What does play shape in a child? Development of a child's play. Voluntary behavior during gaming activities

Photo: Pavel Losevsky/Rusmediabank.ru

Children play all their free time. And although it seems to us that this is just entertainment and relaxation, the child develops while playing. Play is the main activity of any child. Therefore, it is with the help of games that it is easier to teach a child. To do this, you can choose educational games. Their main goal is to educate the child and develop him.

What is the benefit of this process?

Even during ordinary, non-developmental games, the child learns a lot, in every area:

- cognitive sphere of life. The baby learns to explore the world through play. He learns about the different properties of objects and their purpose. As a result, logic, thinking, memory and attention also develop.

- imaginative thinking, fantasy and imagination.
In the game, the child brings objects to life and speaks for the characters. He sees money in the leaves, and bun dough in the sand. As a result, the baby develops imagination and fantasy. After all, imagination is the main aspect of the game. The child has to accept. Therefore, it is advisable to buy your child not only toys that are as realistic as possible, but also ones that encourage him to think and fantasize.

- physical development also happens during the game. The child runs, jumps, plays with the ball. All this helps to develop strength, agility, muscle tone, and improve all motor skills.

- speech.
The child needs to pronounce his actions, speak for the character in the game. In addition, if the game is a group game, it means that the baby learns to communicate with peers, negotiate, follow the rules, and distribute roles.

- moral qualities.
While playing, a child learns to be compassionate, to feel pity, to be brave and honest, to be friends and to love. Although the game always has a fictional plot, the conclusions from such games are very real.

- motivational sphere.
Its development also occurs during the game. based on imitation of scenes from the life of an adult. That is, the baby tries on the role of an adult. And he develops the motivation to become an adult, start a family, and get a profession.

If you add educational games to simple games, they will help:

Develop logic and thinking;
develop fine motor skills;
the child will learn to develop more complex tasks on his own;
understand and adhere to the rules;
train memory and attention.

With the help of such games you can not only develop thinking and expand your horizons, but also teach something specific. For example, counting, writing or reading. Such games help prepare for school.

Which games to choose and how to play?

There are many educational games, they can be divided into groups:

for the development of memory and attention- for example, a game: which toy is missing - first you need to put out several toys, and then the child turns away and one toy is put away. The child must find out which one was removed. Or a game: listen and repeat the melody.
for the development of logic and thinking– find the differences, find the sequence, puzzles and rebuses.
games on Help enrich the child's vocabulary. Such games include: solving riddles, writing fairy tales, playing in a home theater.
for the development of imagination and fantasy– Finish the fairy tale, listen to the music and draw it.
educational games – design, modeling, drawing, music.

Any types of educational games represent a set of specific tasks. Moreover, they are all submitted to game form. Therefore, the baby will be happy to study.

All kids are very curious and inquisitive. Therefore, educational games can be used from an early age.

You can show a very small child the world around him, tell him about everything that surrounds him. Cards, music, cubes will help. When the child grows up a little, you should develop fine motor skills and use games to develop memory. Preschoolers will enjoy solving puzzles, riddles and riddles. In addition, at any age it is important to develop a child’s creative abilities. The child learns to create something new and interesting with his own hands. And this is very important for the child himself, for his self-esteem.

For the development of the baby you need to use different games. This is necessary for the baby to develop in all areas of life. You cannot forget or devote time to only one area. And you should choose games that the child likes, then the learning will be effective.

It must be remembered that the benefits will only come if the child enjoys the activity. Therefore, do not force your baby to play what you want, when you want. Choose a time and games that attract the child. If the baby is emotionally involved in the game, then, indeed, the process of learning and development is underway. If the child is indifferent and does not show interest in the game, you should postpone training or simply choose another game.

If you watch a child while playing, you will notice how quickly his mood changes. Play is work for children, but, unlike adults, it is not work that must be done, but rather one that he chooses for himself. He gets joy from this type of activity, even if it requires a lot of effort.

