New Year's games for children 6 7 years old. New Year competitions for children. New Year competitions for children and adults at home

And the anniversary again! Baby 6 months! This is a particularly important date in the minds of all parents. A kind of frontier, reaching which one can safely draw a line. The child has become a full member of the family, he grows and develops, you are accustomed to him, he already knows you. Rejoices you, asks you to comfort. You with him - a single whole. Behind the difficult months of becoming a new life, ahead is a sea of \u200b\u200bdiscoveries. Now your baby is clearly formed habits, mode, you understand its needs. Before you, the little man with his character, its needs, perhaps it is difficult for you, but so joyful, interesting and now you are not thinking to yourself another life, and do not remember what she was before his appearance.

This is a kind of transition period, which is prepared for the "verticalization" of the body position, preparation for teething and the beginning of teething.

What's new?

In 6 months, the first teeth begin to break down, you can notice them when feeding a spoon - a spoon will boil about the gums. The gums swell and squeeze that it delivers discomfort to the child. This process delivers a crumb discomfort: saliva stands out rapidly, the gums swell, hurt and itch. Often rises body temperature. Because of this, the baby can become fissoly and irritable for a while. During this period, it is very important very good to wash toys with soap, rinse them with boiled water - after all, Kroch takes them in his mouth, tert them the ledge, and a dirty toy can provoke such a nuisance as stomatitis.

Good to know

Usually, the children in the sixth month, the central cutters are turned off first - the top or bottom. It is important to know that the deadlines for the teething of the teeth in the children are different, someone appear in four months, and someone and nine.

The baby is able to lying on the back to roll over on the bar, then on the tummy. Lying on the tummy can rely with one handle, another to keep the toy. May be spinning around his axis, try to get up on all fours, go back, get up on all fours and try to crawl.

Good to know

Since the baby has already mastered the turns in all directions in the horizontal plane, it is impossible to leave it unattended, especially at a height and without restrictions on the side.

Perhaps your crumb is already confidently sitting, and perhaps only trying to keep the back in a new position. You can sit down the child from the support.

In 6 months, the child gradually understands that he has two handles. It can first hold an object or toy in one handle, and then shifted to another. He also realizes that he can now keep two toys at once - one in both handles. So far, the crumb is easier to grab and keep the subject than to throw it, so he constantly honors the skill of the release of toys from the handles.

On the sixth month of the life of Kroch, hears and understands the speech of adults, and himself actively communicates using the bow. In addition, now he speaks, even being alone - he is interested in new sounds, he trains his speech skills, issuing syllables: "Da-yes-yes", "E-E-E", "Gu-GU-GU", "Bu-bu-bu" and others. Gradually, Kroch learns to modulate voice and tone.

Closer to the first half of the life of Krochi, there is a big jump in his psychological development. He distinguish between others and his own, knows his name and responds to him. The new in the behavior of the crumbs will be the occurrence of fear of strangers. Now the baby can easily spare on the hands of the "new", but as soon as the mother takes him to himself, he immediately calms down. Such an attitude to "strangers" will last for quite a long time.

What does a child look like in 6 months

Physical development of a child in 6 months

In a position on his back, the baby is enough hands of his legs, plays them, pulls himself into his mouth. Rises his head, looks in front of him and on his legs.

In the stomach position rarely lies calmly. Most often, unfolds with all the body to the left or right, and it does this through the use of the movements of the handles. Sometimes it can help yourself and legs. A child can turn around the arc of 360 degrees around his center of gravity or, simply speaking, around his navel. If you briefly went to another room, returning, you may find that the child's position has changed, - the parties where the head and feet of the child were changed in places. In the absence of a child's movement around the axis, try to call it with the help of a toy that you need to move on an arc around the child.

The baby is also free to spin in all directions and along the horizontal axis of the body, easily turns away from the back on the stomach and from the belly on the back. The kid's hands were so rushed as when he puts them out and rests on his palm, he can leave the position on the stomach highly lift top His body. Some children can do not rely on both hands, but for one.

If a child sees a bright toy or any entertaining thing, then applies efforts to pull on his hands closer to it. The child can get tired, but, a little rested, again pulls himself in the direction of the object of interest. This is not real crawl, but the clutch. Although some children from 5 months can move in this way around the room. In general, it should not be particularly focused on crawling as a criterion of timely development. This feature is very individual. Some children prefer to quickly get up to the feet, generally ignoring the varieties of horizontal movement. To stimulate the climbing, attach or lay a bright toy nearby. Do not forget about the safety of the child. After all, the child pulls everything to her mouth.

