Analysis of the work of a plot-based role-playing game. Workshop. role-playing games with preschoolers. Game activity analysis scheme

Plot analysis role playing game"School"

Analysis of the role-playing game« School» .

1. General information

Children's age: 6-7 years

the date of the: November 26, 2018, afternoon

Educator:Brening E. A

Subject: Role-playing game« School» .

Target: enrichment of social and gaming experience between children; development gaming skills and social competence in game plot: « School» , "Dining room", "Library".


1. Educational:

Clarify children's knowledge about the teaching profession.

Help to reveal the content and connections of the roles being played, develop the ability to transfer familiar actions into game situations, act in accordance with the role, encourage the ability to invent new events.

2. Developmental:

Development of coherent speech, enrichment of the active vocabulary with terms related to school, school life, the role of a student.

3. Educational:

Develop a positive attitude towards learning school, respectful, friendly attitude of children towards each other.

To develop social competence in children through replaying situations within role-playing games « School» , "Dining room", "Library".

Cultivate friendships in the game.

Form motivational readiness for school.

During role-playing game Priority was given to tasks related to social and communicative development. The game also involved educational areas such as cognitive and speech development.


Gaming (role-playing game) ;

Communicative (constructive communication and interaction with

adults and peers, oral speech as the main means of communication).

IN educational activities the following were used methods: verbal (conversation, guessing riddles, verbal-didactic exercise); practical (a game). Techniques - encouragement, creating a game situation, questions, a surprise moment, showing a course of action)

In progress role-playing game every child was given the opportunity to self-actualize, including inactive children who received one of the main roles (For example, teacher, cook). Roles were assigned both at will and with the help of counting rhymes and game situations.

In progress games children took on various roles, as if replacing people who were in certain social relationships with each other and their actions. It was noticeable how children "resided" accepted role, and they were diverse (teacher, students, cook, librarian, security guard., tried to follow the rules, interacted with each other.

I believe that the children had a strong interest in the game thanks to the created conditions, preliminary excursions and conversations, and the preparation of attributes through the joint efforts of the children, teacher and parents.

One can say about the cognitive activity of children following: the children were interested, attentive, active, friendly. There was independence in verbal communication with others, and sometimes there was embarrassment. The children showed good knowledge on this topic.

The equipment that the teacher used in the game meets aesthetic requirements. It is bright, colorful, attractive, safe and easy to use.

The game reflects all the assigned tasks, they correspond to the age of the children.

The teacher sometimes had difficulty managing the process games. But I still tried to develop in children the ability to correlate the name of the role with a certain set of actions and attributes; use different types of relationships between different role positions (control, subordination, equality).

Publications on the topic:

Psychocorrectional capabilities of role-playing games In Russian psychology and pedagogy, play is considered an activity that is very important for the development of a preschool child.

Summary of a modern role-playing game for older preschoolers “Modern School”“Modern School” Plot lines of the game: children come to school, study in class; carrying out parent meeting; organization.

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Natalia Yushkina
Analysis of the role-playing game “Kindergarten”, in senior group.

Idea games" Kindergarten" arose after an afternoon nap, when the children saw new dolls on the shelf. While washing, the children remembered what professions people work in kindergarten , planned where in group you can place a kitchen, laundry room, dining room, bedroom and children's playground. After afternoon tea, the attributes for game: bed linen, dishes, clothespins, ropes, irons, moved tables so that the group had more space. Children independently chose their roles and united according to services (kitchen, laundry room, bedroom, dining room, play area) and began to perform actions consistently. Each service prepared its own workplace. “Teachers” built beds for children, made bed linen, “cooks” equipped the kitchen, built tables for dishes and cutting food, stoves for cooking dinner, “laundresses” built a washing machine, ironing tables, tied ropes for drying clothes; nannies built tables, chairs, and washbasins for the dining room. When the construction was completed, kindergarten opened, and the children began to take care of the dolls. Playful actions were performed with love, they told children fairy tales, sang lullabies, and persuaded the dolls to eat the cutlet. In the first part plot-wise- the role-playing game was interconnected with construction game. During games children preferred relationships with each other. Some children, having put the dolls to bed, decided to build them children's playground, and after finishing it, they took their dolls for a walk. There's a new one plot" Construction playground" and "Walk". In total, 12 people took part in the game, children were united by services in groups of 2-3 people. The game lasted 40 minutes.