While playing, the child learns. The knowledge and experience he gains depends on what he needs at a given time, what he plays with and what he can understand.

The baby discovers what objects and materials are and learns to get along with other children. And most importantly, he gains an understanding of his own capabilities and confidence that he can interact with the world around him, so it is advisable to intrude as little as possible into the process of his game.

On the other hand, it is necessary to provide the child with new materials and objects that meet his changed inclinations and interests.

Toys and other materials are tools in the process of play. Items for play can include a whole arsenal of tools - from simple pebbles to complex and fragile products used by adults. Regardless of their form, toys always to some extent reflect the culture of the environment in which the child lives; they help him take his place in it.

Toys must correspond to the interests of the child at each stage of his development, otherwise he will not use them.

1. A child should like toys, but not necessarily an adult.

2. Toys must be suitable for his physical and mental capabilities. They should not be so bulky, heavy or complicated that the child is unable to use them.

3. Toys should stimulate the child to act independently, and not to passively contemplate.

4. It is desirable that toys can be used in a variety of ways.

5. Toys should work well and not fail quickly.

6. Toys should be safe, without sharp edges, rough edges or harmful coloring, and durable enough to withstand physical abuse.

In most families, parents usually participate in children's games. If the child himself does not ask to play with him, then he should be given full initiative. Most toys do not require instructions from parents; children figure them out on their own.

As children grow, board games become more common. At the same time, it is desirable to regulate games in such a way that the child, on the one hand, does not experience strong disappointment from losing a game, and on the other, does not get used to privileges due to age.

It is also important to ensure that the child has his own room or a special corner for games, where open shelves for toys would be desirable. It is recommended to temporarily remove boring dolls or cars, then later they will bring great joy. To avoid problems with cleaning up toys, you should remember that it is natural for a child not to put them away, so parents can quietly participate in this process, bringing an element of play into it.

In order to prevent dirt from staining materials such as clay and paints from remaining in the room, it is necessary to provide children with a piece of oilcloth, old newspapers and a mop. It is advisable to organize classes with such materials in the kitchen or bathroom, where there are washable surfaces.

Games and toys at different ages.

A baby needs toys that are easy to grasp and squeeze, pleasant to taste, touch, listen to, and interesting to look at. Such toys develop motor instincts in children.

By the end of the first half of the year, the child learns to play with sound. Smiles when adults copy his sounds.
As he begins to sit up, he discovers the ability to move things.

Playing while bathing can bring great joy to a child. It can launch and catch floating objects.
When a child can already crawl, moving toys become more attractive to him.

When a child has already learned to walk, he can use his hands more. He builds and dismantles structures from blocks, sometimes throwing them around. During this period, he really likes soft, beautiful toys.

At two years old, a child begins to imitate his parents, especially his mother. His interest is in kitchen utensils. Washable dolls with hair that can be cared for are good for this period. At this age he begins to learn order. At two and a half years old, he can already use dull scissors, for example to cut out pictures. But the game has not yet become a social moment for him.

By the age of three, play for a child takes on a more social character. He makes his own friends and learns to interact in the game. During this period, you can already start inviting little kids home for games. The child’s world now includes wheeled structures (bicycles, wheelbarrows). He has a desire to climb, to get into something. It’s good to have a small stepladder for this, and if there is a garden, a tree with boards nailed to it, along which you could climb onto it. Boys and girls begin to play house in a more realistic way.

Building blocks for structures are still used. Often the process of destruction brings greater joy than the process of creation, but this is also necessary. The child needs to experiment with form and balance in order to be able to create structures.

At three years old, the child manipulates materials for play more and more and tastes them less. He is interested in connecting objects of different shapes and colors. He gets great pleasure from movement.

At four years old, the child becomes more sociable. “Let’s play” is his favorite expression now. Through their actions in play, children express what they see around them. They play fathers and mothers, doctors and nurses, drivers, etc. The more complete their life experience, the richer their play. In the game, they often use things of adults and copy characters from television programs.

