Tasks for 11th birthday. How to have a fun birthday party at home. Fun photo shoot with a mustache

Greetings, dear blog readers! All fathers and mothers want to organize a real holiday for their “child”. What ideas can you come up with to entertain the children? After all game process for children it is the most interesting and brings a lot of pleasure. And so that this day is not only solemn, but also unusually joyful, so that the house is filled with children's voices, laughter, songs, music, fun and their “treasure” is remembered for a long time.

For this wonderful holiday, parents need to prepare not only goodies for the table, but also an entertainment program for at least 2 hours. It should be lively and rich. Children should not be bored for a single minute. Not only the birthday boy, but every guest should feel like the “center of the universe.”

Therefore, parents of the birthday boy need to develop a plan for organizing and holding the birthday of a child of any age at home:

  • determine the number of guests and give them colorful invitation cards
  • create room decor (balloons, posters, garlands, etc.)
  • buy a new outfit for the hero of the occasion
  • buy a desired birthday gift for the birthday boy
  • buy small gifts for all guests and gifts for prizes
  • record popular and funny children's songs
  • determine the holiday menu
  • bake a fresh homemade cake and don’t forget about beautiful candles
  • write a script for the holiday, including presenting gifts to the birthday boy, an invitation to the festive table, and consideration of gifts. Then entertainment events, songs, games, dances, competitions, riddles, etc.

One year old birthday

Birthday of a child 2-3 years old

Popular birthday games

No birthday can be complete without funny children's games, competitions, and riddles.


"The Wolf and the Little Goats." This is an active game.

Draw a string around the houses and place all the children in them, except one. They will play the role of kids. The kids live together and often run to visit each other. And a gray wolf wanders around - one and the players. He tries to catch the kid outside the house. A kid who is caught becomes a wolf. The game continues until everyone is a wolf.

"Cold-hot." This game seems very mysterious to a 5 year old.

The presenter quietly hides the toy (dinosaur). According to the presenter, “cold - warm - hot,” the children guess where to look for the toy. The game continues until everyone plays the role of a seeker. The found toy is a prize to the player who found it.

Guess the Beast is a fun game.

Children are blindfolded and given a soft toy. You need to guess who it is. The game needs to be started by an adult who will deliberately think for a long time, twist, twirl and incorrectly call the hare a bear. Children will laugh and the game will take on a comic character. The game continues until each child plays the role of a guesser.

"Mouse Concert" is an entertaining game.

Print by clicking on the pictures with mice, finger mice. You can glue the head of a mouse out of paper in the form of a bag on your finger, glue on the ears, and draw eyes and a nose with a black felt-tip pen. Each child should put a mouse mask on his finger. The adult will be the first to start the game, singing a song or reciting a poem in a thin, squeaky mouse voice. And then the children will take turns demonstrating their talents on behalf of the mouse.

Don't Crush the Egg is a funny game. It promotes the development of memory, attention and caution.

A piece of any fabric that represents a road is placed on the floor. Raw eggs are laid out on this road. The player is asked to carefully look at the road along which he must pass and not crush a single egg. While the player is blindfolded, the eggs are quietly removed. So he walks very carefully to the end of the road, and when the bandage is removed, the player and all the children laugh.

"Horned". The game requires concentration and attention.

All children stand in a circle and shake their fists. The presenter says: “He walks, wanders... and when the horned goat speaks,” everyone sticks out their fingers. If the presenter says “the goat is hornless,” then they do not unclench their fists. Whoever makes a mistake is eliminated from the game and helps the presenter look for violators.

"It's in the Hat" is a musical game.

A beautiful hat is put on any of the children standing in a circle. Turn on the music. The child in the hat turns around and puts the hat on the neighbor on the left (clockwise). When the music stops, the one wearing the hat leaves the game, sits down at the sweet table and waits for the others.

For the birthday of a child 5-6 years old

About Answer “yes” to everything, nesmeyanu, mummy, mirror, etc. And today I have prepared some more fun activities.

"Basketball" is a game for a group of children.

Attach a wire ring to the wall at a height convenient for this age. The ball will serve balloon ik. The presenter explains to the children two rules of the game: the ball should not fall to the floor and it should not be held in their hands. The ball can be tossed and hit towards the ring. Whoever makes the most hits in the ring will receive a prize - a chocolate candy, the rest of the players will receive a caramel.


Lay out cards with birds and animals depicted on them. The player approaches the table, takes a card and tries to portray with various movements and facial expressions the person who is drawn on it. The player who first guesses the image becomes the leader and the game continues.

“It's boring for us to sit” is a simple game for physical development.

Chairs are placed against the wall of the room for all children. There is one less chair placed against the opposite wall. Everyone sits down and reads the poem:

Oh, how boring it is for us to sit and look at the wall. Isn't it time to go for a run and change places?

