Wow how to get to Silithus from Stormwind. Heart of Azeroth - guide. Story and world quests

World World of Warcraft is cyclical and static. Arriving, for example, on the Hellfire Peninsula, we find the same picture - demons at the Dark Portal. In Nagrand there is still a village with young Garrosh, and in Shattrath we are still greeted by old Khadgar. Time has stopped here, mobs and NPCs depict the eternal Groundhog Day. Even the quests that we do in Outland do not change the general balance of power and the world in which this happens.

The developers made their first attempts to combat this back at the end of TBC, when completing quests on the island of Quel’Thalas revealed different parts of it and NPCs. In WotLK this theme was developed to a new level. Phasing began to be used more widely, which, however, led to some incidents. For example, at the summon stone near the central control room, players in different phases could not see each other. However, as time went on, Blizzard increasingly introduced phasing into the game. If you went through Hyjal, then you remember how much the location changed, and the burnt forest retreated, giving way to life. True, by and large, the developers missed the moment when it was possible to show the “living world”. “Cataclysm” had a great storyline about a collapsing world. In several small content patches, it was possible to show the flooding of the Thousand Needles and the fire on Darkshore, as well as the “development” of Azshara by goblins, too.

In MoP, the developers decided to take a serious step, disfiguring one of the most beautiful locations in Pandaria. If you played before patch 5.4, then you will remember that this place looked completely different.

And now another place in Azeroth will change beyond recognition. This is Silithus, an area in the far south of Kalimdor. I don’t know about you, but the south of Kalimdor is probably my favorite place in the game. The Tanaris Desert and its Caverns of Time, the Ungoro Crater, Uldum, the Tol'vir and the buildings of the Titans. And, of course, Silithus, the mysterious place where the Ancient God lived (?). Veterans of the game say that at the start of the game it was a completely deserted location, in which there were only two or more quests. However, the quests here were quite significant. For example, this is where the quest chain for obtaining legendary sword Thunder Fury. The situation changed with patch 1.9 "Gates of Ahn'Qiraj", which made two raid instances available - the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj for twenty people and the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj for forty. In the Temple, the final boss was the Ancient God C'thun himself. The opening of the Gate was preceded by a grandiose server-wide event. But, as often happens, after the release of new content, Silithus was empty again. The quest component was slightly revived by the Cataclysm, but in general, everything here has remained unchanged for many years.

And so the writers decide to take a rather serious step and choose Silithus as the place where Sargeras dealt the final blow. In Antorus's final cutscene, we see him slamming Gorribal into the planet. A truly epic moment. As are the dimensions of the blade. This, of course, did not happen just like that and, in fact, the old location, which was able to survive even the “Cataclysm,” is changing beyond recognition. Almost everything that was there is destroyed. The cultists’ camp, the base of the Cenarion Circle, the home of Demetrian, the one who “helped” with the Thunder Fury. Even Earnstway's camp evaporated. That is, if there is still a lot left from the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, then after Sargeras’s blow there was nothing. The video below shows what the location was like and what it became.

This is where some of the quest chains of patch 7.3.5 will take place. Yes, an important detail. This location disappears only if the character has gone to the end of Antorus and killed Argus. For everyone else, everything remains the same. True, it is unclear whether it will remain old version Silithus in the next expansion.

Silithus is a location in the multiplayer online game WoW. Located on the southwestern edge of Kalimdor. In the first versions of the game, this was the place where important story missions with side episodic lines. A major event took place here game event, associated with the Gate of An'Qiraj. The redesign of this zone included a high-quality open quest for single players. At the same time, groups of 5 people could occupy themselves with battles with world bosses. Character level 40-60 is recommended for leveling.

General facts

The area is one of the most insect-infested areas in the world. In this area there is part of the once great empire Akiri, known as An'Qiraj. Currently, the area is uninhabited. The central temple is guarded by night elves, who tried to prevent the spread of infection. Attempts to seal them behind the Scarab Wall were unsuccessful, and for millennia Silithid spread hives from Silithus to Feralas. In our time days The Cenarion Circle maintains a permanent presence in Silithus at the Cenarion Fortress, from where they monitor the defeated enemy hives that the elves suppressed along with the Alliance and Horde during the opening of the gates of An'Qiraj.

