Dixis game. Dixit. Additional decks for games

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Dixit's game has been at the top of the tops for many years card games... It can be played by people of all ages, from a five-year-old to any age.

Tested on people of all tastes and preferences - the game has simplicity of rules. Each person can understand it within two minutes, although in principle there is nothing to understand - you just need to select associations and nothing more. You just need to understand the scoring system.

How to play?

Despite the fact that the rules of the game in "Dixit" are simple, nevertheless they are:

  1. All players are entitled to six cards. Everyone examines their cards without showing them.
  2. In turn, each of the participants puts any of their cards face down and names their associations in relation to the image on it.
  3. Anything can act as an association, be it a word or a phrase, an excerpt from a film or a song. You can gesture, make sounds, make grimaces and so on. However, it should be remembered that you will have to repeat your association if one of the participants in the game missed.
  4. The rest of the participants in the game take out of their cards the one that best suits the presented association and put it on the table.
  5. The player who picked up the associations shuffles the cards and puts the pictures up.
  6. Then the rest of the participants in the game vote, trying to guess the card of the player who went.

How to count points

Scoring has its own subtleties, thanks to which the game "Dixit" becomes intriguing and interesting.

The participant who plays the game must think over his associations to the smallest detail so that only a part of the players can guess the image on the card. In terms of scoring, it is bad if everyone guesses the card and even worse if no one guesses. As a result, one should not give too light associations to the card, and one should not be too clever, trying not to be obvious.

Points are calculated as follows:

  • If all the participants in the game guessed the card, the leading player (the guessing person) does not receive a single point, the rest of the players are awarded two points.
  • When no player guessed the card, no points are awarded to the leading player, the rest are awarded two points and one more point is added for the cards of the players who received the vote.
  • If at least one of the players or several guessed the card of the leading player, then both the one who guessed and those who guessed the card receive three points and one more point if they voted for the player's card.

To earn points for themselves, the male part of the team can go for a trick: the association "Wolfram" is issued on a card with a light bulb, and naturally it is difficult for women to guess the card, and they chose it at random, but men, as a rule, guess.

How can you diversify the game?

To add a fresh note to the rules of the Dixit game, you can try to play with thematic cards. And then the border of associations narrows down to a given topic.

For example:

  • Proverbs and sayings are great topics for discussion.
  • Music lovers can devote their leisure time to songs.
  • Cinema lovers use their favorite films, phrases from them, heroes.
  • Cartoons are perfect for children, and will help adults to plunge into bright childhood memories.
  • Literature lovers will appreciate a topic such as books.
  • The Soviet Union shines with a warm light in the hearts of many Russians who have caught this time, therefore, especially for them, you can use this topic and indulge in nostalgia.
  • And, in the end, you can do without words at all - just gestures.

For an inexperienced player themed game"Dixit" may seem a little complicated, but one has only to start, and everyone with passion and ingenuity will be able to find the right associations to describe the card.

Sometimes, in the midst of a lively conversation, by accidentally glancing at some little thing, you begin to remember events from your life and gradually plunge into thought under the bewildered glances of your friends. It's all the fault of associations that depend on imagination and fantasy ... Today, on the Pink Sofa - the psycho-associative series of board games Dixit.

Dixit - card psychological game developing imagination and associative thinking. Since it is quite difficult to come up with different associations for the same pictures, the Libellud company has released a whole series playing cards that can be combined into a single set and used during the game.

There is only one wish: for a full-fledged game, you must have either version of Dixit 1, or - Dixit Odyssey. You can add cards from Dixit 2 and Dixit 3 to them, or combine all four sets together.

So what exactly is Dixit?

In 2008, Jean-Louis Roubira introduced the world to an original game based on associations to images by French artist Marie Cardouat. Elementary rules, deep psychological meaning and spectacular pictures have earned the game well-deserved popularity. The success of the first Dixit contributed to the fact that this moment In time for the game, 2 card add-ons and one full-fledged version of the game were released.

Dixit 1, 2.

Thirst fantastic adventures always attracted dreamers on the road: after reading another fascinating book overnight, they turn their gaze to the rising sun and imagine themselves flying over stormy waves to unknown lands, towards a beautiful and amazing world ...

