A guide to a budget hunter deck for beginners. New Hunter decks. Starting hand and detailed tactics

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Regardless of the high cost of the deck, playing the Hunter is very fun, thanks to the very aggressive style games. The Hunter's trademark is his secrets. Decks updated with recent changes in Game. Updated to include Rise of Shadows cards.

New Hunter decks:





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Guides for current Hunter decks

(New) Face Hunter by Sottle (WoG)

Face hunter (standard mode)

This article discusses new deck aggressive hunter, in which some useful maps and late threats gave way to cards for early aggression and permanent damage. It is comparative cheap deck with one replaceable Legendary card, so it's great for players looking to get up their rating quickly without spending too much Dust.

In standard mode, the deck loses almost nothing. The weakened Leprognom changes to the Fiery Bat, and the Curse of Naxxramas creatures to other useful creatures. The build was first introduced at the 2015 Americas Champion Purple.


The main purpose of the deck in theory seems very simple, but it can be very difficult to achieve it. Simply put, you have to race aggressively from the very first move. There are more dash creatures in the deck than in the normal mid-hunter deck. In addition, you can inflict direct damage, designed to remove as many health points to the enemy as possible.

On the first few turns, follow standard tactics for an aggressive hunter. Ensure board presence with the Scout Worgen, Firebat, and Giant Toad. However, instead of a profitable trade, you should punch your opponent in the face, forcing him to trade for you. Thus, all the damage done will be practically "free", tk. the enemy will be forced to spend resources to eliminate your creatures. The only exceptions are situations where an exchange on your part prevents an extremely profitable exchange on the part of your opponent. For example, if you trade the Fire Bat for a creature with 2. attack that could kill your Huffer.

All cards present in the deck are aimed at maintaining aggression and are effective sources of damage. Even though this lowers your chances of winning matches against other aggressive opponents due to the higher efficiency of their creatures, you will still be able to defeat them in the vast majority of cases. In addition, the increased damage will allow you to punch through heavy control decks with a lot of cards intended for stabilization (for example, control warriors).

In the middle of the match, continue pushing the enemy with dashing creatures (such as Wolf Riders) and the Eagle Horn Bow. At this time, try to use the hero's power as often as possible. This way you will not only inflict constant damage on your opponent, but also save a few cards for subsequent turns. For example, on the fifth turn it will be more profitable to play Wolf Rider and Hero Power than Wolf Rider and Huge Toad, because the toad will come in handy on the next turn in combination with the next hero power.

Towards the end of the match, you will need direct damage spells (Kill Command), as well as Leeroy Jenkins. However, if you get the opportunity to use them in earlier turns, it is highly recommended that you do so. Since these cards will be used anyway, any attempt to fit them into the curve will be successful. Try never to eliminate enemy creatures with them. Your main goal is to maximize the outgoing damage. Do not forget to calculate how much damage you can do over the next few turns, and try to use cards as efficiently as possible, combining them with the strength of the hero as much as possible.

Key Cards

Worgen Scout is the best 1 crystal creature. Since it has disguise, it is very likely to inflict at least 2 damage. damage. It also makes an excellent target for the Scolding Sergeant.

The scolding sergeant is able to empower other creatures. It can be used in the first turns to strengthen your position, or later on to eliminate annoying provocateurs.

Hunting is an additional damage unit that bypasses provocateurs. In addition, the summoned mastiff is a beast, which allows you to activate the additional effect of the Command "Kill!"

The rate of fire increases the damage potential of the deck and in some cases allows you to draw an extra card. Although the bonus effect of Rate of Fire only triggers if your hand is empty, don't be afraid to use it to eliminate enemy creatures to protect your board.

Explosive Trap helps control enemy creatures and deals damage to the enemy hero. Explosive traps often win the race to survive.

Since zoo decks are often found in the current meta (in particular, warlocks and paladins), our deck contains the Unleash Dogs spell. Letting the dogs down can be used as a Kill Command activator, as well as for inflicting massive damage at the expense of the Scolding Sergeant or Leokk. In addition, this spell works well with the Dagger Juggler.

Despite the fact that in the previous versions of the deck, the Tropical Panther was more often used, which did more damage, now it has given way to the Pet, because in the presence of Let the Dogs Down, Leokk was no less profitable than the Huffer.

Try to get cheap creatures in your starting hand - Scout Worgen, Fire Bat, and Giant Toad. They allow you to inflict damage on the enemy, starting from the first moves.

