Arctic region here is a map. World of Tanks. The best places for self-propelled guns on the Zapolyarye map

Square A5 (Upper Republic)

This is basically a good, slightly risky position. It is located on the second line, which is unexpected for the enemy. The hill here protects us from the light. This position is characterized by the fact that you can do a good job of hitting enemy groups attacking the tunnel on H8. The main requirement for this position is the presence of a group of tanks in the direction so that they protect you from accidental exposure. By the way, some are afraid that the enemy light will have time to get there faster than us - the Hellcat does not have time - it has been verified.

In principle, the place is open, but it is relatively safe here.

The firing range of the tunnel entrance is very good.

PROS: well maintained tunnel, short range of fire, high ground.

MINUSES: uncovered escape routes, no good shelters from enemy art

Square J5 (lower rep)

Artillerymen often stand here wanting to support the tunnel, but few of them realize not to stand in the open. There is a wonderful hole here, the depth of which is enough to hide the tank and throw it on all 4 sides with impunity. And since this is like an open, empty place, enemy artillery hunters almost never come here.

Here we stand, seemingly in the open, but in fact they are hidden securely.

The tunnel is well shot through.

PROS: The tunnel is well maintained, the fire distance is short, and the ground protects from light.

MINUSES: uncovered escape routes, a tight spot - if they see a tracer they can be covered by enemy artillerymen.

Hello dear fans tank battles World Of Tanks. Today you will get acquainted with the guide from the portal website on another card - Arctic wot. This map is quite complex, rich and often unpredictable, however, if you think carefully and analyze it for yourself, study the main elements, positions, directions, then playing in the Arctic will be quite comfortable and easy for you.

General information.

The wot Arctic map appeared in the game World_Of_Tanks on June 29, 2011 in update 0.6.5. and made several graphical and gameplay changes (mostly to balance respawns and positions). Today we see the map in its extreme iteration and, naturally, we will disassemble it in section latest changes. The Arctic is one of the few winter maps in the game, designed in the size of one thousand square meters, available for battles from the fourth to eleventh battle levels in one random battle mode - standard battle.

Picture 1. Minimap.

The relief of the map is very complex and multi-tiered, it is a multi-level location of three to four floors, with the presence of high mountains and deep depressions, as well as several reservoirs. At the same time, there is practically no vegetation of any kind in the Arctic, which means that you can only hide from enemies in the folds of the terrain (however, this does not present much difficulty).

Let's move on to consider the main elements of the Arctic.

Picture 2. Legend.

As you can see in the picture above, on this map key elements quite a lot and they are all very complex (they intersect and overlap each other in many ways). I suggest that you pay special attention to analyzing these key components, since your understanding of the map will directly depend on this.

  1. Team databases. Unfortunately, on the Arctic map the bases themselves (the area in which they are located) are not well balanced. The upper base is located on a hilly area, where you can safely take cover, hide your hull, or tank with a turret. In addition, there are convenient shelters in the form of a lowland below and a high rock on the right. At the same time, the lower base is an almost completely open field with several stones. However, although the bases are completely different, balance in the game is achieved through the following formula: the lower base, located in open areas, difficult both defend and storm, and the upper base, located on a hilly, protected area, on the contrary, easily both to defend and to attack.
  2. High mountains, which are not available for use, but reliably protect against almost all long-range shots or “suitcases” of artillerymen, and their convenient location along the entire perimeter of the map provides a great variety for tactical maneuvers.
  3. Balconies- these are convenient ledges on high mountains near each of the bases. From here there are many long-range shooting opportunities all over the map, but there is very little space here (maximum for two tanks), and there are also no bushes, which means that it will be very easy to get exposed here. In addition to these two balconies, I highlighted two more convenient positions numbered 3.1 . They are located on each flank, but there is one caveat: the bottom position near the right flank is available to the bottom base team, and the top position near the left flank is available to the top base team.
  4. Left flank or bypass road. Very hilly terrain, usually used by fast and maneuverable tanks. This is one of the two main flanks for attack! Here, as a rule, a maneuverable fast battle takes place with the possibility of entering from different sides, bypassing opponents. It is also necessary to keep in mind that there is only one shelter from artillery here - a high mountain, which covers you only when you are not trying to get out at your opponents (you are standing in a defensive position).
  5. Two lowlands, leading to each of the bases. You should not use them as a direction for attack! However, in the further continuation of the battle, with the help of these lowlands, you can very successfully perform various tricks: bypass opponents, highlight, hide, and so on. They are of great value for the tactical component of the game.
  6. Open and dangerous passages , which can only be used to highlight opponents and nothing more. Trying to drive through here will most likely lead you to the hangar.
  7. Right flank or gorge. The second and last main flank to attack! A very comfortable place for conducting positional combat and tanking. It makes sense to attack hard here armored tanks and tanks with strong tower. Unfortunately, there is a strong imbalance of respawns here in terms of further development attacks: having pushed through this flank, it is much easier and simpler for the lower base team to reach the enemy base than for the upper base team. Therefore, perhaps it makes sense for the top base team, after pushing this direction, to return and look for other options.
You should always remember that not a single body of water on the Arctic map is playable and is dangerous for you!

