The meaning of the game is about comprehensive development. The role of play in the comprehensive development of children, consultation on the topic. In the field of aesthetic development

Game is one of those types of children's activities that is used by adults to educate preschoolers, teaching them various actions with objects, methods and means of communication. In play, a child develops as a personality, he develops those aspects of his psyche on which the success of his educational and work activities, and his relationships with people will subsequently depend.

For example, in the game such a quality of a child’s personality is formed as self-regulation of actions taking into account the tasks of quantitative activity. The most important achievement is the acquisition of a sense of collectivism. It not only characterizes the moral character of the child, but also significantly reconstructs his intellectual sphere, since in collective game there is an interaction of different meanings, the development of event content and the achievement of a common game goal.

It has been proven that children gain their first experience of collective thinking through play. Scientists believe that children's games spontaneously but naturally arose as a reflection of the labor and social activities of adults. However, it is known that the ability to play does not arise through automatic transfer, learned in the game. Everyday life.

We need to get children involved in the game. And the success of society’s transmission of its culture to the younger generation depends on what content adults will invest in the games offered to children.

It should be emphasized that the fruitful development of social experience occurs only under the condition of the child’s own activity in the process of his activities. It turns out that if the teacher does not take into account the active nature of acquiring experience, the most perfect, at first glance, methodological techniques for teaching the game and managing the game do not achieve their practical goal.

The tasks of comprehensive education in the game are successfully implemented only if the psychological basis is formed play activity in every age period. This is due to the fact that the development of play is associated with significant progressive transformations in the child’s psyche, and, above all, in his intellectual sphere, which is the foundation for the development of all other aspects of the child’s personality.

Mental education of children in play

In the game, the formation of perception, thinking, memory, speech - those fundamental mental processes, without sufficient development of which it is impossible to talk about raising a harmonious personality.

The level of development of a child’s thinking determines the nature of his activity and the intellectual level of its implementation.

The teacher must remember that any activity of children is aimed at solving a specific problem. The main task has many intermediate ones, the solution of which will transform the conditions and thereby facilitate the achievement of the goal. Practical problems that a child must solve are different from educational ones. The content of game tasks is dictated by life itself, the child’s environment, his experience, and knowledge.

The child gains experience in his own activities and learns a lot from teachers and parents. Various knowledge and impressions enrich his spiritual world, and all this is reflected in the game.

Solving game problems with the help of objective actions takes the form of using increasingly generalized gaming ways knowledge of reality. The child drinks the doll from a cup, then replaces it with a cube and then simply puts his hand to the doll’s mouth. This means that the child solves game problems at a higher intellectual level.

It also happens in practice that the teacher, not understanding the meaning of the generalized playful actions of children’s thinking, demands from them collective actions that are as similar as possible to practical ones.

Firstly, if everything that happens to a child in everyday life is transferred to the game, then it will simply disappear, because it will disappear main feature- an imaginary situation.

Secondly, the game, reflecting a well-known but poorly generalized life situation, involuntarily comes to a dead end. At the same time, it is known that in everyday life children receive not only clear, concrete knowledge, but also unclear, hypothetical ones. For example, a child knows who a sailor is, but he does not understand what he does. To clarify his ideas, during the game he asks questions and, having received an answer, acquires quite clear knowledge, however new information raises new questions. This is how the continuous process of knowledge occurs. It is accomplished in practical activities and in play. The game is a special form of cognition of the surrounding reality. The specificity of game tasks is that in them the goal is presented in an imaginary, imaginary form, which differs from a practical goal in that the expected result is not certain and its achievement is not necessary.

Very important point is to establish continuity of content outside of gaming experience and play. This is not about copying real objective actions in the game, but about understanding them and transferring them into the game. A more generalized game action transfers the game itself to a qualitatively new intellectual basis.

Particularly indicative is the replacement of a game action with a word. The motive of the game is not the action with objects, but the communication of children with each other, which reflects the interactions and relationships of people.