During this period, the interests of boys and girls are divided, although some remain general games. Children craft from clay and make drawings that are sometimes understandable only to themselves. In these cases, it is more tactful not to ask the question “What is this”; it is better to invite the child to talk about his work.

There is a need to provide the child with various tools. At this age, the child can already use the phonograph to listen to music. In a family, children can take part in simple games in cards and lotto with pictures.

Five years is the beginning of a realistic age, a more intense copying of reality in games. Children begin to create things that adults can already recognize. Children of both sexes show interest in scientific phenomena. They are delighted with the magnet and microscope.

At this age, children are already able to handle miniature objects. It is better to make a dollhouse for a girl with an open top, so that it is more convenient to move the dolls without knocking over the furniture placed in it. When decorating a dollhouse, it is important that the appropriate proportions of miniature objects are observed.

In the early preschool period, the development of physical abilities becomes of great importance. Girls should be able to jump rope, girls and boys should be able to play volleyball. Tricycles are being replaced by two-wheeled bicycles. Children roller skate and many go swimming. Boys play noisy war games, there is no point in forbidding them from toy guns - they will make them themselves if they cannot get them any other way. This is the time of fascination with toy soldiers, boats, and airplanes.

The girls' dress-up game is becoming more and more realistic, and now they are starting to use real lipstick and powder. Fantasy is still highly developed, but it requires reinforcement with costumes. Great authenticity is also required from dolls: they must be able to move, cry, etc.

Clay and sand are now used in new ways: building caves and castles, digging canals, etc.
There comes a period of collecting a wide variety of items, but it may not last long.

At seven years old, a child can already play independently and concentrate on the game for much longer. Outdoor games occupy a large place in his life, as well as Board games: dominoes, checkers. Boys aged eight or nine can play football and volleyball. Many girls at this age are interested in dancing. Boys are increasingly using tools and assembling airplane models.

Children at this age enjoy mixing different chemicals. Both girls and boys love to cook food that requires mixing.

Children develop a need for privacy from adults.

In pre-adolescence (up to 13 years), children actively engage in sports. The interests of girls and boys are strictly differentiated. Collecting is becoming more and more traditional: stamps, butterflies, minerals, coins. If collecting becomes serious, adult assistance is required. Girls like to wear their mother's clothes.

Children develop a sense of critical attitude towards their creativity, some temporarily interrupt their usual activities, art, in particular. Girls like to cook, but out of impulse rather than necessity.

Live in summer camps acquires special attractiveness. Children can already take care of pets. Family play is temporarily reduced.

When a child becomes a teenager, in play, as in other activities, he strives for independence from the family. The game becomes more and more mature, he communicates more and more with his peers. He plays tennis, spends his evenings listening to recorded music or solving the world's problems.

Preschoolers, as a rule, spend a lot of time playing. They can assemble pyramids or puzzles, play with dolls, cars alone or with their peers. Often adults do not take children's games seriously. They think it's a waste of time. But this activity can be made as useful as possible for the child. Through any game, children learn to communicate, explore the world, learn various skills, develop logic and motor skills. Therefore, treat children's games preschool age not seriously - this is an extremely wrong position.

But in order for the game process to be as beneficial as possible for development, it must be corrected by adults. For the little ones, parents choose absolutely all games and toys. They are the ones who, as a rule, play together with the baby and teach him how to do it correctly. As the child gets older, he can take the initiative, choose his favorite games, and ask for certain toys. At this age, parents are more observers. But at the same time they must help, advise and explain. In any case, adults have a significant influence on a child's play.

The influence of play on child development

While playing, children constantly develop. Some games contribute to the development of physical abilities, others form the psyche and mental abilities.

