Wot view the armor in the hangar. Shooting and armor penetration. How to speed up aiming

Shooting and armor penetration- the most important elements game mechanics. This article contains information about game parameters such as accuracy, armor penetration and damage.


Accuracy- a parameter of a weapon that characterizes its ability to send projectiles accurately to the target.

There are two aspects to the game related to accuracy:

Scatter shells when firing at 100 meters. Measured in meters. The spread depends on the skill of the gunner. An untrained gunner (50% of the main skill) shoots 25% less accurately than a 100% trained gunner. Mixing time- aiming time, measured in seconds. This is a conditional parameter that was introduced for balance needs. That is, pointing the gun itself at the target is not enough; it is important to wait until the aiming circle finishes shrinking. Otherwise, the probability of a miss increases sharply. When the tank moves and the turret and barrel rotate, as well as after a shot, the sight “diverges,” that is, the aiming circle increases sharply and it is necessary to wait for the aim again. The convergence time is the time during which the convergence circle decreases by ~2.5 times, to be precise, by e times (e is a mathematical constant, the base of the natural logarithm is ~2.71).

It is also important to understand that in the game (without installing extraneous modifications) the convergence circle is displayed, and not the scatter circle - these two circles have completely different diameters and, with very rare exceptions, do not coincide with each other. In fact, the dispersion circle is smaller than the aiming circle (by several times) and the task of the aiming circle in the game is not to display the dispersion of shells, but to visualize the state of the gun and its gunner, whole, damaged, whether the gunner is reduced or reduced, whether he is healthy or shell-shocked, etc. .

How to increase gun accuracy

  • Install equipment Improved ventilation
  • The Brotherhood of War(approximately +2.5% to accuracy).
  • Use equipment that gives +10% to all crew parameters for one battle, including about 5% to accuracy - Extra ration, Chocolate, Cola box, Strong coffee, Pudding with tea, Improved diet, Onigiri.

How to speed up aiming

  • Install the gun with the highest aiming speed.
  • Upgrade the gunner's main specialty to 100%.
  • Install equipment Reinforced aiming drives(+10% to convergence speed).
  • Install equipment Stabilizer vertical aiming (-20% to dispersion when moving the tank and turning the turret).
  • Install equipment Improved ventilation(approximately +2.5% convergence speed)
  • Upgrade your gunner's skill Smooth rotation of the tower(-7.5% to dispersion when rotating the turret).
  • Upgrade your driver mechanic's skills Smooth ride(-4% to dispersion when the tank moves).
  • Upgrade the skill of all crew members The Brotherhood of War(approximately +2.5% convergence speed).
  • Use equipment that gives +10% to all crew parameters for one battle, including about 5% to the aiming speed Extra ration, Chocolate, Cola box, Strong coffee, Pudding with tea, Improved diet, Onigiri.


When you press right button mouse with the sight aimed at the enemy, auto-targeting is activated. It fixes the tank's barrel on the center of the enemy vehicle. This allows you to avoid aiming by eye, but at the same time it has a number of significant disadvantages. The fact is that the auto-aiming always aims at the center of the silhouette of the enemy tank, ignoring obstacles in the firing path, as well as the vector and speed of the enemy’s movement. In cases where only part of the enemy vehicle is visible in the sight or when the target is moving and anticipation is necessary, auto-aiming will not only not be useful, but moreover, it will guarantee a miss. Auto-aiming does not allow aiming weak spots enemy tank, therefore relatively of little use against high levels battles with precision guns and large well-armored tanks.

Automatic aiming is usually used in close combat during active maneuvers and when shooting at long distances at a stationary enemy.

Auto-targeting can be canceled by pressing E (by default) or by pressing the right mouse button again.

Detailed analysis of shooting mechanics

Armor penetration

Armor penetration- a weapon parameter characterizing its ability to penetrate the armor of enemy tanks. It is measured in millimeters and has a spread of ±25% relative to the average value. It is important to remember that the armor penetration indicated in the technical specifications is indicated for an armor plate located at an angle of 90 degrees to the direction of movement of the projectile. That is, the slope of the armor is not taken into account, while most tanks have sloped armor, which is much more difficult to penetrate. Also, the armor penetration indicated in the technical specifications is indicated at a distance of 100 m, and with increasing distance it decreases (relevant for sub-caliber and armor-piercing shells and not applicable for high-explosive/HESH and cumulative).


