Making a cube in Minecraft. How to make all the necessary things in Minecraft? Minecraft Crafting Rules

If you are planning to become an expert in the world of Minecraft, then you simply must know all the crafting recipes, which are the main component in the game. We have collected absolutely everything for you minecraft recipes, which only exist in the game. Thanks to this, you can always learn how to make a map or portal in Minecraft, as well as many other useful blocks. Crafting (or crafting) in Minecraft is the main method of obtaining and creating new blocks that exists in the game. To craft items, you use the crafting grid in your inventory or a workbench, with the help of which most of the game items are created. So, how to make a workbench in Minecraft? To do this we will need 4 blocks of boards and a crafting window available in the inventory. A workbench in Minecraft is created according to the following scheme:

By the way, a workbench can be created from any type of boards. In order to make colored boards in Minecraft, we will need different types of wood.

From the boards you can create sticks, which will be useful for crafting torches, tools, signs, ladders and a number of other items.

To prevent the nights in the game from seeming too dark, we will need a torch. See below for how to make a torch in Minecraft.

The longer you play Minecraft, the more items you will find. In order not to carry all the items with us, we will need to learn how to make a chest in Minecraft, where we will put all our game items. By the way, it is better to make more chests in advance and group the contents in them. You can use any type of board to create a chest.

Some blocks and items need to be crafted (melted) in a furnace. For example, the furnace is used to craft food and smelt various ores and minerals. The recipe for crafting a stove is presented below.

There is another chest in Minecraft called the End Chest (or Ender Chest). Its difference from a regular chest is that, having two such chests, you can leave items in one place and pick them up in another. To craft an end chest, we need obsidian and an enderman's eye.

Not long ago, magic was added to Minecraft, with which you can improve items and inventory. To do this, you need to create a table for spells. The recipe for creating a spell table can be found in the image below:

Minecraft blocks

Precious metals, emeralds and diamonds can be combined into blocks for more convenient storage. In order to create a block of diamonds or emeralds, you need to place objects throughout the grid in the workbench. As an example, take a look at our images.

To illuminate the surrounding space in Minecraft, you can use not only torches, but also a glowing block that is created from light dust. Light dust, in turn, can only be found in Hell, to access which you need to create a portal from obsidian and activate it.

There is also wool in Minecraft, which is needed to create a bed or paintings. Wool can be collected from sheep using scissors, or wool can be crafted from threads.

To destroy terrain and create cunning traps, you can use dynamite in Minecraft, which requires gunpowder and sand to craft. You can see how to make dynamite in Minecraft below.

To decorate buildings and make movement more convenient in Minecraft, there are various plates. Slabs can be created from wood, stone, brick and a number of other blocks. You can see how to create slabs in Minecraft in our examples.

To quickly move vertically and climb in your buildings, you can use steps, which are created in Minecraft in a very simple way. In addition, steps can be crafted from various blocks, so you can beautifully fit them into the style of your building.

To build beautiful buildings in Minecraft, you can create such various blocks, like brick, clay or snow blocks and many other items.

To create a brick block, we will need clay, which must be melted in a furnace into brick ingots, and from the brick ingots we can craft a brick block.

Sand in Minecraft can be used to create sand blocks and steps. If you love the Egyptian style, then you simply must know how to create new sand blocks in Minecraft.

Another block that will help you decorate the interior of your buildings is a bookcase. In order to create a bookcase in Minecraft, we will need books and boards. The recipe for crafting a bookcase is presented below.

There is another block in Minecraft that can be used to illuminate the area. We have already shown you how to create a torch and a glowstone, and now we invite you to familiarize yourself with the recipe for crafting a glowing pumpkin.

Minecraft Tools

In Minecraft there are a huge number of tools with which you can mine new ores or items. At the beginning of the game you will have to create your first wooden tool, which includes an axe, shovel, pickaxe, hoe (and even a sword). Below you can find recipes for crafting wooden equipment.

After some time, you will obtain the first resources, which will include broken stone (cobblestone). From cobblestone you can create stone equipment, which is more durable and has a greater number of uses (only a pickaxe) than wooden objects. Recipes for crafting stone equipment are presented below.

Using stone tools, you can mine new ores, which include metal. The metal must be smelted in a furnace into metal ingots, after which it will be possible to create new iron equipment from them.

As soon as you get your first gold blocks, you can use them to craft new gold equipment. To do this, gold blocks must be melted into ingots, after which they can be used for crafting. Gold inventory has a higher rate of resource extraction, but gold items are not very strong, which is why many people prefer not to use them.