Development of the cognitive sphere

Children learn a lot about the world through games. They learn through experience about the basic properties of various objects and substances and study their purpose. Exploring the world through games starts from the very beginning. This begins before the child is able to consciously play with anything. He simply shakes the rattle, hearing the noise, folds or throws toys. Often tries on the tooth various items. While learning about the world, the baby simultaneously develops his memory and logic. Ability to analyze and think. These skills, if developed correctly, will help your child do better in school.

Physical development

There are games that are aimed specifically at developing physical abilities. At this time, children master movements, improve their skills and endurance. Many children simply love outdoor games. They love to run, jump, and play with the ball. It is recommended to equip a corner with sports structures in the children's room so that the child can exercise during the day. In the yard, it is important to encourage children to move as much as possible. This will help in easy gaming form to improve physical abilities, and team game learn to interact with each other.

Development of imaginative thinking

Often during play the child shows imagination. He models space, endows toys with certain properties, and comes up with names and characters for them. Children understand that all this is not real, but during the game, candy wrappers become real money for them, and sand becomes dough for Easter cakes. It is in the process of such games that the child’s imagination develops, he learns to think independently and outside the box. Today there are many toys that imitate real objects. This, in a sense, deprives children of the opportunity to express their imagination.

Development of speech and skills

When the game has a plot and toys play roles, the child pronounces their actions and words. Such games are especially useful in a group. This develops speech and the ability to communicate. At the same time, children learn to agree on rules and then follow them. These skills will also be very useful to them in the future.


Typically, in role-playing games, a child imitates his parents or other adults. He temporarily becomes an adult, trying himself in one role or another. In a playful way, he tries to perform certain actions. In such games, one can see the motivation to grow up as a worthy person, to get an education in order to be able to find a good job, and to realize oneself in a profession. For motivation to be correct, children must see a good example.


As a rule, children play with each other according to fictitious plots, but at the same time they react to the actions of their play partners for real. It could be joy, gratitude or resentment. At this time, human qualities are formed. The child learns to be brave, show determination, and be kind. In order for human qualities to be formed correctly, a good example is needed before one’s eyes. Parents should watch the game from time to time and unobtrusively give recommendations and advice.

Emotional sphere

A very important component of a child’s knowledge of the world and development is the formation of his emotionality. While playing, children should learn to show support, express regret, and sympathy. Often you can notice certain problems through the game. For example, the baby is afraid of something or is anxious. By identifying the problem and paying attention to it in a timely manner, it can be solved at an early age. This will help the child grow up to be a more confident and balanced person.

Play is very important in a child's life. And the more varied and interesting they are, the better the baby will be prepared for adult life. Therefore, you cannot neglect your children’s games. You can’t just send your child to play with himself without him disturbing you. Caring is manifested not only in the purchase of expensive toys and a computer. It is very important to observe how a child expresses imagination, how he interacts with other children and adults, and how well he develops physically.

35 games for children: what to play with your child at home (video)

Game activity - modeling various life situations - is predominant for preschool children. It is in play that a child’s personality develops, the roles they will play in adulthood are worked out, and the way of interacting with the outside world is learned. Learning new skills and abilities also occurs in a playful way. The leading role of play in the development of a preschool child is determined by the peculiarities of the development of the psyche of children. By watching children play, you can learn a lot about their living conditions, preferences, and character traits.

Psychology identifies the entire younger age as a period of active play activity. Parents often call children's fun a useless activity, a waste of time, and try to replace them with really “important” things - special training exercises, lessons on various fashionable techniques. However, the role of the game in mental development child is paramount.

What is the meaning of the game, why is this activity so necessary for kids?

  • While playing, children learn to create and dream, to create their own reality: by connecting together dreams and the reality they know, children’s imagination actively works.
  • Cognitive, cultural, social, physical development occurs - children recreate situations that reflect the interactions of people in society, consolidate their ideas about life.
  • Strong-willed qualities, the ability to build and plan one’s activities are improved, which is a necessary condition for intellectual development.
  • Playing together brings people together, teaches them to find a common language, make contact and maintain it. Children make their first friends in games. Feelings and emotions are formed, the experience of a wide variety of strong experiences and overcoming difficulties appears.
  • Children's speech is enriched and structured.

