World of warcraft legion where to download. Quickly level up characters in WOW. Crafting Legendary Items

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15.12 2013

A guide for beginning players: where to level up your character? Guide with location maps

Experienced players are often annoyed by questions from newcomers who periodically appear in the general chat regarding further leveling up of their character. Let's say right away that pumping is further development your game double by level.

Let's start with the fact that the territories of the game world are called locations. Locations, in turn, differ in the degree of completion. That is, if you are at level 15 of development, then it is completely useless for you to meddle in those locations where level 30 players are leveling up. Firstly, you will not be able to take tasks there to complete (quests), and secondly, the mobs there (characters of the game itself) will quickly kill you. Therefore, we study the following information.

General view of the world

The WoW world is divided into continents and worlds. In the classics, there are two continents - Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. In WoW The Burning Crusade a whole world has been added - Outland, or as some gamers say Outland, and islands, for example, Exodar and the Island of Bloody and Azure Haze. In WoW Wrath of the Lich King The whole world of Northrend with its cities and territories has been added again. In the Cataclysm, some locations were “inscribed” in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, and new ones were added. And the release of Pandaria brought a whole new continent!

A small dictionary

Lvl - character level;
Loka - location, territory;
Kata - Cataclysm;
Quests/quest - tasks/task;
Gamer - player;
An NPC is not a game character, it is often a mob with which the player can interact;
Kach - short for pumping;
BG - battlefield, abbreviation for English Battle Ground

Now let's get to the locations where to upgrade your character

Where to level up your character?

Leveling up characters from levels 1-60.

Map where to upgrade characters from level 1-60 in Kalimdor. Blue - Alliance, Red - Horde, White - both factions

Map where to upgrade characters from level 1-60 in the Eastern Kingdoms. Blue - Alliance, Red - Horde, White - both factions

Territories for characters from level 1 to 10 (lvl)

It's not worth the effort to level up to lvl 10. Experienced game mentors constantly give tasks and guide the novice player. For the Alliance, development to level 10 mainly takes place in the Elwynn Forest - for the human race and, in Dun Morogh (Eastern Kingdoms) - and, and in Kalimdor (Isle of Azuremyst -, Teldrassil - Night Elves and). The Horde has Durotar (, Trolls, Pandaren), Mulgore (Tauren) (Kalimdor) and Tirisfal Glades (Forsaken), Forests of Eternal Song ((Eastern Kingdoms).

For levels 10-20

As soon as you grow up, you start to slowly explore game world. The NPC giving the quest usually always gives a quest that must be completed in another location. Some attentive players, precisely following the chain of quests, manage to level up to the maximum.

So, the territories Alliance for players from lvl 10 to 20:

— Western Land, Loch Modan (Eastern Kingdoms);
— Darkshore, Bloodmyst Isle (Kalimdor).


— Steppes (Kalimdor);
— Silver Forest, Phantom Lands (Eastern Kingdoms).

4. For levels 20 to 30

I would like to remind you that you should not immediately run to the location, for example, for levels from 20 to 30, as soon as you reach lvl 20. Most of the quests will not be available to you yet. And it will be almost impossible to fulfill them. Advice: pump up a little more in the old location.

By the way, the territories of the Alliance and Horde for lvl 20-30 and above are often contested. This means that the camps of both the Alliance and the Horde are concentrated in one location, so be careful, in addition to mobs, you can be ambushed by a player from the enemy faction, and you will get your first PvP battle.

Disputed territories of the Alliance and Horde:

dusk wood, Hillsbrad Foothills, Wetlands (Eastern Kingdoms);
— Stonetalon Mountains, Ashenvale, Thousand Needles (Kalimdor).

From 30 to 40 lvl


- Wasteland, Dustwallow Marshes.
Eastern Kingdoms:
- Arathi Highlands, Alterac Mountains, Stranglethorn Vale.

From lvl 35 to lvl 45 you can still enter the Badlands and Swamps of Sorrows.