Warriors and priests pose a particular danger to face hunters. Their decks have effective spell combinations to eliminate enemy creatures and restore health, so you may simply not have enough damage to pierce them. If your opponent is playing a warrior or priest, try to organize the most aggressive start. It is possible that you will have to trade more often than usual. Even if this approach seems counterintuitive to you, remember that you need to save your board to deal damage over time, and the only way to do this is to effectively trade.

Replacing cards

Instead of the Scout Worgen, you can use the Vanguard Squire, because it allows you to trade with other aggressive decks.

If you often encounter control opponents (priests or warriors), add one Savannah Highmane or Lothib to the deck to be able to stay in battle longer. However, if your win rate in these matches is too low, turn your attention to other Hunter decks.

(New) Legendary Mid Hunter by Sottle (WoG)

Legendary Mid Hunter (Standard Mode)

This mid hunter deck is designed to be played with standard mode... The restrictions it introduced greatly influenced many classes that used creatures from the Curse of Naxxramas set. Fortunately, they can be replaced with creatures like the Firebat. In addition, hunters have access to one of the best expensive spells in the game - Call of the Forests.


The rate of fire is intended both for fighting for control in the first turns and for inflicting additional damage towards the end of the match. In addition, if you run out of cards in your hand, Rate of Fire will help you get an extra card and get closer to the desired option - for example, Highmane of the Savannah or Call of the Woods.

Call of the Woods is one of the most powerful high-value cards in the game. Call of the Forests combines the effects of three Pets at once, but at the same time costs less mana (compared to three separate Pets), which favorably sets it apart from other cards. This effect is extremely flexible. It provides the damage needed to eliminate an enemy creature or finish off the enemy, allows you to close with a provocateur and provides an impressive presence on the board.

Synergy and combinations

Starting hand and detailed tactics

Against the control warrior

Against the zoo-lock

Replacing cards

(New) Budget Mid Hunter by Sottle (WoG)

Cheap Mid Hunter (Standard Mode)

This mid hunter deck is designed to be played in standard mode. The restrictions it introduced greatly influenced many classes that used creatures from the Curse of Naxxramas set. Fortunately, they can be replaced with creatures such as the Firebat and Infected Wolf. By the way, the latter is the only worthy replacement for the Piloted Shredder.


This deck sacrifices some of the early aggression in the form of Leprognome and Wolf Rider, focusing on a smoother curve to maintain pressure in the middle of the game. If the enemy still manages to recoup and seize control of the table, Release the Dogs and the Kill Command will come to the rescue, which, in combination with the strength of the hero, are able to quickly end the match.

Firebat is a strong 1 crystal creature and the only non-situational option for the first turn. Bat is a beast, and this is very important because it allows you to activate the effect of the Shepherd and Hound, even if you get it towards the end of the game. Thus, if you have not been able to play the bat on a curve, hold it specifically for this purpose.

The Frost Trap is a response to large enemy creatures that cannot be eliminated otherwise. However, the Frost Trap can be used to gain tempo advantage as it allows you to ignore "uncomfortable" threats and keep punching your opponent in the face.

The rate of fire is intended both for fighting for control in the first turns and for inflicting additional damage towards the end of the match. In addition, if you run out of cards in hand, Rate of Fire will help you get an extra card and get closer to the desired option - for example, Savannah Highmane.

The Huge Toad is an aggressive, cheap creature that is used to trade efficiently with its death rattle. In addition, the toad is also a beast, and if you have a Coin next to it, you can play the Hound.

The Dagger Juggler is another aggressive cheap creature that is usually used in combination with Release Dogs or other creatures.

Pet is an extremely effective spell that allows you to summon a creature for only 3 crystals, which in any case will be stronger than all other creatures with a similar cost. Despite the fact that a particular Pet is determined randomly, in most situations this is absolutely unimportant. In addition, the spell often summons a Pet, which is needed exactly in this moment, and provides incredibly powerful moves.

Another one important card is the Eagle Horn Bow. It can be used both for eliminating enemy creatures and for direct attacks. Since there aren't many secrets in the deck, don't be afraid to use up your bow charges if it gives you a significant advantage.

Take command used primarily for finishing off the enemy and allows you to inflict 5 damage. damage for 3 crystals of mana. In addition, it is suitable for eliminating key enemy creatures.

The hound can empower small beasts, turning them into a serious threat. In other words, when activating a battlecry, the Psar is extremely effective and fully justifies its cost.

Infected Wolf is one of the few new cards that rivals the Piloted Shredder in terms of overall stats. Since the Piloted Shredder cannot be used in the standard format, the hunters have a significant advantage with the only decent replacement option. In addition, unlike the Possessed Crawler, the Infested Wolf summons beast spiders that pair perfectly with the Shepherd and Hound.

