Making money on eggs: the best games about birds in one selection! Birds, making money on eggs - reviews, scam or not Birds lay eggs for money

Reading time: 32 min

Playing a simple, interesting economic game has long become a reality on the global network. And if buying bills, shares of large companies, even opening a deposit in a bank is considered an activity only for those who have a decent starting capital, then on the global network you can start from absolute scratch. Anyone can do this, regardless of age, actual location, or starting financial condition.

Primary funds for starting can be obtained either on the global network, for example by performing, or by taking advantage of the bonus programs offered projects to make money on eggs. Among other things, there is always the opportunity to attract new users and thus increase your passive level.

    1 Making money on eggs on the Internet: what is it?

    • 2.1 Money Birds: make money with your eggs

      2.2 Golden Birds: no points

      2.3 Chickens Farm: game with money withdrawal

      2.4 Rich Birds: good profit on eggs online

      2.5 Super Birds: Login

  • 3 As a result

Making money on eggs on the Internet: what is it?

The essence of making money on eggs, which is offered by popular investment funds, consists of four main stages:

  1. and the purchase of means of producing resources. At this stage you need to enter the game and acquire birds. As a rule, the first birdie is provided virtually free of charge. For everything else you will have to pay.
  2. Collect the resource obtained “in production”. Eggs are a resource that birds or chickens produce in the game. Chickens differ in productivity (usually this is immediately noticeable by the color of the pet). Therefore, to get more eggs, you need to either increase the “stock” of chickens with low productivity, or immediately buy expensive and efficient ones.
  3. Exchange a resource for local currency. Such projects do not provide for the direct sale of eggs immediately for real money. Here the intermediate link is the local currency (gold, silver), having received which you will be able to gain access to exchanging it for real money with subsequent transfer to electronic wallets (most often), or directly to bank card.
  4. Exchange domestic currency and receive funds. Of course, there are some peculiarities and some difficulties here. Typically, projects do not provide for the possibility of a full exchange of all internal coins for real money. As a rule, from 30 to 90% of the funds received by selling eggs becomes available for receipt. But this is a very good indicator, considering that there is no need to do anything on such projects other than collecting and selling eggs.

It should be noted that the described methodology for making money on eggs is classic. In addition, each project is ready to offer its own nuances that allow increasing the income level of registered participants. Some projects even offer an initial deposit directly on the site itself or to pass the time of waiting for the accumulation of a sufficient number of eggs for sale by playing internal games for money.

Funds are transferred, at the participant’s choice, to a huge number of payment systems (usually more than 10).To understand how this works in practice, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several popular projects that are still working today.

Money Birds: make money on your eggs

One of the most popular investment games with the ability to transfer money among users of the global network is rightfully considered. Already today, the audience coverage of this project is over 1.5 million users, to whom over 100 million rubles have been paid over the entire existence of the project.

This one has been around since 2014. The project is constantly developing, improving, and introducing certain innovations. Among the undeniable advantages that attract new users here, the following are worth highlighting:

  • free accrual of an initial bonus to all participants in the form of 1000 units of silver, which is enough to buy the first bird and start on the project;
  • the presence of a 5-level affiliate program, with which you can organize a very good passive income from your referrals;
  • the ability to receive a response from the administration and direct technical support of the project at any time (there are no breaks or weekends);
  • absence of any payment points and Cash Points;
  • organization of periodic additional shares, bonus programs, competitions for regular users with real cash prizes that can be withdrawn to a real account;
  • simplicity and transparency of the system (all actions and the level of possible income can be predicted in advance and calculated without outside help);
  • quick payback of the invested funds (it will take from one to several months to return all your investments and reach a net profit, depending on the initially chosen strategy);
  • today this project is one of the few that allows individual users to “bet” up to 90% of the silver received from the sale of eggs for withdrawal;
  • You can receive funds immediately using a large number of different payment instruments.

Considering that the scheme for generating income does not differ from the classical one, to really increase cash receipts into your account, it is advisable to use a combined approach. To do this you will need:

  1. Attract more expensive birds to your birdhouse. They have a slightly higher level of performance and pay for themselves faster.
  2. Ensure an increase in referrals in your team - this way you can increase your level of passive income. Look for referrals, including on.
  3. At the first stage, allocate more funds to purchase birds, participate in promotions and bonuses offered by the administration.

