Prohibited mods. Modpack tanker cheats for World of Tanks Chet pack

This collection of mods is made for tankers who don’t really like collecting cheats for each patch separately. In the modpack, the most useful banned mods are collected in one place.

Modpack contents

  • A special pointer from enemy tank guns. Allows you to navigate much better in battle and know where this or that enemy is aiming.
  • X-ray. This is one of the best cheats for WoT, it makes the outlines of tanks always active, X-ray is especially useful when installing cheat sights, for example.
  • Minimap. In addition to displaying the names of tanks, it will receive another additional and very useful feature - it will display all objects destroyed by the enemy, thanks to which you will be able to determine the location of the opposing team. This modification is very useful in team play; in companies you can get a huge advantage over the enemy, but even in a simple random battle the value of the mod is high.
  • Using the “ ” mod, you can disable the drawing of vegetation on the map. The peculiarity is that the foliage is turned off only in sniper mode, in arcade mode everything remains in its place, that is, the visual side of World of Tanks does not suffer.
  • Map details that could be penetrated by a sub-caliber or armor-piercing projectile have been removed.
  • A standard fire extinguisher will now fire automatically, saving you from more damage.
  • Enemy reload is always visible. Also a very valuable mod that adds a special timer above the enemy tank.

In addition to displaying, the same marks appear directly on the game screen, this can be seen in the screenshot just below. These are all cheat modifications included in the modpack, but the author also added several legal mods that also greatly affect the performance of the game. Zooms, sights, removing blackness in sniper mode, status of personal combat missions and many other interface tweaks are waiting for you!

List of mods/cheats included in the assembly:


1. Commander's camera (night_dragon_on).

3.Damage panel.

4.AutoEquip auto installation/removal of equipment (Ekspoint).

5.LBZ in battle.

6. Timer for aiming the gun in battle (Ekspoint).

7.Increased lamp exposure time.

8.Statistics for the conference session. Draug.

9.Digital account panel (Makct).

11.Horizontal aiming angles.

ϟ Sights/Info:

1. Mini harpoon + Fatality reduction.

2. Taipan sight (mini) Draug setting.

3.OverCross sight + MeltyMaps aiming;

4. Harpoon Lite sight.

5.Improved sight J1mb0 mini.

ϟ Damage dealt counter:

1.Minimalistic log.

2.Detailed log.


1.Tundra (Makct).

2.Sniper mode for artillery (Spoter).

3. Hit without exposure (Lportii).

4.Laser pointer.

5. Target designator (Spoter).

6.Contour - X-ray (ZorroJan).

7.Reloading opponents (ZorroJan).

8.Car fire extinguisher.

9. Destroyed objects on the minimap.

10.Red balls for art.

11.Forget-me-not mod (warlance).

ϟ Auto sights:

1.Simple auto-aim with target acquisition behind an obstacle.

2.Pro Aim (Makct).

3.Aimbot Shaitan (ZorroJan).

More mods/cheats (for everyone):

1. Chaos stem (Spoter).

2.Blocking shots on allies and corpses (night_dragon_on).

3.Zoom x30 start x2 + improved visibility.

4. Crew transfer.

6.Armor penetration calculator (Makct).

7.Multi client.

8. Fog off.

9. Light in the ears (Ekspoint).

10. Places of passive illumination (Spoter).

11.Chance to win (StranikS_Scan).

Setting the handbrake in sniper mode:

1.Free rotation of the camera.

2. Complete disabling of the handbrake.

Control keys in battle:

Tundra - (default in sniper mode, full tundra F2).

Cog - (repair, harp, treatment - space, setting for convenience in the hangar).

Minimalistic damage log - (in battle, left Alt shows a detailed log of damage dealt and the total damage dealt by platoon members).

AutoEquip - (We buy 1 mask net, 1 horn and hang it on all tanks in the hangar))

Chance of winning - (numbers on the right... 4 statistics of allies, opponents, 6 on/off).

Black Sky - (in battle Alt +F11)

Places of passive exposure - Off by default! enable - in battle: Alt+P

with the game - mods\configs\io.github.servb.recent_stat - open with notepad++ config_main.json

in the line "region": "ru", write down your server region! Let's save!

Moving information about LBZ in battle Alt + mouse.

You will find other settings in the hangar.

World of Tanks has been one of the most popular games in the post-Soviet space for many years. And from the very launch it was open to creating modifications, which knowledgeable players took advantage of. Over the years, quite a significant number of game modifications have been created for a variety of purposes. Some simplified and made gameplay easier, such as damage panels and damage logs. Others simply made changes that did not affect the gameplay itself, the most obvious example being the replacement of voice acting. Over time, some of them were eliminated, lost relevance and were forgotten, and some continued to wander from modpack to modpack, improving and improving.