The Shepherd is a very powerful card that, when played, adds an average of 6/6 stat points to the board. Despite the fact that in the absence of an animal on the field, the Shepherd's effectiveness drops sharply, there are enough animals in the deck in question that activate its effect.

The high mane of the savannah is one of the best creatures in the game, allowing you to resist heavy control opponents. Highmane has impressive stats and a dangerous death rattle, so few classes can deal with it effectively.

Synergy and combinations

  • Release Dogs is used in combination with the Hunter's Mark to eliminate large enemy creatures.
  • The combination Dagger Juggler + Release Dogs is designed to clear the board in battles with other aggressive opponents who want to put as many cheap creatures on the table as possible.
  • It is recommended to play the hound in the presence of animals to create creatures with impressive characteristics.

Starting hand and detailed tactics

The starting hand selection strategy is relatively simple. You will need Giant Toad, Firebat, and Flame Juggler. In addition, when choosing a starting hand, you must take into account the fact that you have a Coin. If you go second, use Coin to place a 2-crystal creature on the field on the first turn, and play another creature with the same cost on the second turn. If you go first, play in a curve. The ideal situation looks like this: Fire Bat, Huge Toad, Pet.

When playing against fast opponents (for example, zoo-locks), you can leave the Eagle Horn Bow in your starting hand. On the first turns, you need to fight for control and destroy enemy creatures with the help of weapons, with the expectation that towards the end of the game you will dominate the field.

Against the control warrior

Feel free to leave Savannah Highmane in your starting hand. As a rule, warriors play very slowly, so you don't need a quick start. By setting the high mane on turn 6, you will greatly complicate the life of the enemy, because the warriors do not have effective ways deal with this creature. Without a high mane, you are unlikely to be able to win, because the warrior will quickly accumulate armor and leave you without cards.

Against the zoo-lock

By any means, try to get the Fire Bat, Scolding Sergeant and Flame Juggler in your starting hand. In this battle, the struggle for control at the initial stage of the game is of particular importance. If you manage to gain the advantage, victory will be in your pocket, because the combined strength of the heroes will inflict 4 damage on your opponent. damage in one turn. Release the Dogs is also useful for your starting hand, especially if you have a Coin. The combination Dagger Juggler + Release Dogs is extremely destructive for zoo-locks.

Replacing cards

Instead of the Dagger Juggler, you can use the Royal Elekk, which provides additional.

Secrets can be changed at your discretion - for example, you can leave one copy of the Frost trap, supplementing it with Bear or Snake traps.

If you often find yourself empty-handed, replace one Hound and one Shepherd with Grave Spiders.

Dragonzrilla (Control Dragon Hunter)

All cards in the deck are divided into two types: dragons and support. The first type includes dragon creatures, as well as other creatures whose battle cries are triggered when a dragon is in hand. These are very valuable cards that interact well with each other. Despite the fact that dragons and their associated creatures are very strong and great for exchanging, they need to be supplemented with auxiliary cards to fully control the board.

Support cards include spells, weapons, and creatures with unique effects (AoE and add-on). For the most part, they are used reactively, when certain game situations arise. However, some auxiliary creatures are able to provide an impressive presence on the board and contribute to its smooth and efficient development.

Draw cards

Drawing cards is one of the most important aspects of playing a control deck. In our deck, recruitment is carried out in various ways. It contains 8 creatures and spells that allow you to get additional cards, but only 6 of them work unconditionally.

Rate of fire only gives extra cards if your hand is empty. However, this rarely happens when playing with a control deck, and you should not count on this effect.

Royal Elekk x2:

This creature has impressive characteristics (considering its cost) and the potential for drawing cards. Fighters of Darnassus, Void Demons, Manazmei and Twilight Dragons are often used in the current meta, and the Royal Elekk is suitable for trading with them. Always try to get it in your starting hand. Even if the elekk does not win the argument, the opponent will have to show you a card from his deck, which will affect further decisions.

Given the large number of powerful creatures present in your deck, the Royal Elekk will rarely lose disputes and will provide reliable draw. It is possible that it is thanks to him that a dragon will come into your hand, so necessary to activate the effects of such creatures as the Technician of the Wing of Darkness.

Acolyte of Pain x2:

The Servant of Pain is very straightforward: he takes damage and gives you a card. He plays great both on his own and in combination with Furious Pyromancer and Eerie Scales. If the enemy puts a silence on the Servant, you will not be able to receive cards with his help, but this happens quite rarely.

Azure Dragon x2:

The azure dragon has a double benefit: it is not only a drawing tool, but also a dragon. In addition, the bonus to spell power usually matters much more than meets the eye. In particular, it can be used to clear the board or finish off the enemy.