Now let's look at the battle scheme on the Arctic map.

Tactics on the map Polar region wot very simple and clear, we have only two flanks and several positions. However, starting from the middle of the battle, you will have to come up with interesting and non-standard moves to surprise your opponents. The benefit of karat Polar region wot contributes to this. So, let's look at how to play on the Arctic map with different classes of tanks:

  1. Anti-tank self-propelled guns on the Zapolyarye map have a number of possible positions from which they can support the team with long-range shots (purple):
    • For the lower base team, these are convenient positions for supporting allies in the gorge at numbers 1.1., positions for various shots 1.2., and also, naturally, a balcony at number 1.3 (at this position you should move as indicated in picture 3 in order to protect and stop enemies who have broken through the right flank (bypass road)).
    • For the top base team, the choice of positions for tank destroyers is more limited. Here we have clearly defined positions suitable only for defending our own base (under numbers 2.1. and 2.3.), again a balcony (2.2.), as well as a position for various crosses (2.4.).
  2. For light tanks (yellow) there are very few opportunities here to fulfill their main role and I can only single out one position for each of the teams - positions numbered 3 and 4, from which you can illuminate the balconies and opponents heading into the gorge. After that light tanks It's worth retraining and supporting medium tanks by dealing damage.
  3. The artillery on the Polar region map has a lot of shooting holes, but there are also a lot of shelters. So you will have to try. Positions for artillerymen, as always, are allocated brown.
  4. Medium tanks (though not necessarily medium tanks, any fast and maneuverable tanks will do) occupy the left flank (green) and try to shoot enemies there. This direction is often underestimated by random players, but the opportunities that open up after taking this flank are very interesting and important. It is worth noting that both teams should tuck themselves under a high mountain, and not stand in positions behind. At a minimum, so that you are not disturbed by artillery. This flank must be passed as quickly as possible; battles here must be fast and fast. In the future, you should not act in a stereotyped way, come up with unexpected maneuvers, use various passages, lowlands, and go around the enemy base from different sides. In the Arctic, all conditions have been created for this and your actions will definitely be effective.
  5. And yet, the main direction for attack (red) is the gorge. You'll feel great here heavy tanks or any others with good frontal armor (at least turrets). As you can see in picture 3, there are “two floors” in the gorge and it is necessary to fight on both! This is extremely important so that your opponents do not squeeze you into a vice. Also, to the lower base team contraindicated stopping near the gorge and greeting you, this will not end well, you will quickly be shot by opponents from the “lower floor”. Therefore, you should drive directly into the gorge and distribute yourself to both the upper and lower “floors”. On the contrary, the top base team recommended do not go into the gorge if your strength is clearly not enough and stop at positions 2.1 on the rise to meet enemies. If your strength is enough to storm the gorge, then you should also go down. In addition, as I already wrote, the team of the upper base, which captured the gorge, will definitely come under fire from enemy tank destroyers if they try to drive further. This means that you should be extremely careful. Once the opposing team has captured the gorge, it is much easier to advance.

