Due to this, the efficiency in wot increases. Let's play big, or How to increase efficiency in World of Tanks. What causes a decrease in the efficiency of a heating boiler?

Gas boiler efficiency, how to increase the efficiency of a gas boiler

  1. What causes boiler efficiency to drop?
  2. How to increase the efficiency of gas equipment
The technical passport of each gas boiler contains the efficiency coefficient of this equipment. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates in the passport the maximum possible indicator that can be achieved under certain conditions; in practice, it turns out that this value is much lower. How to increase the efficiency of a gas boiler and adjust it to the stated 93-95%?

What causes a decrease in the efficiency of a heating boiler?

The efficiency factor or efficiency is calculated using the following formula:

q1 + q2 + q3 + q4 + q5 = 100%

Each value has its own value that helps to calculate the efficiency of a gas boiler:

  • q1 - thermal energy that is transferred to the coolant circulating in the heating system.
  • q2 - heat loss during removal of combustion products.
  • q3 - chemical underburning of fuel.
  • q4 - mechanical underburning of fuel.
  • q5 - heat loss associated with heat dissipation into the environment.

Gas equipment is most influenced by indicators q2 and q3. How does this help increase the efficiency of a gas boiler in practice?

Firstly, the formula helps you see why equipment performance drops sharply. For example, the coefficient designated as q2. A large amount of excess air increases the rate of exhaust gases being removed to the street and, as a result, reduces heat transfer. In fact, in this way, money is simply thrown away. The coefficient designated as q3, on the contrary, is associated with a lack of oxygen in the combustion chamber. As a result, a chemical underburning is formed, which reduces efficiency by a record 5-7%. How can understanding this help increase the efficiency of a gas boiler?

How to increase the useful effect of gas equipment?

tuning the boiler to increase efficiency The technical data sheet indicates the maximum efficiency that will be achievable if certain conditions are met. It’s quite possible to create them yourself. For increasing efficiency gas boiler you will need to do the following:
  1. Monitor the condition of the water circuit and heating system pipes. The flame tubes must not be allowed to become overgrown with soot or the circuit to become overgrown with scale. One of the common mistakes that is often made is draining the coolant from the system at certain intervals (even once a year, this is often). An increase in the efficiency of a gas boiler will ensure regular maintenance of the boiler.
  2. Limit draft in the chimney in winter. During the heating season, the circulation of combustion products in the system naturally increases several times. But such acceleration significantly increases heat loss. To correct the situation, you can install a draft limiter on the chimney. Its device is quite simple, but it provides a significant increase in the efficiency of a gas boiler. Cost approximately 2-3 thousand rubles.
  3. Eliminate chemical underburning. This requires a sufficient air flow inside the combustion chamber; for gas the ratio is 1 to 1.15. In this case, there are two ways to optimize the operation of the equipment. The first is to install a draft limiter, the second is to fine-tune the gas equipment during its installation. There is a special gas analyzer device with which you can accurately adjust the equipment and accordingly improve the operation of the gas boiler. You will most likely have to pay extra for such a setup, but otherwise you will have to spend money every month to pay for excess fuel consumption.

You can also increase the efficiency of a gas boiler using a turbulator. These plates significantly accelerate the heat exchange between the combustion chamber and the coolant, thus increasing the efficiency by several units.

In order for gas equipment to have the efficiency specified in the passport, it is necessary to create conditions for normal operation. It may also be necessary to optimize the combustion process by adjusting air circulation and draft by installing additional equipment and fine tuning. All costs associated with this will be fully recouped in the next heating season.

Calculation of power and temperature of a warm water floor


As time went on, fewer and fewer people began to pay attention to the winning percentage of the game. And this is not strange, because achievements, like technological progress, do not stand still and are gradually developing. It so happened historically that previously everyone bet only on the winning percentage, but times are changing and now this wonderful gathering place for tankers from all over the world is guided by many indicators of achievement at once. The main one is the efficiency of the gamer. And this is not just so, because it is thanks to the appearance of this coefficient that you can find out more detailed information about everyone. What is this efficiency and “what is it eaten with”? All people are accustomed to the name efficiency, but in order to quickly say what you want, rather than having to pronounce with difficulty this complex and sometimes twisted phrase, many people use its abbreviated form, known to everyone as efficiency. This is a number that is based on many indicators and is calculated using a rather complex formula. You can find this formula on the Internet without much difficulty, but it will not be very useful, since no one will calculate it manually using it. Firstly, this is a very long and difficult job, in which once you make a mistake, everything will go wrong. Secondly, if you need to see the dynamics of this number, then calculating it each time will take a whole month, and maybe more. Well, and thirdly, there is no need to sit and calculate your or another player’s performance indicator if there are already special programs and online services for this that will only require entering a game nickname and will immediately provide all the necessary information. It is very important to know that if you get to a site for calculating this indicator and are asked for a password in addition to your login, then know that these are definitely scammers who want to gain access to your account. As a result, you risk losing your account during this seemingly most ordinary procedure.