Cleaning the table

Any control deck includes tools to clear the board and effectively eliminate enemy creatures. It is believed that the hunter is not designed for these purposes, which is why control hunters are so rare. However, this class may well use control tactics, methodically eliminating threats.

Despite the inability to inflict 3-4 AoE damage. on demand, the hunter has access to dragon synergies and creatures like the Eldritch Scale or Furious Pyromancer, which, when combined with the Hunter's Mark, allow the table to be cleared.

Hunter's mark x2:

This spell allows you to deal with any threat. It is best used in conjunction with Furious Pyromancer and Eldritch Scales. In addition, you can hit the target with the Mark with any creature present on the table. Try not to waste this card.

Eldritch Scale:

Mini Baron Geddon can be a nightmare for paladins and other aggressive decks, especially if hidden behind a provocateur. Eldritch Scales are not the most effective option for clearing the board, but in some matches you simply cannot do without it. Combined with the Hunter's Mark, the Dread Scale can destroy any target, even the largest.


Provocateur with 6/6 stats and built-in Excavated Evil. It can be placed both on an empty board and in the presence of a large number of enemy creatures to maximize the effect. Icemaw can be used to trick an opponent who fears AoE, not knowing that you don't have a dragon in your hand.

Long bow

Longbow is perhaps the best card in the deck, and it certainly justifies its value. The Longbow provides exceptional control over the table, allowing you to deal 5 damage. damage to an enemy creature and not receive retaliation damage. In other words, the advantages of such a weapon are obvious.

It may seem to you that the Ancient Healer would be a good addition to the deck in question, but practice shows that 8 units. healings are unlikely to ever save you. The Control Hunter practically does not have to worry about the health level, mainly due to the Longbow.

The long bow absorbs incoming damage, no matter how hard the enemy creature hits you. For example, a bow can be used in combination with a Royal Elekk or Blackwing Technician against an enemy giant 8/8, which effectively equates to a heal effect.

These weapons often help win battles, which is why they are so expensive. Let's give an example. We are playing against an aggressive shaman who endlessly picks up new cards and can respond to any of our moves. The battle drags on, we only have 2 units left. health, while the enemy's health is almost full (26 pts.)

On the enemy side of the field are: Spider Tank 3/4, Healing Totem 0/2, Piloted Shredder 5/4 (with a bonus from the Mistcaller), Stoneclaw Totem 0/2 and Mistcaller 4/4. Our half of the field has a Longbow and Azure Dragon. The situation can be resolved in our favor only if the shredder, after death, summons a creature with an attack power of less than 2 units.

What can be done in this case?

Kill the Stone Claw Totem with an Arcane Shot, remove the shredder with the bow without taking any damage, and we will see that he has summoned the Captain's Parrot. We will exchange the Azure Dragon for the Spider Tank, kill the Mistcaller with Rand Blackhand. Only the 0/2 Healing Totem and the Captain's Parrot will remain on the table. The enemy is unlucky - he does not get a card that would allow him to deal the missing unit of damage. Slow the game down one more turn with the help of the Duskwatch, and then cast Alexstrasza.

This example proves that the importance of the Longbow is almost impossible to overestimate.

Notes (edit)

Furious Pyromancer

Probably the strongest card in the deck, which holds back the development of the enemy as well as possible. Since a pyromancer has standard characteristics for a creature worth 2 crystals, its rational use requires some experience and the ability to think things through several steps ahead. This is often what determines the outcome of a battle.

At the expense of the pyromancer, you can get cards with the help of the Servant of Pain, enhance the Gas "rylla and finish off the enemy with it, or eliminate a large threat with the help of the Hunter's Mark. Save spells for the move with the pyromancer and try to get the most out of it.

The strong point of this creature is that it cannot be instantly removed by an Experienced Hunter without spending additional resources. At the same time, it has an attack power of 6 units. and is suitable for a profitable exchange. But if the enemy suddenly fails to respond to Gas rylla, the game will end very quickly. In other words, he must quickly kill her or surrender.

Do not save Gas "rilla for mind-blowing combos with Furious Pyromancer and spells. If you have it in your hand by the seventh turn, just play it in a curve. Remember that it is practically no different from dragons, except for the strong psychological pressure on the opponent comparable to the effect of Sylvanas Windrunner.

Draconid Crusher

Draconid Crusher is not only a dragon, but also a potentially large creature with 9/9 stats. You may think that it is intended for situations in which you need to strengthen an already strong position, but this is far from the case. Draconid allows you to win matches with warriors who seek to accumulate armor after their health level drops below 15. With the help of the Draconid, you can quickly destroy the armor in a few hits.