When the necessary level of thinking is formed, the child is able to replace the image of another person - take on a role and act in accordance with its content.

A child’s personal qualities are formed in active activities, and, above all, in those activities that are leading at each age stage and determine his interests, attitudes toward reality, and the characteristics of relationships with people around him. IN preschool age such a leading activity is play.

Game is one of those types of children's activities that are used by adults to educate preschoolers, teach them various actions with objects, methods and means of communication. In play, all aspects of a child’s personality are formed in unity and interaction. He develops those aspects of his psyche on which the success of his educational and work activities and his relationship with people will subsequently depend.

Play is a meaningful and active activity for a child, in which he willingly and voluntarily participates. New experience, acquired in the game, becomes the personal property of the child.

Play is a natural form of children’s existence, and the most direct path to achieving mutual understanding with a child is through play action. But a child’s ability to play does not arise by automatically transferring into play what he has learned in everyday life. We need to get children involved in the game. Playing with children requires high professionalism from the teacher, awakening many abilities and talents. A teacher who has a good command of gaming skills will be able to achieve with their help a wide variety of pedagogical goals aimed at the intellectual and personal development of the child.

The tasks of comprehensive education are successfully implemented in the game, provided that the psychological basis of gaming activity is formed in each age period. The development of play is associated with significant transformations in the child’s psyche.

By the end of the third and beginning of the fourth year of life, children in many play situations are fluent in various ways of displaying reality.

The transition from actions to their verbal designation indicates the emergence of the child’s ability for abstract thinking, and, consequently, important transformations in his intellectual sphere.

At an older age, object-mediated actions are replaced by role-playing modes of action and methods of communication characteristic of plot-based role-playing games.

Currently, the issue of increasing the role of games in the comprehensive education of children in preschool institutions is very relevant. The monotony and stereotyping of games, the absence of any significant differences in the behavior in the game of children of different ages were repeatedly noted. age groups, their inability to play together, a rare manifestation of initiative and elements of creativity in the game.

For a game to emerge, it is necessary not only to provide children with gaming material, but also to conduct training appropriate to the game.

The source that feeds the game is real experience, a wide variety of knowledge about the environment. And here it is necessary to highlight the knowledge that is associated with the social experience of children, reflecting the interactions and relationships of people in the process of their communication, work, and leisure.

Children who actively come into contact with the adults around them personal experience They become convinced of the need to learn certain norms of communication and interaction, learn to be attentive to each other, and try to take into account the character and mood of their partner.

Various works of art and objects of fine art also contribute to the enrichment of games.

Children's mastery of various play activities in cooperative game with adults lead to a complication of their independent activities, an expansion of the range of semantic situations that the children strive to recreate in their play.

At each age stage ped. the process must include moments of formation gaming skills in joint play between an adult and a child. In such conditions, it will be easy for every child to connect to game events and experience a feeling of intellectual joy from the fact that he speaks freely, expresses his opinion, makes discoveries for himself in the living world of words and concepts.

When planning games you should consider age characteristics children, what interests them, excites what they are trying to reflect in their games. All this will help determine the content of game tasks and actions that are interesting for children. I would also like to note that play helps children develop a positive attitude towards work. Play and work are inextricably linked. Primary labor skills are developed in the play of early childhood, and at an older age children show an active interest in the work of adults.

A special place is occupied by games created by children themselves. These are plot-based role-playing games. Here children reproduce everything that they see around them - the life and activities of adults. In the yoke, the child begins to feel like a member of the team, and fairly evaluates the actions and deeds of his comrades and his own. Moral qualities formed in the game influence the child’s behavior in life, and the skills developed in the process of children’s everyday communication with each other and with adults are further developed in the game. The mental activity of children in play is associated with the work of imagination: you need to find a role for yourself, imagine how the person you want to imitate acts, what he says. Imagination develops in search of means to accomplish what is planned. This is how creativity develops in play.

abilities of a preschooler.