At the leader’s command “start”, all players rush to the opposite wall and try to take a place. The one who is left without a chair is out of the game. Then another chair is removed. The game continues until the winner takes the last remaining chair. He is given a large ball (or something else), the rest of the players are given small balls.

Jenga is a board game that develops dexterity, fine motor skills and coordination.

This game is sold in a toy store. A tower of 18 levels is built from 54 multi-colored wooden blocks. To do this, the blocks are folded in threes and the resulting layers are laid on top of each other, one across the other. A cardboard guide will help you level the tower.

This game is best suited for 4 children. You can play with two or more players. They take turns throwing a die, each side of which has a color indicated on it. Now the player with only one hand needs to pull out a block of the same color from the tower and put it on top in order to continue construction. You cannot take blocks from the unfinished top layer and the layer below it. The player who destroyed the tower is considered the loser and the game continues.

"Nonsense" is a cool game.

Take a double (from the middle) notebook sheet of paper and two pens or two pencils. Two players sit at opposite ends of the table and draw, covering the drawing with their hand, someone’s head (a person, a dog, a hare, a cat, a goat). Then they bend the leaf so that the design is not visible, but only the neck is visible, and pass it to the second player. He draws the body (of a hare, a hedgehog, a person, a bear, a dog). He also folds the paper over to cover the drawing and passes it to the first player to draw someone's legs. Then he closes the drawing and passes it again to the second player, who draws someone’s feet. Now we unfold the drawing and see what happened? Funny and fun.
Room decoration idea

For children 7,8,9 years old

For entertainment at the birthday party of children 7,8,9 years old, games of a slightly different nature are needed. These children are already elementary school students. They can read and write and play sports. At this age, children begin to feel part of the adult world. I suggest playing the following games with them:

"Bear" is an outdoor game.

One of the players is elected “bear”. He lies down on the floor. The rest pretend to pick mushrooms, pick raspberries around the “bear” and sing:

The bear in the forest has mushrooms and berries, but the bear does not sleep, he looks into both eyes. The basket overturned and the bear rushed after us.

And then the bear rises and catches the fleeing players. Whoever gets caught becomes a bear. Game continues.

"The Third Wheel" is a musical game.

For the game you will need one fewer chairs than there are guests. Both adults and children play. The chairs are placed with their backs facing each other, with their seats facing outwards. The players stand around the seats of the chairs. The host turns on cheerful music, and the players begin to run around the chairs. As soon as the music turns off, the player must sit on any chair. Whoever does not get a chair is eliminated from the game. Another chair is removed, etc. The winner is the remaining one participant.

“Sparrow-Crow” is a game of attention and reaction speed.

Two players sit at the table opposite each other and extend one hand to each other, but the hands should not touch. The presenter gives names to the players: one is “sparrow”, the other is “crow”. The presenter calls the names of the players. The one whose name is called must grab the opponent's hand. For fun, the presenter slowly and syllable-by-syllable says the names vo-rooo-na, vooo-rooo-bey, or maybe say vo-ro-ta. A caught sparrow becomes a crow, and a crow becomes a sparrow. Game continues.

The Chamomile game is a fun game.

A chamomile is made from white paper with as many petals as there will be guests. On back side write funny tasks for each petal. Children take turns tearing off one petal at a time and begin to perform the task: dance, crow, sing songs, recite poems, tongue twisters, etc.

"Knowledge" is an educational game.

All children sit on chairs in one row. The host announces the theme of the game, for example, cities. Then he approaches the player sitting on the edge, names any city and gives him a ball. The player must quickly name any city and give the ball to his neighbor. Whoever could not name the city leaves the game. Then the topic changes: fruits, flowers, countries, rivers, names. Game continues.

These games are suitable for children 10–12 years old

If you have a private home and it’s summer outside or you’re celebrating a birthday outdoors, then these are ideal

"Smart and Cheerful Engine" is an intellectual game.

The presenter (adult) asks each player one question. For example, which scientist did an apple fall on his head? (to Newton). Which of the heroes fought with the Serpent Gorynych? (Nikitich). In which hemisphere of the globe do penguins live? (in Yuzhny), etc. If the player answers the question correctly, then he becomes a trailer of a smart locomotive. If the player cannot answer, then he can take a hint for a certain service: sing, recite a poem, dance, portray an animal.

The funny little train must gather all the players and the children in the carriages will sing a funny song.

"Fishermen and Fishes" is an active game.

From all the players, two fishermen are chosen, and the rest of the players are fish. They dance in a circle and sing:

Fish live in the water, They don’t have a beak, but they peck. They have wings, but they don’t fly, They don’t have legs, but they walk. Nests are not made, but babies are hatched.

After this, the fish scatter, and the fishermen join hands and catch them. The caught fish join the fishermen, causing the net to become longer, and catch the rest of the fish. The last fish that the fishermen do not catch is the winner.

