The game 7 days die is launched. Console commands. Days To Die throws an error about a missing DLL file. Solution

Important Buttons

"F1" button- call console

"F3" button- Shows detailed information (only when debugmenu is enabled).

"F4" button- Switch to windowed mode.

"F5" button- Switching the view from the 1st / 3rd person.

"F6" button- Opens the spawn menu (only when debugmenu is enabled).

"F7" button- Disables HUD.

"F8" button- Shows FPS. When enabled, debugmenu shows more detailed information.

"U" button- Opens a window where you can get any items that are in the game (only when the creativemenu is enabled).

"H" button- Allows you to fly, using SPACE to move up, and press "C" to go down (only if creativemenu is enabled).

"G" button- Allows you to enable god mode. In this mode, you take no damage, but the effects still apply (only with debugmenu enabled).

Esc button- When debugmenu is enabled, in addition to the main menu, an additional control panel will also open on the right.

Command abbreviated Description Example
help Help on command help ban
admin add Add admin rights (0 - Full rights) (1000 - Player) admin add 171 0
admin remove Remove admin rights admin remove 171
aiddebug Enables/disables AIDirector debug output
ban add Ban player ban 171 10 hours griefing
ban 282 1 year hacking
ban list Banned list.
ban remove Unban a player ban remove 171
buff Applies the effect to the current player. Names from 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\buffs.xml file buff CoffeeStaminaBoost
buff player Applies an effect to the specified player. Names from 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\buffs.xml file. buffplayer 171 CoffeeStaminaBoost
chunkcache cc Shows all loaded chunks in the cache.
clear Clears the console
cp add Add an access level to a command cp add gettime 0
cp remove Remove command access level (by default 0) cp remove gettime
cp-list List of commands and access levels
creativemenu cm Turns the creative menu on/off
deathscreen Shows the screen of death
debuff Removes the effect from the current player debuff brokenLeg
debuffplayer Removes the effect from the specified player debuff 171 brokenLeg
debug menu dm Enables/disables the debug menu
enable scope es Toggle debug scope.
exhausted Makes the player tired
exportitemicons exportitemicons Saves all item icons to the 7 Days To Die\ItemIcons folder Extremely useful for Wiki editing!
getgamepref gg List of current game settings on the console (airdrop frequency, daylight length, etc.).
getgamestat ggs List of current game settings on the console (land claim size, difficulty, etc.)
gettime gt Displays the current game time in the console
givequest Start the quest by the internal name of the quest. From the file 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\quests.xml . givequest quest_BasicSurvival8
giveself Receive certain subject. The item drops at the feet with maximum (600) quality. Use the option to specify the quality. Item names are used from the 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\items.xml file giveself machete
giveselfskillxp Get experience points for the desired skill giveselfskillxp Mining Tools 1000
giveselfxp Get the required amount of total experience points giveselfxp 1000
kick Kick a player from the server. You can specify a reason kick 171 bye
kickall Kick all players from the server. You can specify a reason kickall bye
killall Kill all players
lights Enables\Disables the display of the radius around all light-emitting objects (candles, fires, etc.)
listents le List of all entities currently in the game. (zombies, players, animals).
listplayerids lpi Prints to the console a list of all players with their ID
listplayers lp Prints to the console a list of all players with indications (IDs, positions, health, stats, IP address, etc.)
listthreads lt List of all threads..
loggamestate lgs Writes information about the current state of the game (memory usage, objects, threads, etc.) to the file 7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\output_log.txt . is any string that will be included in the header of the generated log. True = the command should be run on the client. False = the command should be run on the server. "False" is default. loggamestate START
loglevel telnet/web. Choose what types of logs will be displayed in the connection. By default, all types of logs are displayed. Log types: INF, WRN, ERR, EXC, or ALL. loglevel INF false
meme Displays memory information and invokes the garbage collector.
memcl Displays memory information on the client and invokes the garbage collector.
pplist Shows SteamID -> ID information
