What to bet on at 15. Basic reload time, sec

). Therefore, only two vehicles are available to a player who decides to buy a level seven tank destroyer. We decided to analyze these two tank destroyers and help players make the right choice.

A general look at the premium tank destroyers SU-122-44 and AT-15A

Having decided to buy a premium tank destroyer, we find two radically different vehicles. They are different in everything - in strength, in speed characteristics, in firepower. And historically, these vehicles were intended for completely different roles on the battlefield: - this is a “classic” anti-tank self-propelled artillery installation, a is a heavy assault tank that was supposed to break through enemy defenses. In our game, these roles are not highlighted, so both cars belong to the same class.

The table shows the key characteristics of the tanks:



Strength, HP

Review, m

Communication range, m


4 people (commander with radio operator function, gunner, driver, loader)

6 people (commander, gunner, driver, radio operator, two loaders)

Fight level

Full – 7, 8, 9

Preferential – 7 and 8

Weight/maximum weight, t

Engine power, hp

From this we can already see that the British tank destroyer has an advantage in strength and visibility, and most importantly, it has a preferential level of combat. However, this was not always the case - when introduced, this machine had full level battles, however, for objective reasons, it was completely unplayable when placed at the bottom of the list, and this caused great dissatisfaction among the players. A few patches ago, this problem was solved, and I received a preferential level of battles.

Both tank destroyers cannot boast of a large field of view; it is much lower than that of most of their classmates. And the “British” also has problems with communication range, which can affect the game in the final stages of the battle, when there are too few allies left and their communication range is not enough to transmit intelligence. But, fortunately, this happens infrequently, and the communication range in most cases does not play a big role.

One of the key advantages is its high durability - it is much higher than the durability of other Tier VII tank destroyers, and is only inferior to the durability of the British vehicle (1250 HP). So, if necessary, the vehicle can exchange its HP and survive an extra hit by firing a few extra shots. It has average strength for cars of its level and class, but it stands out due to other parameters, which are described below.


The basis of firepower Soviet tank destroyer is the “destructor” D-25S with a caliber of 122 mm, and the British machine is equipped with the famous 17-pounder OQF 17-pdr AT Gun Mk. VII caliber 76 mm. Both guns are found on many vehicles and have the following characteristics:



Penetration of BB/BP/OF, mm

One-time damage BB/BP/HP, HP

Mixing time, sec

Aiming time after shot, sec

Dispersion, m/100 m

Base reload time, sec

Base damage per minute

Angles vertical aiming down/up, deg.

Horizontal aiming angles, degrees.

The Soviet “destructor” is so familiar and familiar - with a deafening one-time damage of 390 points, but with poor accuracy and stabilization (although Soviet guns do not need accuracy - they have a magic “twist”!). If the spread after a shot increases slightly, then when turning the chassis or while driving it increases almost tenfold! But you don’t often have to turn the body further, since the horizontal aiming angles of the gun are very modest - the raster is only 16 degrees.

The English 17-pounder has much better stability and accuracy, so the shells hit the target more often. And in terms of aiming angles, it is more convenient - the gun raster in the horizontal plane is 50 degrees, so you have to turn the body less often.

In terms of armor penetration, both guns are very close, and only the English gun is somewhat better at penetrating with sub-caliber shells. However, due to the huge alpha, it has a much better base DPM. By installing a gun rammer and a fan, the damage per minute can be increased to 3463 points (with the “combat brotherhood” perk even up to 3545); for a British tank destroyer with the same set of equipment, the DPM will be 2486 points - the difference is simply colossal! True, due to the long reload time and low accuracy, it is much more difficult to fully implement the PDM on the .

It is interesting that the main problem of the British vehicle is not low speed, but artillery and downed tracks. This should always be taken into account, try to take care of your tracks and not allow opponents to board and stern. You need to play in such a way that you are always face to face with the enemy, otherwise you will either face extra damage or a Hangar.

But, no matter how surprising it may be, it leaves a pleasant impression, which sharply contrasts with the prevailing opinion of the players. This opinion was formed in previous years, when the car was really not in the best shape and caused suffering. Now this tank is not at all what it was before - it has a preferential level of battles, tanks well, farms well, and can even be fun.

Hi all! Today I want to talk about a very unusual car - AT-15A.

AT-15A is a premium British tank destroyer of the 7th level.The analogue of this vehicle is the AT-15 - a British tier 8 tank, which is not very different in mobility and armor, but has a good weapon.The AT-15A appeared in tanks in patch 0.8.2 and I immediately bought this vehicle because I noticed a lot of positive aspects in it: thick armor - 228mm, good accuracy - 0.32, good rate of fire - 14 rounds per minute, average penetration of 171mm, but I was immediately saddened by the one-time damage of 150HP, but with such a rate of fire the DPM (damage per minute) is at our level. More details below!

