Darksiders 2 jumeirah scribe walkthrough. Walkthrough of Darksiders II

Having reached the crystal tower on your horse, kill the angels consumed by corruption. The heavenly warrior Nathaniel will also take your side; he will help deal with the “corrupted” angels. And he will also give useful information- The Archon can help you with the key. Enter the middle of the head and activate the lever, ride the elevator up, exit and step left. Kill all the opponents, make your way along the ledge to the other side, and again engage in battle with the enemies.

Next you need to return to the cliff, move away, then split into two. One half will pick up a shadow bomb in order to throw it to the other half, which will run towards the corruption and attach the bomb directly to it. This way you will open the way up for yourself; you will have to climb walls, ledges, vines and beams - a classic. Having gone upstairs, talk to the Archon, he wants to receive Arafel’s rod in return and opens for us the way back to Earth through the portal. The reward for actions here will be 2500 experience points and 9000 gold.

Rod of Arafel

Arriving on Earth, you will meet Uriel, vigorously fighting against all sorts of evil spirits. Intervene in the battle, help it, do not forget to arm yourself with a new type of weapon, which will lie next to the body of one of the killed opponents. When you finish dealing with the enemies, your ally will inform you that the rod, alas, is broken into several pieces, so you will have to assemble it in stages.

So let's start with the first piece - first follow a simple linear path, scattering everyone who gets in your way. So you get to the subway, go down, find Arafel’s staff, go up outside, meet Uriel again, she will kindly open the gate to another part of the city. The further path is again linear, but it is replete with enemies who will have to be methodically exterminated.

When you leave the cave, take the Cleaver, also known as a bomb launcher - a quite suitable and effective weapon that makes it easier to complete the game Darksiders 2. Because very soon you will meet a boss named Noss. Quite nimble flying animals will help him, but it is better to destroy Noss first, and then get to them. So go to the second part, the desired rod, this is the eye, going a little forward, give it to Uriel, she will unlock the further path leading to the third piece of the rod.

Again, a very linear road, crowds of opponents who need to be destroyed, including Noss. Along the bridge you will reach the last part of the rod, pick it up - we have a complete set, so now go to the crystal tower. The Archon kindly drives away the darkness from the Ivory Citadel, and also says that we need a Scribe who probably knows how to get the key. For this quest you will receive 3000 experience points and 11000 gold.

Stains of Heresy

Fly the bird to the Ivory Citadel. Enter it (not the bird, the citadel!), turn right and climb up straight along the wall. There, activate the lever that lowers some sphere down, open the door. When you reach the arena, at the same time get rid of the opponents who have jumped out. The left door is still closed, so it’s logical that you need to go to the right one. Climb the stairs on the right, enter the hole in the wall, come to a dead end and climb up the wall.

Using the ring, jump onto the platform, destroy the enemies and run along the wall on the right to the other part. Eliminate all opponents, split into two at the circle, the first half of our hero should stand on the button that is next to you, while the other will find another button to stand on it. This will cause the statue to go down somewhere, reunite and get out on the other side.

Climb over the wall, you will find a shadow bomb, which must be installed on the damage and then provoke detonation. Use the ring to get to the door, open it and jump down. There you need to hit the stone that glows in order to break it, you will get a traveler in the void. It provides the ability to teleport through certain areas.

Continuing through the game Darksiders 2, create a portal by selecting a traveler in the void and aiming at the blue circle located on the wall, then pressing the middle mouse button. The portal will be created right there, in the wall, now you need to create a second portal, but from above. Further actions are easy to read - we enter the portal from below, and find ourselves on top. Leave the room, jumping along the ring onto the platform, smash enemies and look for a lever that must be activated, according to tradition.

A hole will open, jump into it, create an accelerated portal (done by holding the middle mouse button) where we need to jump out. The second portal is created in a different place, jump into it. Having landed, jump again along the ring to the platform, this time to the lower one, go to the teleport, not forgetting to get rid of the enemies. Create a teleport on the wall nearby, and the second portal needs to be created on the wall not far from the two enemies next to us. We use the created portals, get rid of opponents, and approach the sphere.

You must also create a portal next to it, and place the second one next to the other sphere. Then turn around and go to the small tower, jump into the hole where there are two portals. Create an accelerated portal on the wall, and a regular one below, then go upstairs, reach the door to this very tower. Open the door, you will see a couple of levers on the walls.

Neutralize the enemies, split in two in the middle so that each half stands on the levers, so you will send the statue into the portal, and you yourself will end up on the other side. Reunite and climb up in the already familiar style - all the same walls, beams, ledges and rings. Next, you need to create a portal next to the sphere. The second portal must also be created not far from the sphere, but at the bottom right. You have received purified water, go down along it, and you will reach a place where the further path is not visible.

But he’s like a gopher, although you can’t see him, he’s there - pick up the shadow bomb on the right, place it on the damage, the explosion will open a passage. Next, climb up the vine and open the gate to the citadel. Get to the next door, not forgetting to eliminate all sorts of adversaries along the way, so you will go out to the gate leading to the goal, but there is no key yet, you need to look.

Let's start the search by turning left and going down, along the way there will be encounters with opponents, figure it out. You will reach a round room where there is a statue in the center, we need a hole on the right, jump into it and go out onto the balcony. Again, fight against your opponents, after which you will be given a ring along which you will get to three teleports (remembering to use ledges and walls along the way).

Bifurcate, activate the second lever, lowering the right portal. Change the controlled half, create a portal on the wall nearby, but the second one is needed near the portal we just lowered. Having united again into one whole, approach the portal on the wall, create an accelerating portal right inside the second portal, bifurcate again, activate the left lever. This will cause the left portal to slide down, and at the same time free up space for the lever behind the door, so you can continue playing Darksiders 2.

The second half of our hero must jump into the portal on the wall, after which he will be at the lever, which must be activated immediately. So you lower the grate, now you can reunite and go to the opened part. Along the wall you will get to the chest, deal with the enemies, get the key from the chest. Go up the stairs, take the shadow bomb, place it on the damage.

Again, go up, but to the castle, open it and build a portal next to the sphere, and a second portal must be created next to another sphere, there is also a hole in the floor. After going through the teleport, go down the water and use the rings to get to the next platform. Now get to the door and open it. Behind this door there will be others, behind them - enemies, then again doors, a hole, after which you will finally run to the stairs, where you need to go down.

You will see a couple of teleporters, create portals, jump along the rings into the portal. There is also a portal at the top, you need to create an accelerated type portal in it, then enter the portal that is on the wall. Thus, along the walls and beams you can reach the next platform. There is also a portal below - create an accelerated one in it, look at the wall nearby and see a portal, where you also need to create a portal, but this time a regular one. Run along the wall to the portal, you will be transported to the arena, go out into it, and meet a rather strong enemy who can teleport.

When you are done with him, continue on your way, you will come to another puzzle that can slow down the progress of the game Darksiders 2. First you need to find the lever, then split into two, activate the lever, change the controlled half, roll out the platform to the lever, merge back together. Climb onto the platform and split into two, activate the lever, change your appearance again, create an accelerated portal on the moving wall, and we will have a second portal on the wall below.

Release the lever, create an accelerated portal inside the portal below, go down to the beginning of the road, create a portal not far from the first sphere, you will find yourself at the second lever. Now you need to twist the wall so that the beam reaches the Corrupted Portal. Place a portal in the vacated wall, then go to the last sphere and create a portal from above, right in the ceiling.

Along the water you will come to another portal on the wall, create a portal, followed by another one, this time behind a hole in the wall. Get over and jump into the hole in the floor, go to the waterfall, which has successfully absorbed the damage, open the door behind the waterfalls. Now we need to create an ordinary portal at the bottom and an accelerated one at the top. Teleport to the streams, create an accelerated portal on the wall a little higher than you, then jump into a regular portal. Run along the wall to the door, open it.

Climb up the long stairs, there you will run into a door behind which the boss is waiting for you. While he is “hanging out” below, feel free to attack, but when he rises up, switch your attention to his faithful companions, destroying them; sooner or later he will return down. The enemy will try to cheat by firing rays from above. We will be able, according to the principle of judo, to use the enemy’s forces against himself - this is done by activating the portal from below under the enemy, as well as the portal from above. Run so that the beam can hit the portal, which will bring excellent results - the same beam will hit its creator.

When you win, the scribe will share information - the Archon still owns the key, so the passage of the game Darksiders 2 at this stage is not over at all. Move to the crystal tower to visit him. We'll have to defeat him too. While the adversary is in the arena, attack; if he rises to the top, use your grip to get closer to him even there and cause damage. When the enemy is ready, you will need to press the finishing button.

The opponent will try to emerge victorious at any cost, he will even grow wings in an extremely short time, but when he does this, his health supply will already be running low. So get away from enemy attacks and counterattack yourself, press the finishing button again. Having defeated the Archon, you will receive such the right key, so run to the Elder Raven, which you will find near the Tree of Life. In addition to the key, you will be awarded 4800 experience points and 13000 gold. It's time to start searching for the demon key, so head to the portal leading to the Edge of Shadows.

Part 5: Edge of Shadows

Mad Queen

Everything here in theory is extremely simple - we follow the path to the Black Stone, open the gate, turn right to find Lilith. She reports that by reviving the past, you can get the key, and at the same time she helped by modifying our Traveler in time. Death gets the opportunity to move both from the past to the future and from the future to the past - not bad. The rewards will not end there - you will receive 2000 experience and 9000 gold.

Darksiders 2 walkthrough: Lord of the Black Stone

Here you first need to go downstairs, then go through a door that you have never gone through before. It's time to catch up. Behind the door, go left, create a portal on the wall, enter it, cross the bridge in the past, fight the demons in the arena. Having coped, enter the already open door on the right, then use the walls, ledges and beams to reach the desired lever. It is, of course, advisable to destroy the enemies you encounter along the way.

Having activated the lever, turn right and create a portal, enter it, jump down into the arena, climb the wall using the ring up to the door. Enter it. Cross the half-broken bridge, we need a chest with corruption. Create a portal nearby and go through, destroy all opponents, split into two on the button. Then get to the room where there is a shadow bomb, which is necessary to continue the passage of Darksiders 2.

