Watch Dogs: walkthrough of the game in Russian. Walkthrough of the game Watch Dogs Walkthrough of Watch Dogs in Russian

Unlike many “colleagues in the shop”, Watch Dogs 2 is a real sandbox. And it really is possible to complete many missions in different ways: by sneaking past enemies, engaging in battle, or manipulating the surrounding equipment. Which path to choose is up to you, but we decided to compile a list of tips that will make your passage easier and more fun.

Let's play ghost

The first and probably most important advice is use cameras and drones. Don't forget that Watch Dogs 2 is not a game where there is only one way to complete a mission. And most importantly, it’s not a project where your enemies can’t do anything to oppose you. They will surround you, press you in numbers, throw grenades at you - surviving against a pack of opponents is often not easy. Especially when armored fighters enter the fray or reinforcements arrive.

Instead of playing Rambo, it’s better to hack the camera or send your “jumper” into action, analyze the situation, eliminate everyone you can using traps. Well, then, perhaps, it already makes sense to steal the digital key and go into hell yourself.

Second tip - go around locations from different sides, before bursting through the front door. There is often a much shorter and safe way to the goal. And all you need is to get the necessary key or unlock the door from the inside, and this can be done using a drone or even cameras.

With the help of cameras you can penetrate into any place and do a lot of things.

Another trick that can make the passage much easier is remote driving cars. Better learn it early- there will eventually be a lot of situations where this skill will save you from unpleasant chases or unnecessary battles.

For example, imagine that you were hiding in a car from the police: you turned off the engine, drove into an alley, and there was nothing left until the end of the pursuit. But suddenly a patrol car drives into this very courtyard. The best way in this case, simply make their car drive away, which will briefly distract the pursuers.

In the same way, you can direct cars at entire clusters of opponents and eliminate them all at once. A real “carmageddon”! And even armored enemies, who cause a lot of problems in battle. There are also missions where you need to destroy something, and here cars also come in handy, especially when parked right in front of the target. Well, in a chase, you can simply force an enemy car to drive off a cliff. It really helps to get away from your pursuers!

And as soon as possible build a quadcopter. It costs about 67 thousand in-game dollars, but that’s literally three bags of money that you can steal from one of the gangs (and without any problems, try it). But the benefits from it are great. Using a drone, you can assess the situation from above, play various tricks on your opponents and steal keys, and at the same time do not depend at all on the location of the cameras. Well, thanks to the height, it is much more difficult to be noticed with such a drone than with a ground jumper.

Save your nerves

There are also less global tips, however, they can greatly change the feeling of the game. For example, we highly recommend Don’t forget about the ability to quickly move. You will have to drive often during a mission, but you will save a lot of time, which can be devoted to side quests and other much more interesting things.

If you don’t like this approach, there is advice for motorists: avoid cheap sedans, better choose (or even buy) a muscle car or sports car. It is on them that the physics and sound of the engine show their best side, reminiscent of Driver: San Francisco, and not about the first part, where driving was simply unpleasant.

Driving such cars is much cooler than copies of any Japanese small cars.

Don't forget to activate traps "in reserve", even if there are no opponents there now. You will soon restore the resources necessary for hacking, but such a move can greatly help if the enemies decide to attack at the most unexpected moment.

Another way to get rid of the guard who is about to discover the main character is distract with his own mobile phone. Then you can calmly sneak past or even stun with your fist - the enemy won’t even notice it.

We also recommend early acquire the ability to set criminal gangs or police against a person. Sometimes you don’t even need to get involved in a shootout: you call the “lads”, and they will sort it out themselves. Well, if they don’t figure it out, then at least they’ll make some noise, and it’s much easier to get past the lingering guards to the goal.

We fight with the police

Very often the police and various security companies will put a spoke in the hero’s wheels. But you can also fight them. First of all, if you see that a witness has decided to call the cops - just call him on the phone. Or activate an ability that distracts everyone in the area.

Well, to escape from the cops, it’s best to turn off the road into some kind of gateway, as far as possible change car faster and hide in it. If the courtyard is narrow enough, then even a helicopter will not help law enforcement officers find you. Especially here The ability to open a car without first disabling its alarm system will also come in handy. Activate this skill as early as possible. Otherwise, you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation: the police will come running in response to the noise and you will have to run away from them again.

A stun gun and hand-to-hand combat techniques are not only silent, but they are also more effective than firearms.

And finally, we come to the main “headache” of the heroes of Watch Dogs 2 - armored fighters. Weapons are not very good against them - these big guys, thanks to their helmets, can withstand even direct hits to the head. Traps do not always help either, especially if there are several opponents. But they are easy to crush with a car(especially remotely controlled), and it's even better to beat them... hand to hand. Attacking with fists and from around the corner, main character puts the big guy down much faster than with a bullet. Although we still advise just in case buy explosives and something heavy in advance, like grenade launchers. Believe me, at the last levels this can make life a lot easier.

* * *

This is where our educational program ends, although we are sure that if desired, everyone will find a dozen more ways to “cheat” the game. Still, Watch Dogs 2 is an extremely bold and rich game that allows you to experiment and play through it the way you want.

IN computer game Watch Dogs passage turns out to be very exciting, interesting and versatile. However, fans are still disappointed, since they were promised something more, but they just received a quality product, and not the promised masterpiece. So, what is the essence of this game? You will have to get used to the role of a hacker in the near future - you will act in a city that is completely controlled by artificial intelligence. At one point, with your hacking activities, you cross the path of someone very large, and your family is eliminated. Accordingly, you immediately begin to act in response, trying to find who is behind all this. And now you can not only hack everything - you can shoot and kill, move freely around the city, taking all kinds of actions to ensure that justice is done. In the game Watch Dogs, the passage is much more linear than we would like, but, in addition to the main storyline, which will be the focus of this article, you can also do Additional tasks, secret missions, look for hidden objects and much more. But first of all, the plot.


So, in the game Watch Dogs, the passage begins with the fact that you, together with your accomplice from a hotel room, break the security system, but suddenly the protection is triggered, and you have to quickly hide. But immediately after this they show how a certain Maurice receives an order to kill the protagonist’s family, and only 11 months later does Aiden Pearce (that’s the name of the protagonist in Watch Dogs) manage to contact this Maurice and try to find out who the orderer is. This was just a short introduction so that you can understand the plot of the Watch Dogs storyline, but the walkthrough begins immediately after that and consists of five chapters, each of which consists of a set of missions that are interconnected.