Seeing that the children were losing interest in the game, I announced that the parents had come for the children and kindergarten is closing. Taking on the role of parents, I asked the “educators” how “daughter” behaved, whether she cried, whether she ate everything during lunch. I asked the “cooks” what they had prepared for lunch, whether the dish was tasty, and asked the “laundresses” what they washed with, so that the clothes were clean and smelled good.

After the children removed all the attributes, they continued the discussion games. The cooks told us what a delicious soup they had prepared, the builders what a beautiful car they had built on playground. The children were happy to share their impressions of the game with their parents in the locker room. They told who they were in children's garden and what kind of work they did.

During games I watched the children, occasionally giving little advice - remarks along the way games. For example: so that the laundry does not fall off the line, what needs to be done (pin it with clothespins so that the laundry smells nice, what to put in the washing machine (“Linor”, ​​if the children heard my lines, they used them in the game.

The game is age appropriate. During the game, children “get used to” the role of adults, skillfully played out the roles they took on, were friendly, helped each other, shared toys, used objects as substitutes, easily finding them in group.

The children's vocabulary expanded, while communicating, the children used dialogic and monologue speech, and were emotional.

In the future I plan to continue developing gaming activities. Pay special attention to conversations with children about further progress games, possible actions children in one role or another, assisting children in creating a playful image. Individual conversations, tasks and assignments help create game images. The most important moment in managing the game is summing up its results. When summing up games It is necessary to draw children's attention to their successes, even if some of them were insignificant. When participating in children’s games, sometimes I take on the main roles, sometimes I play the role of an ordinary participant, but in any case I direct the children’s initiative and creativity.

Forming relationships between children in play, trying create situations that encourage the child to enter into relationships with others, make attributes together with children, watch other children play, conduct observations, excursions, conversations, read fiction, look at illustrations. I believe that much attention should be paid to children’s ability to act together in play situations, to coordinate their actions with the actions of their peers. This is why I use it in my work. games- dramatizations based on fairy tales that contain dialogues between characters (“Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Spikelet”, “Teremok”, “Cat, Rooster and Fox”, etc.)

Publications on the topic:

Designing a role-playing game for preschool children “Circus” in the senior group“Game technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions” “Designing a role-playing game with children preschool age"Circus" in the senior.

PHOTO REPORT on the implementation of the role-playing game "Circus" in the senior group. Let your childhood have enough of playing, laughing, jumping around, Let you wake up joyfully.

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Summary of the role-playing game “My Kindergarten”(Sytnik N.A.; Mamaeva E.S.) Synopsis of the plot-role-playing game “My Kindergarten” (including children of the junior and preparatory groups) Sytnik.

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Topic: “Trip to the Zoo” Purpose: to consolidate the ability to take on various roles in accordance with the plot of the game, use attributes,.

The study of scientific and methodological literature has shown that knowledge received from adults will be accepted by the child’s inner world if it is played out and consolidated in leading activities (Vygotsky L.S., Leontev A.N., Zhukovskaya A.I., etc.) .

This means that the development of a preschooler occurs in play; play is of a social nature, and therefore changes with changes in the historical conditions of people’s lives, i.e. The plots of children's games change because they reflect changing lives.

Almost all researchers who studied play unanimously noted that play is the most free, relaxed activity of a preschool child (D.B. Elkonin). The relaxed nature of the game is expressed in the fact that the child freely chooses the plot of the game, his actions with objects are completely free from their usual, correct use. Despite the fact that it is commonly believed that play in children arises spontaneously, it is still built on the relationship between the child and the adult.

According to research by N.Ya. Mikhailenko, in the games of older children, along with actions, various social relations and actions begin to be reflected. Gradually, in the games of an older preschooler, indirect experience begins to occupy an increasing place: knowledge gained from books and stories from adults. This means that in older preschool age it appears group game, which makes it possible rapid development and changing the theme, content and structure of the game, which is associated with the expansion of their sources.