However, the most the best items traditionally are made from diamonds. Such equipment is characterized by a high speed of resource extraction and is the most durable of all existing ones. The recipe for crafting diamond equipment is identical to the previous recipes.

To activate the portal to Hell, as well as to set fire to the area in Minecraft, there is a lighter. You can see how to create a lighter in Minecraft below.

If you want to transfer water or lava from one place to another, you will need a bucket. The recipe for crafting a bucket is not so complicated and is presented in the image below.

You can use coordinates to navigate the world of Minecraft, but real Minecraft fans create a compass and map for this purpose. We showed how to make a map or compass in Minecraft using these crafting recipes.

If you spend a lot of time in caves looking for resources, then you probably want to be aware of what time of day it is on the surface. For these purposes you can make a clock.

Scissors have been added to Minecraft to collect wool and obtain foliage blocks. Their crafting recipe is shown in this image.

In order for your game character to always remain full, you need food. One type of food is fish, which can be caught by making a fishing rod in Minecraft.

An analogue of a lighter can be a fireball, which is created from gunpowder, coal and fire powder. The fireball can set the area on fire when you right-click, or can be used as a projectile for a dispenser.

Carrots and a fishing rod make a great tool for controlling pigs. To do this, you need to craft a fishing rod with carrots, the recipe for which is incredibly simple.

An anvil can be used to repair tools in Minecraft 1.4. It is notable for the fact that weapon upgrades on it are not reset, but, on the contrary, they are superimposed on each other. Also on the anvil you can rename any item. Crafting an anvil is quite simple, although it will require quite a bit of iron.

Weapons in Minecraft

Since there are aggressive mobs in Minecraft, you will have to defend yourself from them. For this purpose, there are weapons in Minecraft that can be used in melee combat or attacks from a distance. For close combat you need to create a sword, which can be wooden, stone, metal, gold or diamond. The better your sword, the more damage it will deal.

For long-range attacks in Minecraft, a bow is used. The recipe for crafting a bow and arrow can be found below.

Armor in Minecraft

To protect your in-game character in Minecraft, there are several different types of armor, each made from different materials and offering varying degrees of protection. For example, diamond armor will provide you with the most protection, but it requires quite a lot of diamonds to create it. You can find recipes for crafting a helmet, bib, pants and boots from different materials below.

The next strongest armor is metal armor.

Gold armor protects against damage better than metal armor, but wears out the fastest.

Most strong armor in Minecraft is armor created from diamonds. Recipes for crafting diamond armor:

Don't forget that you can combine different types of armor. For example, you can use a diamond breastplate, a leather helmet, and metal pants and boots. However, in this case, your defense will be summed up from the characteristics of each piece of equipment.

Trolleys and rails

To move around the world of Minecraft faster, there are a number of items with which you can create your own railway or metro. To begin with, you will need to create rails, which are divided into regular rails, electric rails and rails with push blocks.

Electric rails can be connected to redstone torches, thanks to which they will speed up your trolley while moving.

Rails with a pressure block allow you to transmit a reston signal as soon as the trolley passes along them.

Trolleys in Minecraft are also divided into several types. A regular minecart allows you to move around in it and is created as follows.

The furnace minecart allows you to move other minecarts by placing coal in the furnace.

A trolley with a chest can transport things over long distances and is created using a box and a regular trolley.

For lovers of sea travel in Minecraft, you can make a boat with which you can surf the ocean in search of new islands and biomes. See below for how to make a boat in Minecraft.

Items with redstone

Any building in Minecraft must have an entrance, and any entrance must have a door to keep strangers out. There are two types of doors in Minecraft - wooden and metal. You will find how to make a wooden door or a metal door in the following images.

If you prefer dugouts or vertical entrances instead of standard doors, then you can make a hatch in Minecraft and use it as the entrance to your building. The hatch can be made from boards of any color.

The only movable block in Minecraft that can also move other blocks is the piston. See below for how to make a piston in Minecraft.

In addition to a regular piston, you can make a sticky piston in Minecraft that can return blocks to their starting position. For crafting sticky piston, you need to connect the standard piston and the mucus.

To activate pistons or other active blocks, we need redstone. You can also create various items from redstone, with which you can control circuits from a distance and so on.

As decorative items, or for creating interesting redstone circuits, traps and anything else you have enough imagination for, Minecraft has many blocks that can also be activated using redstone circuits.

