Dragon's dogma complete walkthrough. Dragon's Dogma: walkthrough. Final missions of Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. Walkthrough

First of all, familiarize yourself with the controls. The W, S, A, D keys are used for movement. Left mouse button – light attack, right button mouse – heavy attack. The Esc key opens the pause menu. Press the I key to open your inventory.

Follow forward until you see a huge Dragon. Fight several goblins, follow the companion and jump down by pressing the Space button. Get closer to the large stone with the design and press the E key. Two more characters will appear who will help you on your journey.

Move on. Use the F1, F2, F3 keys to give commands to your teammates. Kill a few more goblins. To run, use the SHIFT key. Next you will see a flying creature. Attack him with standard attacks. Or hold down the left CTRL and, without releasing it, click on the left mouse button. Your hero will swing his sword, covering himself with a shield.

Fight with Chimera (first boss)

The fight is pretty simple. You must constantly be on the move and attack the Chimera either from below or from above. Approach the enemy from the side and press the F key to grab onto his hair. Now use the keys that are responsible for the movement of the character to climb onto the back of the Chimera. After that, attack.

Please note that at the top of the screen there is an enemy health bar. In addition to the purple line, there are two purple dots. This is the number of lives. When you empty the entire scale, one of the purple dots will go out. The scale will fill up again and you will have to empty it again. Then, when both dots go out, you will need to empty the purple gauge of the Chimera's health one last time. After this, the first mission will be completed.

Harbinger of Destruction

Just attack the Dragon until it throws the main character aside. Watch the cutscene.


After the cutscene, go to the table near the wall near where the weapon lies. Select your character's hero class. After this, leave the room through the passage nearby. Watch the cutscene and leave the house.

Walk along the street in the direction of the marker, which is depicted as an orange circle. When you find yourself in place, near the gate to the city, an elderly man will speak to you. A new quest will begin.


Approach the gate and press the E key to leave the city. You need to get to the camp to which the path leads. You are now on the right path. Just run along the path until you see three goblins attacking a civilian. Deal with the ghouls and continue along the path. At the gate to the camp, press the E key.

Newborn challenge

Move forward behind Ruk, go to the indicated tent and activate ancient stone. After talking with him, you will have to inspect the location.

Move in the opposite direction, to the gate through which you came. In the cut-scene you will be shown a small squad of soldiers running. Follow Rook and leave the camp through the gate where he will stop.


Floral Delivery (Benita, destroyed house opposite the back door of the hotel)
You need to collect 5 Sunbright and 1 Moonglow flowers. The first can be found during the day at the roots of large trees near the village, the second is located in the village itself at night on the Starfall Bay beach.

Grim Tidings (Elvar, usually wanders the streets or sits in one of the houses on the way to the chapel, can also be in the chapel itself)
We just run along quest markers and chat with NPCs.

Lost Faith (Clemente, chapel)
The book is on the roof, follow the marker and you can easily find it.

World Map

Of Merchants & Monsters (Alon, Ancient Quarry, entrance closest to Gran Soren)
We go in, open all the doors in the quarry and kill three ogres.

Search Party (Raynard, a merchant whom we rescue from goblins on the way from Cassardis to Encampment. During the game, encountered in Cassardis, Encampment, Gran Soren and Greatwall Encampment)
To start the quest, you need to make 10 purchases from Raynard. We buy something, close the trade and dialogue screen, activate it and buy it again, and so on until the quest icon appears above his head. First of all, he will ask you to bring Scrap Iron (drops from skeletons). Then we make 5 more purchases. The quest will update, and this time you need to bring Miasmite (drops from phantoms, Miasmite Shard does not count. You can also get it by combining Miasmite Shard and Firefly Stone). We make 10 more purchases, and the merchant finally asks to find 6 parts of the diary:
1. Encampment, chest on the left side of the camp.
2. Catacombs, chest in the room with phantoms.
3. Gran Soren, a chest on the roof in the Venery area, near the Black Cat store.
4. Miasmic Hunt, chest in the camp at the farthest poisonous swamp (inhabited by saurians, in the center is an island with a cage) south of Greatwall Encampment.
5. Soulflayer Canyon, closest entrance to Greatwall Encampment. At the first fork we take the right, the chest is on the ruins of the bridge.
6. Ancient Quarry, one of the chests in the central area where the first ogre settled.

Quests available after completing the story quest "A Rude Awakening" (battle with the hydra)


An Uninvited Guest (Pablos, hotel)
We talk to the marked sellers, report to the quest giver, and then simply catch the thief. You can slow him down by hitting him, or wait at the gate, where he will come running one way or another.

Deep Trouble (Poll, at the well next to the gate)
We go down and kill all the Saurians.

Guard Duty (Madeleine, hotel)
We accompany Madeleine to Encampment, after which we satisfy the girl’s request and give 1000G for needs.

Lost & Found (Ghief Adaro, at the well or at home)
We go to Witchwood, where we find the girl, after which we accompany her to the witch’s house. The fog in the forest can be dispelled by destroying the talismans.
The quest must be completed before completing the Lure of the Abyss story quest.

Quests available after completing the story quest "A Matter of Myrmidons" (visiting the pawn guild)


Dying of Curiosity (Merin, on the beach on the left, near the boats)
Stock up on 6 Greenwarish herbs. The character at the gate will tell you that he saw Valmiro on the coast. We leave the village, turn right, onto the beach, where we find the unlucky traveler. We give the medicinal herb and go to Encampment. Valmiro will be to the left of the gate. We feed 2 more herbs and head to Witchwood, where we find the poor guy again and give him 3 herbs, after which we return to Merin and turn in the quest.

Gran Soren

A Troublesome Tome (Steffan, in the alley behind the hotel)
We talk with the saleswoman from Camellia's Apothecary, after which we go to the Ruins of Aernst Castle, which is west of Witchwood. The chest with the desired book is at the very top of the dilapidated tower. Under no circumstances attack the robbers in the castle, so as not to miss their quest .

Chasing Shadows (Mason, in the market near the hotel)
We wait until nightfall and go to the palace gates. After the cutscene, we follow the knight, keeping our distance, to Madeleine's new store. We watch another cutscene and turn in the quest to the innkeeper.

Land of Opportuniry (Fournival, at home opposite the gate to the palace. Sometimes you can find it at the Black Cat store)
You need to persuade three people to leave the living space:
1. Pip, a boy at Furnival's house. After the conversation he runs away, follow the marker and find him on the roof of the barn. He runs away again and hides under a bridge in the Venery area. We find it, but the guy can’t sit still again. This time he needs to be caught, like the thief in the quest An Uninvited Guest, after which he will finally give up and agree to move.
2. Sara, girl in the tavern (Alehouse). We talk to her, wait a day and get her consent.
3. Jasper, in the alley behind the hotel. He needs Sarah and Pip's consent, after which he will ask for 30,000G for the move.
We return to Furnival and receive the reward.

Escort Duty (Fournival, Land of Opportunity quest must be completed)
We accompany Furnival's daughter around the city. We slowly follow her until the girl offers to play hide and seek. We find her in a nook behind the inn, in the inn or in the pawn guild and accompany her further. When she gets tired and asks for water, we bring her the Flask of Water, after which we race to the gate and complete the quest. If we quickly find her while playing hide and seek, don’t linger with the water and allow ourselves to be overtaken, we receive a Gold Idol as a gift from the girl.

