The only complete, fully editable Unity city building strategy game template. The only complete, fully editable Unity city building strategy game template City Builder Strategy Settler Simulator

On this page, we have compiled the top city planning simulators for PC and other platforms that allow players to show off their skills as an architect and logistics specialist.

The history of the genre goes back to 1968, when one of the first computer games in history appeared - Hamurabi. In it, the player had to solve various problems in managing an ancient eastern city, including dealing with land and economic issues. Wherein decisions made influenced the degree of development of the managed settlement.

The next significant event was the release in 1981 of the game Utopia, which was much closer to the modern understanding of a city-planning simulator, as it allowed not only to manage financial flows, but also to erect individual buildings.

Finally, the modern concept of the genre was formed with the release in 1989 of the first part of the famous game, without representatives of which no list of the best city-planning simulators on PC is unthinkable. It was here that many features first appeared, without which most modern city simulators cannot do, namely the creation of an extensive network of urban communications and transport infrastructure, the level of happiness of city residents, zoning, positive and negative random events varying degrees of globality (from an insomnia epidemic to a nuclear apocalypse), the mutual influence of buildings on each other.

City Sims received further development mainly due to mixing with other game genres. The addition of the ability to train troops and participate in battles brought the genre closer to classic strategies. The fashion for role-playing elements has led to the fact that in some games not only the city, but also its inhabitants develop. The emphasis on infrastructure development led to the emergence of the genre of transport simulators a la Railroad Tycoon. Well, the reduction in scale and emphasis on crafting and the personalities of the players gave us a new genre of survival sandboxes like Dwarf Fortress.

1. Frostpunk

This game, in terms of its setting, is one of the most dramatic in our top. In the story, at the end of the 19th century, a deadly cold spell breaks out in Great Britain, and huge steam generators have to be built to save the survivors. At the same time, building both the generator and the accompanying infrastructure will have to be done in conditions of increasingly severe cold weather and a constant lack of food, resources and labor. Steam automata will help keep people from wearing out, but even they won't cope with complex moral dilemmas.

2. Anno series

3. SimCity 4

Despite the fact that, as of 2018, more than 15 years have passed since the release of this game, it still remains one of the best city sims in the history of this genre. While the game's graphics may be inferior to even modern casual games on smartphones, the depth of its recreation of many aspects of city life still remains unattainable by most of its more visually-oriented competitors. For example, this is one of the few games in the genre in which the built structures gradually deteriorate depending on the intensity of their use.

4. Cities: Skylines

This city-building simulator on PC from the Swedish studio combines the classic features of games of this genre with several proprietary innovations. City traffic is simulated here with great authenticity. This forces players to think through sophisticated transport interchanges in advance. In addition to micromanagement and zoning, the player can also issue decrees regulating this or that area of ​​city life. The game is also good for the presence of many mods, which can be downloaded, for example, on the ParadoxPlaza forum.

5. They Are Billions

The name of this game refers us not to its main characters, whose number is noticeably smaller, but to the main threat from which we will have to fight back, shoot back, dig in and defend ourselves throughout the entire gaming session.

The world in this relatively new hybrid of a city sim with survival and RTS experienced a terrible disaster, as a result of which the majority of the population fell victims to a terrible infection, which, as expected in such cases, turned people into bloodthirsty people. We have to manage a small group of survivors, obtain resources and food, and build a fortified city that can hold back the onslaught of brain eaters. And this is not so simple, because there really are billions of them here.

6. Caesar 3

This game is a classic city sim with RTS elements in an ancient Roman setting, released back in 2003. But even in our times, this game is good not only for weak PCs, but also for a general introduction to the history of city planning simulators. Despite the graphics being primitive by modern standards, the game combines the classic features of the genre (the level of happiness of residents, the need to create infrastructure and combat disasters) with an interesting story campaign that allows you to climb the ladder of ranks of an ancient Roman official and rise to Caesar.

7. Northgard

This hybrid of a city sim with a strategy deserved a place in our top for its unusual setting - after all, here we have to develop not just a European town, but a real village. And to make the game even more fun, in addition to typical disasters, constant cold, hunger and invasions of hostile tribes, there are various evil spirits from Scandinavian legends - from various Walking Dead to giant jotuns. And when you master all the nuances of managing a colony of angry, hungry and frozen bearded warriors, you can test your leader skills in online battles.

8. Imagine Earth

This game combines the familiar mechanics of city sims with a futuristic setting. Here you will have to manage not just small towns, but real colonies on exoplanets. And the purpose of their creation is not some kind of salvation of humanity or the study of alien life, but the extraction of valuable resources for the sake of profit.

The icy emptiness of space is not so empty here, and on each planet both local residents of varying degrees of hostility and colonies of competing organizations will be waiting for us. The goal of each mission is to monopolize the planet, and this can be achieved by economic, diplomatic and, of course, military means.

9. Kingdoms and Castles

10. Tropico 5

This one is relatively new part the famous series significantly expanded the time frame of the events taking place. If most of the previous games in the franchise (with the exception of) were dedicated to the Cold War, now you can start developing your island, starting from colonial times and up to the present. All eras are characterized by the need to balance between the world's leading superpowers in attempts to maintain their independence, achieve prosperity for their country and, of course, save a nest egg for old age.