Golden Birds: no points

It is important to note that this project is not a clone of the previous one, but a full-fledged gaming site with real cash payments to its investors. The advantages of investing in this platform include:

  • no need to collect payment points to be able to transfer money to real accounts (everything you collect here can be immediately used for transfer);
  • for each monetary replenishment, the system adds another 200% “on top”, which can be spent on the purchase of new high-performance birds;
  • with each replenishment of his balance, the participant is entitled to 2 blue birds, and if such a replenishment exceeds , then the administration will give him a red bird;
  • a very interesting 3-level affiliate program that allows you to organize the receipt of real passive income without the need for any investments on your part;
  • bonus program for distributing free referrals (the most active users participate, which can receive up to 100 referrals at a time);
  • many ways to receive funds accumulated on the project (various payment systems are used, the ability to top up your phone, as well as direct transfer to a bank card);
  • numerous internal games for money, allowing you not only to while away your free time, but also to significantly increase your initial capital.

In order to become successful in this project, it is advisable not to miss the opportunities offered by the administration to obtain new birds with replenishments of 500 and 1500 rubles, as well as through participation in referral competitions. You should also not ignore daily bonuses from the administration.

Chickens Farm: game with money withdrawal

This project with a name is slightly different from the previous ones, although the general principle of obtaining a resource in the form of eggs and further exchanging it for local and then real money is the same as in previous projects. The peculiarity of this game is its modified appearance and design, which allows you to look at the investment tool in a slightly different way.

The project started in 2016 and has since attracted over 1.3 million users. Regarding payments, site statistics show that project participants have already received over 43 million rubles over the entire period of its existence.

Some of the distinctive aspects of this project include:

  • immediately after, the new participant receives 5000 silver into his account, which is enough to acquire 5 new chickens of the first level, or one from the second level;
  • Each account replenishment is accompanied by a pleasant gift in the form of 200% of the top-up amount transferred to the account. These funds can be used to purchase new chickens;
  • the accumulated local currency is distributed as follows: 70% is used for the further acquisition of additional chickens and account development, and 30% of the amount received can be used for withdrawal;
  • To make a transfer, the amount in the account must be more than 1 ruble;
  • from attracted partners, the administration transfers 30% of their balance replenishments to the participants;
  • To be able to receive funds, several popular payment instruments are used at once, and of course everyone’s favorite .

It should be noted that the administration periodically holds various promotions and competitions with real cash prizes. Therefore, the most active project participants can significantly increase their financial well-being if they follow such innovations.

Rich Birds: good profit on eggs online

The proposed project is different largest audience participants, which to date has already exceeded the mark of 3.5 million users. Over the entire period of work (the project started in 2014), over 45 million rubles have been paid here. On this moment the system has formed a reserve of funds at the level of 104 million rubles. Thus, no negative consequences should be expected in the near future. And if you consider that the return on investment is only a few months, by investing right now you will always have time to get a good one, at least.

Now about the advantages of this particular project:

  • each new participant receives 1000 silver free of charge to his game account to purchase new birds (the amount is enough to get the first bird for);
  • The project has an excellent 5-level affiliate program, thanks to which anyone can provide themselves with a very good level of passive income;
  • daily active project participants receive as a bonus from 10 to 150 units of silver to their account;
  • implemented on the project additional features in the form of lotteries, games with other users for money, the possibility of accumulating funds;
  • an exchange for purchasing payment points for silver has been introduced, which ensures a guaranteed transfer of funds to all project participants;
  • there are referral competitions with impressive cash prizes for the winners;
  • Several payment systems are connected to receive funds;
  • when exchanging money with " for withdrawal" on " purchases“The system additionally gives its participants another 10% on top.

To quickly recoup your investment on this project, you should follow a simple but effective strategy. The initial replenishment of the balance is carried out in an amount of 1000 rubles in order to maximally cover all current promotions and gifts from the administration. Then use this money to buy the most expensive birds (they are the most productive), and use gift tickets to the lottery to get additional birds.