Each tank has armor. However, the thickness of the armor is not the same everywhere. In front it is as thick as possible. On the contrary, the back is thinnest. The roof and bottom of the tank are also very lightly armored. The armor is indicated in this format: frontal armor thickness/side armor thickness/stern armor thickness. And if the armor, for example, is 38/28/28, then a gun with a penetration capacity of 30 mm will generally be able to penetrate the stern and side, but not the forehead. Due to the 25% dispersion, the actual penetration of this weapon from shot to shot will vary from 22.5 to 37.5 mm.

It should be remembered that when specifying armor, its inclination is not taken into account. For example, the armor of the T-54 is 120 mm, the angle of inclination is 60°, and the normalization of the projectile is 4-5°. With such an inclination, the reduced armor thickness will be approximately 210 mm. However, even the thickest armor has its own vulnerabilities. These include various hatches, machine gun nests, wheelhouses, joints, etc.

Non-penetration and ricochet

Each projectile has its own penetration threshold. And if it is smaller than the armor of the enemy tank, then the shell will not penetrate it. To do this, you need to aim at the most vulnerable places of the tank: the rear, sides and various protrusions and crevices. If this does not help, you can use high-explosive shells.

When shooting at a tank standing at an angle, there is a high probability of a ricochet. The boundary between penetration and rebound lies at an angle of 70°. If the caliber of the projectile exceeds the thickness of the armor more than 3 times, no ricochet occurs, but if it is doubled, the normalization of the projectile increases in proportion to the excess of the caliber of the gun over the thickness of the armor - and the projectile tries to penetrate the armor at any angle. So, for example, when firing from a 100mm gun with armor penetration 170, at an armor plate 30mm thick at an angle of 89.99 degrees, the normalization will increase to 23.33 degrees, and the reduced armor will be 30/cos(89.99-23.33) = 75.75mm of armor.

Detailed analysis of the mechanics of armor penetration

Attention! Update 0.8.6 introduces new penetration rules for cumulative projectiles:

The cumulative projectile can now ricochet when the projectile hits armor at an angle of 85 degrees or more. When a ricochet occurs, the penetration of tanks in World of Tanks by a ricocheted cumulative projectile does not decrease.

After the first penetration of the armor, the projectile begins to lose armor penetration at the following rate: 5% of the armor penetration remaining after penetration - per 10 cm of space traversed by the projectile (50% - per 1 meter of free space from the screen to the armor).

Also in update 0.8.6, the normalization of sub-caliber shells was reduced to 2°.

With update 0.9.3, ricocheting into another tank has become possible. After the second ricochet, the projectile disappears. You can find out the combat characteristics of any vehicle, for example, damage, armor, and identify penetration zones based on this, in the “Tank Science” section in World app of Tanks Assistant.


Damage- a weapon parameter characterizing its ability to cause damage to enemy tanks. Measured in units. It is important to remember that the damage indicated in the weapon’s performance characteristics is average and in fact varies within 25%, both up and down.

Location of weak points

The location of the various modules in the game is not indicated, but it is entirely consistent real prototypes. Therefore, if in life the ammunition stowage was in the left corner of the rear of the tank, then in the game it will be there. But still, the weakest points of the tanks are located in approximately the same place:

  • The engine and fuel tank are usually located in the aft (rear) part of the tank.
  • The ammunition rack is located in the center of the hull or in the aft (rear) part of the turret.
  • To shoot down a tank's track, you need to shoot at the front or last roller.
  • The gun and triplexes are visible to the naked eye.
  • The commander, as a rule, is located in the turret and can be incapacitated by a hit on the commander's turret.
  • The mechanical drive sits in the front of the machine body.
  • The loader and gunner are located in the front or center of the turret.

Damage by modules

Shooting at modules has its own characteristics. Often when modules are hit, damage goes to them, but not to the tank itself. Each module has its own strength points (health units). If they are completely removed (critical damage), the module stops working and it will take some time to restore it. The module's health units are not fully restored, but only up to 50%. It remains damaged and may not perform as well. Accordingly, it will be easier to break the same module in the future. If new damage is caused to the module during repair, health points are removed and repairs continue up to 50%. That is, if a tank with a removed track continues to be hit by the same track, then it will be repaired constantly (or until the tank is destroyed).

The repair kit restores the health points of the damaged module to 100%.