Chapter 1, part 1

A full playthrough of Watch Dogs begins with your confrontation with Maurice - you will need to shoot him with blank bullets. Afterwards we fight hand-to-hand, and then Aiden picks up his phone. You need to scan it - there will be an audio recording of a conversation with an accomplice indicating the meeting place. You won't be able to get out in time, since the police will arrive, but you shouldn't get into a fight now, since you don't even really have a weapon. Therefore, hide and hack one camera after another until you control them all at once. With their help, you can find the police’s “blind spot” and get out calmly. You will then need to get to the stadium where the meeting is scheduled. In the room with the guard, make a distraction trap and throw it at the wall, and while the guard is busy, pass by. Now you need access codes - break the camera, switch to the one that shows a conversation between two guards, in the computer you can get the codes you need to go further to the server room. There you need to use a new ability that allows you to turn off the lights. In the dark, get out of the stadium and get into the car left especially for you - break away from your shoulder straps. Once near the hideout, scan the area to find potential crime and prevent it. Playing through Watch Dogs will often present you with unusual challenges to solve, so be prepared.

Chapter 1, part 2

Later, your sister Nicole will invite you to her son Jackson's birthday, go there and install a bug on her phone - so you will understand that someone is terrorizing her too. Track the caller's phone number, which will be in a car nearby. Chase him, hack the traffic light so he crashes, then neutralize him and take the phone. Now, to find out who is behind the blackmail of your sister, you need to hack the central artificial intelligence tower. Get there - you can try to fight your way through, but it is still recommended to sneak in unnoticed and then hack the tower. The terrible truth will be revealed to you - artificial intelligence constantly monitors everyone in the city. But for now you need to take care of the contract to rescue the fugitive - go to the point where the task is issued, but you will not be able to start it, because some hacker wants to hack you in order to get your equipment. Find him and eliminate him, then take on the contract. Here you will need to drive very carefully. The AI ​​is constantly scanning the city, but you as a hacker can see the scanner waves, so just avoid them or the police will chase you. When you deliver the target to the place, you will be attacked, and your fugitive will still be shot. Now it’s time to meet the person who has been helping you anonymously all this time - go to the meeting place and find the girl Clara there, who, it turns out, also knows about everything that’s going on in the city. Your goal is to get to the head office of the ctOS corporation, which is responsible for the AI, and inject a virus into their network. This will not be easy to do, since the building is swarming with guards and has several floors. And again, you can choose for yourself - sneak past the guards, quietly eliminate them, or break through with a machine gun at the ready. In any case, after downloading the virus, you will need to hide in a car, avoiding waves of scanners, but now you can interfere with them, although this is not one hundred percent protection. As you can see, playing through Watch Dogs doesn't seem all that boring.

Chapter 1, part 3

Walking through Watch Dogs in Russian may seem much easier to understand for Russian-speaking users, but there really aren't any particular moments where the difference is noticeable. So it doesn’t matter what language you play the game in - in any case, you will understand that Clara called you and tracked down one of the culprits. Go to the indicated location, connect to the camera in the apartment, and then to the phone to find out that negotiations are underway with your former accomplice, with whom you were almost tied up 11 months ago. After this, the raid will begin - use grenades against the cars before the opponents get out of them, kill others by exploding transformers, and finish off the rest with the weapons you have. Then go to meet Damien, and after that go to the grave of Lena, your niece. There, your hero will take an oath not to look for those responsible for her murder. Next, go to a meeting with Geordi, who will tell you that one witness has survived and is ready to turn you in. You will need to deal with this, so go to the indicated base, there you will need to deal with a large number of enemies using any of the available methods. Having reached the boss, interrogate him and find out where the witness has gone - it turns out that he is in prison under protection. We need to solve this problem, but first complete the contract - listen to the phone of your target’s daughter and find out the route of movement. Watch for him at one of the traffic lights and eliminate him. After this, you will have the opportunity to go to prison - your hero will voluntarily surrender to get inside. There you will need to hack the system in order to open the cell door and make your way to the courtyard where your target is being beaten - not such a reliable defense. Watch where they take him, go down there and, taking a shotgun, deal with the guards, and then arrange your own interrogation. Get out and hide from pursuit - this ends the first chapter of Watch Dogs. Walkthroughs in Russian and English are no different, so you can handle it without any problems in any case.

Chapter 2, part 1

It's time to continue looking at the walkthrough in Watch Dogs. Part 1 is over, and now events will develop much faster. First you will need to ensure the protection of your sister, while preventing Jackson, your partner, from dying. Well, of course, in order not to leave traces, you will need to hack a securely protected server. Then you will need to complete a contract to eliminate big shot Racine - bug and hack his office, then go after him and neutralize him. After returning to the shelter, a surprise awaits you - a raid. Fight off the attackers, and when Clara is grabbed, turn on your concentration and shoot the enemy in the head. Take Clara to the car, and get into another one. After some time, contact Carla and find out about a certain Tobias, who participated in the development of the AI. Look for him by eliminating the man who has already left to kill Tobias. Find the target and interrogate him.

Chapter 2, part 2

After this, you can get to the bunker where the AI ​​was developed by solving a difficult puzzle. At the same time, you will find out the location of another tower, go there, disable three security systems and escape. After this, in the bunker you will be able to connect to a very strange place - explore it by hacking all the cameras. Next will be a plot twist in which you will need to go to the next boss in order to get closer to those people whom you saw on the camera in the bunker. It was then that the pace at which the passage in Watch Dogs will take place will change greatly - the first half of the game was not so intense, and the second will be much more difficult and more fun.