After “settlement”, start accumulating silver and exchange it for payment points. Your goal is to score enough points to get your initial investment back. To do this, at the first stage, exchange the money you receive “for withdrawal” for “purchases”. Here it is advisable to be active on this site every day in order to receive all the bonuses due from the administration. When you collect a sufficient amount and return the investment, simply start receiving net income using the same principle.

Super Birds: Login

Investment game project, uniting all progressive: fast and passive. The project started in 2016 and during this time it managed to attract the attention of over 530 thousand participants. The site administration has paid users more than 40 million rubles, and has currently formed a reserve of 60 million rubles.

Among the advantages of the project it is worth highlighting:

  • new members receive 10 rubles as a bonus for the purchase of one green pet;
  • unlike other projects, there is a 6-level referral system, which allows you to significantly increase passive income from the work of your partners;
  • the first replenishment of funds to your account, regardless of the replenishment amount, is accompanied by an additional 5% top-up as a bonus from the administration;
  • opportunity on a project without investment;
  • there is an opportunity to set individual motivation plans for each referral;
  • the system allows you to sell referrals, thereby increasing your income level;
  • 50% of the funds accumulated here can be used for withdrawal;
  • Several payment instruments are connected at once, allowing you to quickly receive funds accumulated on the project.

In other words, if you correctly build a strategy for working with a project, take an active part in bonus programs, promotions, and monitor the increase in the number of active partners, you can quickly recoup your investment and achieve net income.

As you can see, if you correctly place your emphasis and evaluate your capabilities, you can quickly return the invested funds and begin to actually withdraw new ones. The main thing is not to be lazy, and also not to miss your chance and the opportunities provided by the project administration. In the meantime, get to know everyone or, and also leave your comments and ratings for the article.

Reading time: 32 min

Games that allow you not only to enjoy your free time, but also to earn real money and then withdraw it, are gaining more and more popularity today. And this is not a myth or a scam, and on the Internet there are indeed simple economic games where there is the possibility of withdrawing your money. One of the most popular topics in this area is for sale.

Earn money playing games with birds and eggs tens of thousands of different users are already receiving it today. The level of income directly depends on the state of your “economy” at a particular point in time. If you decide not to invest personal money, but to earn capital on a project, then you will have to work a little. Users who decided to initially invest a little in order to return the previously invested investments and fill up their account in the near future real income, will be able to organize this process much faster. Here you can easily receive money into your account within a month income of several thousand rubles .

    1 How to make money on birds on the Internet: making money on birds and eggs without investment

    2 Video about game Super Birds

    3 How to make money on the Internet with birds

    4 Best Bird Games to Make Money on Eggs

    5 How to make money in games with withdrawal of money without investing your own funds

    6 Best sites for making quick money online

How to make money on birds on the Internet: making money on birds and eggs without investment

It should be noted that there is a way to quickly get started make good money on birds and eggs, but in which you do not have to invest your own funds. To realize this, you simply need to develop the referral network you have created by actively inviting new participants. By the way, in some, in order to withdraw money, you need to collect a certain amount of payment points, which are also calculated by attracting new users and introducing funds into the game.

But there are games where users receive their money without having to collect payment points first. For example, the game does not require any investments. You can safely withdraw yours to your wallets.

It’s easy to start playing here - after a simple period you get a bonus, the amount of which is enough to purchase a green bird. Of course, it doesn’t bring in much income, but it will still do as first start-up capital. In the future, if you join the VKontakte group created by the owners of the game, you can also receive a yellow bird as a gift. After thataccumulation of eggs and exchanging them for silver will go much faster.

But in order to activate the cash withdrawal function, you will need to deposit a minimum amount of 10 rubles on your deposit. It should be noted that each replenishment of the account with your own money is accompanied by receiving a bonus from the administration. In particular, for 10 rubles there are usually an additional 1250 units of in-game silver. By the way, this site has a surf function (). This makes it possible to independently earn the required amount of money without having to make investments. Then, when you earn 10 rubles from surfing, you can easily activate the money withdrawal function.

In this simple way you can easily get making money on birds and eggs without investment own money!As you can see, this is one of the few games about birds without payment points. You can work and earn money without your own investments. Among other things, if you take advantage of the proposed affiliate program, as well as expand the network of your referrals, you can easily.