Locations from 40 to 50 lvl

Eastern Kingdoms:

— Blasted lands, Hinterlands, Smoldering Gorge.


- Tanaris, Feralas.

From level 48 you can try to enter Un'Goro Crater and Felwood.

From 50 to 58 lvl

There is just a little bit left and the character leveling speed will go faster. The fact is that from level 58 you can safely go to Outland. There will be new ones interesting tasks, increased experience for killing mobs. And in general - new world. In the meantime, from lvl 50 to 58 you can level up to:

— Wintersprings, in Azshara, in Silithus (Kalimdor);
- Eastern and Western Plaguelands, in the Burning Steppes (Eastern Kingdoms).

Leveling up from lvl 58 to 70

From lvl 58 we boldly go to Outland. You can get there through a portal in the Blasted Lands, or through a magician’s teleport, or through teleports that are located in Dalaran and the capitals of the races (where the magician will send you again if you ask nicely). Along the chain of quests we develop up to level 68-69 and are transferred to a new world, where the quality of your character will accelerate again.

Leveling up from lvl 69 to 80

In Northrend, we start from the Borean Tundra or Howling Fjord. Then you can go to Grizzly Hills or Dragonblight. With lvl 75, Sholozar Basin, Zul’Drak, and Storm Peaks will help us.

Leveling up from lvl 80 to 85

And now you have reached the locations of the Cataclysm. You can view character leveling cards in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms.

- Hyjal - located in Kalimdor - leveling up from level 80-82, an alternative to Hyjal could be Vaishir - although it’s very inconvenient to level up there, the location is very beautiful!;
- Underdark - from level 82 to 83, and there is no alternative to the Underdark;
- Uldum - located in Kalimdor - from level 83 to 84;
— Twilight Highlands — in the Eastern Kingdoms — from level 84 to 85.

Leveling up from lvl 85 to 90

And the time has come for Pandaria. You can get to Pandaria after completing a chain of quests in the capitals; each faction has its own chain and quests. /

— Jade Forest — leveling up from levels 85-86;
— Valley of the Four Winds — lvl 86-87, or you can go to the Krasarang jungle;
— Summit of Kun-Lai lvl 87-88;
— Townlong Steppes lvl 88-89;
— Creepy wasteland — levels 89-90.

Alternative ways to level up characters


I would also like to say something about dungeons (insts). By joining a group through dungeon crawling, you will receive more experience for killing elite mobs and difficult bosses. If you successfully complete the game, you will additionally earn a reward in the form of experience, gold or valuable items. Knowledgeable players start going to Instagram almost from lvl 15.


If you are not a fan of doing quests or going through dungeons, but love war, fights, battles with other players, and not with the computer and scripts, then I advise you to level up your character on BG - Battlefields. It is on BG that you can hone your ability to fight with other players!

By the way, completed quests are always colored differently.

If quest is lit gray– don’t do it, it’s no longer relevant for your level.

If the task is highlighted in green– you can do it, but you will gain very little experience. Yellow- The most common. It means that you are quite capable of completing the quest, and at the same time, there is a good reward for it.

And here red and orange colors signal that the quest level is almost impossible for you to complete (but possible), and the experience for it will be decent. As you progress, red quests turn yellow, then green, and finally gray.

The same color gradation is true for dungeons.

And finally, a word of caution. There are workarounds for leveling up your character. You may even be offered to use the services of dishonest players. Better not take risks, otherwise you may get banned for life. Legally, there is such a way. You team up with a player high level, and he will guide you completely through the dungeon. You gain experience, plus complete related quests. The time to complete is minimal, thanks to your powerful ally. Enjoy the game.

I'm not one of those who like to quickly level up a character to cap. The blizzards always make quest content of high quality and it’s better to eat it slowly. Moreover, there is no particular reason to rush, because the Emerald Nightmare will only open on September 20, three weeks after release. During this time, you can upgrade and equip your Maine Hunt without any problems. However, there are plenty of fast-training fans, and active raiders will try to upgrade and equip 3-4 characters. So below is a guide to quickly leveling up to cap.