“Pick up the key” - this game promotes the manifestation of skill.

Two players are given three locked padlocks and a bunch of keys. The task is to open each lock. The first one to open the locks wins. The game continues until everyone is a “discoverer”.

“Are you going to the ball?” — girls love this game.

The host starts the game with a saying:

- Yes and no - don’t say

Black and white - don't take it,

Will you go to the ball?

- Probably the player is answering.

—What will you go on? Who will you go with? What will you wear? What colour? With such questions, the presenter tries to catch the player and use forbidden words. If by chance a word is said, then the players change roles.

“Treasure Hunt” is an interesting game that develops ingenuity.

The first clue-riddle is read by the presenter:

Everyone who came to visit us,

Let them sit down at our…..The guessing table is the place to look for a clue. There is another clue on the table - which horse doesn’t drink water? The answer is chess. There is another riddle in chess - dressed in a colorful candy wrapper, it lies in a vase..... The answer is candy. The candy again contains a riddle-clue - everyone goes, goes, goes, but they don’t get up from their place. The answer is a clock. Behind the table clock there is a treasure - a box with small chocolates for each player.

Comic win-win lottery game

The adult presenter will place bright lottery tickets with numbers on the table, as many as there are guests. The player approaches the table, draws one lottery ticket and says the ticket number loudly.

The presenter reads out the text corresponding to this ticket and gives the prize to the player. Prizes can be very different, and the texts for them are comic and preferably in poetic form:


You won't lose your keys

And you won't forget about them.


If anything happens

This will come in handy for you.


The prize is wonderful, don't be timid

I present you with some cool glue.

Paper clips.

So that the wind doesn't blow your caps away,

Here are paper clips as a gift for you.


A very necessary item

It will come in handy in the dark.


May your life be brighter

From the light of Prometheus.


To always have a hairstyle

You are given a comb.

Chewable rubber.

If your teeth are bothering you

Chew Orbit, it helps!

Children's car.

There is no better remedy for stress,

Than buying a Mercedes.

Games for parents for a child's birthday

Children are very happy when their parents participate in their games. My grandmother told me how she played a game of musical chairs at graduation party her seven-year-old daughter in kindergarten and won this music competition. How happy all the children were, shouting “Hurray!” and applauded. And her daughter’s eyes simply shone with happiness. 50 years have passed since then, and my daughter happily recalls this interesting episode in her life.

I invite adult guests to play the following games with their children at the child’s birthday party:

"Potato soup."

Place two tables at a distance of three meters. Place two plates with seven small potatoes on one table. On another table there are two empty saucepans. Two players are given one tablespoon each. The task is for each player to transfer one potato with a spoon into a pot of seven potatoes for soup. Whoever completes the task faster is the winner. The game continues until all players have cooked soup. Prize for all guests: chocolate candy.

"Box walker".

Prepare four identical cardboard boxes. All players in pairs at the leader’s command “Start!” They compete to see who gets to the finish line the fastest. Then they conduct a second round of those who win, etc. In this way, the fastest box walker is chosen. He is given a prize - a flashlight.

"Kindergarten for kangaroos."

They fence it off with a rope " kindergarten for kangaroos" 2 - 3 meters from the starting line-rope. Children in groups of 2 each pick up one soft toy (plastic bottles are possible) and only jump to get to the kindergarten. They return back, leaving the kangaroo cubs in the kindergarten, also by jumping. The one who returns the fastest will win.

They are replaced by two parents at the start and jump into the kindergarten to pick up the kangaroo cubs from the kindergarten. And, also jumping, they return to the start. Whoever jumps faster is the winner.

"Magic Pencils"

Two plastic boxes with the following inscriptions are placed on the starting line: a walnut is a prize for the winner, a hazelnut is a prize for the losing player.

Now take two identical pencils and tie them to a thick woolen thread of the same length (about 3 m each).

Two players compete to see who can wind the thread around a pencil the fastest. Prizes are awarded based on the results of the competition.

"Merry Orchestra"

Everything that plays in the house (guitar, balalaika, tambourine, pipe) and even creaks, rustles, rattles (spoons, saucepans, metal lids, metal cans with pennies, etc.), we distribute to children and adults.

Let's play a funny children's song. Everyone starts playing, singing and dancing together. Under this amazing cacophony (chaotic accumulation) of sounds, the result is “outrageous” fun.

Usually, teachers and parents spend a lot of time organizing even the most minor children's events. At the same time, problems rarely arise with the selection of mobile competitions. More often the question arises: how to persuade children to sit quietly for a while and how to conduct a quiz.