Chapter 2, part 3

What else can it offer a gamer? walkthrough Watch Dogs? Part 3 of Chapter 2 begins with Geordi giving you a new weapon, the Sticky Bomb. Go to the mission point, mine the building with these bombs and wait for a crowd of enemies, most of which you can eliminate with a bomb. Go to Tyrone and keep an eye on him. Then you will need to keep an eye on the other person with the briefcase - he will leave the briefcase at a certain point, and you need to have time to intercept it. There is important data that you can use later, but for now, head to the next tower and neutralize it. It's time to track down another person, Crispin, who, when you appear, will immediately get into the car and try to hide - catch up with him and eliminate him, then go to the nightclub and meet the girl Poppy. She will take you to the auction, where you can see Iraq, the same main boss you saw on the camera. Scan it and leave, but on the way out you will be attacked and a fight will break out. Having dealt with this, you will need to get involved in another serious fight at the enterprise of Racine, which you eliminated. Now you need to meet with Tyrone and force him to go to Iraq and download important files. Lead Tyrone with your hacking skills, but when the race begins, Iraq will come and kill Tyrone, and you will need to hide. And finally, you need to find another powerful hacker, Kinney, and get in touch with him. It won't be easy, but you can do it if you try. It is by receiving a signal from Kinney that the passage of the Watch Dogs mission ends, and at the same time the second chapter ends.

Chapter 3, part 1

In the game Watch Dogs Deluxe Edition walkthrough contains bonus content, but it is not directly related to the storyline, so you can still meet Kinney right away and negotiate with him for mutual assistance. You will need to get rid of several security groups and big shots, and then clear Kinney's house of surveillance.

Chapter 3, part 2

After that, he will be able to make a virus for you, which you will upload into the Iraqi network. This will allow you to penetrate his base, deal with the guards, and then with the boss himself, which is where the passage of the third chapter in Watch Dogs (Bad Blood) ends.

Chapter 4, part 1

This chapter is actually the last, although there is also a fifth, but it is very short. So, you need to return to the hideout, where you are hacked, and you find out that Clara is one of those hackers who exposed you 11 months ago. She will try to apologize, but Aiden will send her away. After that, you need to mind your own business, solve important problems, until you find out that your family was ordered by the mafioso Quinn. It's time to start the hunt, contrary to your promises at the grave. But before that, take your sister and son out of town, away from terror.

Chapter 4, part 2

Find out new details about Quinn's order and his motives, eliminate his people, and then eliminate him himself, thereby taking revenge. But at the same time, you learn that Clara tried to fix everything by making herself the target instead of your sister. Go to the cemetery and try to save her - unfortunately, you won’t have time, Clara will die. Now all you have to do is eliminate Damien, who took control of the AI ​​and created a real hell in the city. Upload the Kinney virus at several points in the city to eliminate the AI, and then go to the lighthouse where Damien is located. Clear the lighthouse until your meeting on the roof takes place. Suddenly Jody will appear, who suddenly wants to kill not Damien, but you - throw him off the roof, and then shoot Damien. That's it, the city is saved.

Chapter 5, part 1

The last chapter, as mentioned, is very short. In the first part you just have to watch the news about what happened in the city, what shootings, explosions and other events were caused by you.

Chapter 5, part 2

Well, the game will end with a scene in which Aiden enters the garage, where Maurice is sitting tied up, on whose hands is the blood of your family. And you are given a choice - kill him or leave him alive.

It's been a while since you were all promised an action game where main character, can connect to the city’s information network, try to take control of a town of a million people, while receiving absolutely complete permission to any points of information. The game will take place in a world of complete freedom of action. Viewing this walkthrough, you will be able to understand all the details of the game.


The game starts at the Merlot Motel, you play as a hacker named Aiden Pearce, he breaks the security system with his friend. And then surprise, someone turned on the automatic security system, so our hero had to go on the run. Next they show a video where it becomes clear to you that someone called a certain Maurice and gives orders for him to deal with Aiden’s loved ones, thereby scaring him. Next is the next video, 11 months have passed. The main character finds the killer and tries to find out who ordered his family.

End of the eighth inning

You need to shoot at Maurice with blanks, after he attacks you, fight him off, scan his phone and listen to the audio recording on the phone. When you leave the locker room, you will be greeted by Georgie. When the police appear, just run along the corridor and sit behind the box; when the cops turn away, run to the left and go up to the exit. Since your exit will be closed, connect to the camera that is located to your left. Using this camera, look through the grate and find the next cell. After what you have found, you can connect from this camera to two more new ones and find weakness from the police.

Hack the stadium network

Go into the room with the cop. There will be electronic components on the table, make a trap and throw this device on the wall, in order to distract the attention of the policeman, at this time you can run past him. Walk past the crowds of people to the glass where the stadium with most of the fans is located. After you receive a call from HULIGAN17, go to the room where the guard is and connect to the camera, what you will see, then from this camera connect to the next one and in the center of this stadium, there will be a guard and a cop who are communicating with each other . The police officer will have the access codes. To get to the server part of the stadium, you need to turn left, the cop you taught the codes will have a kind of shield with which you can get to the northern part. In the server room, turn the camera to the right and you will gain access to the server room.

Organize a blackout

When you find yourself in the conference room, one skill will be unlocked for you, so use blackout to turn off the lights in the entire stadium. After it becomes absolutely dark everywhere, make your way quietly to the entrance. As soon as you leave this stadium, run quickly to the transport that was left in the Georgie Chin area. By car, get away from the police, after you get away from the cops, go to your shelter and go to bed.

Eliminate the crime

Near your shelter, scan all passers-by, but no matter how hard you try, the crime scene cannot be determined, so you need to find a new potential victim. When you find it. Wait for her to enter the alley and hide behind her. After the killer rushes at her, wait for the mark that will allow you to protect her, in order to quickly interrupt this assassination attempt, activate the technique that is behind them, an explosion will occur and all that remains is to catch up with this maniac and neutralize him.

Older brother

After receiving a call from a girl named Nicole, drive to her house and backyard to celebrate the birthday of the boy Jackson. Go to the girl's house and wait for the call to happen, when the call is accepted, install a listening device on the phone. As a result of wiretapping the conversation, you find out that someone is trying to terrorize your sister. Leave the house and track mobile phone. Next you find out that he is near the house, sitting in the car. He will try to escape from you. Continue chasing him. Near the traffic light, enter the system to switch it, as a result of which the potential threat will crash his car into other cars. After that, get out and go to him, neutralize him and take the mobile phone to find out all the secrets of the mobile phone.

Backstage Pass

Here answer the call of HULIGAN17. To track down who ordered the threatening call to your sister, you'll need to hack the ctOS hill in the Loop. Go to the gun store and buy a rifle for yourself. Drive to the construction site where this hill is located. Go inside and break all the surveillance cameras, using these cameras find the guard who has access codes, they will allow you to find the location of the guards.