Let me make a reservation right away: the guide is not mine. The original is located.

Some useful tips:

  • the damage level doesn't matter, what matters is how many mobs you can target. In Legion, up to five players can attack one mob. So take some kind of AoE and flood everything that moves, even if someone else is hitting the mobs;
  • do not loot anything other than what is needed for the quest, because the process lags. Items that you did not pick up will later arrive by mail;
  • treasures do not provide experience, so it is not worth wasting time searching for them;
  • a similar situation with rarers, they don’t give experience, the resources of the stronghold are then much easier to farm on daily basis;
  • experience increases well on mobs in instances, so leveling up to 102 in 5ppl is a good solution;
  • upon reaching level 105, you should take an assistant from among the followers in the class stronghold;
  • It makes sense to do bonus quests only if they take place in the places where the main quests are completed.
  • complete the starting chain for the artifact; however, you still can’t avoid it;
  • initial quest zone: Stormheim. First quest: solo scenario with Sylvanas. Additional quests we don’t do it, just the main chain, as a result of which we get a quest to the local 5ppl;
  • by this time you should have already reached level 102; we receive quests for artifacts of other specs, after which we complete all available quests in the class stronghold;
  • Level 103: take quests in Azsuna and quests for main professions. In Azsuna we only do the main plot;
  • Level 105: completing new class stronghold quests;
  • Level 107: moving to Highmountain: doing only the main plot;
  • 105-109: The main quest chain in each zone ends with a quest to the local dungeon. For completing these quests you can get 130,000 experience;
  • in fact, by this moment you should already have reached level 110;

I don’t know yet how well this works, I haven’t tested it, but I will download the main using this algorithm. I’ll post the results separately.

Update (April 2017)

Having upgraded four characters to 110, I can say the following:

    • leveling up to the level cap (level 110) takes a couple of weeks in slack mode;
    • The easiest way to level up: completing dungeons for five people. Get in line by selecting the "Random Legion Dungeon" option and off you go. For each random playthrough, you get several tens of thousands of experience and, possibly, “blue” from the bosses. In between playthroughs, do quests in open world, focusing on those marked with swords - they give a lot of experience;
    • if a class has a tank spec, then take it - you won’t have to stand in line, tanks, as always, are at a premium, and the damage dealer lasts 20-30 minutes;
    • on Legion invasions (an event that appeared in the game after the release of 7.2), quests give four times more experience (61000 versus 15000 for a regular quest) - don’t miss invasions, on quests 6-7 you can reach 3/4 levels in an hour or less ( watch the video for the conditions of patch 7.3);

  • in the class stronghold there are missions that give exp (5-7% of the level) - do them first;
  • in itself, achieving the level cap means little, it is just the beginning of the path, because the level of the artifact and the presence of legendary items play a much larger role;
  • Upgrading an artifact from zero to level 30+ with the first character on your account can take a couple of months, depending on how much time you devote to the game.
  • Legion content becomes available at level 98;
  • it makes sense to complete the quest chain for artifact weapons - they are level 740, which is twenty levels more than the mythical level kit from the last raid of Draenor;
  • Then there are two options - you can continue the quest on the Broken Isles, or you can return to Draenor and finish two levels there. When pumping up the DK, I chose the latter, because the experience is the same, but it’s harder to pick Legion mobs;

A little video on this topic

If you just started playing World of Warcraft, this guide will tell you about all the important stages of leveling up your character. If you're struggling to figure out what direction you should take, enter your character's name into Wowhead's Planner to see recommended content, find the right gear, and see what achievements you're missing.

Level 5

At level 5 you can choose your profession! Professions are skills that allow you to collect and craft special items that are useful to you and other players (such as armor, potions, and enchantments). Some recipes allow you to create pets and mounts (for example, Engineer's Chopper and Plush Elekk).