To withdraw funds, there are 11 different payment systems. However, carefully look at the level of commission that you will have to pay (maybe another method will be more economical).

There are almost never any delays in payments. By the way, you can immediately withdraw funds directly to a bank card, or replenish mobile phone.

Video about the game Super Birds

How to make money online with birds

According to the method of play, similar economic investment games to make money on birds and eggs, are very similar and we will generally analyze it in more detail. The entire game can be divided into several simple blocks, each of which has its own purpose.

Best Bird Games to Make Money on Eggs

Last time games with birds that lay eggs began to appear quite often. But not all of them are created to allow people to earn money. In some cases, new projects are created by scammers whose only goal is to collect a large amount of money from users and then abandon the project. Therefore, we invite you to familiarize yourself with proven games with birds, that for a long time they have been paying people registered with them the money they earn, without going beyond the rules established on the projects.

- a reliable game where removed all restrictions on payment points and payments of earnings accumulated on birds , unlike other similar projects. Description .

– is a very unusual farm. There are many various bonuses from the administration, you receive up to 40% of funds from the top-ups of your referrals, there is an interesting area for games, as well possibility of instant withdrawal of funds to one of many payment systems, a bank card, or a mobile phone balance.

– the main “producers” of this game are also chickens. The main product is eggs.

If you don’t invest your own money, you need to attract referrals and receive 30% of the investment from them. But if you decide to make a deposit, then the administration will add another 100% of the money on top. There is a daily bonus for the project. Money is withdrawn to Yandex money or .

– after the first registration, a pleasant bonus is immediately awarded, the amount of which is equal to the amount for purchasing the starting bird. When you enter personal funds, you receive a bonus. The more money you deposit here, the higher the bonus (number of payment points) you can actually get. Referrals you attract also help increase the number of payment points.

Five levels are supported, but the final result directly depends on the activity of your partners. You can earn points in other ways. For example, winning at gambling, or after replenishing your own game account with 1000 rubles, you will be able to purchase them for game silver.

– the game is similar to the previous project. Bonuses for registration, daily visits, activity. By the way, there is the possibility of increasing the amount of available silver by exchanging the part set aside for withdrawal to the balance for purchases.

In this simple way, you receive an additional 10% of the transferred amount. The methods for obtaining points also do not differ from the previous project. The most reliable – attracting new users, for which you can use all the methods available on the network.

– the game is long-lived (it’s been running for almost two years). And the number of participants here is very impressive (over 700 thousand users). The project has a 3-level referral system, which provides for the accrual of payment points from all levels.

By the way, if you log into your account daily, you also receive payment points as a bonus. By the way, if you buy a royal bird, you can receive payment points from it. But you will have to fork out for it.

If you understand general principle of making money on birds and eggs, then that's itbest games with birds to make money on eggsmaster it without difficulty. Try not to invest all your money in one project, but rather in several parts. And the search for referrals should also be done for all gaming platforms at the same time. This will increase your income level and also reduce possible risks.

How to make money in games with withdrawal of money without investing your own funds

IN economic games You can get the opportunity to reach a normal level of income only through an initial small contribution. But if we remember that most users, not without reason, are wary of projects where they need to enter personal funds into the system, the best solution to the current situation may be an alternative that allows quickly raise money to invest in games without making any transfers from personal funds.

All you need to do in this case is to go through an easy registration by filling out simple forms on special sites where there is an easy opportunity to earn money. And then it’s simple: start doing basic things, such as clicking on special sites with advertising, surfing, reading letters, writing small thematic comments, putting likes, simple registrations, making subscriptions. They also make money here by joining various groups on social networks. All these are just basic and far from final directions that allow you to receive real, easy-to-cash money online.

In order not to be verbose, we offer a list of ten sites popular among users for making quick money on the Internet, where, without making much effort, you can pick up starting capital for investing in games and make it the basis for making money in economic games.

The best sites for making quick money on the Internet

– a project offering a wide variety of different tasks. Has been working for over 10 years. Here you can perform thousands of different simple actions every day, for which you pay real money. In addition to what has already been mentioned, you can also write and sell your own articles, attract and sell referrals, and use other areas to earn money.

– is considered the most popular on the Internet. Simple and affordable tasks in a huge assortment, and not only them, an interesting affiliate program, a larger number of performers than on the previous site, and, accordingly, the number of different tasks. The site has been regularly paying out everything that is earned here for more than one year.

