, the Ranger Citadel underwent a complete restructuring, as if bulldozers arrived, demolished all this obscenity, and then cunning Hollywood specialists erected post-apocalyptic scenery on an empty field. We worked so hard that now you walk around the area, blinking your eyes: “Wow, what shadows!” Look at this dust! General, is that you?!”

The game has changed, but not completely. In some places you can still see details left over from Wasteland 2. At the same time, the whole game used to be like this, but now such phenomena almost never occur. Well, they forgot to put the texture on the stairs, which doesn’t happen to anyone... The transformation is amazing. I can’t believe that a small studio, which is simultaneously working on two role-playing projects (Torment: Tides of Numenera and The Bard's Tale), had enough strength to redraw such a large-scale game in just a year. It is worth recalling that completing Wasteland 2 takes about 80 hours, and that’s if you’re in a hurry to move forward.

At the same time, inXile thought about those who don’t have time to read sheets of text. The characters here are talkative, chatter beyond measure, and if previously a good quarter of the game consisted of reading dialogues, now you can listen to them! Key characters now have voices. In addition, many new sounds have appeared, so that the monotonous mooing of opponents no longer irritates the hearing aid.

The interface has also been redesigned. They didn’t make it more beautiful, we still have the same inexpressive tables, but it became larger, more visual, and finally clearer. One of the most popular innovations is the ability to click on interactive object right click mouse and a menu will appear on the screen suggesting actions. If it is a locked door, then “pick the lock”, “kick it down”, “check for a trap”. After this, a character with the selected ability will come up and carry out your criminal plan.

Since Wasteland 2: Director's Cut was released on Xbox One and PS4, the interface for consoles does not at all resemble that of the PC version, where you can survive in the Wasteland with only a mouse. On the gamepad... all the buttons are busy. It’s no wonder that the simplest actions are performed in a few clicks; choosing targets is not so fast (however, for playing with turn-based battles this is not critical). Crutches as is. A game where you have to control six characters, each of whom has their own set of abilities, is difficult to transfer to the console without loss.

The text is scaled, and so is the interface. You can play while leaning back in a chair with your feet on the table. Everything is clearly visible at a distance of one and a half to two meters.

Changes in mechanics are not immediately apparent, but they are there. Of course, the developers rolled out all the updates released for Wasteland 2 on Director's Cut, so you don't encounter any absurdities; no serious errors were noticed during 6 hours of play. Unfortunately, the old probability calculation was preserved. Of three shots, the probability of hitting is 75% only one reaches the target, and the weapon constantly jams. But the enemies have become the same klutzes, they often miss (we are talking about low levels), their rifles also sometimes jam. In addition, the inhabitants of the Wasteland have abandoned the manic desire to mine everything that cannot not to please. Previously, I nervously stood in front of every chest, door or safe: whether it would explode or not. Now such situations are much less common.

Wasteland 2 Wasteland 2: Director's Cut

An important addition to the combat system was the ability to shoot at specific parts of the body: the head, torso, arms or legs. The locations where you end up when you stumble upon a bandit group in the Wasteland look nicer, they have also been redrawn. But they did not get rid of the monotony. Alas, you spend these battles in the same scenery, over and over again. Even the arrangement of boxes and cars is preserved.

40 minutes of gameplay with chatter from Vitaly Kazunov


Impressive work. Is it true. Brian Fargo's team has surpassed most, if not everyone, who has ever made remakes.

Director's Cut is not perfect, but this is by no means a standard “expanded and expanded” edition. This is a total reworking of the original, with an updated and now very nice picture, with voiced dialogues of key characters, with improved mechanics, a redesigned interface, with the ability to connect a gamepad and play while lounging on the couch. So, if you are partial to party role-playing games, and the nuclear post-apocalypse is nicer than the lush greenery of magical forests and the smiles of elves, then Wasteland 2: Director's Cut is definitely recommended for purchase.

Is it worth playing the game for those who have already completed the original? At the very least, download it, watch it, admire it. And then, you see, it will tighten again.