TacticsonAT-15A(7lvl) VWorld of Tanks

Since the AT-15A is a very slow tank destroyer, it is advisable to play it in a platoon with a more mobile tank. It is FORBIDDEN to stand in one place in an open field, because if a suitcase (an artillery shell) flies into your roof, then there will be no living space left of you, because there is no armor in the roof. And you must immediately choose one direction, exactly where you will go, because changing direction during the battle will be very difficult.

Tactics on AT-15A (lvl 7) against level 5-7 tanks

You won’t have any problems here, a few heavies at levels 5-7 can pierce you in the forehead, try not to expose weak points whenever possible, turn constantly - sometimes a little to the right, sometimes to the left, fortunately UGN (horizontal aiming angles is a value indicating how many degrees the tank's turret/gun rotates) allow this to be done. And so shoot heavy beams at the NLD (the lower frontal part is one of the most vulnerabilities in the front projection) and the mechanical drive hatch - everything is standard. Yes, if you encounter such a formidable enemy as IS or KVAS, then you will have time to crush him no matter the outcome (if the enemy does not start tanking).

Tactics on AT-15A (lvl 7) against level 5-7 ST and LT

You shouldn’t have many problems with ST and LT either, the main thing is not to let them come aboard you, although not all level 7 STs will even get through your stern! So be on the lookout! Problems can only arise from the Chinese artillery t-34-1 and from the American artillery t-20, because they are the only artillery pieces at level 7 that have both good mobility and good penetration, so beware of them!

Tactics on AT-15A (lvl 7) against level 5-7 tanks

You need to be careful with PTs, since some of the 7th level PTs will be able to penetrate you with a higher probability than TTs. In this case, you need to watch the enemy, approximately guess when he begins to move, aim, and at the moment when he wants to shoot, you must either turn your body or move a couple of meters forward or backward, hoping for a miss. In terms of breaking through level 5-7 pts you will not have any problems.

Tactics on AT-15A (lvl 7) against level 7+ tanks

It’s better not to get involved in a fight here, your armor is of course up to par, but your penetration will surprise almost no one. The only option is to assist your allies. Let's imagine that our T32 and Tiger II are fighting against the T34 and IS-3, this is a very opportune moment to drive into the opponents' side or stern and start distributing damage little by little, the most important thing is to make sure that there is no one nearby, this way you will deal damage and help your allies and maybe influence the outcome of the battle!

Modules, body kit and equipment AT-15A (lvl 7) inWorldofTanks


The AT-15A is a premium tank destroyer, so we don’t need to upgrade anything, you can either upgrade the crew with the goal of later transferring them to regular British tank destroyers, or simply accumulate experience.

Body kit

If you like to be at the forefront of an attack, or simply move forward with your allies (since our speed does not allow us to be at the forefront of an attack), then you need to install a rammer to increase speed, anti-fragmentation lining to reduce damage from HE shells and ventilation.

If you like to sit in the bushes - a rammer, reinforced aiming drives - for faster aiming, or a camouflage net for greater stealth and a stereo tube.


We purchase all standard consumables - a fire extinguisher, first aid kit and repair kit.

TTXAT-15 A(7 lvl) VWorld of Tanks

Pros of AT-15 A(7 lvl) VWorld of Tanks

  • Excellent booking
  • Rapid fire cannon
  • Good UGN (horizontal aiming angles)
  • Good profitability

Disadvantages of AT-15 A(7 lvl) VWorld of Tanks

  • Maximum forward speed – 20km/h
  • Lack of armor in the roof
  • Low mobility

Bottom line

As a result, we have a good premium tier 7 vehicle that will appeal to many players. With proper use of this tank destroyer, you can farm well and enjoy the game!

AlsoYouYou can watch a video guide on this tank.

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AT 15A - British premium tank destroyer of the seventh level in popular game World of Tanks. It costs 6500 gold, and for various promotions you can get it at a 30% discount for 4550 gold. In general, for a long time it was not very popular, but relatively recently it was seriously upgraded: they gave a preferential level of battles, now the AT 15A does not see nines, this is a serious plus.

Features of the AT 15A tank destroyer

They complained about her until the end, mostly because of the gun. Its one-time damage is only 150 units, penetration with a regular projectile is only 171 mm. The sub-caliber one already penetrates 239 mm, but it’s still a bit strange to constantly shoot them on a premium vehicle, then there won’t be much farming. The rate of fire is 14 rounds per minute, so the damage per minute reaches almost 2100 units. The gun is accurate (0.32) and quickly aims (1.9 seconds). It is especially worth noting the excellent aiming angles: 25 degrees left and right, as well as 10 degrees down and up, it’s very comfortable.