If you put a child on your feet, it begins to stand, relying the breast on the support surface and helping his hands. Can carry body weight from foot on foot. Remember that it is not recommended to stimulate the function of walking. It is impossible to specifically put a child, as in this test, and even more so use walkers - the musculoskeletal system for walking is not ready yet.

A planned child can sit on his own and rely on one hand, using the second to reach the toys. At the same time, the blades are reduced to each other and the upper part of the back is dispersed. Due to such straightening, the baby can bend in the elbows of his hand, lift them up and staying up and a short time in the sitting position, without support on the hands. In the pose sitting, also begins to form a lumbar lumbar (deflection in the spine in the lower back). You can see this deflection on yourself. However, do not land the child regularly. Especially do not sit in soft pillows. This can contribute to the development of the spinal curvature.

Test game
In the standing position, with the support of adults, the mouse is firmly resting on the legs. Earlier, the child feet feet in the knee and thigh, now the strong support is achieved by the fact that the legs are straightened in the joints. That is why the baby can bounce a spring and for a few seconds to hold the weight of his body for a few seconds. Of course, the hands of an adult insure the child and do not give him to fall aside.

Child food in 6 months

Well eats from a spoon, which is holding an adult, not only thick, but also semi-pile food. Removes from a spoon to eat lips little, and not just abscesses her how it could do before.

Makes a few sips from a cup or a pile that adult brings to the lips of the child.

Mental development of a child in 6 months

The child stretches his hand and tries to grab small items: bread crumb, dust or even the pattern on the fabric. To identify non-unbound violations, observe whether the kid is peering with eyes into objects of 1-2 mm, which are from the eyes at a distance of 30 (20-40) cm.

Small Motoric and Child Game in 6 months

Freely takes a toy from an adult hand, not only if it is made at the level of the middle line of the body, and on any side and from any position. Stretches to the toy not two hands, as before, but one hand. In addition to toys that you offer, the baby seeks to take those that sees themselves and to which it can reach. To check this skill, you must put a baby on your knees, and put the toy in front of him on the table.

A child can independently engage in toys up to 30-40 minutes, without requiring your attention. He continues to study toys. Learn to play toys depending on their properties. Considers the toy, listening to the sounds published by it. Rampt a rattle. Be sure to taste the toy. Loves to play with paper and other rustling objects. From 6 months for a child, you can buy a special game center with buttons, lever, keys, rotating disks and handles. The gaming center can be put in front of the baby or hang to the sides of the bed, a player, allowing the child to act independently, removing various sounds from it, seeking on or off light effects. Bath toys are also recommended: buckets, cups, floating items - boats, fish, ducks. From 6 to 9 months the first teeth cut through, so buy your son or daughter special rubber rings for chewing. It is good to purchase a plane developing rug with convex toy figures, which are made from different materials on the texture of materials (silk, fur, plastic) and filled with fillers (plastic peas, cellophane and others), as well as capable of sharing sounds when exposed to them.

In games with objects, the kid demonstrates quite clever movements. I know how to keep the toy hard, swing, knock it on the table. It shifts a small toy (cube or other) from one hand to another. Can keep the toy in each hand.

Until the middle of the 6th month most often enough and keeps toys with the whole brush ("monkeys" capture). However, by the end of the 6th month of life, it can already take toys with another, more convenient way: continues to take objects with the whole palm, but at the same time he opposes the thumb with the rest of the four (capture "Cles").

Clearly distinguishes mother, father and other close people from each other. When you try to play a doctor or unfamiliar adult to play with a child - a clearer reaction "on someone else's": most often wary looking at him, frowning can cry.

The use of gestures is developing: pulls hands to adult (mother), when he wants to take him.

Understanding of speech by a child in 6 months

Starting from the first days of life, you are talking to the child all the time when leaving him. Now the value of your speech increases. The child approaches understanding the meaning of your words. Therefore, in addition to the simple comments to your actions, describe the names of items, describe his emotional state, and most importantly - call it actions and intentions: "I see you want me to take you on your arms."

The predetermined development of the child in 6 months

Swing with voice sounds goes to the bow. In 5 months, hesitates - this is a re-repetition of the same syllable: "wow-wow-wow" or "bu-aa", "bu-b-b", "va-va-va", "ba-ba -Be, "La-la-la," Mm-Ma "," Da-yes-yes-yes-yes. " From the consonants dominate "B", "B", "M". In 5 months, only those syllables that end themselves are encountered. If all the children of Agukali and goured, using sounds common to all languages, the appearance of the lepture is the beginning of a long process of mastering exactly those syllables that are specific for a particular language. It is not by chance that at the same time with the syllables increases the ability to imitate necessary to master the native language. Most of the children can already imitate themselves in their bowel. Some children can also listen to adult, re-pronounce a syllable after it. To do this, during the bastard of the child, you can join a roll ring with it. In order for the child to see the face and lips of an adult, utter syllables, you better bend closer to the face of the child.