  • New engine, updated graphics
  • Many locations and models have been redrawn
  • There are many voiced dialogues
  • Good control using a gamepad
  • A completely redesigned interface that has become more convenient
  • Many small changes to game mechanics


  • We should have released a game like this right away

The first big dilemma in Wasteland 2 will be the choice between saving the SH center and Highpool. The agricultural center, located in the southern part of the wastelands, is under attack by mutants that appeared suddenly after a carefully planned sabotage (the mutation began after the contamination of the irrigation system). The head of the CX Center is Matt Forrestal, a former Ranger; his right hand is Katie Lawson, a scientist. The meeting with them will take place in the lobby, where they will tell you in detail about what happened. Once your goals are defined, it's time to take action. Simultaneously with the solution of the main task - cleaning the irrigation system - many secondary tasks will come to be solved, including the rescue of surviving employees and farmers. Total to come save 6 people, who became hostages of mutant plants, using "Survival" skill. If you do not use your skills, you will have to wait until the main task of cleaning the complex is completed, then all the plants will die on their own. Repeated touching of prisoners ends in their death, so you should limit yourself to the first dialogue, or better not touch them at all, they won’t tell you anything useful anyway. As a reward for saving employees, Matt Forrestal will give you the key to his room and give you the code to the safe (80085), which contains his Star with a +1 modifier to the Money Changer skill and other little things.

The four survivors from the greenhouse in the Central Complex belong to the task “Save the workers from creatures infected with the infection.” If they remain standing after destroying the zombies, maggots and flies, you should use a previous save and try to save them again. The task is secondary and does not affect the development of the plot. After rescue, the four must take refuge in the main building, not far from Rosa's laboratory.

Location of the SH Center employees in Wasteland 2:

  1. On the wall in the second small room in the Central Complex (on the way to the antenna), on the left side of the CX Center reception area, where the group is greeted by Matt Forrestal and his assistant Katie Lawson.
  2. On the wall in the northern experimental room in the Central Basement, before the corridor with five turbines leading to the Eastern Fields.
  3. On the wall at the end of the path, after the giant mushrooms, in the southern cave of the Central Cellar.
  4. On the wall inside the locked barn just after entering the Eastern Fields.
  5. On the wall of the central barn in which Ryan Korniloff, Dr. Larsen's assistant, is hiding in the East Field.
  6. On a container in the northern part of the East Field.


On the page you will find complete walkthrough games Wasteland 2. The guide is supported by screenshots and comments from the author. Wasteland Walkthrough 2 is 100% complete to the best final ending.


In the client with localization from BUKI found critical errors in dialogues. Simply put, cues and choices began to disappear. All this leads to stupor in tasks and can ruin the passage. In case of inconsistencies in dialogues, switch to English. and re-pass this section.

Detailed walkthrough games Wasteland 2. Part 1.

Wasteland 2 Walkthrough begins with a briefing from General Vargas. Listen to him completely and ask him about all the intricacies of the task. At once take a shovel at the graves and along the way we drip embankments, all sorts of useful junk can get there. After marking the quest on the map, go up and left, then down and talk to Angela. She will want to help in the search for the missing boy and in the task with the repeaters and the tower. I took her to the team.

Follow the map for now and get to your destination – "radio tower". Along the way, don’t forget to report by radio, this is not only a way to get a promotion, but also a special quest mechanism through which you will interact with your superiors, and also sometimes receive incoming signals, that is, additional ones. missions. Having entered the location, we stomp straight and carefully peer into the bushes to the left of the mountains, in one of them there will be an icon of the deceased. Afterwards, we follow the tracks higher and, going out to the gang, start a dialogue.

Here we either wet them or pay. You can also go to the right, but there you will have to disarm the alarm and break open the door. If such skills are absent, then in any case you will have to go through the gap. After the battle, by the way, you can use a computer technician to set up a signal from the tower and in response get something like Morse code. On the map, in addition to the plot hike, there is one cave with toaster and statue, what gives additional experience, and on the right side of the street there are a couple of boxes. Don't forget to check your finds for traps.

After entering the cave, in the north of the map, kill the huge frog and collect ALL the quest items nearby. You should have a repeater and scraps of the diary. Now we go out and stomp to the south. Along the way, the boss will contact us and give us two points to check, these are also towers. But everyone will be attacked, so here you need make a choice, which one to rush to first. I drove my company first to "SH-center".

