Will To Live Online system requirements on PC. Will To Live Online - review of the game Will to live online system requirements

Before you buy Will To Live Online on a PC, be sure to check the system requirements stated by the developer with your system configuration. Remember that the minimum requirements often mean that with this configuration the game will launch and run reliably on minimum settings quality. If your PC meets the recommended requirements, you can expect stable gameplay at high graphics settings. If you want to play at quality set to “ultra”, the hardware in your PC must be even better than the developers indicate in the recommended requirements.

Below are the system requirements of Will To Live Online, officially provided by the project developers. If you think there is an error in them, please let us know by clicking the exclamation mark on the right side of the screen and briefly describing the error.

Minimum configuration:

  • OS: Windows 7 (64-bit)
  • Memory: 8 GB
  • Video: nVidia GeForce 650Ti/AMD R9 270
  • HDD: 30 GB
  • DirectX: 11
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel Core i3 3100 GHz
  • Memory: 16 GB
  • Video: nVidia GeForce GTX 970/AMD R9 390
  • HDD: 40 GB
  • DirectX: 11

In addition to checking the Will To Live Online system requirements with your PC configuration, do not forget to update your video card drivers. It is important to remember that you should only download the final versions of video cards - try not to use beta versions, as they may have a large number of unfound and unfixed errors.

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Will To Live Online is Kazakh game project worthy of attention. The game takes place in the near future in a post-apocalyptic style. According to the plot, scientific experiments led to the creation of a radioactive ray that turns animals into bloodthirsty mutants. Most of the planet was destroyed, and today's world is teeming with mutants, military men and bandits. Each of them is an enemy for one reason or another.

The game is about survival, so the main task of the main character is to constantly fight for his own life. In addition to visible enemies, the character has natural needs (thirst and hunger). To survive you will have to collect resources and practice various crafts. If you wish, you have the opportunity to join one of the four factions and learn the features of cooperative play.


  • Colorful graphics using Cel-shaded technology.
  • Russian localization of objects, which has a positive effect on the overall atmosphere.
  • Complete freedom of action: the player has the opportunity to do whatever he wants.
  • Working faction system: capturing points, clan wars, searching for artifacts, etc.
  • The presence of role-playing elements, expressed in four classes: hunter, prospector, mercenary, engineer.
Game details:
  • Release date:
  • Latest Version: Early Access
  • Developer:
  • Interface: Russian, English, Multi3
  • Sound: Russian voice acting

The theme of post-apocalypse has haunted game developers since the release of the first S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Then the fans were simply overwhelmed by the joy of the opportunity to wander around the outskirts of Chernobyl, shoot at various kinds of mutants and enjoy the atmosphere of a world where strength and lead rule. A few years after the release of "Call of Pripyat", some third-party studios decided to take advantage of the success to create their own projects. I remember they even promised “Stalker Online”, with a paid subscription, raids and shootouts with real people. Then it appeared Survarium game, but users did not appreciate the similar themes at all, and the dominance of donations spoiled the feeling a little.

Fans of the cult series had already despaired and stopped waiting for a good game in this setting, when Will To Live Online was suddenly announced. I can’t say that this is a direct continuation of “Stalker,” and the creators don’t say anything like that. It has its own story with a unique plot, game mechanics and a visual world that hits you in the head so hard that you want to take a break from the attacks. For all my skepticism towards games similar to the legendary series about Chernobyl, this project is worthy of the attention of connoisseurs. Dangerous monsters, huge virtual world, nerves stretched like a string, and spiritual quests - what could be better?


The storyline is intriguing in its premise, but that’s not what I liked more. The developers decided not to completely copy popular stories about how our world fell apart, and came up with their own vision of how this could happen. Of course, there are certain questions about the beginning of the plot, and indeed the concept in general, but these are my nitpicking.

The story of Will To Live Online begins with the fact that unknown stones began to be found all over the world, emitting radiation that had not previously been recorded on our planet. No one knows where exactly these stones came from. But scientists quickly set about developing a “new product” and discovered an interesting effect - if the stone’s radiation was applied to a person with a wound or even a very serious illness, he would recover almost instantly. Later, radiation began to be used in other fields of science, obtaining incredible results.