On the floor above, there is a shield, you can either get through unnoticed or with a loud fight, you need to remember, if you enter into battle, then prepare for a rather difficult battle. In general, once you get through this stage, get to the shield, after which you will need to hack this protection system. There is nothing complicated enough in this hack. The puzzle is that you need to turn in different sides unusual figures, the blue line will need to be connected to the castle. After hacking, you will have access to the server room, where you can see how ctOS constantly monitors the lives of ordinary people. Then hack the tower and quickly leave the construction site.

This classic game 3rd person in open world like GTA with standard controls. You will move using the WASD keys, Shift to run, and Space to overcome obstacles and jumps. Once the game starts, the first thing you need to do is climb onto the transformer.

At the top you will find a yellow staircase that will lead you to the roof. There, hide behind an obstacle and, aiming with the mouse, select the next cover and press the C button. This way you can quickly and silently run across the covers.

Get to the guard in front and, sneaking up on him from behind, knock him out using the F button. Now take out the first available weapon - a shock pistol (Q key). Aim with RMB at the enemy from below and stun him with LMB.

By clicking on the mouse wheel, you can find the location of the desired terminal - it will be at the top of this extension. Activate and hack the terminal, then go through the opened door.

Go to the door on the left side of the room. To go further, you need to find a key card. To do this, you don’t have to go anywhere - activate the “Nathak” mode by pressing the V button.

Once in hacking mode, hover your mouse over the video camera and use X to switch to it. In this way, “jump” through several more cameras until you reach the room with the computer. Finally, switch to it and hack it to get the key you're looking for.

Now go through the door and follow the corridor to the stairs to the floor above. Before going up, look into the room on the left. After that, go upstairs until you reach a terminal that needs to be hacked. Then go up even higher and find a yellow ladder that will lead you to a hatch and onto the roof. Next, a video will start, after which you can hack the server room.

Look around the server room by clicking on the mouse wheel. Find a gadget near your computer that you can activate. Then look for two circular marks on the floor. After that, you need to ensure that the blue stripe from this gadget reaches the terminal at the server room.

Rotate the marks on the floor until the line is in the desired position. The terminal will now turn blue - interact with it to destroy your dossier and create a new one.

Go back using the same path. Soon you will find security that you will have to bypass. To do this, hack the shield on the right by clicking on the mouse wheel.

Using the F button you can activate the protective field, and then by pressing R, distract the guard. Having discovered a problem, he will approach the shield, after which he will be stunned by an electric charge. Leave the building and watch the cutscene.

Use the Tab button to open your smartphone. You need to install Nudle Maps, which is available in the app store.

Now you are required to change clothes, which you can buy in the store. The corresponding location is marked on the map (M button) with a T-shirt icon. There are also smaller stores in the game, marked with a stall icon.

However, you can only buy accessories and a couple of T-shirts there. Now you need to change your entire wardrobe, so go to a full-fledged store. Buy any clothes you like.

After this, a yellow dot will appear on your map - a place called DedSec, where your entire gang lives. To get there, use the secret door in the store board games. A cutscene will play behind the door.

The masked hacker is your friend Wrench, waiting to talk. He will tell you about the skill system in Watch Dogs 2, which is located on your phone. In it, find the “Development” column, and then Open Source. This shows the number of your followers and fans, the number of which determines how many skills you can learn at the moment.

In Watch Dogs 2, talents are divided into seven branches:

1) Remote control. A key talent that gives you the ability to activate forklifts from a distance. Talent itself won’t provide much of an advantage, but it will open the way to the next branch features like quadcopter and jumper.

2) Hacking of equipment. The skills in this branch relate to hacking cars and equipment. With their help, you can both steal other people's cars and create traffic jams on the roads, changing the movement of the cars themselves or turning them off.

3) Crowd control. The chain of these skills will allow you to pit the city’s gangs and law enforcement officers against each other. And here you will find an interesting talent with which you can view the cash balance of any citizen.

4) Hack the city. A standard set of perks that affect robot control, security systems, city lighting, and so on.

5) Weapons. Skills that increase accuracy, increase damage and reduce weapon recoil.

6) Botnet. A set of talents that accelerate the accumulation of so-called bot resources - a kind of currency that is spent on actions during hacking.

7) Lotions. Skills that increase damage from grenades, bombs, and so on.

After choosing your favorite talent, talk to Wrench again to learn about the 3D printer. With it you can craft weapons, but now you need to create a jumper. It will cost you free, just like the first gun for $0.

In a conversation with Horace, you will find out what he does for a living. You will then encounter another member of the gang - Sitara, who will tell you about the purpose of your organization DedSec.

You will also find out that the smartphone has a special DedSec menu, where all story quests. Now you can find the ultimate goal here - “Destroy the BLUM Empire”, for which you will need a million subscribers. You can fulfill this condition only towards the end of the game.

A walk in the park

Your first quest in which you need to reach Mission Dolores Park. It is located near your shelter.

On the spot, use "Nethak" and find the mark with orange stripes. Walk along them while simultaneously communicating with passers-by. A rap fan will tell you about a certain Gene Carzani who wants to buy all copies of Bob Dakes' new album. After this you will receive two quests, one of which is optional and the other is for multiplayer.

On guard of the law

This quest is intended for one or two users. The goal is to get to the Tescas servers, which store a database of all clients of this group.

Go to the marker and pass the gate on the right side. Inside, find the terminal and hack it, and then go through the opened doors. Before downloading the data, deal with the guards. By the way, on the street you can find an enemy with a key card that will open the door to the warehouse on the top floor. During the download, stand near the server, as the data transfer speed depends on the distance.

After learning about Karzani's intentions in the park, go to Bobo Dakes' estate. You will find the singer himself not far from his pool. You don't need to talk to him - just stand next to him and hack his smartphone to download the artist's new track.

After this, go to the new point where the Kartsani estate is located. This place is a restricted area, so you will have to hack the shield. With it, you can use cameras by jumping on them until you find the owner. When you find Karzani, open the PC in his room, and then the laptop and smartphone.

During the multiplayer quest “On Guard of the Law,” use “Nethak” and find a person whose smartphone can be hacked. If you do this, you will receive information about Coit Tower.

Now you need to get to the Coit tower and hack the stingrays. To hack them, get to them by "jumping" on the cameras. When the job is done, return to the square with the tower.

