Xcom 2 war of the chosen codes. Cheat codes and hidden characters for XCOM2. IDs of various items

Cheats for engineers and scientists

  • giveengineer (n) – add an engineer to the team, where n is the number of engineers.
  • gives scientist (n) – add a scientist to the team, where n is the number of scientists.

Codes for immortality and invulnerability

  • TakeNoDamage – all squad members become immortal, that is, immune to any damage.
  • WhoseTurnIsItAnyway – squad members will be able to move without any restrictions, but you should use it before you start controlling units, otherwise you will only be able to gain an advantage from it after a turn.
  • ToggleGodMode – characters become invulnerable, move without restrictions and shoot almost without missing, but this cheat is only valid for one turn. If you select the “end” action, the game will probably crash to the desktop.
  • RemoveFortressDoom DoomToRemove (n) – allows you to reduce or increase the progress of the Avatar project by the value n.
  • LevelUpBarracks (n) – allows you to increase the level of all soldiers in the barracks by the value n.

Cheats for resources

Let us immediately note that to use the codes below, you must have at least one unit of the resources you need. If there are 0 of them, then the command simply will not work.

  • giveresource supplies (n) – adds n-amount of materials to the base.
  • giveresource alienalloy (n) – adds n-amount of alien alloys to the base.
  • giveresource eleriumdust (n) – adds n-amount of elerium to the base.
  • giveresource weaponfragment (n) – adds n-number of weapon parts to the base.
  • giveresource Intel (n) – adds n-amount of intelligence data to the base.

There are no resources at all? In this case, you can use the commands associated with the additem function:

  • additem supplies (n) – adds n-amount of materials to the base.
  • additem alienalloy (n) – adds n-number of alien alloys to the base.
  • additem eleriumdust (n) – adds n-amount of elerium to the base.
  • additem weaponfragment (n) – adds n-number of weapon parts to the base.
  • additem Intel (n) – adds n-amount of intelligence data to the base.

Cheats for obtaining technologies

  • givetech ModularWeapons – receive modular weapon technology. Below is a list with the names of all technologies:
  • MagnetizedWeapons - magnetized weapons
  • GaussWeapons - Gauss weapons
  • PlatedArmor - coated armor
  • Powered Armor power armor
  • PlasmaRifle – plasma rifles
  • PlasmaSniper – plasma sniper rifles
  • HeavyPlasma - heavy plasma
  • AlloyCannon – cast cannon
  • AutopsyAdventStunLancer – autopsy of the Advent spearman
  • AutopsyArchon - autopsy of Archon
  • AutopsyAdventMEC – autopsy of Advent MEC
  • AutopsySectopod - autopsy of a Sectopod
  • Psionics - psionics
  • AutopsyGatekeeper - opening the Gatekeeper
  • AutopsyMuton - autopsy of Muton

Codes for alien corpses

  • CorpseAdventTrooper – dead body of a soldier
  • CorpseAdventStunLancer – dead body of a spearman
  • CorpseAdventOfficer – dead body of an officer
  • CorpseAdventShieldbearer – dead body of a shield bearer
  • CorpseAdventPsiWitch – the dead body of “Avatar”
  • CorpseAdventMEC – dead body of MEC
  • CorpseAdventTurret – remains of a turret
  • CorpseArchon - dead body of Archon
  • CorpseFaceless – dead body of a faceless person
  • CorpseSectoid – dead body of a sectoid
  • CorpseViper – dead body of a viper
  • CorpseMuton - dead body of a muton
  • CorpseCyberus - the dead body of the codex
  • CorpseBerserker - dead body of a berserker
  • CorpseChryssalid – dead body of a chryssalid
  • CorpseSectopod - dead body of a sectopod
  • CorpseGatekeeper - dead body of the gatekeeper
  • CorpseAndromedon - dead body of andromedon
  • EleriumCore - Elerium cores

Cheats for weapon upgrades

Let us note in advance that all upgrades have 3 quality levels:

  • basic (bsc)
  • advanced (adv)
  • perfect (sup)

Let's take, for example, an improvement that increases the magazine of a weapon:

  • additem ClipSizeUpgrade_bsc (n) – upgrade with an initial increase in the weapon’s magazine in n-quantity.
  • additem ClipSizeUpgrade_adv (n) – an upgrade with an advanced increase in the magazine of a weapon in n-quantity.
  • additem ClipSizeUpgrade_sup (n) – an upgrade with a perfect increase in the magazine of a weapon in n-quantity.