In addition, it should be noted that the Draconid Crusher effect is automatically triggered by aggressive use of Alexstrasza. Even if by the sixth turn you will not be able to lower the opponent's health level to 15 units, play the Draconid with characteristics 6/6 and you will not lose. Remember that the Draconid can be used to lure the Experienced Hunter away.

Rand Blackhand

There are tons of legendary cards that do not meet the requirements of the Expert Hunter - for example, Archmage Antonidas, Emperor Thaurissan, Lothib and Vol "genie with stolen health", but along with Kel Tuzad and Ysera they are excellent targets for Rand Blackhand.

Rend offers a huge speed advantage, not to mention the fact that he himself has excellent stats and often deals damage multiple times. If he becomes the target for the Experienced Hunter, you can fearlessly put other large creatures on the table.

Finding a good starting hand comes with experience. However, there are cards that you will need regardless of your opponent's class and archetype.

These include cheap creatures and board controls. In other words, you need to get cards in your starting hand that can be played already in the first moves.

Starting hand selection

Don't forget about good combinations. For example, if Furious Pyromancer and Mark of the Hunter came into your hand, leave both.

More experienced players can prioritize and adjust their starting hand depending on the type of opponent. For example, if you are playing against an aggressive opponent (face-hunter or zoo-lock), Arcane Shot will come in handy. In games with magicians, the same card will save you from the Sorcerer's Apprentice. When playing with paladins, you can combine the shot with the Furious Pyromancer and eliminate Dagger Jugglers, Protected Minibots and Recruits from the Call to Battle.

Choose cards that will allow you to control the board in the first moves. Throw away those that are useful only at the final stage of the game. An example would be an Azure dragon or another expensive dragon, even if you already have a Blackwing Technician in your hand. Don't force events, the cards you need will come to you anyway.

Of course, there are certain exceptions to these rules, and you can change them based on information about the enemy and the situation. Play as often as possible and success won't be long in coming.


If you are having trouble playing with this deck, try replacing some cards.

If you get killed too quickly:

  • -1x Draconid Crusher
  • + 1x Ancient Healer

If you often come across opponents with secrets (in particular, paladins):

  • -1x Royal Elekk
  • + 1x Illuminating rocket

If you can't keep control:

  • -1x Draconid Crusher
  • -1x Chromaggus
  • + 2x Powerful shot

Beast Master by Spark (LoE Legend EU)

The Mid Hunter is an improved version of the old deck that allows you to reach Legend rank. Thanks to the Grave Spider, hunters have the opportunity to focus even more on the interaction of animals. This card helps to ensure presence on the board and to use spells more efficiently. Thus, the excavation mechanics of the Grave Crawler are of particular benefit to the hunter. You can get situational but highly effective cards like Timber Wolf, Scavenger Hyena, Rushing Kodo, Dread Scale, or King Crusch.

General tactics and strategy for picking up a starting hand

Remember that a hunter with animals is not a face hunter! Control the board with cheap creatures at the start of the match. In the middle of a match, use the Eagle's Bow and Secrets to seize the initiative and start pushing your opponents with Hero Power and mid-value minions.

Before making a move, consider all the possible options. If you cannot finish off your opponent now, start preparing for the final blow, because subsequently, you may not have enough resources for this. That being said, keep cleaning the enemy board.

Always try to get the Tenetnik, Mad Scientist, and Obsessed Crawler in your starting hand. In addition, the Dagger Juggler and Ironbeak will come in handy. If you have a Coin, save the Pet and the Eagle Horn Bow. If you are playing against a priest, keep the Hunter's Mark in your starting hand.

Discard all other cards from your starting hand, especially secrets.


The Druid is a pretty handy foe if he hasn't been able to pull off his Illumination tricks. Remember that the Druid's signature combo can be defeated by Loatheb.

The hunter is an opponent of equal strength. Try to get cheap creatures in your starting hand and get a speed advantage.

Mages (with the exception of Mech Mages) will always be in a better position. It will take a certain amount of luck to win this match. Always hold the Eagle Horn Bow in your hand and kill small enemy creatures with it.

The Paladin is not a big threat, but the Protected Mini-Bot and the Mysterious Aspirant are often problematic.

When playing with a priest, prepare for stalemate situations. Place the creatures in a curve, be sure to use the Hound and Savannah Highmane to force the enemy to recoup. If possible, kill the Cleric of Northshire with the Eagle's Horn.

The Mechano Oil Rogue is a cunning and difficult enemy with the ability to control the board at any stage of the game. Fortunately, such opponents are rare. The robber with the raptors has not yet been evaluated.