Profession Where to get materials How to make money
HerbalismElixirs, potions, infusions, transmutation
MiningWeapons and plate armor
SprayingUpgrading equipment
MiningWeapon ranged, explosives, trinkets
Grass collectionHerbs
New Moon Cards, Symbols, Shoulder Upgrades
Raw and processed stones
SkinningLeather armor, chain mail armor, pants reinforcement
Ore and IngotsOre and Ingots
Skinning MonstersLeather
Loot from monsters
Fabric collection
Cloth armor, reinforcement for pants

There are several different professions in the game. A character can only have two main professions, but no one is stopping you from mastering all the secondary professions.

At level 10, you can also queue for the first battleground: Warsong Gulch. You will have to fight with other players in the classic "capture the flag" mode. On the battlefield, you will have to use skills and tactics that are different from those used in battles with monsters. For every kill and victory on the battlefield you will receive honor points.

Finally, at around level 10, you will be able to visit your faction's first capital. The capital is an area for relaxation, exploration and meeting with other players. Each capital has its own history, which you can get acquainted with by visiting shops and visiting architectural monuments.

Level 15

At level 15 you will receive your first talent. To do this, you will have to choose one of three abilities. This decision can be changed later. Additional talents are unlocked every 15 levels. Some of them improve existing skills, some add new ones.

At level 15, you will be able to queue up for dungeons with random players. The first dungeons will be Dead Mines And Fire pits. After this, new dungeons will appear every few levels.

As you progress through dungeons, you will learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of other players and learn a lot interesting stories from the past World of Warcraft. Here are just a few of them:

  • Cleansing of Stratholme: Travel back in time to witness how Prince Arthas cleansed the plague-infested city of Stratholme. This step was one of the first in his development on the path of evil and transformation into the Lich King.
  • Old Hillsbrad Foothills: Travel back in time to free the future Horde leader Thrall from the slavery of Aedelas Blackmoore, ruler of Durnholde Keep. The story takes place in the area of ​​Tarren Mill and Southshore, where other famous characters can be found.
  • Black swamps: Travel back in time to visit the swamp known as the Black Marsh and protect Guardian Medivh, who has fallen under the influence of Sargeras and is trying to open the Dark Portal to Draenor. Confront the Infinity dragons who want to thwart Medivh and prevent the invasion of Draenor.
  • Forgotten city: Before the Sundering of Azeroth, the ancient city of the night elves was in full swing with life, but as a result of sad events, its inhabitants refused to be cut off from the outside world and turned to corruption to maintain their magical powers. The once magnificent city is now at the mercy of twisted forces led by Prince Thortheldrin, who harbors a terrible secret.

Level 20

At level 20, you gain the ability to use land vehicles! This makes moving around the world much easier. Contact a riding trainer and pay him 4 gold to master the Horse Riding (Apprentice) skill.

There are many beautiful vehicles in the game. Here are just a few of them: Reins of the Crimson Horse of Death, Scepter of Az'Akir, Reins of the Frisky Phantom Tiger, Reins of the Raven Lord.

Full list ground transportation is . The methods for obtaining mounts can be different, for example, Reins of the Fiery Warhorse drops from Attumen the Stalker, Infernal Direwolf can be obtained from the Glory of the Hellfire Citadel Raider achievement, and Darkmoon Dancing Bear is bought for tokens on Darkmoon Faire.

At level 20 you will also receive the Warcraft Guest achievement, allowing you to play as the hero Lady Liadrin in card game.

Level 30

At level 30, you get the opportunity to choose a second specialization and switch between them at any time for free. This is great for hybrid classes and players who like to fill different roles. If you have acquired a second specialization, but do not like it, you can change it for a small fee.

Double major acquired from a class skills teacher in any big city. If you don't know where the teacher is, talk to the guard and he will mark Right place on the map.