Some children can already independently pronounce any one syllable without repeat ("Ba", "Ma" or other).

What is the child in 6 months

Compliance with the usual routine of the kid's day is also important for his health and at the same time quite convenient for parents - based on the mode of sleep-wake, feeding and walking with the child, you can plan your own business and classes. Night dream sleep at 6 months lasts at least 10-11 hours. Wake-up intervals increase during the day, but the baby is still sleeping 2-3 times to 1.5-2 hours, that is, only 14-15 hours a day. Sleep successfully can be combined with a walk, because to walk with the child at this age it is necessary not to change 2 hours twice a day.

Each morning, after compulsory hygienic procedures, a simple massage for a child should be made for a child of 6 months, the essence of which is stroking, patrass, rubbing all muscle groups with elements of gymnastics - flexion and extension of the limbs, housing. Such a massage has a lining effect, and also helps to maintain mom's emotional contact with the child.

Every day about an hour before the child's sleep you need to bathe. For six months, the baby managed to love water procedures and is waiting for them on the eve of the evening. Buy bright and interesting toys for the bathroom, and the usual bathing will turn into a fascinating and interesting process.

Good to know

To form crumbs Day Mode, put it on the night at the same time, walk at least twice a day and, if possible, at least once lay down to sleep in the fresh air, in the morning and in the evening do water treatments.

Infographics - baby sleep duration depending on age

How to feed a child in 6 months

In breastfeeding, feeding mode changes. At night, the most active sucking shifts for the last 2-3 hours before the awakening. In the first half of the day, the kid passed overnight 6 months is rarely applied to the chest, in the evening of applying become frequent. In 6 months of joining, they disappear at all or become single. If the first tooth appeared, during feeding the baby can bite you for the chest, since it does not know his new opportunities.

The breastfeeding period is possible to maximize. Breast milk ensures the full and proper development of the child, and also creates immune defense. Therefore, it is very important to preserve natural feeding as long as possible. Try to keep the lactation in sufficient quantity, it will help more calmly transfer the teething of the teeth, because during this period the children are very capricious, and so chewing the screaming gums rather painful

It's time to introduce lures. The norms of the administration of the feed is individual and depend on many factors. Specialists - nutritionists advise with the introduction of conformity to focus on the physical development of the infant, and not only on its calendar age.

Here are a few basic signs that the baby is already needed.

  • His weight doubled from the moment of birth.

  • His teeth cut through or there are signs of their soon appearance.

  • He began to sit on his own.

  • The kid is interested in adult food, trying to take food from a plate or lick his fingers.

  • Confidently holds a spoon in his hand, toy, shifts her out of hand in hand.

Do not forget to keep a diary, in which you will record the date of administration of the attachment, the number and reaction to it, then it will be easier to navigate when there are any problems. Best patience and in no way hurry with bait

  • Introduction Dust begins with 0.5 teaspoons before breastfeeding. Gradually, portion of the feeding increases in geometric progression until all feeding is replaced.

  • Each new product is introduced no earlier than 2 weeks after the previous one.

  • Enter the lore is better for the second feeding.

  • If the child refuses or demonstrates negative reactions, it is better to postpone the introduction of this product.

Where to start the bastard
Let us consider in more detail the basic food products for children aged 6 months:

  1. Vegetable puree. For its preparation only fresh vegetables are taken. Last time pediatricians are increasingly recommended to give the baby steam food, because In this case, more vitamins are preserved than in boiled. The puree does not need to be accepted, and it is recommended to add a few drops of vegetable oil. The value of a complete portion of vegetable feeding for a semi-annual crumbage is 170 ml.

  2. Silent porridge. It is worth starting to begin with porridge, which consists of one type of cereals, such as oatmeal, gradually expanding the diet of the child and adding new types of this product. After the kid's diet introduced 4-5 types of porridge, you can give a multi-oscillate. The full portion of the silent porridge for this age is 180 ml.

Food of the kid of artificial in 6 months
According to the World Health Organization. According to its recommendations, it is precisely child-artificials in earlier pricultum. This is explained by the fact that the mixture, even the best, does not contain all the necessary utilities for the growth and development of the body.

That is why by 6 months, a child who is on artificial feeding, the child watches vegetable purees in its menu, kishki and other goodies rich in vitamins.

What you can eat a semi-annual baby:

  • Vegetable puree and rubbed soup.

  • Porridge, including dairy, if there is no allergies.

  • Curd, kefir, yogurt.