Methods for increasing efficiency

Most players are interested in how to increase efficiency in world of tanks in order to automatically become better than they are now. This provides a number of advantages, the main ones being respect and the opportunity to join most prestigious clans. In addition, the player's high efficiency increases his morale and makes all sorts of crayfish shudder during battle. To understand how to improve this indicator, you must first understand which achievements during the battle are included in the calculation, and which ones are simply useless to raise. The main thing you need to know is that if you seriously think about this, then you need to learn how to act not only excellently, but also carefully. Each fight is worth its weight in gold and is taken into account in the general calculation formula. In this regard, if you drain the rollers in vain, then you will not succeed, since in the end the next time you will need to earn twice as many efficiency units in order to cover the previous attempt. If you learn to minimize the number of unsuccessful attempts, it will make the overall task much easier. As for the game indicators that are taken into account when calculating the performance rating, they are as follows:

  • the first and most important is the player’s average damage over his entire career (the higher it is, the better for statistics);
  • the second is considered to be the average number of frags, however, it is less important than the previous one, although it has its own certain weight in the overall picture of calculating the WN rating;
  • the third most important is the average level of the gamer’s equipment, which was researched and upgraded during the general history of the account;

These three numbers are followed by the average number of base captures and defenses and the average number of exposed tanks.
Of course, we can say that somehow other figures are taken into account, but they are taken into account much less than the above and will not be able to significantly affect the change in the efficiency rating.

Considering all this, the answer to the question: “how to quickly raise efficiency world of tanks? lies on the surface and is elementary, because in fact all that needs to be done is to increase all these numbers as much as possible over and over again. Quantity gaming sessions should be minimal in order to influence the numbers as effectively as possible. But, the main thing is to understand in time that before going into the next battle you need to think about what you would like to get in the end and set this as goal number one for yourself. For example, you went out “in pain,” as famous modders say, and the first thing you do is set a bar for yourself, for example, hit 1500 units of damage. Participate in this way 100 times, trying to achieve the desired effect as much as possible, and then raise the bar, but not very sharply. To begin with, add to this at least 100 units of damage and a few frags and play like this for a little longer. Do not rush to increase the boundaries, if you cannot achieve these, first learn to achieve small results and only then can you think about something grandiose.

The next point in this matter is the question of playing tanks more high level. If you would like to increase your WN6 rating, then it is not difficult to understand that you must enter the battlefield as much as possible using a sixth-level vehicle and achieve the best results possible on it. Accordingly, in order to raise WN7 and WN8, it is necessary to operate the corresponding equipment as often as possible. Good platoon guys can provide a little help in completing the task. This is especially good for someone who wants to achieve a goal when there is someone in a team of three who plays much better. Then you not only try to follow his example, but also learn many secrets from such a gamer.
The use of gold shells has never harmed anyone, and the chance that the weapon will blunt at the most crucial moment is much lower. So don’t be afraid to use them and the result will not be long in coming, since after the next time you will notice the result of your efforts and the work of golden shells, the penetration of which is not only higher, but there is also a chance of damaging the module. And finally, let us remind you that the big advantage of the way you play is the presence of the correct modules on the vehicle, as well as an experienced crew that has seen many thousands of battles. The higher the number of skills on it, and the better they correspond to the tactics in the game, the type of vehicle and coherence with the modules, the higher the likelihood that you will perform the next battle to the best of your ability.

Very important point It is also how you know how to behave in a particular situation and on a particular type of machine. If you just can’t play on some level eight vehicle, take a simpler machine first and become a master of playing it. The easiest way to learn to behave is in battles, in the so-called sandbox, that is, at the fifth level. So go ahead, take such a tank and play on it until you improve your skills to the maximum, so that you know every position, where it is better to move away and where it is better to play in order to achieve success. If you show brilliant results in every battle, then very soon you will be able to move on to more serious machines and repeat the same thing on them. Persistence and the desire to become better always wins, you just need training, as in any sport. Esports is not the last place where you need to constantly train, become more experienced and learn new aspects of the game. So be brave! Gather all your will, desire and patience into a fist and forward, again to the battlefields, to show exclusively the best results in the long run and achieve an increase in your efficiency coefficient. Enjoy the battles, more damage, frags and fewer losses that await everyone around the corner if you take battles lightly!