The development of children's creativity is promoted creative games. The focus that brings together all aspects of the personality in such games is the concept, the content of the game and the gaming experiences associated with it. In games with rules, the main thing is to solve the problem. Children are captivated only by games that require effort of thought and will, and overcoming difficulties.

Creative play cannot be subordinated to narrow didactic purposes, with its help the main educational tasks are solved.

In creative games, an important and complex process of mastering knowledge takes place, which mobilizes mental capacity, his imagination, attention, memory. Children learn to independently solve game problems, find The best way implementation of plans, use your knowledge, express them in words.

Through play, a child enters the world of adults and masters spiritual values. Children have their first dreams about their future profession.

Games with rules have a different purpose: they provide the opportunity for systematic exercises necessary for the development of thinking, feelings and speech, voluntary attention and memory, observation and intelligence.

Thanks to the presence of game actions, didactic games used in the classroom make learning more entertaining, emotional, help increase children's voluntary attention, and create the prerequisites for a deeper mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities. Didactic games contribute to the improvement of movements, expressiveness of speech, the development of creative imagination, and a bright, heartfelt portrayal of the image. The more meaningful the game actions and rules didactic games, the more active the child acts.

In order for children to be raised in games successfully, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions: allocate sufficient time to games, both in the family and at home, organize a comfortable, calm environment, and select gaming materials. Toys must be arranged so that it is convenient to take them and put them away, they must have a specific place.

MBDOU kindergarten No. 14 “Rosinka”

Consultation for parents

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The role of play in the comprehensive education and development of a child.

A small child constantly needs activity and gets tired not from it, but from its monotony.

Play for a preschool child is the leading and most natural type of activity, an important condition for full mental, moral, aesthetic, physical development, and his socialization in society.

Children's games in general are the only natural work of a child, which he undertakes without coercion or external influence. At the same time, they are an excellent way to instill almost all the character qualities that we value in people, but which we often try to instill through verbal, i.e. verbal, methods or simple habituation, training or exercise.

By playing, a child learns to live. During the game, he quite easily masters it, understands the essence and remembers its basic rules. In the future, such skills will be useful to him, in particular when studying at school. Moreover, during the game, depending on its progress, the child must evaluate the situation and make decisions independently; learns the need for cooperation, learns to respect the rights of another participant in the game, learns to restrain himself and his negative emotions; in return expresses goodwill and sincerity.

No other activity can give a preschool child so much positive emotions, which he needs so much for healthy mental and physical development. Games are no less beneficial at older ages, but only if their social content is deepened.

Even a combination of different types of activities does not cause a sharp change in dynamic stereotypes, does not upset the child’s mental balance, but becomes a consistent fragment of his life, which unfolds directly.

The main thing is not to allow (especially under the age of 3 years) a sharp, rapid transition from one type of activity to another, which does not have any logical connection with the previous one, especially if it is little known or completely unknown to the child. This causes protest, reluctance, even painful fear of what is new that is being offered. This is why children react painfully to being distracted from a toy or game that completely captivates them.

By categorically interfering in the world of children's play, adults injure and destroy the world of fantasy, traumatize the child's psyche, deform his imagination, or, finally, provide false patterns of behavior with the feelings of others and attitudes towards the results of their work. That's why it's so important to be tactful with children, busy playing games and toys. Don’t rush to stop them, even if you have your own plans - on the contrary, take the time to ask what game your child is interested in and what its meaning is. Join in unobtrusively - play along, and you will feel the child’s special gratitude and interest in you.

Thanks to the game situation, you can teach your child something educational and useful. As observations show, preschoolers are very fond of playing games such as “Mothers and Daughters”, “Home”, “Away” and others. Parents can always direct their stories towards mastering certain rules of life in the family, performing duties and observing ethical behavior and relationships.