The inside of the box looks no less impressive than the outside: the organizer is made in the form playing field with a track of points, in the center of which is a square container for cards, tokens and player chips. You will need the rules of the game literally once - there are no difficulties in the game process, you will only need to remember the number of points awarded to the players.

The cardboard container is removed from the base and allows you to comfortably place a deck of 84 cards 79x120 mm in size on the table. I would also like to note the high-quality printing and decoration of the cards - you can look at them for a long time and get a lot of positive emotions from this.

Up to 6 people can take part in the game, each will receive a set of 6 thick cardboard tokens of their own color and one wooden rabbit token. The rabbit, by the way, has an original feature - its ears very often outweigh the figure: turning and standing on its head, the fluffy animal looks like ... a beaver.

Let's dream ...

All cards are carefully shuffled and placed in a single pile in the center of the box. Each player chooses a color and takes a number of tokens equal to the number of players. For example: when playing with four players, you need to take boxes with numbers 1-4. Then each participant receives 6 cards, which he carefully examines.

On the table, place the lower part of the box with cards and the rabbits' tokens at the "zero" mark of the track - colorful animals will jump over the stones towards victory.

Everything is ready, you can start!

On his turn, the leader chooses one card from his hand, comes up with an association for it and places it face down in front of him. For example: a nice girl, the owner of the pink rabbit chip, flaps her eyelashes, says: "Neighbors", and timidly lays out her card. Then the rest of the players choose one card from their hand, which, in their opinion, fits the association voiced by the leader, and also lay them face down next to the leader's card.

The leader collects the players' cards, shuffles them and puts them back face up. Now the most interesting thing begins: you need to guess which of the pictures was made by the presenter and vote for it.

To do this, all players (except for the leader) place one token in front of them, number down - the number on the cardboard will indicate the intended card. Then, on command, all are revealed, and tokens are distributed in accordance with their numbers.

Scoring is simple: if everyone guessed or did not guess the leader's card, then all players receive 2 points, and the leader does not receive anything. If at least one player did not vote for the leader's card, and the rest guessed it, then all who voted correctly and the leader receive 3 points. Additionally, each player receives 1 point for each vote cast for his card.

For example: the owner of a pink rabbit loves her neighbors - musicians, so she chose a card with an orchestra of angels, for which no one voted. Unfortunately, no one shares such feelings for the residents of their entrance, and other players associate neighbors by no means with angelic creatures.

Nevertheless, everyone (except for the leader) gets 2 points - a form of injustice! The rest of the votes were distributed among the players' cards, for which their owners receive 1 more point. Yes, apparently, everyone has a different attitude towards neighbors ...

Rabbits rush forward along the path, leaving their cute pink brother alone - here is the result of the "pink glasses" through which his mistress looks at the world ...

After the end of the round, the players get one card into their hand, and the leader's right goes to the next player. This continues until one of the rabbits reaches the stone with the number 30, becoming the winner of this associative race. The game also ends when the cards in the general deck run out. In this case, the winner is the one who ran farther along the track of points - he cheerfully gnaws cabbage and looks at the laggards with a sense of rabbit pride.

I will tell you about my feelings from the game at the end of the review when summing up. Here I will just note that the game is not like any of the board games.

Dixit 2.

Unfortunately, the boxes from the Dixit 2 add-on cards have not survived to me, since I bought the add-on immediately along with the first part and keep the cards in the box of the main game.

Dixit 2 includes 84 cards designed by the same artist Marie Cardouat. Personally, I got the feeling that all 168 cards (Dixit 1 and Dixit 2) were prepared initially, divided in half and sold in two separate editions - they are so close to each other in terms of theme. Therefore, if you liked the very idea of ​​Dixit, then add to your collection the first and second part of this game at the same time. It makes no sense to separate these issues, since they are a single whole in spirit and style.

Dixit 3.

A lot of time has passed since the release of the first and second parts of Dixit, and the publisher decided to replenish the set of cards with new pictures, which, in my opinion, very harmoniously complement the first two sets.