After this, all that remains is to hack the main “ramp” that is installed at the top of Coit. It will not be possible to get it with cameras, and the only suitable option is a quadcopter, which will need to be purchased for 67 thousand dollars. You don’t have that kind of money yet, so the quest will have to be postponed temporarily.

When you have accumulated funds, get to the “slope” and open it. Finally, all you have to do is look into the Greystrom warehouse and hack their server.

K iberdriver

Return to base and talk to Wrench. From the video you will learn that the guys are going to create their own take on the film “Cyber ​​Driver”.

Go to the HMP studio, which is marked on the map. On site you will find a closed film studio, the territory of which can only be entered secretly. Go past the fence and make your way to house number “3”.

Inside you will find two points: the first points to a fenced room with the desired scenario, the second points to a room with a “hard drive” on which private correspondence is stored. To begin, use a jumper that has access through the ventilation. You can also steal the key card and use the door yourself.

To get the hard drive you need to use the jumper again or get to the room yourself. Along the way, you will find many guards who will have to be quietly knocked out. Don't forget to use shields, which can attract and stun guards.

After taking the data, leave. Now head to a new point that will lead you to a building with a courtyard. Here you must climb onto the roof of the building using pallets and a trailer.

After making your way inside the building, talk to the reporter, who will tell you the location of the car from “Cyber ​​Driver”.

Then you need to find the trailer where the desired vehicle is parked. If you have the skill of hacking equipment, you will have to hack the lift to get into the closed area. Otherwise, you will need to break through by force, secretly stunning enemies.

Having received the car, you just have to overcome the most difficult part of the mission - to escape the police chase. Get away from your pursuers and get to the garage.

The final stage of the task involves searching for valuable information on the Embarcadero. Get to the indicated point on the map and find the way to the parking lot.

Below you will encounter enemies that do not need to be knocked out openly - you can simply hack the shield using the camera. After this, take the diplomat where the information is stored.

Then all you have to do is meet Wrench to put on a show. While driving a car from a distance, you will have to drive through the indicated areas and eventually blow up the vehicle.

Get to the point on the map and talk to Taylor, who will offer you an electric go-kart race. It's not necessary to win. When the race is over, Marcus (the main character) will decide to find a better battery for the car.

Head to the new marker that points to a fenced area. Sneak your way inside and don't let yourself be detected. You will find the battery in one of the drawers - grab it and return to Taylor. Now you have a new race ahead of you, which will require much more effort from you. Regardless of the finale of the race, you will decide to find a processor for your machine.

Get to the Nudle Merchandise store. Use the jumper here and get inside, past the balcony and pipe. At the very top you will find a processor that needs to be picked up. Visit Taylor again for one last race. Again, you don't have to win, but the better you perform, the more subscribers you'll get.

DedSec was hit by a hacker attack, for which “ A new dawn" Go to the shelter and talk with Sitara, who has already outlined the action plan. You will need to get to the New Dawn Church and get information about a certain D.S.

Find ventilation on the spot and get inside using a jumper. Once inside the room, find a device that allows you to get the access key. After this, already in the role of Marcus himself, go into the church.

Secretly make your way upstairs without resorting to using shields, as they may cause an alarm.

Once you reach the upper floors, begin downloading information. If you failed to get in secretly, you will have to fight back. After this, leave the building to begin the second part of the task.

Now you need to get the New Dawn clothes, which a friend can give you. After this, you will find yourself at a meeting with D.S., who will tell you about a certain “Red Room” where opponents of their movement are kept.

There you will have to download the information and rescue Sisko. Once there, follow the left side until you reach the indicated house. On the top floor there is the necessary data.

Having obtained the key card from one of the guards, go to another house where D.S. is being held. Save him and escape from the forbidden territory.

Now you need to talk to D.S. in a new place. After watching the video, go to the New Dawn Church. To get into it, you will have to find the key card, which lies in the room on the left. Then kill all the enemies and go inside. Find a server room and hack it.

In this mode you will have to connect nodes with four points. You've done this before, so the concept is clear to you. Conduct the energy in such a way that it powers all the arrows of the lock. Finally, open the lock and enter the opened room. A cutscene will start, after which the task will end.

Go to the point where Sitara is waiting for you. There you will find a forklift that you will have to control. To do this, study the corresponding skill in the talent trees. Climb onto the equipment, hack it and drive to the house. Get level with the canopy and jump over to the roof of the building. Here you can talk to your partner.

Sitara will ask you to draw pictures at several points. The first must be placed here, on the poster with the car. After this, you will have to climb onto three more roofs and make new drawings.

You will find a new place above and to the right of the Noodle store, where you previously visited on one of the tasks. Go into the courtyard closed by buildings, where the lift is located, using which you can get to the roof in a familiar way.

There you will find a platform that you can hack and lower. Climb onto it to run to the other side and jump to the wall, where the point for the drawing is located.

The other one is nearby - go to it on the lift or run and use the visor. In the second case, you will have to get a bus or truck, which will need to be parked at the canopy. As a result, you will be able to climb first onto the car, and then onto the visor. But the journey doesn't end there.

Now you need to get past the locked door above, which opens through the terminal. To hack it, use Jumper and get inside through the hole in the roof. Hack the control panel to open the door and get to the picture point.

Getting to the next point is easy. Near the desired house you will find a lower house with a fence on the roof. As before, find a truck or bus, and then park it near this house and climb up.

After this you will have to apply 5 more pictures. The new one is at a pawn shop in the Palo Alto area. Go around the house and find the woods. With their help you can climb up, but first you will need a truck to climb to the first level of the scaffolding itself. After this, use the yellow ladder, and then get to the wall of the house, behind which lies the path to the desired point for the picture.

To overcome it, use Jumper, which can climb through the pipe. At the end of the path you will find a terminal, hacking which will allow you to control the platform at the top of this building.

Lower the platform, and then, using Marcus, climb onto it. After that, lift the platform back and jump onto the desired roof. From it you must jump to another building, and then to the canopy, on which there is a banner with a blue car. 1 of 5 pictures is ready.

The second is located in the Lombard Street block. On back side At home, find a crane that needs to be hacked to lower the cabin. Climb into it, and then lift the cabin back up, towards the marker for the drawing. After that, jump onto the roof and run to the point until you come across a new obstacle.

Here you need to use Hacknet, which will allow you to hack the platform. Climb onto it with Marcus, first lowering it, and then lift yourself to the visor with the desired banner.