In update 1.12, world PvP was introduced in this territory. Researchers have discovered a new crystalline substance called Silitist. The Horde and Alliance showed considerable interest in him. Players collect special dust wherever they can, but must be careful not to run into members of the enemy faction.


This vast desert is located at the southwestern end of Kalimdor. The rocky and sandy landscape is interrupted only by massive beetle hives. After Sargeras's failed attempt to destroy Azeroth, most of the zone was destroyed. In the center there is now just a large wound with a pool of Azeroth's blood.

Silithus is the site of two raids, the Ruins of An'Qiraj and the Temple of An'Qiraj. There are also several micro-dungeons. Although there are no battlefields in this area, there are some open PvP zones.

How to reach the location

Many players are interested in the question of how to quickly get to Silithus. For beginners, this problem does not have an obvious solution. The location can be reached on foot by heading to the northwestern corner of the Un'Goro Crater. There you will see a wide passage between the rocks. This is the necessary road.

Obviously, there is another way to get to Silithus. However, it will only open to a player who has already visited his faction’s camp in this location. As you might have guessed, an alternative method is en route flight.

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At the very beginning of the new expansion, Magni Bronzebeard gives each player Heart of Azeroth. This is an artifact that allows you to enhance special items of equipment, the so-called Azerite armor. In this guide, we will tell you about the Heart of Azeroth and how to improve it using the power of the artifact. You will also learn what knowledge about an artifact is and how it affects the amount of artifact power received.

Who is Azeroth?

In the depths of the planet called Azeroth lives a mysterious creature called the “soul of the world.” It is believed that this creature, which is also called Azeroth, surpasses in strength all the titans of the Pantheon and even Sargeras himself. After the defeat of the Burning Legion on Argus, Sargeras inflicted a terrible wound on Azeroth by plunging his sword into the planet. The heroes' victory was overshadowed. Returning home, they saw the huge sword of Sargeras sticking out of the ground in Silithus. The dark energy of the sword seeped into the bowels of the planet and poisoned Azeroth. The soul of the world was dying, and the heroes had to heal it at all costs.

How to get the Heart of Azeroth

After Sargeras' blow, Azeroth bled to death. She asked Magni Bronzebeard to find a hero who could help her, and offered help in return. Magni Bronzebeard led level 110 players to the Hall of Heart and gave each of them a Heart of Azeroth. Magni told the players to keep the amulet with them at all times, while he set out to find ways to heal the planet. Since then, the Heart of Azeroth has allowed Magni to telepathically communicate with players and relay orders to them.

Magni Bronzebeard: "The voice of Azeroth grows weaker by the minute. If the seal that protects this chamber fails, the soul of Azeroth will be lost! We have the only chance left to save all that is dear to us. Absorb the Azerite that is in this chamber with the help of Hearts of Azeroth. Then release the amulet's power to close the rift at the center of the chamber. Azerite brings destruction, but if channeled through the amulet, it can heal our world!"

To complete this storyline, you must complete the Battle for Lordaeron scenario, which was added to the game in the prepatch.

Chain for obtaining the Heart of Azeroth for the Alliance:

  1. Short-lived peace: Find Master Mathias Shaw in Stormwind Bay.
    2. Battle for Lordaeron: Complete the Battle for Lordaeron scenario.
    3. Dying world
    4. Heart of Azeroth
    5. Heart Strengthening

Chain for obtaining the Heart of Azeroth for the Horde:

  1. Hour of Reckoning: Speak with Warlord Saurfang at Grommash Keep.
    Battle for Lordaeron: Complete the Battle for Lordaeron scenario.
    3. Dying World: Find Magni Bronzebeard in Silithus.
    4. Heart of Azeroth: Go to the Hall of Heart and talk to Azeroth.
    5. Heart Empowerment: Consume Azerite to empower the Heart of Azeroth.