In principle, you do not need to first install an initial upgrade on a weapon, and then install an advanced one, and so on, so you can immediately take upgrades maximum level. By the way, below is a list of all the improvements:

  • ClipSizeUpgrade – an upgrade that increases the magazine of a weapon.
  • FreeFireUpgrade is an upgrade that adds the chance that a shot will not eat up action points.
  • ReloadUpgrade – an upgrade that adds the chance that reloading will not eat up action points.
  • MissDamageUpgrade is an upgrade that adds the chance that even if you miss, the target will receive damage.
  • FreeKillUpgrade is an upgrade that adds the chance that an enemy will be killed in one shot, regardless of the number of HP remaining.
  • CritUpgrade - an upgrade that increases the chance of dealing critical damage.
  • AimUpgrade - an upgrade that increases the accuracy of weapons.

The game also has individual combat modules that improve certain character parameters. Here is their list:

  • CommonPCSSpeed ​​– regular combat module for speed
  • CommonPCSConditioning – common combat module for cooling
  • CommonPCSFocus – a common combat module for focusing
  • CommonPCSPerception - a common combat module for perception
  • CommonPCSAgility – a common combat module for agility
  • RarePCSSpeed ​​– rare combat module for speed
  • RarePCSConditioning – rare combat module for cooling
  • RarePCSFocus – rare combat module for focusing
  • RarePCSPerception – rare combat module for perception
  • RarePCSAgility – a rare combat module for agility
  • EpicPCSSpeed ​​– a very rare speed combat module
  • EpicPCSConditioning – a very rare combat module for cooling
  • EpicPCSFocus – very rare combat module for focusing
  • EpicPCSPerception - a very rare combat module for perception
  • EpicPCSAgility – a very rare combat module for agility

Item IDs

If you need first aid kits, then simply write additem Medikit (n), where n is the number of things. Below we will indicate the most useful things:

  • NanofiberVest - a unique lining that increases the strength of body armor (created from nanofibers)
  • Medikit - a regular first aid kit
  • NanoMedikit - an improved first aid kit
  • MindShield - a shield that protects against attacks on the mind
  • AssaultRifle_MG – MG assault rifle
  • HeavyPoweredArmor - heavy power armor
  • AlienGrenad - alien grenade

“Hot ten” tactical features that, despite their simplicity, make life in XCOM 2 a lot easier. Surprisingly, even many experienced players do not know about them. Of course, there are a great many different tricks in the game, and each player has his own tactics, but we tried to choose the most useful ones for you.

With the release of the War of the Chosen (WotC) expansion for XCOM 2, several more points were added to our collection of the most popular tactical tricks (and some, on the contrary, were written off as scrap - for example, the hidden variable “series of misses” that worked in vanilla "disappeared, and the enemies learned to ignore the trick with a gas grenade thrown at their landing site). In general, the information was updated by 40 percent.

So, let's get down to business.

  • You can find out in advance whether your soldier will be able to see the enemy from the point where you are going to lead him. When you hover the cursor over the “arrival point” near the lifebar of enemies that can be seen from there, an image of a red sight will appear. This feature has been present in the game since release.

  • In “War of the Chosen,” the developers went even further. When you press the left Alt on the keyboard on the screen (above the regular aimbar), a small additional aimbar will appear - it will show which targets you will see from the point selected by the cursor. Those you flank will be highlighted in yellow as usual.

  • Sometimes you need to go to your destination not in a straight line (for example, so as not to break your stealth with broken glass or not get caught in the fire), but the game persistently offers the shortest path. In this case, hold down Ctrl and set the “anchor points”, and then click on the end point as usual. The fighter will move from one anchor point to another in any zigzag pattern you choose.

  • Even the thickest and most armored turrets standing at a height can be killed with one grenade or even a random bullet. The main thing is to destroy the floor under the turret so that it falls to the floor below. They, of course, do not know how to get up, and therefore they immediately break down. Attention - does not work on trains!

  • A character with a first aid kit in his inventory DOES NOT get poisoned. Take a bite, Vipers!