removequest Delete a specific quest from the 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\quests.xml file.
repairchunkdensity rcd Used to check if the block densities in a chunk match the actual block type. If there is a mismatch, it may cause the chunk to display incorrectly or not be displayed at all with the error message "Failed setting triangles. Some indices are references out of bounds vertices.". It can also fix inconsistencies within a chunk. and are the coordinates of any block within the chunk to check. Adding "fix" to the end of the command removes any inconsistencies. rcd 0 100 fix
saveworld sa Manually saves the world.
say Sends a message to all players on behalf of
setgamepref sg Changes game settings. The list can be viewed using the "gg" command (getgamepref). sg ZombiesRun 0
setgamestat sgs Changes game settings. The list can be viewed using the "ggs" command (getgamestat). sgs LandClaimExpiryTime 10
settempunit stu Change the temperature units to Celsius or Fahrenheit. (According to the Fahrenheit standard)
settime day
set time night
st Game time change. st [Day] [Hour] [minutes] You can also enter the "help settime" command for information. settime 1300
settime 6 15 0
showalbedo albedo Enable\Disable albedo display in gBuffer.
showchunkdata sc Shows the data of the current chunk.
showclouds The artist's team to show one layer of clouds.
shownexhordetime Displays the time of the wandering horde.
shownormals norms Enables/disables the display of normal maps in gBuffer.
showspecular spec Enables/disables Display of mirror values ​​in gBuffer.
shutdown Quit the game
sounddebug Turns on/off the debug display of the SoundManager
spawnairdrop Calls the plane (airdrop)
spawnentity se Summons various animals and zombies to the player. You can use F6 (Debug Mode)
spawn scouts Summons a zombie screamer
spawnscreen Show spawn screen
spawnsupplycrate Summons an airdrop box directly above the player's head.
spawnwanderinghorde Spawn of a wandering horde, the horde goes to the point where the command was issued from
spectrum Force a lighting spectrum. Choices are Biome, BloodMoon, Foggy, Rainy, Stormy, Snowy. At the moment, the choice of "biome" and can lead to the crash of the game.
starve Causes hunger. (Food indicator is set to 0)
staticmap Toggles the Navazgane map between static and dynamic
switchview sv Change from 1st person view to 3rd person view and vice versa. You can use F5 (Debug Mode)
systeminfo Shows information about the current system (CPU, operating system, etc.).
teleport [y]
teleport offset
tp Teleports you to the specified coordinates. The value [y] can be omitted. Use values and tp -200 77 300
tp -200 300
tp 171
tp offset 3 1 0
teleport player
teleport player
tele Teleports the player to the specified coordinates or to another player. The value [y] can be omitted. Use values and . To teleport to a player, specify your ID and the ID of the player to whom the teleport will be made. tele 171 -200 77 300
tele 171 365
tele<Игрок> <Вы>= The player you have: D.
thirsty Causes thirst. (Water value is set to 0)
trade area If a player is in the trader's area, they will be kicked out, but may re-enter if the trader is not closed.
updatelighton Commands for UpdateLightOnAllMaterials and UpdateLightOnPlayers.
version Shows the game version and loaded mods.
water Water settings. For details, enter "help water".
weather Weather settings. For details, enter "help weather". Turn off rain: weather rain 0 , Remove clouds: weather clouds 0 weather rain 0
weathersurvival Toggles weather survival.
whitelist add Add player to whitelist
whitelist remove Remove player from whitelist
white list whitelist

Unfortunately, there are flaws in games: brakes, low FPS, crashes, freezes, bugs and other minor and not very errors. Often problems begin before the game even starts, when it won't install, won't load, or won't even download. Yes, and the computer itself is sometimes weird, and then in 7 Days To Die, instead of a picture, a black screen, control does not work, no sound is heard or anything else.

What to do first

  1. Download and run the world famous CCleaner(download from a direct link) is a program that will clean your computer of unnecessary garbage, as a result of which the system will work faster after the first reboot;
  2. Update all drivers in the system using the program Driver Updater(download via direct link) - it will scan your computer and update all drivers to the latest version in 5 minutes;
  3. Install the program WinOptimizer(download via direct link) and include in it Game Mode, which will terminate useless background processes during game launches and improve in-game performance.