Guided by the popular wisdom that “it is easier to raise children than to re-educate them” and “you need to start raising them when the child is still lying across the bed,” you should always take care of what, how and with whom your child is doing. And in order to direct him towards positive thoughts and good deeds, it is advisable to pay more attention to games of moral content: they can be both active, say, during the day, and quite calm - before bed.

Games such as “The Magic Word” (when every request and action must be accompanied by the proper selection and use of polite, pleasant words) have a positive educational effect; “One-stop shop” (when a child mentally finds himself in a situation of choice, in which he has the right to choose only one from a large offer of different possible desires).

By the way, a similar situation “in the store” can be used to help children navigate the possibilities of the family budget, the usefulness or excess of certain things; learned to make conscious choices for which they themselves would have to answer in case of failure; “Good - bad” (when in a play situation the essence of good and bad is revealed to the child, and he develops a system of ideas about the cause-and-effect relationships of various actions, actions and behavior in general) and others.

Such games will always contribute to the formation of the child’s ideas about politeness, the priority of desires and needs, the possibility of satisfying them, and will develop and enrich his language, even if you do not clearly set such an educational goal for yourself.

One of the effective means of comprehensive development and education of a child in early preschool age is theatrical games, which are close and understandable to both children and adults, primarily because it is based on play. Play is the leading activity of preschool children, and theater is one of the most democratic and accessible forms of art, which allows solving many pressing problems of pedagogy and psychology related to artistic and moral education, the development of personal communicative qualities, the development of imagination, fantasy, initiative and etc.

The significance and specificity of theatrical games lie in empathy, cognition, and the impact of the artistic image on the individual. Theater is one of the most accessible forms of art for children, helping to solve many pressing problems of pedagogy and psychology related to:

With art education and raising children;

Formation of aesthetic taste;

Moral education;

Development of personal communicative qualities;

Education of will, development of memory, imagination, initiative, fantasy, speech;

Creating a positive emotional mood, relieving tension, resolving conflict situations through play.

The educational possibilities of theatrical activities are wide. This is an opportunity to reveal the creative potential of a child and nurture the creative orientation of the individual. Children learn to notice interesting ideas in the world around them, implement them, create their own artistic image of a character, and they develop creative imagination, associative thinking, the ability to see the unusual in the ordinary. Theatrical play is one of the brightest emotional means that shapes the artistic taste of children.

Collective theatrical activities are aimed at a holistic impact on the child’s personality, his emancipation, independent creativity, and the development of leading mental processes; promotes self-knowledge and personal self-expression; creates conditions for socialization, enhancing adaptive abilities, corrects communication skills, helps to realize a sense of satisfaction, joy, and success.

The moral and aesthetic education of children through theatrical games contributes to familiarization with its expressive language, which lays the foundation for the formation of skills of perception, understanding and interpretation of actions that form the moral foundations, ideas, and actions of a person; the formation of mutual communication and teamwork skills, which are studied by theater pedagogy.

Theatrical play, as one of the types of games, is an effective means of socializing a preschooler in the process of his understanding the moral implications of a literary or folklore work and participating in a game that is of a collective nature, which creates favorable conditions for developing a sense of partnership and mastering ways of positive interaction. In theatrical play, emotional development occurs: children get acquainted with the feelings and moods of the characters, master the ways of their external expression, and understand the reasons for this or that mood. The importance of theatrical play is also great for speech development(improving dialogues and monologues, mastering the expressiveness of speech). Finally, theatrical play is a means of self-expression and self-realization for the child.

By participating in theatrical activities, children get acquainted with the world around them through images, colors, sounds, and skillfully posed questions force children to think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. WITH mental development The improvement of speech is also closely related. In the process of theatrical play, the child’s vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of his speech and its intonation structure are improved. Role performed, spoken remarks put the baby in front of the need to express himself clearly, distinctly, and intelligibly. His dialogic speech and its grammatical structure improve.