The compact box contains 84 new cards with beautiful illustrations by the artist Xavier Collette, which will give players a lot of pleasant moments. The style in which the drawings are made is fully consistent with the spirit of the first two parts of the game, so feel free to mix cards and sit down with your friends at the gaming table.

New associations, new "cartoon" pictures - I would call the third version of Dixit the most "childish" of all.

Take a note: you can easily play the game with some additional sets of Dixit 2 and Dixit 3 cards, without having the first part (or Odyssey) in the collection. To do this, you will need to make sets of voting tokens and have a notepad on hand, in which you will reflect the number of victory points scored by the players. Of course, a beautiful playing field creates a certain atmosphere at the gaming table, but on the road you can sacrifice this gaming accessory for the sake of compactness and mobility.

Dixit Odyssey.

Dixit's fame grew, and the number of people wishing to play this peculiar and fashion game... Meeting the wishes and taking into account the popularity of the game at various entertainment events, the publishing house Libellud released " new version old game", which made it possible to attract up to 12 people to the gaming table! The style has also changed, in which an industrial and technical component has been added.

Gone is the playing field, replaced by a practical plastic organizer that holds about 260 cards without protectors - you can place Dixit 2 and Dixit 3 add-on cards here. The rest of the compartments are for wooden hare tokens, plastic markers and cardboard voting fields. On top is the victory point track and the rules of the game, which have undergone some minor changes compared to the first version of Dixit.

Instead of a green lawn, there is a rectangle with divisions and mysterious pipes, with numbered sections on the sides for placing cards (so that there are no disagreements when voting).

Tokens are a thing of the past, they were replaced by 12 areas with holes for 24 plastic markers (12 red and 12 green). The number of digits corresponds to the maximum number of players who can vote.

Each of the participants will receive an individual area with a picture and one marker. The cards are made of thick cardboard, and the holes allow you to tightly fix the pin in the selected position.

The color of the card matches the color of one of the 12 birds with one stone, which, as in the first part, will bounce along the track of victory points.

Figures from Odyssey became stable and decreased in size - hares are more "athletic" and impetuous than their brothers, rabbits, who have eaten on a green meadow.

The set includes 84 cards with new, more "serious" illustrations, which differ in style from all other Dixits. If Dixit 3 can be described as the "most childish" version of the cards, then Odyssey, on the contrary, seemed to me the "most adult" and quite serious in meaning.

If up to 6 players participate in the game, then the rules remain unchanged: instead of cardboard voting tokens, plastic chips are used, the cards are placed in a row and the method of scoring remains the same.

In the case when the company is large enough, the players take any 2 chips for themselves and the voting takes place with the following changes: the cards are placed in front of the allocated places at the edges of the playing field. When voting, the player can (optionally) use the second marker and point to another card, thereby increasing his chances.

In addition to the standard awarding of prize points, the player receives 1 additional point if he voted for only one card, and this card was conceived by the host.

Dixit Odyssey allows you to play two more variants of the game: "team" and "party". Read more about them in the rules - I probably already tired you with my long story.

Back from the fantasy world.

An original, beautiful and very deep game from the point of view of psychology. Through associations, a person can tell others about his inner world, mood and secret thoughts, which he would never tell a stranger about. If you closely follow your opponents, you will learn a lot about them - after all, very often the players ask the presenter to explain what thoughts he was guided by when choosing a card and association to it.

Dixit is a kind of game that requires the appropriate mood of the whole company and a certain attitude. Otherwise, your idea of ​​playing "psychologists" is likely to end in failure. The game has proven itself excellently at various entertainment events - I often bring a box of Dixit kit for birthdays and various gatherings, and the game has always been a success.

If you want to expand your collection, I recommend starting with the first version or add-ons (Dixit 2 or Dixit 3). Any child will come up with associations to the cards from these issues, and the theme of the images will set you in a positive mood.

Pictures in the version of Dixit Odyssey (in the photo) are "serious", and the meaning hidden in them by the artist will most likely be understood only by a person who is wise from life experience. This, in my opinion, is not an entertaining, but an instructive version of the series, which makes it interesting for adult players.