The second thing to do if you encounter any problems with 7 Days To Die is to check the system requirements. In a good way, you need to do this even before the purchase, so as not to regret the money spent.

Minimum system requirements 7 Days To Die:

Windows Vista, Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 Ghz, 4 Gb RAM, 1 Gb HDD, Nvidia GeForce 8800 512 Mb

Every gamer should at least have a little understanding of the components, to know why a video card, processor and other things are needed in the system unit.

Files, drivers and libraries

Almost every device in a computer requires a set of special software. These are drivers, libraries and other files that ensure the correct operation of the computer.

It's worth starting with the drivers for the video card. Modern graphic cards manufactured by only two large companies - Nvidia and AMD. Having found out which product spins the coolers in the system unit, we go to the official website and download the package of fresh drivers:

A prerequisite for the successful functioning of 7 Days To Die is the availability of the latest drivers for all devices in the system. Download the utility Driver Updater to download quickly and easily latest versions drivers and install them with one click:

If 7 Days To Die does not start, we recommend that you try disabling your antivirus or put the game in antivirus exclusions, and also check again for compliance system requirements and if something from your assembly does not match, then, if possible, improve your PC by purchasing more powerful components.

7 Days To Die has black screen, white screen, color screen. Solution

Problems with screens of different colors can be roughly divided into 2 categories.

Firstly, they are often associated with the use of two video cards at once. For example, if your motherboard has a built-in video card, but you play on a discrete one, then 7 Days To Die can be launched for the first time on a built-in one, while you will not see the game itself, because the monitor is connected to a discrete video card.

Secondly, color screens happen when there are problems with displaying the image on the screen. This can happen for various reasons. For example, 7 Days To Die cannot work through an outdated driver or does not support a video card. Also black/ White screen may be displayed when running at resolutions that are not supported by the game.

7 Days To Die crashes. At a certain or random moment. Solution

You play for yourself, play and here - bam! - everything goes out, and now you have a desktop without any hint of the game. Why it happens? To solve the problem, it is worth trying to figure out what the nature of the problem is.

If the flight takes place in random moment time without any regularity, then with a probability of 99% we can say that this is a mistake of the game itself. In this case, it is very difficult to fix something, and it is best to just put 7 Days To Die aside and wait for the patch.

However, if you know exactly at what moments the crash occurs, then you can continue the game, avoiding situations that provoke a crash.

However, if you know exactly at what moments the crash occurs, then you can continue the game, avoiding situations that provoke a crash. In addition, you can download the 7 Days To Die save and bypass the departure point.

7 Days To Die hangs. The picture freezes. Solution

The situation is about the same as with crashes: many freezes are directly related to the game itself, or rather, to the developer's mistake when creating it. However, a frozen picture can often become a starting point for investigating the deplorable state of a video card or processor.

So if the picture in 7 Days To Die freezes, then use the programs to display statistics on the loading of components. Perhaps your video card has long exhausted its working life or the processor is heating up to dangerous temperatures?

The easiest way to check the loading and temperatures for the video card and processors is in the MSI Afterburner program. If desired, you can even display these and many other parameters on top of the 7 Days To Die image.

What temperatures are dangerous? Processors and video cards have different operating temperatures. For video cards, they are usually 60-80 degrees Celsius. The processors are slightly lower - 40-70 degrees. If the processor temperature is higher, then you should check the condition of the thermal paste. It may have dried out and needs to be replaced.

If the video card is heating up, then you should use the driver or the official utility from the manufacturer. You need to increase the number of revolutions of the coolers and see if the operating temperature drops.

7 Days To Die slows down. Low FPS. Frame rate drops. Solution

With stutters and low frame rates in 7 Days To Die, the first step is to lower the graphics settings. Of course, there are a lot of them, so before reducing everything in a row, you should find out exactly how certain settings affect performance.

Screen resolution. In short, this is the number of points that make up the picture of the game. The higher the resolution, the higher the load on the video card. However, the increase in load is negligible, so reducing the screen resolution should only be the last resort, when everything else does not help.