Level 40

At level 40, you gain the ability to move on the ground even faster (100% instead of 60%). Horse riding training (apprentice) costs 50 gold.

Level 58

At level 58, players can travel beyond Azeroth by using the Dark Portal. Outland is a devastated, ruined world where you will have to face the might of the Legion. This is also where you meet Illidan Stormrage and the Demon Hunters for the first time. Sounds familiar? These places are definitely worth visiting again before the new expansion comes out! Items and achievements related to Outland are described in detail in the guide A Week in Shattrath: How to get vehicles and pets from Outland (85+). One of the most attractive factions is Nether Dragons, for leveling up your reputation you can get amazingly beautiful dragons.

  • Mission areas: Shadowmoon Valley, Netherstorm, Blade's Edge Mountains, Nagrand, Terokkar Forest, Zangarmarsh, Hellfire Peninsula
  • Dungeons: Dark Labyrinth, Arcatraz, Black Marshes, Steam Vault, Shattered Halls, Botany, Magisters' Terrace, Mechanar, Old Hillsbrad Foothills, Sethekk Halls, Auchenai Tombs, Mana-Tombs, Underbog, Prison, Bloodforge, Hellfire Bastions
  • Raids: Tempest Keep, Gruul's Lair, Karazhan, Magtheridon's Lair, Sunwell Plateau, Serpentshrine Shrine, Hyjal Summit, Black Temple

Level 60

At level 60, you gain the ability to use airborne vehicles, soar into the skies, choose your own travel route, and dismount at any convenient moment. Airway Master's License costs 250 gold

There are many mounts in the game that can fly. Here are just a few of them: Reins of the Astral Cloud Serpent, Reins of the Invincible, Frosted Flying Carpet, Majestic Armored Gryphon. A complete list of ground transport is available. Air transport can be obtained in various ways - for example, making a Panther from a sunstone using Jewelcrafting, knocking out the Reins of the Headless Horseman's steed during the Hallow's End celebration, or buying a Cenarion War Hippogryph after leveling up your reputation with the Cenarion Expedition.

Level 68

At level 68, players can travel to Northrend, home of the Lich King, Icecrown Citadel. As you complete the quests, you will learn about the history of the titans and help the Argent Crusade fight the Scourge. Items and achievements related to Northrend are described in detail in the guide Two weeks in Dalaran: How to get transport and pets from Northrend (85+).

  • Mission areas: Crystalsong Forest, Storm Peaks, Icecrown, Sholazar Basin, Zul'Drak, Grizzly Hills, Dragonblight, Howling Fjord, Borean Tundra
  • Dungeons: Pit of Saron, Halls of Reflection, Forge of Souls, Halls of Lightning, Summit of Utgard, Oculus, Cleansing of Stratholme, Trial of the Champion, Halls of Stone, Gundrak, Violet Fortress, Fortress of Drak'Tharon, An'kahet: Old Kingdom, Azjol-Nerub, Nexus , Utgard Fortress
  • Raids: Trial of the Crusader, Eye of Eternity, Icecrown Citadel, Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum, Ruby Sanctum, Ulduar

Level 70

At level 70, you gain the ability to move through the air even faster (280% instead of 150%). Horse riding training (advanced) costs 5,000 gold.

Level 80

At level 80, players can begin to appreciate the extent of the Sundering of Azeroth caused by the appearance of Deathwing. Help retake Hyjal from the Elemental Lords, explore the threat of the Old Gods in Vashj'ir, and team up with the dragons to restore order to the Dragon Soul.

  • Mission zones: Molten Front, Twilight Highlands, Uldum, Deepholm, Mount Hyjal, Vashj'ir
  • Dungeons: Zul'Gurub, Well of Eternity, Halls of Creation, Zul'Aman, Time of Twilight, End of Times, Lost City Tol'vir, Grim Batol, Stone Core, Tornado Pinnacle, Blackrock Caverns, Throne of Tides
  • Raids: Blackwing Descent, Dragon Soul, Firelands, Throne of the Four Winds, Twilight Bastion

At level 80, players gain the ability to fly at 310%. Master Riding costs 5,000 gold.

