Guest game neighbor. Game hi neighbor. Main characters

What is the name?

Do you often communicate with your neighbors? Most of you will say that they are simply not tolerated in the spirit. Not all of course, but most thinking exactly. For some reason, such relations between us and our neighbors became a kind of pattern. Maximum on what we are capable - to say the cold "hello" or "Hello." In the case of games, hello neighbor, we are talking about a cold greeting at the wicket of a private house. If you are waiting for this game of episodes, where your character communicates friendly with your neighbor, invites him to tea drinking and periodically says pleasant news, it will not. These entertaining games They will present you something completely opposite.

Hi neighbor game tells about how main character Most recently moved to a new house and slowly shook him. Of course, he tries to be mastered as quickly as possible. This character is a very specific personality. He always notices and sees, so he does not take care. Almost from the very moment he saw his neighbor, living across the road, he began to test some kind of inexplicable suspicion. It is this story that suspicious and dislike will be clearly visible in plot alpha versions. It is known that alpha 3 and alpha 4 will soon come out, and then full version. Meaning gameplay It is not at all to establish friendly connections between these neighbors, but just the opposite.

What is the gameplay?

When you pass by houses and apartments, do you think about what their tenants do right at this very moment? What secrets they hide? Or maybe you think that none of them hides anything? Most likely, you are mistaken, because each of us has their big and small secrets. Sometimes they are so frightening and terrible, which is even scary to pronounce them in hearing for himself. But hello games neighbor just make your character be a prone, which everywhere you need to shove your curious nose. He should always be aware of everything, this is its main role in this game.

Your hero never stops on the floor and always brings the started to the end. Whatever difficulties he did not meet, he will overcome them at any cost, and you need to help him in this. As soon as your character notices the suspicious behavior of his new neighbor across the road, he cannot part with an obsessive thought that something is clearly not clean here, and he must understand all this. In these games, your hero will most pull to the basement, and to be more accurate, then it is one who is hiding in it. The newly-made detective has several guesses, but each of them may seem a little crazy. For example, according to one of them, there are aliens in this basement, but for their will be there or not, it is to find out. However, another option is possible: terrible monsters may hide in the basement, and in scary snow You will not help yourself. To understand what kind of guessing is true, and what a lie, you need to get into the basement and see all with your own eyes. Run the game Hello Nebor on a computer or on Android and do everything to overcome your suspect. But do not think that everything will be very simple, because there is a game in the game artificial Intelligenceand it will be very easy to blow it. Do not be surprised if you decide to try to climb into the basement through the window, and there you will be waiting for a trap on bears. And the reverse will also be "not clean", because there it is quite possible to stumble upon mines and other traps. And it is still not all surprises that you can meet in the games hi neighbor. So that your character finally figured out in what is happening and calmed down, you need to connect all your seamless and resourcefulness! Help a curious neighbor to get to the truth!

Each of us has neighbors with whom you have to meet in an elevator or on a staircase, greelly greet and be interested in how things are going. And great happiness, if you have a good relationship with them, and there is no reason for rage or anxiety. If you are not lucky, and the inhabitants behind the wall only cause anger and irritation, you stay to download the game how to get a neighbor, and dream about how to heal these opposite people.

The game how to get a neighbor is the most cunning and sophisticated virtual revenges, which you can come up with and implement in a hopeless situation. If your neighbor loves to work perforator, selflessly sings in karaoke or regularly rearranges the furniture, only one thing remains - to make his life as unbearable as yours. For this, the developers of the game came up with a lot of interesting ways: throw a neighbor with rotten eggs or aluminum skillers, run into the window of the Petard, cut off the hands with chainsaw or knock on the head of the cast-iron sledge hammer.

Mini-games How to get a neighbor is very funny and exciting, perfectly remove stress and allow you to throw out accumulated irritation. Load them into your browser, play and raise your mood!

It happened that in the morning of Saturday or the resurrection awakening was unpleasant? Here I will come in handy ideas how to get neighbors. It is better to wake up from the smell of fragrant coffee and singing birds outside the window than from the sound of a drill or a rumbling melody from behind the wall. Sorry, but the second option is common more often. Or in the evening after the labor day, the family comes from above with a scandal with beating dishes and fights, and maybe adolescents begin a crowded party or play games on the console before sunrise.