Reaper's Scorn (Austine, forge opposite the pawn guild)
You need to use Wakestone to resurrect the blacksmith's son. To collect Wakestone, you need 3 Wakestone Shard. Austin gives you one right away, two more can be bought from Furnival and Black Cat.

A Fortress Beseiged (Ser Maximilian, at the gate to the palace)
We go to Shadow Fort and talk to the captain. Further along the tunnel we make our way behind the walls, clear the courtyard from goblins and cyclops, find the lever, open the gate and let the soldiers in. We destroy the next wave of goblins and watch the cutscene. We go into the fort through the broken door and again chop down the unfortunate goblins and one cyclops, making our way to their leader. We defeat him, watch the cutscenes, talk to the captain and return to the capital to turn in the quest.

The Cypher (Ser Maximilian)
We talk to the plowman in the field, then to the seller in Black Cat and finally to the courier named Maurin (marked with a marker, but you may need to wait for him to appear in the city). Next we go to Hillfigure Knoll, talk to Dragonforged and return to the capital.

The Watergod's Altar (Ser Maximilian)
We speak with Father Geffrey in the church and go to the cave of the same name with the quest. At the entrance we meet a monk, after talking with him we go into the cave. The first step is to lower the bridge (the lever in the passage to the left of the bridge). Next, we find the remains of another monk in the spacious hall with the Cyclops and examine them, at the same time we deal with the monster and get the key to the door not far from the bridge. Behind it we find a mechanism that lowers the water level in the ruins and thus opens access to the lower level. Then you can either immediately look for 5 stone tablets yourself in the chests scattered throughout the ruins, or return to the monk at the entrance and receive the corresponding task along with markers pointing to the necessary chests. One way or another, we collect them, take them and return to the capital.

Seeking Salvation (Ser Maximilian)
We learn from one of the marked people that Mason (who previously gave us the Chasing Shadows quest) had already asked them about the cult. We look for him at the fountain or aqueduct and get Salvation's Badge. We ask people again and find out that the cultists are gathering in Catacombs. Next, using the marker, we find the catacombs and clear them, after which we return to the capital and turn in the quest.

Justice Done (Mason, in the catacombs)
Received automatically during the Seeking Salvation quest. We are simply deciding the fate of the cultist captured by Mason. As such, the choice does not affect anything, however, if you decide to spare the person, Mason will disappear from the game.

World Map

No Honor Amont Thieves (Maul, Ruins of Aernst Castle, quest An Uninvited Guest must be completed)
The leader of the robbers will ask you to either kill 10 representatives of the rival gang, or deal with the traitor. Choose peaceful solution problems and go to Cassardis, where the traitor settled. When talking with him, choose the first option (surrender to the mercy of the robbers). As soon as he leaves the gate, the quest will be updated and you can return for the reward.

Thick as Thieves (Ophis, Ruins of Heavenspeak Fort)
The leader of the robbers speaks only to women and becomes hostile at the sight of men, so either get rid of the stronger sex (you can simply throw the pawns off a cliff), or dress them up in women's dresses.
If manipulating the pawns and their equipment does not help, grab Ophis and drag him away from the castle. We let go and, as soon as she puts away the weapon and heads back to her lair, we take/hand over the quest.
As for the quest itself, it also has 2 solutions - combat and peaceful. We choose peaceful and look for the character Betiah at the gate, who will ask you to feed Cyclops, Ophis’s pet. We go to the paddock marked on the map. On the way we meet a crowd of goblins, kill one, grab his corpse and take it to the Cyclops. We lay it at his feet, watch the monster eat dinner, and return to Bethia, and then to Ophis.

Quests available after completing the "Come to Court" story quest (audience with the Duke)


Deeper Trouble (Rorric, well, Deep Trouble quest must be completed)
Upon returning to the village, we will hear a voice from the well. We go down, talk to the character, and then destroy the saurians and the clutch of eggs.
There is a possibility that the quest will appear before the audience with the Duke, since it will be activated 7 in-game days after completing the Deep Trouble task.

An Innocent Man (Tomlin, elder's house or beach)
The boy's father is kept in custody in a dungeon in Gran Soren, as one of the guards at the gate to the palace will tell you about. We stock up on two Skeleton Keys (sold in Black Cat, you can also make it yourself by combining Hunk of Ore and Shackles) and go to free the prisoner. Using the keys, we open his cell and the neighboring one, in the wall of which you can find a gap through which we escape. At the exit we will be met by Tomlin, who, together with his father, will leave the city through the aqueduct. Once this happens, the quest will end.

Farewell, Valmiro (Valmiro, on the porch of the house to the left of the ruins where you took the quest Floral Delivery. The quest A Dying of Curiocity must be completed)
Valmiro needs 4 items: Potent Greenwarish, Lantern, Sour Ambrosial Meat and Pilgrim's Charm. There should be no problems with grass and a lantern, meat can be found in one of the boxes in Ancient Quarry, where they fought the first ogre, and the talisman is on sale from Furnival and Madeleine. Having received all the items, Valmiro will ask you to take the boxes to your boat and after fulfilling his request, the quest will end.

Gran Soren

Arousing Suspition (Mirabelle, palace lobby)
In fact, the quest begins earlier, immediately after the audience with the Duke. As you exit the palace through the front door, the camera will focus on the Duchess tending the garden. We approach her and talk until we give her the jester's cap. If you skip this sequence, this quest, and along with it another - Duchess in Distress, will be unavailable.
Now to the task itself. Mirabelle will ask to meet under cover of darkness in the Duchess's garden. We wait until nightfall, arrive and find out that the duchess wants a secret audience in her chambers. Let's not keep the girl waiting. Having arrived at the place without catching the eye of the guards, we watch a series of cutscenes, after which we find ourselves in a dungeon. We bribe the jailer (5000G) and complete the quest.
By the way, on the plot and freedom of movement around the palace events of this assignment will not affect at all.

Witch Hunt (three at the fountain in front of the hotel, Lost & Found quest must be completed)
Three NPCs will talk about a witch living in Witchwood. There is no need to activate the dialogue, just eavesdrop on them and the quest will begin automatically. Time is limited, so without wasting a minute we go to the aforementioned forest. At the witch's house we will see a crowd that will be dispersed by the golem. We kill him and go to a previously inaccessible part of the forest where, following the path, we find Selena.

Idol Worship (Caxton, Caxton's Armory store)
You need to bring the merchant one of three idols: Bronze (Witchwood, in the witch's house or in Hillfigure Knoll, to the left of Dragonforged), Silver (reward for the Put the Eye Out quest from the board in the pawn guild), Gold (reward for successfully completing the Escort Duty quest ). Subsequently, the merchant’s assortment will be expanded depending on the quality of the idol.

Supplier's Demand (Madeleine, Madeleine's Shop. Guard Duty quest must be completed)
The quest is completely similar to Idol Worship.

Rise of the Fallen (Ser Maximilian)
We wait until night and follow the marker. After the splash screen you will have a choice whether to buy the key for 10000G or take it by force. We choose what we like best and head to Catacombs. We look for a locked door, unlock it, and with fire and sword we pass through the undead inhabiting the catacombs, simultaneously looking into each coffin in order to collect 5 keys that open the way to the boss, after defeating whom we return to the capital and close the quest.