  • If possible, do not send tired soldiers on missions. With the advent of fatigue in WotC, which depends on the amount of Will, all the mental crap mainly happens to tired fighters. A soldier can no longer randomly panic on a mission if he arrives on it not tired (that is, with a “green” will indicator) - unless the psionic abilities of the enemies are triggered. A tired soldier (with a “yellow” Will indicator) loses control of himself in any trouble, even if he is a battle-hardened veteran - and the less Will he has, the more likely he is to “get sick.” Soldiers who panicked on missions and are fatigued are guaranteed to receive a “negative trait” upon return.
  • Exploit the enemy's vulnerabilities. Sectoids take increased damage (+2) from melee attacks and are therefore a priority target for melee attacks. Wanderers/Vanished panic if they catch fire (they run away and can set other Vanished on fire), and God himself ordered to take Dragon cartridges and a flamethrower on a mission with them. Berserkers and Faceless Ones can only fight hand-to-hand and, unlike Spearmen, do not have an analogue of “Lunge” (a strike after long-distance movement) - therefore, using “slowing” poisoned cartridges or gas/flash grenades on them will help neutralize the creatures from afar.
  • Use your fighters' abilities wisely. For example, a ranger’s “Meat Grinder” can become a real weapon of genocide if you bring a fighter to the center of a not yet activated pack of enemies or place it on a landing point for enemy reinforcements (however, we must take into account that with the advent of Cleaners in the game, which can explode after death, the “Meat Grinder” sometimes turns into “Russian roulette”). The grenadier’s “undermining” is guaranteed to blow up the car if the opponents managed to hide behind it. And the specialist’s ability “Scanning Protocol” on missions like “Retaliation” (terror missions) will force the Faceless Ones to immediately take on their true form, and will also “illuminate” the Chryssalids buried in the ground (in addition, scanning removes the invisibility of Ghosts or the Chosen Killer).

Description and instructions

XCOM 2 cheat codes (extended version of codes)

1 Enable console in XCOM 2

Right-click on the desktop on the executable shortcut that is in the game folder (\XCOM 2\Binaries\Win64),
put a space after the quotes and enter -allowconsole, save and close this window by clicking ok.

I’ll warn you right away that the codes only work in the appropriate places, that is, if you need to do
immortal characters during the mission, you need to wait until it loads. And if you need an extra one
engineer or scientist, you need to go to the appropriate room at the base and enter the codes there. Besides, in
In the Russian version, nothing will be visible when entering the code - to avoid input errors, I recommend that you
copy the commands from this article!

2 Now you can start the game. The console opens with a tilde «~» . Using cheat codes can ruin
game process or even cause the game to crash - save often.

Actually the codes themselves:

1. XCOM 2 cheat codes to increase the number of engineers and scientists

giveengineer 1 - adds one engineer;
gives scientist 1 - adds one scientist.

I warn you that you won’t be able to add 100 units of personnel at once; you need to repeat the required code 100 times.

2. If you need less cheating, here are some commands that make sense to use:

TakeNoDamage - immortality for characters;

WhoseTurnIsItAnyway - you can move without restrictions, but you must enter it before you start moving
units, otherwise the effect will appear only from the next turn;

ToggleGodMode - indestructibility, movement without restrictions, high shooting accuracy, but it all works
only one turn, if you click “finish”, the game will crash with an error;

RemoveFortressDoom DoomToRemove # - decreases or increases the progress of the Avatar project by the value
which is written instead of the # symbol;

LevelUpBarracks # - increases the level of all soldiers in the barracks by the value written instead of the # symbol.

Keep in mind that gameplay cheat codes only work for one mission and stop after returning to base.

3. XCOM 2 cheat codes for resources, intelligence, elerium, alien materials, weapon fragments
To use the codes below, you must have at least 1 of these resources. If you have them
now 0, then the codes will not work:

giveresource supplies 100 - add 100 units of resources;

giveresource alienalloy 100 - add 100 units of alien materials;

giveresource eleriumdust 100 - add 100 points of elerium;

giveresource weaponfragment 100 - add 100 units of weapon fragments;

giveresource Intel 100 - add 100 intelligence points.

If you have no resources at all, then the same commands must be entered through the additem command:

additem supplies 100 - get 100 units of resources;

additem alienalloy 100 - get 100 units of alien materials;

additem eleriumdust 100 - get 100 points of elerium;

additem weaponfragment 100 - get 100 units of weapon fragments;

additem Intel 100 - get 100 intelligence points.

