The riddle of Leonardo. Gift set. Board game "Riddle of Leonardo" gift set Riddle of Leonardo gift set buy

Quintis Fontis is the maps and Keys you already know, some add-on cards and Keys, and a new set design that, it's hard to imagine, is even better than the previous one. It's easy to master the game, you can play it endlessly, and the feeling of being in touch with a genius makes you somehow smarter and cleaner. Perhaps that is why the Riddle of Leonardo is so often taken as a gift to close people - because they wish them well.

What Leonardo has nothing to do with:

To the rules of the game. Lay out cards in a special way, taking into account the tasks for combinations, the rules for matching icons and the order of the move, and gradually receive keys for this, trying to collect a certain number of them, which is the condition for victory - this is all invented today, and not Italians, but citizens Russia.

And what does Leonardo have to do with it?

But for the design of a large and beautiful deck, drawings were used, or rather, for the most part, sketches of the hand of the great master. So before starting the game, we strongly recommend that you carefully consider each card. Otherwise, you will be distracted in the process. However, even those who regularly play the Riddle are engaged in examining the drawings - they are very good.

What about add-ons?

They can be used, but can only be played with the base deck. Thus, under one cover there are two games, which you will agree, is very pleasant for a gift - it is not difficult for a beginner, and for an experienced one it will bring variety.

This gift will delight:

  • A longtime fan of the Leonardo Riddle and its additions;
  • Connoisseur beautiful games with simple rules and graceful development of the party;
  • A couple of lovers, not alien to the intellectual pastime together.


Is the great Leonardo our guest? What does it mean?

Gift set The mystery of Leonardo is card game to logic, which plunges you into a mysterious world, where logic and mind work wonders. When you touch something great, you feel somehow especially solemn. This game can be combined with other versions or played separately. You have to collect the puzzle of Leonardo's drawings, as soon as the puzzle matches - you get the key! The keys will help you solve the Riddle of Leonardo. Lay out the cards, swap them and you will get closer to the solution. But do not flatter yourself, your rivals are also eager to solve the Riddle.

For whom and for how long?

  • Number of players: 2-4
  • Recommended age: 10-99
  • Average playing time: 20-40 minutes

What is waiting for you in the box?

  • 54 base maps
  • 56 cards "Novem"
  • 36 keys
  • chip "veto"
  • regulations base game, add-on "Novem" and special set "Quintis Fontis"


The legacy of Leonardo da Vinci is not only two dozen world famous paintings, but also tens of thousands of pages of diary entries, literary compositions, treatises on all kinds of topics, artistic sketches, drawings of fantastic mechanisms and in general everything that can be captured in ink on paper. Some of these documents are well studied, but many are still waiting for their researchers. Maybe someday these sheets of paper, yellowing in the archives, will help us unravel the many secrets associated with the personality of Leonardo da Vinci.

"The Riddle of Leonardo" Is an addicting board puzzle game that seeks the hidden connections in da Vinci's papers. Leonardo's notes are represented in the game by cards, each of which depicts a pair of symbols from the diaries of the great artist and thinker: a mechanism, a profile, a cathedral, a flower, a schematic representation of an eclipse, etc. The cards on the table in front of the player form his workspace where he builds lines of the same symbols. To do this, each move the player replaces with a card from his hand one card in his workspace; the latter leaves the opponent on the left, changing his game situation. After receiving a row of three identical symbols, the player takes the corresponding key token, getting one step closer to victory.

The most complete edition of "The Riddle of Leonardo" is a gift set of the game. Along with the base version, this includes the Novem add-on ("Nine") and an alternative version called Quintis Fontis ("Fifth Key"). In the original game, each opponent's workspace is a five-card cross, and a three-character row can be obtained either horizontally or vertically; each card has two symbols, and to win you need to collect seven different keys. Novem expands the play area for each player to a square of nine cards, this expansion introduces cards with three symbols and unique actions, and the first one to receive nine different keys wins. Finally, in the game according to the rules of Quintis Fontis, the opponents collect lines on a common field of 25 cards; also in this version, players have the opportunity to take several identical keys and prohibit the drawing of cards with certain symbols.

Gift set "Riddles of Leonardo" allows you to get acquainted with this board puzzle in all its diversity. Now players can choose the level of difficulty and interaction between opponents, based on their own preferences.

- 54 base cards;
- 56 "Novem" cards;
- 36 keys;
- the "veto" counter;
- the rules of the base game, the Novem add-on and the special Quintis Fontis set.

Number of players: from 2 to 4 people.
Duration of the game: from 30 to 45 minutes.
Material: cardboard.
Packing: gift box.

Only a board game that will make your brains work over and over again, like a computer calculating new key combinations.

"Key" - from the word "key"

In the game, you will need to be the first to collect 9 magic keys - and then your mind will truly enlighten and shine over mortal existence.

In short, enough beautiful and pretentious phrases. A game of math, attention and visionary strategy.

In the board game “The Riddle of Leonardo. Gift set "involved only a few components: cards, veto token and the notorious" keys "- but this does not interfere with the game has a lot of strategic approaches and logical designs.

Why is this edition of The Riddle of Leonardo called a gift edition?

Because the game includes such components as the base game "The Riddle of Leonardo", the "Novem" expansion and the "Fifth Key" expansion, each of which has its own game mechanics and features.

In accordance with this, the game "The Riddle of Leonardo" has three options for the rules: for a short game and for a long intellectual struggle.