The shaman's arsenal contains spells such as Thunderstorm and Evil Eye, but they rarely prevent the hunter from dealing enough damage. Use the Dagger Juggler + Release Dogs combo to get rid of the totems and gain an advantage.

Warlocks are powerful opponents. For example, it is almost impossible to finish off a hand-lock that has implemented its plan. Don't let him throw up Fire Giants if you don't have a Kill Command in your hand.

The warrior is perhaps the easiest option. If you are constantly losing to the warriors, chances are you are doing something wrong. Kill Armor Masters and Acolytes of Pain with weapons and small creatures, and then the warrior will take damage, clearing your table with a weapon. Remember that the warriors have no effective means of dealing with the Savannah Highmane. Beware of Brawl and protect your creatures with Loatheb.

Situation maps and substitutions

The Tundra Rhino is the most flexible creature in the deck. You can use the Rushing Kodo instead, as the current meta has many suitable targets for it. As others situational maps can be put into a deck of Mystic Kezan, Harrison Jones, or even the Experienced Hunter. If you want to experiment with the recruitment mechanism, include the Head of the Cult.

With the advent of the Grave Spider, the value of the Tundra Rhino has increased as it gives a dash to various beasts (notably the Savannah Highmane and related hyenas). However, the Rhino can be replaced. Possible alternatives: Stranglethorn Tiger and Slime Belcher.

In addition, with the advent of new animals from the Grave Spider, it became possible to effectively use the Shepherd. The appearance of this creature can provoke non-standard and funny game situations, but sometimes a random effect does not work at all as we would like.

Despite the fact that the Piloted Shredder has given way to the Grave Spider, however, if you do not already have cards from the League of Explorers adventure, you can quite temporarily play with it.

If you often meet paladins with secrets in ranked matches, the Lighting Rocket will come in handy. Nevertheless, such opponents can be defeated without a rocket, which does not give an increase in speed, because The enigmatic contender has impressive characteristics in its own right. The illuminating rocket is also useful in wizard and hunter games.

Rate of Fire is a pretty good spell that fits perfectly into a deck. The Royal Elekk is a useful but cheap creature. Since there are already enough cards worth 2 crystals in the deck, it would be wiser to refuse it.

Snake trap can be replaced with Explosive or Frost trap, if required by the current meta (Frost trap is useful in battles with mid-opponents, while Explosive trap allows you to more effectively resist aggressive opponents).

If you still do not have Doctor Boom, you need to make it as soon as possible. If you don't have enough dust, spray out unnecessary cards like Sylvanas Windrunner, Ragnaros, Sea Giant, or Sky Golem.

Mead Hunter with Sir Finley Mrrgglton (Legend)

Why is Sir Finley Mrrgglton needed? For a mid hunter, Steady Shot is less valuable than for a face hunter, especially when you consider that the current meta is quite aggressive.

How to choose a hero's strength?

There are two options depending on the stage of the game:

a.) the strength of the hero, allowing you to inflict 1 unit. damage (druid or magician; you should not take a robber, because his dagger replaces the Bow of the Eagle Horn);

b.) the strength of the hero, which gives health or armor, because at the final stage of the game, your main task will be to prevent yourself from being finished off.

Against control opponents (priests or warriors):

Life tap is a guarantee of victory. A hunter endlessly replenishing a hand? Better to give up right away. In addition, you can choose the strength of the hero for dealing targeted damage. In this case, she will be better than Sure Shot.

A little tip: Sir Finley Mrrgglton actually updates the hero's power, i.e. you can use it twice in a turn!

In general, the unusual Finley deck opens up new possibilities for the player.

Why is there no Snake Trap?

From the point of view of synergy, the Serpent Trap fits perfectly into the deck thanks to the presence of the Juggler with Daggers and the Hound, but many opponents simply ignore it, and paladins with secrets and druids effectively deal with snakes using Consecration or Swipe. In addition, everyone knows that mid-hunters play with Snake Traps, and do not expect an Explosive Trap to appear, which allows them to win easy victories.

There are no "must-have" traps in hunter decks, so we recommend using the least predictable options. However, when the Serpent Trap loses its popularity, you can start using it again.

Starting hand selection

Against aggressive opponents:

  • High Priority: Sir Finley Mrrgglton, Mad Scientist, Obsessed Crawler
  • Medium priority: Dagger Juggler, Royal Elekk, Rate of Fire (in battles with druids it has a high priority, since it allows you to kill the Fighter from Darnassus)
  • If an aggressive opponent with a large number of creatures (paladin, zoo-lok, etc.) is playing against you, leave the Release Dogs and an Explosive Trap in your starting hand.