  • Fruit purees, juices.

  • Yolk.

  • Crackers, gallery cookies.

The exemplary feeding diagram of the kid in half a year it looks like this:

  • Feeding: mixture.

  • Feeding: porridge, into which you can add butter.

  • Feeding: rubbed vegetables soup. For son, you can add egg yolk or meat cooked separately.

  • Feeding: fruit puree, kefir or cottage cheese.

  • Feeding: mixture.

Good to know
A variety in the menu of a child on an artificial type of feeding in 6 months must be made gradually, watching the reaction of a small organism. New products are introduced by small portions - from half of the teaspoon. And you should not hurry to give everything at once, because there is still a whole life ahead.

Do I need to give juices to a child of 6 months
Over the past 20 years, the opinion of doctors about how to feed the child in 6 months and which of the juices to enter the first have changed the first. For example, before the lure began with a natural apple product. However, it is worth noting that the last time the pediatricians do not recommend to start lore from it, because It contains a lot of acid that can irritate the gastric mucosa kid.

What a chair in a child in 6 months. How many times he pisses

After 6 months, the baby empties 1-2 times a day or less.

From 6 months, the child begins to feel the filling of the bladder and is trying to "signal" the surrounding about the need to empty it (the child becomes focused, starts to sleep, sometimes cry and calms down after urination). From 6 months. Up to 1 year, urination multiplicity is 15-16 times a day.

How to play with a child in 6 months

A semi-annual kid demonstrates a wider range of emotions, it can clearly express his pleasure and displeasure, demand attention, so some parents think about what special to take a child for 6 months?

The child will be interested in everything new - expand the range of availability of new items, let's consider them, touch, pronounce the name. Special attention should be paid to the development of small motility - to offer toys toys with rotating, moving parts, beads, but it is important to ensure that the toys are high quality and have not rushed and not broken. You can also begin to develop an active listening skills from the kid, reading fairy tales and verses or including audio. At the same time, it is important that the child is not distracted by anything else and learned to listen and perceive information.

What new toys can be purchased

  • Swimming Toys - Floating Figures - Balls, Ships, Plastic Cups, Sitcheko, Bright Sponge.

  • Toys that can be chewing.

  • Box or basket for toys - the baby will be interested in examining its contents.

Educational games for the child in 6 months
Buttons on toys, boxes.
Opening-closing boxes, pressing the buttons usually very much like babies at that age.

Classic game in palm with poems.

All objects of interest.
Safe household items - plastic, wooden and metal cups, spoons and covers from a saucepan. The period of active research and if it is not dangerous to health, let the child take and touch various items and things. Exploring the world, we are developing.

Good to know

For a six-month-old child, not only games include a variety of movements, but also verbal communication. And, singing to him, or pronouncing cheerful rhythmic rhymes, you encourage him to imitate you first visually (the baby looks at you, trying to move the lips in the rhythm of the song or a poem or begins to swing the handms) then already and verbal.

Game options with a child in 6 months

Diverse tactile sensations.
Of all the developing classes for children 6 months, this is one of the simplest and lungs. Just take the handle of the baby along the most different surfaces: solid and soft, warm and cold, smooth and rough - and it will get great pleasure. Not only toys, but also a variety of household objects like spoons, a piece of silk or terry fabric, etc. Do not forget to call the feelings that the child is experiencing at this time: it will also contribute to the development of speech. Also prepare a few bags with different croups - and small, and large. With their feeling, the crumb will first get acquainted not only with the subjects of various textures, but also will receive the first idea of \u200b\u200btheir size.

Let the baby get a new visual experience.
If you do not know how to accurately develop a child in 6-7 months, experts advise to start with the simplest. Place the toys not only near the baby, but also at a distance, and tell him about the items that he cannot reach. Take care that they were of a wide variety of colors, it is desirable that among them there are motley, and monophonic, as well as weathered in dark and light shades. Place next to the baby several toys of the same color and one, sharply different from them in color scheme, and then watch the reaction of the son or daughter.

Show photos moms and dads with any opportunity to pronounce the words "Dad" and "Mom". Print to the wall above the baby cot or chair photos of mom and dad. Every time you hear how the kid "Gulit" "Ma-Ma" and "Pa Para", show him in the photo and say: "This is a mother, and this is dad."

Buy books with pictures - wooden, adhesive or dense cardboard.

Constantly talk to the crumb.
All authors of the benefits saying on how to develop a child in 6 months, agree that it is necessary to talk as often as possible: when feeding, dressing, while walking. Try to repeat the sounds and sound combinations that make a baby, such as "Yeah", "Ygi", etc. Thus, you can tie an improvised conversation with him. Use short phrases and words in conversation and return to them. Public sounds and chains of syllables can even be gone: for example, "Ma-Ma-Ma", "Ba-Ba-Ba", "Ge-Ge-Ge", etc. Be sure to vary intonation and pronounce the sounds, for example, rounding lips and inflating cheeks.