In conclusion, I want to say that Dixit is dearly loved by my youngest daughter - she very often asks to play associations for 10-15 minutes before bedtime and she herself brings a box from the shelf. The undoubted "plus" of Dixit is that the game does not require any preparation, the rules are explained in two minutes and will allow people who are absolutely far from board games to be seated at the table. By the way, Dixit - fun game... Try it yourself ...

Hello my dear readers! Ksenia, mother of two children, is with you.

Today's my review of the board game Dixit. Below I will briefly call it I.



Dixit is I. on the association. She is known in many countries and even received 15 international awards (the "Game of the Year" awards in Germany, France, USA, Canada, Italy and other countries).

The extraordinary maps were drawn by the French artist Marie Cardua.


I. is sold in a large colorful box (20 * 20 cm) made of very dense quality cardboard.

I. is suitable for children from 8 years old, as well as for fun evenings with family and friends.

Its duration is about 30 minutes, the number of players is from 3 to 6.

Under the cover we see the playing field, rabbit figurines (tokens), tokens and cards.

In this I. there are 84 cards. Here are just a few of them. They are amazing :)).

The multi-colored rabbit chips are solidly made of wood, smooth and pleasant to the touch, the paint has not peeled off in 5 years.

Together with the tokens, the players are given tokens of the corresponding color.

rules is available in almost any language except Russian :).

Here are the rules in English.

How to play?

Players choose for themselves one rabbit and tokens of the same color (their number is equal to the number of players).

Let's say there are 3 players in total. Rabbits are placed at the Start of the playing field. I chose a blue rabbit for myself, and the rest of the players chose yellow and white.

Players are dealt face down to 6 cards (5 fit in the photo below).

Let's say I am the first driver (narrator) who makes everyone an association with any of my cards.

The association can be expressed by a word, phrase, an excerpt from a song, gesture, facial expressions.

In the photo below are my cards.

I come up with an association with the card depicting toys in the store - "Sadness" and say this word out loud.

The rest of the players are looking for a card that matches this association in their hand.

The selected cards are then dealt face-down to the narrator. He mixes them together with his

And lays out in the open on the table, while announcing their numbering (for example, from left to right from 1 to 3).

Important: during the opening of cards, everyone needs to keep their emotions under control so that other players do not guess where whose card is :).

Then all players (except the storyteller, of course) vote to try to find a storyteller card. To do this, tokens are placed face-down in the middle of the table.

In this layout, we see that the player with the yellow rabbit guessed my card, and with the white one - wrong (voted for the player's card with the yellow rabbit).

Now we are counting points for this round.

  1. If all players guessed the driver's card, then they get 2 points, and the driver gets zero, because too simple an association associated with this card was made.
  1. If none of the players guessed the driver's card, then they get 2 points again, and the narrator - nothing, because it turned out to be too difficult a riddle.
  1. In other cases, the driver gets 3 points for each player who voted for him (if there are more than 3 players), and the rest of the players receive 3 points for guessing the storyteller's association. Also, players receive one point for each player who voted for his card.

The more players, the more interesting it is to play and the more points you can earn in one round for both the narrator and the rest of the participants.

After scoring, the rabbits move around the field in accordance with the number of points scored in that round.

After each round, the players take a sixth card from the deck.

The game ends when no cards remain in your hand.

The last storyteller has the hardest part, since the rest have no choice :))).

Where can you buy such a wonderful game?

I bought it from this store.

There are good cumulative discounts here (I already have 15%) and not expensive delivery at all, which is now a rarity among online stores.

Also here you can find the continuation and additions of Dixit.

Yes, this I. is a little expensive, but it is worth it, because it leaves behind just an unforgettable experience!

After graduating from I. we discuss it for a long time and share our emotions with each other :).

By the way, in Russia there was an analogue of this I. - Imaginarium, the price tag for it is 2 times less.

Thank you for the attention!

Leave comments, advise more Interesting games, we with children and in the company love to play very much!


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Fun fun for the whole family.

Helped us to adapt to the kindergarten quickly and painless.