And it happens the old woman from below, it is taken to knock on the batteries and swear, for the fact that you constantly have friends or, makes you muffle the volume on the TV. Some person love to start the distribution of any occasion. They poison existence to everyone who will be able to get.

Give a neighbor in Neighbours from Hell

We proceed to the secret operation. After global trouble, which prepared for the villains over the wall, the full version of the game how to get a neighbor, everyone thinks about what you need to consist in a friendly relationship than to have among the enemies. To carry out everything that was dreaming of reality, it is possible for the simulator. This attempt to keep the nerves in reality. Here you can afford a hooliganism, without without worrying about the punishment. The virtual space provides you with a chance to throw the negative on the territory of the fun and calm down slightly.

How to get a neighbor an excellent application for peace-loving and calm citizens. The network has video games in which the pros is shown, what kind of readers can be settled using the entire functionality of this entertainment. Bloggers laid out the most interesting and funny moments from the passage of the game. Remember: what you will do here is unacceptable in everyday life. For such leprosy, it is easy to get a prison with a decent time. Games are created to reset negative emotions and relax.

Professionals of their business

Evie young students annoyed older generation. Their behavior and usually gathering into groups is nervous grandmother and infuriates family couples. The guys are crowded in jerseen and hostel small rooms. You have to put up with those who share the room with you. From this, internal insults and anger accumulate.

Jokes over classmates and teachers are sometimes very angry and cruel, which leads to numerous conflicts. Over the years of study, you can purchase not only technical and useful knowledgeBut learn to survive. How to get a neighbor knows every student of the university. The period of student is remembered by drawing and jokes.

Come in the game and try which method will suit you more and how to get a neighbor so that he dreamed of moving to another apartment. Play Neighbours from. Hell is easy. Each episode is peculiar and always looks like a small separate story. Begin the poor fellow to the nervous breakdown and remove the tension.

The game how to get a neighbor will be distracted by real circumstances. Just move all the aggression on the drawn character and imagine in his place of their avid cheap. If you wish to pass the toy in the absence of the Internet, we recommend downloading it on a computer or an Android phone.

Not every person is lucky to live next to the safe people behind the wall. The character Hello Neighbor is not lucky at all. He did not have time to bother to bother in a new house where most recently moved hoping to start new life In a small town, where nothing special happens, as he faces a real danger living in a nearby house.

In principle, the reason for all the ill-fated events in the Games itself and is to blame because of the exorbitant curiosity and the terrible habit of putting the nose not into their affairs. Watching a few days, the ward detects that the neighbor is overly protecting the entrance to the basement. The guy could not cope with poor premonition and interest, and under the cover of the night makes his way into the mansion.

Now for passing hello, a neighbor needs to be explored all the rooms and corridors to find traces of the crime. It is incredibly difficult to do when everywhere you have an obsessive enemy assignment. Open all the secrets of Manyak, in order to enlighten the inhabitants from the upcoming killings.

Dangerous campaign

The game begins with penetration in the estate of the killer, located opposite. Fortunately, the entrance door turns out to be unlocked and without problems can enter inside. However, in another room heard the heavy breath of the owner, it means he did not leave anywhere, and at any moment he will find you if you do not behave quietly and most carefully.

If you naively expect that after discovering in games, a neighbor will follow the offer to drink a cup of delicious tea or coffee, accompanied by friendly sites, then you are deeply mistaken. As soon as the ruined will catch you, it will try to hit the shovel, and then dismembering the pieces using a powerful chainsaw.

It is necessary to play neatly so as not to die from the hands of the distraught. Do not leave tracks to eliminate the opportunity to issue your presence. In the event that the Hello Neighbor player was noticed and rolled purposefully headed to you, try to distract his attention to the withdrawal objects, they can be moved, raise and even throw them into the approaching scoundrel.

Consider everything and take advantage of all the advantages and features in Hi neighbor if you get. Basically, certain rules overcoming episodes in games does not exist, the result is completely dependent on the smelting and intelligence.

Neighbor keeps you!