Another block with which you can illuminate the surrounding space is a lamp. To create a lamp we need a glowing block and some redstone.

To activate redstone circuits or various blocks, you can use levers, buttons or pressure plates.

Not long ago, tripwires were added to Minecraft. You will learn how to do stretching in Minecraft from the picture below.

Food in Minecraft

Every living organism has a need for nutrition and main character Minecraft is no exception and also has a feeling of hunger. But for this in Minecraft there are a huge number of recipes for preparing various foods that you can learn about.

First, you should know that any raw meat can be cooked in the oven, after which it can be eaten. But if you want to cook something more interesting in the game, our Minecraft recipes will help you!

To cook a baked potato, you need to put it in the oven and wait for it to cook.

The recipe for making golden carrots is one carrot, surrounded on all sides with gold nuggets.

To make pumpkin pie you will need pumpkin sugar and an egg.

Various blocks and items

Minecraft has the ability to create books for further creation bookcases or record your stories and notes directly in the game. To do this, you need to make paper, and from paper you can make a book in Minecraft.

To decorate your home, you can craft paintings that you can hang on the walls. See below for how to make a painting in Minecraft.

To make the night in Minecraft go by faster, you can make a bed to sleep on.

In Minecraft you can create signs on which you can write your own text. How to make a sign in Minecraft is shown below.

To move vertically, you can create a ladder.

In Minecraft there is a wooden fence, as well as a gate to it. You will find how to make a fence and gate in our crafting recipes.

In addition to the standard block of glass, which is created by melting sand in a furnace, you can make glass panels in Minecraft, which are also called thin glass.

The Eye of Ender can be crafted as follows.

The recipe for crafting new pictures or frames for items in Minecraft 1.4 is very simple. We will need 8 sticks and 1 leather.

Flower pots are another decorative block with which you can decorate your buildings. You can plant almost all types of plants in flower pots, from red or yellow flowers to tree sprouts.

In order to craft a flower pot, we need 3 bricks. The recipe for crafting a flower pot is shown below.

In addition to ordinary fences, there are also stone ones. Recipe for crafting a stone fence:

Dyes in Minecraft

In Minecraft, there are a huge number of dyes in a wide variety of colors that you can use to recolor wool blocks or leather armor. Bone meal is not only a white dye, but also allows plants to grow instantly when applied to a seedling or seed.

Wool dyeing

In Minecraft you can dye wool using dyes. Colored wool is used to create interesting and unusual buildings, as well as to create pixel art designs in-game.

Magic and potions in Minecraft

Magic in Minecraft allows you to create various potions, with which you can gain new abilities such as increasing movement speed and so on. To create potions you will need a number of items, the crafting of which we will now show you. The basis for crafting potions are flasks. How to make a flask in Minecraft:

Any preparation of potions takes place at a brewing stand, the crafting recipe for which is below.

There is also a cauldron in Minecraft, but it has no use yet.

Potions Ingredients:

Leather painting

Beginning with Minecraft versions 1.4.2 we got the opportunity to paint leather armor. Interesting fact is that when painting you can mix any dyes.

In Minecraft 1.4 you can dye not only leather armor, but also your pet's collar. To do this, you need to take any dye in your hands and use it on your dog.

Fireworks and Fireworks Minecraft

On New Year's Eve, Minecraft received an update that introduced the ability to create festive fireworks and fireworks. We have already dedicated this event, in which you can learn how to create different types of fireworks, and on this page we will show you crafting recipes.

First, you need to learn the recipe for crafting a star, with which you can set the fireworks light.

As soon as the star is ready, you need to craft a salute or fireworks, which can then be launched into the sky. Recipe for crafting fireworks:

In the Minecraft 1.5: Redstone Update, a huge number of new blocks and items were added that are somehow related to redstone. Just below you can find all the crafting recipes from Minecraft 1.5 so that you are ready to create new items and blocks.

In Minecraft 1.5 underworld You can find new hellish blocks with white splashes. These are quartz blocks and can only be mined in hell. From quartz you can create some useful items, as well as decorative blocks, half-blocks and steps. In order to obtain pure quartz, you need to place blocks of quartz in a furnace and smelt them into ore.

After you receive quartz, you can craft new blocks and columns from it. Recipes for crafting items from Kravets are below.

