Complaints about violations. Violations in the game How to complain about the use of cheats in wot

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  1. While in battle, press and hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard, select the intruder's nickname in the list of enemies or allies and click on it right click mice. In the menu that opens, select “Complain.” Or click “Block for the duration of the battle” so as not to receive messages from the user, and he will be added to the so-called black list, but only for this battle.
  2. A list of violations that you can complain about will open. Select the one you need.
  3. A notification will appear in the lower left corner of the screen indicating that your complaint has been accepted.
  4. If the violation is confirmed, account the violator will be subject to restrictions in accordance with the Rules of the Game.

Below is a list of points of the Game Rules, violation of which can only be reported using the “Complain” functionality. The Customer Support Center does not consider requests for such violations. You can file a complaint from battle no more than 10 times a day.

Violations that you can complain about from battle

  • Incorrect behavior in chat: insulting players in game chat, obscene language, threats, etc.; repeated messages; sending messages that do not contain meaning; threat of physical harm or intimidation of an opponent.
  • Idle/bot: use of third party software(bot programs, clickers, macros that control the keyboard, mouse, etc.), which allows you to carry out gaming actions without direct user participation.

How the system works

If you choose to use the "Report" feature, you automatically receive an unspoken "helper rating." The rating can:

  • demote - for false complaints;
  • increase - for justified complaints (confirmed as a result of an inspection);
  • remain unchanged - for complaints that were not processed.

The number of complaints that a player can submit during a day and battle is limited and depends on the rating of the assistant. Highly rated players can send up to ten messages per day. If an assistant's rating decreases, the number of complaints he can file per day (per battle) may decrease. Players with low ratings may be completely disabled from the “Report” functionality.

The system of rewards for useful messages and penalties for false ones is limited by the number of complaints that a player can send during the day.

How to file a complaint about a violation in the Hangar

If you find any violation in the Hangar (personal chat, invitation to a formation, etc.), please file a complaint with the User Support Center.

In the application, be sure to indicate the nickname of the violator and attach to it the original screenshot with the recorded fact of the violation.

  • My applications
  • My bans
  1. While in battle, press and hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard, select the intruder's nickname in the list of enemies or allies and right-click on it. In the menu that opens, select “Complain.” Or click “Block for the duration of the battle” so as not to receive messages from the user, and he will be added to the so-called black list, but only for this battle.
  2. A list of violations that you can complain about will open. Select the one you need.
  3. A notification will appear in the lower left corner of the screen indicating that your complaint has been accepted.
  4. If the violation is confirmed, a restriction will be imposed on the violator’s account in accordance with the Game Rules.

Below is a list of points of the Game Rules, violation of which can only be reported using the “Complain” functionality. The Customer Support Center does not consider requests for such violations. You can file a complaint from battle no more than 10 times a day.

Violations that you can complain about from battle

  • Incorrect behavior in chat: insulting players in game chat, obscene language, threats, etc.; repeated messages; sending messages that do not contain meaning; threat of physical harm or intimidation of an opponent.
  • Idle/bot: the use of third-party software (bot programs, clickers, macros that control the keyboard, mouse, etc.), which allows game actions to be carried out without direct user participation.

How the system works

If you choose to use the "Report" feature, you automatically receive an unspoken "helper rating." The rating can:

  • demote - for false complaints;
  • increase - for justified complaints (confirmed as a result of an inspection);
  • remain unchanged - for complaints that were not processed.

The number of complaints that a player can submit during a day and battle is limited and depends on the rating of the assistant. Highly rated players can send up to ten messages per day. If an assistant's rating decreases, the number of complaints he can file per day (per battle) may decrease. Players with low ratings may be completely disabled from the “Report” functionality.

The system of rewards for useful messages and penalties for false ones is limited by the number of complaints that a player can send during the day.

How to file a complaint about a violation in the Hangar

If you find any violation in the Hangar (personal chat, invitation to a formation, etc.), please file a complaint with the User Support Center.

In the application, be sure to indicate the nickname of the violator and attach to it the original screenshot with the recorded fact of the violation.

In World of Tanks, the creators took care of fair play and created a notification system for player violations. During a battle, a player can report another person if he breaks the rules, insults players or uses prohibited programs. If you are nervous about communication in such a dynamic game as WoT, then you can play calmer ones.

How the system works

To prevent people from abusing notifications, the developers have made restrictions: maximum - no more than 5 complaints per day. If a player uses this system, he is automatically awarded a "helper rating". The rating increases when a player complains about an offender for valid reasons. And, accordingly, it decreases if the complaints are unreliable. Such “helpers” with a negative rating can themselves get banned. The number of complaints increases and decreases depending on the rating. Highly rated assistants receive a number of privileges.