AT 15A has a preferential level and never sees nines in battles

The AT 15A armor can be called good: the characteristics indicate as much as 228 mm in the forehead, even the 152 mm thick sides hold up well to impact. But there are large vulnerable zones; opponents especially love the turret on the left, in which the loader also sits, so he will constantly receive wounds. The roof is also poorly armored engine compartment, so artillery land mines often cause full damage. At the same time, the AT 15A is large in size, so it’s not difficult to hit it.

AT 15A is a good premium machine, but not ideal

The matter is further aggravated by the low top speed (only 20 km/h) and poor engine power-to-weight ratio (10 hp per tonne). The AT 15A is slow and clumsy; even a heavy tank can spin it. But the strength is 1050 units. This is not so much, but still more than most other single-tier tank destroyers. The overview is 350 meters, this is the average value for this level and class. The ammunition rack holds 70 shells. It is theoretically possible to shoot them all in one battle, but in practice there are enough of them even for the most protracted battles.

Preferential level of battles

As we noted above, the AT 15A has a preferential level of combat, in other words, it never sees nine. But even if a conventional projectile penetrates many eights in the forehead, serious problems will arise. From the flank you are unlikely to be able to bypass anyone due to the extremely weak dynamics. In general, for the AT 15A there are two main tactics: pushing the direction with the help of good frontal armor and defense somewhere near the base. It is less likely to give preference to supporting allies heavy tanks from the second line, it is better to do this in battles with eights.

The AT 15A is still poorly suited for the role of a classic tank destroyer: due to the low one-time damage, you will not be able to inflict significant damage on the enemy in one shot. But the AT 15A has good frontal armor that needs to be used. If you find yourself at the top of the team, then you should lead the attack and tank damage, at least if you don’t have a lot of heavy tanks in your team.

AT 15A is characterized by low maximum speed and poor engine power density

Of course, the AT 15A has vulnerable areas in the frontal projection, but you are unlikely to be able to hide them somehow. It makes sense to stand up in a slightly diamond shape and ride back and forth. This will not save the loader from all the shots into the vulnerable turret, but they will still hit it less often. In general, the AT 15A does not require the player to have any deep knowledge of World of Tanks: in most situations you just need to drive forward and shoot. Sometimes you have to hope that the enemy won’t think of targeting a vulnerable turret, but there’s nothing you can do about it.

Equipment before the fight

The likelihood of injury to the loader can be reduced by both equipment and equipment. AT 15A does not burn very often, so the standard fire extinguisher should be replaced with a large first aid kit. You can not use it at all, but carry it for the sake of a passive bonus: it reduces the likelihood of injury to crew members by 15%. Among the equipment, anti-fragmentation lining has a similar effect; the AT 15A is equipped with a heavy one, which reduces the likelihood of injury by 30%. Thus, with a large first aid kit it will be 45%, in other words, the loader will be wounded almost half as often.

Weak penetration AT 15A forces players to use gold shells

In the remaining equipment slots you should take a rammer and a stereo tube. If there is no alternative to the rammer, there is nothing more important than increasing damage per minute, then the stereo tube can be replaced with something else. In general, it is suitable for the style of a classic tank destroyer, so if you are constantly moving forward, then you can take, for example, improved ventilation. Reinforced aiming drives on the AT 15A are not very relevant due to the already fast aiming.

The ammunition rack holds 70 shells. This amount is enough for protracted battles.

As for crew perks, repairs are most useful for the AT 15A as an assault tank destroyer. Although, since this is a premium vehicle, most likely you will be transferring the crew from another British tank destroyer, so there is no problem of choice here. The AT 15A has all crew members, with two loaders. For many tank destroyers, the first British branch(AT 2, AT 7, etc.) the crew composition is the same, tank destroyers of the second branch usually have one less loader and no radio operator.

Not bad, but not perfect

Overall, the AT 15A is a good premium car for the money, but not ideal. Poor penetration often forces the use of “gold” shells, and low dynamics is a big drawback. In general, there is armor, but a competent enemy will immediately shoot at vulnerable areas. But the game on it is simple and allows you to really farm without much stress: usually you need to go forward and try to deal more damage.

Post Views: 1,861

22-09-2016, 11:31

Hello, dear friends, the site is here! Today our guest is a well-known machine, distinguished by its simplicity, its measured gameplay and phlegmatic nature; we will talk about the tank destroyer of the eighth level of Great Britain - this is the AT 15 guide.


Our first feature, how this unit differs from its classmates, will be an increased safety margin, and since we started talking about survivability, let’s immediately touch on the armor.