However, the fairy tale came to an end - soon a disaster happened and that was it. big cities died. They don’t tell us what exactly happened, but we can guess. Apparently, some experiment got out of control, causing a series of explosions to occur. I agree, this is a very far-fetched theory, because how could an experiment in one city destroy all the cities of the world in a chain. But we'll leave that for later. When the ashes settled and the people who were able to hide and survive took to the streets, another attack awaited them - monsters. Animals exposed to radiation acquired a truly terrifying appearance. They tore into pieces those people who survived the disaster, thereby reducing the already tiny population of the Earth.

The military became the salvation from final death - they beat off the survivors by force and created certain settlements where, under the protection of a shield, people could live and not be afraid of attacks from mutants. It is under such a dome that we begin our game. No one sets a special goal for us - saving the world or finding out the secret of the disaster is not required. This is not a game where one hero fights against the whole world. We have a more realistic situation where survivors try and go to great lengths to feed themselves.

I didn’t really like the plot insert explaining how our hero comes to life after death. This is a multiplayer project and it is quite logical that no one plans to start the game from the very beginning after death, but making a whole minute insert for this is too meticulous. We are told about teleporters that deliver the wounded to the base after death, but against the backdrop of general realism this does not look cool at all. This moment could have been skipped. Died - ended up at the base. Still understandable.


I liked the implementation of the quest component. I expected tasks in the spirit of “go-kill-fetch”, but in reality everything turned out to be more exciting and unconventional. No, of course, ordinary tasks for obtaining skins and tails are also present, without them you can’t go anywhere. At the very beginning of the game, I strongly advise you to take quests from all the characters who can give these quests. There will not be so many of them and everyone is focused on collecting items - some need to pick mushrooms, some need to pick flowers, and some want ten rat tails. While you are running after the rats (or vice versa), you can collect mushrooms and flowers, and then pass all the quests at once and receive a small supply of provisions and experience.

As the level increases, more difficult tasks appear. For example, I really liked the quest with the rat king. As you already understand, this is not just some little rat, but a real king of the lowest echelon of living creatures in this game. The point is that we are not shown exactly where he is. In this game, they rarely put precise signs; they often say something like “next to the railroad” or “just over the bridge to the north.” So, we need to find the king using the approximate coordinates, kill him (I succeeded the third time), and then get back and turn in the task. The path home is sometimes even more difficult, because the cartridges are already running out, lives are less than half, and enemies are approaching from all sides.

There will be tasks with anomalies - find, identify and then report to superiors. There are tasks to find objects in a location, when mutants are prowling around you, and you are trying to find a key somewhere in a fireplace. Thanks to such inaccuracies and the lack of pointers, any task really requires effort and ingenuity. Because of this, your head works better, there is no feeling that you are just working as a courier between rats and quest characters.

The further you climb, the more difficult the tasks will be, but the benefits from them will be higher. At first, quests rewarded you from 50 to 100 gold coins, plus the loot you collected during skirmishes. Then they give you 200 conventional units for tasks, where you think less about carrion, but you still look closely. Over time, quests become a more attractive option for earning money, and you only want to run for loot to the most dangerous monsters, from which you can really get something useful. I still have raids on huge monsters ahead, which I still have to play and play with. In this regard, the creators of the virtual world really tried, their desire to make the passage as interesting as possible cannot be ignored.


The developers initially promised that their project would not include concessions or assistance in shooting. And in other mechanics, by the way, too. But if I can calculate how many cartridges are needed for a sortie, I had to get used to the physics for a long time and tediously. This is not CS: GO, where you aim a crosshair at a point, press the left mouse button and the bullet flies right to the target. No, we are allowed to touch the physics of shooting as close as possible to reality, which first blows the gamer’s mind, and then turns it on so much that other games already seem boring and simple.