However, classical studies of the game were carried out in the 50s and 60s of the last century, when social relations and society as a whole were different in many ways. Since then, significant changes have occurred in the lives of adults and in the relationships between them, as well as in the conditions of raising children. These changes could not but affect the plot of the children's game. The nature of these changes is extremely important to understand, since the characteristics of the play of modern preschoolers reflect the uniqueness of their inner world and the characteristics of their mental development.

In the generally accepted norms of preschool pedagogy, among the plots of children's games, it is customary to distinguish: everyday, professional and socio-political (E.A. Arkin, V.S. Mukhina, A.P. Usova, D.B. Elkonin, etc.).

S.A. Shmakov believes that game plots age and die out, losing their relevance and attractiveness. Since story games imitate life, children playing them accumulate experience of social relationships between people, experience of social experiences. In terms of content, the most common subjects are: professional; paramilitary; creative (construction); search and discovery (travel, "space"); related to art (“circus”, “theater”); fabulous; fantastic; ethnographic (“to the Indians”).

As a result, we come to the conclusion that research into the real state of children’s play and its changes seems possible only in a specific age group.

Hence, the experimental part of this work is aimed at describing the features of the role-playing game of modern preschoolers of the senior group. The interest of this work is a broad and generalized picture of what and how modern preschoolers play, what are the plots and content of their games.

The work of collecting information was carried out in stages.

The first stage of the analysis was aimed at clarifying the plots of children's games, namely, what modern children play and what games are most popular with them. To answer this question, non-participant observation and analysis of free play preschoolers 5.5-6.5 years old. The observation was carried out on the basis of kindergarten No. 46 in Krasnodar. 10 preschoolers from senior group No. 3 took part in it. During the observation process, it was noted what the children did during free activities and what they played. As a result, a list of 20 games was obtained, which were included in the protocol for monitoring children’s independent play activities.

Observation of children's gaming activities showed that there are traditional games that remain popular in the gaming repertoire for many decades (about 55% of all recorded plots): “Hospital”, “Shop”, “Cafe”, “Family”, “Police”, "Military", "Barbershop", "Animals", "Kindergarten".

Professional stories occurred in 40% of cases. These were games of police, cafe, bank, hospital, shop, travel agency and hairdresser.

Quite often (30%) there were stories related to TV shows, movies and cartoons (Spider-Man, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Mako Mermaids, Princesses, Winx Sorceresses, Barbie, Dancing with the Stars, etc. .).

Preschoolers used everyday game plots (20%): in kindergarten and family. This also includes a modern version of the game "Barbie Doll Family".

The next group of subjects consisted of games with pets (approximately 10%). In these games, children take on the roles of cats or dogs and their owners and act out the relationships between them: feeding, walking, treatment, etc.

Describing the specifics of the plots of games for preschoolers of the 21st century, we can conclude: new game roles have appeared: banker, agent, client, makeup artist, designer, etc.) and new game professional plots: “Cellular Salon”, “Bank”, “McDonald’s” etc. Children of senior preschool age continue to play both traditional games (military, family, kindergarten, etc.) and new stories taken from the surrounding social environment (TV shows, cartoons, movies, etc.). A characteristic feature of the subculture of modern childhood occurs under the formative influence of the media. Television influences the imagination of preschoolers, which leads to stereotyping of images. (Spider-Man, Barbie and Ken, Batman, TV presenter, etc.) The choice of roles and game plots is influenced by what is happening in the surrounding reality.

The difficulty lies in the fact that among modern children in older preschool age, professional games dominate, and socio-political games are “suppressed” by television games. Often the game comes down to manipulating a bright, fashionable toy or game attributes. In independent games, there is repeated repetition of plots, without children introducing new ones. storylines. When inventing games, the guys do not know how to play, how to develop the game plot, as a result, conflicts arise, loss of interest in the game and its rapid termination without finishing the plan.

At the second stage, in order to obtain information about children’s play not only in a preschool institution, but also at home, a survey was organized among parents of children in senior group No. 3 of kindergarten No. 46. The goal was to identify parents’ attitudes to children’s games, as well as children’s attitudes to play , their preferences in choosing a game theme and a playing partner at home.