11. Banished

It was this game that finally erased the line between city sims and sandbox survival games. After all, in addition to collecting resources and taking care of each settler, you need to plan the development of your colony as carefully as possible so that all residents can survive the cold, and fires can be localized as quickly as possible.

An interesting difference in the game is the complete absence of a technology tree. This means that you can build any building, as long as there are enough resources and labor for it.

12. Surviving Mars

Another game from Paradox Interactive that deserves a place on our list. Here we have to deal with the arrangement of human settlement on the Red Planet. As in other games from the Swedish studio, you will find the most detailed detailing of all areas of the lives of your players - even the game locations are created based on real landscapes.

The game took a lot from not only city sims, but also from survival sandboxes. So, each of the colonists has its own unique character and its own set of bonuses and disadvantages.

13. The Universim

If most of the games from the top limit the scope of your activities within the boundaries of one settlement or colony, then the creators of The Universim have set themselves the ambitious task of simulating the life of an entire planet, and within a wide time frame. In fact, the game is a simulator of God with an emphasis on urban planning.

At the same time, the detail of the simulation of the planet’s ecosystem is amazing - ill-considered use of resources will quickly lead your charges to the brink of disaster.

14. City Life 2008

15. The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom

Latest part as of 2018 The series Settlers invites us to start as the headman of a medieval village and gradually expand it to the scale of a real kingdom. This goal can be achieved either by force or through trade or technology development. Production chain logistics traditionally plays an important role in achieving success.

16. Life is Feudal: Forest Village

This game is a hybrid of a city sim and a survival game in a medieval setting, which differs from many similar projects in highest level detailing most aspects of medieval life. Everything related to food is especially well thought out here - different plants need to be grown in different conditions, and a small variety of diet will lead your charges to vitamin deficiency and other dangerous diseases.



Hello friends! Here I decided to describe the best and most popular economic strategies for PC. For reference, a city planning simulator is a game in which you can build one or more cities, or even entire planets, various buildings in it, and so on. The economic strategy of the German school is a game genre in which there is a large production chain. There are primary, secondary and tertiary resources. For example, having collected wheat, you must create flour from it, and create bread from flour.

Most city planning strategies have an economic component; you constantly need to monitor the income and expenses of your city. settlements or planets. If you have other games of this genre in mind, write in the comments, I will definitely add them to the list if they are interesting.

SimCity 2000

Release date: 1994

Genre: City planning simulator

SimCity 2000 is the second part of the SimCity series. The first part of the game was released on the console in 1989 and marked the beginning of a new genre - a city planning simulator. The game gained great popularity and therefore a sequel was released. In SimCity, the player usually does not have a specific goal, upon reaching which the game ends. The player controls the city, acting as the mayor. He is given the opportunity to collect taxes, build city buildings and pave roads.

Of course, not all aspects of city life are in the hands of the mayor - he cannot, for example, order where to build private buildings, but can only plan the territory, dividing it into commercial, residential and industrial zones. These zones are subsequently built up by city residents. If the attractiveness of a given zone in the eyes of urban residents is low (which may be due to high taxes in this area or insufficient development of other urban zones), it will not be developed.

The mayor has the ability to construct city-owned buildings, primarily power plants, police stations, fire stations, hospitals, schools and colleges, as well as buildings related to the city's water supply system, and so on.

SimCity 3000

Genre: city ​​building simulator

SimCity 3000 is the third part of the series that has undergone major changes in terms of landscape graphics. The player, as the mayor, has more troubles than the first two parts. Now, in addition to solving issues of taxes and population satisfaction, there are problems with city pollution and garbage disposal, power plants lose their usefulness with age. The number and complexity of urban services increased, and agricultural and industrial structures appeared.

Distributing and earning money is an important part of the game. When constructing new buildings and areas in the city, it is worth considering the cost of land or land. The game now offers the opportunity to make commercial transactions not only in your own city, but also with neighboring cities. The worries of the townspeople and natural disasters will constantly distract you from the construction and development of your city. It is necessary to increase the salaries of teachers, otherwise child crime will increase, to provide doctors to avoid an epidemic in the city. And police firefighters and other city employees will not allow you to wastefully use the city budget. The game SimCity 3000 can be called a complete simulator of city development.

SimCity 4

Genre: City planning simulator

The game allows players to use map modification to create a more convenient building site or to create a beautiful and unique landscape. Players can divide the city's land into special zones: residential, commercial, industrial, as well as create and maintain social security, transport, and utilities. In order for the city to develop successfully, players must manage finances, monitor the environment, and maintain the necessary quality of life for its residents.

SimCity 4 introduced a day/night cycle and other special effects that were not present in previous games in the SimCity series. There are also external tools that allow you to modify buildings. As in previous games in the series, the player plays the role of the mayor, who is tasked with the settlement and development of cities, which in the regional viewing mode act as individual sections or districts of the region. The player can choose any site to develop a city on.

The game also has three modes: God, Mayor, and Sim. In god mode, the player can completely change the landscape on which the city will be built and cause natural disasters. In mayor mode, the player is engaged in building the city and managing its economy and population. In Sim mode, the player creates characters in a rebuilt city who go to work, study, give birth to children, and so on. The game has additions SimCity 4: Rush Hour, SimCity Societies.