Continue making a massage and make gymnastics with him.
Now the preparation of muscles for walking is very important. Stimulate the kid crawling with a toy posted in front of him. Make a finger gymnastics, exercises to relax your fingers and hands, such as stroking, "roaming" with fingers, "coloring of the fence" - movement of brushes down-up, left-right;

What to pay attention to the development of the child in 6 months

Please note if the kroic half of the year:

  • Can't grab a cube.

  • Does not react by hearing the rustling of paper, which he sees.

  • Does not ask for a handle.

  • Lying on the tummy, not reaching the toy.

In this case, contact the Pediatrician advice.

Do I need to go to the clinic at 6 months? Vaccinations in 6 months.

Monthly inspection of pediatrician and dispensarization in 6 months. Consultations of the neurologist, the oculist, etc. are possible. According to the schedule proposed in your city.

Planned vaccination:

  • ADHS - against the cough, diphtheria and tetanus (3rd in the account).

  • 3rd vaccination against hepatitis V.

  • 3rd vaccination against poliomyelitis.

Analyzes (OAK, OAM) are held before each vaccination.

The semi-annual baby was already left behind the first, the most difficult part of his infancy, and the parents learned to learn the mood and desires of the child, equipped their life and installed a comfortable family for all family members.

The six-month karapuz begins to actively know the surrounding environment, the development of his body helps him. From 6 months, the child moves freely - controls both handles, turns over on the stomach, then sits down and starts crawling on all fours. He learns the taste of not only the maternal milk or mixture, but also more adult food.

From the semi-year age you can already develop both the physiological mechanisms of the skills of the child and his mental abilities, perception of the beautiful. In order for your efforts to be sent to the right track, you will deal with a six-month carapaus.

Physical development of a semi-annual baby: norms and features

It should be noted that each person, including the baby, is an individuality, so any norms of the development of the body are evaluated only about. As adults, people differ in their weight, growth and temperament, and children can be thin or full, squat or high, but at the same time healthy. It is usually disturbed by serious deviations, due to which a person lives indefinitely and does not strengthen into society.

By 6 months of life, a boy or girl is gaining 500-600 g to their weight at birth, and growth increases by two centimeters. On average, the weight of a semi-annual baby reaches 9 kg, and the growth can be in the range from 65 cm to 70 cm.

  • By 7 months he must calmly ride with a tummy on the back and back. Your child is much more movable, can fall from a regular bed to the floor, if you don't look after it - it is possible to leave one kid only in a mannezh with protection.
  • At the age of 6-7 months some guys already sit independently or tighten, keeping something or someone. At this age, the child's spine is not yet ugly, it does not withstand the weight of the child for a long time, so your baby must sit no more than 15-20 minutes at a time. Not yet time to acquire walkers, seats and swing (recommend reading :).
  • In 6 months, the child is actively Begins to use both handles. Retrieves toys in them, can reach the spoon during the dust, shifts items from one handle to another.
  • At the reaches of six months, many kids start crawling, and some even stand, holding a support (we recommend reading :). If the child still does not know how this, then it usually uses other funny ways to move - it can roll with a side on the side, reach, get enough for all the handles and pull up, lift the upper part of the body, lying on the tummy, try to grab something.
  • During this period, it is important not to limit the physical activity of the baby: try to often leave it free from clothes on the changing table, lay out on the bed or on a blanket on the floor so that the child can move as much as he wants.

Active use of both pens - the distinguishing skill of this period, which speaks of the right development of the Motorika and the psyche of the baby

Another important process that is activated in a child at six months is the teething. If the baby actively pulls the handles, toys and foreign objects in the mouth, became capricious or sluggish, refuses to eat and favorite entertainment - the first tooth will seem soon.

Nervical and mental and emotional child development

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The opportunity in a new way, to more fully perceive the surrounding world contributes to the fact that the child has been showing more emotions in half a year, reveals his temperament and shows character. It clearly focuses the look at items and people, consciously smiles, copies the sounds, understands when he is praised or scold. It is less likely to cry, and the reason for crying is becoming increasingly understandable for adults. The most important thing is many kids already identify themselves, react when the surrounding pronounce their name.

One of the most popular pediatricians of modern Commaryski believes that it is from 6 months that it is possible to begin educational classes with your son or daughter in gaming form. Highlight a few toys for which the child draws the most attention, tell simple stories, read small fairy tales and poems - the child will hear the right speech and its own will develop faster.