Once again, get rid of annoying opponents, then go to the cliff, change your appearance and approach the second half to hand over the bomb. This is exactly how you carry the explosives over the cliffs, attach them to the damage - boom! You can go back to the present. Open the chest to find the key. Next, change the location of the portal to one that is not far from the dilapidated bridge.

Enter the past, get to the door with a lock, clear the area from enemies, open the door, when you reach the lever, activate it. Then you need to use the ledges to go down, once again suppress all resistance, having done this, create a portal, enter the present. Now we need to kill the enemies for the umpteenth time, and then, with a clear conscience, climb up the wall, beam and ledge upward, to the door - it was the door we were so desperately pushing for all this time.

Once inside, create a portal, enter the past, where you will meet the boss - Samael. It’s better not to get into trouble here, pay as much attention as possible to how not to miss the enemy’s attacks, and only then worry about your own attacks - the enemy will have more health, so the “meat grinder” is beneficial to him, not you.

To make it easier for you to complete the game Darksiders 2 here, consider our recommendations. Is the enemy attacking? They dodged, after which they immediately responded with their own short counterattack. Sit on the throne? Avoid at all costs those let in by him. fireballs, don’t stand still, run intensely from side to side. Are fire runes created? Again, avoid attacks at all costs and avoid taking damage. In general, it is better to keep your distance; at close range this enemy is especially dangerous.

When you defeat him too, take the demonic key and return to the Elder Raven. After inserting the keys, enter the Source of Souls. This massacre was not in vain, you will receive 2500 experience points and 11000 gold. We are preparing for the final battle.

Source of Souls

The final battle was a bit of a let down. Absalom, the brother of our hero, is waiting for us in the arena. Everything here is somehow indecently banal, as for a fight with the last boss - just move away from the enemy’s attacks, respond with your own attacks, causing as much damage as possible to the enemy. The only recommendation is that the last segment of the battle, which begins after a couple of our finishing moves, is the most difficult, make sure that you have a sufficient reserve of strength.

Having won the victory over the adversary, just watch the final video that the passage of the game Darksiders 2 has been successfully completed!

Navigation for the game Darksiders 2

Walkthroughs Cheat codes

, City of the Dead , Gaze of the Sentinel , Boneraven , Labyrinth of the Judge of Souls , Tree of Death .

Shadow's Edge

We get a new main task “Mad Queen”. Let's gallop forward. At the fork we go left. We climb up along the right wall, there lies Book of the Dead page (6/10) volume 4. Here we split into two, press the plate, with the second hero we return to the fork and go along another road, at the end of the dead end we take Relic of Khagoth (4/5).

We go forward along the road and enter the next location.

The Black Stone

In the first room we go to the right, go up the stairs. We get it from the demoness time travel ability "Phasewalker" and a new main quest, “Lord of the Black Stone.” In this room we go further to a small room, there lies Book of the Dead page (7/10) volume 4.

From the teleport we go to the right side, take the seal. On the waist of the large six-armed statue hangs a Stone of Power (21/25). We go through the only open door.

We take the chest and run along the walls.

We pass further along the corridor, approaching a round high room with lava at the bottom. In this room we fall to the very bottom, almost into lava. At such a dangerously low altitude there is a ledge, we climb onto it, and we are already in the secret. In the narrow corridor where we find ourselves, we look at the ceiling, there will be a purple ring visible. We grab onto the first ring, then we run up, push off from one wall, then from the other, grab onto another ring. As a result, we find ourselves on the top floor, where we find a seal, a unique main weapon, and on the ceiling in the flight to the right hangs Stone of Resistance (10/10). From the room we jump back into the corridor, go further, climb up the ring in the narrow opening between the walls, and eventually find ourselves on a high platform where there is a chest (inside is a map of The Black Stone location).

We approach the round high room again and go upstairs. Here lies Book of the Dead page (8/10) volume 4.

We again find ourselves in the central room. We press the lever. We go down the ledges on the northern wall, take the chest below, and return upstairs. We activate the teleport back to the future.

The present.

Take a hint nearby: ENENS (Soul Arbiter's Scrolls) and chest. We go down to the arena and move along it to another open room. On the right hangs Stone of Power (22/25).

We go further along the destroyed bridge, go to the right bridge in the center, take the seal. We go to the left bridge, from it we activate two ordinary teleporters. We go into the lower teleport, we find ourselves in the room above. Hidden here in the far left corner Book of the Dead page (9/10) volume 4.

On the southern wall in the recess we activate the teleport to the past.

At the dead end on the right is a seal. We go to the right bridge in the center, on the wall on the right hangs Stone of Power (23/25). We stand on the pressure plate on the left bridge. As one hero, we go to the edge of the bridge, activate a regular teleport and stand in front of it. The second we go through the opened door in the south, we get to the shell in the upper room. We destroy the crystals around the projectile. In this room in the corner there is a Relic of Etu-goth (15/15) . We activate the second teleport, take the projectile and throw it at the teleport. On the other side, the first hero catches the projectile and throws it at the crystals in the center (If you can’t throw the projectile through the teleport, then you can go with two heroes into the room and alternately throw the projectile to each other over two gaps).

The present.

The crystals in the center are broken, now we return to the future and take the chest in this place (there is a key inside). We again go into the room with the teleport, in the place of the destroyed crystals we read the hint: WENSW (Soul Arbiter's Scrolls). After this, we return to the past through another teleport, located on the wall to the left near the broken bridge.

In the past, we take the chest, approach the door with chains and open them with the key. We find ourselves in the central room. Here we press the lever, jump down along the ledges under the central entrance, take the chest. We go into the teleport leading to the future.

The present.

We turn left, we see a page on the other side of the abyss. To get it, we stand on the left edge of the ledge, activate the teleport on the right wall on the other side of the abyss. We activate the second teleport nearby, enter it and take the thing Book of the Dead page (10/10) volume 4.

Secret. We go up to the second floor along the wall next to the second teleport. We go to a dead end to a closed door, we find there GnoMAD's Gnome (4/4)(Having collected all the gnomes, we approach the postal service in the form of a green snake and get a unique main weapon " GnoMAD Scythes" Quest completed 300XP, 2000 Gilt). Let's go back.

We go upstairs to the central doors and enter them. Inside the room we return to the past.

Boss: Samael

The demon suddenly attacks, teleporting behind the hero. To avoid attacks, you need to immediately dodge (alt) as soon as Samael disappears before teleporting. The rest of the time we beat him hand-to-hand. Sometimes he will sit on the throne and attack with various projectiles. You just need to wait out this time, and the “shield” skill will help a lot. It is best to hit Samael with a secondary weapon with fast speed attacks.

For defeating the boss you get the “Demon Key” item. We return to the Raven Lord (Quest completed. 2500 XP, 11000 Gilt).

Well of Souls

Boss: Chaos Incarnate
(Avatar of Chaos)

This boss is quite slow, so you can use a slow but strong secondary weapon against him. The boss hits with a huge ax and whip, kicks the ground, spreading infection. All of his attacks do not cause any serious problems.

The only thing you should be wary of is falling into a trap from infection; if you don’t get out of it in time, you can receive fatal damage.

After the first finishing move, the boss will increase in size and will use damage more often. But after the second finishing move, he will return to normal, and after the third, he will be defeated.

Congratulations, the entire game is completed!!!

New game +

After complete passage Darksiders 2 there is a choice: you can stay in this game and continue collecting secret items, completing additional missions(in this case, the game will load your save before the battle with the last boss), or you can start the game again again, but at a higher difficulty and in the " mode A new game +».

Conditions of the game “New Game +”:

The accumulated experience remains;

Magic skills remain;

Ordinary non-plot items remain;

All devices (pistol, grip, split, teleport) disappear;

All secret items disappear;

All monsters have an increased level;

You can develop a hero from level 22 to 30.

During the first playthrough of the game, the hero can be developed to a maximum of level 22. When repeated, the hero continues to develop further, up to a maximum of level 30. Monsters and items will also have increased levels.

Additional tasks

The Book of the Dead

Pickup location: Location The Weeping Crag from the merchant Vulgrim
Task: Find hidden pages of the Book of the Dead (0/10) (4 books of 10 pages each)
Search location: Pages are hidden in all worlds of the game. The location of the pages is indicated directly in the text of the passage and is highlighted purple.
Reward: The 10 pages found are combined into a volume. After this, the volume of the book can be sold to the merchant Vulgrim. For this, the merchant gives the Bone Key, which can be used to open the Tomb of Death (a stone door with a dragon and four colored symbols). Each world has its own Tomb, where many treasures are hidden.
Locations of all Death Tombs:
1. The Forge Lands – in front of the Lost Temple location ( The Lost Temple).
2. The Land of the Dead the Dead) – location Lair of the Deposed King on the bottom floor.
3. Lostlight - on the global map halfway to The Crystal Spire.
4. Shadow’s Edge – on the global map halfway to The Black Stone.
The reward for finding all the pages is 7000 XP, 17,000 Gilt.

Sticks and Stones

Pickup location: Location Fjord on the northwestern hill near a golem named Blackroot
Task: Find (and extract with pistol shots) skill stones: Mystic Stonebites (0/34), Power Stonebites (0/25), Resistance Stonebites (0/10).
Search location: Stones are scattered throughout the worlds of the game. The location of the stones is indicated directly in the text of the walkthrough and is highlighted in blue.
Reward: Found stones can be exchanged for increasing the hero's characteristics. We come to the golem who gave the task, make a combination of three stones, and receive the corresponding bonus to the characteristics:
(M - mystic, P - power, R - resistance)
MMM – Arcane +5, PPM - Crit Chance +2%, RRM – Wrath +20,
MMP – Arcane Crit Chance +2%, PPP – Strange +5, RRP – Defense +20,
MMR - Arcane Crit D +10%, PPR - Crit D +10%, RRR - Resistance +20,
MPR – Health +30

Lost Relics

Pickup location: Location Tree of Death at the very beginning of the 2nd world at the merchant Ostegoth
Task: Find three types of ancient relics:
Relic of Etu-Goth (0/15), Relic of Renagoth (0/10), Relic of Khagoth (0/5).
Search location: Relics are located in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th world. The location of the relics is indicated directly in the walkthrough text and highlighted in blue.
Reward: The found relics are accepted by the merchant Ostegoth. By giving away the relic, we receive the corresponding bonus:
Relic of Etu-Goth – 10,000 gold.
Relic of Renagoth – increased stats +35 health, +10 energy.
Relic of Khagoth – 1 skill point.
The reward for finding all the relics is 2700 XP, 11,000 Gilt.