Engine If the module is damaged or after restoration maximum speed movement is reduced. If the damage is critical, movement is impossible. Each engine damage can cause a fire with the probability specified in the engine description (10-40%). Chance of damage: 45% Caterpillar When the module is damaged, the chance of rupture increases. If the damage is critical, movement is impossible. Ammunition stowage If the module is damaged, the reload time increases. If the damage is critical, the tank is destroyed. At the same time, the number of shells in the ammunition rack does not affect the chance of its explosion. Only empty ammunition racks do not explode. Chance of damage: 27% Tank If the module is damaged, no penalties are imposed. When the tank is critically damaged, a fire starts. Chance of damage: 45% Triplex If the module is damaged or after restoration, no penalties are imposed. When critically damaged, visibility range is reduced by 50%. Chance of damage: 45% Radio station If the module is damaged, the communication radius is halved. Chance of damage: 45% Gun When the module is damaged or after restoration, firing accuracy decreases. If the damage is critical, firing the gun and changing its declination are impossible. Chance of damage: 33% Turret rotation mechanism When the module is damaged or after restoration, the rotation speed of the turret is reduced. If the damage is critical, the turret cannot rotate. Chance of Damage: 45%

Crew damage

Unlike tank modules, the crew does not have health points. The tanker can be either healthy or shell-shocked. A knocked out tanker can be returned to duty by using a first aid kit. Concussion of all crew members is equivalent to the destruction of the tank. When one of the crew members is disabled, all effects from additional skills and abilities learned by him disappear. For example, when the commander is concussed, the “Sixth Sense” light stops working. In addition, in cases where:

The commander is shell-shocked - visibility is reduced by half, and the commander's bonus ceases to apply. The mechanical drive is shell-shocked - the speed of movement and turns is reduced by half. The gunner is shell-shocked - the spread doubles, the turret traverse speed is halved. The loader is shell-shocked - the reload speed is halved. The radio operator is shell-shocked - the communication radius is halved. Chance of crew member being concussed: 33%

Detailed analysis of the mechanics of module damage

Tanking Basics


  • The application language is selected based on system settings.

What's new in version 2.5:

  • Blitz 3.1 data update.

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Did the shell hit the gusli without causing damage? Did you hit the mask? You don't know where to go heavy tanks? Don't know how to set the angle to E100?

How long can you tolerate this! Download this app quickly! It will explain to you all your non-penetrations and ricochets, teach you how to tank on a TT, and show you the weak points of any tank.

Over 300+ tanks to explore! Detailed information about each armor group on the tank, and, most importantly, displays the chance of penetrating any tank with the selected gun. Find out where you can penetrate any tank with your gun, and where they can penetrate you. Download this free application right now!

  • The application language is selected based on system settings.
  • The damage map from a HE projectile is constantly being built. The longer the picture is still, the more accurate the result.

What's new in version 2.5:

  • Blitz 3.1 data update.
  • HD textures! HD textures show the tank as it looks in the game. They are downloaded on request for each tank separately and require a network connection.
  • Photo. The button in the upper right corner allows you to hide the interface and view the tank on the entire screen. You can also take a screenshot, save it, send it by email, or get an imgur link.

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Did the shell hit the gusli without causing damage? Did you hit the mask? Don't know where to shoot through heavy tanks? Don't know how to set the angle to E100?

How long can you tolerate this! Download this app quickly! It will explain to you all your non-penetrations and ricochets, teach you how to tank on a TT, and show you the weak points of any tank.

Over 300+ tanks to explore! Detailed information about each armor group on the tank, and, most importantly, displays the chance of penetrating any tank with the selected gun. Find out where you can penetrate any tank with your gun, and where they can penetrate you. Download this free application right now!

  • The damage map from a HE projectile is constantly being built. The longer the picture is still, the more accurate the result.

This application (service) is a product of third parties that are not related to Wargaming.net. Under no circumstances will Wargaming.net be responsible for the legality of the application (service) and will not compensate for losses caused by its use or inability to use it. However, please notify Wargaming.net immediately if you are aware that an application infringes the intellectual property rights of third parties or is otherwise unlawful.

One of important elements in battle, when you are fighting with enemy vehicles, is the armor scheme tanks World of Tanks, it will allow you to find out the most protected places for your tank, all of them are painted in different colors, each color corresponds to the thickness of the armor. As a rule, screens and the most poorly protected areas are most often marked with pink shades. And the thickest armor is painted blue, most often for medium and heavy armor these are tracks or the frontal part, and the higher the thickness of the armor, the better.