Analysis of the survey results showed the following.

Only 20 parents took part in the survey.

The majority of parents who took part in the survey were women: 17 people or 85%. To the second question, parents answered that, if possible, they take part in their children’s games every day (50%), three to four times a week (35%), but some noted that they do not have enough time to play with their child (15%). It turned out that parents spend more than an hour a day playing together with their child (15%), 6 people (30%) spend 1 hour a day playing together with their children, 8 people (40%) spend half an hour playing together, and 3 person (15%) - 15 minutes a day.

The majority (15 parents - 75%) of respondents believe that play is a way of communication. 11 people (55%) see the game as entertainment. 8 people (40%) see the game as a “means of self-expression”. 6 parents (30%) understand that this is a way for a child to learn social experience. And only 20% (4 people) consider the game to be the leading activity. Nobody considers gaming to be a waste of time. Also, 35% of parents admitted that their children have conflicts during games.

To the survey question: “What role-playing games do your children prefer to play?” The following results were obtained. At home, children play “bank, post office”, school (5%, 1 person), games “museum, theater, circus” and space (10% - 2 people), travel games, theatrical games (20% - 4 people), games based on fairy tales, performance games (15% - 3 people). In addition, 9 people (45%) responded that their children play games based on imitating TV characters. 40% of parents (8 people) answered that children play in the store, play with animals, and play with transport. 35% of children prefer to play “family” and school, while only 25% play in kindergarten, “Barbie”, hospital, cafe and hairdresser. Also, children of 30% parents play war games and rescue services.

To the question “What influences your child’s choice of game plot?” 14 parents, or 70%, believe that the choice of plot in a game is influenced by the appearance of a new toy, as well as new experiences (walks, excursions). TV shows watched, according to 65% or 13 respondents. About half of parents (9 people or 45%) believe that the choice of plot is influenced by the experience their children receive. 6 people are inclined to believe that computer games and works read to children. 7 respondents (35%) - their professional activities have an influence. Only 3 people or 15% offer their children a game plot, and 10% think that dramatization games have an influence.

The initiator of joint play is often the child himself (75%).

Answering the question: did parents play the games their children play and whether they differed, more than half (55%) of respondents answered that they differed significantly in content, roles, toys, duration and plots. They were based on their own experience and were carried out mainly on the street. Three (15%) of the parents surveyed believe that modern children's play has remained the same. Six parents (30%) noted that the games have changed partially.

Based on the results of the responses, we can conclude that parents generally understand the importance of play in a child’s life, considering the game as a way of communication, entertainment or self-expression for the child. Since they imply the “fulfillment” by children of certain social roles of adults. However, a small part knows about the leading role of play in the development of children. Most parents pay attention and allocate time to play together with their children.

At the same time, the child’s own initiative to play is more often noted, and the characters of the TV screen become the plots of the games. The next place is occupied by traditional games of family, shop, cafe and others. Currently, I believe that the main thing in choosing a plot is a new toy, new experiences and TV shows watched.

Some parents understand that the play of preschoolers differs in many ways from their ideas about the games they played in their childhood, but at the same time, others notice that the changes are associated with the emergence of new characters, with new toys, but the games are the same, like before.

Thus, the data obtained coincide both with the generally accepted norms of the plots of role-playing games, and with the modern opinion of psychologists about them.

gaming preschooler mental role-playing

2.2 Analysis of the implementation of role-playing games in middle group kindergarten No. 53, Almaty

1. Role-playing game "Polyclinic"

Goal: to reveal the meaning of the activities of medical personnel, to develop in children the ability to take on roles, to develop an interest in play, to form positive relationships between children, to cultivate in children respect for the work of a doctor.

Game material: game set"Puppet doctor", substitute items, some real items, doctor's cap, robe, doll.

Stage 1. the implementation of the assigned tasks is carried out by the teacher in the position of a “co-player” in a game together with the children.