The Conspirators (Fedel, usually wanders around the second floor of the palace or is “on duty” at the Duke’s throne
The quest giver will ask to meet after sunset, when he will explain the purpose of the task. The Lost Letter is located in Soulflayer Canyon. As soon as we are there, the camera will helpfully show the place where the letter is lying. We find, select, return to the capital. We will meet a guard at the palace who will ask you to give the letter to him. You can agree, return it to Fedela, or make a copy of the letter to Black Cat and sell it to both of them. The choice is yours.

World Map

Nameless Terror (Ser Rickart, gate guard in Gran Soren)
Attacks are carried out only at night and in strict sequence:
1. At the Ancient Quarry entrance closest to Gran Soren.
2. On the bridge on the road from Gran Soren to Windbluff Tower.
3. On the road from Gran Soren to Mountain Waycastle.
4. On the road from Mountain Waycastle to Encampment.
5. At the gate to Cassardis.

Supply & Demands (Ser Daerio, Windbluff Tower)
We run to the capital, look for the character Ser Julien (we followed him in the Chasing Shadows quest) and report to him about the supply problem. In the dialogue, select the first option (a week's supply) and return to the quest giver.

Talent In Bloom (Quinna, The Abbey. If the girl does not have a quest icon above her head, talk to her once, the quest should become active. The Lost and Found quest must be completed)
You can give a flower to anyone, but I advise quest characters to take it to the capital’s church. Decide for yourself, just keep in mind that the quest is limited in time.

A Parting Gift (Clarus, The Abbey, Talent in Bloom quest must be completed)
The abbess asks us to bring Pilgrim's Charm, which we have already met in the Farewell quest, Valmiro.


The Dragon's Tongue (a sign on the grave in the forest where the Witch Hunt quest was completed, without which this quest will not appear at all)
We take the sign in Hillfigure Knoll to Dragonforged and get a ring that you can give to someone.

Mettle Against Metal (metal golem on the island in the same part of the forest as the grave, Witch Hunt quest must be completed)
The quest will begin as soon as you approach the golem. Before taking on it, change your profession to Strider, Ranger or Assassin, because it will require a long-range attack with physical damage. The fact is that, unlike ordinary golems, talismans vulnerabilities metal golems are scattered around the location, they are not affected by magical attacks (accordingly, Magick Archer is also useless), and one of the talismans is suspended high on a tree. You can, of course, try to catch the moment, climb onto the golem and jump from it in the hope of catching the talisman with a melee weapon, but this is masochism. It is also useless to rely on pawns; most of the time they will die in attempts to at least scratch the golem.

Quests available after completing the story quest "Reward and Responsibility" (reward from the Duke)

Gran Soren

Bad Business (Madeleine's shop, Guard Duty and Chasing Shadows quests must be completed)
In the store, instead of Madeleine, we find an unfamiliar girl who tells us that the merchant has problems with the law and that’s why she ran away. After listening to her, we grab Madeleine’s daggers from the counter and head to the tavern, where we ask people about the girl’s whereabouts. We go to the aqueduct, watch Madeleine run from the capital and follow her. We find her outside the city walls and give her the daggers. The guards come running. To the question, have you seen the merchant, we answer in the negative. After the guards disappear, Madeleine will ask you for 50000G, which ends the quest.
The quest can be taken a little earlier, during the Honor and Treachery story quest, which precedes Reward and Responsibility.

Duchess in Distress (Mirabelle, in the Duchess's garden near the palace. The Arousing Suspition quest must be completed)
Mirabelle reports that the Duchess has been placed in custody in the Blighted Manse and gives her a set of guard armor. We put on a disguise and enter the estate (at the same time we get the Into the Manse trophy). Until we find the duchess, the guards will be peaceful, but when the girl is under our care, everything will change and we will have to fight our way to the exit, even without the support of pawns for most of the way. In essence, this is just another escort mission, except that sometimes you have to pick up a girl and jump with her on the catwalk. The quest will end as soon as we leave the dungeon with the duchess.

The game Dragon's Dogma was released five years ago, but then the developers provided support only for the PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles. In 2016, they decided to import the project to personal computers in order to again draw public attention to one of the best RPGs of all time. The authors managed to do this , and many users decided to once again plunge into the atmosphere of medieval fantasy, where dragons are the main villains and opponents.

Project Features

The plot in Dragon's Dogma tells that ancient dragons woke up and began to destroy all life in the fairy-tale world. The hero entered into battle with them, but was defeated. Soon he found himself alive, it turned out that the big lizard did not kill him. Instead This dragon planned to use the hero in a different way, and from this point the characters' story begins.

Most of all, the players liked the authors’ approach to this project. Capcom studio spared no expense on its work, the game received really high ratings. Fully open world with a huge number of creatures impossible to explore even in a couple of days of adventure. Battles do not follow one scenario, because different monsters and animals have their own weaknesses. There are six options for the player to choose from different classes(warrior, sorcerer, magician, knight, ranger, assassin). The user is free to develop the character in any of these directions and change it whenever the desire arises.

Another feature of Dragon's Dogma is a set of companions for adventures. Three of them will always be with the main character, helping in battles. They can be commanded with the help of some instructions. Two of them are borrowed from other players through the network, and the system of interaction with them has been developed deeper. They communicate with the character, report important information and ask for help in difficult moments.

Prologue and first boss

In Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen, the passage (a game with an addition) begins with the hunt for the first dragon. You will control a warrior named Shroud, and his companion is called Seld. The lizard will not allow you to touch himself, and therefore, after several defensive stances, run into the gorge with right side. There, with the help of a glowing stone, summon two more comrades in arms. You can interact with the archer Queens and the sorcerer Morgann in teams. After training in oratory, enter the main hall of the gorge, where you need to defeat the goblins and rescue the knight from the side room. From this moment it begins first chapter in the game.

The first enemies in the location will again be goblins, which can be dealt with in just a few seconds. There is a chest with things under the bridge, you shouldn't ignore it. Next you have to fight off attacks from aggressive birds. Only a wizard with an archer can kill them, and the player’s task will be to protect them from attacks.

Continue further into the cave until you encounter a squad of knights. Their commander Palotti will lead you to the large hall where the first battle with the Chimera boss will take place in Dragon's Dogma. Along the way, in the corner you will see another chest that can be opened by the hero.

The mythological creature is a cross between a lion, a snake and a goat. The protagonist's companions will climb onto the monster's back and hit from there, but a warrior cannot do such a trick, so he will have to deal damage from the ground. Always stay on the sides of the Chimera and hit only there. There is a snake behind and a lion in front that simply won’t let you get close to them. During the battle, the magician will leave clots of energy on the ground. They restore your health and can save you in a difficult situation. After winning, you must go through the gate. The prologue ends here.

First settlement

In the game Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen, the passage will further introduce you to the plot. Events will take the player to the place where the strongest of the dragons is reborn. After the introductory video, create a hero in the editor and approach the lizard from behind with a sword in your hand. Hit him in the paw so that he pays attention to you. With its power, the dragon rips out the character's heart, but leaves him to live. Now there is a certain connection between them.

After the battle, we wake up at home, take a sword and a plant as desired, select a class (warrior, mage, archer) and listen to the conversation between an old man and a woman on the street. The main storyline ends here, but there is an opportunity to explore the location and complete several additional tasks.

In Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen, completing quests begins with collecting two types of plants, this will be instructed by a doctor in the infirmary named Benita. One of them grows between the roots of trees along the road behind the second settlement. The second is located in the bay, but can only be discovered at night. At the top of the village in the temple, one old man will ask you to tell Merin about the death of his brother. This NPC can be found in the infirmary. After the conversation, return and the task will be completed.

There is another task in the temple - finding a book from Clementine. The manuscript is hidden at the junction of the roofs, and you can get there by stepping over the barrier and walking along a narrow wall. Others additional missions there will be killing of rats, rabbits, bandits and goblins. All of them are taken from the notice board of the village of Kassardis. In the same location there is an interesting transition to an area called Starfall Bay. Here in the gorges there are two chests with treasures and things useful for the main character.

Attack on the fortress

In the game Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen, the passage in Russian is much easier for the player, because the dialogues do not have to be translated independently. The further adventure begins from the moment you leave the village. The companion Ruk will appear there, who will report on the trip to the neighboring fortress. Along the way, inspect the surrounding area for chests and other items. Near the road you will meet a wandering merchant, Reynard, who is besieged by goblins. He can be saved, and for this he will thank you with a cloak if you catch him before his death.

Upon arrival at the fortress, go to the main tent and speak with the main commander. The guard will interrupt the conversation and report about the battle under the walls. The hero and his companions will have to exit from the northwest. In the opened location, the first enemy will be the boss Cyclops. He has already been almost killed by the local army, and the hero only has to finish him off. An archer and a mage can do this from afar, but a warrior will have to climb up the Cyclops' body. You only need to aim at the eye, because other parts are covered with thick armor.

After winning, collect the prizes and go to the Breach Stone. There you will create your main assistant, who will follow along with the character in all adventures. After that, choose two more additional archetypes to suit your taste. The formation of the team is completed, if you have a Russian passage in Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen, then from the dialogues it will become clear that there will be training in team interaction. Knight Burn will force the character to carry boxes and destroy mannequins with class skills.

The surroundings of the fortress and Kassardis

Don’t forget about leveling up your character, because this can only be done with certain NPCs. If this is over, then you can return to the fortress, where the mysterious wanderer will call the player again to Kassardiss. Further to Dragon's Dogma walkthrough will confront the user with a lot of side missions. Two of them are connected to a well, from which there is an entrance to a dungeon with monsters. First, the user will be given the task by a soldier named Paul and armed with a lantern. The second quest will be available seven days later; it involves the same descent into the central hall of the dungeon, where you need to kill lizards, and then the mini-boss that appears.

The next task will be given by the man Merin (standing near the shops). He will ask you to give six bunches of grass to a certain Valmiro. It can be found in three places - to the right of the exit from Kassardis, at the entrance to the neighboring fortress and on the western side of the beginning of the forest location.

The next task that the passage will introduce users to in Dragon's Dogma is accompanying the traveling merchant Madeline. She is walking into the fortress, she needs protection. There is no reward for the task, but it opens access to further missions. Upon arrival, lend the girl a thousand gold coins for store development.

The last task to catch the thief will be given by the hotel owner Pablos. You can catch a fast archer on the street with shops, but only at night. The man is dexterous and it’s not so easy to catch up with him. It is best to climb onto the roof, wait for the moment and jump right in front of him. You need to press the capture key in time, otherwise he will run away and have to sleep until the next darkness comes.

Addition and path to the capital

In the game Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen, the expansion passage begins precisely in the village of Kassardis. Here on the pier there is the opportunity to go to Bitterblack Island, where new quests await the user. At first, it is better to complete only the starting mission and avoid fighting with monsters, because they are incredibly strong. Further passage should be continued after the end of the storyline.

Return to the fortress and approach the girl named Mercedes to talk. The next boss will attack the camp - Hydra. She needs to cut off one head, and the opportunity to kill the monster completely will appear later. Concentrate the fire on one head - and in a minute the boss will run away. After this task there will be additional quest, which can be taken from Elvar at the exit. The search will lead to the village of Wychwood, where you need to pick up items from Celine’s house and return with a report.

Next story task there will be a caravan escort on the northern road. Stay in front of the carts and don't go too far. This way traders can be protected without stopping traffic. Further passage of the game Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen will lead to the capital, where new adventures await users.

Adventures in the capital

In Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen, the passage will lead the main character to a meeting with a Mason near the gate. He will give a quest to visit the guild of companions, but on the way to it one of the officers will stop you. To go further, make the new task active, and then the passage will be free. You can complete the mission with Barnaby inside the building of the clan of comrades. Next, you should activate the portals to quickly move around the global map.

The next task will be to descend into the guild dungeon in order to obtain a stone to activate teleporters. The main and most dangerous enemy here will be the ogre, who will attack the hero from a running start. Approach the cliff and avoid the push in time. This is the most quick way get rid of a powerful monster. After finding the stone, dozens of enemies will appear, from which it is better to simply run upstairs, because the task can already be submitted.

After leaving the building, Duncan will be waiting for you, who will take you to a meeting with Captain Maximilian. The officer has four quests for the player, and it is necessary to complete at least half in order to move further in the story. In Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen, completing quests from the captain is one of the most interesting moments in the game. They are long, interesting and force the player to explore new areas.

First two missions

In Dragon Dogma, the passage in Russian will be easier, because the tasks from Maximilian involve reading dialogues. This is especially important in the first mission to decipher the manuscripts. To reduce the time spent searching for the necessary individuals, you should immediately run to the traveling merchant Maurin. He will say that one old man from a cave located closer to the north of the capital will be able to recognize the scripture. This place will be marked on the map; you should run there along a narrow path.

Near the cave, activate the portal and talk to the stranger. He will tell the story that the dragon took his heart, just like the character himself. The decryption is on the central stone. After reading, you can return to Maximilian.

Intelligence about the cult "Salvation" is the second task from Maximilian, which will offer Dragon game Dogma. The passage will lead to Mason, who will point out the informants. We talk with them and learn about the meeting point of the cult members in the catacombs outside the walls of the capital. Go through the caves, kill enemies until you see the leader. He will summon new enemies, and he will disappear from sight. Kill the undead and exit the cave, where Mason has already caught the escaping cult leader. You can kill him (the companion will be pleased) or let him go (the companion will be disappointed).

Next officer assignments

Further quests in Dragon Dogma involve hunting for an expedition. The archaeologists have disappeared, and Maximilian asks to find them. Father Jeffrey in the cathedral will tell you about the direction for the hike. Go through the gorge and talk to the NPC on the river bank. The man will point to the cave where the expedition went. Enter there and clear the corridors of enemies. The doors will gradually open, there will be chests behind them, and a lever next to them. Take it into your inventory and move to the main hall. There, kill the Cyclops and take the red ball near his corpse. Move to the right from this place and you will find a hidden button behind the door. After this, a cutscene about the failure of the mission will begin.

Return to Haslet, above, and report the fate of the expedition. He will ask you to find 5 fragments of valuable stones to complete. After five minutes of searching, the task will be completed and you can return. It is better to complete the fourth task later, because the path to it lies through many locations from the capital. In the capital you can also find a number of interesting additional tasks. Immediately upon entering the city, it is better to take missions to kill various monsters from the board. This will bring additional money and experience. The most interesting side quest is the eviction of the family from Fornival's house. Mason will also give you a worthy and easy task in the square. It will be enough to follow Julien and tell the commander about his actions.