4. XCOM 2 cheat codes for technology activation
You can get new technologies based on XCOM; to do this, you need to enter givetech #, where under the symbol #
the required technology is implied , here is a list of the main ones:


5. XCOM 2 cheat codes for alien corpses and Advent soldiers

Alien corpses are required to produce weapons and other useful items in XCOM 2. Very often they
end prematurely, but this can be fixed with the help of cheat codes, to do this, enter the command giveresource #
quantity, where # is the name of the desired item.

That is, you must enter giveresource CorpseAdventTrooper 10 - to add 10 corpses of Advent soldiers to
inventory or additem CorpseAdventTrooper 10 - to get 10 corpses of Advent soldiers into your inventory.

With the following codes, both the giveresource and additem commands will work:

CorpseAdventTrooper - Advent Soldier;
CorpseAdventStunLancer - Advent Spearman;
CorpseAdventOfficer - Advent Officer;
CorpseAdventShieldbearer - Shield Bearer;
CorpseAdventPsiWitch - the corpse of the Avatar project;
CorpseAdventMEC - Advent MEC;
CorpseAdventTurret - Advent Turret;
CorpseArchon - Archon;
CorpseFaceless - Faceless;
CorpseSectoid - Sectoid;
CorpseViper - Viper;
CorpseMuton - Muton;
CorpseCyberus - Codex;
CorpseBerserker - Berserker;
CorpseChryssalid - Chryssalid;
CorpseSectopod - Sectopod;
CorpseGatekeeper - Gatekeeper;
CorpseAndromedon - Andromedon.

6. XCOM 2 cheat codes for improvements and upgrades for weapons:

In XCOM 2, enemies sometimes drop a special item that can be used to upgrade their weapon. However, for the entire
game you are unlikely to collect more than 20-30 improvements, which, frankly speaking, is not enough. While the developers have not increased
the likelihood of this or that thing falling, we suggest you cheat them.
All items that can be removed have three levels - basic (bsc), advanced (adv) and maximum (sup),
that is:

additem Aimupgrade_bsc # - Optical sight with Basic accuracy improvement Quantity;
additem Aimupgrade_adv # - Optical sight with Advanced accuracy improvement Quantity;
additem Aimupgrade_sup # - Optical sight with Maximum accuracy improvement Quantity.

There is no relationship between these items, so you can immediately knock out sup-things. List of improvements
for weapons the following:

ClipSizeUpgrade_#(bsc,adv,sup) - store increase;
FreeFireUpgrade_#(bsc,adv,sup) - chance that a shot will not require an action;
ReloadUpgrade_#(bsc,adv,sup) - chance that reloading will not require an action;
MissDamageUpgrade_#(bsc,adv,sup) - chance to cause damage on a miss;
FreeKillUpgrade_#(bsc,adv,sup) - chance to kill regardless of the amount of life of the enemy;
CritUpgrade_#(bsc,adv,sup) - increasing the probability of causing critical damage;
AimUpgrade_#(bsc,adv,sup) - optical sight to improve accuracy.

A couple of examples of these commands, from common to rare and unique:

additem ClipSizeUpgrade_sup 20;
additem MissDamageUpgrade_sup 20.

List of personal combat modules:


7. XCOM 2 cheat codes for first aid kits and other items

List of different items, weapons and first aid kits that can be obtained using the additem command,

for example,additem Medikit 5 :

NanofiberVest - lining for a bulletproof vest made of nanofiber;
Medikit - first aid kit;
NanoMedikit - improved first aid kit;
MindShield - protection of the mind;
Acid Grenade;

Thank you for your attention!

Like 51

Where to enter?

For the Steam version you will need to right click on the game name
in the library, go to the "Properties" menu, and in the first tab, in the window that appears,
select "Set launch options" and enter the text there:
-allowconsole -log -autodebug -addconsole

After these launch parameters, when you start the game, you will have a separate WINDOW WITH COMMANDS. There is no need to enter anything in this window and there is no need to close it either, because... The game itself will close if you close this window, so just minimize it, it doesn’t interfere with the game in any way. ENTER ALL CHEAT CODES ONLY IN THE GAME! To the Russian “е” key or the well-known “~” (this is the same key). I heard someone doesn’t open with “e”, then
they used "/" or "\".

enablecheats - activate cheat mode

Engineers and scientists

Giveengineer 1 - adds one engineer;
gives scientist 1 - adds one scientist.

I warn you that it will not be possible to add 100 personnel at once. When you enter, you will understand why.