Lost and Found

The mission is only available in DLC.

Pickup location: 1. Before entering the location The Cauldron.
2. Before entering Shadow Gorge.
3. Before entering the location The Lost Temple.
Task: Find three artifacts lost by Karn.
Search location: 1. Journeyman Platter
The Cauldron. On the second floor. We throw another shell at the lever on the other side of the second floor. We cross over the raised bridge to the other side and take Karn’s Dish.
2. Journeyman Helm
The Drenchfort. 1 stream. We go into a small room on the south side. We deal with the Earth Crag boss. We go forward and pick up Karn's Helmet on the table.
3. Journeyman Compass
The Lost Temple. Along a narrow corridor without a floor we run along the walls, jumping from one to another. Then, in a narrow place along the walls, we climb up, also jumping from wall to wall. Under the arch next to the huge tree we take Karn's Compass.
Reward: 3735 XP, 7000 Gilt

Parts of Oran

Pickup location: Location Fjord on the southwestern shore of a large lake (you need to swim far to the south) near the half-disassembled golem of Oran. To activate Oran you need a Maker's Key.
Task: Find the body parts of the stone golem (they look like huge green cobblestones).
Search location: Location of Oran golem body parts:
1. The right leg is located in The Fjord location on the mountain in front of the entrance to The Drenchfort.
2. The right hand is located right in the middle of the Shadow Gorge location.
3. The left leg is located in the location Izgarny Pass (The Charred Pass) behind the second round gate.
4. Left hand in front of the entrance to The Scar location.
Reward: New additional task

Oran. The Maker's Chronicle

The mission is only available in DLC.

Pickup location: Location Fjord on the southwestern shore of a large lake (you need to swim far to the south) near the golem of Oran. The task is given after Oran is collected
Task: Find the blacksmith shaman, find out the location and bring the book of world history (Maker’s Chronicle).
Search location: We find a shaman in Tristone, this is a girl named Muria.
She gives us the task of finding 6 Gather the Seed. The seeds fall from the Prowler monsters that live in the hills of the Fjord.
We bring the seeds to the shaman girl in the first world. We get the item Magnetite (Lodestone).
The Maker's Chronicle item can now be found. This book is located in the Cursed Forest location (Baneswood) in a small cave in the northwest. We take the found book to Oran in the south of the Fjord location.
Reward: 384 XP, 1500 Gilt


The mission is only available in DLC.

Pickup location: In the Eternal Throne location with the Blade Master. The master will give the task only after passing the Golden Arena location.
Task: Kill three invisible bloodless monsters in the 1st and 2nd worlds
Search location: In order to be able to see and attack invisible monsters, we put on the Bloodless Talisman, which was given to us by the master of blades.

Location of all Bloodless monsters in world The Forge Lands:
1. In the Stonefather's Vale location, in the northeast corner.
2. In The Charsed Pass location, between two ring gates.
3. In The Fjord location on the second floor of the coastal castle.

Location of all Bloodless monsters in the world of Kingdom of the Dead:
1. Move to the entrance to the Serpent’s Peak location. From here we jump to the north, and then to a small branch in the west (there are islands tied with chains floating around).
2. In the Lair of the Deposed King location, on the first floor in a room with snow on the floor.
3. B secret location Boneriven (entrance via Sentinel's Gaze) in the last room.

Reward: --XP, --Gilt

Gnomes (GnoMAD's Gnoms)

Pickup location: When finding the first gnome
Task: Collect all four GnoMAD's Gnom figures (0/4).
Search location: Location of all GnoMAD's Gnoms:
1. In the location City of the Dead, in a secret behind the wall.
2. In the location The Ivory Citadel, in a cave.
3. In The Weeping Crag location, underwater in a secret place behind the teleport.
4. In the location The Black Stone, in the secret before the entrance to the boss.
Reward: Having collected all the gnomes, we approach the postal service in the form of a green snake and get the unique main weapon “GnoMAD Scythes”.
300XP, 2000 Gilt

Questions - answers

Question: how to defeat the Guardian?(V game Darksiders 2)

Answer: shoot the bombs on his lowered right hand. The hand will explode and fall off for a while. We run up to the fallen shoulder and hit the crystal with conventional weapons. The Guardian will begin to attack with his left hand - he will release a large yellow explosive projectile. We need to make sure that the projectile ends up next to the boss, at which time we explode it using shots from a pistol. This will cause the boss to fall onto his left hand. We climb up his arm, cling to the crystal with his demonic hand and hit him. ( Full description tactics to combat the Guardian).

Question: how to defeat Karkinos?(in the game Darksiders 2)

Answer: In its normal state, Karkinos is invulnerable. To deal damage to him, you must first wait for another egg to fall from the ceiling, then take it and forcefully throw it at the boss. The boss will fall over on his side, now you can hit him. (Full description of the tactics of fighting Karkinos).

Question: how to defeat Gnashor?(in the game Darksiders 2)

Answer: to hit him for the first time: select the demonic hand weapon, aim at the boss (shift), wait for him to jump out of the ground, and at that moment we immediately grab him with our hand, and then finish him off. After two hits, the worm attaches itself to the stone body. We hit Gnashor with regular blows. At some point, he will lengthen his head (or more precisely: he will stand in place, spread his arms to the sides, tilt his head forward and lengthen it a little). Press shift and the middle mouse button to grab the boss by the head. (Gnashor stands in this position for a very short period of time; if you don’t make it in time, he will restore his health, but if you do, he will crumble into small pieces). We find a worm in the scattered pieces and hit it with regular blows. (Full description of the tactics of fighting Gnashor).

Question: how to defeat the Archon?(in the game Darksiders 2)

Answer: we hit the angel in close combat. After that, it will fly up and send out charges of light from there. When he freezes in place and begins to prepare a powerful attack, we are attracted to him with the help of a demonic hand, beat him and finish him off. (Full description of the tactics of fighting the Archon).

Question: how to defeat the Bookman?(in the game Darksiders 2)

Answer: we shoot him from afar and use all kinds of spells. Having lost half his life, the boss will rise up and attack from there with a laser beam. At this moment, open any portal from below and any from above. When the boss casts a beam, we hide from him by entering the portal. When the boss has just a little bit of health left, he will rise up again. But now a portal appeared below him. We activate one portal on the second floor and one under the boss. We wait for the boss to shoot a beam, stand so that the beam passes along the line and hits the teleporter on the floor, as a result Jameira will shoot himself. (Full description of the tactics of fighting Jameira-Knizhnik).

Question: how to get out of Psycameron?(in the game Darksiders 2)

Answer: there is no normal way back from Psycameron (after all, we get to this location through a one-way portal). You can return from there only by fast moving around the map.

Fast travel around the Darksiders 2 map:

Go to the character menu (key “O”), select the “Map” tab.
You can only navigate on the global map. If the menu displays a map of the current location, then you need to switch it to global map(spacebar).
We center the map at the point where we want to go and select fast movement ("Enter" key).

Question: how to enable reaper skin?(in the game Darksiders 2)

Answer: turned on with the “V” key. You can also open the abilities menu (Tab key) and select the bottom icon.

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In the last article we introduced you to that, but we will not stop there and rush into new fight. The previous boss is quite strong and we hope that our recommendations came in handy for you, but now we propose to resolve the issue of how to kill the Bookman? Jameira the Scribe, probably more reminiscent of a huge hog, but it is not clumsy, and in order to deal with it, you need not just beat it (this way you will definitely die earlier), but use several “chips.”

The first thing to do is to activate 2 portals before the battle. Once the battle begins, Jameira the Scribe will immediately start throwing waves and rocks at you, but before he starts throwing them, you should position yourself so that you are standing in front of the portal. As soon as a wave is launched at you, you need to immediately jump away. This will ensure that the stone-water jet hits the portal located behind you, after which it will fly out of another pre-created portal and hit the Scribe directly in the head. He'll be a little surprised, but this will give you time to calm him down a little. However, remember that as soon as Jameira comes to his senses, he will almost instantly take off and launch a new wave with stones from above, which you will need to dodge.

Now we are waiting for him to get down from above so that we can continue the fight. After his “landing”, he will be released by his minions, who are not particularly strong, but their main goal is to hinder you, and they do this very well. You need to simultaneously be aware of the waves that the Scribe hits and get rid of the flashing minions.

After you deal with his assistants, you need to immediately repeat the trick with the portals. After this, he will take off again, and a portal will open under him. Then you need to activate one portal below him, and one already on the second tier, after which you jump into the lower one, find yourself above the scribe with the help of the upper one and deliver a blow that should be decisive. But if suddenly the Bookman has some strength left, repeat the trick with an overhead strike again.

It turns out that there is nothing particularly difficult in solving the question: How to kill the Bookman? The main thing here is not to forget about the possibility of using portals that will help you in more than one battle.


The game begins with the enraged horseman of the Apocalypse, Death, riding on his faithful horse Despair, accompanied by Dust, Death's raven, showing the right path to wherever Death desires.

Now we will go through the tutorial level:

  1. To begin with, he invites us to ride along a snowy path. Keys are used to control a character or a character on a horse W,S,A,D .
  2. When a round icon with a horse's head appears, you are granted the ability to summon or send Despair using the key C .
  3. To dash while riding Despair, you need to press Alt .
  4. If there is a high wall ahead, then you can easily overcome it, you just need to jump on it using the key Space and pull yourself up using the key W .
  5. Enemies will often attack us in this game. To attack an enemy, you need to click on the Left Mouse Button ( LMB). To dodge an enemy attack, you need to press the key in time Alt .
  6. Enemies will always drop coins that can be exchanged for goods on the black market, and will sometimes drop loot (a trophy for killing). To take loot, you need to click on E .
  7. Using the key O You can open your inventory and notice many sections there. To use an item, you need to click on the Equipment section and select the item you want to equip. By double-clicking LMB you can call up actions that can be performed with the selected item.