You will find the third point at the top of the high-rise building, which is located in the Haum quarter. There are steps at the back of the building that lead to the veranda. There you will find a barrier behind which there is a server room. It will have to be hacked, but to do this you must use a jammer to get inside.

To the left of the fence there is a ventilation - make your way through it and hack the terminal. This way you will have access to control the platform, which you will need to lower and then raise back with Marcus.

The fourth picture needs to be drawn north of the Oakland Courthouse, which is located on the eastern island. Get to the courtyard of the nearest building and find the lift. Use it to get to the nearby roof without a fence, and then go towards the mark on the map. Continue climbing up and then, standing on the wooden planks, reach another roof.

You will have to take a running start and hold down the jump key in advance to increase the dash. Next you will find a platform at the top. By lowering it, you can make a drawing.

Finally, the fifth point lies in a place next to the Blum-Arena stadium. Get to the road on the slope, next to which there is a wall with a yellow ladder. Use it to get to the closed door. It will need to be hacked using a jumper, which can get inside through the hole around the corner.

Inside, use the ventilation to get to the server room and hack it. Now go through the door, climb onto the roof and jump over to the next one. You will have to make a long jump again.

But the task does not end there either. You just have to add 4 more pictures. Head to the Pacific Renaissance Plaza, which is located above the previous point. Hack the crane at the top of the building and use the familiar method to climb onto the roof to draw a picture.

The next drawing needs to be done near the cafeteria, which is in the east of the port of Auckland. Go to the bridge under which there is a lift. With it you can climb to the top of the cafeteria and use the fire escape. At the top you will have to hack the server room, which is located in the zone of the enemy group. You can play quietly using jumper, or kill everyone. After that, unblock the passage and apply the drawing.

The point for the third drawing lies in the south of Ghirardelli Square. From the entrance to the church, go right and enter the courtyard. Pass it and turn left between the houses. Here, at the top, you will find a lift that will allow you to lower the platform and climb up.

The last point lies to the left of the South-Park block. In the courtyard of the nearest building you will find a lift that will need to be brought to the marked building. Finally, climb up and create a drawing.

The last 4 drawings are on the Golden Gate Bridge. Take advantage of the lifts that will take you higher and higher. All pictures are taken exclusively here. This completes the task.

To take this quest, you must hack the cell phone of a certain citizen. In Nathak, it, like other important targets, will be marked with a yellow silhouette. Having received the task, go to the South Park quarter.

There, go into the courtyard located near the stadium, and then climb to the top of the building using a pallet and a trailer (you have already done this before). Walk further along the roof until you reach the desired point. Activate the terminal to continue the task.

After this, you will be taken to Ubisoft headquarters, where you need to hack a specific PC. Use camera jumps to get to the desired computer. As a result, you will see a video with new game from a company called Pioneer.

The quest is similar to the previous mission, which you must find on your own using NetHack. Hack the "yellow" citizen's mobile phone to start the task.

The essence of the quest is the “Zombie2” virus, which is transmitted from device to device using the ctOS application. It was developed by a certain HaDock, which can only be reached by tracking the signal. Get ready to scan devices looking for infected ones.

In the South Park area you will find three infected targets. The first is located in the west of the area - a courtyard with a lift. Use the latter to get to the roof, and then to the desired target. Hack his device, and then go to another target.

The second man is located a little east of the first target. You must find the building and find on its back side a staircase leading into the house. Nearby there is a small garden through which you can get to the balcony, and then to the necessary stairs.

Having dealt with the next infected, go to the last one. You'll find it on the roof, accessible from the courtyard with a pair of forklifts. You will have to climb onto the “claws” of the first one, then, switching to controlling the second one using your phone, lift your loader to the wall opposite.

Finally, all infectious users have been found. Now go to HaDock himself, who is hiding surrounded by a hostile group. You will have to deal with them, and then hack the phone of one homeless person.

Black PR

A short quest that you will receive automatically. You need to get to the indicated roof and hack the server room to gain access to the cameras. Through them you will reach the room of the prankster who needs to be taught a lesson. Make all his devices malfunction by activating them so that the police eventually burst into the apartment.

The quest is issued to a passerby who has been deceived by an insurance agency. After listening to his story, go to the indicated point.

Once there, you will need to get to the server company. First, hack the man's smartphone, and then get to the next mark where you need to hack the woman's gadget. This will give you access to the agency's premises, the road to which passes through the parking lot. There you will encounter enemies. After that, go to the server room and hack it. This will be followed by a conversation with Sitara, who will invite you to infect the company’s network with a virus.

Use a laptop near a sleeping person. Using the cameras, get to the parking lot, and then to the room where the desired gadget is located. You can't just go inside, so it's time to use the jumper. Lastly, climb into the hole on the fence, and then, through the ventilation, get to the desired room. Hack your device and download a virus.

Now all that remains is to follow the company deputy’s car. You must move at a certain distance without giving yourself away or approaching too quickly in order to download the necessary information. After this, perform the same operation with the director himself. This ends the quest.

"Graystrom" has taken up arms against one guy named Fassbender, who leaked important information about them to third parties, and specifically to you. You need to protect him because he represents your interests.

First, you need to inspect the informant's house and bank. Once you reach the house, climb up using the cradle that is located in the backyard. The mechanism itself will stop at the visor, which can be reached using a nearby forklift. Finally, once at the top, hack the server room, talk to Sitara, and then hack the laptop.

Now you need to explore the bank. On the spot you will find a balcony from which there are yellow stairs - follow them as your guide. To get to it, use the lift on the left side of the building. Hack the server room to get to the camera, and then to the computer on which valuable information is located.

All that remains is to save Fassbender. Once you reach the point, hack the server room. It turns out that the informant wants to jump from the roof - you need to hack his beech and smartphone at the same time. As a result, you will get the reporter's number, and your friend will refuse to commit suicide.

San Francisco is controlled from end to end by ctOS, so no one can escape the organization's attention. However, there was still one place, a dead zone, that this network did not cover. You need to find out who "protected" themselves in this way and why they do it.

At the floating huts, launch "Nathak" and look for the plug on one of the lanterns. This will be followed by a conversation with your comrades, after which you will need to enter the forbidden territory. Hack the server room to gain access to the laptop camera. Next, when the call ends, hack your landline and listen to the latest messages.

To find the targets indicated by Mikkelsen, you must hack two more smartphones. You will find the first one in a forbidden area, so you will have to play carefully.