SimCity 5

Genre: G joy building simulator

As in previous versions, the key task of SimCity is city building. The player acts as a mayor - he is determined by his specialization and acts in such a way as to create a successful metropolis with happy residents. The game begins with the construction of infrastructure, zoning and provision of resources: Electricity, water, waste removal. As the population, capital, and construction of certain types of buildings grow, new opportunities will open up for the player.

The new version of SimCity is distinguished by deep elaboration: Curved roads, district zoning, visual and audio effects. Zone types will include residential, commercial and industrial. In addition, they created so-called constructed worlds. They allow you to plan your city and provide flexible settings for special buildings due to their modularity.

Anno 1602: Creation of a New World

Release date: 1998

Genre: Economic strategy of the German school, urban planning strategy

From the very name of the game it should immediately become clear that the actions take place starting in 1602. The player must expand the possessions of a European nation and to do this, he must first colonize the island by rebuilding on it and developing the economy. As players progress, they are given the opportunity to colonize more and more islands.

Anno 1602 has the ability to create cities to your liking. The game is mostly economic, but sometimes you have to fight to defend your colony. As the population increases, new opportunities open up. Buildings and ships can be graded to improve their characteristics. The main task is to completely colonize the islands and increase the population.

Anno 1503: The New World


Continuation of the Anno game series. The same gameplay remains. The player first looks for a small island, then looks for resources for the development of the state, and only after all this the development starts, houses are built, then districts, then entire cities. Created trade routes, established economic and military ties - all this will increase the chance of final victory. The population segments are the same as in the 1602 version: townspeople, merchants, aristocrats, settlers and pioneers.

The player will find authentic buildings of the 16th century - more than 350 different buildings. Detailed development of cities and infrastructure. Many different climatic zones with unique characteristics and features - from chilly tundras to hot tropics and deserts. Trade and diplomatic relations: from peaceful economic cooperation to military expansion. 4 types of combat units and 26 upgrades. The player can choose the path of economic or military development.

Anno 1701

Genre: economic strategy of the German school, urban planning simulator

Anno 1701 is the third part of the series. As in the first two parts, we land on the island, begin to extract resources, build a village and develop the economy. A wide variety of buildings and combat units. Diverse multi-level production chain of resources (there are primary, secondary and tertiary resources).

The graphics have been improved and the economic component of the game is developed by achieving certain goals in your state. To ensure the transition from one level to another, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for residents of the current level, as well as to reach a certain number of residents. Comfortable conditions are created by providing residents with a full range of goods, the construction of public buildings (such as schools, churches, theaters) and a reasonable level of taxation.

Anno 1404

Genre: Economic strategy of the German school, urban planning simulator

As in previous parts, the main thing in the game is construction, economic development, increasing and pleasing the population. An integral part is also trade, through which funds and missing raw materials are obtained. Large industrial resource chain, big choice buildings, beautiful graphics and voluminous cities. The deferred cities amaze with their beauty.

The game world is divided into two culturally distinct zones. In Anno 1404, these zones were inspired, although without any claim to historical accuracy, by northwestern Renaissance Europe and the medieval Middle East, referred to as Europe and the Orient respectively. The most important difference from previous parts of the series is the need to build European and Eastern settlements simultaneously in order to ensure the progress of the population and expand construction capabilities. However, despite the ability to directly control the creation and development of Eastern settlements, the focus of the game remains on European settlements. The East remains Europe's trading partner, allowing its population to rise in class.

Anno 2070

Genre: Economic strategy of the German school, urban planning simulator

Anno 2070 - takes us into the future to 2070, which has its own alternative history of human development. Human influence on nature has caused climate change on the planet, which is why the seas began to flood the land. The player will have to build huge megacities on the remnants of the earth's land, economically using the planet's natural resources.

Build giant cities on huge islands and explore new possibilities of the underwater world
Industry or ecology? For the first time, you can choose between two unique playable factions: Tycoons and Ecos. An endless game mode without a finale, you can tirelessly improve your creation.

Caesar III

Release date: 2003

Genre: Economic strategy, City planning simulator,

A mixture of economic strategy and urban planning simulator. The game takes place during the dawn of the Roman Empire. The player takes possession of a small plot of land and begins to develop his own civilization, which will be able to compete with neighboring city-powers.

The game provides wide political and economic opportunities, and each new task can be completed in two ways - using diplomacy or brute military force. Caesar III is a classic city-planning strategy that stood at the origins of the genre.

Industry Giant II

Release date: 2003


The second part of a business and logistics simulator. The game is set in a time frame from 1900 to 1980, and the player plays the role of a young businessman who must develop his production, using limited capital and being in a compressed time frame.

During the passage, the player will develop his own business: expand production, build new stores, look for new markets, build logistics routes, etc. As incomes rise and the output of goods increases, the surrounding cities will also develop.

Cities XL


Cities XL is a city planning simulator similar in gameplay to the games described above: regulate the economy and take care of the needs of residents, engage in construction and improvement. The player's main task is to create a successful metropolis. The game combines elements of economic strategy; it will be necessary to control the expenses and income of the city, which are constantly in short supply.

An interesting feature of the game is the division of the population of your city into social strata. There are rich, poor, and middle peasants. Each social layer has its own needs. The rich can live only in elite areas of the city, so in order to increase taxes and the budget it is necessary to create an elite area and create all the conditions for this. Support for the poor is needed, for example, the availability of work for them.