Find a way to save the War

We approached the gate Dark Fortress. The gates kindly opened and we were told to climb to the top of the Dark Fortress. We approach the wall near the edge of the cliff and hold down the key Space to run across the wall over a decent cliff. We are not in a hurry to rush forward. There's a frozen one on the left Ice Skeleton. We defrost it with ordinary paired braids and destroy it. An ax fell from him - an additional weapon. To equip yourself with an ax, you need to find it in your inventory and select " Put on". You can now attack with an additional weapon in battles by clicking on the Right Mouse Button ( RMB ).

The killed skeleton cleared the way to an additional part of the fortress. There is a chest there. To open the chest, you need to press the key E. A health potion fell out of the chest. We always pick up health potions. Also, sometimes you will come across potions of rage. To replenish your health bar or rage bar, you need to click on 1 or 2 .

We leave this rather small part and reach another cliff. We run along the wall to the ledge. We move along the ledge to the left, jump to the upper ledge and climb up. On the right and left you can unfreeze skeletons and kill them. If you get lost, the purple mark on the mini-map at the bottom right will always point you in the right direction.

So, we reach the cliff. Huge wooden beams hang from somewhere above. You can jump and grab them. We jump from one beam to another until we jump to the desired end of the cliff. Another frozen skeleton. If it doesn’t defrost itself, you don’t have to touch it. There are three skeletons ahead, which we easily destroy. We grab the ledge on the wall and climb up the wall using beams and ledges. We jump onto the adjacent beam and climb up. The next skeletons. We destroy them and jump onto the vine, which is located on the wall. You can easily navigate through the vines using the movement keys. To jump from a vine, just press a key E. We reach the next vine and climb up. We jump onto the ledge, from the ledge into the arena.

Appears out of nowhere Ice giant! Destroying it is quite simple:

  1. We dodge when we see the giant raising his fist (press the key three times Alt ).
  2. We enter from the back and carry out combo attacks (LMB+Pause+LMB+Pause+LMB+Pause+LMB or LMB+LMB+Pause+LMB+LMB or Space+LMB+LMB+LMB+RMB).
Once destroyed, a hidden door will open. We go inside and notice a large cliff. We run along the wall to the beam, from the beam again to the wall, jump - now we are already at the other end of the cliff. We approach the elevator and activate it by pressing the button E. The elevator breaks down due to ice blocks growing on top. You will have to manually climb up using the ledges on the wall. We jump off the second ledge and approach two closely located walls. This narrowness can be used by jumping from wall to wall, thereby rising to any height until the wall ends. So, we got up. Now we run along the wall to the beam, and after the beam we grab onto the vine. Having climbed up the vine, we jump onto the beam, from the beam again to the vine. We climb to the right edge of the vine and jump onto the beam. We climb up along the beam.

We destroy the monsters and jump onto the vine, reaching the cliff. We go down the vine, then to the right and jump onto the ledge, then onto the next one and jump off. A little further there are beams on which you can walk. We jump from beam to beam, and then onto a vine. We climb up the vine and to the right. We jump onto the beam and climb up along it, jumping onto the beam from above. Next there will be more beams. Well, I hope that now it will be easier to do this, so we will no longer describe such movements in detail.

We get to the hall in which the Keeper of Secrets, the Elder Raven, sits. We need his help. The Eldest Raven does not understand why he should be concerned about the fate of Death's brother - War. Death notices that the Keeper of Secrets knows the truth and his secrets can help save the innocent War. The Keeper of Secrets opened the gate and said that he would find the way to correct the actions of the War in the Tree of Life, but immediately closed the passage. He wants to exchange the talisman. Death does not agree and orders the passage to be opened. The Elder Raven says that Death will only enter this passage through his corpse. Death agrees and the battle begins. Elder Raven turns into War. Well, you'll have to destroy this pathetic image of your brother. The tactics are:

  1. Hold Shift and dodge when War begins to carry out his attacks
  2. Immediately after the War's attack, we rush to the War and carry out combo attacks.
The Elder Raven reverts to his normal form after being defeated. We force him to open the portal, but he destroys the talisman, and part of its fragment embeds itself in our right chest.


  • Experience : 40
  • Gold : 1200

Part 2: Forgelands

Flame of the mountains

We move to the beginning of our journey - to the Forge Lands. The old creator Eidard meets us and informs us that the path to Tree of Life the blacksmith sister, Elia, knows. However, she will do our favor for her favor. Well, let's find her. We pass through the cave. We are shown a cutscene showing Elia's location. We approach her and talk. She says that the entrance to Tree of Life closed, and the damage does not allow forging the key to the gate. It is necessary to restore the flow of lava and water in Smelter- the main forge, with which you can forge the key. Elia sent us to Thane to open the gate outside the Trekstone settlement. We head towards the yellow circle on the mini-map at the bottom right. We approach Thane and talk to him (if you select the “Training” dialogue option, you can buy techniques for gold coins, which can then be used in battle). Thane opens the gate and wishes us good luck on our journey.

We reach the cliff. You can jump into the water and take the Boatman's coin, which you can then exchange for items with Vulgrim. There is a wall nearby that you can climb up. We return to the beginning of the cliff. We climb the wall on the right and follow the path to the other end of the cliff. We go out into an open field, call Despair and go right along the path, to the Weeping Cliff (see map) (there will be Vulgrim here, who can sell unique items and give side quest "Book of the Dead "). We gallop through the Cursed Forest to the Izgarny Pass (we meet enemies - Construct warriors), and then we get to the entrance to the Cauldron - a fire temple that gives flame to the great forge of creators. Near the entrance to the Cauldron, Karn fights with construct warriors. We help him destroy the reptiles. After a conversation with Karn, it turns out that he decided to become a hero, but cannot get through I spoil it. Karn lowers the bridge leading to the gate to the Cauldron.

We go inside and activate the lever, which releases the door to the next room. We open the door. To the right is a Shadow Bomb. Let's grab her ( E) and sculpt it onto a lever on the wall ( Q+SCM) - another door is open. We go inside (we destroy the enemies) and see two doors, one of which is locked with a lock, which opens if you find a chest containing the key to the lock. We go into the next door. Using the ledge on the wall we get over the cliff. There is another ledge on the wall in this area. We climb up it and get to the vine. We go down the vine, grab the bomb and place it on the lever. We go into the opened door, and there the new kind enemies - Helper constructs. We destroy the enemies and go through the next door. We reach the arena, where another one awaits us new enemy - Walker. The walker fights with constructs. We wait until they kill each other, after which we destroy the Walker. Next to the arena there is a small room where there is a chest, in which lies the very key to the lock on the door. We leave the small room, turn right and slide along the wall to the platform below. We return to the door with the lock and open it. Roll up the ball ( E) into the hole, thereby activating a mechanism that turns a part of the wall, on the hidden side of which there is a beam that will help us climb up. We climb up the vine to another part of the Cauldron.

Ahead we see a beam along which you can climb to the ledge, and through the ledge to another part of the Cauldron. We jump from the ledge onto the vine and jump down. We activate the lever, which lowers the grate, blocking the passage to the next part of the Cauldron. We see another door, locked with a key. We need to find the key. We go into the open door on the right and destroy the enemies. We find a shadow bomb, take it and place it on the Corruption that has enveloped the ball. We roll the ball into the hole, which activates a mechanism that will lower the grate (not the central one!), behind which there is another ball. We roll the freed ball into the left hole from the central grid. The grate dropped halfway. Now you need to knock the ball out of the hole. To do this, place a Shadow Bomb on the ball in the hole. After releasing the ball, we roll it into the hole to the right of the central grid. We open the chest in which the key was located. We return to the door and open the door using the key to the lock, destroying the enemies in parallel. We activate the lever, which raises the cauldron, on which there are ledges. Using the ledges on the wall and the ledges on the boiler, we move to the platform. We go into the room and climb up along the wall and ledges. Take the Shadow Bomb and place it on the lever. We cross the raised bridge. The grate behind us rises, thereby closing the exit, and Garn, a new enemy with a drill, bursts out of the wall. We destroy it in the following way:

  1. While he is swinging, we dodge using the Alt key.
  2. After Garn successfully misses, we deliver a series of combo attacks
  3. We repeat the manipulations several times
By destroying it, we get the Dark Avenger weapon. We reach the room with the lever and activate it. Turn counterclockwise until the weights are lowered all the way down. Hurray, we opened the hatch! Now the lava is flowing! We return to Elia (we leave the Cauldron and use the map to point to Elia’s location and press Enter- fast movement). She is moderately satisfied, but still needs to be activated Tears of the Mountains- water that soothes the earth, which will awaken Flame of the Mountains. Now Elia will trade items or buy items from us.


  • Gun "Redemption"
  • Experience : 480
  • Gold : 1500

Tears of the mountains

You need to find Karn and talk to him near the entrance to the Gorge of Shadow. To do this, we go out into the field of the Valley of the Father of Stones and ride on Despair along the left path. We speak with Karn, after which we aim the pistol at the Shadow Bomb just above the entrance to the Narrows of Shadow and open the gate. We ride to the Fjord, and then to the storm fort. Along the way we will meet new enemies - Pityers And Shnyri. We destroy them. The path further is closed with bars. To the left of the grate there is a Shadow Bomb. We shoot at it and free the wall from Corruption. We climb up and stop the wave of enemies with a pistol and scythes. We go out through the door and jump down. We activate the lever near the gate to lower the grate. In Fjord you can meet Blackroot, who will give Bait stone and side quest "Stones and Sticks".

Having reached the Storm Fort, we reach the place where we need to drive the ball into the hole. To do this, go to the right and climb up the wall. Take the Shadow Bomb and throw it at the ball. We roll the fallen ball to the hole. The mechanism works and the door opens. Let's go in.

We go through the door on the left. We go in and go through the door opposite. We reach a dead end. You need to put two balls into the hole. Turn right and climb up the wall. We run along the walls and ledges and reach the ball. We throw it down and drive it into one hole. Now we climb the wall to the left (from the entrance). We jump down and find a large wall. We go up it and take the Shadow Bomb and place it on the Corruption that has enveloped the ball, after which we shoot at the bomb with a pistol. We adjust the ball to the grid that separates the ball from the hole. Let go of the ball and go up for another Shadow Bomb. We put it on the ball, and we ourselves rise to the platform in the middle of the room, which activates the lowering of the grate. We shoot at the bomb, thereby rolling the ball towards the hole. We climb the wall to the beginning of the path, drive the ball into the hole and go into the opened gate. We reach a lever shrouded in Corruption. There is a Shadow Bomb nearby. We destroy the damage and activate the lever. Water is gone! We jump into the water and swim to the very end. We go out the door.