While playing, a preschooler comes to understand the social essence of all things - every action, manipulation, word has meaning for some person. Gradually, the child develops an understanding of the leading role of human relationships.

Pedagogy distinguishes many types of games:

  • Movable – training of agility, speed, strength, as well as the desire to win, perseverance, empathy, and strong-willed qualities.
  • Logical - help in preparing for school, an important stage in the development of memory, perseverance, and the ability to look for a non-standard solution to a given problem.
  • Didactic – replenishment of vocabulary, formation of coherent speech, ability to formulate one’s thoughts, correct attitude towards various aspects of life (nature, Motherland, professions, people of different nationalities).
  • Role-playing play as a means of child development has a special place, being an effective tool for the formation of mental functions, thinking, imagination, and emotional sphere.

Play from infancy to 7 years

Improvement and development of play activities of preschool children occurs gradually, starting with the most primitive actions.

Entering first grade does not interrupt this path - the importance of play in the lives of schoolchildren is just as great right up to middle school. Children socialize, master the voluntary side of their activities, and model more complex and lengthy plots with a larger number of roles.

Key Components of Creative Play

The main components of the game are content, plot, role.

The plot is a sphere real life, which children reproduce in their play. The main themes of the plots of children's games:

  • Everyday life: family, shopping, guests, kindergarten, cooking dinner.
  • Manufacturing - here there is a connection with professions: hospital, hairdresser, school, supermarket, construction site.
  • Socio-political plot: “war”, pirates, Indians.

Development role-playing game goes in exactly this order - from everyday situations to the most complex socio-political ones. This is due to the enrichment of one’s horizons and the ability to understand deeper social relationships.

Often, children's favorite game plot is the script of a popular cartoon, movie, or book. Modern children spend hours playing “ninja turtles”, “rescue puppies”, “autobot robots”. Observe what situations your child imitates in such games, perhaps you will understand that you should more carefully select cartoons and films to watch.

With age, children's living conditions change, their horizons broaden, the number of plots for games increases, some plots lose their relevance and cease to be used.

When building the content of the game, the child puts into it what is his current environment. Children reflect what they see and absorb from their immediate circle. Observing different variations of behavior in the “family” game, you can see a variety of mothers: swearing and punishing, preparing food and cleaning, doing work, reading books to their daughters.

Along with the enrichment of plots and content, the playing time increases. Three- and four-year-olds can play continuously for no more than 15 minutes. Five year olds can be captivated for up to an hour. Older preschoolers play real games for several hours, often continuing the same storyline over the course of two to three days.

Creative play as a means of child development is influenced by adults, but their real influence lies in providing children with high-quality “material” and providing an adequate “primary source”. Parents and educators provide the environment and toys, but the most important contribution to children’s play is the work of adults themselves, since it is their behavior, reactions, and emotions that preschool children reproduce in their games.

How older child, the more pronounced the motives of play become - the child’s need to join the “big”, adult world, to become a full-fledged member of society, to take a recognized place in it, to perform socially important, significant functions.

How to build a children's role-playing game

The structure of the game consists of the following components:

  • roles;
  • game actions;
  • playful use of objects (substitution);
  • real relationships between the guys.


This is the most important component of any creative game - it represents certain actions and statements characteristic of a certain person. The preschooler takes on the role of an adult, builds play behavior, which, in his opinion, is inherent in this adult. The baby speaks, moves, and manipulates various objects appropriately.

Children are very selective about roles. A child will most readily agree to the role of someone who arouses his genuine interest, strong emotions, whose actions impressed or delighted him. The formation of the relationship of this role with other participants in the game is also important - whether the figure has weight, how its interactions with others develop, how high the character’s activity is.