Let's start with the simplest thing - a pistol. At the very beginning of the game, as soon as you receive quests, PM falls into your hands. This is the simplest option, which will not allow you to kill enemies in droves, but you can fight with pets in the Wasteland. The pistol comes with cartridges and their quantity is strictly limited; no one is pouring resources into your pockets. You need to save money on literally every cartridge and shoot extremely accurately. We leave the safe zone and look for a rat (no need to laugh - here they tear off your legs in three bites). Next, I advise you to move some distance away from the enemy and make sure that there are no comrades around. The fact is that rats help each other and if you shoot one at a time, two or three may run up. There you don’t even have to shoot, you die right away.

So, we found a lone rat. Click on the right mouse button and aim. Here you need to understand that in real life, and the game strives to be similar to it, bullets fly in an arc, and not straight forward. Any weapon has its own initial bullet speed, there is an effective projectile flight distance, and so on. You need to aim through the front sight and rear sight at approximately the center of the enemy’s body, and then shoot one cartridge at a time. If you hold the trigger, half the bullets will fly into the “milk”. They shot - they took aim - they shot. It is advisable to do this quickly, since the enemy is already running to bite us.

Sometimes bullets do not fly exactly to the target, because any weapon has spread. And we have in our hands an almost rusty pistol, whose cartridges sometimes fly completely in the wrong direction. You don’t even have to aim at the head, it’s better to hit the body. And, most importantly, there is no sight in the form we are used to. Want to shoot from the hip? Good luck. It’s more likely that Valve will release it than you can even finish off a rat from five meters this way. You need to shoot from a sight, and even in this case there are no assistants or tips. Everything comes with experience and practice - from what distance you can hit, how the bullet behaves, how best to aim and where to shoot.

This item gameplay thought out very cool and realistic. Yes, maybe not perfect, but much better than most projects of the same genre. You will be shooting the entire game, and even from different weapons, and with such complex mechanics the process turns from an ordinary clearing of the territory into a real hunt. You choose the right place to shoot, aim, figure out how the weapon will behave, then actively stuff the enemy with lead and immediately look around - suddenly another creature is already on the way. But this is only a pistol!

There are a decent amount of weapons here, the developers are constantly coming up with something interesting, and a beginner won’t get to everything right away. I played for a long time and persistently saved up some gold, and I saw a pistol and a semi-automatic rifle in my hands. The latter, it feels like, fought back in the First World War. There, too, you need to think about reload time, destructive power and other details that you don’t even think about in other games. Will To Live Online makes half the fun out of shooting game mechanic, which, as a lover of realism, made me very happy.


There are plenty of weapons here, but you won’t be allowed to change the barrel every five minutes either. This is not where you will see a dozen automatic rifles in the first five hours of the game, on top of everything else. We are in a post-apocalypse world; there is not such a variety of guns here. But the main means of fighting mutants are present - a standard PM, which is given at the beginning of the game, then you can buy a semi-automatic rifle, you can take a sawn-off shotgun, and so on. Each weapon has its own characteristics and is used in certain situations, so you won’t be able to pick up one rifle and play with it all the time.

For example, with a pistol you can inflict critical damage at a medium distance, and then finish off the enemy with a knife. This way you can easily deal with entry-level game and do not waste extra ammunition. A semi-automatic rifle allows you to fire a couple of shots from a long distance, and then repeat the procedure. The shotgun is great for fighting thick enemies at close range. He came up, gave a charge of shot, and went to collect his belongings. Thanks to a large selection of weapons of different types, a shootout ceases to be commonplace. You need to think, choose the situation and the appropriate option from your arsenal, and save expensive ammunition.

Almost all weapons can be improved. For example, you can install a red dot sight and shoot at enemies from a long distance, or buy an optical sight on the SKS and execute enemies from the other end of the map. I’m exaggerating, of course, but optics can really be installed on high levels it allows you not only to deal damage from a long distance, but also to explore the area before setting off. There is not much body kit for weapons, but the basic elements are there. True, they are quite expensive, but if you decide to make a cool machine gun, then you will have all the possibilities for this.

I would also like to note the ability to paint weapons. I didn’t immediately notice this feature, since I only went to the gunsmith once, and then only to have my pistol repaired. However, you can paint a weapon - this requires a lot of money or various resources, but if you collect everything, you can paint your favorite rifle in camouflage, or in some kind of yellow color. This does not affect the characteristics of the weapon itself, and in the open world only you and a couple of onlookers running past see this beauty. However, at high levels this will be a good motivation to play more, when all the weapons are already available.