Situation 1 The teacher offers the child the additional role of a patient, and he himself takes the main role of a doctor. Educator: “let’s play “Doctor”: I will be the doctor, and you will be the patient. Where will the doctor’s office be? Let’s act as if it were an office. What does the doctor need? (the child, with the help of an adult, lays out medical supplies from the first aid kit on the table) And this is a jar of ointment, and this is a syringe..." (Gradually the child himself begins to name and arrange what is needed). The teacher puts on a cap and white robe: “I’m a doctor, come to my appointment. Come in, hello. Do you have a sore throat or tummy? When did you get sick? Let’s see your neck.

Open your mouth. say ah-ah-ah. Ay, ay, what a red neck. Let's lubricate it now, doesn't it hurt? Don't you have a headache?

Playing with one child attracts the attention of other children. The teacher, noticing the children watching the game, says: “Are you also sick? Get in line, sick people, Wait.”

Situation 2 The teacher plays a doctor, two children play sick. Educator." Now let's play as if I'm a doctor. I'm in my office. I have a phone. You're sick, call me and call the doctor, Ring, ding! My phone is ringing. Hello! The doctor is listening, who called? Girl Katya? Are you sick? Do you have a headache or a tummy ache? Have you taken your temperature? How high! Tell me Katya, where do you live? I’ll come to you. I’ll treat you. In the meantime, drink tea with raspberries and go to bed. Goodbye! My phone is ringing again. Hello, who's calling? Boy Dima? What are you complaining about? Runny nose? Have you been sick for a long time? Did you drop drops or take pills? Doesn't help? Come to me today. I'll prescribe you another medicine. Goodbye!

Situation 3. The doctor himself calls patients, finds out how they feel, and gives advice. While talking on the phone, the teacher uses a system of alternative and prompting questions that show the variability of game actions and contribute to the further development of creativity.

Situation 4. Educator: And now I need a nurse. Let you be a nurse (puts on a cap - denotes the role) Nurse, please find the patient’s card.

Have you already called all our patients? Nurse, have you written out a prescription? Call sick Dasha and find out how her health is. Do pills help? Nurse, give me an injection, please.

Situation 5. Child in the role of doctor, educator-patient. Teacher: “Hello, doctor! My finger hurts, it’s even swollen. What do you advise me? Do I need to take pills, apply ointment or give injections? When should I come now? Thank you.

Situation 6. Teacher, doctor, I came to see you yesterday. And today my finger hurts even more. The medicine doesn't help. What else do you recommend?

Situation 7. Educator: “I’m a patient, I’m calling the doctor’s office. Hello! Hello, who is this? Nurse, please call the doctor. I forgot to take my pills yesterday. What should I do? When should I come to you? Thank you. Goodbye .

Situation 8. The teacher invites children to take on the additional roles of nurse and mother, who brought her daughter - a doll - to the appointment. The teacher takes on the role of a doctor. The teacher does not yet know how to talk. The teacher: “Hello, mommy, your daughter is still very small. What happened to her? Don’t you know? She’s crying all the time? Now let’s see. Nurse, put the girl on the couch (the doctor is examining the patient). The ears are fine, the neck is not red, now everything is clear. Your daughter’s tooth is growing. It’s okay. The nurse will write out a prescription and tell us how to take the medicine. Mikhailenko N., N. Korotkova. Organization story game in kindergarten. - Linka-Press, 2009 - 86 p.

At stage II, the implementation of tasks is carried out by the teacher in the position of an assistant.

In the doctor game, one child plays a doctor, another a nurse, and the rest are patients. The teacher is close to the children, but is not a participant in their play, coordinates plans, and gives advice in case of difficulty.

Situation 1. In the doctor's office. Educator: “Ask how the patient felt yesterday? Have you already taken the pills?”

Situation 2. In the doctor's office. Educator: “Nurse, the phone is ringing. Pick up the phone, tell me who you are and ask what happened?”

Situation 3. In line to see a doctor. Educator: “While the patients are waiting their turn, are they talking? Let’s talk about...”

Situation 4. One of the patients lost his prescription. Teacher: “Come into the office, tell me what happened?”

Situation 5. Educator: “Let you be another doctor. You came to this doctor to talk about one of the patients who was very ill.”

Situation 6. A sick child who is afraid of the doctor was brought to see a doctor.