In custody.

The Arctic map is an extremely ambiguous map: on the one hand, it is not the most balanced map in the game and provides opposing teams with different opportunities, but on the other hand, there are a lot of options for tactical maneuvers in the Arctic, which is not on many other World Of Tanks maps. Understand this map It’s also not easy (actually because of the tactical diversity), but after studying the map, you yourself will be able to successfully surprise enemies from unexpected sides and positions. Thus, Polar wot is unlikely to be a good map for inexperienced players, but, of course, it has a special place in our game.

With this we say goodbye to you, dear friends. Until next time.

The Arctic is probably one of the truly winter maps in World of Tanks. It appeared relatively recently and was immediately loved by players. Somehow there was no feeling that something was wrong on this map. The map dimensions are 1000 by 1000 meters, the battle level is from 4 to 11.

Approximate travel routes for all types of equipment.

Red dots are art.

Green dots - PT or TT.

Red areas are hot spots, main battle sites.

Green arrows indicate shooting directions.

Yellow arrows - directions of attack of the ST.

Blue arrows are TT attack directions.

Description and tactics.

The location is full of shelters, pillboxes, and curved terrain. There are no buildings here, but this is not very upsetting. Probably the main highlight of the map is that you never know where the “suitcase” will come from. It's a very unpredictable card. Historically, the Arctic is divided into two main sectors. It's banana and bypass. This is where the hottest and most dramatic events of the battle unfold. And these are the key areas. Yes, there are still many small “holes” and shelters in which a well-hidden tank decides the outcome of the battle. But we are talking about the global!

Rush on this map is not always a good idea and teams, not without reason, do not use such tactics on this map. But if you decide, then it’s best to rush in the direction of the intersection, both from one and the other base. Tactically, the location is not very difficult, but very interesting. There can be simply many options and, moreover, they can be simply incredible. But judging by the latest battles in random, no one invented the wheel, and the forces of the opposing sides at the beginning of the battle are located like this. Typically, tanks are divided into two groups and occupy positions in key directions. There is no tactical superiority in any of the teams. But there is one “zagagulina” in the arsenal of the first team.

Cheating position in the Arctic.

We'll talk about it a little below. Often, they meet with an enemy in squares G9, F9 and there they make holes in each other’s lower armor plates, simultaneously trying to pull the opponent under the “suitcases”, which sits in the intersection area, slightly descending to the water. At the same time, shouting hysterically into the chat “Save, help, hooligans are depriving you of your sight!” By the end of the battle, these squares are always a tank graveyard. But somehow it happened that at the top of the map, events develop more dramatically and this is where the trouble comes. But let’s take a closer look at the attacks from the first and second spawns.

From the first spawn, TT is easier to get to square G9, F9. It is better to take a defensive position and not get under the gunfire of the enemy’s TT, whose artillery is sitting on the northern base, and is usually located on the balcony located on the plateau. In this place, holding back the enemy's onslaught is not so difficult if you do it wisely. It is better to send heavy Germans and IS-4s here. They will hold back the onslaught better. The main blow must be delivered with massive forces at the top of the map. It is best to use maneuverable French and Soviet forces for this purpose, and cover all this movement with “sevens”. The Soviet top-end TT is maneuverable and fast, it will help the ST to break through the enemy’s defensive redoubts. And here is the “zagagulina” mentioned above. PTs that have occupied squares B5, A5 can easily shoot at insolent opponents who will climb to the first base in squares F8, G7, thereby covering the rear of the defending heavies.

Now let's consider the option of attacking from the second turnip. Here the situation is a little more complicated. But there are also some highlights. Flying on gravity into the G9 square is good, but not very necessary. If you successfully take up defense in squares H4, J5, then you can calmly shoot back from the advancing enemy, periodically delighting him with “heavenly suitcases”. Direct the main impact wedge towards top part cards. In this situation, the enemy, having discovered that there are no tanks in square G9, will rush to the base, thereby exposing himself to artillery attacks and tanks covering the base.