– the main advantage of this project is the ability to download and install a special plugin with advertising in your browser, after launching which you will begin to receive passive income from viewing it. A great opportunity .

– the project is suitable for those who know how to express their thoughts on paper so that others will like it. The main direction of earning money here is.

Good prices, huge audience, impressive opportunities to earn real income.

– if you understand some area better than others and can describe it, then this is the place for you. For every detailed and high-quality answer to a question, you will receive real money. Your answers must be at least 1000 characters. True, they pay for them an amount not exceeding 10 cents. But for starting capital for investing in games and they will do .

– the basic level of earnings here is writing texts. If you want it well and quickly, then it’s best to start writing reviews for various products, services, and actions. There are other, less paying jobs related to social media.

– the site is aimed at social media, but there are many tasks here related to writing a wide variety of comments, reviews, and other texts. To make yours even bigger, you can simply use all your existing social media accounts.

– a site that you won’t find simpler. All that is needed here is to solve the symbols (letters and numbers) in the picture and enter it into a special form (guessing a captcha). Behind Get 1000 captchas within 50 rubles .

– a project where you can do well. All the same numerous simple tasks of a wide variety of directions. Everyone will find something interesting for themselves.

Each of the sites listed above can helpaccumulate start-up capital for further investment in economic games. Moreover, this is done quickly, at a convenient time and without any investments. The amount that you can receive in this way depends solely on you (some users receive from such simple click projects up to $300 monthly ).

Well, then you have a real chance to not only make money on birds and eggs, but also to become a successful investor and receive a stable profit from your investments in games with money withdrawal. Thank you all for your attention, don’t forget that you can just get great money, we are waiting for your comments and ratings for the article!

On the Internet there are a considerable number of games about birds laying virtual eggs. By selling eggs, players receive earnings in the form of game currency, which can then be withdrawn to a real account - an online wallet, mobile phone or bank card.

So, some of these poultry farms have been operating for a long time and allow users to earn money, i.e. They pay consistently for quite a long time - from several months and even several years. Others, on the contrary, literally appeared only yesterday or the day before yesterday, and it is not known exactly how the newly created projects will develop further.

Since making money on eggs and birds is one of the popular genres among investment games, we decided to unite everyone verified for payments birds we know about in one selection.

A selection of the best games about birds and eggs

The selection of games about laying birds and their eggs includes the best long-lived poultry farms, in which you can play and earn money without investing money, or with the help of investments - all at the choice of the players themselves. Some of the projects for the selection were taken from monitoring games and farms, others were supplemented with several poultry farms that were not represented on the main one.

Note: All bird games monitored for withdrawal of money. If the project is in the selection, it means 100% pays. And don’t forget the proverb: “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”

List of TOP games about birds.

Game about birds "Rich Birds"
Rich Birds – Rich birds
The long-lived poultry farm has been operating for several years. The game has interesting features and bonuses: referral status (see what this is on the project), birds for completed tasks from the administration, lottery drawings, etc. In general, one of the best poultry farms that makes money on their eggs.
Start of the project Payment points
10-06-2014 yes (available through the exchange)
Registration Bonus Bonus once a day
1000 silver – 10 RUB from 10 to 150 silver
Minimum investment Interest on deposit
30 RUB (purchase of birds, activation of payments) up to +200% to deposit
Wallets for payments Additionally
Yandex.Money, Payeer, Qiwi, Webmoney, OOOPay gaming zone, lotteries, silver exchange, savings bank, referral bonus, exchanger +10%
Registration View review
Game about birds “Golden Birds”
Golden Birds – Golden Birds

A poultry farm that rightfully takes its place in this selection for fair and fast payments. This is how the project has paid millions of dollars to players over the course of several years and continues to operate steadily. Definitely one of the best games about birds and eggs. Competitions are held on an ongoing basis, with daily bonuses for the purchase of birds being distributed to all participants. Updated engine and payment module.
Start of the project Payment points
13-10-2013 There is
Registration Bonus Bonus once a day
No from 10 to 100 silver
Minimum investment Interest on deposit
possible without investment up to +200% and birds to the deposit
Wallets for payments Additionally
Yandex.Money, Payeer, Qiwi, Webmoney money contests, exchanger +20%
Registration View review
Game about birds “Top Birds”
Top Birds – Top Birds