Banning a player in World of Tanks voice chat

The player can also take advantage of blocking a player who is using voice communication unnecessarily: “spams”, shouts or insults other people. To ban such an “offender”, open the command window, find the nickname of this player and right-click on it. In the context menu, select “turn off voice messages.” That's it, now the voice of the intruder will not be heard by you.

The violation notification system is available both in the Hangar and directly during the battle. The system works in such a way that you can choose a ready-made complaint option. In a duel, this interface can be called up by holding down the Ctrl key (the button is the default, in the game options you can set a different key) and calling the menu on the user icon. The player cannot enter his comments.

Players are given seven complaint options:

  1. Damage to allied players. Deliberately shooting at own players. Random shots are not taken into account by the system.
  2. Insults and incitement of ethnic hatred. Bypassing censorship, insults and threats.
  3. Spam (messages that do not carry any semantic meaning). The player repeats the same phrase in the chat, which has no meaning, meaningless messages, advertising.
  4. Revealing the positions of allied players. Deliberate trolling and description of positions of allied players.
  5. Inaction, bot breeding. Avoiding the game for a long time, using prohibited programs (a bot is a code that itself controls the tank).
  6. Pushing an ally out. Pushing players out of cover, throwing them into cliffs, etc.
  7. Unsportsmanlike behavior of allies or opponents. A series of actions that interfere with the normal process of combat.

Petitions in World of Tanks

There are also petitions in the game that are sent personally World Administration of Tanks. In them, the player can report a major violation. In addition to messages, you can attach a screenshot or video to the petition, which will show the violation or the use of third-party software. This method is the most effective. And if the administration discovers violations in such videos or screenshots, it immediately bans the player.

Sometimes we encounter violations of the rules in the game that interfere gameplay, distract from him and reduce the chances of winning.

Anyone faced with a similar problem may ask the question: “How to deal with such hooligans, what to do in this case?”

First of all, in no case should you be like a violator and respond in kind - since you will also be considered a violator. Remember that we apply everything possible ways search to eradicate violations, but this takes some time. That is why every player who notices a violation can personally influence the future of the offender and help punish him.

To facilitate communication and timely notification of the Support Center about violations, an in-game complaint system was created - “Complain”. The system is very convenient and easy to use: during the battle you can provide information about violations, and we can take timely measures. As a result, we process more complaints and punish dishonest players in accordance with the Rules of the Game.

You can complain about the following violations:

  • inappropriate behavior in chat;
  • unsportsmanlike conduct;
  • prohibited nickname or clan;
  • inaction and bots.

Such a system is an effective and convenient tool for combating violators.

Operating principles of the system

The violation notification system allows you to report a player directly in battle. If you believe that a player's actions violate the Game Rules, always report it.

To exclude numerous unfounded complaints, a limit was introduced on their number - no more than 10 per day. “Unused” complaints are not carried over to the next day.

Principles for handling complaints

Processing of complaints from players and subsequent punishment of violators is carried out in semi-automatic mode. All complaints are checked to eliminate the possibility of blocking an innocent person.

The initial processing of information takes place on the basis of received complaints, and then a detailed analysis of the situation is carried out: statistical data, message history, etc. are analyzed. Based on the results of the check, a decision is made to block the violators. The degree of punishment and the period of limitation are determined by the current Rules of the Game.

Why is it important to use the system?

As mentioned earlier, the Center conducts independent inspections, but thanks to incoming complaints, it is possible to find the violator much faster.

Thus, with the direct participation of players, it improves gaming atmosphere. Users who send complaints help others avoid similar problems, and help those who are at fault to realize that they were wrong and in the future treat others more respectfully. Only through joint efforts can we make our game comfortable.

Statistics are collected on all incoming complaints, which helps to develop the system and make decisions about its updates and additions, as well as maintain full story violations of each player.

Thank you for not remaining on the sidelines and helping to make the game even better.

Questions and answers

Why is the number of complaints not increasing?

The number of complaints has already been increased from 5 to 10, but we are still considering a plan to further increase them. We regularly analyze current statistics and, based on them, decide whether to increase the number of complaints and by how much.

How are the developers going to deal with players who, after the expiration of the restriction, will break the rules again?

Users who are caught committing systematic violations will receive longer penalties, up to and including permanent account blocking.

How is the fact of a violation confirmed?

All complaints that were submitted using the “Complain” system are processed by the Support Center. We cannot disclose our algorithm in more detail so as not to give violators the opportunity to bypass it.

What to do if the existing complaints are not enough?

Try to complain only about the worst offenders. If you are playing in a platoon, you can agree on who will send the complaint, and you can also ask other players on your team to do this.

Will there be an option in the game to file a complaint against the entire team?

There are currently no plans to add such a feature. But if you have a suspicion that you have witnessed a fixed fight, feel free to send an application to the CPP.

What happens if I receive unfounded complaints? Is there any protection against this?

All complaints received are thoroughly checked. Restrictions are not issued for unfounded complaints. If you have received a block but do not know the reason, contact the Support Center.