Minecraft 1.5 introduced a light sensor that can send a signal to the redstone during daylight hours. Recipe for crafting a light sensor:

A comparator, which will be useful to all fans of redstone circuits, can be crafted as follows:

A trap chest capable of transmitting a signal when opened has the following crafting recipe:

New pressure plates made of gold and metal are capable of changing the signal strength depending on the number and weight of objects located on them.

Ejector - another one new block, which appeared in Minecraft 1.5, can be crafted as follows:

To collect items and distribute them into chests, a funnel was added to Minecraft, which has the following crafting recipe. Using a funnel, you can craft a trolley with a funnel that can distribute objects even when moving.

Well, now you can make a whole block from redstone, which will stably emit a strong redstone signal.

Minecraft Crafting Recipes 1.6.1

IN new version Minecraft 1.6.1 codenamed " Horse Update“The main focus of the game was on adding a new mob - lashes, therefore the crafting recipes for Minecraft 1.6.1 are mostly related to this. However, the new version of the game will not be without new blocks, the crafting recipes for which you can find a little lower.

So, in Minecraft 1.6.1 a block of coal was added, with which you can light a furnace to cook food and smelt ores. A coal block has the following crafting recipe:

A new decorative block that appeared in Minecraft 1.6.1 is a haystack. Using a haystack you can decorate barns, farms or other buildings of yours. A haystack can be crafted from 9 units of wheat.

Clay in the new version of Minecraft 1.6.1 has the ability to be colored, just like wool. You can apply any known dye to get a new clay color. To do this, you need to place a block of raw clay in the oven, thereby crafting baked clay that can be painted.

Another innovation in Minecraft 1.6.1 is carpets. The recipe for crafting carpets is very simple: just use 2 blocks of wool (you can use colored wool) arranged horizontally to get 3 pieces of carpet. The color of the carpet will depend on the color of wool you use when crafting.

Let's get to the fun part, the horses! Minecraft 1.6.1 features a huge number of new horses, donkeys and mules that can be tamed. And on horses you can put not only a saddle, but also armor! Many players ask how craft armor for horses? The fact is that in the final version of Minecraft 1.6.1 the recipe for crafting armor for horses was cut out, and the only way to get it is to explore caves and mines.

The Tag is another new item that does not have a crafting recipe and can only be found in dungeons. The tag is used to rename mobs, and you can rename absolutely all mobs except the Dragon and civilians! In order to rename a mob, you need to give a name to the tag on the anvil, after which it can be used.

Using a lasso, you can lead mobs behind you or tie horses to wooden fences so that they do not leave the parking lot. The lasso can be crafted using the following recipe:

Crafting in Minecraft is a way by which you can get almost any item in virtual world Minecraft games. In the slang of Minecraft players, there is such a thing as “craft”; “craft” means to do or create something.

Basic crafting rules

Let's look at the basic rules of Maincraft crafting that every player should remember.
  • To craft any item in the game, you must own certain resources.
  • There are materials that can be of any kind. For example, boards or wool.
  • In order to create an item, it is necessary to arrange resources in a certain way relative to each other.
  • When crafting, you can use either one unit of each ingredient or its maximum quantity (if you hold Shift).
  • Some items can be obtained by adding material to existing items. To do this, you need to place objects in the Minecraft crafting window.
More experienced players can use Minecraft crafting on an intuitive level. They create items by guessing the position of materials during the crafting process. But, for those who are just getting used to the game, there are Minecraft recipes that will serve as a good hint.
For those who came to the game not so long ago or are just starting to explore its vastness, you need to know basic minecraft recipes for things you will need at first.

IN Minecraft craft You can learn about some items by reading the recipes for their creation.

Basic Minecraft Recipes (for crafting items)

The basis

Crafting some useful mechanisms.

Tools and their recipes.

How to cook food in Minecraft.

Minecraft crafts for armor.

This way you can craft items for transportation.

Some blocks may consist of a combination of materials.

Craft is a way to turn basic and simple materials (like cobblestone) into tools/weapons/etc. All players have a 2x2 crafting grid in their inventory that can be used at any time. To access the 3x3 crafting grid you need to use Workbench, which then allows you to create more complex and necessary objects and materials. To craft items in Minecraft, you need to arrange the materials in the correct order for the item you want to create. The slots you place materials in don't matter as long as the template is correct.