Prohibited Modifications

But there is another category of mods that have always been and will be relevant, in all games and at all times, and World of Tanks is no exception. Yes, of course, we are talking about prohibited modifications.
Due to some features of the game, it is almost impossible to create full-fledged cheats that, when used, will give one hundred percent results. This is what makes World of Tanks different from many other online games. The question arises, what are considered prohibited modifications? The game administration defines them as those that provide the player with excessive advantages over others. In other words, these are additions that simplify gameplay too much, disrupt the balance of combat and the normal principles of fair play.

Why are they used?

It is worth saying that Wargaming’s policy regarding cheating mods is exactly the same as that of other companies in the gaming industry: their use is strictly prohibited. The administration periodically carries out campaigns against users of prohibited modifications. A player caught doing this for the first time will face a warning in the form of account blocking for seven days, and a player caught committing such a violation a second time will face a permanent ban.
However, thousands of players still install prohibited mods at their own risk, and there are several main reasons for this. First of all, everyone wants to win, deal damage, earn frags, improve their statistics - this is exactly what most players play for. With cheats, much less effort is spent on this. With each level, the difficulty of the game increases, as do the costs in battle, and here, again, prohibited mods come to the rescue, allowing you to deal more damage, thereby earning credits, and slightly reducing the costs of using consumables. And finally, some cheats help commanders in clan battle modes, allowing them to gain a significant advantage over the enemy and coordinate their team.

The most common modifications

A lot of prohibited modifications have been created, some of them were successfully blocked by the administration, and some continue to exist. It is worth listing the most common cheats that are publicly available:
̶ “Tundra” is a modification that removes all vegetation on the map, making it look like a kind of polar landscape, which is why it got its name;
̶ "Vanga's sight", or other improved auto-aims - an analogue of the "aimbot" in shooters, allow you to automatically aim at the enemy's vulnerable spots and take the necessary lead when shooting at moving tanks;
̶ “Red balls” – shows on the map the place from which the self-propelled gun fired;
̶ “Shadow” – where the enemy was last illuminated, his transparent silhouette is displayed;
̶ A mod that shows destroyed and fallen objects on the mini-map - helps a lot at the end of the battle, when there are only a few opponents left, and in clan competitions;
̶ Laser sight – shows with a beam the place at which the enemy is aiming;
̶ Reload timer – shows the enemy’s reload time, works well in conjunction with a laser sight;
̶ Removing objects that can be shot through – as you might guess, removes various fences and other objects on the map that interfere with aiming, but can be shot through with conventional armor-piercing shells;
̶ Automatic fire extinguisher, crew repair and treatment – ​​essentially turns a simple fire extinguisher into an automatic one, and introduces automatic treatment for selected crew members.

These and many other proven modifications can be quickly and safely downloaded on our website.

Minimalistic cheat modpack D Mod from Draug for World of tanks 1.1.0 WOT. It contains only the most necessary proven mods for WOT with individual settings.


  • Commander's camera (ShuraBB).
  • Cog (Spoter).
  • Damage panel.
  • AutoEquip auto installation/removal of equipment.
  • LBZ in battle.
  • Horizontal aiming angles.
  • Gun aiming timer in battle (Stealthz).
  • Increased lamp exposure time.
  • Statistics for the YasenKrasen Vanilla session.
  • Digital account panel (Makct).

ϟϟ Sights/Info

  • Harpoon (mini) + johnda mixing.
  • Improved sight J1mb0 mini (Andre_V).
  • Minimalistic sight + Fatality aiming.
  • Harpoon Lite (Lenya69).

ϟϟ Damage counter

  • Minimalistic log.
  • Detailed log.


  • Tundra (Makct).
  • Car fire extinguisher (Ekspoint).
  • Hit without illumination.
  • Laser pointer (Polar Fox).
  • Contour - X-ray.
  • Red art balls (Stealthz).
  • Destroyed objects on the minimap (Stealthz).
  • Tanks outside the rendering square (bosomi).
  • Shadow (Stealthz).
  • Target designator.
  • Removing target objects.
  • Sniper mode for artillery (Spoter).
  • Reloading artillery.
  • Reloading over tanks:
    • Opponents.
    • Opponents and allies.

ϟϟ AimBot auto sights:

  • Auto-aim is simple with target acquisition behind an obstacle.
  • Pro Aim (Makct).
  • Vanga auto sight (Stealthz, Lportii).
  • AimBot Shaitan.

ϟϟMore mods/cheats (for everyone):

  • Stem of Chaos (Spoter).
  • Rating of players in battle (Polar Fox).
  • Firefly (Spoter).
  • Zoom x30 (ShuraBB).
  • Automatic crew return (ShuraBB).
  • Blocking shots at allies and corpses.
  • Fog off.
  • Multi-client.
  • Rating of marks on the trunk (Spoter).