The Avenger ship itself.
SetStratagyFacilitiesSuperSpree - free instant construction on/off.
SetStrategyFacilitiesUnlockAll - open all possible buildings on/off.
SetStratagyFacilitiesInstantBuild - instant construction on/off.
SetStratagyFacilitiesFree - free construction on/off.

TakeNoDamage - immortality for characters;
PowerUp - all combat units are invulnerable and with full ammunition

WhoseTurnIsItAnyway - you can move without restrictions, but you must enter it before you start moving units, otherwise the effect will appear only on the next move;

ToggleGodMode - indestructibility, movement without restrictions, high shooting accuracy, but all this only works for one turn, if you press “finish”, the game will crash with an error;

RemoveFortressDoom DoomToRemove # - decreases or increases the progress of the “Avatar” project by the value written instead of the # symbol;

LevelUpBarracks # - increases the level of all soldiers in the barracks by the value written instead of the # symbol.

Keep in mind that gameplay cheat codes only work for one mission.

To use the codes below, you must have at least 1 of these resources. If you have 0 of them now, then the codes will not work:

giveresource supplies 100 - add 100 units of materials;

giveresource alienalloy 100 - add 100 units of alien alloys;

giveresource eleriumdust 100 - add 100 points of elerium;

giveresource weaponfragment 100 - add 100 units of weapon fragments;

giveresource Intel 100 - add 100 intelligence points.

giveresource abilitypoint 100 - gives Points for a new compartment with pumping. (so far)

If you have no resources at all, then the same commands must be entered through the additem command:

additem supplies 100 - get 100 units of materials;

additem alienalloy 100 - get 100 units of alien alloys;

additem eleriumdust 100 - get 100 points of elerium;

additem weaponfragment 100 - get 100 units of weapon fragments;

additem Intel 100 - get 100 intelligence points.


You can get new technologies based on XCOM; to do this, you need to enter givetech # in the console, where the # symbol means the required technology, here is a list of the main ones:


I would prescribe explanations, but so far I don’t fully know what exactly they give. If you can guess anything from the name of the code as you go through it.


Alien corpses are required to produce weapons and other useful items in XCOM 2. Very often they end prematurely, but this can be fixed with the help of cheat codes; to do this, enter the command giveresource # quantity, where # is the name of the desired item.

That is, you must enter giveresource CorpseAdventTrooper 10 - to add 10 corpses of Advent soldiers to your inventory or additem CorpseAdventTrooper 10 - to get 10 corpses of Advent soldiers in your inventory.

With the following codes, both the giveresource and additem commands will work:

CorpseAdventTrooper - Advent Soldier;
CorpseAdventStunLancer - Advent Spearman;
CorpseAdventOfficer - Advent Officer;
CorpseAdventShieldbearer - Shield Bearer;
CorpseAdventPsiWitch - the corpse of the Avatar project;
CorpseAdventMEC - Advent MEC;
CorpseAdventTurret - Advent Turret;
CorpseArchon - Archon;
CorpseFaceless - Faceless;
CorpseSectoid - Sectoid;
CorpseViper - Viper;
CorpseMuton - Muton;
CorpseCyberus - Codex;
CorpseBerserker - Berserker;
CorpseChryssalid - Chryssalid;
CorpseSectopod - Sectopod;
CorpseGatekeeper - Gatekeeper;
CorpseAndromedon - Andromedon.
EleriumCore - Elerium cores

Upgrades for weapons

In XCOM 2, enemies sometimes drop a special item that can be used to upgrade their weapon. However, throughout the entire game you are unlikely to collect more than 20-30 upgrades, which, frankly, is not enough. Until the developers increase the probability of this or that item falling, we suggest you cheat them.
All items that can be removed have three levels - basic (bsc), advanced (adv) and maximum (sup), that is:

additem Aimupgrade_bsc # - Optical sight with Basic accuracy improvement Quantity;
additem Aimupgrade_adv # - Optical sight with Advanced accuracy improvement Quantity;
additem Aimupgrade_sup # - Optical sight with Maximum accuracy improvement Quantity.