Having entered the CX Center location, go straight and you can run around the surrounding area in search of mutant beetles and other living creatures. You can cut down the fence in the center and open the box. On the left, if you move away from the fence in that direction, you can find a sealed door on the south side of the building and a mined door on the west. Inside there is a safe and boxes of weapons. We blow up the door and we're inside. Now go through the thickets to the end, there is still a safe and boxes there.

Now stomp to the northern part, to the door shrouded in vines. We talk through the intercom with the scientist and, having cut down the plants, go inside. First, we detonate the pulsating thing to the left of the passage from a distance, but only from a distance so as not to become infected. In the future, you also need to avoid this rubbish, although if you complete the tasks at the center 100%, you will eventually receive the medicine.

Inside we talk with the staff and receive a task to save the complex. And also a task to find fruits from those plants that explode on contact. There are 10 fruits in total. After the dialogues, three passages will be unlocked. We go to the right and if our skills allow, then we hack the doors from above, and then from below. After meeting the scientist, in the first door on the right, you can add the lady to the team and she will cope with combination lock. Let's move on.

Along the way, four people from the laboratory will be ambushed. We take a position behind the fence and kill all the zombies and insects. Then we break the plants and collect the remaining fruits. Returning to the center, give the find to the doctor and go left. Now we unlock another door with a combination lock. Next, you will have to go through the location again and at the end save the man from the rabbits. We talk with the man, then head to the last, central door and dive into the basement.

Now you need unlock the gateway, which is opposite the control panel, and not on the sides. We go down and kill the guards that come across along the way. Don't forget to search the holes with a shovel. We find a passage in the wall on the right. Inside, take the weapon from the corpse and go forward. In the next room, chat with the man, take the spray bottle, further, behind the locked door, there are more goodies. If you have the skills to pick locks and electronics, then rummage around. One box is mined. Now take the man out of the basement and go to the lady and the man in the wheelchair, they are located where you met the doctor who is now on your team.

Give the spray bottle to the doctor and she will cure the cripple, but not you. We go back to the basement. And now we go through the gateway to the left of the control panel. Here you need to break open the doors, for this you will need a good burglar. Afterwards, move forward and if there is a technician in the team, then repair the robot, it will break through the plants. If not, then knock out the boards by force and kill the guards in the cave. Eventually, you must come to the surface.

Once at the prison location, follow the road and find a merchant with a goat. We pull out his cart using brute force, and then we talk. He will tell us about the place on the hill where Red sits under the turrets. He will tell you about scorpions and you can also trade with him. To the left of the entrance to the city, there will be a farm where one of the inhabitants will ask you to return the stolen pigs to him. A little further, a wounded woman will lie. She will ask you to kill her, but if you do this, the farmer and his family will hide from you.

On the right side of the location there is another settlement and a couple of houses. There you can also take on a task to repair a well; if there is a skilled technician, then we will repair it. Next, we talk with all the characters on the territory and go up. The scorpions at the checkpoint will ask for money, supposedly a tax on weapons. If you don’t want to pay, you can go around the entire settlement on the left. There is a tap there, and if you have a smart hacker, you can remove the container from the entrance to the cave and enter the prison from the basement. Also, there is another move, already on the left along the container.


If you want to amicably resolve conflicts with scorpions, do not kill them, bypass patrols and checkpoints.

If you want to walk quietly, then stomp through main passage, and not through the basement. There, along the minefield, to the left and further up, to the main farms, but you will still have to fight once. If there is a fight, then it is better to approach from the basement. In the basement itself you will also have to kill about a dozen enemies. I found a grenade launcher in a drawer at the back, so it was very easy to sneak through the place. Once outside, take a position on top of the ledge and extinguish the guards from above. Nothing difficult either. Once you're done, knock out the enemies from their position on the way up the mountain and head out to the farms.