Cities XL 2011

Genre: Economic strategy, city planning simulator

Cities XL 2011-the second part of the series, as in the first part, you need to build a successful metropolis and satisfy the city residents. Just like in the first part, much attention in the game is paid to the social strata of society. There are 4 classes: unskilled workers, skilled workers, administrators (service personnel) and elite.

Different social strata themselves decide where to live, it all depends on whether you have created comfortable conditions. For example, if there are not enough security, police stations or other buildings in an area, then the elite will never settle in it. Among other things, you will need to deal with the city’s economy, monitor production, agriculture, commerce in the city. Provide citizens with sports and
cultural leisure.

Cities XL 2012

Genre: Economic strategy, city planning simulator

Cities XL 2012 - continuation of the series. Made on the engine of its predecessor and has undergone very minor changes. New buildings and maps appeared, and some influences on the social strata of the population changed. But overall it's the same game with the same gameplay.

The game allows you to feel like a real city manager, balancing the economic and energy development of cities, forming transport infrastructure and planning housing construction, providing services and recreational opportunities to all residents. Cities XL 2012 features over 1,000 unique buildings across 60 massive, stunningly detailed 3D maps, making it the world's most realistic city builder.

Release date: 1994

Genre: E economic strategy of the German school

The Settlers - released back in the early 90s, gained great popularity and marked the beginning of the series economic games Settlers. Already in those distant times, a simplified system of self-sufficient farming was born. In the game you will have to create an economy based on a closed society, providing itself with all resources and products.

At first glance, the economy in the game is simple. For example, to get logs, you just need to build a woodcutter's house and build a road to it. However, two problems arise here. First, the trees are running out. And secondly, the logs themselves, it seems, are not used. The first problem is solved by installing a forester’s house, which will plant new trees. And the second is the construction of a sawmill. And such problems with all industries (and there are many of them).

Genre: E

The Settlers II is all about resource gathering and settlement building; creation of an army and expansion in order to capture new sources of resources; attacking the enemy with the goal of intercepting access to resources or destroying his army and camp. The game has both economic and military components.

One of the most favorite strategy games. It won’t be possible to rivet more troops and destroy the enemy base here. Very thoughtful gameplay with many dependencies. German pedantry raised to the absolute level. Despite the fact that the game is not boring, but on the contrary, interesting. A carefully thought-out system of increasing difficulty smoothly leads to enlightenment, creating a competent game balance. Think, think and think again. Well, enjoy the beautiful, somewhat childish and cartoonish graphics.

Genre: Economic strategy of the German school, real-time strategy

As in the second Settlers, in Settlers III the goal of the game comes down to building a functioning economy aimed at producing soldiers and further capturing enemy territories with their help. A serious difference from its predecessor is the lack of roads. The player is asked to lead one of three nations: the Romans, the Asians (actually the Chinese) and the Egyptians on the path to world domination.

A significant part of the game is occupied by the construction and arrangement of buildings. To produce all buildings, stone and wood are required, as well as special construction units. All buildings in the game are divided into industrial and mining, agricultural, military and general. The first group includes buildings that extract natural resources, such as, for example, Construction Materials or minerals (iron and coal) necessary in the future for the production of troops.

Agricultural buildings include buildings used to produce food for miners, as well as alcoholic beverages sacrificed to the gods. The group of military buildings includes watchtowers, barracks, a shipyard, and a siege weapons workshop. The fourth group includes: residential buildings used for the production of porters, temples, a market and docks.

Genre: E economic strategy of the German school, real-time strategy

There are four races in The Settlers IV: Mayans, Vikings, Romans and Dark Tribe. IN single player You can go through the game campaign for each of the nations and play against the computer on a single map. Multiplayer allows players to fight each other, or play in the “free settle” mode, where you can develop your settlement without the threat of attack from the enemy.

The largest Russian game portal Absolute Games gave the game 90%. The reviewer noted the game's high-quality gameplay and beautiful graphics. Verdict: “As a result, we have Settlers 4 - an excellent, insanely playable, graphically perfect project. “Our Choice”, we highly recommend.

The Settlers: Rise of an Empire

Genre: economic strategy of the German school, real-time strategy

The player's goals in The Settlers: Rise of an Empire are the following: development of the economic infrastructure of a medieval settlement (construction of roads and buildings, extraction of raw materials, production of goods), strengthening and protecting fortress walls, caring for residents. The settlers have various needs that must be met or they will go on strike. New world divided into four climatic zones, where seasons and weather conditions change, which affects the efficiency of resource extraction and the speed of expansion of the empire.

Rise of an Empire introduced female settlers for the first time in the series. The population of cities directly depends on the number of marriages. Trade fairs - the best place for searching for brides and grooms; They also maintain trade relations with other countries, bring in substantial profits and entertain people. For the first time in the series, the Knight unit appears, reflecting the player’s leadership level. As a military unit, the Knight becomes a key condition for the development of the settlement and the completion of quests.

The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom

Genre: German school economic strategy, real-time strategy, city planning simulator

The game has the same gameplay as presented in the latest 3D parts of The Settlers series. The player starts with a simple village and expands it sector by sector to eventually create his own kingdom. During this process, the player must organize production chains and build transport systems as correctly as possible.