There are a few important things to keep in mind when preparing your quiz questions:

  • Children's age. IN school age every year matters. What is interesting to seven-year-olds may already seem boring to eight-year-olds.
  • Interests. Favorite games, films, books. This is one of the most important factors in choosing questions.
  • Location.
  • The theme of the holiday, if present. For example, it could be a birthday in the style of pirates or fairy tales. Then most of the questions should correspond to the given topic.

Organization rules

In addition to preparation, the organization of the quiz itself also plays an important role. Active children are sometimes not so easy to interest intellectual game. There are several tips to help organizers cope with this task:

  1. You need to create a buzz around the quiz before it even starts. You can invite the guys to split into teams. Let them think about a name, a motto, and choose a captain. Teams can answer questions one by one, and for each correct answer they will receive a token. Whoever scores more wins.

If there are not very many children at the holiday, then each child can play for himself. You can take the quiz right at the table.

  1. Before asking a question, children can be asked to choose a topic. That is, you will have to divide all the questions into groups. For example, animals, plants, cartoons, sports and so on. Here everything will depend on the interests of the young company.
  2. Must be musical accompaniment. It will be boring to answer questions in silence. For quizzes, it is better to choose rhythmic tracks without words.
  3. As a result, absolutely all participants should receive memorable prizes.

Funny quizzes

Children take special pleasure in participating in quizzes where the tasks are funny. The questions with answers given are more suitable for children aged 8-9 years.

Question Answer
What letter is in first place in our country, and in fourth place in America? Letter R.
Which hand is easier to stir sugar in a mug? In which a spoon is held.
How to transfer water in a sieve? Freezing.
When is it easier for a cat to come home? When the door is open.
Which wheel does not spin when driving? Spare.
What to do when you see a little green man? To cross the road.
Which month has 28 days? In all.
What will happen to the blue pebble if it falls into the sea? It gets wet and drowns.
Three cats catch three mice in three minutes. How long will it take one cat to catch one mouse? In three minutes.
What bird doesn't lay eggs? Rooster.

Such questions can quickly amuse both the guests and the birthday boy.

Slightly younger children who are in first grade or are just getting ready to go to school (7-8 years old) will enjoy a cool quiz with the following tasks:

Tasty questions

It happens that guests behave very actively throughout the holiday. In this case, asking questions at the table about food would be an excellent solution. Most likely, they will whet the children's appetite. This kind of entertainment is usually enjoyed by both adults and children.

You will need to prepare different products and place them on plates. It should be a mixture of sweet, spicy, salty, sour. The participant will need to guess which product he was given to try (his eyes must be blindfolded). Or all actions can be replaced with questions:

Questions about the birthday boy

On a birthday, the owner of the holiday deserves special attention. Therefore, you can arrange a quiz with questions about the birthday boy. Let the guests show how well they know him. Older children (11-12 years old) will enjoy this game. The tasks can be both serious and fun. Here are sample questions for the quiz:

  1. When was the birthday boy born?
  2. What's his favorite song?
  3. What's your favorite movie?
  4. What does he do in his free time?
  5. What is his sister/brother's name?
  6. How old is his cat/hamster/turtle?
  7. Where did he spend last summer?
  8. Can he swim?
  9. What class are you in?

Any child will love this kind of attention. And after the game is over, you can take out the cake with candles and make a wish.

Quiz for everyone

If the company is of different ages. For example, if there are children aged 10 and 13 at the festival, then you can choose games that will be interesting to absolutely everyone. Moreover, adult guests will also be able to participate. Such entertainment should be offered in the middle of the event.

Guess the melody

The game is suitable for a company that has already met, warmed up and is having fun. This quiz will require a host, a computer or stereo system, and a selection of music. It is better to choose songs from different genres. Let it be children's songs from cartoons, soundtracks from films, and popular melodies. The presenter plays excerpts of songs, and players must guess the name.

Another option is a quiz. All guests are divided into two or three teams (depending on their number). You are given one word and a limited time. Each team must come up with as many songs as possible with a given word.


The long-known and beloved game is suitable for absolutely all ages. And the birthday boy may be the center of attention. The rules are:

  1. The presenter takes one item from each player (bracelet, pen, tie, etc.) and puts it in one box (maybe a bag, hat).
  2. The birthday boy stands with his back to everyone and does not see what is happening.
  3. The presenter takes one thing and asks: “What should this phantom do?”
  4. The main character of the celebration comes up with a task, and the participant must complete it.

Tasks can be like this:

  1. Sing a funny song.
  2. Tell a funny joke.
  3. Crow 10 times.
  4. Dance the dance of the little ducklings.
  5. Pet the cat.
  6. Eat three candies.

The tasks largely depend on the imagination of the owner of the holiday. For each completed task, you can give players small prizes.

What? Where? When?

This will be a fun intellectual quiz. It is better to prepare complex questions, depending on the age of the guests, in advance. The rules are as follows:

  1. A question is asked and a limited time is given to think.
  2. Each team discusses the answer and writes it down on paper.
  3. The correct answer is announced, and the team that guesses correctly is awarded a point.