At the Vista Point site you will find the second device in the hands of a man marked with a yellow silhouette. Get to the sea, from where you can fall into the restricted area. Here, deal with your opponents and go to the ruins of the house where the beech tree lies. By hacking it, you will erase Mikkelsen's information and complete the task.

The next mission you will receive after completing the quest “The Old Fashioned Way”. The NSA has begun a major purge of areas of the Northern Fleet in order to find the elusive hacker under the name HaDock, which you have already heard about. Some prospectors are helping them in this matter, and you should find out who exactly.

First of all, visit the marked point indicating the huge parking lot. Use a wheelbarrow to get to the last floor, and then climb onto the roof on your own two feet. There you will find a target whose phone you need to hack.

The next point will take you to the courtyard. Find the stairs there and go higher, where there is another target with a smartphone. After hacking it, go to the restricted area.

On the spot you will come across a lift, with the help of which you need to get to the roof. Do this without any of the guards noticing you.

At the top, jump to another roof where the server room is located. To hack the panel, you need to go through a standard mini-game with finding a workaround, turning adapters and picking locks. After that, use the cameras and get to the source of the information.

All that remains is to visit the apartment of the worker who is digging for KhaDok. At the point you must hack the robots to silently get to the restricted area.

If you are discovered, you can still hack the server room and get into the desired room. Copy the information from his device that is on the table, which contains the password. Finally, install the software code in his server room. If you did everything silently, you will see a cut-scene.

Pharmingtons is making cuts, firing those workers who were seen collaborating with DedSec. You need to protect your fans by sneaking into the company's server room and finding out why they started the raid.

The quest is taken in the usual way - from the highlighted citizen.

Having reached the point, go into the courtyard and check the server room. To hack it, you will need to use the shield nearby, and then bypass the protection. It is necessary to install the adapter so that it fastens all three strips.

On the other side of the house you will find another adapter. It will have to be installed so that it holds the two strips together. All that remains is to engage the lock and then return back to the courtyard. There, find a house with an extension through which you can climb to the roof, where the last lock is located. By activating it, you can hack the server room.

After opening the beech in the room, go to the restricted area. There, deal with the opponents and get the key card. Then, to open the gate, get to the security booth and open the shield. Jump across the cameras to reach the gadget in the room that lies under the table. This will complete the task.


Head to North Beach and find a strip club. It is there that you will find the person who will give you this quest. As the story progresses, it turns out that the Gang and Auntie Shu's family began to do things together. You have information about one of Shu's hiding places - that's where you'll go.

First you need to visit the restricted area and download information from the phone of one of the thugs. The next point is a construction site, where Sitara will invite you to look around. Find the trailer containing the phone. To hack it, you will have to get to the trailer using a jumper.

Pass the trailer on the left, overcome the obstacle in the form of barrels, and then jump to the front door. There you will come across dead bodies and a phone that needs to be hacked.

All that remains is to save Aiden Pearce, the protagonist of the original game, who is being held here. A guard will be passing nearby, whose phone needs to be hacked. By doing this, you will help Pierce.

During the previous quest "Shadows", you will visit a construction site where you will find a trailer with corpses. To get this quest, you must use "Nethak" there and follow the orange signal. He will lead you to a satellite dish, hacking which will give you this task.

You have to steal the Decoy code, which was once used by the NSA as part of an anti-hacking series. The object has already gone down in history, so it won’t hurt you to get it and place it in your collection.

First of all, get to the point where you need to hack the computer. After this, you will be attacked - you will have to leave backwards along a roundabout path. You must complete the next puzzle using blue rays - signal sources that need to be activated.

Next, go up until you reach the roof of the house. Use your quadcopter to get to the signal and hack it. You will have to fly around some part of the bridge, hacking six sources. Finally, all that remains is to visit the nearest cemetery and hack the northern one. By jumping through the cameras you will get to the data storage, from where you will need to delete all information about your organization.

H aum on the road

The quest of the main line will be continued by Wrench, whom you need to meet at the base. He will invite you to visit Haum's office. Well, let's go!

Once there, look into the alley and find a trash can there. Push off from it, jump onto the ledge and climb through the window. Inside you will come across a locked door that is opened by a terminal. Call a jumper who can bypass the ventilation and hack it.

Continue further until you reach the warehouse. Here you need to steal a car guarded by a group of enemies. Neutralize them while simultaneously capturing a key card from one of the guards to open the gate. After that, jump into the car and press on the gas. Drop the tail and take the car to Wrench's garage.

Next, return to Hackerspace to continue the task. After watching the video, go look for a house with a smart security system. Hack the server room and go inside. Act carefully, overcoming the protective beams at the same time as the robot. Otherwise, the siren will sound.

Soon you will come across a closed door that opens with a terminal. Jumper past the ventilation and climb into the first room, in which there is a sofa, and on it there is a device that needs to be hacked.

Now you can enter the house yourself: hack the gadget on the first floor, then go to the next; around the corner, activate the curtains, and then hack directly into the server room and grab the information. All that remains is to leave the location.

The task continues. At the new location, hack the server room and visit the house in front of you, which is a restricted area controlled by Haum. Inside, neutralize the enemies as silently as possible and find the key card to get into the left building.

The guard with the key is right there, so you'll have to uncover the jumper. Use it to steal the key, and then go inside. At the top, find a room with a panel, which will require you to find a workaround to crack it.

Follow the blue stripe that runs along the wall of the house. Complete the standard puzzle by hacking points on the walls, on the ground floor, in the courtyard and at the entrance.

Now you need to get to the floor above using the cradle. Besides the fact that it needs to be lowered, you still have to get a lift to get to it. As a result, you will get to the roof where the final elements of the network are located. Using the cameras, get to the data and download it. During the download, guards will look for you, from whom you will have to hide.

When the job is done, return to Wrench. Together you will go to a new point with a closed territory, where you will need to penetrate. Get a key card from the guard and go to the top floor, where the server with information is located. Reboot it and then leave the house and reach the elevator. With its help you will find yourself at the top of the Surteau Tower.

To hack the server room, you will need to create a workaround. To direct the elements from above, you will have to use a quadcopter and jump over the cameras.