Situation 7. All medications disappeared from the doctor’s office. Teacher, there's a long line. Patients are waiting. What to do? Think about what you can take instead of them? What can replace a syringe or a listening tube? Etc.

At stage 3, children independently play doctor. The teacher implements tasks in the position of an observer. If children have difficulties during the game, they turn to the teacher for advice (“What can we do next?”). The independent approach of children to an adult is facilitated by a partnership position that ensures acceptance of the teacher as a teacher. Content enrichment game plot occurs mainly in the process of playful communication with the teacher. Magazine “PRESCHOOL EDUCATION” No. 4/2010 - 56 p.

1. Role-playing game “Shop”

Goal: To learn to carry out game actions according to speech instructions; learn to distribute roles and act according to the role assumed; learn to model role-playing dialogue; cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, determine the characters of the heroes, evaluate their actions.

Equipment: white coat, scales, set of weights, models of vegetables and fruits, cubes, set of tools for repairing the machine.

Progress of the game. Organizing time. Guys, we recently went on an excursion to the store. Tell us who works in the store? What do sellers do? Who brings groceries to the store? (Children remember the names of the professions of people working in the store.)

Want to play shop? Let's distribute the roles. Who wants to be a salesperson? Driver? Who will buy the products? To play, you need to build a counter. (Children, together with the teacher, build a counter from tables and chairs). What products will be brought to the store? Boxes with vegetables and fruits.

Plot development. Let's start playing. (Sellers lay out goods in the display case, prepare paper receipts, drivers deliver food cubes that replace boxes of vegetables and fruits, buyers prepare paper money and line up).

I need to buy 1 kilogram of pears. Please show me what kind of pears you have. I like these ones. How much does 1 kilogram of pears cost? Here's the money, punch the check. Tell me, will they deliver grapes to you? (The teacher gives a sample of buyer behavior, the children approach the sellers, choose and buy vegetables and fruits.) What is this red, round, probably very sweet thing you have? (The teacher consolidates children's knowledge about the signs of vegetables and fruits).

Tell me, what did you buy? Are these vegetables or fruits? (Work is being done to differentiate the concepts of “vegetables” and “fruits”.) Did you buy plums for your daughter? What other ones does she like? (Buyers tell what they bought and are going to buy more.) Don’t take these bananas. Their skin is very dark. They've already gone bad. Choose something else...

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A complete analysis of the role-playing game is given: an analysis of the level of development of gaming activity,analysis of the development of real and play relationships in children.Analysis of the teacher’s activities in managing role-playing games. Danascheme for analyzing the plot-role-playing game.



Analysis of role-playing games: assessment of the level of development of gaming activities.

When analyzing the game, answer the questions: on whose initiative did the game arise?

Did the children plan its course in advance? How many children took part in the game? What roles were distributed and how? What play actions did the children perform in accordance with their roles? What was your preference during the game?actions with objects or relationships between people)? What new game situations were invented during the game? How long did it last? Is it related? this game with other games? How the game ended(organized or unexpected)?Did the children discuss the progress of the game after it ended? Are you independent in developing the game or did it develop with the participation of the teacher? Is the game age appropriate for children? What is the level of development of their gaming activities? How will you design the further development of gaming activities?

Analysis of recordings of role-playing games: assessment of the development of real and play relationships in children.

Gaming relationshipsarise during the performance of roles (a mother takes care of her daughter, a doctor gives instructions to a nurse, a commander gives orders to soldiers, and they obey him, etc.)

The real ones are related to the organization of the game; they determine the child leaders and organizers of the game. They agree on the start of the game, distribute roles, accept or not accept others into the game, evaluate the implementation of the rules they have established, exclude children from the game for violating the rules, etc. Children-leaders, as a rule, choose the main role, as if leading the game.

It analyzes how many children participated in the game at the beginning, how many joined as it progressed, who decided the issue of admission to the game, whether children left the game and if so, why, whether conflicts arose during the distribution of roles, by whom and how they were eliminated, who was the leader in the game, whether the children remained passive and completely obeyed the will of others, whether conflicts arose during the game, why, by whom and how they were eliminated, how to plan the work of the teacher to form relationships in the game.