Maximilian's fourth task

In Dragon's Dogma, the passage in Russian is much easier and faster, because then it is easier to navigate the areas on the map. This will have to be done more than once while completing Maximilian's fourth quest. The path to it lies through a cave located closer to the west of the capital In it, you need to completely clear the territory of enemies.The task for this at the entrance will be given by Alon, who, after killing the ogres, will be able to open his own store there and give the main character a big discount.

Exit the cave through the southern exit; a location called Devil's Grove will open in front of the hero. There are plenty here interesting places, where items are hidden and chests are hidden. The camp in the southwest is definitely worth a visit. There in the boat you can find 20 thousand gold coins. The passage of quests from the entrance to the Shadow Fort continues in Dragon's Dogma. You should be wary of the dragon in the western side of the location, because you don’t have enough strength to fight it yet. On the approach to the fortress, a siege by an army of people of its walls is discovered. Sir Robert talks about the need to do sabotage from the inside , in order to open the gate to the rest of the soldiers. Go through the tunnel and immediately step to the left room. There will be a lever in one of the chambers that will activate a mechanism on the roof of the first building. The gate will open and the army will begin a full-scale attack. A large battle will unfold inside, and best of all with a detachment, take a position from above and cover the army with heavy fire.

It is worth paying attention to the capture of the goblin leader, because there is an additional reward for this. After the end of the battle and conversation with Robert, you can return to Maximilian and report on the completion of the last mission.

Becoming a Knight

After helping Maximilian, the Duke himself will want to meet the hero. The passage of Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen continues in the fortress of the ruler of the capital. He will knight the main character, after which the development of the storyline will continue. At the exit, it is better to talk with the duchess and complete a simple task at her request.

You will need to sneak into the castle at night and meet the girl. The meeting will be interrupted by the Duke, who in a rage will begin to beat the girl, and in order to save the Duchess he will have to leave the shelter. The hero will be put in prison, and his wife will be saved by the ruler with an apology. This task will open a whole chain of additional quests related to the duchess.

The next story task is to hunt a griffin outside the walls of the capital. The main character, together with the squad, must wait at the indicated location for the griffin to land. After this, attack the creature until it has half its health left. The monster will fly away in the direction of the Colosseum, which stands on the river bank. In this area, the battle will continue, and an unfamiliar Indian named Schreffen will decide his fate. His strong magical attacks will kill the griffin, and this will end the task.

Further passage the game is on according to the same scenario. Users should carefully examine the world around them in search of useful items and money. Don't neglect additional tasks, which always have interesting consequences and also help raise the hero’s level. Story line includes a dozen more quests that will later bring the user into a fight with dragons.

No matter how many times Dragon's Dogma is re-released, one thing remains the same: it's weird. I really want to summarize all my impressions in this way, without going into a tedious analysis of all the gears, because the game will still go against any expectations. It's strange - and you have to try it yourself to understand it.

Yes, it's an RPG. No, forget about the plot. It exists, but in a primitive form and with a clear lack of understanding of how to make a good story. Enjoy another interpretation of the trick with the hillbilly, who, in the midst of haymaking, becomes the chosen one and runs to save the world: an invincible dragon flew in, you know, made our hero immortal, swore in his own language and sits somewhere there, threatening humanity, for which he must be killed . This, in general, is the whole essence of the local mess, and only someone who has never seen high-quality fantasy can be intrigued by it.

To be fair, many colleagues in the genre use a similar idea - take for example Dragon Age: Origins, to which the above applies more than we would like. The difference is that other projects carefully play with the hackneyed motif, masking it with interesting details and branches, but Dragon’s Dogma offers nothing. There is only a dry and flat concept here: you are cooler and smarter than everyone else, and evil evil will not destroy itself. As an excuse for everything that’s happening, it’s all right, but it definitely doesn’t deserve close attention. The situation improves a little towards the end, and even then thanks to the curious lore, which practically does not show itself until the epilogue.

The game generally doesn’t care much about the usual RPG values. A world worked out to the smallest detail, carefully drawn characters, dialogues with literary flourishes - who needs them? Only the key characters, of which there are at most ten, have similar characters, and only they are able to more or less fully communicate with the hero. The rest of the NPCs are cardboard fools, wandering around absolutely sterile locations and giving the same routine line. The degree of interest in the conversations here still exceeds the indicators Dead Rising, but this is hardly something to be proud of.

Food supplies tend to spoil right in your pockets, and therefore it is better to send them for treatment as soon as possible.

Obviously, in unfavorable conditions, exploring the surrounding area loses all meaning. Despite the decent size of the map, the game simply has nothing to encourage pioneers - in best case scenario a long journey will delight you with a modest camp on the outskirts, where the most intelligent creature will be a merchant. However, you don’t have to look far for examples of the criminal emptiness of the environment: it’s enough to get to the only large city and appreciate the beauty of its lifeless labyrinths, connecting rare functional points like the black market or a hotel. No fresh gossip on the streets, no colorful townspeople, no spontaneous incidents - even, scary to say, Morrowind portrayed civilization much more convincingly. After this, you once again thank the developers for improving the fast travel system, it really comes in handy here.

Sometimes, however, you can find a quest or two in vacant lots and finally fall into despair. As part of the plot, we are spoiled with full-fledged tasks with set-up and clear activities, but the side activities are almost entirely borrowed from the worst MMOs about killing 45 birds with one stone and collecting 15 herbs. Only if the latter try to sweeten the pill with at least a couple of lines of an accompanying mini-story, Dark Arisen shamelessly pushes the routine without comments or motivation - that’s it, they say, that’s all. Such orders don’t even have a “customer” - they are taken on the notice board and completed on their own, remotely.

It’s all the more offensive that the claim to something more is still noticeable. Single sidequests are accompanied by unique dialogues, characters and events, and a couple even flirt with the non-linearity of the passage and the consequences of decisions - but there are so few of them that they do not have any impact on the roleplaying. Yes, and it’s difficult to call them exciting, again, due to no work on game world: looking for, say, the protagonist’s girlfriend would be much more interesting if the authors spent a little time on their relationship.

Epic shots go especially well with the Lord of the Rings soundtrack - the game music is good, but it sounds rarely and not always accurately.

The game prefers to really shine in the gameplay field. This is what makes you forget about all the troubles and mistakes of designers. Dragon's Dogma is like a lite version Dark Souls, in which the player also hangs out somewhere in the lower segment of the food chain, but has a slightly better chance of survival among goblins with dimensionless lifebars.

Of primary interest is combat system. It, unlike the creation of From Software, is not too keen on deep tactics and is generally quite arcade-like, which from time to time reminds one of the same beautiful as old The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. You don’t need to be a master of lunges or have a black belt in rolling to successfully fight back against the local bestiary - you just need to timely alternate basic attacks and special techniques, the arsenal of which is constantly expanding, and not expose yourself to attacks from particularly large opponents. Of course, this is not the level Devil May Cry, with which the fan community is increasingly drawn to comparisons, but the combat instantly captivates with the dynamics of what is happening, ease of learning and diversity not inherent in RPGs.