In the game, the player is given the opportunity to choose between three unique development paths through which he can achieve victory: military, scientific and trade. Taking the traditional RTS military path of development, the player creates his own army and then, with the help of military might, defeat and destroy his enemies. Following the scientific path of development, the player must focus on researching technological improvements. And finally, following the trade path of development, the player will have to build his economy and try to capture the best trade routes that are on the world map. Whatever development path is chosen, unique units and capabilities will be available on it.


Light of Altair takes us into the distant future. Planet Earth was destroyed after the third world war. The surviving countries concluded a truce agreement, but when the development of the planets began solar system Conflicts began over the colonies. Humanity is divided into several factions. The player will have to begin the exploration of the Moon, building power plants, hydroponic farms, and a laboratory. To extract minerals, improve the operation of buildings, and improve the fleet, it is necessary to master new technologies.

In addition to the construction and management parts, the game also has a combat component; orbital battles will occur regularly, as other factions will constantly try to recapture your colonies. Only you can decide to conduct diplomatic negotiations more often or to conduct fighting. Light of Altair is a colony building simulator. The player will be entirely responsible for the construction of the colony, from landing to the complete settlement of the planet.

East India Company

Genre: Economic strategy, economic simulator

In economic conditions close to real ones, players need to establish trade in tea, porcelain and silks. You have to take on the role of a British merchant (merchant) who is busy with the difficult task of increasing trade between Britain and India. In addition to speculative relations, the player will need to compete with competitors from other countries, periodically turning relations into a state of war. The game is suitable for those who like to engage in constant barter in games, increasing wealth and using economic leverage over competitors.

The game is somewhat reminiscent of Anno. True, in order to rebuild the city you need to capture it. The game is suitable for those who love trading and sea battles. Overall the game is not bad, a little monotonous game process gets boring over time. Graphically beautiful and pleasant, but at the same time it incomprehensibly heats up the video card, although it does not shine with technological perfection.

Cities: Skylines

Release date: 2015 Latest version 2016

Genre: City planning simulator

City construction simulator. The game is a modern city planning simulator with special attention to small details. In addition to the standard construction of main buildings, Cities: Skylines will require laying communications, creating roads, electrifying buildings, etc.

The game has great capabilities in construction and infrastructure development. Initially, the player begins his journey from a small quarter, which can later grow into a multi-million dollar metropolis. The player must also constantly monitor the parameters that affect the city residents and their mood.

Transport Fever

Release date: 2016

Genre: Economic simulator, management,

Economic strategy with elements of a logistics simulator. The game covers a wide time frame - from 1850 to 2050. During this period, the player will be able to go through a long journey from a simple steam locomotive and horse-drawn carriages, to high-tech hovercraft and modern electric vehicles.

In Transport Fever, the player will be able to fully build railway connections between cities, organize cargo transportation, and also manage public transport. Among the key advantages, it is worth noting the wide opportunities in the development of the transport business, excellent graphic design and generated cities.


Release date: 2014 Latest version 2016

Genre: City planning simulator

Strategic city planning simulator. The game offers you to take control of a small settlement of people who are cut off from the whole world. Since there is no way to return to civilized society, the settlement begins to develop, turning into a new city.

The player’s main task will be to constantly monitor the condition of the residents. They have many parameters that are responsible for happiness, health and hunger. Each resident can die or get sick, so in addition to building the city and developing infrastructure, the player must take care of the surviving settlers.

Railroad Tycoon 3

Release date: 2003

Genre: Economic strategy, train games

Economic strategy in railway business networking. The player takes control of a small railway company that has a tight budget and minimal income. To correct the current situation, the player must become a real businessman.

The game touches on many economic details. In addition to the usual progress in the development of the railway, the player will be able to invest money in other companies or receive third-party investments. The game will delight you with a large number of real-life trains, as well as great opportunities for developing your own enterprise.

Offworld Trading Company

Release date: 2016

Genre: Real-time strategy, economic strategy

Urban planning strategy in a sci-fi setting. The game takes place on colonized Mars, which has become a profitable place for extracting valuable resources. Several mining companies are in constant competition, and the player will be able to choose one of them and try to completely oust competitors from the planet.

The main goal of the game is to develop the extraction and processing of valuable resources as quickly as possible, and then absorb smaller companies. Since the action takes place on an uninhabitable planet, the player should take care of life support systems and connecting communications between processing buildings and mining installations.

Forge of Empires

release date: 2012

Genre: Browser MMO

A multiplayer browser-based military-economic online game, the gameplay of which is based on the development of your settlement, starting from the Stone Age and ending with the oceanic future. And although the territory available for construction is initially very limited, it will gradually expand, giving the player the opportunity to build more and more new buildings and decorative elements.


Despite the heavy emphasis on economics, the game contains battles. So, for example, on global map you can capture new provinces, expanding your empire, negotiate and interact with your neighbors, trading with them or fighting. There are also guilds (unions) in the game that allow players to help each other.

Ostriv is a city planning simulator set in the 18th century. The difference between the game and its competitors in the genre lies in the unprecedented freedom in construction. Forget about cells and right angles in a 3D landscape. Build as you want, creating a truly living city. It is also worth noting the realistic behavior of your residents, who have their own ambitions and dreams. You will have successful and enterprising residents who will open their own businesses and hire workers. Your task is to skillfully manage the city through taxes and law, but without causing violent discontent among the townspeople.