These birds are represented by the reliable company Etalon, which has several paying games. Overall, this is a very good and promising project for making money on eggs. It works on the principle of seasonality, i.e. There are no points limiting payouts, and you can withdraw funds without replenishments and restrictions. And if you are an investor, then smart investments in a poultry farm will not only pay off, but also make a net profit.
Start of the project Payment points
14-11-2017 no (open seasonally)
Registration Bonus Bonus once a day
green bird – 15 RUB from 0.05 to 0.35 RUB (with a deposit of 50 RUB)
Minimum investment Interest on deposit
possible without investment deposit bonuses
Wallets for payments Additionally
many payment systems add. games, exclusive birds, nesting, competitions, achievements, refunds
Registration View review
Game about birds "Chickens Farm"
Chickens Farm – Chicken Farm

Is a chicken a bird? Yes, but it doesn't fly. In this poultry farm, chickens will lay your eggs. There are 5 chickens to choose from of varying productivity and profitability. Simple marketing simple game about birds - there are no special features or additional functionality.
Start of the project Payment points
28-07-2015 There is
Registration Bonus Bonus once a day
5000 silver – 50 RUB from 10 to 100 silver
Minimum investment Interest on deposit
10 RUB (purchase of birds, activation of payments) up to +200% to deposit
Wallets for payments Additionally
Yandex.Money, Payeer exchanger +10%
Registration View review
Game about birds “Cash Birds”
Cash Birds – Cash Birds

In this game eggs will be laid angry birds. Engriks are bought forever (birds have no lifespan), the warehouse is not filled with eggs - collect when it is convenient.
Start of the project Payment points
17-10-2017 There is
Registration Bonus Bonus once a day
Angry bird level 1 – 100 RUB from 10 to 100 silver
Minimum investment Interest on deposit
100 RUB (purchase of birds, activation of payments) various promotions
Wallets for payments Additionally
Yandex.Money, Payeer, Qiwi wheel of fortune, exchanger +20%, contests

How to make money on birds and eggs? Earning scheme

If suddenly you are not familiar with making money on birds and eggs (although I am sure that this is not the case), then here is a diagram explaining the essence of the game:

  1. After registration, the player buys birds (using bonus funds or funds deposited into the game). The more expensive the bird, the more eggs it will lay, and the more the player will earn. Usually the section where birds are purchased has names like “Store”, “Buy Birds”, “Buying Birds”. Immediately after purchasing the birds, the automatic accumulation of eggs will begin;
  2. Now you need to collect eggs in the “Egg Warehouse” section. You can collect them at any convenient time (once a month, day, hour), but, as a rule, no more than once every 10 minutes. In some poultry farms, the warehouse tends to be 100% full, then you need to go to the poultry farm every two days and collect eggs;
  3. Collected eggs must be sold through system market(usually the name of the section is “Selling eggs”), for this you will be credited with game coins or silver to your balance for withdrawal;
  4. Withdraw funds using any available method;
  5. Use where provided, additional options and opportunities to earn more on eggs and birds. For example, you browse websites while surfing, complete tasks for payment, participate in an affiliate program, competitions, lotteries, etc.

Do you need investments to make money from your eggs?

Of course, a poultry farm can be developed without investment: all new participants are given a bonus in the form of a bird or a small game amount for its purchase, and players can also collect daily bonus, surf sites, do tasks. Over time, the required amount will accumulate on the balance.

Without investing time in the development of a poultry farm, the player will spend a lot before even getting a very meager income. Therefore, as we noted above, each user decides for himself how to play birdies - without deposits or through investing.

What else you need to know about making money on eggs

To maintain stable project economics and timely payments, poultry farms can use the following work models and some restrictions:

  • work on the principle of restarts - preferable for investors and users without investments;
  • lifespan of birds, warehouse occupancy - the same as the previous work model;
  • the presence of payment points is unprofitable for investors, beneficial for referral providers.

Choosing the right game with birds will not only allow you to have a good time, but also make money on eggs. Profit to everyone!