Possible game development options:

  • introduction of new roles,
  • game actions,
  • situations,
  • equipment.

Analysis of the teacher’s activities in managing role-playing games.

  1. Have the necessary conditions for organizing games been created in the group?
  2. What time is allocated to them in the daily routine;
  3. Whether there is a special place for games in a group and on the site;
  4. How are the games equipped?
  5. Are they supervised by a teacher?
  6. On whose initiative the game arose(if at the initiative of the children, then how soon the teacher noticed the game, what was his reaction);
  7. Did the adult contribute to the development of the game, and how;
  8. Did he offer new roles, game actions, situations;
  9. Did you expand children’s knowledge to develop play;
  10. Did you contribute optional equipment, whether he made it together with his children;
  11. Did it contribute to the formation of collectivistic relationships?(offered to accept a newcomer, helped distribute roles, agree on a game plan, eliminated conflicts);
  12. Did the adult contribute to strengthening the educational function of role-playing games?(draws attention to positive actions characters, to the beauty of relationships between characters);
  13. Did the teacher himself take part in the game;
  14. Did you help finish the game, sum it up, agree on a deal in advance? new game or about the continuation of the old one;
  15. How do you evaluate the teacher’s management of this game?
  16. On what basis do you make this conclusion?
  17. How would you run the game?

The following can be developed sides gaming activities:

  • Variety of roles and game situations;
  • Increased game duration;
  • Degree of coverage of children.

game content:

  • Introduction of other topics;
  • Reflection in the game of positive phenomena and positive relationships between the characters in the game.

You can make the following changes to organization gaming activities:

  • Involving children in preliminary joint planning of the game;
  • Involvement in the thoughtful selection of gaming equipment, manufacturing it themselves;
  • The ability to distribute roles in an organized manner, finish the game and move on to the next activity, having discussed in advance the further course of the game and summed up the results.

Scheme of analysis of plot-role-playing game.

1 . The concept of the game, setting game goals and objectives.

1. How does the game concept come about? (determined by the playing environment, a suggestion from a peer, arises on the initiative of the child himself, etc..)

2. Does the child discuss the idea of ​​the game with his partners, does he take their point of view into account?

3. How sustainable is the game concept? Does the child see the prospect of play?

4. Is the concept static or does it evolve as the game progresses? How often is improvisation observed in the game?

5. Does the child know how to formulate a game goal, a game task verbally and offer it to other children?

2. The concept of the game.

1. What is the main content of the game? (Action with objects, everyday or social relationships between people.)

2. How varied is the game's content? How often are games with the same content repeated? What is the ratio of objective, everyday games that reflect social relations?

3. The plot of the game.

1. How diverse are the plots of the games?(Indicate their name and quantity.)

2. What is the stability of the game’s plot, i.e. Does the child follow the same story?

3. How many events does the child combine into one plot?

4. How developed is the plot? Does it represent a chain of events or is the child a participant in several events included in the plot?

5. How is the ability to jointly build and creatively develop the plot of the game demonstrated?

6. What are the sources of the game's plots?(Movies, books, observations, stories from adults, etc.)

4. Role playing and interaction of children in the game.

1. Does it mean role played in a word? When does it do it? (Before or during the game.)

2. What means does he use to interact with his playing partners?(Role speech, objective actions, facial expressions and pantomime.)

3. What are distinctive features role-playing dialogue?

4. Does it convey and how does it convey the characteristic features of the character?

5. How does he participate in the distribution of roles? Who manages the distribution of roles? Which roles does he most often play - main or secondary? How do you feel about the need to play secondary roles?

6. What do you prefer – to play alone or be part of a gaming group?(Give a description of the association: number of players, stability and nature of relationships.)

7. Does the child have favorite roles? How many roles can he play in different games?

5. Game actions and game items.

1. Does the child use substitute objects in play and what ones? By what principle does it select and transform them for use in the game?

2. Does verbal designation provide substitute items? How easy does it make it?

3. Who - the child himself or the adult - is the initiator of the choice of a substitute item? Does he offer his replacement option to his partner?