On the farm, if you bypass the patrol on the road, you can walk without a fight. Talk to all the inhabitants, and most importantly, to the man at the dovecote. Now go along the left side and knock down the door to the pigsty. Having freed the pigs, you will complete the farmer's task. This can be done quietly or by shooting. If you want to be quiet, break through the fence on the other side of the pigsty and two more passages behind the corn field. If you go down to the prison itself, you will come across a guarded area from minefield and two turrets.

There’s no way to get through here yet, step over the stones and the whole group is in a mess. Let's chat with a key character named Red about the main quest. We return to the farmer who was looking for pigs, and then we go to the wounded woman. Next to it there is a descent into the mine, through a grate. It can be broken or hacked, the tunnel will lead to the merchant on Goat Mountain. You can also get to Red through the front entrance, but there you will have to fight with turrets or enter the client code into the panel (I never found the code). If you don’t mind the ammo and first aid kits, go ahead. (Sniper, turrets are missing, use this).

In the conversation, you will learn that you need to visit the prisoner in the ranger stronghold. Once you arrive, go to the main gate. Inside, we run around all the traders and all the characters. When the tour is over, go to the prison and free the prisoner in exchange for help finding the suit. Now you can go to his hiding place (it’s in the west of “Rick’s Trailer”), there you can find a radiation protection suit, safe code “733”. He released the criminal, as promised. Afterwards I wandered around the infected stations, on a mission from Sue. Unfortunately, I couldn’t complete it, because... one medicine was not enough. Earlier, I wrote later so that you do not waste the medicine, if you listen, you will complete the task.

I also ran through the locations below, in the south. Nothing special, just killed weak mobs and collected nice things. At the same time, I recommend looking beyond the border with radiation; sometimes there are hiding places where you can find good weapons, armor and ammunition. Of course, it’s better not to go there without a suit. Don't forget to look into the mysterious temples, they give you upgrades. After all this, I also went to the previously explored location “Radio Tower” to check the signal. There will be about five robots at the point, clean the location and leave

It is also worth finding people in the center behind the truck and taking the task from them to clear the building opposite. You can enter there through the main entrance. After killing everyone, report to the man, the water cooler is inside the building, near the entrance. After this, you can go to the merchants who are in the northern part, they are guarded by robots, but it’s worth fighting for a good merchant. If you give some weapons to the second girl, she will give you a Big Bertha machine gun, albeit with a 7.62 caliber.

In the diner in the center of the map, you can find two people who have lost a girl, we agree to help them. We go higher and come across 10 robots and one turret. To win, we bring the robots towards us, while leaving part of the group on the hill to the left, there is still a statue there. Having killed everyone, head further, do not aggro the group of monsters in the center, but carefully, along the wall, go out to the hangar. We feel for the entrance and prepare for battle. We make a separate save.

First you need to decide whether you will save the girl who is being held in the middle by a humanoid robot. If you do, then you don’t need to fight near the generator and computers that are in the corner. You can sneak up to a cage with people and fight there to your heart’s content.

We kill all the robots that come running, then take on the enemy in the center of the map. We take off half his lives and then he will stop the firefight and allow us to enter into dialogue. We don’t bore him with conversations, he still won’t say anything. Just at this moment go to the computers and hack the settings indicated in the screenshots, strictly in the order described above. Set up an ambush around the robot in advance and in battle we try not to hit the tied girl.

For those who don’t want to worry and look for sophisticated solutions, you should just shoot the enemies, remove the key from the boss’s neck and go to the tower across the yard. I preferred the bloodless option.

Let's investigate the situation and visit the temple. Now you need to find beer on the roof of the temple in the chest. Then go out into the courtyard and give beer to the soldier at the table. He will start talking and blurt out about the eye, it needs to be stolen. It is located next to this place, near the fence. You can steal it through a gap in the same fence. Taking the eye, go to your wife in the temple and show it. In return, she will give dirt on the head. Take it to the person near the cages with people. Then proceed to the hall. After killing the head, you will be given a key. Use this key to unlock the door in the courtyard.