Another Brick in the Mall is an economic sandbox in which the player manages a shopping mall. Starting with a small store, you will gradually concentrate entire shopping complexes, entertainment centers, etc. in one place. Your main goal is profit. And for profits to grow, you need to expand and constantly invest money in the business. But don’t think that it will be easy, because the larger your shopping center, the more difficult it is to manage. Even a minor flaw in plans can lead to serious problems and large financial losses in the future.

Factory Town is a simulator of creating your own advanced village-city in a fantasy world. Here is a city planning simulator focused on logistics and automation. Your task is to organize the extraction of resources and build a huge city with railways, conveyors and factories. Since this is a fantasy world, you will be able to study and use magic, which will help you extract and process the necessary resources. Try to build an advanced, fully automated city from scratch.

Hearthlands is a real-time economic strategy game. You are the king of your developing kingdom. The action takes place in an alternative reality, in the Middle Ages, where magic and fairy-tale creatures are commonplace. Unlike many similar strategies, in Hearthlands you do not need to directly control people or an army; your task is to do everything to make your state prosper. That is, to create a good army, you need to create all the conditions for it. This solution allows the player to fully concentrate on construction and economic problems. Get resources, make sure your residents are happy, build houses, taverns, entertainment venues, religious buildings, etc. You can try to maintain friendly relations with other kingdoms, or try to make good money and seize neighboring lands. And don’t forget, if you don’t spend money on your army, sooner or later you will spend money on someone else’s!

Kingdoms and Castles is a medieval city-building simulator in which you start with a small settlement and try to create a powerful city with a well-defended castle. Protect your residents from Viking raids, and also be prepared for surprises, because a simple dragon raid on your crops can leave you without provisions and doom your residents to starvation.

In the game "The Colonists" you have to help escaped robots settle on a new planet. Help them build a prosperous colony. Organize your mining useful resources and build roads for quick and easy communication. Start with a small settlement and gradually create entire cities that will allow robots to live the happy lives of people.

Depraved is an urban survival game in the style of the Wild West. At the beginning of the game you have only one wagon with resources, but in capable hands even this cart can become the beginning of a prosperous city. Take care of basic resources, protect your residents from robbers - do everything to make your people happy, and then your settlement will grow and prosper.

Poly Universe is a city-building simulator that differs from others in that you will build on a tiny planet, so small that only one large city can be placed on it. The first thing you should take care of is the construction of a defensive system, because the galaxy is teeming with alien invaders who quickly capture poorly defended colonies.

Foundation is a medieval-themed city-building sandbox with a unique construction system that allows you to build cities and houses in any shape. This game can truly unleash your potential as an architect. No more worrying about being unable to place a building due to unsuitable terrain. You can design a house or even a cathedral yourself, adapting it to any surface. The unique style of each house, its location - this is what will allow you to build the city of your dreams. Foundation is an ambitious project that provides unprecedented construction opportunities. You are no longer limited by building templates.

If you're looking for the guys who were inspired by games like Ants, then you've finally got the chance to get up close and personal with one of them. Meet Foamy125, a self-taught engineer who is crazy about Lisp, as well as everything related to the world of Ants. This guy likes neural networks, genetic algorithms, and, in addition, he happily communicates with ordinary people. He currently has at least 178 hours of broadcast time. The project he is going to work on in soon, called “Creating your own urban stimulator”. The author teaches users how to develop games, and the process itself will take place in real time (all broadcasts are available in recording on the author’s channel). This way you can interact with the streamer, for example by chatting directly with them.

  • Project start date: Tuesday, April 11, 2017;
  • Schedule: every week from 1:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  • All broadcasts are available in recording on the author's channel.

What is this project about?

This project is entirely devoted to the topic of developing an urban planning stimulator using technologies such as WebGL and JavaScript. Development challenging game, such as the city-building stimulator mentioned above, can give you good experience in game development. To begin with, to make it easier for you to understand the essence of what is happening, the streamer will begin his course with the basics of game development, such as rendering a point, creating a random walk model on the screen, etc. Once the basics have been learned, the streamer continues learning by covering various complex concepts such as meta-heuristic algorithms for determining traffic behavior, resource distribution among the population, etc.

In addition, in this educational project The source code will be reviewed and users will be able to download it in order to independently understand all the unclear points. In addition to JavaScript, this educational project will consider a programming language such as Sibilant, which will also be used to develop the game.

Who is this project for?

This project is intended for students who want to improve their knowledge in game development.

To complete the course you will also need:

  • Intermediate to advanced understanding of object-oriented programming;
  • Understanding the basics of functional programming;
  • Understanding the concept of "method" and how it works in different contexts;
  • Understanding the principles of converting data from one type to another;
  • Basic knowledge of linear algebra;
  • Basic knowledge of matrices;
  • Well, of course, and the desire to study hard.

You can participate in the training course if you:

  • Crazy about simulation games like SimCity or Cities: Skylines;
  • Are you interested in everything related to artificial intelligence, and neural networks or algorithms inspired by nature;
  • You are passionate about coming up with various applications and bringing them to life by writing code.

What will you be able to do after completing the course?