Graphic arts

Of course, an important component of any game is graphics. Maybe five years ago, or even more, the plot could be put in the foreground and fans would fall in love unconditionally, but now even masterpiece stories need to be supported by a visual part. We all want to get into a beautiful, polished game, where every surface looks like the real thing, where the sun's glare hits our eyes, and the blood of our enemies doesn't look like jelly in a frying pan. The creators of this project tried to make their product as modern as possible, but there is a feeling that they did not have enough budget or effort.

It is worth understanding that this project is not being developed by market mastodons like EA or Ubisoft, but by a small studio. It is quite possible that they simply did not have enough resources to create a photorealistic shooter, and they had to develop the game in simpler colors. Here, too, the sunset looks colorful, and at night, under the light of a lantern, it’s scary to take a step - suddenly something will jump out of the darkness. The anomalies and shooting animations look great, I liked the blur effect. You can find a colorful picture, but if you turn everything up to ultra settings, only a true esthete will find fault.

However, there is a feeling that you are playing Stalker from 2009. Concrete blocks look as lifeless as possible. You know, like in games twenty years ago - you go into a virtual room and immediately understand which objects you can interact with and which are simply placed for decoration. So here too - cars on the roads, boxes, concrete buildings and other “real estate” look so boring that over time you begin to not notice it. Yes, there is a collapsed construction site, but so what. There is a car in the middle of the road, but you don’t even want to jump on it. Such decorative elements are needed, no doubt, but they look too simple.

And, of course, the vegetation was a little disappointing. At first I fought with the grass - it is so constant and indestructible here that it is impossible to notice enemies behind it at night. Perhaps this is the developers’ idea, but “wooden” grass does not look very attractive. It's the same with other plants - they just exist. They don’t move, they don’t get destroyed in any way, even if you blow up the grass with a grenade, even if you trample it with your feet, it will be intact. I can’t say that this spoiled the feeling of passing, but there is a fly in the ointment.

Weak spots

To the great regret of the haters, I did not find any particular shortcomings in the game. It is perfectly optimized and immediately after launch it set my computer to ultra graphics settings. Literally every slider went all the way to the right, although this is an indie game, and such projects usually have problems with optimization. During the entire playthrough, I only occasionally dropped frames below the coveted 60 FPS, which made me very happy. However, there are minor errors, although I cannot call them critical.

For example, enemies' bodies do not always take damage. It’s hard for me to even express this, but you can shoot at a rat, at the tail, for example, and the bullet will pass through it and fly into the asphalt behind the enemy. It turns out that not all elements of the enemy’s body are firing ranges; you need to hit the enemy exactly in the head or torso, while shooting at the paws sometimes turns out to be completely ineffective. I’m not saying that this is a widespread problem, but from time to time I noticed that I would aim directly at the enemy’s head from two meters, shoot, and the bullet seemed to pass through the enemy, but did not cause damage.

The second point is that there is too much emphasis on hardcore and grind. I’ll be honest: I finished the first five attempts to play literally after half an hour, because I couldn’t stand it any longer. Only on the sixth try, having gathered my strength, did I manage to move from the dead point. You run out into the field, shoot at the rats, kill them, take it all to the quest, get a couple of kopecks in your pocket, buy ammunition with almost all the money and set off again for rats or dogs. After a couple of hours of such a hunt, you collect money and buy a new rifle, but you realize that bullets are too expensive for it, you need to save money, otherwise the balance with all the cool quests will go into the minus. And this despite the fact that you need to hit with every cartridge, any miss means a coin down the drain. Considering that most people play the game for fun, such a rough start will be a problem.

I'll leave the final paragraph of this review item to the interaction between players.
Why do we even play online games? To somehow communicate with other users, fight, make friends, complete tasks or levels together, go on raids, and so on. The creators of this project devoted a lot of time to the plot, the virtual world and mechanics, but the multiplayer component turned out to be not very exciting. You can approach a character and view information about him, you can add him to a group, send a request for a trade, or block his voice in the game. However, I still don’t understand why there are groups here - I played a lot of hours, but I didn’t notice the need to fight in the company of someone. Maybe at higher levels this will be a necessity, but so far the players are only fighting together, killing individuals. It seems to me that this element of the project should be developed more actively.