This quest is issued in the Japantown quarter. You must hack the phone booth using "Nathak". Someone hacked all landline phones, which began to ring incessantly. Anyone who responds hears the same message, which lists the members of the DedSec organization by name. You will have to trace the source by activating interceptors on some of the devices.

You will have to visit three points with telephone booths. They need to be hacked using “Nathak”. After hacking all the devices, you will catch the source and get to it. Use the quadcopter to reach the signal and hack it. You can try to get to the point yourself, using extensions and roofs.

The first signal source will lead you to the server room, which you will need to reach by connecting the elements of the path in front of the house (puzzle). After that, climb up and hack the terminal to go to the camera. With its help you will get into the house, switch to the laptop and hack the entire server room.

The second source ends at the bridge. There you will have to get to the restricted area where the terminal is located. After this, leave the location, hide and turn on the quadcopter, with which you can reach the satellite at the top of the building. All that remains is to hack it, after which the mission will end.

During the mission exploring the Haum base, look around the corner of the house and find a hooded man resting on a rock. Hack his cell phone, and then this quest is activated.

A relative of Sitara broadcasts her show twenty-four hours a day under the nickname Cindy Nonstop. She believes that attackers will not be able to figure her out and harm her in any way, but we should still be on the safe side.

Get to the point on the map and hack the server room. Afterwards you will be taken to the computer of Sitara’s niece, who is currently streaming. You need to piss her off by starting to hack all the devices in the room. When Cindy finally throws the lamp, the mission will end.

At the marked location you will find a closed area. Get onto it through the fence and hack the control panel to gain access to the ATM. Soon a person will look into the room, and you will have to wait. After that, lower the camera and activate the keyboard when it becomes available. Continue the action until the connection is lost. Then you will have to get to the new ATM and do the same.

The new point will be a church, to the top of which you have to climb. From the entrance, go right, rising higher and going around the church until you find ventilation. Then the jumper comes to the fore, with the help of which you must get through the pipe and reach the server room.

Next, you need to solve a standard puzzle - connect the chain. You will have to use the platforms on both the right and left sides, and also drive away the cars opposite the entrance, under which there are nodes. When the bottom of the platform is colored blue, proceed to the next level using the quadcopter.

Ultimately you have to deal with the top nodes and apply current to the correct circuit.

The next place to break into will be a hospital. To access the local server room, you will have to use large equipment that will allow you to climb up.

After that, go west from the Temple of Christ of Light, where there is another point. Find a lift to use it to climb onto the marked structure. Next, you need to raise the platform higher, and from there get to the server room.

The penultimate point is located above and to the right of the Sausalito neighborhood. There you should find an iron locker near the building, which you can climb onto to further get to the roof. Hack the device and go to the last place.

The final point is located above and to the left of the Ferry building, if you move along the pier. Find a canopy near the desired building that you can jump onto on your own two feet, and then climb onto the roof using objects.

Invasion of Haum

You have collected all the information about Pedo-Lang. It's time to take revenge on him. Go to the place marked on the map. On the spot you will find a building whose roof you need to climb onto.

Using the placed objects, get to the top and hack the ctOS shield. Then jump across the cameras, moving west from Lang. Delete the data from his hard drive so that he can go deal with the shield. Ultimately, all you have to do is download the virus into the shield, after which the task will be completed.


The quest opens exactly after the previous one. Your organization finally has information about Steven Bader, who is known for speaking out and campaigning against free speech. It will be useful for you if the recording of the failed training of the Haum owner “accidentally” ends up in the public domain.

Go to the marked region and get to the ctOS shield. Use the cameras to sneak into the director's apartment and then hack his treadmill to make him fall.

Video: complete walkthrough of Watch Dogs 2 - stream

Like if it was useful

The series begins with the capture and neutralization of Angelo Tucci. Angelo is accompanied by several cars along the area indicated on the map. In our case, we will have to give up the motorcycle and switch to a car. We catch up with his car and ram it. The chase mode immediately begins. During the chase, you can, by hacking, disable a couple of cars, including the main car with the mafioso himself. Angelo will jump out of the salon and run away. Our task is to give him a turn in the back, and then deal with his remaining retinue. It is unlikely that you will get everything right the first time.

After such an impressive chase in broad daylight, the police are hunting for us. Breaking away from it is not the easiest task. If you decide to take the fight and start shooting at the police, a helicopter will fly in to help them, and it will be difficult to get away from it. The tactic here could be this: drive towards the bridge, open it, jump over, thereby leaving only the helicopter to follow you. Then try to hide under some kind of canopy in the shade. In general, the main thing we need for the police to fall behind is to hide and hide again. Even at the highest speeds, you will find it difficult to break away from the pursuit.

The next mission is called Red doesn't suit you. The mission begins with our hero deliberately going to prison in order to track down one prisoner there who survived after the events at the stadium that happened at the very beginning of the game. After a long cutscene, we need to hack the control panel located in one of the prison offices. We switch between stationary cameras and security cameras until you find yourself in an office where you can open your own cell (the one in which we are sitting). Next, we go out into the corridor and immediately run to the left, without hiding too much. We run into the office, take the electronic key and go out onto the landing through another door, go upstairs, hack the control panel, go back and go down two floors below. Here we do the same thing, hack the bullets, go further, go out into the corridor and go to the yellow marker into the room. Here we also take the second electronic key. The first part of the escape was over.

Now we find ourselves in the corridor, near the guard's room. We go into the room and neutralize the guard. Now from this room we need to switch to the camera of another guard behind bars, and wait for him to start walking around the room. During his movements, we hack everything we can. Eventually the grate will open. But we still need to hack the camera in that room with the guard. The camera leads to the prison yard. No matter how much you look for it from the main camera, you still won’t see it. He will sit behind the wall, and there will be two policemen above him. To see it, you need to reconnect to the camera located opposite the main one. Now we follow the development of events, after which we call the elevator, wait for it to arrive, and go to the basement floor.

We exit the elevator, connect to the camera in the first room, and run further along the corridor until we find ourselves in warehouse space, where werewolves in police uniforms will open fire on us. There will be a shotgun to the left of your cover. Take it and kill all the police. As soon as you kill the last one, immediately run and pick up a machine gun, because a terribly armored policeman will enter the room, who can only be killed with a machine gun. You need to shoot strictly at the head.
Now we run out of the room, talk with the prisoner and go towards the elevator, where our Asian friend will leave us with all our equipment, along with clothes. We put everything on and move on to the next episode.