Game actions

The role is realized through play actions - all movements, statements, and manipulations with objects made by the child. Replacing things in real life with toys or some other objects is a technique that will gradually develop abstract thinking and imagination. Usually than younger child, the less demanding he is about toys - the baby will be happy to use sticks, stones, pencils, paper, pillows and blankets.

Psychologists recommend that parents buy fewer toys for their preschool children. When a child has a wide range of objects that can fill any game, there is no need to fantasize, imagine, or abstract from a specific form. By providing a child with a small set of ready-made toys, we give him the opportunity to develop more deeply and intensively.

Partnership interaction

Building partnerships between playing children includes the following points:

  • Joint discussion, planning a storyline, pronouncing some of the actions of the players.
  • Determining the role of each participant, choosing game attributes.
  • Controlling actions as the plot develops.
  • Making adjustments to the game.

The older the participants in the game, the more progressive their real functions are, the higher their ability to negotiate and stick to the plan. When talking about the role of creative games in the development of a preschool child, teachers and psychologists focus on natural socialization, the ability to live in the interests of the team, and the acquisition of a partnership spirit. The game is of key importance for the formation of a children's team. Kids learn to hear each other, negotiate, seek compromise, sacrifice their interests for the interests of their peers, using the following tools:

  • Planning - future events, plot are discussed by all participants.
  • Discussion of the initial concept - what roles the friends will play, is it possible to switch roles so that everyone can be the main character.
  • Creating a gaming environment - the environment and subject content are selected together.

Parents believe that children's games, being a meaningless, useless activity, are devoid of purpose and result. This is a misconception: the implementation of the accepted role is the goal, and the effectiveness of the manifestation of the role, its correspondence to real heroes is the result.

In order to organize playful, direct plot-role communication within the chosen plot, preschoolers use the following techniques:

  • Role reversal. During the game, children can repeatedly change roles, introduce new characters, and get rid of some.
  • Transition to playful cooperation. Looking closely at each other, the kids play side by side, each in their own imaginary field, and only over time do the plots unite and create a common play space.
  • The guys are guided by the feelings they experience in relation to the characters. Thanks to such empathy, interest in the game is maintained, the plot develops, and the content is enriched.
  • Dramatization of events - increased emotional tension, the need to help the heroes, save them - is a means of reviving the game, making it attractive, and maintaining interest at a high level.

The role of adults in organizing games

Parents and teachers must understand that the role of play in a child’s mental development is not to teach certain plots or behavior patterns, but to create conditions for natural, free mastery of the ability to communicate, empathize, and make friends.

An environment suitable for play activities often does not require any special spaces; it consists of the simple presence of peers nearby and the absence of coercion and control from adults.

If, as you grow up, the game becomes more complex, enriched with new ways of interaction, the ability to introduce new characters appears, the ability to combine different situations develops, and dialogues improve, then we can talk about an increase in the level of the game, and therefore an increase in the number of its participants.

Educators in kindergarten have their own methodological tasks for organizing gaming activities:

  • Involve yourself in children's creative play, demonstrating by your own example the techniques of play activities.
  • Adjust the ways of developing the plot and game actions in accordance with age.
  • Shape gaming skills, explain their meaning.
  • Make sure that children in the game reflect acquired skills, ideas, learned behavior patterns, gently guiding the children.
  • Introduce didactic toys, teach animation, plot creation
  • Introduce board and outdoor games and rules.

Parents need to remember that children’s play activities develop spontaneously, naturally, intuitively - there is no need to create a special developmental climate or fill the environment with special toys. The constant active involvement of parents in children's play can even be harmful - the child will not be able to independently, without the help of mom and dad, choose and direct the storyline, fill in the content, enrich role behavior, and build interaction with friends.

By allowing children to play on their own, parents give them the opportunity to harmoniously enter the world around them, find their own mechanisms of communication with people, learn to build relationships, adequately use different objects and perceive reality. By playing, children gain self-confidence, fill their lives with interesting, exciting content, and satisfy their social needs and interests. Free creative game– the most important means of the full development of the child’s personality.