Taking a training course is a unique method by which you can improve your development skills various games. If you are interested in a topic like game development and know enough to pursue it, you can also use the knowledge you gain from the course. In the end, you will no longer have problems understanding how games like city building stimulators work.

Course plan:

Lesson 1: Introduction to the course, explanation of basic concepts;

In the 1st lesson we will figure out what we need to do throughout the course, what exactly we will develop together, and I will also tell you a little about myself.

After that, we'll do an introductory course covering the electron/node js development environment and make it interoperable with the sibilant REPL (or any other js dialect-compatible framework). This development environment should work equally on all platforms.

Lesson 2: Entities, components and systems.

In this lesson, we'll look at the basics of a component entity system (a common software architecture used to develop games) and try to implement an entity that will move along a straight path.

Lesson 3: Collisions, Fields, and Entity Detections

In this lesson, we will look at what a field is (from physics), how it relates to many problems often encountered in the world of games, and we will also implement an entity collision field.

Lesson 4: Random Walks

In this lesson, we will learn what random walks are and how they relate to the creation of city planning simulators. Additionally, we will create an entity type that performs a random walk and creates a base environment that will be the problem that the entity will use the random walk to solve.

Once you enroll in this training course, you will have the opportunity to learn the most advanced game development techniques. Anyone who wants to learn game development should try their skills and enroll in this training course. Well, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and sign up for our course!

In order to complete the training, you need to get a Pro subscription on our website - LiveEdu. After receiving such a subscription, you will be able to not only gain knowledge and improve your programming skills from this course, but also get access to all other premium educational projects on our website.

Hi all!

In Unity3D version 5.0 (now in beta state), the developer company officially announced the possibility of using its product not only for game development, but also for something no less pleasant - for business.

A video was released to inspire the audience:

The video consists entirely of references to implemented projects (no one has ever banned non-game applications before), but it seems that only now a critical mass of such reference projects has accumulated, and version 5.0 (in combination with other auxiliary products) has reached the level of solidity that is widely the approach in the industry justifies and justifies. Here you have a multi-platform development environment with an even more multi-platform publishing and deployment system, support for all mobile platforms, a cloud platform, a developed asset store for quickly sharing best practices, and knowledge sharing tools through forums and knowledge bases. A whole world has been created and the chances of further expansion of the boundaries of this world are really high.

So, what do they do useful in Unity3D (except for games, of course) and what new features of Unity 5.0 will be especially useful in non-gaming areas?

1. Architectural visualizations, interior modeling

Unity 3D has already implemented 2 large well-known projects in Russia (already discussed on Habré - on Unity, - not on Unity), there is also an interesting project in Belarus (Beladeco - on Unity), a dozen more projects can be counted in Europe and the USA.

These are mainly public projects accessible via the Internet; they are divided into 2 subtypes:

1.1. Interior designers

These are relatively simple drawings of 3D interior models. All you need is a) floor plan (floor-ceiling-walls-corners-doors-windows) b) decoration (apply decorative materials to all surfaces resulting from planning) c) furnishings (furniture, appliances, accessories - volumetric objects). Such drawings can be filled with abstract decorative materials and three-dimensional objects - then this is not much different from computer game(The Simpsons is perhaps the best thing that has been created from this so far). Or there may be a real product in the catalogs for modeling - then, while maintaining all the general approaches, the goal of the project radically changes - it becomes a tool for promoting interior products according to the “Try Before You Buy” principle.

1.2. Demonstration of interiors in objects under construction

Similar products (namely, the Unity video refers to them) are developed mainly in the USA and Canada. The fact is that in North America (unlike Russia) it is not customary to come up with an interior or renovation on your own - they have an abundance of architects and designers, and they work conscientiously. Typical finishing options are thoroughly thought out, calculated and optimized in price due to the centralization of purchases and the development of installation technologies (as a result, any independence costs the new resident hemorrhoids, loss of time and money). There are enough standard options - usually 5-6, + - for every taste and budget (based on the cost and target audience of the premises itself).

How relevant this is in Russia is difficult to say (here the walls would need to be handed over). There are still very few qualified designers; every client wants something exclusive. In general, Russia is not America - it’s a fact. But, given that the cost of real estate in some cities of the Russian Federation is already giving America a head start, and it is quite difficult to move around in these cities - investing $2-3 thousand in 3D visualization of an object for the purpose of selling it may be a completely acceptable option. Unions of realtors and designers can work here - a beautiful model is made from bare walls (that’s how it can be in this apartment), the realtor first shares a little commission on the sale, and if the project burns out, the design studio shares its income back with the realtor. Similar schemes are practiced, and the visualization tool is preferably simple (so as not to invest heavily in work that may not be sold) and accessible (so that you can quickly open the interior on the Internet, and not transfer CDs with 3DS files). The Unity platform is just right.

2. Product configurators and animators

Another thing from the “Try Before You Buy” theme, which, by the way, also applies to interior products (especially furniture) and is included in some products of the previous family.

Unity's tricks are applicable here in all their glory - spin the product (3D model) as you want, zoom in, zoom out, turn on different lights, dress surfaces in different materials (leather, fabric, wood in a car interior - for example). When there are many options for finishing elements, there is a problem of compatibility (it can be worked out in advance, that is, compatible finishing complexes are offered).