Against mid and control opponents:

Curving play always brings the desired results. This is exactly what you should strive for when playing a mid deck, so you can leave cards worth 3 crystals in your starting hand (for example, Pet and Eagle Horn Bow).

In any case, our deck contains many creatures worth 2 crystals, and you will most likely be able to make a successful second move. In the absence of other options, you can also play a secret (for example, the Bear Trap).


Without a doubt, this deck has great potential for rating battles. We'd love to hear your suggestions and comments!

Face Hunter by Iszackk (Legend)

This deck has tremendous potential for rating battles and can lead you to the Legend!

She is especially effective against Aggro Druids, Mid Paladins, Secret Paladins, and Rogues. In addition, she performed well in matches with the control warriors, which are so common at high ranks.

The selection of your starting hand is very simple. Try to get one or two creatures worth 1 crystal and one creature worth 2 crystals. If you have a Coin, you can successively place two creatures worth 2 crystals, which is very beneficial for face hunters. The Mad Scientist should be played with daggers in front of the Juggler to lure out spells such as Wrath or Power Strike from the opponent. If you play the scientist and the juggler on the same move, of course, the juggler must enter the field first. On the fourth or fifth turn, start using your hero power as often as possible to compensate for the lack of cards.

Attack the enemy hero trying to penetrate him as quickly as possible. Nevertheless, some enemy creatures - in particular, the Armor Master, the Fighter from Darnassus, the Pyro and the Dagger Juggler - must still be exchanged, because they are too dangerous. The rest of the creatures do not pose any threat, so they can be ignored.

Now you are ready to punch everyone in the face (especially if this face belongs to Garrosh Hellscream, the sworn enemy of all hunters).

Control Hunter from fergard (LoE)

The Hunter in Hearthstone has always been considered an aggressive class, but with the release of the League of Explorers and the introduction of the excavation mechanic, control hunters were given the right to exist.

Important notes:

  • Rule # 1: Control and Trade Effectively!
  • Try to catch the enemy by surprise with the help of cards obtained as a result of excavations.
  • Use Brann Bronzebeard wisely. If the enemy ignored Brann, punish him for it.
  • When playing against mages and paladins, disrupt their plans with the help of the Lighting Rocket.
  • Explosive or Frost traps can be replaced with any other.
  • The Rushing Kodo is designed to eliminate the Leader of the Imps Gang, the Protected Mini-Bot, or the Herald of Doom (when playing against the Freeze Mage).
  • If necessary, the effect of the Ancient Healer can be enhanced by Brann.

Starting hand selection

  • When playing against classes with secrets, keep the Flare Rocket in hand.
  • In any match, try to get Tenetnik and Royal Elekk in your starting hand.
  • If you see an aggressive enemy in front of you, the Explosive Trap will come in handy.
  • When playing with an opponent control, keep a Precious Scarab in your hand.


Secrets Paladin (40% winrate): A difficult and powerful opponent. Fight for control from the very first move. Make the paladin trade your creatures. Unleash a Lighting Rocket if you have two or more secrets (ideally, immediately after the Riddle Aspirant appears). When excavating, choose AoE spells (Power Shot, Release Dogs). When choosing hero power with the help of Sir Finley Mrrgglton, stop at Druid Change. If there is no such option, use Lesser Heal or Raise Shield!

Tempo Mage (75% winrate): Nothing fancy with a good starting hand with a Flare Rocket capable of removing a Reflected Entity. Organize an effective trade, kill the Pyro with the Rushing Kodo.

Freeze Mage (90% winrate): Use Lightning Rocket, DO NOT use Sir Finley Mrrgglton (Steady Shot will come in handy for you). Expose the Ancient Healer when your health drops below 15.

Druid (60% Winrate): Play as if you know for sure that he has a Wild Roar + Force of Nature combo in his hand. Kill the Shadow of Naxxramas or the Keeper of the Thicket with the Rushing Kodo.

Priest (control, with dragons or Burial, 50% winrate): can cause a lot of problems in case of unsuccessful excavations (for example, in the absence of the command "Get!"). Use the Rushing Kodo to get rid of the Deathlord and gain an advantage on the table.

Aggro Shaman (40% winrate): Pray for a bad starting hand. Try to get the power of the hero, allowing you to get additional health points or inflict targeted damage. Kill enemy creatures in all available ways. Have no pity on Ancient Healers.

Rogue (miracle or butter, 60% win rate): A simple opponent, because his creatures allow profitable trades. The key to winning is using traps effectively. The illuminating rocket will help remove the disguise from the Auctioneer Goblin.