Use new physiological capabilities of your baby, develop these skills. Buy toys to improve motor skills, cubes, balls, large puzzles and sorters (recommend reading :). You can play with peas and beans, pasta, but make sure that the child himself does not contact with small objects, nothing accidentally swallowed, because it is from this age that the carapuses pull in the mouth of foreign objects because of trouble-seeking gums, the desire to try everything to taste.

Buy teethers for teeth, toys stitched from different fabrics - let him get acquainted with the texture of things. Kinetic sand and plasticine dough, pyramid and oak, wooden toys, books with pictures and musical instruments For the smallest. You can also include short-growing video.

What should be able to know how little fidget at this age?

Six months - age when his temperament begins to manifest itself. Calm kids are more busy with the contemplation of the surrounding world and studying their handles, while active kids sleep less, all the time are in motion, love to walk and play. The development of children from 6 months proceeds in different ways: one long crawls and is not in a hurry to walk with his faster legs, the other immediately begins to run. Parents should not find sickness in their children and signs of lag.

Standard points of satisfactory physiological and neuropsychic development of a semi-annual kid on Dr. Komarovsky:

  • the child independently turns from the back on the tummy;
  • loves to make labels and pope;
  • sit down if you pull it for your hands (we recommend reading :);
  • takes toys with both hands;
  • gulit, grinding and laughs;
  • emotionally reacts to appeal, notes the arrival of parents, other people's people;
  • trying to imitate sounds, for example, meowing cats;
  • drinking from the bottle and eats with a spoon.

The baby becomes a leader: He is looking for cooperation with adults, actively interacts with the subjects - no longer stands on toys, and skillfully manipulates them - considers it, pulls, shakes, shifts out of his hand, throws. Parents truly have grounds to worry and contact the doctor if, after reaching 6 months of age, the child is monotonous in motor activity, does not respond to appeal, is not interested in what is happening around it.

Determine the level of development of a semi-annual baby with tests

  • Determine the development of attention: Take the toy and keep it at a distance of 20-30 cm from the baby. He focuses on her eyes.
  • Give your baby a bottle with milk or juice, then offer your favorite toy. By 7 months, the infant reaction should already be unequal. At the sight of an entertaining toy - revival, interest, attempt to grab the subject. At the sight of food - sucking movements, outdoor mouth.
  • When the baby lies, fill right above it the bell or turn on the musical toy, and then slowly push it away. A child himself or with a small help of an adult will rise, trying to pick up the toy.
  • Talk to alone with his son or daughter, looking into the eyes, emotionally and changing the facial expressions. Karapuz should repeat a little about you.
  • Try to take your favorite toy from your child, which he now holds hard in the handle and intends to play. The kid must stubbornly keep the subject, resist, express its discontent, even praise.
  • If you and relatives often appeal to the child named, then at the age of six months, the Karapuz should already be animated and respond to the facial expressions.

The first year of the baby's life is quite difficult, but a very exciting period of life for every young family. Each new month brings new surprises and discoveries that literally turn the entire idea of \u200b\u200bthe development of the child, which has established after viewing the numerous videos from experts on the Yutyuba channel.

Of course, there are certain general recommendations and tips that need to be necessary, but still the most important thing for yourself to understand one simple truth, which in any "controversial situation" should emerge in your head, namely "all children are different and develop in their Individual mode. The main thing is to do everything on you depends to pay your baby maximum attention and your maternal love. Well, the child will tell you what is interesting for him, and what is not very. You just need to be able to recognize its hints

Well, I will simply share with you my discoveries and observations in the process of entertaining your six-month baby. At a semi-annual age, she has almost become an informed person, with its character characteristics, habits and hobbies. So, how do we have fun?


About toys (especially about all sorts of "developing toys" for children of 6 months of age) can say one thing, you should not buy them. You can more precisely for the sake of buying a couple and look at the reaction of your child, but, again, judging by my experience, children at such age react much better to things and objects of "natural origin" or their own hands.

We bought many different mistylocks, gtering, droplets, sparkles, etc., but here our girl is enthusiastically played with one toy, which our dad in some incredible creative impulse has done her own hands for her.

At the same time, its cost price was only about 150 rubles, unlike most developments, the cost of which begins from 250 rubles and higher.

It also prefers to all the variety of bright and interesting (in our opinion) some simple things, not intended for games at all (again according to parents). These are different jars, sachets, and spoons, and wool, and diapers, and anything, if not only toys. The child learn from the imitation of parents, and he wants to be played with those things and subjects that parents are used.

In the challenge standing in front of it: play with a new rustling toy (for example, elephant with differentifactive surfaces) or with a rustling bag from this elephant, it always inclues in favor of the latter.