Control keys in battle:

  • Tundra – (default in sniper mode, full tundra F2).
  • Cog - (repair, harp, treatment - space, setting for convenience in the hangar).
  • Minimalistic damage log – (in battle, left Alt shows a detailed log of damage dealt and the total damage dealt by platoon members)
  • Sniper scope for self-propelled guns – (Mouse wheel to sniper mode).
  • AutoEquip – (1 mask net, 1 horn in the hangar we hang on all tanks)).
  • Light in the ears - (in battle, left Alt HP of opponents).
  • Black Sky – (in battle Alt +F11)
  • Moving information about LBZ in battle Alt + mouse.
  • Set the zoom to x25 in the game settings!!!
  • You will find other settings in the hangar.

Everything is configured by default! and ready for battle!

Enjoy your use and successful battles!!!

TOP 5 Questions and Answers

  • “I can’t download” – If it says Oops...Not Found, 404, etc., it means that the old path is remembered in your browser’s cache and one of several methods will help:
  1. Refresh the site page from 10-30 sec. timer in browser
  2. Clear browser cache
  3. Or download using another browser
  • "Guard!!! My Avast found a virus!!!” – Most of your “favorite” free antiviruses are viruses! Check
  • “It doesn’t work for me” – Check if you specified the correct path to the game folder during installation.
  • “Won’t they block you for these cheats?” – Do not post replays of your bends on different public pages where your game nickname is visible, do not poke your mouse on the team map if you see a broken tree and do not immediately turn the muzzle in that direction, do not shoot down more than 2 artillery pieces during a battle using red balls, do not abuse shooting at balls – to opponents out of sight (especially if someone from the team is standing nearby), do not accept everyone who asks for a platoon into the platoon, if possible, do not place an auto fire extinguisher, use the screw on the spacebar, do not place third-party modpacks on top of the protanka, jov, pimod and the like...
  • “Why is the collection updated so often?” – The collection contains trial versions of cheats that their authors place for a certain period of time, when the validity period ends they have to be updated.

The collection contains many different mods from different authors, which are supplemented, edited, and upgraded daily. I, in turn, follow their updates every day, at the time of their release I promptly update all the new items in the collection!

Let me remind you. The collection is minimalistic and contains only combat mods, without any tackiness!

All mods from the collection are customized to my taste and preference!

To remove the collection and completely clear the client of mods, install the collection without selecting mods!

The mod is prohibited and can lead to account blocking. You use it at your own risk.


Other prohibited mods

Draug Mod is a collection of various mods, which include prohibited cheats, because they give a great advantage over the enemy. One of the main advantages of a modpack is the user's choice of mods; in the installer, the player can independently select only the necessary client changes.

The list of available cheats is very large, these are:

  • a change in the operating principle of a standard fire extinguisher; it will work as if its premium version was installed on the equipment. Thanks to this, silver is greatly saved;
  • a pointer made from the barrels of enemy vehicles helps to tank more effectively, hiding the vulnerable spots of your vehicle from the enemy;
  • information about the remaining time until the enemy is completely reloaded;
  • an X-ray mod has been added, which shows the contours of the opponent’s vehicles through obstacles;
  • you can use the mouse wheel to activate the sniper aiming mode when playing as an ART SAU;
  • the location of enemy artillery is now easily calculated due to the appearance of red balls at the position from which the shot was just fired;
  • not very useful, but at least an interesting cheat, with a sphere indicating a hit to an unexposed enemy;
  • greatly improved with a mountain of new, cheating functions, the author is the famous creator of mods Makct;
  • damaged objects on the map, be it trees or fences, are shown on the minimap, which will give a huge advantage in team battles;
  • Targeted objects will disappear from the battlefield, making the game more comfortable;
  • The final chord in the list of cheats is this, which removes all vegetation.

In addition to cheats, the modpack will offer the user a lot of legal interface tweaks. In the installer you can select a variety of sights, damage logs, damage panels and other mods, for example, Rears, zoom changes, Horizontal Aiming Angles, etc.


  • After launching the installer, indicate the location of the game folder and check the boxes for the mods we need.

On February 12, 2019, patch was released. Now mods need to be installed in the "mods\\" and "res_mods\\" folders. If after the update the mod stops working for you, then simply move it from the “” folder to the “” folder. Some mods and mod assemblies may not work or may have bugs. In the very near future, all non-working mods and assemblies will be updated. Be patient and stay tuned for updates. If after updating the mod/build your client freezes or crashes for no reason, download the game cache clearing script and run it, the problem should be solved.