The dog sits down to play the accordion
Red cats dive into the aquarium,
Canaries begin to knit socks
Flowers of babies are watered from a watering can,
The old man lies at the window, sunbathes,
And granddaughter's grandmother plays with dolls,
And the fish read funny books,
Taking them away from the boy little by little ...


  • From 3 players
  • From 30 minutes
  • Difficulty of the game: Easy

Dixit is a very popular board game of French origin. It was first published in 2008 and has won many prestigious awards. The game is based on associations, sometimes completely unexpected.

Wow, what is this psychedelic game?

From latin "Dixit" translates as "he said." The essence of the game "Dixit" is in coming up with and solving associations based on cards with pictures. The game develops imagination and abstract thinking well and helps players to begin to understand each other better.

The description of picture cards can be limited to the word "strange". You will not find direct plots and unambiguous images here. But that's the point! Because there is much more room for imagination.

And there are a lot of pictures. In addition to the basic kit, there are additions:

  • Dixit Odyssey,
  • "Dixit 2: Opening" ("Dixit 2: Opening"),
  • "Dixit 3" ("Dixit 3: Journey"),
  • "Dixit 4" ("Dixit 4: Origins"),
  • "Dixit 5" ("Dixit 5: Dreams"),
  • "Dixit 6" ("Dixit 6: Memories"),
  • "Dixit 7" ("Dixit 7: Revelations") and
  • "Dixit 8" ("Dixit 8: Harmony").

And each set has 84 cards. You can go for a walk! But there is also "Dixit Jinks" - a speed game of association. It differs significantly from the main one, but training the imagination on it turns out to be no worse.

Who is Dixit for?

Each new game is a journey into the fantasy world every time. Dixit players are diverse: children and adults, funny and serious. It is primarily recommended for family vacations, the age limit is only 6+. The rules are simple enough for anyone to understand. Dixit is also suitable for big company, however, if there are more than six people, then you will have to split into teams.

Is this something like the Imaginarium?

Rather, the opposite is true. It is modeled after Dixit. But yes, they have one idea, one principle of the game and similar rules. Even the playing field in both cases is built into the box.

What is the difference then?

The card game "Dixit" is kinder and nicer, while "Imaginarium" is darker and has a lot of black humor.

Pictures for "Dixit" were purposefully drawn by one artist, and for dozens of authors.

How else is the first game different from the second? Packaging. The Dixit box-chest is intended strictly for one deck, and in the Imaginarium, if you raise the playing field, you can fit all the add-ons.

With good reflection, it is difficult to say which is better - "Dixit" or "Imaginarium". Both games are interesting, colorful, and develop imagination. The key difference is in the mood they create and, accordingly, the audience they are aimed at. "Dixit" more family game The Imaginarium is primarily intended for adults. Plus, Imaginarium is a Russian game and it just costs less.

Number of players

The game "Dixit" is designed for a group of friends from 3 to 6 people in the basic set and up to 12 in "Dixit: Odyssey". Each player has their own bunny token. If there are more than six participants, then it is better to split into teams to play in pairs or triplets.

Purpose of the game

The goal of "Dixit" is not to demonstrate its knowledge, but to be able to guess "what the author had in mind." In solving this puzzle, both the professor and the student find themselves on an equal footing. And simple luck will not help, because you do not need to roll the dice, but to unravel the storyteller's associations.

Will I win if everybody gets it right or everybody doesn't?

Quite the opposite, when the association is too easy or too difficult, the leader does not score a single point. Ideally, you should strive to ensure that all players get it right, except for one - this is how the most points will come out. And if they played, played, and guessed nothing or guessed everything, then the leader earns nothing, and the players get two points.


Dixit has quite simple rules games. To deal with them, just look into the box. Board game Dixit is based on picture cards - and this is its main material component. Metaphorical cards make you hold your gaze and thought.

The playing field is built into the box, you do not need to take it out and lay it out. The chips are presented in the form of six multi-colored rabbits made of painted wood.

The equipment in "Dixit: Odyssey" is slightly different. Board game "Dixit: Odyssey" is designed for big company, so there are as many as 12 rabbits in it, the scoring field is laid out separately, instead of tokens there are voting markers and each player has a separate voting board.