Theatrical activity is a source of development of feelings, deep experiences of the child, and introduces him to spiritual values. It is equally important that theatrical games develop the emotional sphere of the child and make him sympathize with the characters.

Theatrical games also allow you to develop the experience of social behavior skills due to the fact that every literary work or fairy tale for preschool children always has a moral orientation. Favorite heroes become role models and identification. It is the child’s ability to identify with his favorite image that has a positive impact on the formation of personality traits.

In addition, theatrical activities allow the child to solve many problematic situations indirectly on behalf of a character. This helps overcome timidity, self-doubt, and shyness.

Joint theatrical and play activities are a unique type of cooperation. Everyone is equal in it: the child, the teacher, mothers, fathers, grandparents. By playing with adults, children learn valuable communication skills.

Theatrical activities are not included in the system of organized education for children in kindergarten. Teachers use it in their work mainly to develop the creative potential of children and most often as a performance for a holiday, and in everyday life - quite haphazardly, episodically, at their own discretion, often in order to make the life of children in the group more exciting and varied. And some teachers even leave the dramatization game to the children. However, this type of activity contains great opportunities for solving a number of problems from different educational areas related to the speech, social, aesthetic, and cognitive development of the child, which are, to one degree or another, solved today in the process of organized education.

In the field cognitive development:

Development of diverse ideas about reality

Observation of natural phenomena and animal behavior

Ensuring the relationship between construction and theatrical play for the development of spatial concepts, creativity, and intellectual initiative

Development of memory, anticipatory imagination, learning the ability to plan your actions to achieve results

In the field of social development:

Formation of positive relationships between children in the process of joint activities

Nurturing a culture of learning for adults and children

Education of aesthetically valuable ways of communication in accordance with the norms and rules of life in society

Development of emotions

In the field of speech development:

Promoting the development of monologue and dialogical speech

Enrichment of vocabulary, figurative expressions, comparisons, epithets, synonyms, antonyms

Mastering expressive means of communication

In the field aesthetic development:

Introduction to highly artistic literature

Development of such forms of imagination, which are based on the interpretation of a literary image

Involvement in joint design activities for modeling costume elements, scenery, and attributes

Creating an expressive artistic image

Development of spatial imagination as the basis of design thinking, creative design, predicting the result

Organization of collective work when creating multi-figure plot compositions

Learning to independently find image techniques and materials

In the field of movement development:

Coordination of actions and accompanying speech

Development of the ability to embody mood, character, and the process of image development in a creative movement

Support for the development of musical-motor improvisation in etudes, expressive performance of basic types of movements.

How can these problems be solved within the framework of theatrical activities?

1. introduce different types of theaters

2. stage performances of different genres, where children are actors, decorators, make-up artists, and lighting technicians

3. organize the scene

4. create costumes - in classes manual labor

5. work on each performance for at least 2 months

General work organization system:

1. acquaintance with the theater of this genre

2. familiarization with the text of a work of art

3. mastering expressive means of conveying an image

4. production of models, attributes, decorations

5. playing content on the layout

6. organization of theatrical production

By transferring a number of developmental tasks into activities that are natural and attractive to children, the teaching load in organized learning is reduced, children are interested in their own advancement, show curiosity and activity, and as a result, the organization of the educational process is more effective.

1.1. The importance of play for the comprehensive development of a child’s personality.

Game is one of those types of children's activities that is used by adults to educate preschoolers, teaching them various actions with objects, methods and means of communication. In play, a child develops as a personality, he develops those aspects of his psyche on which the success of his educational and work activities, and his relationships with people will subsequently depend.

For example, in the game such a quality of a child’s personality is formed as self-regulation of actions taking into account the tasks of quantitative activity. The most important achievement is the acquisition of a sense of collectivism. It not only characterizes the moral character of the child, but also significantly rebuilds his intellectual sphere, since in a collective game there is an interaction of different meanings, the development of event content and the achievement of a common game goal.