We even conducted an experiment: hung a bag full of bright toys on the bed and a package with different means of children's hygiene. So the package with toys was almost in full ignore

Therefore, for myself, we clearly understood: Six-month children still do not need some complicated and very bright toys. Something made by their own hands or familiar household items represent much more interest for them. Well, the time of "complex mechanisms" will come to all their time.

So in 6 months it is not necessary to complicate entertainment for the baby. Spend money on expensive toys you still have time.

Books and talk

Unlike toys that at 6 months of age, there is still no longer a long time to take your baby, a very good entertainment for him is reading with a mom of different books, viewing pictures (necessarily with the explanatory comments of the mother) or a simple monitoring of how two communicate A person, for example, mom and dad, but at the same time, it is necessary that from time to time the child also connected to a conversation.

This method is always a hundred percent and entertains the baby better than anything else. Children love when they talk to them, sing songs, read books, etc. We have this process with my daughter is the most favorite daily entertainment, which we can dedicate at least much time.

Walking and exercise

Also in a six-month old age, the baby appears a lot of interest in walking on the street in the stroller. More precisely, even this interest is manifested at the moment when he starts to sit.

Previously, my baby did not show any special enthusiasm to walk at all, and this process was rapidly born. Now, after she has mastered the art of seats, we have become more than more, and her behavior on the street also has changed straight. We can walk in a wheelchair for hours, and at this time it sits silently and enthusiastically studies the world around. So daily walks in the fresh air take second place in my rated entertainment 6-month-old child (after books).

Watch in the window

The older the child becomes, the stronger he is manifested for the knowledge of the surrounding world. Therefore, you need to do everything so that the baby can fully realize his tag for new impressions and knowledge.

The layout of our apartment allowed us to organize a gaming place for the baby right at the window level (the window does not open), and this has become one of the ways for its independent entertainment. It can be enthusiastic to look into the window for many minutes, knowing the world around. This process is not bored with this day.


And another way of how to entertain the child in 6 months, are the female fruit or vegetables, in our case it is a favorite apple

If you have already been introduced into the diet of your baby's first lure, you can trust him a piece of solid green apple. Our baby can calmly take this process for 20 minutes. She is so plunging into him that she is no longer interested in everything that happens around.

These are uncomplicated, but very effective ways of entertainment of semi-annual children, I can advise you. How do you entertain your child?

Ekaterina Rakitin

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 7 minutes


Last update of Articles: 04/29/2019

An important event for each parent is the achievement of a child of 6 months of age. From the moment of its birth, the baby has already learned a lot, learned a lot, accustomed to family members. Mom and Dad are closely followed by their children, try to teach him everything as faster, fear that the baby does not start to lag behind his development from his peers, so they are interested in the question "What should a child be able to be in 6 months?".

Physiological development

The growth of a semi-annual child should be 64-68 cm, and the weight is 6.8-8.5 kg. Deviation from the norm per 1 kg in weight and several centimeters in growth should not cause concerns. In accordance with the weight set, you need to adjust the power. If the child has a lack of weight, then porridge, contributing to an increase in body weight. If the crumb is gaining weight, and it is possible and has its excess, the main part of the dust should be fruit and vegetable puree. In order for the infants well and fully developed, it should receive all the necessary trace elements and vitamins.

The table below shows physical development The child is the norms of growth and weights of girls and boys according to WHO and Pediatricians of Russia:

At the end of 5 months of life, children learn to independently turn over the back of the tummy and back. After the development of this skill, the child starts practicing it often. The baby is not just lying on the tummy, he relies on the handles, trying to rise, trying to get on the knees.

The baby can cling to the side of the stroller, the back of the crib, pull up and sit down. Most children in a half-year-old age can sit independently, but their backs still need support.

Lying on the stomach, a six-month-old child can rely only on one hand, and the second to take some objects. He wants to touch everything, suck, learn. If he cannot reach the object of interest, it will look at him, sprinkling and squeezing the cam.

There is awareness that he has two handles. He takes a toy, shifts it from one hand to another, comparing sensations and make sure that she is the same in both handles. The kid can take each hand on the toy.

Some parents fix on the video all the achievements of their babies, so they know, at what age, their child has this or that ability. Subsequently, it can come in handy when the second child appears in the family.

In six months, many kids start moving. Someone is fivefolded back, pushing out his hands, someone revolves around her tummy, and someone is already moving on all fours. If the child has learned to crawl in 6 months - it's good. If he still does not know how to do this, there is nothing terrible in it. Some kids are not covered at all. I miss this stage of development, they immediately get up on the legs and try to walk.