Minecraft Crafting Grid is very important to the gameplay as it allows you to use materials to build objects and craft items including weapons, armor, shelter, signs, resources, food, etc. When you first start playing, your character will only have four slots available, limiting the number of items you can make. However, once you create a crafting table, you will be able to use more slots and create additional items. To use the crafting grid, you simply need to open your inventory and place items in the various boxes (or slots). Placing different combinations of materials on the crafting grid will result in different items. There are virtually unlimited recipes available in Minecraft, so create and customize items to your liking! Below is a list of current craftable items and the recipes/templates used to create them.

How to craft 384 items in Minecraft.

1">(( active_recipe.count ))

(( active_item.recipe + 1 )) / (( ))


  • (( count )) x (( ))


How to Create a Crafting Bench in Minecraft

Most crafting recipes in Minecraft require you to have access to a 3x3 crafting grid. To access this you will need a crafting table.

Step 1
To create a crafting table, you need to find 1 block of wood (any type). This can be obtained by hitting a tree. When you have 1 block of wood, press "E" to open your inventory and place the wood in the 2x2 grid as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 2
A wooden block will give you 4 wooden planks. Take wooden planks and place them in the crafting grid to make a crafting table.

Step 3

Now take the crafting table and place it at the bottom of your inventory. Select it and click right click mice anywhere on earth.

Step 4

To use a crafting table, simply move closer to it and right-click on it. You now have access to the 3x3 crafting grid and can use all crafting recipes.

Before starting the story about how to make things in Minecraft, you need to understand what it is to craft? Let's try to give this a succinct definition:

Crafting in Minecraft means creating new blocks, objects, elements of weapons and armor protection, and tools.

This article will be especially useful for newbie crafters.

Making things in a fantasy crafting world is perhaps one of the most basic activities of your virtual character. At the same time, he will be able to create and repair not only weapons, equipment and armor, but also everyday and household items, new materials with original properties, and tools through which the game character will obtain resources. All of the above things have their own service life (service life), therefore, in order to successfully survive in the virtual world of Minecraft, you will have to make all these items constantly. For example, the pickaxes alone will need to be crafted in almost the same volume as the minerals mined with their help.

In order to do anything in Minecraft you need the following:

  • have the ingredients or blocks necessary for crafting;
  • place them correctly in the window to create an item (opened from the crafter’s inventory).

Window for creating things

The window through which an object can be made comes in two types.

1) 2 by 2 cells. This is what it looks like:

It is worth noting that to obtain complex items, special tools, best weapons and armor protection means, the crafter must have a workbench. Using a workbench, you can craft (make) the above items, which, as a rule, consist of more than 4 (four) elements.

A workbench can be created in a 2x2 window by connecting four blocks of boards of any type of wood.

2) 3 by 3 cells(such a window appears for the crafter only after he has installed a workbench), it looks like this

In order to create any item of weapons, armor protection, tools, etc. – you need to place it in a certain order (if done in the field, the placement of elements is not of fundamental importance) in the crafting window and click the button. All! The item the crafter needs has been created. Do not forget to take the crafted item from the window into your inventory before closing the workbench (window in the field) to avoid losing it.

We can already sum up a brief summary of crafting in Minecraft.

So, a short universal (suitable for creating any thing) rule on how to do crafting in Minecraft.

  1. In order to do something you need to put something down and lose it.
  2. In the field, and if the order in which the ingredients are laid out in the recipe is unimportant, then you actually need to do it “on your knees” (directly in the inventory), thus, the gamer will significantly reduce the production time and significantly speed up game process minecraft sandbox. This applies, for example, to various dyes, colored wool, stewed mushrooms, fireball and so on.
  3. In a grid (not on a workbench), it doesn’t matter at all how the ingredients are placed in the squares. For example, a torch can also be made using equipment, while coal can be placed over a wooden stick.

Today, crafters know about 180 (more precisely 174) recipes for how to make different things (weapons, protective equipment, household items, various tools). The process of adding new recipes never stops, with each new patch in Minecraft world new ones are being added.

To obtain each item, there is only one specific recipe for its manufacture. Moreover, it should be noted that it sometimes indicates not only the necessary ingredients, but the order of their arrangement in the squares of the grid. For example, to use scissors, you need to connect two silver bars to each other. In this case, they should be located exactly diagonally (right or left - it doesn’t matter). Using crafted scissors, it is possible to shear a sheep and, accordingly, extract its wool. It is better to tame sheep, etc.

It makes no sense to list all the recipes for creating objects and things for various purposes; for this there are special tablets that contain all the recipe wealth for today. The gamer only needs to remember that when producing a tool, the arrangement of the ingredients for its manufacture should, in its outline, slightly resemble the outline of the tool being manufactured. Eg:

  • pickaxe - three blocks are placed on a row of a square at the top and two wooden sticks are placed down the central row;
  • vessels, bucket - obtained if the material is laid out on a workbench in the form of a triangle;
  • etc.