An important factor for armor resistance is the inclination of the gun.

The higher the armor resistance of the main modules such as a caterpillar or roller, the less chance that a shell will hit your tank. For example, let’s take the Soviet KV-220 tank, which has only 80 mm of armor in the area of ​​the roller and caterpillars, one could say that it would be a piece of cake to penetrate it, but it has a wide armor plate slope of up to 60-70 degrees, which reduces the impact projectile at right angles to the minimum.

But the T-34, which has the largest armor on the forehead at 45 mm, makes almost no sense to shoot, because it has welded armor, which is laid in several seams, but as for the recesses near the machine guns, these are most likely weak points, so the same as the turning mechanism, which, like in most Soviet tanks, can be jammed. The T34-85 modification has solid armor, but the hull itself leaves much to be desired.

The most protected place is the welded joint at the bottom, and the weakest place is where the machine gun and front recesses are located

Now let's go through the reservation scheme for foreign tanks. Let's take for comparison a tank from the American and Swedish branch. From the Swedes they brought to us the tank destroyer = self-propelled gun Ikv65 II for the super test medium tank Tier 6, with a good powerful 90 mm gun, but with very weak armor, almost everything in this tank is highlighted in red, which gives a poor armor resistance indicator. But the tank has good speed, so coupled with powerful gun Bofors, you can try to dodge enemy bullets.

The American T26E5 fares a little better with armor, due to the fact that it is already a heavy tank, with good accuracy and firepower of its guns. It’s not for nothing that this car is included in the premium level.

Players will be pleased with the high performance. However, despite its robust design, its armor plate is still worse than its competitor T32. The tracks and the rear part of the armor plate are well protected, but the side of the turret is rather weak. If you want to survive on such a tank, focus on the safety of the armor plates, they are best protected here.

We hope now that you understand what the World of Tanks tank reservation scheme is and how it differs, this will help you select the most optimal tank of your level for successful battles

World of Tanks is an exciting online game that probably everyone has heard of. It united millions of players and fans around the world. As the name suggests, the main and only military equipment in the game is the tank. Teams compete with each other, and only the strongest wins. To play well, you need to know a lot of facts about the tanks themselves and the features of the models transferred to the game. For those who haven’t really gotten involved yet game process, a tank reservation scheme special for World of Tanks will help.

A little about the game

World of Tanks is a popular online game. Therefore, to achieve victory, you need to act as a team. The best help for the team can be to destroy the enemy tank or cause damage (damage). To inflict constant good damage, you need, of course, to know what the armoring scheme of the enemy team’s tanks is in World of Tanks. The game has a whole bunch of military equipment with their own characteristics and tactical and technical parameters. Of course, if you go out to a hostile tank and just shoot at it, maybe something will work out, but for more successful and advanced players, you need a World of Tanks 3d tank armor scheme, which, in turn, will help you find out the enemy’s weak points.

World of Tanks tank reservation scheme: program

And how do you find out how to penetrate a certain tank, what its weak points are? Such experience can be gained in regular combat, but in order to master this skill, you need to drive more than one car into a hangar without really doing anything. This is why a tank reservation scheme is so necessary for beginners in World of Tanks. It will help identify the weak points of opponents from the enemy team.

So, one of such programs is “Tank Inspector”. This is a whole guide to game World of Tanks. The tank armor scheme is not the only thing it can show. It also contains all the tactical and technical characteristics of combat vehicles (armor penetration, maximum speed, armor thickness, cost of shells, reload time, etc.). A very convenient thing, with the help of which you can actually learn many features of tanks, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. But I would like to say that “Tank Inspector” is not one program of this kind. In fact, there are a lot of them, and they are all similar to each other. There is even an application for your smartphone. It’s called “World of Tanks”. Just don't confuse it with the game. This application also talks about the tactical and technical characteristics of tanks and their features.

How to use the programs?

Everything is very simple! Thanks to applications such as "Tank Inspector" and the like, you can easily detect the strengths and vulnerabilities of any combat vehicle. Firstly, using the development tree, you first need to find the vehicle you are interested in and go into its characteristics. Then the application, taking into account the thickness and angle of the armor, will show weak and strong points and areas in a certain color. If an area (such as the front of a hull or turret) is marked red, it means it will be very difficult to penetrate with a normal shell. If some other part glows green, you can safely, as they say in player slang, “flash” into this place. Medium armor highlighted in yellow. Also, these paints can be mixed, depending on the thickness of the armor. Part of the tank can be orange (this means it is quite strong) or dark green.