Whichever team ends up with more points will be the winner. You can increase the number of points for particularly difficult questions or for quickly writing the correct answer. The number of rounds may not be limited. And the winners must receive prizes.

When preparing a birthday quiz, you can consult with your child and listen to his wishes. He can tell you exactly what will be interesting to him and his guests, what games they like to play and what questions would be most interesting to them.

Videos with quizzes:

After watching these videos, you will get more options for questions for a children's quiz.

Games and competitions for children's birthdays are selected taking into account the age of the children. Entertainment should be harmless, fun and exciting so that every child has a good time.

3-5 years

To hold a fun birthday for a 3-5 year old child, you will need exciting competitions.


"Build your dream home"

You will need:

  • construction kit for each participant. You can divide one large constructor by the number of participants;
  • reward for participation - for example, a medal “For the most practical house”, “For the tallest”, “The brightest”.

The competition has a jury that makes decisions and awards the winners. Viewers also take part in voting. The conditions are simple: within the given time, participants need to build their dream house from a construction set.

If there is no designer, then use an alternative version of the task - draw a dream house and come up with a story: who will live in the house, how many rooms there are in it, what color the walls are.

"The fastest puzzle"

You will need:

  • puzzles with 10 large elements. The number of boxes is equal to the number of participants;
  • stopwatch;
  • reward for participation.

Each participant is given a box with a puzzle of initial or medium difficulty - depending on the age of the participant. At the leader’s command, participants assemble the puzzle. The puzzle needs to be completed in 8 minutes. The winner will be awarded the “Fastest Puzzle” medal and a sweet prize. Give the rest of the participants incentive prizes in the form of sweets.

“Get a bouquet of flowers for mom”

You will need paper flowers. You can make it yourself from colored paper.

The host arranges paper flowers in advance around the room where the guests will be.

The idea is to find and collect as many flowers as possible in the allotted time. Whose bouquet is larger is the winner.

You can come up with children's birthday contests yourself, or make changes to the selected scenario taking into account the wishes of parents and children.


Entertainment will help you spend your children's birthday fun and usefully. Children's birthday games for 3-5 years old can be played at home.


You will need:

  • ball;
  • skittles.

You can buy skittles at a toy store or replace them with an alternative option - build “towers” ​​from construction blocks. To do this, take medium-sized cubes, stack them on top of each other and secure the “tower” with tape.

Each team has two people: a child and an adult. The adult’s task is to help and support the child. Whoever knocks down all the pins three times in a row wins.

"Fun Quiz"

Each team has an adult and a child. The presenter asks questions, for example: “What mushroom grows under the aspen tree?” The participant must choose the correct answer from the proposed answers. Response time: 10 seconds. One correct answer is worth 2 points.

You will need:

  • a list of questions for the presenter indicating the correct answer;
  • answer cards for participants;
  • stopwatch.

The participants with the most points win. Quizzes can be themed: cartoons, animals, plants. The questions should be simple so that the child understands the essence. Adults are helpers in the game. Depending on the complexity of the questions, prompting from mom or dad is allowed 3-5 times.

Racing on Horses

Participants are fathers with children. As you may have guessed, the role of “Horse” is played by dads. Instead of dad, the “Horse” can be an older brother or uncle. Children are riders. Whoever gets to the finish line faster wins.

It is better to play such games outside, where there is more space. You can create obstacles on the way to the finish line to make the level more difficult.

First, conduct a safety briefing. Explain to children that pushing, tripping, and fighting are prohibited. There are three winners – 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. When choosing awards, do not forget that the “Horse” also receives a prize for participation.

"Cartoon about Birthday"

Participants must take turns naming a cartoon that contains episodes about a birthday. For example - “Baby and Carlson”, “Winnie the Pooh”, “Leopold the Cat”, “Little Raccoon”. The one who remembers the most cartoons wins.

"Count the bows"

Take medium and large sized bows - 12 pieces, and place them around the guest room. Bows should be in a visible place. You can take bows of different colors. During the competition, invite your little guests to count the bows in the room. Whoever gives the correct answer the fastest wins a prize.

A similar competition can be held for children 10 years old, making the task more difficult. You need to not only count the bows, but also group them by size and color.


Children's party entertainment is a great way to have fun with your kids.

"Fruits vegetables"

The essence is similar to the game “Cities”. The presenter begins, for example, with the word “apple.” The first participant names a vegetable or fruit starting with the letter “O” - “cucumber” and so on in turn. Whoever cannot name the word is eliminated. The fruit and vegetable connoisseur wins a prize.

"Don't drop the ball"

Participants are divided into teams. Each team must have the same number of people. A goal, for example, a chair, is placed in front of each team at a distance of 1-3 meters. The participants' task is to run to the goal and back, holding the ball between their knees. The ball is passed to the last participant in the team. The team whose members complete the task faster wins.