We jump into the water and swim through the tunnel, which has just been almost completely covered with water. We swim to a dead end, climb the wall and ledges to the top. An ambush awaits us here. We destroy the enemies and go through the vacated door. We reach the next room. On the left is a locked door. To the right is an open door. We move away from the left door at a distance equal to the distance to the right door. We look ahead - there is a passage there. We jump down and reach the room. We destroy the enemies, open the chest in which the key lies. We return to the locked door and open it. Having destroyed a party of enemies, we reach a room in which you need to drive the ball into the hole so that the platform lowers. We go to the wall on the left, climb up and pick up the Shadow Bomb. We sculpt it onto the Corruption and open the passage for the ball. We go down to the ball, grab it and jerk ( Alt) throw it up. We roll into the hole, the platform lowers. We run after another Shadow Bomb, place it on the ball, stand on the platform and shoot at the bomb. The ball rolls out of the hole, thereby activating the raising of the platform to the top. Let's go to the next room. We get to the lever. To the left of it we destroy the Corruption by shooting at the bomb on it. We activate the lever and slide down the stream of water. We're getting to the end. We go to the place where we found the key. There is now enough water to grab the ledge. We go up and climb along the walls into the room above and activate the lever. Now the flow reaches the end, thereby removing the bars on the doors, activating the entrance to it. Let's open this door

We go into the door, which a stone golem is looking at, holding a yoke on its shoulders. We jump into the water and get to a ledge that you can climb onto, because the water level is already sufficient. We open the door, grab an unusual ball and throw (alt) at an unidentified object covered with wood. Turns out it's the boss! Karkinos they're calling! Tactics against Karkinos:

  1. When we see that he is about to accelerate, we dodge to the side.
  2. When she hits the wall, an egg falls from above. We take this egg and throw it at Karkinos. It will turn off for a while.
  3. This is the time to cut his groin with various combo attacks, despite the fact that the child of Karkinos immediately hatches from the egg.
  4. We repeat the manipulations several times.
Once killed, it will drop a Crusher. That's what it's called - the Crusher of Karkinos. Good weapon. The grate lowers, let's go activate the lever. The stream has been restored! We return to Elia, who has already moved to the Smelter. Elia and her brother have already finished working on the creator's key , and now you can use it to activate each construct. Eidard arrives and asks to gather a Guardian who will clear the way to Tree of Life. We agree to help.


  • Experience : 720
  • Gold : 3600

Move a mountain

You need to find the construct that sleeps in the Lost Temple and awaken it with the creator's key. We set off through the Valley of the Father of Stones to Weeping Cliff. Afterwards we find ourselves in the Cursed Forest, from where we move to the Lost Temple. We find ourselves in Bukhochka. We activate the first Construct, sit on it and roll into the hole. We aim at the opened hole and shoot ( SCM) chain. We follow the chain to the door. Enemies are waiting for us in the room. We destroy them, go into a small room, take a Shadow Bomb from there and place it on the Corruption to the left of the door we entered. We climb up the vacated wall and jump along the beams to the other part of the bay. We jump down the steps and go down into the next room filled with enemies. We destroy them. We open the door to the left (from where we came from) and destroy another batch of enemies. We go left and go up the stairs. We jump onto the wall, grab the ledge and climb up. Another wall, up again, and on the other side we jump off. We open the door nearby and go out to Karn.

We go into the Lost Temple, destroy the enemies and go upstairs. We open the door, activate the construct and break the Corruption with the help of its powerful stone hands. We roll to the hole and roll into it. We get off the construct and go through the door from which the grate has just come off. Some kind of mask flies up to us and summons enemies! We destroy the mask with a pistol after we have destroyed the construct warriors. A part of the wall rotates, indicating the right path. We go to the wall and climb up the beam, and then turn into another part of the temple using the ledge. We jump off and get to the construct. We activate it and use it to destroy enemies nearby. We roll the construct to the edge of the cliff and destroy the Corruption (SCM), which was guarding the lever that raises the bridge. We get off the construct, get to the lever, activate it and ride the construct to the place where we just destroyed the mask, destroying all the damage along the way. Now we roll into the hole opposite and throw the chain into the hole. We run along the chain to this part of the temple. We shoot at the Shadow Bomb located next to the ball. We roll the ball into the hole, destroy the enemies that appear, take the Shadow Bomb and place it on the ball. The ball rolls away, one grate lowers, the other rises - here we are at the chest with the key! We take the key and return to the construct, and then go to the locked door. We open the door, follow the vine to get to the lever and activate it. The grate lowers, enemies appear, and we run to the construct and return the chain to ourselves, after which we destroy the enemies, and then the Corruption in the place where we just lowered the grate. We roll into the hole to lower the grate. We get off the construct and run into the opened part of the temple.

Six masks await us here. We deal with each one separately. First, we destroy the enemies, then we shoot at the mask when it flies up to us and shoots a beam down, and we repeat the manipulations until we win (don’t forget about the Reaper mode). We open the door, and then another one. We jump along the walls to the end of the cliff. We approach the waterfall and jump from one wall to another until we climb to the top. We follow the stream to the door. We open it and activate the construct, which we then roll onto the elevator. We jump off the construct and climb up the wall and beams to the left of the elevator. We activate another construct, roll it up to the hole, which activates the raising of the elevator. We jump off the construct and jump onto the one who just arrived on the elevator. We roll it into the hole a little further, then we take the construct that is in the hole near the elevator and roll it into the hole in the place where we just lowered the grate with the first construct. We release the chain and get to the first construct, which we roll to the hole that lowers the grate at the door that we need to get into. We jump off the construct and get to the door. We open it and run to another door using beams and walls. Ambush! We destroy the enemies and open the door. We climb up the wall, shoot at the Shadow Bomb and throw the ball into the hole. The grate rises and we go through the door. There are enemies here. We destroy them and go to the next door and open it.

We reach the arena. The mask has assembled a lumbering construct. We'll have to end it. Tactics against the lout-construct:
While he is pounding the ground with his fists, shadow bombs fall from above. You need to quickly take a bomb and throw it at him, and then shoot the bomb.

  1. While he lies unconscious, his spherical soul must be cut up.
  2. During his beating, his defenders appear from the ground. You need to destroy them too, because they will greatly interfere with capturing bombs + a health potion may fall out of them.
  3. We repeat the manipulations 5-6 times until victory.
So, we get to the Guardian and activate it. We talk with the Guardian. He leads us to the Valley of the Father of Stones. We need to talk to Eidard, which is what we do.


  • Experience : 960
  • Gold : 4500

Heart of the Mountain

So, we go to the Guardian, who will take us to the depths of the Smelter. We talk to him. Suddenly Karn appears and says that he will help us. The Guardian restores the bridge, and we cross it to the entrance to the Smelter. We reach some kind of cliff, and Karn suggests that he throw us to the other end of the cliff. We agree and fly over. We climb along the beams and ledges onto the beam, from which we need to jump and cling to the cauldron, from which we then need to jump in time. After that, we run across the wall, destroy the enemies and reach the door, activate the lever and open the door. We jump onto the lever that activates the raising of the door. We wait until Karn reaches the next door and holds it when we jump off the lever. We pass by Karn.

We reach the Guardian. He is very large, very heavy and sleeps soundly. You can awaken him with the help of three stones scattered throughout the temple. So, we call Dust and go to the door where he points. We go into the cave and destroy the enemies. We reach the elevator. We approach the wall with a grate and Karn will throw us over the wall. We jump into the water and swim to the right until the light. Let's get up. Here we have a ball. We go to the other side and jump into the water. We swim underwater to the right. We rise, and here is the button! We stand on the button, the grille lowers, the door rises. Karn grabs the door, we grab the stone and throw it into the hole in the wall. Not an easy task, but quite passable. We activate the construct and sit on it. Let's go break the Corruption! We ride the construct to the hole, into which we roll. We release the chain, along which we get to its middle, then we jump onto the vine, and from the vine to a beam, then onto another one - here we are near the door. We open the door and run along the wall. You need to be wary of the lava, so we wait until it ends, after which it runs on. So we're in the other part. We destroy the enemies, go through the door, take the key and jump onto the chain of the construct and get to Karn. We open the door with the key and go inside. We climb up the spiral staircase, after which Karn throws us to the other side. We destroy the enemies and open the door. Chained up" death grip ". We free her (LMB+LMB+LMB) and appropriate it for ourselves. We leave the door and fly over to Karn, using the ring on top with the help of Death Grip. We return to the cave and follow Karn.

We reach the place where there is a Shadow Bomb on the wall on the right. on the left is a lever. We grab the bomb with our grip and sculpt it onto the lever. We blow it up with a pistol - the bridge is raised! We cross the bridge and open the door. There is another lowered bridge ahead. On the left is the lever and on the right. For now, we jump along the beams and activate the left lever. We turn back and run along the wall onto the beam. From the beam we grab the ring with our grip, after which we fall onto the vine. From the vine to the next ring to the lever. We activate the lever and return to the beginning of the bridge. We pass it and open the door. We activate the lever, which will begin to lower the elevator. We go down to some floor and open the door. And here is the first stone! We approach Karn, who wants to throw us to the other end of the cliff. After this, along the wall ledges and beams we get to the button that lowers the grate in two places. We pull ourselves up to Karn with the help of a grip, which instantly sends us to the place where the second grate just dropped. We reach an incomprehensible platform along ledges and beams. Let's jump even lower - a construct! We reach the construct along the wall, activate it and roll along the lava (cool!) to the Corruption, which we immediately sweep away, and then roll into the hole. We release the chain and follow it. Afterwards we jump onto the ledge, climb up and approach the stone. Let's grab him. The stone falls down, after which Karn picks it up and offers to return with it to the Guardian - a good idea! Old friends are waiting for us on the elevator. We salute and kill. We go out to the Guardian through two doors. We approach the right shoulder of the Guardian and attach a stone to it.