Heart of Azeroth Level

Initially, the Heart of Azeroth has the first Azerite level and item level 280. The Heart of Azeroth can be strengthened by collecting Azerite, which gives artifact power. Unlike Legion, in Battle for Azeroth the power of the artifact is absorbed directly by the Heart of Azeroth, and items that provide this power do not take up space in bags.

Having gained a certain amount of artifact power, the Heart of Azeroth receives a new Azerite level and +2 units. to item level. To obtain each subsequent Azerite level of the Heart of Azeroth, more and more artifact power is required:

  • From levels 1 to 10, the amount of artifact power required to upgrade the Heart of Azeroth increases linearly.
  • After level 10, each subsequent Azerite level requires 30% more artifact power, which makes it easy to calculate the threshold value above which the increase will be minimal.
Azerite level Item Level
1 300 280
2 350 282
3 400 284
4 450 286
5 500 288
6 550 290
7 600 292
8 650 294
9 700 296
10 750 298
11 1 160 300
12 1 730 302
13 2 530 304
14 3 650 306
15 5 220 308
16 6 790 310
17 8 830 312
18 11 480 314
19 14 920 316
20 19 400 318

The graphs below show the dynamics of the increase in the amount of artifact power required to pump up the Heart of Azeroth at each level.

The amount of artifact power to level up to level 60

Azerite level Base amount of artifact power to next level Item Level
1 300 280
2 350 282
3 400 284
4 450 286
5 500 288
6 550 290
7 600 292
8 650 294
9 700 296
10 750 298
11 1 160 300
12 1 730 302
13 2 530 304
14 3 650 306
15 5 220 308
16 6 790 310
17 8 830 312
18 11 480 314
19 14 920 316
20 19 400 318
21 25 220 320
22 32 790 322
23 42 630 324
24 55 420 326
25 72 050 328
26 93 670 330
27 121 770 332
28 158 300 334
29 205 790 336
30 267 530 338
31 347 790 340
32 452 130 342
33 587 770 344
34 764 100 346
35 993 300 348
36 1 291 300 350
37 1 678 700 352
38 2 182 300 354
39 2 837 000 356
40 3 688 100 358
41 4 794 500 360
42 6 232 900 362
43 8 102 800 364
44 10 533 600 366
45 13 693 700 368
46 17 801 800 370
47 23 142 300 372
48 30 085 000 374
49 39 110 500 376
50 50 843 700 378
51 66 096 800 380
52 85 925 800 382
53 111 703 500 384
54 145 214 600 386
55 188 779 000 388
56 245 412 700 390
57 319 036 500 392
58 414 747 500 394
59 539 171 800 396
60 700 923 300 398

In addition to the immediate stat bonus, leveling up the Heart of Azeroth allows you to gain access to talents on Azerite armor.

Artifact Knowledge

In Battle for Azeroth, we again saw the Artifact Knowledge mechanic, which will allow lagging players to level up the Heart of Azeroth faster. Unlike the start of Legion, in Battle for Azeroth knowledge about the artifact will automatically trigger at the beginning of each week, meaning you won't have to log into the game every few days and place orders.

Each subsequent level of Artifact Knowledge increases the speed of pumping the Heart of Azeroth by 30%, but instead of increasing the amount of power received, it reduces the requirements for obtaining Heart of Azeroth levels, which avoids the numbers being too high.

The exact values ​​for each knowledge level are presented below.

At the start of Battle for Azeroth, the level of knowledge about the artifact is 1. The next week, the level of knowledge increases to 2, but this does not affect the values. Next, the levels and their corresponding values ​​look like this:

Gaining Artifact Power

In Battle for Azeroth, Azerite can be obtained in a variety of ways. Azerite is required to enhance the Heart of Azeroth and gain access to Azerite armor talents. Azerite is given for killing rare monsters, completing dungeons and raids, and even for local quests. We recommend that you read others.