It has been proven that children gain their first experience of collective thinking through play. Scientists believe that children's games spontaneously but naturally arose as a reflection of the labor and social activities of adults. However, it is known that the ability to play does not arise through automatic transfer into play, learned in everyday life.

We need to get children involved in the game. And the success of society’s transmission of its culture to the younger generation depends on what content adults will invest in the games offered to children.

It should be emphasized that the fruitful development of social experience occurs only under the condition of the child’s own activity in the process of his activities. It turns out that if the teacher does not take into account the active nature of acquiring experience, the most perfect, at first glance, methodological techniques for teaching the game and managing the game do not achieve their practical goal.

The tasks of comprehensive education in play are successfully implemented only if the psychological basis of play activity is formed in each age period. This is due to the fact that the development of play is associated with significant progressive transformations in the child’s psyche, and, above all, in his intellectual sphere, which is the foundation for the development of all other aspects of the child’s personality.

Mental education of children through play.

In the game, the formation of perception, thinking, memory, speech occurs - those fundamental mental processes, without sufficient development of which it is impossible to talk about the education of a harmonious personality.

The level of development of a child’s thinking determines the nature of his activity and the intellectual level of its implementation.

The teacher must remember that any activity of children is aimed at solving a specific problem. The main task has many intermediate ones, the solution of which will transform the conditions and thereby facilitate the achievement of the goal. Practical problems that a child must solve are different from educational ones. The content of game tasks is dictated by life itself, the child’s environment, his experience, and knowledge.

The child gains experience in his own activities and learns a lot from teachers and parents. Various knowledge and impressions enrich his spiritual world, and all this is reflected in the game.

Solving game problems with the help of objective actions takes the form of using increasingly generalized game methods of understanding reality. The child drinks the doll from a cup, then replaces it with a cube and then simply puts his hand to the doll’s mouth. This means that the child solves game problems at a higher intellectual level.

It also happens in practice that the teacher, not understanding the meaning of the generalized playful actions of children’s thinking, demands from them collective actions that are as similar as possible to practical ones.

Firstly, if everything that happens to a child in everyday life is transferred to a game, then it will simply disappear, because its main feature - an imaginary situation - will disappear.

Secondly, the game, reflecting a well-known but poorly generalized life situation, involuntarily comes to a dead end. At the same time, it is known that in everyday life children receive not only clear, concrete knowledge, but also unclear, hypothetical ones. For example, a child knows who a sailor is, but he does not understand what he does. To clarify his ideas, during the game he asks questions and, having received an answer, acquires quite clear knowledge, but new information raises new questions. This is how the continuous process of knowledge occurs. It is accomplished in practical activities and in play. The game is a special form of cognition of the surrounding reality. The specificity of game tasks is that in them the goal is presented in an imaginary, imaginary form, which differs from a practical goal in that the expected result is not certain and its achievement is not necessary.

A very important point is to establish continuity of content beyond the gaming experience and the game. This is not about copying real objective actions in the game, but about understanding them and transferring them into the game. A more generalized game action transfers the game itself to a qualitatively new intellectual basis.

Particularly indicative is the replacement of a game action with a word. The motive of the game is not the action with objects, but the communication of children with each other, which reflects the interactions and relationships of people.

When the necessary level of thinking is formed, the child is able to replace the image of another person - take on a role and act in accordance with its content.

Formation of moral relations in the game.

The educational potential of play is most fully realized with skillful pedagogical guidance, which ensures the necessary level of development of play activity.

So gradually in the game is on children master moral standards, responsibility for performing actions increases. Psychologist D. B. Elkonin identified 3 stages of this process.

1. The child is focused on learning the properties and qualities of objects and the possibility of acting with them. Having satisfied his interest in objects, the child begins to show attention to the actions of other children playing nearby. That. At this stage the foundation is laid for further development children's relationships.