How can I complain about a player who pesters me with invitations to join a platoon/company? What about the one who annoyingly writes me private messages?

On this moment You cannot send a complaint from the Hangar. If you do not want to receive messages from a certain player, add him to your ignore list. In addition, in the settings there is an option “Accept invitations only from friends.”

What should you do if the game suddenly stops launching or starts crashing at the most inopportune moment? Who can help me figure it out after my gaming property goes missing? Where to contact if you have lost control of your account?

Some users, especially beginners, when faced with a problem, choose the wrong course of action. A request for help is often made in the form of an entry on a gaming forum, and sometimes in a topic that is dedicated to discussing completely different issues. Some write personal messages to the developers, others ask questions in the game chat. Unfortunately, none of these methods will help the player in his trouble. If you carefully read the forum, sometimes you can actually find advice on how to solve problems. But still, the most reliable method was and remains to contact the User Support Center, which operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The player only needs to submit an application.

All requests received by the User Support Center are divided into categories depending on the problem encountered by the user. Let's take a brief look at how a person seeking technical support should behave, depending on the reason.

1. Lost control over the game account

This is one of the most common problems at the moment, so let's start with it.

Typically, loss of control over an account is associated with hacking of the user's email. If you have lost control of your mail, the first thing you need to do is contact the support service of the mail service you use to restore your mail. Otherwise, the attacker will be able to take over the game account again. Restoring control over mail is one of the main conditions for restoring an account in the game (recovering a password if there is no link to mobile phone, as well as binding to the phone is carried out using a mailbox).

At the same time, you need to submit a request to the User Support Center. Describe in it everything that happened, as well as all the actions you took to regain control of the account. To submit a request to the User Support Center, use these instructions. Please note that authorization is not required to submit a claim for loss of account control. You are only required to fill out the application form completely. After this, be patient and wait for the specialist’s response. Applications in this category are generally reviewed within two weeks of submission.

More detailed information steps to regain control and security measures can be found.

2. You made a payment, but the gold is not there game account not received

Please note that payments may be delayed by up to 24 hours.

If you made a payment through a payment terminal, first of all you need to contact the organization servicing it. You can find the telephone number of such an organization either on the payment receipt or on the terminal itself.

If gold has not been credited to your account within 24 hours, please submit a request to the User Support Center, section “Financial Issues” > “Failed Payments”. When filling out an application, it is important to fill out all information fields.

The processing time for an application is usually two days from the date of submission.

You can get additional information on financial issues.

3. You feel like there's something wrong with your gaming property.

Before writing an application, we strongly recommend that you read. She can help you figure out for yourself what happened and, importantly, whether it happened at all. If you have read this material, but are still sure that something is wrong with your property, then contact the User Support Center. The application is reviewed within two days from the date of submission.

4. You are having technical problems

Once logged in to the site, fill out the application form. This must be done in as much detail as possible, but avoiding obviously unnecessary details. If you have captured the problem that has arisen in a screenshot, you can attach this screenshot to the application.

To better understand the situation, Help Center may ask you for diagnostic information about your computer, operating system, drivers, integrity of the game client, and if there are network problems, diagnostic data for the Internet connection.

You can obtain the necessary information using the special WGCheck utility. Instructions for its use are available.

5. You suffered due to a violation of the Game Rules by another player, or you were a violator and want to appeal the punishment imposed by the project administration

We would like to warn you right away: employees do not consider applications for violations of the Rules of the Game listed in the “Complain” functionality. You can report such violations only through the “Complain” functionality. Learn more about how to file a complaint about game violation, you can find out in this article.

Please note that restrictions imposed on your account by the automatic system for tracking damage to allied equipment and through the “Complain” functionality are not subject to appeal.

Complete list of prohibited actions World players of Tanks, you can read on the official forum of the game.

An application to appeal a punishment can only be submitted in the first person. This means that messages that the rules were violated in relation to your friend and your friend is asking to appeal the punishment will not be considered.

In addition, applications regarding conflicts within clans will not be considered. These are the internal affairs of clan members, in which the administration does not interfere in principle.

Applications to appeal restrictions are considered on an individual basis, the processing time depends on the complexity of the situation and the workload of the User Support Center.

A complaint about a violation of the Game Rules that is not listed in the “Complain” functionality can be filed within seven days from the date of violation. Complaints about earlier events will not be considered.

6. You have any problems general issues about World of Tanks

Before asking a question to the support staff, we recommend reading. It is quite possible that the answer to your question has already been given in one of the topics.

If you do submit an application, it will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis.

Remember one more important rule. If you send requests of the same type to the User Support Center, then each new request will be merged with the old one, and the review period will begin to count from the moment the last one is submitted. Thus, by showing impatience you will only delay the process of solving the problem.

We wish you good luck on the virtual battlefields and a speedy resolution of all emerging difficulties!