4. Does the game use figurative toys? How often? Do you have any favorite toys?

5. Characteristics of game actions: the degree of generality, expansion, diversity, adequacy, consistency of one’s actions with the actions of a game partner. What is the role of words in the implementation of game actions?

6. How does he perceive the imaginary situation? Does convention understand her? Does he play with imaginary objects?

6. Game rules.

1. Does it function as a game controller? Does he understand the rule?

2. How does the implementation of the rule correlate with the role taken?

3. does he make sure other children follow the rules? How does he react to violation of the rules by his playing partners?

4. How do you feel about your playing partner’s comments regarding his compliance with the rules?

7. Achieving the result of the game.

1. What is the relationship between the original idea and its implementation in the game?

2. Does the child correlate his plan with the achieved result?

3. By what means is the implementation of the plan achieved?

8.Features of conflicts in the game.

1. What do conflicts arise about most often?(Distribution of roles, following rules, owning a toy, etc.)

2. What are the ways to resolve conflicts?

9. Game environment.

1. Does the game environment prepare in advance or pick up items as the game progresses?

2. Is the proposed play environment (play corner equipment) used? How?

10. The role of an adult in guiding the game.

1. Does the child turn to an adult during the game? About what? How often?

2. Does it offer to accept an adult into the game?

11. Specifics of children’s games in a specific age group..

1. Do children know how to find a game or activity without the help of an adult?

2. The nature of children's games (single games, side-by-side games), their content.

3. Relationships between the players: do they know how to use common toys? Are peers willing to join the game? Are there children who behave aggressively (quarrel, take away toys, destroy buildings)? Reasons for this behavior

4. Do children know how to use toys? Are they put away after the game?

Teacher's guidance of children's games. Analysis.

2nd junior group.

Does the teacher offer plots of children's games? In what form? How does he propose to expand and continue the game he started? Is there joint play between the teacher and the children? What role does the teacher play in this? Methods and techniques of the teacher for the formation of correct relationships among children.

Are children independent in choosing toys? partner? Do they know how to play calmly and with concentration? The nature of children's relationships during play. How often do you contact the teacher? For what reason?

Middle group.

Methods and techniques for developing children's play activities. Does the teacher use children's behavior in play? What methods and techniques does it use to form positive relationships among children in play?

Plots of children's games, their content. What games do children play independently7 Level of independence of children in games(do they know how to choose the theme of the game, organize the environment, come to an agreement).Do they play together? What is the basis for the merger? joint games? The nature of communication between children. Reasons for such communication. Are there any children who don't play?

Senior group.

What is the essence of a teacher’s activity in developing children’s ability to play? What methods and techniques does he use when leading children's amateur groups?(Advice on choosing gaming partners; assistance in creating a gaming environment, distributing roles, drawing up a plot plan).How does the teacher manage children's relationships in the game?(Seeing disagreements that arise and always resolving them correctly.)Techniques for involving timid and shy children in play. How does a teacher help them overcome their indecisiveness?

Number of playing subgroups. On whose initiative did games in subgroups arise? Subject and content of games. Resilience and relationships different players groupings (based on game content). What unites children in groups?(Interest in toys, activities.) Do they take place? singles? Their type, theme, content. The level of children's initiative in games(knowledge of the rules, the ability to organize the environment for the game, distribute and perform roles, obey the rules, coordinate your actions with each other, resolve conflicts).Do conflicts arise and for what reasons?(When determining the theme of the game, roles, when using toys, following the rules of the game, etc.)What methods do children use more often to resolve conflicts?(They try to change the topic of the game, moving on to another game or another type of activity, introduce rules, turns, subordination of the minority to the majority, fight, complain, etc.)

Preparatory group for school.

Does the teacher take direct part in children’s games? The need for his participation in these games. The nature of the teacher’s management of children’s games. Are the individual characteristics of children taken into account when directing games?7

Subject and content of games. The number of children's amateur play groups in role-playing games and games with rules(mobile, didactic, desktop-printed).Self-organization of children(ability to independently organize into groups for general game, jointly think about the content of the activity, distribute roles, select the material needed for the game).Are play techniques consistent with the kindergarten curriculum? The nature of real relationships between children in the game.

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