At the checkpoint, take all the bags with zeolite (3 pcs.). There are two more in the safe, but you will need good hacking skills. At the end of the location there will be another tower, insert the transmitter. In the dialogue, do not forget to mention Matvey, and we ourselves leave the lock. If you want to help the prostitutes win back their place, then use brute force to break the door panel and kill the guards in the yard. Afterwards, prostitutes will come running and you will be able to hand over the task to the main one in the pack. It is not necessary to finish off the rest, but you can for the sake of experience.

As a result, we should have 6 bags of zeolite. This is enough to create a suit for 6 radiation. We go home and get a suit from the main one. When you enter the wasteland, you will receive a signal that a giant synth is attacking. The fight with him will be simple. Place the soldiers around the perimeter and do not go too close, otherwise you will run into a flamethrower and small bugs. Having killed everyone, we go to “Seal Beach”. The end is approaching, collect ammo, upgrades, and first aid kits. Clear your backpacks of clutter. You won’t need anything else, dump all white items and unnecessary trash.

At the point we talk to the merchant and do not recommend that he go to the synths with toys. There will be two synths on the left, one of which will lead you into an ambush, and the second really wants to help. Let's not worry, Johnny will help, the other one needs to be shot. We follow Johnny and when he leaves, you can shoot at the ambush or hack the terminal and close the door. Having penetrated the subway, we begin the search for the main workshop.

As soon as you come across it, prepare for a thorough fight. Opposite will be a tank, two shooters and melee warriors on the heels. You won’t be able to sit back, the enemy will take up defensive positions, and the tank’s gun will hit very painfully every three turns. The simplest option is to work with grenade launchers on groups of enemies and on a tank, but, in principle, it all depends on the equipment and skills. If the energy weapon is well pumped in, the synths will die quickly. For example, I was able to get almost everyone with a sniper and shooting at the heads. Nobody survived the damage of 480. Tank was crushed by numbers.

Before going to the surface, prepare for an even more serious mess. A combat scorpion, a tank and a main synth with minions await you. Theoretically, you can leave without a fight because... the helicopter standing behind has an active exit icon, but I still killed the enemies. And, by the way, it was not in vain that the main one had a good set of protection and weapons that cost 2k scrap in the store.

Having arrived at the battlefield, bargain with the sellers for the last time, stock up on everything you need as much as possible and storm the citadel.

In the first couple of battles, it will be possible to retreat and buy some money; upon entering the citadel, the path to the merchants will be cut off. We go down into the opened hatch. There's a boss ahead. Send the doctor from the SH center forward, and without weapons, if she is still on your team, she will still become one of the enemies. And take up positions along the perimeter yourself, preferably even a hill. Carry on a dialogue with Matvey, and when “AI Kochis” inhabits him, choose your fate. I chose to fight.

The fight is tough, there are so many enemies. To win, coordinate the work of all soldiers so as to prevent mixing. The enemy must keep his distance. You need to fight off three waves. Moreover, even if the enemy seems to be defeated and only snipers and grenade launchers remain on the horizon, still do not rush to attack. There will be reinforcements just behind the two structures in the center. Beat them until you run out. Then storm the positions and finish off the former Matvey.


Immediately after the fight, the countdown will begin and when it reaches 100%, humanity will be destroyed. Throw everything away, there’s no time to search, don’t scramble for weapons and supplies, they won’t be needed anymore. You need to quickly rush to the edge and leave the location. Next, we hack the panel and go out to the flight room. There will be a turntable and our former partner. Talk to her (the timer will stop). Now there are several options: fly away without detonating the bomb, or go blow it up.

If you are going to undermine, then prepare a burglar, he must go down the thresholds and break two doors on the left. There will be a nuclear bomb in the room. In the dialogue with the bomb, one hero can sacrifice himself for the sake of the group. The rest are saved.

That's it, the successful completion of Wasteland 2 is complete. The main thing is that humanity is saved from the threat of complete destruction. Next, there will be a debriefing where you will be shown the results of your walk. Enjoy.