Other interesting news on the topic

Lately, more and more people have been asking questions, “why can’t I play like him,” “how to increase my win percentage and efficiency,” “why do World players of Tanks from top clans, personal rating and efficiency are several times higher than mine and how to fix this?.. In this note you will find answers to all these questions.

Let's figure out what efficiency and personal rating are in WoT.

Efficiency, or Coefficient of Performance, has nothing to do with physics. In the game, this is the ratio of your team's usefulness to accepted standards. Let's say, if you went to an enemy base, but were destroyed, the efficiency drops. Experienced players use “extra tactics” - they don’t get into trouble, hide behind bushes, houses and shoot back as much as possible.

How to determine the efficiency of tanks in World of Tanks? Efficiency consists of a number of factors - average damage, number of frags, detected enemies, base capture points, base defense points, number of battles, etc. The more successfully you fight, the higher the rating. For exemplary tankers, efficiency is close to 100%.

A camouflage net and a stereo tube - popularly known as "horns" - help in combat. A tank destroyer is suitable for this tactic. If you prefer light tanks, then scout out the location of enemy vehicles and transmit their location to your allies. Personal rating mostly depends on your usefulness to the team and your win percentage. All this information can be viewed in statistics.

Experienced World of Tanks players use “statist tactics” to increase efficiency - they don’t push forward and use obstacles

If you have a high efficiency and win percentage, then your personal rating grows very quickly. To quickly increase your personal rating, take artillery and tanks with high damage (vehicles Ob. 268, T110E3 or T1104, T49, E-100, etc.), or tanks that fire in bursts (T57 Heavy, WT auf E100, T54E1, etc. .). Exactly these combat vehicles- the best for increasing ratings and efficiency.

For any type of equipment (heavy tank, medium tank, light tank, PT-SAU, ART-SAU) has its own approach, technique and tactics of the game. Moreover, for single-class cars it is different. Even if the breakthrough machine and the defense machine are heavy tanks, due to the characteristics of each, for example, speed, damage or armor, they are effective in different playing techniques. In order to play better on the machine you like, compare its characteristics with others and at the same time choose the right tactics. Sometimes you will have to change tactics on the fly - this will come with experience.

Follow these simple tips and you will achieve great results very quickly.

What to do to increase personal efficiency in World of Tanks. It is not very easy to achieve good statistics in the game, but the task is quite feasible.

It must be said right away that increasing (raising) efficiency will take time and this is the most valuable thing that will have to be sacrificed in the pursuit of a beautiful “statue”.

It will be extremely difficult to raise an old account with the number of battles over 20-25 thousand, but it is also possible.

The essence of the method is that you will have to imagine for a while that you are starting everything from scratch. Only from the real creation of a “twink”, you will have to take those tanks for which the statistics are depressing. Including sold tanks, they will also need to be bought back and taken out of the hangar for “pumping”. You can see which tanks you have have the worst statistics by using the notorious “deer measurer” mod.

Equipping additional equipment to the maximum tanks with low efficiency, you will need to play from 30 to 300 battles as a typical “extra.” Of course, it depends on the level and degree of drawdown of that same efficiency factor of a single piece of equipment. The effect of pumping up indicators for individual tanks will smoothly flow into an increase in overall efficiency.

How to upgrade?

Quite a simple answer. If you already have quite a bit of experience in the game, then you will have to endure insults from your allies. First of all, we get the allied frags. In the literal sense of the word, we wait and deliver the final blow.

Shot from afar. It would be a good idea to develop the skill of long-range combat, even on heavy and light tanks. It is important to shoot at least 100% of the damage from your XP. Therefore, we are actively learning to fight from the bushes, if we did not know how before.

We work comprehensively on frags and get maximum “damage” per battle. We do not launch frontal attacks and stay away from the main clashes. The allies will be indignant at such a game, but the life of an extra is not complete without it.

Team game

Another method that can be quite effective is team game. Use the game as a platoon, having a couple of experienced players as friends, you can very quickly push the lagging behind to the desired level of efficiency in platoon battles.

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