Expeditions to the islands

  • Azerite for Horde / Azerite for Alliance (weekly) - 2500 units Azerite
  • Wait, I'll listen rare items - 700 units Azerite for each (total 14000 units)
  • Expedition to the islands in Mythic mode, victory - 300 units. Azerite
  • Expedition to the islands in PvP mode, victory - 300 units. Azerite
  • Expedition to the islands heroic mode, victory - 225 units. Azerite
  • Expedition to the islands in normal mode, victory - 175 units. Azerite


  • Battlefront: Battle for Stromgarde (Weekly) - 750 units Azerite
  • Contribution to the development of the front (weekly) - 500 units. Azerite for each (total 5500 units)
  • Exorcism (weekly) - 300 units Azerite
  • Victory at the front - 150 units. Azerite
  • Rare monsters Arathi (weekly) - 20 units. for each


  • Boss in a Mythic dungeon - 35 units. Azerite
  • The final boss in a Mythic dungeon - 150 units. Azerite
  • Bonus for the first heroic dungeon of the day - 300 units. Azerite
  • Bonus for a heroic dungeon - 150 units. Azerite
  • The last boss in heroic dungeon- 90 units Azerite
  • Boss in the heroic dungeon - 35 units. Azerite
  • Bonus for the first normal dungeon of the day - 125 units. Azerite
  • Bonus for a normal dungeon - 75 units. Azerite
  • Boss in a normal dungeon
  • The last boss in a normal dungeon - 30 units. Azerite


  • First victory of the day on a random battlefield - 151 units. Azerite
  • Victory on a random battlefield - 76 units. Azerite
  • Victory on a random epic battlefield - 301 units. Azerite
  • PvP brawl - 151 units. Azerite
  • Skirmish in the arena - 16 units. Azerite
  • War mode supply chest - 300 units. Azerite

Story and world quests

  • Local quest for the world boss - 500 units. Azerite
  • Envoy's task - 400 or 1000 units. Azerite
  • Local task - 100-400 units. Azerite
  • Local quest from the Defenders of Azeroth - 200-300 units. Azerite
  • Local quest from the Defenders of Azeroth - up to 200 units. Azerite (optional)
  • Task for associates - 65-400 units. Azerite
  • Introductory missions of the military campaign - 500 units. Azerite
  • Main tasks of the military campaign - 350 units. Azerite
  • Dungeon quests (for example, [Atal "dazar: Fallen Princess Yazma] -: Ask Magni Bronzebeard to strengthen the Heart of Azeroth. Increases the level of the Heart of Azeroth item by 15 units.
  • Magni Bronzebeard: "The soul of this world grows stronger, hero. But the fight is not over yet. Azeroth suffers from wounds, it becomes difficult to control itself. You have proven your loyalty to Azeroth. I thank you for your deeds! I feel great power in your amulet. Azeroth is calling to us! She wants the heart you carry with you to become even stronger. Are you ready?"


    Magni Bronzebeard: "Your amulet has become even stronger, but to unlock its full potential, we need to get even closer to Azeroth. Heart Chamber! I know things didn't go well the last time you were there. Let's try again "I think now we will be able to heal the wounds of our world."

Every adventure begins somewhere. This also applies to the Battle for Azeroth. Before players set off to conquer new islands, they must travel to Silithus and complete a special quest. The Dying World mission is a quest that must be completed if we want to unlock the Heart of Azeroth artifact necklace and progress further in the campaign.

It's also important to note that it is available for level 110 characters and requires the Battle for Azeroth expansion. The special mission is activated automatically after logging into the game if the hero has completed the Battle for Lordaeron campaign.

How to get to Silithus?


If we play on the side of the Horde, then the matter is simple. From the capital (Orgrimmar) it is enough to fly directly to Silithus, which is located in the southwestern part of the continent. However, there is an easier way. There is a portal to Uldum in the Valley of Wisdom that you can use if you want to get to Silithus faster. After teleportation, use a flying mount and you will be at the place in a few minutes.

A map of Orgrimmar, where we have marked the portal to Uldum, through which you will get to Silithus.


The alliance is located on another continent, and theoretically has a difficult situation. However, in this case, the fastest option is to use the portal in Uldum. It is located in Stormwind, more precisely on the northeastern island. Next, just go up to Silithus, which is located next door.

The Stormwind map shows the location of the portal to Uldum, through which you will get to Silithus.