Thus, you can easily find out all the vulnerabilities of opponents at your level. This information is easy to obtain. If you can see that the rear of a T-34, or the driver’s cabin of a KV-5, or the surveillance devices of all British tanks are glowing green, it’s best to shoot there.

Booking scheme "World of Tanks"

Generally on this moment The Japanese have only two branches - medium and heavy tanks. And here you can observe fundamental differences between combat vehicles. If medium tanks have no armor at all (up to the eighth level these are just huge boxes that are a tasty morsel for everyone), then heavy tanks have it in the forehead in sufficient quantities so that they are not afraid of anyone at their level. But this does not mean that the middle peasants are completely defenseless. They have enough good weapon. It’s the same with heavy tanks: they can also penetrate the vehicle of a ridiculous tanker. And all because you need to turn the body a little, forming a diamond.

If you have not yet decided which side to fight for popular game World of Tanks, we recommend starting with the Soviet Union. Upgrading Soviet technology is not only one of the most understandable and accessible, but also carries many advantages for beginners. Also today we will talk about tank reservation schemes in World of Tanks - an issue that worries many players.

general characteristics

You can unleash the full potential of a particular Soviet tank in the game without having a lot of experience or distinctive skills. That is why beginners prefer to start their acquaintance with this category.

In general, such tanks can be described as heavy vehicles with medium guns, low accuracy and powerful one-time damage. The penetration of the KB-1C model is 175 millimeters, and the damage is about 390 units - such statistics can be achieved already at the sixth level. Also soviet tanks boast round armor, ricochet armor and diesel engines, the likelihood of fire is very, very low.

If everything is clear about the meaning of the word “booking,” then what about its scheme? As a rule, any armor scheme for World of Tanks tanks is presented in 3D. This is a visual representation of the model with the most protected areas. Each area is painted a different color.

KV-1 and Churchill III tanks

The KV-1 model tank is one of the most powerful and stable units. Proper placement on the field makes it practically invulnerable and gives a significant advantage over enemies. As for the guns, you can choose one of three. We advise you to take a closer look at the U-11 landmine with a caliber of 122 millimeters and a damage power of 370 units. Having such a weapon at the fifth level, you can easily deal with any enemy.

If you are fighting a KV-1 tank at long range, then shoot at the lower armor plate. During close-range combat, you can gain an advantage by breaking through any weakened area located in the front. It is not worth attacking the tower, since its armor is much stronger than any other area.

The Churchill III tank is included in the premium category, which is sold to players for real money. Despite the fact that the armor of this model differs significantly from the KV-1, and is far from better side, its main advantage is a powerful hole punch. With its help you can deal with light and medium tanks. You won't be able to attack vehicles with higher stats. If the class and nation of the Churchill III is the same as any other tank in your collection, then they can share one crew.

Unlike the KV-I, on the Churchill III the turret is the weakest and most unprotected point. Screens are located in the most unexpected places, and their number can vary greatly, so avoid the side and stern areas, and do not shoot at them with a land mine.

Look at the diagram Bookings World of Tanks KV-1 and Churchill III tanks can be seen in the photo below. The illustration clearly demonstrates all the details.

Tank reservation scheme in World of Tanks - Japanese technology

What about foreign tanks? Japanese tanks Along with the Soviet ones, they are very popular among WoT players. Having reached the fifth level of pumping, equipment from the Land of the Rising Sun begins to pose a serious threat to its opponent.

The Japanese armor scheme for World of Tanks tanks does not have any special variations. Almost all tanks have a “cardboard” roof and stern. If you are playing as a neutral side, and your goal is to penetrate the Japanese giant, then we do not recommend focusing on the lower armor plate, since only a cannon with a caliber of at least 100 millimeters can penetrate it.

The best targets in this case may be the tower and the armor plate located at the top. As for the protective screens on both sides of the stern, they can be dealt with using a landmine or splash attacks.

Tank Inspector

"Tank Inspector" is automatic program for World of Tanks tank armor schemes. Using this software, you will receive the most complete information about a particular tank, the model of which is in the game. In addition to ready-made reservation schemes, in Tank Inspector you can find information on average income, the number of points for strength, movement speed, overview indicators, statistics on the level of balancing during battles, and much more. Developers are constantly adding new things to the already available features to make the program even more useful.