"Edible - inedible"

You will need a ball. Participants sit in a row, the leader with the ball stands opposite. While throwing the ball, the presenter calls out the names of objects and products mixed together. The task of each participant is to catch the ball with the “edible” one, and push the one with the “inedible” one to the leader. The one who catches the ball with “inedible” more than 8 times is eliminated. The most “well-fed” participant becomes the winner.

10–12 years

10 years is the child’s first “round” date. It is necessary that the holiday be remembered and give pleasant emotions to the birthday person.


"My present"

Everyone participates. Each participant needs to use gestures to describe their gift. If the birthday person guesses the gift the first time, the participant receives a prize - candy or fruit. One hint is allowed.

“Draw a congratulations”

Participants are divided into teams with an equal number of people. Each team is given a piece of paper, colored pencils or paints. The participants’ task is to draw a card for the birthday boy. The competition has several nominations - “The Most Beautiful Postcard”, “The Fastest Congratulations”, “The Most Creative Team”.


“Color it!”

Print coloring templates for children 10-12 years old on A4 sheet. For coloring, you can choose a cartoon character, a super hero, or animals. The main thing is that the teams have the same drawings. Teams with an equal number of people participate. Participants must paint the character in 10 minutes. The team that completes the task faster wins.

You can make a game without losers: make several nominations based on the number of teams, for example: “The most creative”, “The fastest”, “The brightest”.

"To Rhyme"

Prepare a collection of children's poems. Poems should be short: a maximum of four lines. The presenter reads the first two lines of the quatrain, and the participants’ task is to guess or come up with the ending. All versions are compared with the original, and the most creative participant receives a prize.

"Song in the Palms"

The point is to clap the song so that they can guess it. Prepare cards with the names of children's songs from cartoons and fairy tales. Each participant must draw a card and “clap” the song they come across with their hands. The one whose song is guessed faster wins.

13-14 years old

For this age, birthday party activities can be more complicated. For example, for the game “In Rhyme,” you can take lines from modern youth songs.



Buy a couple of jars of soap bubbles. The task for each participant is to blow the largest soap bubble in five attempts. Whoever completes the task will receive a prize, for example, a pack of chewing gum.


The idea is to depict a given word or object using gestures. The first participant is given an object or word by the birthday boy. When a participant depicts the given task, he assigns the word or object to the next participant. The one whose word or object is guessed faster wins.

"Collect the balls"

You will need balloons. There must be more balls than participants. The point is to collect a lot of inflated balloons. You can hide them anywhere, for example, under a jacket or in pants. The one who collects the most balls wins.


“Twister” is perfect for ages 13-14. You can buy a ready-made game at a supermarket, party supplies department, or toy store. Guests will move and have fun.


You will need teams with an equal number of participants. If equal teams are not recruited, then you can leave the players “in reserve”.

The idea: make “snowballs” out of paper and throw them in the trash. One hit equals one point. The team that scores the most points wins. The prize is ice cream for each participant.


There must be an even number of participants and one leader. Participants are divided into pairs. One person from the pair sits on a chair, the leader blindfolds the second participant and gives him a bag with things and items of clothing. The task of blindfolded players is to dress their partner in 7 minutes. There are no losers, since there are different nominations: “Stylist of the Year”, “And so it will do”, “But it’s warm”.

Children of early adolescence love to compete in agility, speed, and strength. They like it and role-playing games, allowing you to transform into another person. We offer 13 different fun competitions, which can be used at any holiday.

1. "The Cooks"

Props: envelopes containing letters that make up some “edible” word (for example, “carrot”); sheet of paper and pen.

Children are divided into teams, each of which receives an envelope. The participants' task is to assemble a word from the letters as quickly as possible. After this, you need to write on a piece of paper as many dishes as possible in which this ingredient is present. The task can be complicated: teams are given not one envelope, but several. From the words they have composed, the children must create a recipe for a dish.

2. "Artists"

Props: a thick sheet of white paper, a felt-tip pen, cards with words.

Children are divided into pairs. Each pair draws a card with a word that they will have to draw. One participant holds an open felt-tip pen in his hands, the other moves a piece of paper so that an image appears on it. The team whose drawing matches the task will win.

3. “Plasticine duel”

Props: multi-colored plasticine, cards with the names of animals according to the number of participants, sheets of paper, pens.

Participation in the competition is individual. Everyone pulls out a card with the name of the animal so that others do not see what is written on it. Selects plasticine of the desired color. When everyone decides what they should make, the presenter sets the stopwatch for 2 minutes. During this time, participants must have time to create the animal that was indicated on their card.