Level 85

At level 85, you can go to Pandaria - a lost continent where peaceful pandarens live. Here you will learn about the Mogu tyrants, the mysterious Klaxxi who serve someone unknown, and meet the cheerful Pandaren. The conflict between the Alliance and the Horde will intensify, and Orgrimmar, led by the traitorous leader Garrosh, will be under siege. We advise you to read.

  • Mission areas: Isle of Thunder, Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Isle of Giants, Timeless Isle, Dread Waste, Townlong Steppes, Kun-Lai Summit, Krasarang Jungle, Valley of the Four Winds, Jade Forest
  • Dungeons: Gate of the Setting Sun, Siege of the Niuzao Temple, Mogu Shan Palace, Shado-Pan Monastery, Temple of the Jade Snake, Stormstout Brewhouse, Scholomance, Monastery Scarlet Crusade, Scarlet Halls
  • Raids: Terrace of Eternal Spring, Heart of Fear, Dungeons of Mogu'shan, Siege of Orgrimmar, Throne of Thunder

Level 90

At level 90, you can travel to Draenor, an alternate universe that would have arisen if Grommash Hellscream had not drunk the blood of Mannoroth. Experience the flourishing culture of the draenei, witness the rise of Vindicator Yrel, visit areas of Outland (such as Shadowmoon Valley) that have changed beyond recognition, and witness historical encounters (such as Thrall and his father Durotan).

  • Mission Zones: Tanaan Jungle, Nagrand, Spiers of Arak, Talador, Gorgrond, The Ridge Ice Fire, Shadowmoon Valley
  • Dungeons: Top part Blackrock Spire, Everbloom, Grimroads Depot, Shadowmoon Necropolis, Skypath, Auchindoun, Iron Docks, Bloodmaul Slag Mines
  • Raids: Blackrock Foundry, Hellfire Citadel, Highmaul

Level 100

Congratulations, you have achieved maximum level! You get access to the most complex and interesting content. You can:

  • Get the most powerful equipment in .
  • Fight with Iron Horde or go on a treasure hunt in .
  • , the mainstay of military operations on Draenor.

How long does pumping take?

Leveling from 100 to 110 can be done in just 6 hours. Time can speed up a lot if you have Broken Isles Pathfinder, part two is complete and unlocked, you've rested and upgraded your heirlooms to level 110 in patch 7.2.5.


Each time you increase, your level increases and as you accumulate an experience bar, allowing you to level up and become more powerful.

There are many ways to gain experience such as PvP, fighting animals, archeology, gathering, dungeons and of course local quests, the focus will be on this guide. At the end of the main storyline of each zone there is a large bonus quest that gives a lot of experience. Players will also be able to gain bonus experience using the following methods:

  • Increased XP: Leave the rest area to gain 100% bonus XP from kills based on how long you've been out of the game.
  • After unlocking the Hall class mission after level 101, several missions will grant experience (~5% of the level) upon completion.

In addition, players can acquire experience multipliers through several events:

  • 10% via Darkmoon Fair or riding the carousel for WHEE!.
  • 10% via Ribbon Dance.

Heirloom Items

Patch 7.2.5 introduces the ability to upgrade your previous items to level 110. You can buy a Scorched Spine Tile Armor or a Weathered Heirloom Knife from Estelle Gendry in the Undercity for 5,000 and 7,500 gold respectively.

Experience Bonus

Because of this, there are a maximum of 7 full item slots that can be upgraded to provide bonus experience between 100-110 for a maximum total bonus of 55%.