Neighborhood (valley) of the prison

note to the map

  1. Fred Darvis, help him push the cart and ask about Red.
  2. Celia will need the repair skill to repair the well and give her water. She will tell us the password for the turrets 123456789
  3. William Brown. His pigs were stolen by the Red Scorpions. Free his pigs and they will find their own way home. The pigs will be on a farm next to the prison (see map of the prison)
  4. Checkpoint, we will be asked to pay a tax or have to fight, it is better to pay in order to pass through point 12 calmly.
  5. Password to disable the tower Bud
  6. Red himself. When he gets there, he will tell Rick Beichowski, who knows where to get the suits.
  7. The entrance to the cave, through which you can go past the turrets to Red, you need to have a pumped hack and, leaving the cave on the other side, clear the minefield.
  8. The exit is on the other side, where you can go through the minefield and approach Red bypassing the turrets.
  9. Statue + 1 skill
  10. Pitbull's Lair, use it brute force to break down the fence. Free the women. On the way out, he will attack your squad.
  11. Red Scorpions checkpoint
  12. Entering the prison without encountering red scorpions. Requires advanced computer skills. Use the crane to remove the container from the walkway.
  13. Another entrance to the prison.
  14. There will be a toaster inside dried juniper berries, they can be given to Ben at the distillery.

When we help, at our choice, the CX center or Highpool, then when we arrive at another point, we will see a destroyed place and a destroyed radio tower near which raise the radio antenna. Contact the ranger base, General Vargas will send you to the prison area to reconnoiter the situation there.

On the way we will meet Fred Darvis. He needs help pushing his cart, just someone next to him will use brute force on the cart. After talking with him, he will tell you about a certain Red and a protective suit. It will also tell you the password to the “Special” turrets. Ask him more and he will tell you about the woman in blue; another Mysterious Temple mark will appear on our map. Go to Red and talk to him. He will say that Damonta is surrounded by a wall of radiation. But the mad monks know weakness, but to get there you need a protective suit. A certain Rick Beichowski knows where to get the suit, but he was arrested by the rangers and taken to the citadel. To continue the story, return to the citadel.


  1. Entrance to the prison from the valley
  2. Bypass entrance to the prison (in the valley you could lift a container with a crane and go here.)
  3. A bypass exit to the prison itself to avoid opponents
  4. A farm guarded by Red Scorpions. Farmer Jobe will ask you to destroy Commandant Danforth. He will have a cure for canine distemper
  5. Intercom through which you can talk to the prison. They will ask us to find a cure for dogs. In the same place, look for a toaster inside there will be Preparation G, you can give it to the head of the AGZ in the Canyon of the Titans. For this he will give you a good sniper rifle
  6. Turrets They can be destroyed by using a caterpillar (located in Damont) or by finding medicine for dogs.
  7. Danforth and the Red Scorpions in prison.

What can be done with the Red Scorpions and is peace possible?

Having reached Red and learned from him about the protective suits, we can go further in the plot or try to resolve the issue with the red scorpions. If we do not resolve the issue with the scorpions and go to Damonta, they will kill everyone in the valley and all additional tasks will be lost.

Get to the intercom (point 5). We will be asked to find medicine for the dogs or get out. The cure for canine distemper is at Jobe's on the farm here in the location, talk to him, he will give you the medicine, after which you will be allowed through the turrets into the prison, where you will talk to the boss, cure the dogs and slap Danforth himself to free Happy Valley from slavery or not touch him and tell Jobe about it.

There is another passage to the prison. You can destroy the turrets by using Tank track TRL-01553, which is located in Damont (see point 14). There will be a robot next to the fence, insert this caterpillar into it, after which it will ask for the target type, select “inorganic”. He will go to the turrets and simply destroy them. After that, we can go in and destroy all the scorpions inside.

Return to the citadel and talk to Rick in the prison. He will agree to tell us where we can find the suit, but subject to freedom, talk to the warden, he will let him go and we will have a mark on the map of Rick's Trailer. Go to the point, Rick will trudge with us.

Rick's trailer

note to the map

  1. at this point Rick will ask us if he can come with us, if we say yes then he will give us the code 733
  2. At this point the base will contact us and ask about Beichowski. We will have options to choose from. If you say that he is dead, he will again say the code.
  3. If you repair the inside it will be " Faded photograph» it can be given in California in the Temple of Angels to assistant Mona Shera and you will receive a weapon Neutron Projector.
  4. Safe with +4 protective suit