The wooden structure is destroyed, releasing new way! We run up there, and with the help of a grip we fly to the tunnel. Through the tunnel we reach another tunnel. After the second tunnel there are two gates and a button. We stand on the button, Karn goes through the first gate and prepares to hold the second. We run away from the button and go past Karn through the gate. Karn wants to transfer us - we won’t refuse! Then we jump to the ring a little further and grab onto it - here we are at the other end of the room. We go into the next room and destroy the enemies. We activate the construct and roll into the hole. We release the chain. We get down from the construct and climb onto the platform with the lever. We lift it up to the limit, then release it and wait for the right moment to jump onto the ledge on the left platform, then onto the chain, and after the chain jump to the ledge. So, we did it! Now along the ledges and vines we get to the other part of the room. We go down to the lever and activate it. The bridges went up. We return to the construct and roll along the bridges to Corruption. Having destroyed all the Corruption, we roll out to the place where we see the stone. We destroy the enemies and roll to the place where there is Corruption. We destroy Corruption with the chain of the construct, get off it, and Karn offers to give us a lift. We agree and open the chest, which contains the key. We find the door to which this key belongs and open it. We don't need to go inside yet, so we're going out. We return to the place from where we came and dive from the left edge into the water, after which we swim to the vine and climb up along it, ledges and rings. Ahead we are shown a lever - we need to get to it and activate it. We jump into the water and swim to the place where there is a ring. We run along the wall, grab the ring, and then move along the beams to the left. One more ring - here we are. We destroy the enemies, activate the lever and return to Karn. We roll the construct into the place where the stones are flattened. We activate the lever near this device. As a result, we have a ball. Remember the door we opened? Wonderful! Now you need to put the ball into the hole in this room. The grate is lowered. We go into this small compartment and jump up along the walls. We run to the stone and grab it. Karn picks up the stone. We return to the Guardian (there will be a small problem along the way - you solve it yourself!) and stand next to his left shoulder. The stone is well settled in the shoulder!

Let's follow Karn. He wants to throw us over the bars. We agree. We activate the lever that lowers the grille. We activate the construct and destroy the Corruption with it. We go down on the construct and see a stone, around which everything is overgrown with Corruption. We destroy Corruption wherever possible. We roll into a hole that lowers the grate. We jump off the construct and climb up the wall to the platform where the grate has lowered. We run along the wall to another room and jump onto the stone. Something is wrong with him... Suddenly, the energy from the stone moves into the construct and it becomes hostile! We need to destroy it. We apply the same tactics as for all other mini-bosses: We dodge when the construct swings and carry out combo attacks immediately after the construct hits the ground. After the victory, we go to the Guardian and sculpt this stone on his forehead.

The damage on the stone did not evaporate and absorbed the Guardian! He's gone somewhere! We need to catch up with him! We leave the Smelter and come to the Valley of the Father of Stones. Eidard could not do anything with the Guardian. We need to destroy him! Tactics against the Guardian:

  • Stage 1:
  1. While the Guardian is swinging his right hand, we dodge the hammer.
  2. While his hand is near the ground, we shoot at the Shadow Bombs.
  3. When the hand is separated from the body, we pull ourselves up to the stone with our grip and destroy it.
  4. We repeat the manipulations two times, after which we proceed to stage two, when the Guardian is with one left hand.
  • Stage 2:
  1. While the Guardian releases a huge Shadow bomb, we drive the Despair far enough and shoot exactly (!) at the bomb with all the cartridges from Atonement.
  2. We hide behind the Guardian so that the bomb hits the Guardian on the way. He weakens, his left hand clinging to support.
  3. We climb up the arm, after which we grab the stone and destroy it.
  4. We repeat the manipulations twice, after which the Guardian will fall apart, and Eidard will revive him, but will die himself.
The new Guardian is trying to destroy the Corruption, which guards the path to the Tree of Life. However, Corruption resists. As a result, the path was cleared, and Corruption and the Guardian self-destructed.


  • Experience : 1200
  • Gold : 6000

Tree of Life

We ride on Despair along the cleared path to the Tree of Life. We stop at the gate.


  • Experience : 1440
  • Gold : 7000

Part 3: Kingdom of the Dead

Corruption appears from the gate to the Tree of Life and we get stuck in the tree. Some Nephilim starts talking to us. From the conversation it becomes known that Corruption is Absalom, and Absalom is Death’s former brother, whom Death killed. On the same day, Absalom became Corruption and wants to take over everything! After the conversation, we teleport to the Kingdom of the Dead, where Ostegoth meets us. He reports that if the Tree of Life teleported him here, then it’s necessary. He also says that you need to climb Snake Peak and get to the Eternal Throne, on which sits the Bone Lord, who knows something about Source of souls - something that can revive humanity.

Bone Lord

So, you need to find the Eternal Throne. We ride on Despair through the Rocky Lands to the Leviathan Cleft and go through the door.

Along the wall we get to two buttons and stand on the one that removes a lot of bars. We quickly run along the wall where the grating has just cleared the way. We get to two doors. We go into an open room. We destroy the enemies and go into the right door. We take the Shadow Bomb, place it on the lever and approach the bridge. We shoot at the bomb from there and quickly run across the bridge before it goes down. We reach the second bridge and take the key from the chest. We return to the door and open the door with the key. Let's go inside. We reach the next door, destroying enemies along the way, and then open another door. We destroy the enemies and go out through the next door outside. We ride to the bridge, after which we turn towards Snake Peak. We reach the end of Snake Peak, destroying the enemies nearby. We destroy the bell, after which two snakes fly up to us, holding the Eternal Throne. We jump on the snake and get to the Eternal Throne. Now we need to find the entrance. The entire journey will consist of overcoming obstacles. It’s all quite easy to go through, you just need to think a little if you get lost (don’t forget to look around, and remember that you can push off from two walls and climb up!).

So, we enter the Eternal Throne. We reach the entrance to the Bone Lord. We are not allowed in and are told that we must first obtain the right to enter from the Advisor. The advisor gives us a test. You need to bring the head of the Golden Arena champion to the Advisor. Well, he gets what he asked for.


  • Experience : 700
  • Gold : 3000

Royal fee

We go to the Golden Arena. We go to the exit from the Eternal Gate. We open the door and move along the vine to another door. We open the door and get to the entrance to the Golden Arena. We reach the room with the lantern and move it (E) in the opposite direction. The door opens and we enter. We reach the next door along the wall and open it. We found the arena. Managers report that it is impossible to simply summon a champion. You need to collect three soul stones and place them on the altar. All stones can be found near the arena.

We go right to the wall. We go up it and turn left. We go through the gap and go into the door on the right. We go down, using the walls where the stairs collapsed. We reach the door and open it. We destroy the enemies and go through the next door. We reach a room where a lantern shines. We climb onto the button, which lowers the grate, behind which there is a shadow bomb. We take a bomb and place it on the Corruption that is holding the lantern. We select the lantern with a grapple and place it on the button. We go to the place where the grate lowers down. Along the walls we get to the other part of the room. We reach the lever that lowers the grille and activate it. We grab the lantern with a grapple and run into the room where the statue without a lantern is located. We place the lantern in the statue’s hand and rotate it 180 degrees. We enter the opened room and reach the end. We grab the Stone, destroy the enemies and return to the statue. Skeletons appear. We destroy them and go to where they ran out from. We open the door. We reach a room in which we go up to the door. We activate the lever that opens the door. We're just about to enter the arena. We approach the altar (head) and use a grip to insert the stone into the altar.

Two doors open. One below, which also brings skeletons. We destroy them and go inside where they came from. We go to the floor above. We reach the skeletons next to the collapse and destroy them. We climb up the collapse to the next floor and approach the door that opened a minute earlier. Let's go inside. We go in the direction in which the lantern is shining. We go up the stairs, approach the beginning of the lowered bridge and take the Shadow Bomb. We sculpt it onto the Damage, which is in opposite side from the stream of the flashlight beam. A passage opens. We follow the wall to the next room. We go towards the glow of the lantern. We reach the button on which the flashlight lies. We take the flashlight and leave the button. Enemies appear. We put a lantern and destroy them. The door opens again for unknown reasons. We take a lantern and get to that cliff. We lower the lantern, run across the walls to the first lantern, turn it towards another grate, which lowers. We take the shadow bomb and destroy all the Corruption. We return to the second lantern and place the lantern on the button. The grate is lowered. We run to the feather lantern. We grab the flashlight on the button. Lower the lantern and turn the statue to lower another grate. With a flashlight we reach the place where a bomb is stuck to the bridge. We place the lantern on the hand of the statue. The bridge is rising. We cross the bridge, open the door and go down the spiral, collapsed staircase. We approach the place where the stone should be. We destroy the enemies that appear, take the stone and go to the place where the grate fell. We open the door and go into the room. We climb up the walls. We activate the lever and go to the altar. We insert the stone into the altar.

A door opens that leads to the last stone. We go up to the door and go inside. We destroy a large wave of enemies and open the next door. We go a little further and destroy the newly appeared enemies. We go into the next door. We stand on the button and grab the Shadow Bomb that appeared when the bridge rose. Let's go to the throne. We put a bomb on the lever and turn around! We destroy the lump scarab and take the stone. We return to the altar and insert the stone. Appears Gnashor! Tactics against Gnashor:

  1. While Gnashor is underground, you need to move a long distance away from him. He will emerge. We manage to grab his face with a grapple and inflict damage. After that, he likes to turn into a wheel, from which you need to move away, otherwise it will hurt.
  2. While Gnashor is gathering into a huge skeleton, we inflict damage on him. After he leans towards us, we move away and grab his head - it will crumble into a snake.
  3. From time to time Gnashor can hurt us by kicking us if we are too close to him. To avoid being hit, you need to jump away from it. Gnashor also likes to open his head and make devastating blows. To avoid such blows, you just need to go behind his back while he swings his head.
Destroyed? Nice. We take the golden skull. We return to the Advisor and give him the skull. He lets us in to see the Bone Lord.


  • Experience : 1000
  • Gold : 5000


The Bone Lord will show us the way to the Source of Souls if we return three immortal lords The Bone Lord, who will obey him. Also the Bone Lord will give us Excommunication- a device that allows you to manipulate lords.

So, let's go look for Farisir. Let's ride to the tomb of Farisir (see the middle of the map). We go into the tomb and approach the elevator. We hit the crystal and the elevator begins to descend. We destroy the enemies and open the door twice. Turn left and climb along the walls and ledges to the Shadow Bomb. We sculpt it onto the Corruption, which protects the platform. Use a grip to pull the platform towards the grate. Take the Shadow Bomb and stand on the button with it. We throw a bomb onto the platform. We pass by a platform that bravely holds a grate. We're at the elevator.