This doesn't mean the battles lack depth, however. On the contrary, subtleties emerge one after another, especially when facing bosses. Battles with them are a separate source of fun and challenge in Dragon’s Dogma. Each member of the menagerie has its own vulnerabilities, the search and exploitation of which lies the purpose of such skirmishes. Some weaknesses, like, say, the glowing stones in the golem’s body, are immediately visible, while others must be discovered experimentally, setting fire to the griffin’s feathers and firing dark magic at the dragon. Class differences also influence the approach to the boss: if a robber with a bow has no difficulty in finishing off a Cyclops from a long distance, then some paladin will have to literally climb over the giant’s body and stab his eye with a sword.

There's a surprising amount of equipment here. You can’t try everything in one sitting.

Fortunately, the game allows you to try everything at once, because next on the list of its merits is the wonderful leveling of the character. Initially, there are only three mediocre professions to choose from, and the introductory chapters force you to play as a warrior, robber or mage - but soon after this the opportunity opens up to change your specialization to any other without losing progress. This is an incredibly cool find, giving extreme flexibility to builds, introducing total variability into the process and leaving a loophole for players who are disappointed in the chosen direction. Moreover, periodically juggling profiles is even useful, since they determine the proportions of growth of certain characteristics. To put it simply, if you suddenly need to expand the stamina reserves for your mage, it would be better to become a ranger by at least a few levels, because the increase in this parameter is many times higher. They are also encouraged to experiment by the presence of unique perks, which are unlocked only by leveling up a certain class, but are universal in use.

And to make you feel less lonely, Dragon’s Dogma has introduced an unusual pawn system. This offensive nickname is used here for companions, of which there can be no more than three in your team: you create one yourself, the remaining two you catch from the network database of freaks raised by other players. They are all completely faceless characters, but are infinitely effective and independent in battle. They grab small enemies, distract the attention of particularly ferocious individuals, climb onto the manes of large creatures and generally act in harmony without any orders. Even though the AI’s work cannot be called flawless, it quite successfully simulates the team interaction necessary when facing serious opponents. The possibility of complete control is lacking only in the most critical moments - when the magician forgets to cure a mortal wound, all that remains is to press the “Help” button.

However, you shouldn’t get attached to your partners. Of the entire booth, only your personal pawn rises up the career ladder with you - guests from other worlds are always static and maintain the level they reached at the time of hiring. This is another plus in favor of the variability of gameplay: the party can be easily customized and adjusted to the needs of a specific situation.

Another interesting feature of pawns is their constant negotiations. Fortunately for many who played on consoles, the PC version finally added the option to disable the voice acting of companions, and yet the fact is remarkable. Despite the lack of character, they actively comment on what is happening, but they do it like complete autists, over and over again jabbering obvious and, without exaggeration, stupid speeches. For those who didn’t catch it the first 76 times, they will definitely repeat that wolves hunt in packs, and on a long hike they will kindly remind you of the map in your pocket. In addition, a dialogue icon may suddenly pop up above one of the idiots, hinting at the presence of important thoughts about the recent triumph. “The quest is completed, master,” is the most weighty thought you can count on.

And everything would be fine, only Dragon’s Dogma explains in the worst possible way how to play all this. The tutorial here is an unreasonably long contextual presentation on the topic “100 things that are done here in the same way as in all other games,” while a lot of more significant questions remain behind the scenes. You have to use trial and error to figure out what quests look like and what the essence of pawns is, to discover completely unexplained crafting and upgrade systems, to find out after creating a character that his height and weight affect some characteristics, at the end of the passage to accidentally read, that NPCs have daily routines and hidden love interests, and much more. The introduction to party management is absolutely enchanting: you learn how to select pawns correctly on a training ground with wooden dummies that can easily be broken without really understanding what was discussed. The coach will still pat you on the shoulder approvingly and say: “You see how important the choice of pawns is!” It’s not that we need to be led by the hand through all the hardships of adaptation, but understanding the mechanics here is extremely boring and uncomfortable, and it’s easy to miss a lot at the right moment and frankly ruin your further passage.

Thanks to this, the first two or three hours of Dragon’s Dogma are a hurricane of wandering around the corners of a few villages in the hope of insight. In our case, getting to know the game went something like this. Having first thrown the village healer off the cliff, we followed the only road and saw how the guards were easily killing the monster that we were supposed to defeat. After throwing the guards off another cliff, we returned to the village and met a charismatic black man named gg. Having thrown gg off a new cliff, we realized that it was actually a pawn of another player (we should have guessed earlier, huh?), and for about forty minutes a plot character had been waiting for us, hiding in the darkest tent and not marked in any way on the map. Around the same time, the action began to acquire the beginnings of meaning and the picture described in this article emerged on the horizon, although there were a few more cliffs. In general, it was a difficult journey.

As for the features of porting to PC, everything is relatively in order. Capcom swore with all their hadoukens that “stunning visuals” awaited us and backed up their promises with quite decent screenshots - in the end, as expected, age took its toll. Even in 2012, the game did not look cutting-edge, inferior in beauty to Oblivion, which had celebrated its five-year anniversary by that time, and now modest graphical changes cannot make it look like candy. If anything can knock you off your feet, it’s the unforgivably ugly sprites, shamefully scaled fonts and goblins that appear a meter away from the main character. Of course, they added a wide range of settings and support for sky-high resolutions, but in the era of adequate ports this is no longer surprising.

But on the controls, by golly, they could have spent a little longer and redesigned the archaic interface, which takes away half the fun from the game with its terrible design. Keyboard workers were given an exclusive function of binding items to hotkeys, as if apologizing for the fact that there is still no direct access to the map, quest log and equipment - all these functions need to be picked out from the pause menu, which in reality is much worse than in words . Even holding a gamepad in your hands doesn’t make it more intuitive, although it definitely muffles the discomfort.

But the main thing is that Dragon’s Dogma makes you want to return. At first you swear for a long time, saying that everything is crooked and askew, you wonder how it even plays correctly, you scream at the quirks of Japanese game design and leave the game with a feeling of extreme satiety, and then you still catch yourself thinking that it would be nice to finish it off tomorrow evening griffin and save up for a nice helmet. Naturally, new opponents come to take the place of the feathered beast, the equipment becomes better and better, and the time spent in the game goes beyond all limits of decent. And this is good.

The end of the beginning

Enjoy the initial opening sequence as you follow the road to the world of Dragon's Dogma, and then take control of your character as you will need to obtain a light source. Turn on your menu and equip a flashlight to see the rest of the room. Follow Salde chatting with you, you are almost immediately in front of - unfortunately - a huge dragon. However, continue to follow until you see it firmly established in the immediate vicinity of the stone, examine it to provoke a new video.

After the cutscene with the quince and Morganna's role, follow the path to get rid of those goblins around you. After Quince asks if there are any survivors, you'll get a short cutscene - another one, in fact, cutscenes seem to characterize these early stages of your progress in the world of Dragon's Dogma. However, this scene will be completed, you must also complete the short tutorial that will be shown in the learning section in the lower right corner of the screen. Having passed this test, continue up the path further, then deviate to the right and find yourself directly at Ser Ashrore: You must save him from the threat of enemies that surround him. Soon after this, approach him and talk to him immediately. Thus, climb the nearby stairs, past the pile of bodies, see the next video. Now you will have to kill the bird, you could see during the scene itself - it is strongly recommended to take advantage of the help provided to you by your colleagues, and not solo groping actions can turn out to be almost suicide. In fact, depending on your natural level of cowardice, you may also decide to leave your teammates almost entirely to the task of eliminating the enemy.