« Dixit 2 "- add-on, containing only new cards, 84 pieces. In the same way as "Dixit 3", "Dixit 4", "Dixit 6" and other additional sets.

But the game "Dixit Jinks" consists of 80 cards (71 cards with pictures and 9 location cards).

If we compare "Dixit" or "Imaginarium", then the differences are insignificant in terms of configuration. Only in "Dixit" there are 6 figurines-rabbits and 84 cards, and in "Imaginarium" there are 7 figurines-elephants and 98 cards. Plus, the games of association in the Imaginarium are more suitable for adults, and in Dixit the games can be played by the whole family.


Big beautiful box as if meant to be gifted. On the cover there is a beautiful sunrise into which an airship flies away, a few examples of cards and a slogan: "A picture is worth a thousand words"... From the cover you can imagine what Dixit is.

What's in the box

The basic set contains:

  • deck for 84 cards with pictures. The size of the cards is 8 by 12 centimeters. Their shirt is in orange with the word "Dixit" on it;
  • 36 cardboard voting tokens (6 for each player);
  • 6 multi-colored wooden rabbits, they are also the pieces used by the players;
  • a 30-step playing field built into the box;
  • regulations.

Rules of the game

Dixit is a board game with fairly simple rules. Even a child can figure out how to play Dixit. The presenter thinks of an association on the card, everyone else guesses. The one who guessed well and those who guessed well receive points. Whoever scored more in the end won.

In Dixit: Odyssey, the rules are almost the same. All the features are due to the fact that the game is designed for a larger number of participants. In addition to cards and tokens, players take voting markers, if there are up to 6 players, then one, if more, then two. The cards are laid out, and participants can vote for one of them or for two on a special board for voting, each has its own.

The rules of the game "Dixit" are in Russian in every box released in Russia. The Dixit board game has been fully translated and licensed.

How is the game going

The game is played according to the rules move by move. Each turn consists of several stages: dealing the cards, guessing the card by the storyteller, responding to the players, voting and scoring.

For Dixit: Odyssey, in addition to the basic rules, if the rules are for Dixit Party (for 6-12 players) and for Team Dixit (for 6, 8, 10 or 12 players). They are described in detail in the enclosed leaflet.

Game progress

Do you know who the green-eyed catdog is?

The game begins with the fact that everyone receives 6 cards and looks at them thoughtfully, trying to understand what associations they cause. The flight of imagination is not limited, and pictures set its direction. Although sometimes it is not easy to somehow sanely call "this" depicted on the card. The first person who comes up with at least one association becomes the storyteller.

Guessing the leader's card

Each turn the presenter (narrator) changes clockwise. It is his association that all players will guess. It shouldn't be too complicated, but it shouldn't be too simple either. Even in an unfamiliar company, you can get used to it in one or two batches.

Leader's move and players' answers

So, the narrator chooses one of his cards and names an association on it. It can be a phrase, word or sound. For example, "fy-fyr". The rest must choose a card from their hand, about which one can also say "phy-phyr" and give it to the narrator, without showing it to anyone else. For a three-player game, 7 cards are dealt, and the participants deal 2 cards each.

The facilitator shuffles these cards and places them face up on the table. Cards are numbered from left to right. Players begin to guess which card was originally. When, as they believe, the answer is found, each participant steals in front of him a token with the number of the card that he believes to be correct. He puts it face down, because the vote is secret. You cannot vote for your card.

When all tokens are laid out, they are turned over and transferred to the corresponding cards.

Points accrual

If the card was guessed by everyone or not guessed by anyone, then the narrator is appointed to blame, and he is left without points, and the rest receive two points. In another situation, the leader gets 3 points, as well as the players who gave the correct answer. Those, whose card was "guessed" by mistake, get 1 point (but not more than three). In "Dixit: Odyssey", when playing for 7 or more participants, one more point is awarded to those who correctly guessed the card and at the same time voted only for it.


When all points have been awarded, they are counted, and the players move their rabbits forward the appropriate number of steps.