What kinds of bird games are there to make money on eggs on the Internet? How to make money in Money Birds, Golden Birds or Super Birds? How to get Cash Points in the Profit Birds cash-out game?

Some make money from Treasury bonds and Google shares, others from eggs. The first option is for people with decent starting capital, the second is For everyone. Especially for those who like to combine earnings and entertainment and who are not alien to healthy excitement.

As many have already realized, We are talking about the game "Birds". Or rather, about the whole industry of games of one direction. There are already dozens of games from this series - all with withdrawal of money, and all with earnings from selling eggs.

Denis Kuderin is with you, a financial expert of the HeatherBeaver project. I'll tell you what the games are MoneyBirds,ProfitBirds,GoldenBirds and the like, Is it possible to make money from eggs?, and how to make a profit from participating in the game without initial investment.

Read to the end - we are waiting for you at the end useful tips for beginner gamers. They will help you avoid typical mistakes newbies and not lose your money.

1. Earning money from eggs - profit without investment: myth or reality

I have friends, one of them is a student, the other is a pensioner, who have been playing the game “Money Birds” for several years and get a stable profit from the game. Let it be small, but constant - and most importantly, without much effort on the part of the gamers themselves.

I asked, How much time do they spend per day playing? Both answered the same - 20-30 minutes a day, not more. Both invested money only at the beginning of the game, that is, several years ago. Now they are receiving profit from both the sale of eggs and referral fees.

Making money and having fun at the same time is everyone’s dream. Well, the Money Birds are making that dream a reality. This is certainly not a goldmine, but it is definitely not wasted time.

I do not urge readers to drop everything and urgently transfer free funds to the accounts of numerous “bird” games and similar projects. You need to treat such a pastime exactly as entertainment that gives you a chance to earn some money.

There are several ways to make money on such games:

  • Buying birds, selling eggs for virtual silver and exchanging it for real money;
  • Attracting referrals (other users);
  • Training for beginners - yes, there are people willing to pay for a quick transition from the level of a novice user to an expert in all the nuances of the game;
  • Selling a promoted account on special sites and forums.

It is unlikely that you will be able to get a lot of money without investing a penny. Unless you Very a sociable person and will attract several hundred other users to the game. But if you deposit funds into your account, your chances of earning money will increase many times over.

Moreover, in such games there is a basic rule: withdrawal is available only to those who have deposited a certain amount into the account. True, the amount of the required contribution is minimal - 50-100 rubles .

And now more about what the game “Money Birds” and its analogues are. All these projects are economic games with money withdrawal.

Upon registration, each user receives a welcome bonus - 500 or 1000 coins of local currency (usually silver).

The player has the right to use these funds and deposit his personal savings into the account, which are converted into silver.

How to play:

  1. Buying birds– they begin to lay eggs. There are several types of birds: the more expensive they are, the more eggs they lay per hour.
  2. Eggs are piling up in the warehouse– you need to wait until there is a decent amount.
  3. You sell eggs for silver– internal currency accumulates on your account.
  4. Exchange silver for real money– or you buy more birds so that they lay more eggs.

The more birds a player has, the more eggs. The more eggs, the more silver. The more silver, the wider the possibilities.

The game begins to generate net profit at the moment when your initial investment pays off, and you start purchasing birds and selling eggs for money in excess of the deposit. This will already be real.

Where does the money come from in the game? They are brought there by other players. Each project has a so-called “reserve fund” - an amount that provides gamers with constant access to payments.

The game is available both on a desktop computer and on any mobile device with Internet access.

A separate income item for each “farmer” - referrals. If new gamers enter the game using your link, you receive a certain percentage of profit.

The commission is accrued if other players join the project through the link of the partner you invited. And so on - up to the 5th level (the number of referral levels in different games varies).

You should treat this type of income as entertainment, nothing more.

All this, of course, looks like a hype - a financial pyramid. I agree that there are some “pyramidal” signs in such games. The organizers do not even hide this, which does not prevent some projects from successfully existing for 2-3 years in a row or more.

2. How to make money on eggs on the Internet - step-by-step instructions for beginners

Let's move on to practice. This section is for those who want to try their hand as a poultry farm owner.

To begin, make sure that you are already 18 years old, and you are of sound mind and good memory. Are you sure? Then let's move on.