Parents must in every way contribute to the development of the muscles of the child. You need to do a regular massage of the legs and the back, upload a child to the floor, since it will be more convenient for it to develop its motor skills on a flat surface. The floor should be cleaned of garbage and foreign objects that can harm the infants.

The six-month baby is not yet ready to walk, but he prepares the hip muscles to this process. If the baby is raised and hold for the armpits, it will be repelled with legs, tangling and bouncing. If you raise the child's handles from the position lying, then he will try to pull up and sit down.

Small hands developing quickly. Fingers are tight and confidently hold various items. The kid is actively interested in small objects, trying to take them first with a handle, and if it does not work, then with two fingers. He shakes the toys, listening to them the sound, knocks them with each other, throws them out, carefully follow the flight and fall. Toys are examined not only by hand, but also mouth, licking and biting them.

If the child is not interested in small objects, it is not a sign of the lag in development. Just baby is interesting to larger toys.

At this age, I like it when you change the position of his body in space: swing left-right, up-down, raise higher, circle around the room. At these moments, the vestibular apparatus is trained, and the kids get a lot of pleasures, they rejoice, smile, laugh.

You can more clearly see the skills of a six-month-old child on the video at the end of the article.

Sleep 6 month old baby

The sleep of a semi-annual child is 14-15 hours a day. At night, he can sleep 10-11 hours, and during the day - twice 1.5-2 hours. In the theory of crumbs no longer need feeding at night. In practice, the child eating in breast milk continues to wake up at least 2 times per night.

Sleep mode 6 month old baby:

Parents are recommended to form a day from a child. So it will be easier and mom, and baby, especially when he goes to kindergarten and school. To do this, try to put the baby to sleep daily at the same time, often walking on the street, arrange sleep in the air and bathe the baby every day.

Psycho-emotional development

What can a child knows for 6 months? In six months, the kid sees well the surrounding items, they inspect them with interest. Sitting on the handles from a relative, he will touch his hair, clips on clothes. If the baby will not sleep on the street, and awake, he will study the world: trees, birds, dogs and cats, people. It is necessary to form a passive vocabulary of the child, showing animals, cars, voicing the names of living beings and various items. Kroch knows well, as his name is, responds to her name, remembers the names of the toys that see every day.

Semi-annual kid begins to understand the speech of adults. He simulates the heard sounds, Lexicon is replenished with the syllables of "Gu", "Yes", "Ge", "De", "BU". He misses not only when someone is with him next to him, but alone with himself.

The child often manifests its emotions, responding to family members, on the events taking place. He smiles, rejoicing the appearance of a close relative, laughs when it is played or displeasured, annoyed when something does not suit him. Now parents are easier to determine the well-being of the baby.

The aggravated child's hearing allows you to hear not only the creak of the open door, but also rustle paper, a quiet whisper, a light rustle of steps. He instantly reacts to all these sounds, turning his head to their source.

The six-month-old child knows all family members well and can adversely respond to other people who come to the house, especially if strangers want to take it on their hands. Upset crumb will quickly calm down, as soon as his hands fall into her mother.

The baby begins to understand the causes and consequences of different actions. He consciously presses the toy button, knowing that the music will play after pressing it. He likes boxes, chests, saucepans that can be opened and close, hide toys in them.

Table: What a child knows in 6 months

How to identify problems in the development of a child

There are several dangerous signs that the parents should alert:

  1. The kid does not try to learn how to sit. It does not work, even with the support of adults.
  2. When a child is held for armpits, he does not rest and not repelled with legs.
  3. Toys do not shift from one small handle to another.
  4. There is no reaction to sounds whose sources are located outside the field of view.
  5. The kid does not ask for him to take him.
  6. The child does not smile, does not brain, does not recognize mom, dad.

Games for the development of a semi-annual child

Adults can contribute to the full development of the baby, constantly paying attention to him, talking to him and playing educational games.

Babies adore games with boxes, boxes, bottles. They like to open and close them, hide and find various items in them. You can take a conventional cardboard box of tea and hide toy there, and then help the baby find it.

You can play S. various subjects, give them to touch the baby so that he felt the difference in materials and forms.

Well, they train a small motorcycle hands toys, which are spirals for which it is necessary to move objects (usually balls). Such toys are sold in any children's store, they attract the baby with bright colors and moving details.

Useful for the child will be the massage of the handles. Mom should easily massage not only legs, handles, back, but every little finger. To date, you can find many video benefits for mothers that demonstrate the methods of child development.

When moms communicate with each other, they are divided by the achievements of their kids. Someone the child passes some stages of development faster, and someone is slower. You should not compare the skills of small children, because each kid is unique.

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