There is no relationship between these items, so you can immediately knock out sup-things. The list of weapon upgrades is as follows:

ClipSizeUpgrade_#(bsc,adv,sup) - store increase;
FreeFireUpgrade_#(bsc,adv,sup) - chance that a shot will not require an action;
ReloadUpgrade_#(bsc,adv,sup) - chance that reloading will not require an action;
MissDamageUpgrade_#(bsc,adv,sup) - chance to cause damage on a miss;
FreeKillUpgrade_#(bsc,adv,sup) - chance to kill regardless of the amount of life of the enemy;
CritUpgrade_#(bsc,adv,sup) - increasing the probability of causing critical damage;
AimUpgrade_#(bsc,adv,sup) - optical sight to improve accuracy.

A couple of examples of these commands, from common to rare and unique:

additem ClipSizeUpgrade_sup 20;
additem MissDamageUpgrade_sup 20.

List of personal combat modules:


Items and stuff

List of different items, weapons and first aid kits that can be obtained using the additem command, for example,
additem Medikit 5:

NanofiberVest - lining for a bulletproof vest made of nanofiber;
Medikit - first aid kit;
NanoMedikit - improved first aid kit;
MindShield - protection of the mind;
Acid Grenade;
Attention: codes only work in appropriate places,
that is, if you need to make immortal characters during a mission,
then you need to wait until it loads. And if you need
extra engineer or scientist, you need to go to the appropriate room
at the base and enter the codes there.

For the smart people in the comments.

For those who like to ask “smart” questions like: cheats for weaklings, what is the point of the game after cheats, this makes the game too easy.
I answer: If YOU don’t need cheats, why did you even go to this guide? Why are you even looking for this category? And lastly, WHY do you even leave your nonsense in the comments?

Answer these questions for yourself and get your answer.

With the help of cheats, people can test fashions, and also just have fun, and in the end play the game for fun without straining, for those who don’t have much free time.
NOT ONLY schoolchildren and the unemployed play games!

Are you unable to complete the game on your own? Are you annoyed by endless mistakes, the timer is ticking too quickly and in general you want to feel like a god, at least in XCOM2? You want to take down strangers like Beaglerush and Marbosir combined, but something always goes wrong? Then this article is for you. All you need is to simply sign this contract and transfer your immortal soul to me for eternal use...

Just kidding. All you have to do is turn on your console and use the codes - or use the other dirty tricks below.

Cheat codes

You can launch the console in the Steam client in the “Launch Options” (see picture) - the command “-allowconsole” is assigned there (with a space, this is important). In the game, the console is called up by pressing the “~” button.

And with the console you can frolic to your heart’s content. You can copy-paste and paste the following spells into the console with one click:

giveengineer 1 - adds one engineer (works only on the Avenger)
gives scientist 1 - adds one scientist (works only on the Avenger)
giveresource supplies 1000 - adds 1000 units. resources (works only on the Avenger)
giveresource alienalloy 1000 - adds 1000 units. alien alloys (works only on the Avenger)
giveresource eleriumdust 1000 - adds 1000 units. eleria (works only on the Avenger)
giveresource weaponfragment 1000 - adds 1000 units. weapon fragments (works only on the Avenger)
giveresource Intel 1000 - adds 1000 units. intelligence (works only on the Avenger)
ToggleGodMode - Indestructibility, infinite movement, super accuracy when shooting, etc. (only works in combat)
PowerUp - Indestructible, no weapon reload (works only in combat)
WhoseTurnIsItAnyway - Infinite movement (only works in combat)

That's it. Of course, in my personal biased opinion, codes are used only by losers who have not mastered the not-so-difficult challenge posed by the game;).
But, of course, it’s up to you to decide.

Hidden Characters

If you've completed XCOM2 a long time ago, and you no longer care about Steam achievements, but just want to show off over defenseless aliens, here's another great recipe.
1. Take any soldier, even a green recruit, and change his name to Sid and his last name to Meier. The result is that the newcomer turns into a powerful psionicist with the face of Sid Meier, the founder of Firaxis Games, and the nickname “Godfather”.

2. Do you miss General Van Dorn from EU and LongWar? No problem. Similarly, we change the name of any soldier to Peter, the last name to Van Doorn. Raz - and an incredibly pumped up ranger in cool equipment is with us! In this incarnation, the general grew his hair, and his nickname, apparently, is taken randomly from the database.

3. Here you can play with streamer-reviewer Beaglerush. To do this, you need a fighter with the rank of no less than sergeant. Instead of a name, enter John, instead of a surname, Teasedale, and instead of a nickname, Beaglerush. Voila! This Beagle is a grenadier with full ammunition.