Step 1. Create an electronic wallet

Without an electronic wallet you will have nowhere withdraw earnings from selling eggs. And you won’t be able to put money into the game either. And you can’t cook porridge with welcome bonuses.

Each game offers the user many ways money input/output. The priority for some games is the Payeer payment system.

If you don’t want to use this system, more familiar methods are at your service: Qiwi,PayPal, YandexMoney, replenishment from cards Visa And MasterCard and many other ways to suit your taste.

Step 2. Select a game and register

I won’t say that all games are the same, and it doesn’t matter where you register. You need to choose a project - each of them there are certain nuances.

This time we will look at the best games for making money on eggs without investments with withdrawal of money to an electronic wallet. And let’s touch on the topic of the profitability of such games.

Making money on eggs is a popular family of economic games where you need to buy birds. They lay eggs that can be exchanged for gold or silver. Well, then the internal currency is exchanged for real money.

To make money on this without investment, it is necessary that such sites provide birds for free for registration, or provide ways to earn money within the game. However, there should not be Cash Points(point system).

TOP 3 games for making money on eggs without investments

Let us immediately note that the games below do not have payment points, so you can safely withdraw money. However, free birds bring pennies and it will take a long time to accumulate the minimum amount to withdraw funds.

Even more interesting games you can find in the new article -.

1. Money-Birds

Money-Birds- this is one of the oldest economic projects that used to have Cash Points, but they were removed in 2018 and now you can earn money without restrictions.

All this became possible thanks to the young team that bought Money-Birds. They also added registration bonus: 1000 silver and 1 roulette ticket!
It turns out that after registration you can immediately buy “ Green bird” and win another one at roulette, where 70% of the time another green bird lands. Now let's figure out how the earning process happens.

After you have chicks, they will bring a certain number of eggs to the warehouse. And the more expensive the chick, the higher the fertility will be. By the way, the warehouse tends to get overcrowded, so visit the “egg sales” section more often.
As you can see, 100 eggs = 1 silver, and 300 silver = 1 ruble. Fertility of the cheapest bird: 48 eggs per hour. In this case, 90% of all eggs are withdrawn, the rest is accumulated in the internal account in the game.

Now let's calculate how much money the bonus bird brings:

  • Green (for 10 rubles) - lays 1,152 eggs per day;
  • When exchanging them at the warehouse, we receive 10,368 silver for withdrawal;
  • Well, if you translate this into rubles, then it comes out to 0.03456 rubles per day;
  • And for the full lifespan (110 days) the profit will be 3.8 rubles.

Of course, you can log into Money-Birds every day and receive 10-150 silver, as well as make money on mini-games. But in the end, the profit will still be about 10 rubles for 4 months of playing.

We specially made a complete analysis of the game so that you understand what amounts we are talking about! Not a single game will give bonuses that will bring more than 10-15 rubles.

2. New-Birds

New-Birds- has a very similar design, rules and bonuses as in Money-Birds. But it seems so at first glance; in fact, all the differences lie in little things that lead us to a different amount for withdrawal.

There is also a bonus of 1000 silver coins with which we buy “ Green bird". It also produces 48 eggs per hour, but when selling stocks, only 50% is used for hatching. And also here 100 silver = 1 rub.

Here you can earn money from a bonus bird: 0.0576 rubles per day or 6,336 rubles. for the entire lifespan.


TOP-BIRDS- this is a completely different project, which differs both in design and rules. However, the procedure is the same, we collect eggs and sell them from the warehouse in order to withdraw money to the account in the future.

Here they give a bonus - green bird. To receive eggs from it, you need to activate your account, and for this you need to collect a bonus 50 times in the “profit collection” section. There you can press a button every hour and earn from 0.05 before 0.35 rub.

As a result, the Green Bird will bring:

  • Per day: 0.12 rub;
  • Per month: 3.6 rubles;
  • Adds experience: 3.

Because 70% of all profits goes to withdrawal, and 30% remains in the system, then the net earnings per month will be 2.52 RUR. This project has seasonality, which means that at some point the balance is reset to zero.

If you want to know more about different profitable games, be sure to write about it in the comments. Then we will fill this section with useful information more often!

Different games