After time, all works are collected and numbered. An exhibition is organized, during which participants try to determine who was blinded by their rivals. They write down their guesses on a piece of paper (for example, 1 – fox). Here, 2 winners are selected: the one who completed the task best, and the one who guessed the most animals.

4. "Strelki"

Props: paper clips, jar.

Everyone receives several paper clips (10-15). The task is to throw them into the jar from a certain distance. The one who throws the most wins. You can throw each paper clip separately, or you can throw them all at once, depending on the established rules.

5. “Between Two Fires”

Props: Balloons.

Children are divided into 2 teams, each of which receives a certain number of balls. The participants' task is to throw them over to the opponents' side while the music is playing. The problem is that the rivals bring them back! As soon as the melody ends, the number of balls for each team is counted. The one with the fewest will win.

6. "Pathfinders"

Props: traces of various animals cut out of paper - cats, dogs, chickens, ducks.

Traces are hidden in different places in the room. The task of the participants - teams - is to find as many traces as possible. After a certain time, the teams line up opposite each other and take turns making the sounds of the animals whose prints they found. How many traces they found, so many times they must say the right sound. For example, if you find 5 duck tracks, you must quack 5 times.

7. "Testers"

Props: a bowl of water, plastic cups.

When a new ship is created, tests are carried out to check whether it can withstand the permissible load. The children are also invited to play the role of testers: a glass half filled with water is lowered into the water - a “ship”. Those who wish receive a glass of water. They take turns adding some water to the ship. The one whose ship sinks is out of the game. The game starts again and continues until a winner is identified.

8. "Running Under the Rainbow"

Props: bright lining fabric - rainbow.

Two adults grab the fabric by the corners and lift it up with sharp movements. Participants must have time to run under it. Whoever touches the fabric is out.

9. "Constructors"

Props: balloon filled with helium, plastic cup, tape, thread.

The participants' task is to design a hot air balloon. You need to tie a long thread to it to make it easier to control. Then, using the created aircraft, you need to transfer various light objects from one end of the room to the other. For example, small construction parts from which you need to build a house.

10. “The most attentive”

Props: clothespins (about 30).

Clothespins are attached to any objects in the room. The participants' task is to collect them as quickly as possible. Whoever finds the most clothespins wins.

11. “Treasure Hunters”

Props: a bowl in which various cereals and several more are mixed large items(beads, buttons or shells).

Participants are blindfolded with a scarf. Their task is to find treasures by touch. Who is faster?

12. "Clip"

Props: everything you need to stage a video.

Teams need certain time put a video on any song. After time has expired, the teams show what they have done.

13. “Fashionable verdict”

Props: everything that can be useful for creating clothes - old T-shirts, shorts, ribbons, tape, threads, needles, paper.

Participants are divided into pairs: designer and model. The designer uses scrap material to create a costume that the model will present. Everyone will be a winner in this competition, but in different categories (for example, “the most terrible costume” - about a mummy costume).

Any game will be interesting and fun if adults not only organize, but also actively participate in the events, setting a good example. After all, laughter is contagious, and a good mood is transmitted through airborne droplets. This means that you need to laugh and have fun more often so that the children have a good time!

An increasingly common form of entertainment is children's birthday contests for children. They allow you to relieve tension and constraint, making children more relaxed. Most often, after various events, the guys become more sociable and friendly.

Today we will tell you how to organize a really cool holiday.

It is not always possible to organize a celebration for children in the open air. Therefore, parents often wonder how safe it is to play games in indoors, what ideas do you have on this? To prevent children from being injured during play, adults must remove all furniture with sharp corners, as well as all glass objects. The room needs to be cleared as much as possible.

There are a huge number of holiday options for girls and boys. They use a variety of things.

It is this factor that affects the total cost of the props. Some of them (intelligent) are organized without any additional things at all, and therefore do not require any costs.

It will take a lot of time to prepare. On average, this figure ranges from 3 to 6 hours. The most difficult ones even take several days to prepare. This is due to the fact that during preparation you need to find a room, prepare and decorate it, write a script, draw up a budget, for example 500-1000 rubles to purchase the necessary items, etc.

Competitions for children aged 10

What kind of competitions are there for children's day births at 10 years old are ideal, because the child begins to grow up!
By this age, he had accumulated a sufficient amount of knowledge.
It is now that for the first time he has a conscious desire to seem like an independent adult, to stand out from the crowd.
All this must be taken into account when preparing.

Competitions for children aged 11

When a child turns 11, he wants to show his individuality at all costs.

They should be aimed at creating a cohesive and friendly atmosphere in the team.
Do not in any way hint at the child’s inadequacy or inability.

Let's look at the most optimal options for this age:

Competitions and games for children aged 12

What birthday contests for children are ideal for the home? By the age of twelve, a child enters a new period of his life - adolescence. Teenagers are unlikely to like “stupid” ideas involving waving their arms and shouting loudly.