We go to the first floor, knocking on the crystal next to number I. Open the door, which is further than numbers II and III. Along the left wall we get to the lever and activate it. The ring comes down. We fly along it to another platform and take the Shadow Bomb, which is located just above the ring. We put a bomb on the lever. We come to the beginning of the room and shoot at the bomb. You need to seize the moment and, with the help of two rings, while they are on the same level, jump to the other side of the room. We take the key from the chest and return to the elevator, along the way destroying strong but attractive enemies - ghosts.

We go to the third floor, knocking on the crystal next to the number III. We open the door with the key. We reach the door, destroying mummies, ghosts and the undead general along the way. We follow the walls and ledges to the next door and go inside. We go down along the beams and vines to the lever and activate it. Wow, the bridge is up! We jump down, destroy the enemies and move the platform with a grip to the place where the elevator should be. We return to the elevator up along the beams, walls and ledges and go down to the second floor. We open the door, reach the arena, stand on the button and jump inside the arena. Farisir wakes up and whines as if he is being disturbed from his sleep. We defeat Farisir (a fairly easy opponent) and he says that he is now at our disposal.


Now you need to find the Tomb of the Executor. We use Excommunication while in a special circle to summon Farisir and point him to the button behind the arena. The grate is lowered. We leave the tomb of Farisir (we go up to the 4th floor). Let's gallop to the tomb of the Executor. On the way to the tomb, we stand in a circle and call Farisir. We force him to activate the lever behind the bars. So, here we are at the entrance. We open the door and enter.

We go into a small room, stand in a circle and call upon Farisir. We force him to activate the lever. We go through the door, which is now open. We turn right and go into the room. We destroy the enemies, force Farisir to activate the lever. We jump to the raised platform and use a grapple to pull the movable platform to the two platforms. We go to the beginning of the room and ask Farisir to press the button on the platform, where we cannot reach yet. We run over to Farisir and go through the next door. Oh, here comes the Executor. He asks to catch three souls and opens the first door.

We go through the door, then open another door and destroy the enemies. We call Farisir and open another door. We ask him to stand on the button. The bridge rose - we crossed. We repeat the same manipulations with the next button, but the bridge only rises halfway. We grab onto Farisir and pull ourselves towards him. We take the Shadow Bomb and place it on the Corruption - the bridge has completely risen. We grab the lantern and place it on the hand of the statue. We turn 90 degrees, ask Farisir to press the button and cross the bridge. We go through the door. We climb up along the walls and ledges. We free the first soul, destroy the enemies and bring the soul to the Executor.

The second door opens. We enter it. We destroy enemies, including the Tormentor - a fat and clumsy enemy who is very easy to kill if you dodge his slow blows in time. The passage to the next door opens. Let's go in! We call Farisir and order him to stand on the button. We reach Farisir along the walls, and then we reach the lever and activate it. We reach the door, destroy the enemies and open the door. We take the key from the chest and return to the door to which this key needs to be applied (the place where the Tormentor was killed). We get up along the ledges and walls, free the soul, destroy the enemies and bring the second soul to the Executor.

The third door opens. We go inside and run along the wall to another door. We open it and call Farisir. We approach the elevator and destroy the enemy. We go up to the second floor. Damage suddenly won’t let us upstairs. We force Farisir to stand on the button next to the number I. We climb up the wall to the grate. Call Farisir to the next button. Then we return Farisir to the first button and get to the bomb. Take the Shadow Bomb and place it on the Corruption. We go through the door. We free the third soul and the Keeper of the Bone appears. You can destroy it only by jumping. After him, the Bone Giant appears. We use the same tactics that we used against the Ice Giant: we dodge, carry out combo attacks. We return to the Executor. He agrees to obey us. Basileus, the third immortal lord, appears from the ground. He says that if we survive Psycameron, he will agree to obey the Bone Lord again.


We go inside the Golden Arena and reach a statue holding a lantern. We turn it 180 degrees and go through the door. We reach the arena. A portal to Psycameron is opened for us. Let's jump!

So, you need to survive waves of enemies. This is quite easy to do if you dodge, use first aid kits and rage potions. Did you survive? Great! We go through the door and call the lords. We put one on right button, after which we stand on the platform. We put the second one on the left button. As a result, we climb up the platform. We open the door, stand in the circle again and call on the lords. We destroy enemies. We put the lord on the button. We pass along the raised bridge and place another lord on the button further. The grate lowers and we move on. We go to the locked door. We look down to the right - a button! We put the lord there and pull ourselves up to him. We destroy enemies. We look down - there is a grate with a button behind it. We put the lord there. We pull ourselves up to the lord and destroy the enemies. We go upstairs and activate the lever that lowers the grate. We go back, jump onto the beam and go down. We open the door, call the lords and order them to activate each of the three levers. After activation, go to the chest and take the key from there. We return to the door and open it with the key.

Echidna! Damn, she crawled away! We call on the lords. We place one lord on the button nearby, and place the second lord on the button far to the left of the grate to which the bridge rises. We go to the opened place. We order the lord to stand on the button below. We jump along the walls, ledges and beams towards the lord, using a grip at the end. We reach the lever and activate it. We go back and reach the second button. We call the lord there and move on. We activate the lever, cross the bridge, destroy the enemies and get to the second lord. We open the door a little further and go inside. We summon the lords and destroy the enemies. We open the next door and run across the wall to the lever and activate it. We go into the door on the left. We reach the largest cave... Basileus.
Tactics against Basileus:

  1. While he starts to swing, we dodge twice.
  2. Immediately after his dash, we run up to him and carry out combo attacks.
  3. While he is on Echidna, we are not afraid to come close and carry out combo attacks, having first approached from behind.
  4. We repeat the manipulations until victory.
Now Basileus also obeys us! We come to the Bone Lord and give our souls. The Lord destroys the traitors and thanks us for the work done. He gives us the Spirit Divider - something like excommunication. The Bone Lord also advised us to walk through the city of the dead... Well, okay.


  • Experience : 2350
  • Gold : 10000

City of dead

So, we reach the gate to the City of the Dead. We take the soul separator and split into two. We force one half of Death to move the left platform to the left, and the second half of Death to move the right platform to the right. Let's go to City of dead. We reach a room with two crushing skeletons inside. We destroy them. We climb onto the button, split into two and run to another button. We change our appearance and climb up the wall to the lever and activate it. We go into the room and go left. We get to the statues and go through the door on the right. We reach the lever. We bifurcate and turn the lever so that it lowers the grille. We switch and go inside the room. Take the Shadow Bomb and place it on the lever on the wall in the previous room. The grate behind which there was a platform is lowered. We stand on the platform and gather ourselves together. We split ourselves in two again so that the statue is on the platform. We lower the grate in the same way as before, and with the other half we roll the platform into the room. So, let's connect. Hurray, we're in a completely different room. We go up the stairs and jump into the hole. We reach the chest with the key, activate the lever and go out to the door that needs to be opened with the key.

We open the door and go into the room. In the middle of the bridge we split into two. The first half is to climb up the walls and ledges to the lever and turn the lever to the limit so that the bridge rotates 90 degrees. We change our appearance and with the other half we get to the lever that lowers the grille. We activate the lever and reunite. We leave the room, turn right and grab the lantern. We return to the statue and put the lantern in our hands. Rotate the statue 180 degrees. We cross the bridge. We open the door, climb up along the vines, rings, walls and ledges. We open the door and destroy the enemies. We go onto the bridge and split into two. With one half we activate the lever to the right of the door we entered. The bridge turned. We reunite and split again. With one half we jump onto the lever, which activates the lowering of the grate. With the other half we take the Shadow Bomb and go to the place where the grate dropped. We throw a bomb on the lever. We reunite and open the door, which you can now enter.

We jump along the walls to the lever and activate it. We get to one more lever and activate it. We jump down onto the bridge and open the door that was vacated by the grate. We get to a place with three Tormentors. In addition, three ghosts appear. It won't be easy to destroy. After destroying the enemies, open the next door. We jump onto the lever and...quickly go up! We quickly climb up along beams, rings, ledges and walls. Phew... We activate the lever and open the door. We destroy enemies. We go up the stairs and... more enemies... We destroy the enemies, and then we destroy them again. Here, now it’s right at the door. We open the door. We follow the walls and beams to the next door, and from it we go to the elevator. There is nothing we can do here for now, so we go to the next door. We walk along the walls and beams to some kind of balcony. We split in two and get to the lever. Let's activate it. We reunite and go to the door that is now open. We go inside and activate the next lever. We jump to the elevator.

Turn your head 180 degrees clockwise. Using the ring we get to the door that we have now opened. We go inside and destroy the enemies. Take the Shadow Bomb and place it on the Corruption nearby. We climb up and find a chest with a key. We return to the head with the beam and reach the door where the key is needed. We get to the button along ledges, rings, walls and beams. We split into two and stand on the button. We take the platform and push it beyond the bars. We reunite and climb onto the platform. We bifurcate on it and stand with one half again on the button. With the other half we roll the platform inwards. We change our appearance and go to the second button next to it. We change our appearance and roll out the platform to the next door. We reunite and open the door. We activate the lever. We grab the bomb nearby and place it on the Corruption on the head with the ray. Using the ring, we return to the head and activate the lever. Let's go down. Turn your head 90 degrees counterclockwise and run to the exit! Oh no, we got to the arena. Howling Bolshak! Tactics against Howling Bolshak:

  1. While he is not doing anything, we strike his head.
  2. After he started to rise up, we dodge! If he starts waving his arms, we dodge.
  3. After Bolshak begins to release skeletons from the stream, we destroy them all so that Bolshak appears again and repeat the tactics of causing damage. When the button appears at the top, finish off ( E) enemy.
After destruction, we go into the open door. Appears... The Elder Raven! He reports that in order to get to the Source of Souls, you first need to get the key. The key is divided into two parts. The first lies in the Kingdom of Angels, the second in hell. So, let's go back to the Tree - it will show the right path. We enter the angelic gates.