Approaching the next portal, they begin to examine it carefully. Cannot be overcome immediately, you must first kill the birds that may be visible from the outside. Let your allies attract them to the ground, and after a short fight, the next portal will open and a variety of your allies will appear, who can work autonomously in killing opponents, without having to get your hands dirty - we know that such a statement may not be considered politically correct, but You must take into account the lack of experience you have accumulated so far.

However, after destroying this enemy, you can follow the usual path, passing nearby doors. Ser will help you by providing assistance along the way. After the cutscene, which will be quite threatening, you must kill the chimeras that enter the area - unfortunately, this time you will be almost completely alone when he sees the scene, just destroy the chimeras of the soldiers who previously helped you. Pay attention to your tail! Can poison you, and when you don't have special equipment to avoid poisoning. Fortunately, after a while, you will receive help from a group of allies - in this case, do not allow compliments and participation! Finally, when the lion completely stopped his every step, he struck his spell. Your allies repeatedly shout various "help" during the battle, and then follow their instructions!

Challenge Arose

The first task in this area will be character creation - as, previously, the situation does not seem so obvious. Now choose the profession and weapon you want. Thus, goes out the door, watch the video clip. Go the way you have instructed to inside the board - only after you have taken control of your character.

This way you can get several objects that act as a bonus. If you can't find advice, go to the big building only after your house - it's hard not to see it. Comunuque, then communicate with Rojay, an object visible in the immediate vicinity of the riverbed - will talk about the presence of various monsters that must be stopped as quickly as possible. After that, go to the large gate nearby and watch the cutscene with Adaro as the main character. When outside the gate, you will have to face some goblins after you make your way on the path dell`obbligato. Kills in speed, these elements are not particularly powerful. You can also find plenty of rabbits to kill you without thinking too much (although Par is a coward, he is one of the most simple ways quickly get different points of life). As soon as the playground is completely “cleared” of the presence of warring parties, we will speak on Reineck. Walk along the wide following path, always trying to maintain the life of the points (since they are still in the early stages of the game, you will be clearly marked at the bottom of the screen if/when the points of life at your disposal are in short supply).

Approach the door, then look to quickly move to the next screen. After camp, up the stairs visible right in front of you, then watch the video below. Study the tablets recovered from the immediate vicinity, so you will receive a significant amount of information related to the Arose, as well as the opportunity to participate in this "Call has arisen."

Approach, then the gate on the left, talking to the guard in the current area. After that, go to the gate directly opposite the first one - here you will encounter combat. You can also try the new kind Skills: By pressing the square button, you can climb onto the monster's back, using them as a form of vehicle and/or hitting the back of the head so that they cannot respond (it is clear, however, what the shooting path might look like!). We recommend in general to maintain a certain distance from your main enemy, always trying to hit from afar. This is the only way to avoid taking a lot of damage in a very short time! With this in mind, and act accordingly so far with some calm being able to complete this level without any problems.

Rude Awakening

Quickly return to the camp, climb the stairs to meet Ecbal - this is a topic that will be extremely useful for you, as you can improve your skills and get a well-deserved rest. Closer to the counter next to the Ecbal Thus, it will thus be possible to set up one of your partners to continue your quest - a choice in complete freedom, the only real advice I can give is to try to create one that is complementary to your main character. After the next video, they ignore the advice given to you from the game to satisfy your partner. Having reached the next checkpoint, you are in a kind of hiding place environment: here you can recruit several "persons who can assist your party. After completing the recruitment, consider the type of tablet that is nearby, return to the camp. Spoken twice to Ser Berne, thus, the start of the training.

The first goal is to actually carry a load. The way to do this is to press a key once, which will display the screen - speed is the key parameter to complete this goal successfully, press the button as quickly as possible. Successfully completed the goal, you will have a short workout that aims to present you with a fight. Make sure that each of your classes will deal with the enemies it has the right to, it is crucial to the final victory, but also allows you to move on with greater efficiency.

Completed with this short but necessary exercise, approach her with Mercedes and start a conversation. Among the various options, choose the one that allows you to relax. After completing your dream, you wake up in the middle of a real battle: You will fight Hydra. Although initially the battle seems too difficult for the forces at your disposal, don't worry: after you've hit a few "Hydra times, the battle will end, however, even if you are only able to remove a few points of the same Hydra-life. Then the conversation with Mercedes, choose first among the options will definitely be to complete the quest "Rude Awakening".

Road to Grand Soren

Discussion of the Mercedes that is parked near the gate - it will open. Therefore, they become available for new searches, or “Escort to the Capitol.” Continue along the path, killing weak enemies in the area. Thus, a group of birds will be ambushed: be prepared to shoot them with magic. After getting rid from this wave as well, heal immediately after the fight and continue up the path. You will find several enemies in the area associated with a small number of hit points, despite their obvious uselessness, we strongly recommend that you counter: this is the only real way to be able to accumulate a good amount of experience. Then move along a path that progresses upwards, passing the slope. After a while, you will literally be “chased” by a large boulder. Move from side to side to dodge it.

Go straight along the only path available, then down the hill nearby. Now you are faced with a goblin, remove him quickly, which leads to the opening of a huge portal in the immediate vicinity. Right behind her, there are other goblins to be stopped. So, move forward along the same path, past two trees. You are now facing another wave of goblins - and it's over quickly, then get rid of the bandits in the area. Climbed to top part the tracks were finally able to enter United Soren. You can see many scenes here, otherwise follow them all, then you will be assigned New Year("Courier"), and also provides access to the next quest, which is the Lure of the Abyss.

Lure the Abyss

Talk to Steffan first - a man with a white beard. He'll give you some useful information, even to continue the optimal level. In case you want to gain new unique skills, you can chat with Asalam. It is also available in the store area which allows you to purchase new equipment good quality: Highly recommend checking this out! Thus, speaking to Sir Camillus will therefore provide access to the guild, where you can recruit (if you wish) new members for your party. In any case, there will be a video, then you will meet Barnaby. After this, a quick cutscene, speak again to Barnaby, who will open new information. Continue north, always following the map. Get rid of the simple creatures that are trying to stop next steps along the way, trying instead to remove them from a distance to minimize the risk of damage.

Thus reached the top of the path, pull the consgliamo lever visible around to cause the gate to move. Later, you can quickly save the game, and kill without problems, the next wave of undead that you saw before. Then continue to the end of the corridor, thus observing the scene in computer graphics, which shows the opening of your gate. Go east on the map, making sure you're not too far from your allies - then you'll need their help to finish off their opponents who are trying to invade your way. Go down the stairs nearby, reaching a save point. . So, let's go back to the circle and return along the same path, exiting at the highest lever: you pull it out into the street behind the gate connected to it

Continue then north, past the giant creatures - we highly recommend groping combat! Instead of just moving forward until you reach the end of the road. You will be taken to the loading screen associated with the save point: if previously separated from your allies, you are now collected. Talk to Barnaby again to complete the task.