On the street and at home

It is preferable to play games outdoors. A house or apartment does not always have the required area. A small room will constrain the children’s actions, so the competition may not be fair.

If there is no way to take the children out into nature, then on the eve of the holiday you need to prepare the largest room in the house for the event. All furniture should be removed from it to have more free space.

It is necessary to lay out in advance all the things that the presenter will need. To do this, you can put a round table in the corner of the room and cover it with a screen from prying eyes. You can also put a stereo or laptop with speakers there.

It is much more interesting to carry out all the above described in nature. The stop itself is conducive to joy and fun. It has been noticed that if the game is played outdoors, children are more willing to take part in it.

For competitions, you can use a variety of sports equipment that cannot be used at home: badminton, volleyball or soccer ball, tennis rackets, etc. Naturally, the direction changes - most often they acquire a sporting character. These games are suitable for children of any age.

What to pay attention to when conducting them

First of all, you need to clearly define what age group will take part in the game. When children of the same age play, it is much easier, because they have the same interests.

If the guys different ages, it is important to consider whether a particular idea will be of interest to everyone present.

Organizers should take care in advance about where the holiday will take place.

You should also take into account the character and personal characteristics of each invited child. If the majority of children are not active, there is no need to include competitions for children's party birthday sports ideas. In this case, intellectual competitions are suitable.

Original ideas

“Finish the drawing.”

You need to draw some animal on a piece of paper.

Draw an empty circle in place of his nose or tail.

Now you need to blindfold the contestant and ask him to correctly fix the previously prepared nose in the drawing.

You can also take a flower as a basis, the middle of which must be installed by the subject.

You can ask the person drawing (again, blindfolded) to depict what he wants. And let the audience guess what the artist wanted to say. Whoever answers close to the truth will win.

“Who will eat faster?”

You will need two plates in which you need to put nuts (without peel), raisins, candied fruits, candies like chocolate-covered peanuts or jelly.

Players on the “start” command will try to eat their portion without helping themselves with their hands.

Whose plate is empty the fastest will win a prize.

“Shall we dress up?”

You need to prepare several pieces of versatile clothing, something that can be easily worn over another outfit. And accessories - hats, festive caps with an elastic band, bright wigs, funny glasses and masks. All this stuff needs to be placed in boxes or containers.

A pair of competitors is selected.

Let each of them, blindfolded, take turns approaching the baskets and selecting items by touch. As soon as the contestant selects the required amount of clothing, assistants from the audience will help him put it all on.

The winner is awarded to the one whose ensemble is the most harmonious.

"Listen to a fairy tale"

You need to take an audio recording of some well-known fairy tale.

The presenter turns the sound off completely, then turns it on again for a short moment, then turns the sound off again. You need to do this several times, then turn off the recording.

Children try to guess from short fragments what kind of fairy tale it is. The one who guesses the fairy tale correctly wins.

Competition "Jump Rope"

All participants receive a jump rope and begin jumping together.

Whoever gets lost or confused is eliminated.

The one who lasts the longest wins.

Competition "Jumping with the ball"

Have two players hold a small ball between their knees and try to jump with it to the finishing point.

Who is faster?

Game "Whisper Distortions"

Children sit in a row.

The longer this row is, the better.

The leader whispers a word into the ear of the first person in the row.

He passes it on to the next one, also in a whisper. When the word reaches the end of the row, the last player says it out loud. Usually the result is funny distortions.

Game "Unseen Beast"

Two or three players participate.

You need a sheet of paper on which the first player draws the head of an imaginary animal, then folds the edge of the sheet.

Passes it on to the next one, who continues the drawing - depicts top part bodies.

Also closes his masterpiece.

The third player draws the paws and tail. The drawing unfolds and everyone sees an unprecedented beast.

Game “To whom is the question?”

Children sit in a circle.

The presenter approaches some and asks simple questions.

What is your name and age?

But it is not the one who is addressed, but the neighbor on the right who must answer.

Whoever answers not according to the rules becomes the leader.

Brand new from 2014

"Funny situation"

Several participants are selected, and the presenter explains to them the strange situations prepared in advance. Their task is to find a witty way out of the invented unusual situation. The public must evaluate the creativity of the participants by giving them points. The winner will be the one who earns the most points.

Situations depend only on the imagination of the presenter. For example, you drowned the phone in the toilet, and they call you, and this call is urgent. Or you are standing on the balcony, and then a half-naked man approaches you from the neighboring balcony with a request to distract your neighbor’s husband.


A long rope is stretched across the room to create a labyrinth. The participant's eyes are closed. He must go through this maze without touching the rope.

The audience helps him - they tell him where to dodge, where to raise his leg. The whole “interesting” part of the competition is that when the participant is blindfolded, the rope is removed.

If you have ideas, suggest your idea in the comments!