You should not hope that in hello neighbor you will come across a clumsy computer bot, which is not able to adequately respond to what is happening. Here the opponent performs a full-fledged artificial intelligence, which adapts to the style and tries to prevent you. He remembers actions, makes conclusions, and next time will know where you can hide in games and what to do when approaching. Remember that if it stops the time, then it does not repeat it anymore. Play Hi neighbor, competing with a cunning and intelligent opponent, incredibly difficult.

To walk to the cherished Chulana in Hello Neighbor and find out what is hidden inside, the gamer must demonstrate inhuman efforts and abilities. The option is not excluded that some sites in games will have to visit not once.

Come up with the original plan to overcome the supermad programmed to learn from your squares. In Alpha, the version pleases not only the otmnaya gameplay, the drawing and a terrible atmospheric voice acting are qualitatively implemented.

Ready to take a chance of health in games Hi neighbor and get the evidence, able to prove the blame of a madman, so that it is for a long time to strengthen it behind the bars or in a mental hospital? Then bold run the cool USB flash drive, and start playing.

Do you like the entertainment in the Gorror genre, where you can pretty rush to yourself nervishki? Hi Hi Neighborhood is really a terrible test, in which you will need to show maritime caution and non-real courage. And the plot of the game will unfold in the near past, or rather - in the 1980s.

How well do you communicate with people who share the staircase with you? Do you often greet them, happily uttering "hello neighbor", or vice versa - trying to escape from them, so as not to listen to morals or the censure for the next noisy party? But it happens that such meetings ends with a real irreconcilable conflict.

New games hello neighbor

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Take advantage of the game catalog

The history of this game will tell about strange and even cruel relations between the hero of the adventure and the mad eyes, living nearby. As a rule, you can spin to neighbor to chat latest news, ask for a little salt, and students tend to think about one in the other in general, in order to buy a bottle of beer, and then coster her with a good-natured buddy.

But absolutely with another type, which was different in a bad temper, was able to get acquainted with the hero Hi neighbor. As soon as he moved to a new peaceful town and only began to prevent in a pretty house, as I realized that something terrible was happening nearby. Curiosity did not give him to stay on the sidelines, and what ended the undertaking of the regions, and tell the exciting games of this category.

Do not hurry to visit!

At the instructions of the quest Hello Neighbor, it is necessary to get into the housing of the alleged serial killer and impeach that he is so zealo protects from strangers in his basement. With such a cunning intention, it is clearly not necessary to declare on the threshold, shouting "hello neighbor", and then with a calm-minded look to the cellar. You have to invent other ways to play, which will allow you to sneak in the abode of the potential attacker.

Use all your agility and smelting to explore the huge mansion and try to explore that it was in its depths. You need to play so that the suspect fails to throw your movement. After all, it is not clear that the madman will be asleep, so trying to create the visibility of decency.

By the way, the leaning to the room is not so difficult - the neighbor forgot the door to locate the door, because access to its ownership is open. But on the distribution sounds it is clear that the owner of the house and continues to engage in his dirty divishes. So an attempt to find out his secrets can end sadly if you create a lot of noise or walking around the rooms.

Do not expect from a nasty uncle of welcoming reception and delicious treats. In the adventure, hello, the neighbor failed the experiment will be completed by the fact that the poor fellowship is overlooked by a spade or attack him with a chainsaw. Therefore, having walked down the steps of a psychopath, find the shelter and try to measure, otherwise it would be better to play.

If the opponent still heads towards the ward, immediately distract it, thumping somewhere in any kind of tumor item. Games prepared a large range of objects that are calmly rising, move and throw up.

Compare with artificial intelligence

Do not think that as an opponent, the game Hi neighbor will provide an inconspicuous slow bot. The peculiarity of a virtual opponent is to quickly learn and adapt to all the maneuvers taken by the user. So do not wait for a measured and boring game.

Computer does not remember all actions, adapts to them and approximately represents where the passage may hide. Due to this, the passage of flash drives becomes especially interesting, and contribute to the injection horror of the atmosphere, a canceled schedule and a thoroughly thought out soundtrack.

Want to fight with a digital mind? Then hurry to download Hi neighbor and risk challenge the kinking maniac. The main goal of the game Hello Neighbor is not just survive, but also to get undeniable evidence for the police. Prove that this sowing is the place in Karzer or a mental hospital, but not among peace-loving citizens.