I'm looking for salvation

Before starting this quest, I highly recommend resting and spending money to earn the items needed to continue the quest. So talk to Meridith and tell you that Mason spends most of his time walking around the barracks area. Before you find it, it is therefore necessary to understand the location of these shacks; it will not turn out to be too difficult - as a rule, you can find it right after the hairdresser, next to the water. Also set to Mason (easily recognizable by the icon located just above his head), then go ahead and turn left twice, which makes your character turn the corner, reaching a gate that quickly leads to Gransys.

Move therefore to the right along the shore, while your allies localizzeranno towers in the distance. Continue to the right; boordo come to the game platform, you will clarify the situation that you have probably already recognized: the Earth moves under your feet, so you must pay attention to your movements. However, past enemies nearby, you should also go beyond the bridge, reaching the great Soren. Go to the city and then follow the circle of colored red dot on the map to Ser Sairus - then talk to him. We ask you to reach the catacombs, which can be viewed in the northwestern part playing field. In case you find it necessary, you can try to “activate” a few more soldiers, making sure to accompany you - we, personally, would like to recommend it as brightly. However, once reached outside the city, you begin to move towards the northwest. Take advantage of your soldiers to stop fighting, which quickly accumulate along the way. Also, try to pay real attention to the notifications provided to you by your allies.

You'll end up at a ramshackle building called the "Collapsed Boardroom" - we recommend exploring it to get small but useful items inside. Continue and then proceed northwest to find the DUS Hills. Check the stones associated with them, save your game. Will it be possible to change the location of your fighters in this way - guidicate personally, in case there have been problems so far, I recommend it. I went down into the catacombs, pull the lever to open the door. Get out of several enemies, recommend equipping a flashlight and move slowly. Then press the switch button at the end of the path, jump onto the elevator and transport it to the save point. Go past the locked door and then use your spells to hit the group of ghosts in the area. Continue and then follow the path that goes west, then south, trying to exit at the red circle. . Suggest ways to use the full support that comes from your allies to destroy the undead enemy

Continue enough down south and then take a good look at your surroundings, once the path to the curve to the east begins you can find a fair amount of treasure in this area. So, having heard a voice outside the door, continue in the same direction, we will observe the meeting that will take place. Soon after this, you will be judged by the battle: will be in the last place that it will be, we strongly recommend using no more than all the energy that is now gone, even if you "waste" mana. After another cutscene, you can end the quest and head back southeast of Grand Soren.

Waycastle and beyond

Proceed to the outer Great Soren, following the path that goes south. Overcoming various waves of enemies, using your allies as a “bank” - thanks to their warning, you are always able to anticipate the moment when an opponent will enter the scene, and then you can remove it. After crossing, quickly turn left. Thus, already at the top of the gorge, you will find a cell completely surrounded by enemies; it is recommended to remove all nearby enemies in order to be able to free the object that is inside the cell, thereby managing to complete the indirect sub-quest “Leave No Prisoners”. Since combat is very fast, we recommend sending your allies in close proximity to the cell so that they can quickly restore its "contents".

Thus the bridge at Waycastle Pass. You are in close proximity to the magic stone - so you can come to a broken space-time that can change the status of your troops. After that, pull out your map to go find the camp - which will be your next destination. Follow the road that goes around it, unfortunately, all this time, your life level points will decrease gradually, so you must pay close attention to the limit. Therefore, it will be necessary to fight the boss here - this is a kind of cyclops. Killing the boss is difficult: on the one hand, there is a significant number of hit points, and secondly, your blows can cause very significant damage. We recommend that you always stay far enough away and try to hit him several times with some patience, the attack is by far the most useful "High Ingle."

When you are able to clear Cyclops' quasi-HP bar, your allies will ask you to kick him - but be careful! The Cyclops may in these cases be in Berserk, then suddenly go crazy - in this case it would be able to cover a significant distance in a very short time and therefore inflict very significant damage. Defeating Cyclops, however, can be considered as having completed the Ambush quest. Talk to Nathaniel to gain new skills and/or buy something new - you can find him next to a close group of tents.

Merchants and monsters

Use the signal on the map to find the entrance to the so-called "Ancient Quarry". There you will see the first one with a troll, but you can remove it using attacks like Brontide and Comestion. Then go up the path until you enter the area almost completely dark. Walk around up the stone stairs, then down again through the next tunnel, near which you can find some goblins - also must be killed without mercy.

Reached the next Ogre so we recommend that you collect an explosive from the surrounding area and run towards the enemy before you start fighting, so kill him without mercy. Then follow the path, trying to reach the red signal displayed on the map. Jump down the steps along the corridor out of the tunnel and then head to the right. In the case where it is too "dark" and prevents you from seeing further, a flashlight is equipped to improve the situation. Trolls killed (possibly by magical attacks several times, in which case it is usually more useful), continue to move towards the interior of that area of ​​the game, until your allies explicitly indicate new way They seem "interesting". Keep breaking so along the stone wall. Follow the trail of the missing piece, finally reaching Gransys. Then you chat with Alon.

Follow the map until you reach a red signal, placing an Ogres that you may not have found. Speak to Alon again when you are back outside. You will receive your reward, thus even going to complete the automatic search for "Merchant and Monsters".

Fortress Besieged

The purpose of this is quite simple: obtain the stone in the southwest, currently lost due to the attackers of the goblin race. Although the goal is technically simple, completing it can be extremely challenging given the strength of the opponents you will get to fight.

Use the sound signal on the map to find the fortress and talk to the captain once you arrive in the area. Move across the entire area to get rid of the entire wave of bat enemies. So, climb the stairs nearby and then move to the other stairs. They will represent other enemies under the roof that you must eliminate them quickly. Then we jump on different roofs until you reach the goblins, almost alone. Having thus eliminated, several attacks will take place on almost every side of the yard. To reach the missing people, who happen to be your final goal, let's move on to the large hut on opposite side yard Then if you reach the area where the cells are, you can get cash. Once done, quickly return to the entrance.

Make your way along the new path so that it will now be open, thus demonstrating a scene during which the goblins will open the door nearby, they will come out quickly and abruptly. In this case, we strongly recommend focusing on their head, when he was eliminated, his subordinates will lose all opportunities for the organization and you can easily remove them accordingly.

Continue, keep fighting the knights of silver during this short fight, you will automatically activate the next cutscene (at least once will be enough to attack their leader). Therefore, there is one goal left to be able to successfully complete the quest in full, or return to Grand Soren: use your cards to quickly return to the area, the captain will congratulate you and provide you with enough experience, which is an infusion of cash.

Nameless Terror

The search will see the Emerging pursued by a group of killers. Your goal is to try to fight them at night and then remove them. Follow up with Great Soren, use the map to get your bearings and find the portal to the south. Proceed to this area, then chat with Rickhart Ser. It will give you a piece of paper after a short but strange scene. You will go this way to begin your search officially.

Follow this to the northwest, starting from Great Soren, walk across the bridge and cross the path and find the killers near a group of skeletons. Take them out quickly so you're quick to the ancient quarry. Walk along its northern side; localizzerete your new goal is not far from this ancient quarry. Also destroy these skeletons, return to United Soren and follow the path to Waycastle Mountain. Once in the area, follow the path that goes to the camp. Thus, move further in the direction of the abandoned shops, explore the area to the north-west.

After the victory, you must quickly return to Cassadris to fight Zero, the big boss of assassins. The battle will be easier than you think, we recommend a strong offensive to complete it in no time!

Solitaire Solitaire