Texture quality. Typically, this setting determines the resolution of texture files. Decrease the quality of textures if the video card has a small amount of video memory (less than 4 GB) or if you are using a very old hard drive with a spindle speed of less than 7200.

Model quality(sometimes just details). This setting determines which set of 3D models will be used in the game. The higher the quality, the more polygons. Accordingly, high-poly models require more processing power of the video card (not to be confused with the amount of video memory!), which means that this parameter should be reduced on video cards with a low core or memory frequency.

Shadows. They are implemented in different ways. In some games, shadows are created dynamically, that is, they are calculated in real time every second of the game. Such dynamic shadows load both the processor and the video card. In order to optimize, developers often abandon the full rendering and add a pre-render of shadows to the game. They are static, because in fact they are just textures that are superimposed on top of the main textures, which means they load memory, and not the core of the video card.

Often developers add additional settings related to shadows:

  • Shadow Resolution - determines how detailed the shadow cast by the object will be. If the game has dynamic shadows, then it loads the core of the video card, and if a pre-created render is used, then it “eats” the video memory.
  • Soft shadows - smoothing out bumps on the shadows themselves, usually this option is given along with dynamic shadows. Regardless of the type of shadows, it loads the video card in real time.

Smoothing. Allows you to get rid of ugly corners at the edges of objects by using a special algorithm, the essence of which is usually to generate several images at once and compare them, calculating the most “smooth” image. There are many different anti-aliasing algorithms that differ in the level of impact on the performance of 7 Days To Die.

For example, MSAA works head-on, creating 2, 4, or 8 renders at once, so the frame rate is reduced by 2, 4, or 8 times, respectively. Algorithms such as FXAA and TAA operate a little differently, achieving a smooth image by calculating only the edges and using some other tricks. Because of this, they do not reduce performance as much.

Lighting. As in the case of anti-aliasing, there are different algorithms for lighting effects: SSAO, HBAO, HDAO. All of them use the resources of the video card, but they do it differently depending on the video card itself. The fact is that the HBAO algorithm was promoted mainly on video cards from Nvidia (GeForce line), so it works best on the “green” ones. HDAO, on the other hand, is optimized for AMD graphics cards. SSAO is the simplest type of lighting, it consumes the least resources, so in case of brakes in 7 Days To Die, it is worth switching to it.

What should be lowered first? Shadows, anti-aliasing, and lighting effects are usually the most stressful, so it's best to start with them.

Often gamers themselves have to optimize 7 Days To Die. For almost all major releases, there are various related and forums where users share their ways to improve productivity.

One of them is a special program called WinOptimizer. It is made specifically for those who do not want to manually clean up the computer from various temporary files, delete unnecessary registry entries and edit the startup list. WinOptimizer will do this for you, as well as analyze your computer to see how you can improve performance in applications and games.

7 Days To Die lags. Big game delay. Solution

Many people confuse "lag" with "lag", but these problems have completely different causes. 7 Days To Die slows down when the frame rate at which the picture is displayed on the monitor decreases, and lags when the delay when accessing the server or any other host is too high.

That is why "lags" can only be in network games. The reasons are different: bad network code, physical distance from servers, network congestion, incorrectly configured router, low Internet connection speed.

However, the latter is the least common. In online games, communication between the client and the server occurs by exchanging relatively short messages, so even 10 MB per second should be enough for the eyes.

There is no sound in 7 Days To Die. I can not hear anything. Solution

7 Days To Die works, but for some reason does not sound - this is another problem that gamers face. Of course, you can play like that, but it's still better to figure out what's the matter.

First you need to determine the scope of the problem. Where exactly is there no sound - only in the game or in general on the computer? If only in the game, then perhaps this is due to the fact that the sound card is very old and does not support DirectX.

If there is no sound at all, then the matter is definitely in the computer settings. The drivers might not be installed correctly sound card, or maybe there is no sound due to some specific error of our favorite Windows OS.