  • Helmet – 10%
  • Leverage – 10%
  • Cloak – 5%
  • Chest – 10%
  • Legs – 10%
  • Ring 1 (Admiral Taylor's Loyalty Ring, Third Fleet Badge, or Captain Sander's Returned Group) – 5%
  • Ring 2 (terrible pirate ring) – 5% Other relics

There are two more types of inheritable items: Keychains and Neck.

The neck can also be purchased from Estelle Gendry and progressed to level 110 in patch 7.2.5. Each neck has a 2-minute use effect to restore health!
Warlords of Draenor already scale to level 110. Accessories: Gronnuoth War Horn, Naaru Judgment.
Touch of the Void is available from WoD Garrison and deals great damage to enemies in the area. Other accessories have an effect when you kill monsters.

Eastern Kingdoms:

    • Alliance: Improved Supply for Azeroth


  • Alliance: Survival of Kalimdor
  • Horde: Walking Kalimdor with the Earth Mother note that the tooltip says 15,000 gold, but it is actually 10,000 gold.

Item Level

As with previous heirlooms, the item's level will scale as the player levels up. This allows a newbie at 110 to start at level 800 items in certain slots.

Pumping zones

Legion has four experience zones, each with their own storyline and story. You can do this in any order you like as they scale to your level.

Azsuna is home to the remnants of the ancient night elves, ravaged by the wrath of Queen Azshara. This cursed land is replete with many secrets and serves as a refuge for what remains of the Blue Dragon.

Valshara- This is the site of Cenarius Grove, where the demigod first met Malfurion Storm and then began his training. This is also where the influence Emerald Nightmare bleeding into Azeroth, corrupting the land. You'll also find key locations such as the corrupted world tree Shaladrassil and dungeon Black Rook Hold is an elven fortress that dates back to the War of the Ancients.

Highmountain is the location of one of the largest mountains in Azeroth and a strong and beautiful place. Here, three tribes of high tauren are locked in a brutal struggle against the wild drobar that threatens their lands.

Earth Stormheim– one of the harshest zones, this is a reflection of the vrykul who live here. As you explore, you'll learn more about vrykul culture, including the origins of the mysterious Valkyr and the terrifying Kvaldir. Along the way, you'll fight the Vrykul God-King as he demands the "Stormheim Pillar of Creation" on behalf of his Legion masters. Ultimately, your quest will take you to the heavens where the greatest champions of the vrykul await to test your worth.

Prioritize main story quests that count on reaching that zone and taking you to the dungeon. Bonus objectives also award a huge amount of XP, so do them if your quest will naturally take you to the area. Make sure to complete the dungeon quest to finish each zone as it awards a huge amount of experience and completes the story! You can start the next zone's quests if you're expecting Dungeon Finder to queue you up.

In Legion, up to five players can loot the same mob at the same time, so you don't have to worry about someone else taking your loot faster.

Artifact and Class Hall quests

The artifact of your specialization is very important as it greatly increases your player's power when you equip it. The first thing you do when you reach the Broken Shore is get your first artifact weapon. Typically, obtaining artifact weapons takes about 20-30 minutes and will unlock your class stronghold. They provide certain experience depending on the length of the quest chain.

As you level up, parts of the class campaign are unlocked at level 101 and 103. They will reward you with experience and you will need to complete them. Be sure to fill them out when you can.

  • At level 101 you will receive a quest in Dalaran to begin the next stage of the class's campaign. You'll get some early champions, the ability to recruit smaller troops, and unlock Order Advancement.
  • At level 103 you will start a new chain of chains from your Order Hall. This chain opens up the opportunity to recruit more troops and unlock more champions.

At level 102, you can unlock additional artifact weapons for other specializations in your class. You will need to complete your quest chain and also receive your reward. Unlocking these artifacts will give you more flexibility if you have to change specializations for some reason.

Promotion of orders

There are two promotion options available for level 110 players. Tier 1 and Tier 2 upgrades will usually have one option that will improve the job of character development.