Result: 7/10

I want to say that I liked Will To Live Online. This is a worthy option for spending time for those who have dreamed of a multiplayer version of Stalker all their lives, but never saw the release of the original. The project developers open the doors to hundreds of hours of gameplay for gamers - a huge virtual world with a lot of dangers, a decent set of exciting tasks, well-thought-out storyline and the colorful characters will not let the connoisseur of the genre go. It's all about the atmosphere, which once upon a time attracted us with mutants and anomalies.

Of course, there are some disadvantages here. For example, we deducted a point for the problem of hitting the enemy’s carcass, and another point was taken away for the need to really pick up every tail. Otherwise, your economy will suffer so much that you will only be wielding a knife for a couple more hours. The last, third point is for the graphics - they are interesting, atmospheric, and I wouldn’t demand anything more from an indie studio, but I understand that such a picture will not suit many people. As a result, we get a great multiplayer shooter for spending evenings with or without friends and targeting the next mutant.


  • open world;
  • mutants and anomalies;
  • looks a lot like the world of Stalker;
  • realistic shooting physics;
  • interesting quests;
  • content for 100-200 hours of gameplay.
May not like:
  • graphic arts;
  • very hardcore passage;
  • Grind is present in places;
  • poor interaction between players;
  • At night, wild boars can be killed in an open field;
  • and also rats, dogs and so on.

Unlike the console market, where the ability to run a particular game is determined by its belonging to a specific game console The PC platform provides much greater freedom in all respects. But to take advantage of its benefits, you need to have a basic understanding of how a computer works.

The specifics of PC gaming are such that before you start playing, you must first familiarize yourself with the system requirements of Will To Live Online and compare them with the existing configuration.

To do this simple action, you don’t need to know the exact specifications each model of processors, video cards, motherboards and others components any personal computer. A simple comparison of the main lines of components will suffice.

For example, if a game's minimum system requirements include a processor of at least Intel Core i5, then you shouldn't expect it to run on i3. However, it is more difficult to compare processors from different manufacturers, which is why developers often indicate names from two main companies - Intel and AMD (processors), Nvidia and AMD (video cards).

Above are Will To Live Online system requirements. It is worth noting that the division into minimum and recommended configurations is done for a reason. It is believed that the implementation minimum requirements enough to start the game and go through it from start to finish. However, to achieve the best performance, you usually have to lower the graphics settings.

“Will to Live Online” is a post-apocalyptic MMORPG shooter with a first-person view and an attempt to convey the atmosphere of the good old “Stalker”.

Video: trailer for the game Will to Live Online

This is the debut project of the domestic studio AlphaSoft LLC, which made a fairly common mistake - having promised a lot of interesting things, it released the game almost in an alpha version. Raw and paid.

Classic ruined world

  • Near future,
  • Technological disaster,
  • Mutated animals,
  • Almost complete destruction of civilization.

Factories are shut down, cities are destroyed, and the remnants of the surviving population collect trash, sleep in tents and fight off numerous mutant rats, carnivorous plants, giant beetles and other monsters.

It was not possible to find survival elements in the game - there is no need to cook pearl barley on a fire and warm up next to it with a guitar.

But there is a class system: stealthy hunters, repair engineers, powerful tanks, mercenaries and prospectors specializing in resource collection.

Crafting, research and quests

The world is quite large and, as has become fashionable lately, completely open. These are the ruins of buildings of former cities, secret laboratories, industrial zones, overgrown forests with monsters.

At first sight game world seems too empty(but this is not surprising for early access).

Here you won’t find local residents who just want to chat or tell a joke, as in the same “Stalker”, and all quests come down to killing a certain number of monsters, getting their skins, or tracking them down.

The graphics are hardly outstanding– the picture looks good if you go back 10 years. Well, but the system requirements are low.

We can only hope that after the release the situation will change for the better, but the chances of this are slim.

Different games