An option can be added to the configurator (which is often combined) - select a faucet for the washbasin, if a faucet for $500 is recommended and the client found an option for $300 for 20 thousand - so it paid for his time, and the seller also earned as much as he wanted - and everyone is great.

The animation system is also what you need - how the interior of a car is transformed, or how a sofa is unfolded - having a 3D model, in Unity this can be visualized in half an hour or an hour.

These features ultimately contribute to, if not purchasing, then pre-selecting products online.
For the final decision, a warm client with an already formed opinion goes to the seller, the seller must not spoil this opinion. But for a cold client you still need to form an opinion - a completely different job.

3. Training simulators

And not only for pilots and/or astronauts. Updating technological equipment, special equipment, medical/laboratory equipment, etc. will require preliminary theoretical and practical professional retraining of personnel - technologists, dispatchers, operators, drivers, service engineers, etc. To do this, usually you have to send people to courses with the equipment manufacturer, then purchase and create training samples - all this is necessary, but time-consuming and expensive for the customer. In addition, there are always risks and stresses from introducing innovations - will it work, will it be easy to screw up, etc.

Developing a simulator can be a very smart decision: a) the consumer can reduce the stress of innovation by becoming familiar with new technology first in a virtual environment b) on a simulator you can select the most capable, who will then be sent for expensive onsite training. The simulator can be adapted to the conditions and characteristics of each technological process, which is not always achievable with real training samples.

Work can be associated with danger and training, accordingly, too. For example, elimination of abnormal and emergency situations, accidents, prevention of safety measures. In this case, the simulator can be more realistic than a real training model, since the creation of some circumstances in reality is impossible in principle, or is irrationally expensive, or exposes students and the environment to excessive risk.

There are now many different peripheral gadgets available - glasses, steering wheels, helmets, joysticks, 3D scanners. Instrument panels and toggle switches are easily drawn in the simulator itself. Good simulator can be done in about six months by a small working group (1-3 developers + technologist in consultation mode + 1-2 equipment manufacturer specialists in consultation mode).

4. Education

Supplement boring textbooks with inexpressive illustrations with lively interactive three-dimensional models - and many more pupils and students would go to their lessons with enthusiasm - not everyone has a well-developed spatial imagination, and problems with studying are often due to this. And many books could find a second life and spread far beyond boring academic classrooms.

5. Visualization of business data

You won’t surprise anyone with drill-down technology, the inventor of which can rightfully be considered the famous Russian educator and public figure Koshchei the Immortal (death at the end of a needle, a needle in an egg, an egg in a duck, a duck in a hare, a hare in a chest, blah blah).

But imagine Drill-Down the management balance to the level 3D models- especially the Assets section: clicked on the Assets line - first a list with numbers appeared, then clicked on “milling machine” - a model of the machine in the workshop appeared - you can turn it on and off, see how it works, assess the degree of wear (rendering can age surface textures depending from the degree of depreciation shown in the report) - finders will especially like it. In general, the topic of Business Intelligence is wide and vast, and only 3D is not enough there yet, Unity is already coming to you, move aside your Cognoses and Business Objects and tremble, gentlemen BI people!..

You can come up with other areas of application, but I can’t continue to come up with them without banter.

Now a little about new version- Unity 5.0. As already mentioned, it is still in the open beta stage, but the free beta version of Unity is never available for download, so you can only get up close and personal with the current version 4.5 (which is also not bad), or wait for the official release of 5.0.

What's so cool about 5.0? There have already been some reviews, in particular on Habré -. A lot has been written and told by Unity itself. I will focus only on the most interesting.

1. WebGL support for online applications

Now Unity applications run in browsers through the Unity Web Player plugin (you can also work in Chrome via NaCl - however, due to the little-known nature of NaCl itself, this is not a popular way to publish applications), but starting with the five, compilation in WebGL will be available. This is definitely a big step forward for humanity! Many people do not want to install Unity Web Player, which significantly reduces the application audience. And if in game world Unity Web Player is already more or less known, but among non-gaming users no one knows it at all, and when they see something unknown, every second person becomes stupid, and every first one is indignant.

The Unity blog has an excellent article about implementation details for WebGL.

It is also important to say that many browsers (in particular Chrome) plan to significantly reduce the capabilities of plugins over time, thereby stimulating the use of html5. Switching from Web Player to WebGL may be vital. Many questions remain with the transition - feature support, behavior, performance - but, as always, victory will be ours!

2. Rendering Materials

The built-in shaders are radically changing - a universal shader appears in which you can use rendering capabilities as needed. There are great video demonstrations on YouTube and great articles on the Unity blog (with a link to the video).
With the introduction of Unity 5, we plan to abandon external shader libraries, such as the hard Surface Pro, which has served faithfully. Everything will work out.

3. Light

Thanks to the new Enlighten engine, the processing of light sources changes; lightmaps (shadows, etc.), probes (lighting effects) and cubemaps (reflections and skyboxes) are calculated in real time. This is cool, preliminary impressions are very optimistic.

5. Even better animation

We don’t use animation much, so it’s hard to say anything specific. But there is a great article on the Unity blog.

May the force be with you, WebGL and Chuck Norris!

Thanks in advance for continuing the topic and comments.


  • unity3d
  • visualization of objects
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