  • Experience : 2300
  • Gold : 11000

Part 4: Lost Light

Key to Redemption

So, let's jump to the crystal tower. We destroy the angels who were swallowed up by Corruption. The heavenly warrior Nathaniel flies to our aid and helps destroy all the angels. Nathaniel also suggested that we need to talk to the Archon about the key.

We go inside the head and activate the lever. We take the elevator up, get out and go left. We destroy the enemies, make our way along the ledge to the other side, and again destroy the enemies. We return to the cliff, move away as far as possible, split in two and grab the Shadow Bomb with one half and throw it to the other half. With the other half we run to Corruption and put a bomb on it. The path to the top is cleared. We climb up along walls, ledges, vines and beams. We approach the Archon. He demands Arafel's rod in return and opens a portal to Earth.


  • Experience : 2500
  • Gold : 9000

Rod of Arafel

Let's go to Earth. On Earth we meet Uriel, who is fighting the forces of darkness. We help her defeat her enemies, after taking a cannon from one of the defeated warriors of heaven. Uriel reports that the rod is broken into several pieces. Let's go look for the first one! We follow a linear path, destroying all enemies left and right. We barely reach the first part and shoot at the green part. Staff! Wonderful. We bring Uriel's staff (we also go forward - not back!). She opens a gate to another part of the city.

Well, again we follow a linear path, destroying enemies in parallel. After exiting the cave, you will come across a Bomb Launcher. It's better to take it because it's more effective. Somewhere in the middle of the path to the rod we will come across the boss Noss! Using the Cleaver, we quickly destroy it, and then these flying creatures, which are so agile. So, we finally reach the second part - the journey was long, but fun. Now we already have a staff and an eye. We bring the eye of Uriel (yes, yes, not backwards, but forwards). It opens the way to the third part.

Guess what needs to be done now? Right! We follow a linear path and destroy enemies. We will meet Noss again. We finally get to the third part along the bridge. Oops! The rod is assembled! We return (we go forward, yes, yes) to the crystal tower.

The Archon announces that he can drive away the darkness from Wordbone Citadel with the help of his staff, and he does it! He also tells us that we need to find a Scribe who will help us finish our search for the key.


  • Experience : 3000
  • Gold : 11000

Stains of Heresy

So, we fly by bird to the Ivory Citadel. We enter the citadel and immediately turn right and climb up the wall. We activate the lever, which lowered some sphere down. The sphere interacted with another sphere and the Corruption evaporated. We go downstairs and open the door. We reach some kind of arena, destroying several enemies along the way. The door on the left is locked, go through the door on the right. We go up the stairs on the right and go into the hole in the wall. We reach a dead end and climb up the wall. We jump along the ring onto the platform, destroy the enemies and run along the wall on the right to the other part. We destroy the enemies and split into two in some incomprehensible circle. With one half we stand on the adjacent button next to us. With the other half we find the second button and stand on it. The statue should fall down. We reconnect and climb out on the other side. We climb over the wall and find a Shadow Bomb. We sculpt it onto Corruption and destroy it. We fly using the ring to the door.

We open the door and jump down. We hit the glowing stone and break it! We get Traveler in the Void. You can now teleport through certain areas. So, we create a portal (select a traveler in the void and aim at the blue circle on the wall, then press MMB) in the wall below, after which we create a second portal from above. We enter the portal from below and find ourselves at the top - wonderful! We leave the room and jump along the ring to the main platform. Portals can be created to the left and right of us. We create them and move to another platform. We destroy the enemies and find the lever. We activate it and jump into the opened hole. We create an accelerated portal (hold SCM) where we need to fly out. We create a second portal in another place and jump into it. Weehoo! We landed, okay. Using the ring, we jump onto the lower platform and reach the teleport, having destroyed the enemies before this. We create a teleport on the wall nearby. We create the second portal on the wall next to two enemies not far from us. Let's move on. We destroy the enemies and approach the sphere. We create a portal next to it, and create a second portal next to the other sphere.

We turn around and go to the small tower. We jump into a small hole, inside of which there are two portals. We create an accelerated portal on the wall and a regular one below, now we go up and reach the door to this small tower. We open the door and see two levers on the walls. We destroy the enemies, split in two exactly in the middle and stand with each half on the levers. The statue falls into the portal. As a result, we get to the other side. We reunite and climb up the walls, beams, ledges and rings. Create a portal next to the sphere. We create the second portal next to the sphere below, on the right. Now we have purified water! We go down along the water and reach a place beyond which we cannot go. Take the Shadow Bomb on the right and place it on the Corruption. Hurray, the passage is open! We climb up the vine and open the gate to the citadel. We reach the next door, continuing to destroy small enemies in parallel. We go out to the gate that leads to the holy of lights, but we need a key.

We turn left and go down. Along the way we will meet enemies that we will destroy. We reach a round room with statues in the middle and jump into the hole on the right. We go out onto the balcony. We destroy the enemies and the ring is lowered on us. Along this very ring, ledges and walls we climb to three levers and three teleports. We split into two and activate the second lever to lower the right portal. We change our appearance and create a portal on the wall nearby, and create a second portal near the portal that we have now lowered. We reunite and approach the portal on the wall. We create an accelerating portal inside another portal. We split into two and activate the left lever so that the left portal lowers and frees up space for the lever behind the door. We jump with the other half into the portal on the wall and find ourselves at the lever. Let's activate it. The bars come down and we are reunited. We go to the opened part.

We move along the wall to the chest, destroy the enemies and take out the key from the chest. We go up the stairs, take the Shadow Bomb and place it on the Corruption. We go up to the castle, open it and create a portal next to the sphere. We create the second portal below next to the second sphere (where the hole is in the floor). Water! We go through the teleport and go down through the water. We move along the rings to the next platform. We reach the door and open it. Then there will be more doors, enemies, more doors, then there will be one hole and then, finally, we get to the stairs. Let's go down. We see two teleports - we create portals. We jump along the rings into the portal. We raise our heads - there is another portal right above us - we create an accelerated one in it. We enter the portal on the wall. As a result, we reach the next platform along the walls and beams. We look down and see a portal - we create an accelerated portal. We look at the wall nearby and see a portal - we create a regular portal there. We run along the wall to the portal and are eventually transported to some kind of arena. We enter the arena. The Toady is an interesting enemy that can teleport. We deal with him and move on.

We come to the next puzzle. We find the lever. We split into two, activate the lever, change our appearance, roll out the platform to the lever and reunite. We climb onto the platform and split into two. We activate the lever again, change our appearance and roll the platform with the statue inward towards the sphere. Let's reunite. We go to the second lever. We split into two, activate the lever, change our appearance, create a portal on the moving wall, create a second portal on the wall below. Let go of the lever and create a portal inside the portal below on the wall (accelerated). We go down to the beginning of the path, create a portal next to the first sphere, get to the second lever in the same way, after which we turn the wall until the beam reaches the Corrupted Portal. We place a portal in the vacated wall, after which we go to the last sphere and place a portal on the ceiling. Hooray! Water! Along the water we come to another portal on the wall. We create a portal, after which we create a portal, which is behind the hole in the wall. We fly over and jump into the hole in the floor. We reach the waterfall, which finally absorbed the Corruption. We open the door behind the waterfalls.

We create a regular portal from below and an accelerated one from above. We fly to the streams. We create an accelerated portal on the wall just above our level, and jump into a regular portal. We run along the wall to the door and open it. We go up the long stairs to the door. Inside is Jamer the Bookman! The tactics are:

  1. We deal damage while he's down.
  2. While he rises to the top, we destroy his assistants and wait for him to fall down.
  3. At a time when he is shooting rays at a height, we activate the portal below him, and the portal above. We run in such a way that the beam hits the portal from below and hits it.
After the victory, the scribe says that the Archon still has the key. We need to take it away from him. We move to the crystal tower and rise to the Archon.
  1. While the Archon is in the arena, we attack him.
  2. While the Archon is flying up, you need to grab him close to him and deal damage on the fly, then press the finishing button ( E ).
  3. At a time when the Archon’s wings will grow again, but there will be little health, we dodge and deal damage, after which we press the finishing button.
We have the key! We return to the Elder Raven (he is near the Tree of Life). All that remains is to find the demon key... we go into the portal that will send us to the Edge of Shadows.


  • Experience : 4800
  • Gold : 13000

Part 5: Edge of Shadows

Mad Queen

So, you need to explore the Edge of Shadows. We go to the Black Stone. We open the gates of the Black Stone. We turn right through the door and reach Lilith. She said that the key can be obtained by reviving the past. Lilith has improved our Time Traveler. Now we can move from the past to the future. And vice versa.


  • Experience : 2000
  • Gold : 9000

Lord of the Black Stone

We go downstairs and go through the door that we have not opened yet. Let's go in. We go left and create a portal on the wall. We enter it. We begin to cross the bridge in the past. We destroy demons in the arena. We go into the open door on the right and along the walls, ledges and beams we get to the lever, destroying the enemies. We activate the lever. Turn right and create a portal. We enter it. Jump down into the arena, after which we climb up the wall using the ring to the door. We enter it. We pass through the half-broken bridge to the chest with Corruption. You can create a portal nearby. Let's create and move on. We destroy all the enemies, split into two on the button, after which we get to the room with the Shadow Bomb. We destroy the enemies, take the bomb and approach the cliff. We change our appearance and approach the second half and hand over the bomb. Thus, we carry the bomb over the cliffs and place it on the Corruption. She explodes. Let's move back to the present. Open the chest and take the key.

We change the location of the portal to the one next to the dilapidated bridge. Let's go into the past. We reach a door with a lock. We destroy the enemies and open the door. We reach the lever and activate it. We go down along the ledges, destroy the enemies and create a portal. We enter the present. We destroy the scarabs. We climb up the wall, beam and ledge to the door that we were so eager to reach. We go inside and create a portal. We enter the past... Samael.
Tactics against Samael:

  1. We dodge all the time and try to inflict at least a little damage.
  2. At the time when Samael sits on the throne, we dodge his balls.
  3. While Samael creates fire runes, we dodge them and run.

We take the key and return to the Elder Raven.


  • Experience : 2500
  • Gold : 11000

Source of Souls

So, it's time for the last test. We enter the Source of Souls, after which we reach the arena. Absalom...
Tactics against Absalom:

  1. We chop it up with all our might, dodging attacks. Surprisingly quite an easy opponent.
Let's watch the final video.

There will always be four riders.