Controls don't work in 7 Days To Die. 7 Days To Die does not recognize the mouse, keyboard or gamepad. Solution

How to play if it is impossible to control the process? The problems of supporting specific devices are out of place here, because we are talking about familiar devices - keyboard, mouse and controller.

Thus, errors in the game itself are practically excluded, almost always the problem is on the user's side. You can solve it in different ways, but, one way or another, you will have to turn to the driver. Usually, when you connect a new device, the operating system immediately tries to use one of the standard drivers, but some models of keyboards, mice, and gamepads are not compatible with them.

Thus, you need to find out the exact model of the device and try to find exactly its driver. Often, devices from well-known gaming brands come with their own software kits, since the standard Windows driver simply cannot ensure the correct operation of all the functions of a particular device.

If you don’t want to look for drivers for all devices separately, you can use the program Driver Updater. It is designed to automatically search for drivers, so you only need to wait for the scan results and download the necessary drivers in the program interface.

Quite often, the brakes in 7 Days To Die can be caused by viruses. In this case, there is no difference how powerful the video card is in the system unit. You can check your computer and clean it of viruses and other unwanted software using special programs. For example NOD32 . The antivirus has proven itself from the best side and has received the approval of millions of users around the world.

Suitable for both personal use and small businesses, ZoneAlarm is able to protect a computer running Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP from any attack: phishing, viruses, malware, spyware and other cyber threats . New users are given a 30-day free trial.

Nod32 is an antivirus from ESET, which has received many awards for its contribution to the development of security. Versions of anti-virus programs for both PC and mobile devices are available on the developer's website, a 30-day trial version is provided. There are special conditions for business.

7 Days To Die downloaded from torrent does not work. Solution

If the distribution kit of the game was downloaded via torrent, then in principle there can be no guarantees of work. Torrents and repacks are almost never updated through official applications and do not work over the network, because in the course of hacking, hackers cut out all network functions from games, which are often used to check the license.

Using such versions of games is not only inconvenient, but even dangerous, because very often many files have been changed in them. For example, to bypass protection, pirates modify an EXE file. However, no one knows what else they do with it. Maybe they're building a self-fulfilling software. For example, which, when the game is first launched, will be integrated into the system and will use its resources to ensure the well-being of hackers. Or, giving access to the computer to third parties. There are no guarantees and there cannot be.

In addition, the use of pirated versions is, according to our publication, theft. The developers have spent a lot of time creating the game, investing their own money in the hope that their offspring will pay off. And every work must be paid.

Therefore, if you encounter any problems with games downloaded from torrents or hacked using certain means, you should immediately remove the pirate, clean your computer with an antivirus and a licensed copy of the game. This will not only save you from dubious software, but also allow you to download updates for the game and receive official support from its creators.

7 Days To Die gives an error about the missing DLL file. Solution

As a rule, problems associated with the absence of DLLs arise when starting 7 Days To Die, however, sometimes the game can access certain DLLs in the process and, without finding them, crash in the most impudent manner.

To fix this error, you need to find the required DLL and install it on the system. The easiest way to do this is with a program. DLL fixer, which scans the system and helps you quickly find missing libraries.

If your problem turned out to be more specific, or if the method described in this article did not help, then you can ask other users in our "" section. They will promptly help you!

We thank you for your attention!

The game 7 Days to Die managed to win the hearts of millions of fans who for a long time remained in it only as single players, not connected by any network, which was offensive for many of us. But, some time ago we had the opportunity to launch the game in a new guise, with the ability to play online, I'm sure you are already wondering how to play 7 Days to Die online with friends in multiplayer mode? Well, the instruction is quite simple and short, we do not need special knowledge here. First, install and configure the game. By the way, here is the description.