Basic version of "The Riddle of Leonardo"

What we recommend to start with. You are in charge of five magic cards arranged in a cross. On each card, you see two mysterious symbols. Your goal is to collect a chain of such symbols in order to understand its true meaning. The assembled chain is considered to be three identical symbols horizontally or vertically (for example, three cats or three buildings).

When the player has collected three mysterious combinations, he is given a token of unique knowledge - a key card. The winner is the one who is the first to comprehend 7 different truths, justifying the title of the Great Sage.

How to Collect Truths?

On your turn, you can exchange a card from your hand for any card from your magic cross. If after this action you have a match of some key - take a card with the same image and save it as your unique knowledge.

After you have changed cards, you still have a replaced card - you need to use it as follows: change a card from the enemy's magic cross in the same place where you changed yours (that is, if you changed the bottom card of your cross, change her). Thus, it is possible to kill two birds with one stone: to comprehend great knowledge, and to leave the enemy in the dark ignorance. The sage is bad who does not take such a chance.

Supplement to the basic version of "The Riddle of Leonardo" - "Novem"

... brings colossal changes to the game! Firstly, these are new magic cards with red edging - on each of them now there can be not only two symbols of truths, but even three, which significantly increases the chances of knowledge;) Secondly, now the game is not built on the principle of a cross, and on the principle of a rectangle, which means that matches are now quoted not only vertically and horizontally, but also diagonally! - and if before that there were only two intersection lines, now there are as many as 8 of them - which means that you need to be as careful as possible in order not to miss some very important knowledge!

Since there are so many opportunities to explore the world, now you need to collect not seven, but nine keys - and only then can you call yourself a winner.

And now the main innovation in the board game "The Riddle of Leonardo" from the "Novem" add-on - action cards with which you can facilitate your victory and slow down the development of your opponent.

Cards depicting Leonardo da Vinci

These are special cards that have no symbols - only text. First, a unique Leonardo card appears, which makes it possible to replace any key image, so if you see such a card in your opponent's magic rectangle, discard it as soon as possible - otherwise there will be trouble and your defeat.

There are also cards that prohibit changing, for example, the "top right card" one circle or allow you to lay out cards from your hand in a magic rectangle more than once, or maybe give the right to swap two of your cards or the opponent's cards.

With all these innovations, several unbreakable rules remain: firstly, black cards (the main magic cross) can be replaced only with black cards from your hand, and with a cover with Leonardo da Vinci - only with them.

On your turn, according to the standard rules, you can now exchange one black card and one with a brown border. You need to collect 9 keys to win, while they, as in the basic version, should all be different.

The Fifth Key - take a fresh look at the riddle

Quintis Fontis (The Fifth Key) is a separate type of game in The Riddle of Leonardo, where the game becomes less competitive, but no less addictive!

Now you cannot change cards to your opponent, but you can put a veto token on one of his cards, which prohibits changing the indicated position in this turn.

Why is the board game called The Fifth Key?

Because each player gradually lays out a rectangle of 5 by 5 cards, collecting the same keys. The whole trick is that you get the first key when you have collected three matches vertically / horizontally / diagonally. If on the next turn you have collected 4 matches of the same key, you get it again. Thus, in this version of the board game "The Riddle of Leonardo" you can and should collect the same combinations of keys over and over again. The maximum is five combinations, but getting the fifth key is very difficult, for this you need to be as far-sighted and prudent as possible.

During the turn phase, you can either play a card in your folding solitaire, or replace the card already in the solitaire with your own from your hand. Do not forget about the veto token, otherwise it will remain on your card, interfering with the implementation of tactics. Keep in mind that you need to be careful when choosing the enemy card on which you place the token. Sometimes it is worth putting the token in an empty space to surely prevent a competitor from gaining the key and true knowledge.

We hope that you have decided on the choice of the game scenario, because they are all very interesting and different, but we are sure of one thing for sure: the game will develop your tactical thinking and attentiveness, as well as provide a cool and pleasant pastime.

Board game The riddle of Leonardo. The gift set is a logic card game that plunges you into a mysterious world where logic and intelligence work wonders. When you touch something great, you feel somehow especially solemn. This game can be combined with other versions or played separately.

Exercise your brain! What are all these badges for?

Purpose of the game: collect as many keys as possible by matching icons or symbols in a certain sequence. With the right approach, the player receives the key, and the absolute winner is the one who can collect the most keys.

Will Leonardo help me?

Not really! To get the key, you need to activate your logical thinking and collect a sequence of 3, 4 or 5 identical symbols or icons depicted on game cards... By correctly building a logical chain, the player receives not only the long-awaited key, but the respect and recognition of his rivals.

Who is worthy to play Leonardo?

Game The Riddle of Leonardo. The gift set is perfect for a leisurely pastime in a close circle of 2 to 4 people. True connoisseurs of beauty and intelligence will appreciate it. It's a sin not to give this game! Inside you will find an intellectual filling, dressed in the drawings of the Great Leonardo.

Get in touch with the great!

The magnificent design of the cards, made in the style of the Grand Master, has nothing to do with the meaning of the game. They just give it grandeur. It is impossible to break away, they are so beautiful! This version of the game is specially created in the form of a gift set to give joy to friends and loved ones.

What's in the box?

In the set you will find:

54 base cards;

71 "Novem" cards;

36 keys;

Chip "veto";

The rules of the base game, the "Novem" add-on and the special set "Quintis Fontis".