How to repair items (things) in Minecraft

Even beginners who have just started the game, and even more so experienced crafters, know that each of the crafted items in the craft world has the maximum possible number of uses. Then this item breaks and you have to craft a new, similar one.

However, it is absolutely not necessary to craft a new item in Minecraft - you can repair it! First, we'll look at how to repair things that aren't enchanted. There are certain rules:

  1. In order to repair a thing or object, you must have the same second one.
  2. They must be placed on a workbench or mini workbench.
  3. The put things are combined into one new one.

Repairing enchanted items will have to be done differently. If they are repaired in the manner described above, then they lose their magical qualities. Therefore, to repair them, we will craft an anvil.

The further repair procedure will look like this.

Using an anvil, it is possible to combine the enchantments of two objects, but only if these enchantment properties do not contradict each other.

The Minecraft 1.9 update was released at the end of February and is available for download. A number of new blocks and items have appeared in it, but in this article we will not talk about them, but will show all the new crafting recipes.

New craftable items and blocks in 1.9:

To create shields you need any wooden board + iron ingot.

Spiked shield(Damaged shield)

Durability of two shields + plus another 5%. The restored shields have no drawings.

Drawing on shields

To paint a flag on a shield, simply place the shield and flag in the crafting grid.

The flag is consumed during the process, and the shield should not have any drawings before the start of the process. Applying the flag will fully restore the shield's durability.

Enchanting Shields

Shields cannot be enchanted using an enchanting table, but an anvil can apply Mending and Unbreaking to shields.

Crafting purple blocks

Purple blocks and purple pillars are decorative blocks that are generated in the End dungeons. Purple blocks and pillars can be mined using any pickaxe; they cannot be obtained without a pickaxe.

Purple block

Ingredients: Cooked Chorus Fruit.

Cooked Chorus Fruit can be obtained by melting Chorus Fruit.

Purple Columns

Components: purple plate

Purple steps

Components: purple blocks

Purple Slab

Components: purple blocks

Craft Rod Edge

The Edge Rod is a decorative light source that emits white particles. You can get it using any tool or block. It is destroyed by water, just like torches.

Ingredients: Fire Rod + Cooked Chorus Fruit.

These crystals appear in the Land on top of obsidian pillars. Their main task is to restore health when it flies up to them. End Crystals can also be placed on bedrock and obsidian as long as the two blocks above them are air or replacement blocks and other objects in the area do not interfere with them.

If a crystal is placed on each of the four sides of an End Portal, they will revive the health and dragon crystals before exploding.

Components: glass + Eye of End + Ghast tear

Crafting Edge Stone Bricks

Components: Ender Stone

Craft beet soup

Beets can be used to fatten pigs. Pigs can follow the player if he is holding beets. You can also eat beets to restore 1 hunger point and 1.2 saturation points.

Beet soup

Beet soup restores 6 hunger points and 7.2 saturation points.

Ingredients: plate + beets.

Red dye

Ingredients: beets.

Crafting ghost arrows

Spectral arrows provide a glow effect for 10 seconds. It creates an outline of the target that is visible through blocks and has different colors depending on the targets (default is white). If the bow is enchanted with an infinity spell, phantom arrows are still consumed.

Phantom Arrow

Components: glowing dust + arrow.

Crafting arrows with tips

Arrows with tips have different effects on mobs or players. The duration of the effect is 1/8 of the corresponding potion and does not depend on the strength of the arrow. The effect is the same as from . If the bow is enchanted with the Infinity spell, tipped arrows are still consumed.

Types of tipped arrows:

  1. Fire Resistance Arrows;
  2. Arrows of Harm;
  3. Healing Arrows;
  4. Invisibility Arrows;
  5. Jumping Arrows;
  6. Arrows of Fortune;
  7. Night vision arrows;
  8. Poison Arrows;
  9. Recovery Arrows;
  10. Slow Arrows;
  11. Arrows of Power;
  12. Agility Arrows;
  13. Underwater breath arrows;
  14. Arrows of weakness.

Arrows with a tip

Components: any potion + arrows.

These are all the crafting recipes for the new version of Minecraft 1.9. This article does not describe the items and blocks that appeared in 1.9, but only the new crafting recipes.