  • One level 1 option for each class is to increase the chance of getting a quest to get a rare or epic bonus upgrade from irregular quests.
  • One of the tier 2 options usually gives a cool buff that will be useful when on the Broken Isles. Some examples are: Soul Flame of Insight for Demon Hunters or Nexus Teleportation for Mages

Talents level up

Typically, players prefer the DPS specialization level as it kills enemies faster. However, both tanks and healers can deal a lot of damage - and more so than in previous expansions. Tanks and healers have a lot of survivability, allowing them to take on many enemies at once.

Upon entering a dungeon, players will receive a dungeon setup lasting 1 minute. This will allow them to move from unnecessary talents to dungeon running talents. However, this will not allow you to go back for free, so after the dungeon is completed, you will have to use the Tome of the Tranquil Mind. The first quest when you enter Dalaran will give you 5 Tomes of the Tranquil Mind, which do the same thing.

Professional quests

You can obtain the Legion Professions quests from the appropriate shop in the Broken Shores of Dalaran. You don't need any previous profession skills and can pick them up at profession level 1. Most quests will start in Dalaran and take you to Azsuna. Profession quests can be completed upon completing the main story of that zone and can be found in the same locations as the main story quests.

If you don't have professions, Herbalism and Mining are a good choice for bonus experience quests. They are both done without leaving the main storyline, since there is ore and grass everywhere! Sometimes when you mine or select a stack of herbs, you will receive a quest that you can complete in Dalaran.

Useful items

The following items can help you level up:

  • – A toy that reduces your falling speed for one minute. Acquired by robbery various items around Highmountain.
  • Alternatively, use the Goblin Glider Kit, which can be crafted or purchased from the Auction House.
  • Emerald Winds - A toy that can be used to advance. You can earn money by completing the Hechling Talon quest in the Mountains.
  • Reins of the Crimson Water Strider - a mountain from the Draenor garrison that allows for water sports.
  • Fighter Grub is a food that will quickly restore your health if it is not in combat.

Crafting Legendary Items

If you have extra gold, you can buy or craft one of the legendaries. This is a massive stat boost and your character will be able to kill enemies much more efficiently.

You can equip them on a character that is level 101 or higher, and can be used entirely for current content.

New Items 7.3 BoA

Reputation Items

There are many different types combat allies, but each class has at least one champion who can be assigned as a bodyguard. Bodyguards have a specific role (tank, damage dealer) that will use class-related abilities to help you on the Broken Shore.


Players who have completed and on any of their characters in order to fly in Legion content! This will significantly increase your leveling speed, since flying means allow you to travel faster than ground-based ones.

To be able to fly, you will need:

  • Explore 5 quest locations (
  • Complete all major storylines on the Broken Isles (
  • Complete 100 different world quests (
  • Complete your Class Hall Order Campaign (
  • Earn Honor with the 6 Broken Isles factions (

The second and final part of Pathfinder Broken Isles can be completed in Patch 7.2: requires:
Complete the first part (
Explore the Broken Shore (
Commander Honored by the Armies of the Legion (

Legion attacks

Legion Assaults reward a huge amount of experience in 7.2, and with heirlooms in 7.2.5, they will award even more experience. Each invasion typically awards 90% – 100% EXP of the level.

Any character who has unlocked World Quests at level 110 will see Legion attacks at their level 98+ alt. Your alts will be able to complete all 6 quests for the invasion. Each World Quest will reward a base experience value (~10% of level) plus a bonus reward:

  • Stronghold Resources
  • Artifact Power
  • Bonus experience (~5% of level)

There are two types of Legion attacks: "Wanted" and regular. "Wanted" quests are much faster and easier to complete when leveling up because there is no limit on the number of people who can kill a monster. Regular quests can take much longer and can only be completed by 5 people.

One of the disadvantages of leveling through Legion invasions is the lack of equipment. In patch 7.2, players who just started the invasion have reached level 110 with an item level between 700-720, and things get harder and harder to kill since you don't get any new gear.

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