The fact is that our AT 15's armor characteristics can be considered good only if we talk about the frontal projection. The front of the hull and the deckhouse are practically a cast structure, with a huge gun mantlet, various oblique and straight projections. We are capable of tanking well, but only until they start shooting at us at the machine-gun nest or numerous hatches on the roof.

The AT 15 World of Tanks can also receive a lot of non-penetrations and ricochets when positioned in a diamond formation, since the sides are quite thick and if we stand at a good angle to the opponent, it is not so easy to penetrate us. But, of course, you can’t let anyone on board or in the stern, they’ll peck you.

You also have to understand that for such a shed and thick armor you will have to sacrifice mobility. Thus, we immediately note that the maximum speed of the AT 15 WoT tank destroyer is low, there is no dynamics and we move around very slowly. For this reason, once you let a LT or ST approach you, there is practically no chance of fighting back alone.

As for the basic viewing range, this parameter is average, that is, not the largest compared to other PT-8s, but not small either.

AT 15 gun

In addition to good armor, our turtle has one more, truly significant advantage - weapons.

This is the honest truth, because although the AT 15 gun has a very small alpha strike, its rate of fire is simply excellent, thanks to which we have the ability to inflict about 2760 units of pure damage per minute.

In addition to the chic DPM, our gun boasts good armor-piercing parameters with a basic projectile, and for battles at the bottom of the list, the AT 15 WoT has an excellent gold, which is worth carrying with you just in case, about 20% of the total ammunition.

When it comes to shooting comfort, things are no worse. Here you have a comfortable spread and very fast aiming, although the stabilization is a bit disappointing. In addition, the AT 15 tank can lower the gun down 10 degrees, and the horizontal aiming angles are as much as 25 degrees in each direction, this is a real treat for tank destroyers.

Advantages and disadvantages of AT 15

To play effectively on a tank, you need to know its strengths and weaknesses well. In this case, there are really many advantages, but since the truth lies in the details, now we will highlight the main nuances separately.
Large margin of safety;
Thick frontal armor and sides;
High damage per minute;
Decent armor penetration parameters;
Good accuracy;
Excellent vertical and horizontal aiming angles.
Poor mobility (maximum speed, dynamics, agility);
The presence of a large number of vulnerabilities in the armor;
Barn dimensions;
Little alphastrike.

Equipment for AT 15

Regarding installation additional modules for this unit, for even more comfortable game we only need to increase the advantages that already exist, because of all the shortcomings, there is nothing to correct. Thus, the AT 15 tank destroyer is equipped with the following equipment:
1. – with this module our CSA will reach unprecedented heights, we definitely take it.
2. is another excellent option that will raise the DPM, speed up convergence and improve visibility.
3. – due to our not the most good review, together with the previous point, the optics look decent.

However, there is still an alternative to the third option -. This module can be installed for those who have not had time to upgrade their crew and prefer a passive playstyle.

AT 15 crew training

With the choice of a skill for our brave squad of six tankers, everything is also quite simple, we will stick to the given course, but unlike other tank destroyers, when choosing perks for AT 15, first of all you need to give preference to survivability, so the sequence is as follows:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radio interception – , , , .
Loader – , , , .
Loader – , , , .

Equipment for AT 15

As for consumables, you can feel quite comfortable with the usual budget set of, , . But, of course, due to our poor mobility and tendency to tank, it is better to carry premium equipment (, ,) on the AT 15 tank, and it is preferable to replace the fire extinguisher with.

Tactics for playing AT 15

Taking into account all of the above, this British tank destroyer It can easily be called an easy-to-learn machine. The main thing you should always remember is that she has poor mobility and there are vulnerable points in her armor in the form of hatches and a machine gun nest.

Thus, on the AT 15, combat tactics are based on its mobility; this is a purely one-directional vehicle, which you must choose before the start of the battle and stick to it until the end.

We feel great fighting at a distance. The accuracy of the gun and its aiming speed allow gameplay in this style. Regarding close combat, the situation is no worse, you just have to understand that the AT 15 World of Tanks should not just stand there. You must rotate your body to increase the given armor values ​​and constantly dance slightly in order to make it more difficult for the enemy to target your weak areas. All this becomes real thanks to excellent UVN and UGN.

You also need to remember your advantage in the form of excellent damage per minute. The AT 15 WoT tank plays not from the alpha, but from the rate of fire, quickly and methodically delivering damage, this is our main advantage.

Otherwise, when choosing a direction, try to take into account the artillery factor, take a position so that it is difficult to reach you and do not allow yourself to be overwhelmed by enemy medium and light tanks. For this, it is better if our AT 15 tank is covered by several allies; after all, one in the field is not a warrior.

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