Required course of action:

  1. We download from any resource known to us a game suitable for the bit depth of our operating system. Note that the x32 version is the same as the x86 version.
  2. Now we need a fix that will allow us to play freely in online game. For each version of the game, it is different, at the time of this writing, version 4.1 is relevant, that is, if you download the game with alpha 4.1, then you need a fix for this game, its name is 7DTD_MPfix_v4.1.
  3. The fix contains the Assembly-CSharp.dll file, you need to put it in the game folder, along the following path: 7DaysToDie-Alpha\7DaysToDie_Data\Managed. The computer will offer to replace the existing file with the same name with a new one, to which we answer positively.
  4. Now find the changenick.reg file in the game folder, open it with notepad and find the line "PlayerName_h775476977"="YourNick", where instead of the word "YourNick" insert your own nickname. It is imperative to do this. After that, we save the document through the file menu and agree to the changes made to the registry.

You can play the game online using the Tunngle and Hamachi clients, for right game you will need to install them on your computer and add to the program the address of the server you are interested in, or the IP address of a friend with whom you want to fight one on one. For playing by local network there is a separate menu, everything is done quickly and without any obstacles.

Now you need to start the game, do it like this:

  1. First, let's launch Tunngle or Hamachi, connect to any available game room (they can be found in various ratings, monitoring and other systems).
  2. Now we open the games, we do it with the help of the 7DaysToDie.exe file

Great, the game is running, now we need to start playing online, we start working in the following sequence:

If you want to connect to the server, we take a few simple steps:

  • Connect to server ->At the bottom there will be a special window in which we can enter the IP address of the server we are interested in (we enter the one that was indicated when connecting in the program) ->Connect to the game.

If you want to create your own game server, then proceed as follows:

  • New Game -> We set the parameters of the game server that are convenient for us -> Start.

When creating your own game server, as well as when playing on servers of this type, remember a few simple rules, which will help you comfortably play 7 Days to Die multiplayer or online:

  1. If you are the creator of the server, then you should be the last to leave it. That is, when the game ends, all the players on it first go out, and only then you, if you do otherwise, all the achievements of the players will crumble to dust.
  2. In case of strong lags, start reconnecting to the server as often as possible, this will improve the speed of your game, the items found and the experience gained will be saved in your loots.
  3. Listed game servers new servers will constantly appear, but you can’t connect to them in any case, you can play on them only from the licensed version of the game.

That's it, now you know how to play 7 Days to Die multiplayer or online. As I said at the very beginning of the article, there is nothing difficult in this, you only need to perform a couple of simple actions, and you will spend most of the time downloading the game client. Good luck!

Creating the game, the developers really tried. Gameplay good quality, contains well-drawn special effects and a well-designed interface. The visualization is commendable: using the power of simple Unity 3D, a unique "model line" of zombies is created, generated by virtual world, excellent weather system, change of day and night and other details. The player will need to be extremely attentive and monitor what is happening not only in front, but also behind him. After all, attacks are sudden and unexpected, and each new blow can end in the death of a game character.

How to play online:
Game launch:
1. Run Tunngle and go into the room with the 7 Days To Die players (you can go to any other room, or use a real local network)
2. Run the game through 7DaysToDie.exe.

In Game:
Connect to server -> At the bottom, enter the IP address (external or LAN simulation programs) of the server to which we are going to connect -> You will be connected to the game.

Server creation:
Set up the server as you wish -> Start.
Or run startdedicated.bat (parameters are configured in the serverconfig.xml file).

Nickname change:
In the 3DMGAME.ini file
If it didn’t work, then click Start -> Run -> Enter Regedit -> Open HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareThe Fun Pimps7 Days To Die, double-click on the PlayerName_h775476977 parameter and change the nickname -==- to your own.

1. The host is recommended to exit last, otherwise other players may not save the loot.
2. If it often throws out and rolls back, then you need to restart the server more often to save the items found.

How to enable Russian language:
Open the Russifier folder
run the file RUS_7DaysToDieV15.2 (b6).exe
Ok => Select a folder with installed game and install cracker.

Attention! After installing the crack, you will not be able to play on servers protected by VAC anti-cheat

System requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / 7 ( x64 only)
Processor: Core 2 Duo E7600 3.06GHz
Hard disk space: 1 GB free space
Sound device: DirectX compatible
Video Card: GeForce GTS 250

On this page you can download the game 7 Days to Die via torrent for free on PC.

One thousand