End of turn

When the rabbits jumped forward, the move goes to the next participant clockwise, that is, the one sitting to the left of the leader. Everyone draws one card so that there are 6 of them in their hands again.

End of the game

The game ends the moment someone takes from the deck last card... After that, you can see how the rabbit has advanced the farthest. Whoever is the fastest won.

In Dixit: Odyssey, the end of the deck does not mean the end of the game: the discard is reshuffled and continues in the second round until someone reaches the 30-point mark.

Additional materials


All the pictures on the cards were drawn by French artists Marie Cardua, Xavier Collette and Clement Lefebvre.

Marie Cardua originally worked on the game, and you'll see illustrations of her authorship in Dixit, Dixit 2 and Dixit: Odyssey. Xavier Collette (by the way, who created comics based on the work of Lewis Carroll) drew "Dixit 3", and Clement Lefebvre, a book illustrator - "Dixit 4".

All drawings are notable for their ambiguity, unusualness, as they came from dreams, and not from reality.

Additional decks for games

Additional cards for "Dixit" can be obtained by purchasing one of seven additional sets or the "Dixit: Odyssey" set. There you will find even more surreal pictures for a fun game.

Good afternoon.

Imaginarium-Dixit-Imaginarium-Dixit is essentially the same thing for a person who has not come across their stories. But if you go through a bunch of games, a bunch of games with people of completely different values, perceptions, ages, you understand that the differences are still big, and not even in the rules, but in the cards themselves, or rather, their elaboration.
1) For a person engaged in any kind of arts, the "walking style" will immediately strike the eye: in Dixit there is one author, and in the Imaginarium there are completely different authors (both in subject matter, technique, and in the quality of the drawing). In part, this walking style hurts the eye. And even some people in the street didn’t particularly like it. And if Dixiit after the game brought not only some kind of emotional influx, but also aesthetic pleasure, then in the Imaginarium it was already "not that". And after the purchase, I immediately want to put aside 1/5 of the cards. In contrast to Dixit, there is no such desire: all the cards are as one whole.
2) "Coils for imagination". About Dixit 1, 2 (unfortunately I did not appreciate the Odyssey) there are rumors that psychologists partly worked on the cards. I don’t know whether it’s true or not, but even before that I noticed that it is in these parts on the cards that there are many details, which are precisely "turns of development for fantasy." The layman will draw more associations from one card, and the dreamer with great pleasure will build many different semantic and interesting associations that greatly diversify the game and they will be enough for many games. Such details can also be called "activators": you are not just looking for visual synonyms in your head, but you are already inventing something and developing the already proposed image. But in Dixit 3, 4 it is no longer so. In the 3rd Dixit there are mostly straight pictures, in the 4th they have changed the artist again (and for the better) and the drawings have become much more complicated with a lot of colorful abstractions, but unfortunately they have not acquired these "turns of development" anyway. And so an analogue of the same problem: "Imaginarium".
3) "Duplicate items". In the first parts of Dixit, there are a lot of interconnected elements. Perhaps the artist has a finite imagination and she just brought the forum to create a lot of creative pictures, but then it played into the hands. When laying out the cards, it often happened that many cards were suitable for one association at once, and people began to analyze the "leader" and his manner of riddles and values, or still cling to some details, or simply put on their card ... And already here we got another ethical activation, which served as an excellent round for different manners of behavior in people. And as a consequence: diversity gameplay, a lot of emotions, conversations, etc. In Dixit 3.4 + Imaginarium, there is still less of this.
4) "Theme". Here, after all, any taste preferences, formed in a person over the years and in a certain environment, play more. BUT Dixit's cards are "not for children", they are universal. It is easier to put an adult who has been painting pictures all his life (and will get a lot of pleasure not only from the game, but also from the colorful pictures themselves), but it is just as easy to put some 40-year-old builder who has never encountered with "dreamers" and he, too, will have fun coming up with associations. After all, in them everyone will find something of their own, they play very well on the images of those familiar to everyone, not depending on what is written above about tastes. The "Imaginarium" is more like a kind of "blow of time", the cards partly show the values ​​of the modern generation (and anti-values), and unfortunately they are not close to everyone.

Thank you for the attention!