2. Children's interest moves to the sphere of relationships between adults.

The teacher, leading the game, aims children at mastering moral norms that serve as the basis for humane human relations.

3. The child subordinates objective actions, even the most attractive ones, to the main play goal determined by the play role. The other person becomes the center of attention. Play actions are performed in a situation where their results are used for the benefit of other people, i.e. the activities of preschoolers acquire a social orientation. The main way to enrich the game with moral content is through familiarizing children with the phenomena of social life and cultivating positive attitudes towards them.

Ensuring the assimilation of the norms governing moral relations, while at the same time preserving the creative, amateur nature of the game, is possible only with proper pedagogical guidance.

With the help of game appeals, you can activate the moral relations formed in children and supplement the developing plot with numerous episodes. The teacher easily achieves the required goal if he enters into role-playing relationships with children. Advice, suggestions, questions, reminders from an adult should be addressed to the child - the performer of a certain role. The teacher leads the game, activating and improving the moral experience of the preschooler. As a result, independent communication in the game occurs at a fairly high moral level and is characterized by long-lasting, coherent relationships between all children.

Emotional development of children in play.

The play of a preschooler is full of a wide variety of emotions, surprise, excitement, joy, delight, etc. This makes it possible to use play activities not only for the development and education of the child’s personality, but also for the prevention and correction of his mental states.

Many Soviet psychologists drew attention to the existence of a special, emotional game plan. They emphasized that the main meaning of the game lies in the diverse experiences that are significant for the child, that during the game there are deep transformations of the initial, affective tendencies and plans that have developed in his life experience. The relationship between play and the emotional state of children appears on two levels: the establishment and improvement of play activity affects the emergence and development of emotions, formed emotions affect the development of play of a certain content.

The different nature of the experiences that arise during the game allows us to distinguish two types of emotional behavior in young children.

In emotionally active interest in the game as a whole and in actions with one or more objects is clearly expressed. They play for a long time. They perform a large number of actions with toys, many of which result in immediate, pronounced reactions: laughter, surprise, delight, etc.

In emotionally passive For children, the game is of the nature of a quick, superficial acquaintance with toys. The total time of their activity is short. Emotional manifestations are extremely poor. There is no pronounced joy or surprise.

The development of emotions that arise during actions with characters is important for the development of the game, and for the development of moral qualities of the individual.

A necessary condition for the emergence of a full-fledged game is the deployment of social content in it - the content of communication, interaction and relationships between characters. Observing the game makes it possible to determine how relationships with peers develop. The range of emotions addressed to a playing partner can be extremely wide: from complete indifference and ignorance to interest and support for emotional contacts, meaningful communication, and mutual actions. Emotional manifestations that arise in a specific gaming situation can be consolidated and generalized; the teacher must organize the game in such a way as to prevent the emergence and development of negative emotions, inattention, and aggressiveness.

It should be especially emphasized that the level of a child’s emotional orientation towards a peer and the nature of emotional responsiveness reveal a close connection with the level of development of play. Negative emotions flourish most often when children do not know how to organize and develop play.

However, greater efficiency can be achieved with the participation of the teacher himself in the game. By taking on the role, the adult indirectly controls the game, leading children out of conflict situations and warning them. This is especially successful in cases where the teacher knows well the life situations and play interests of children and delicately, unobtrusively uses his knowledge to maintain a positive attitude towards the game and partners.

Having determined the significance of children's play for the comprehensive development of a child's personality, it is necessary to consider the various historical approaches to the study of a child's play activity that are presented in the existing literature.

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story role-playing game preschool Story-role-playing creative games are games that the children themselves come up with. Games reflect the child’s knowledge, impressions, and ideas about the world around him, social relationships are recreated...

Role-playing games in kindergarten

Role-playing creative games are games that children themselves come up with. Games reflect the child’s knowledge, impressions, and ideas about the world around him, and social relationships are recreated. Each such game is characterized by: a theme...

Different games