Warlock (hand or with Malygos, 50% win rate): Without the Rushing Kodo you will be in trouble. Don't drag out the match. Otherwise, you will take crushing damage in just one turn. Try to kill your opponent in 9-10 moves.

Zoo (65% winrate): It's much simpler here. Kill the Imperial Gang Leader with the Rushing Kodo and the match will end.

Face Hunter (65% virate): it's time for reckoning! Provocateurs and Rushing Kodo will help you. Use Ancient Healers in the presence of Brann Bronzebeard, remove traps with a Lighting Rocket.

Control Warrior (55% winrate): easy win when gaining an advantage by turns 5-6; guaranteed loss if the fight is too long. Do not place too many creatures on the field so that they do not get into the Brawl. Two or three creatures will be enough. Dig for maps that will help you bypass Sylvanas Windrunner and other threats.

I hope these Hunter deck guides have been helpful to you. If you want to thank us, you can repost this article in social networks and rate. Good game!

All of Rexxar's fans Hearthstone game are interested in which Hunter deck is the best and which cards to use during certain periods of the match. A fight for this character primarily involves the use of strong class cards and their combinations, the rapid destruction of opponents or a creature on the table. At the time of the current patch, there are two strongest strategies.

Midrange deck: general tactics

The Hunter deck is focused on aggressive play, and it is called the midrange. This tactic involves inflicting maximum damage on the enemy. All cards are laid out on the table solely for this purpose. The low cost of many creatures allows you to quickly seize control and not miss the advantage over the enemy until the end of the fight. The enemy will not be able to trade creatures due to strong class cards. It is this fact that makes this strategy one of the strongest in the game.

Selection of cards for aggression

There are few spells in this version of the game. The main weapon against strong enemy cards will be the "Hunter's Mark", which makes the creature's health equal to one. The Hunter deck must include two of these cards. You should definitely take two class cards "Pet" and "Release the Dogs". This will allow you to summon a lot of beasts and get a random boost for the team or the ability to instantly attack with a dash.

Other useful creatures will be the Scavenger Hyena, Stray Cat, and Hound. The first gets a boost for each killed beast. The second card summons another beast, and the third card allows you to strengthen any pet and impose a provocation on it. If at the start you manage to seize the initiative, lay out a lot of animals, including a hyena, then in a few moves the enemy will be defeated. Among more expensive cards for such a deck, it is worth noting "Shroud Highmane" and "Roc Hen". These animals will give a significant increase in damage due to their high characteristics.

Table control strategy

The best Hunter decks in Hearthstone will allow the user to climb high in the rankings, and among them there is a set to control the table. The whole point of such tactics is to capture the board at an early stage and prevent the enemy from realizing their creatures. The player must constantly clear the field and only then inflict damage. Usually matches using this strategy stretch over time, because the Hunter can only use free creatures to attack. Many animals will have to be drained on the table, but due to their cheapness, the user will always be able to restore the ranks of his fighters. Most of the creatures in the set will cost one unit of mana, and therefore the player will always find what to put on the table. Many animals in the composition are prize cards for completing quests, and therefore they should be completed beforehand.

Table Control Cards

The most suitable Hunter deck for the tactics described in the previous paragraph must necessarily include the Queen of the Marshes card and many creatures with a cost of one unit of mana. When the player plays seven of these pets, he will be able to use this card to summon the "Queen of Karnassa". 15 lizards with the same characteristics will appear in the deck, and the user will have unlimited opportunities for further control of the table. Some suitable animals even include base deck Hunter. Among them it is worth choosing "Timber Wolf", "Stray Cat", "Hungry Buzzard" and "Tundra Rhino". The last two cards are more expensive but have useful effects. Buzzard allows you to draw creatures from the deck for each summon of the beast, and the rhino will allow summoned pets to attack immediately, thanks to the imposed dash effect.

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The basic hunter deck is for beginners or those who don't want to invest real money in the game. It consists of free cards, which are given for completing the training and pumping the hunter to level 10 and does not include common, rare, epic or legendary cards. The base deck has certain limitations, of course, but it is well balanced and quite competitive. It will allow you to defeat the Tavern Master (as in normal mode and in expert mode), as well as some players (including those who play rare, epic and even legendary cards).

In addition to the list of cards, we also explain why certain cards should not be used, how to play certain creatures, and what changes can be made to the deck.

Remember that success or failure directly depends on the decisions you make during the game. That is why we advise you to read additional articles: and

Game strategy

The Hunter is the standard choice for newcomers to Hearthstone for several reasons. Firstly, the hunter has several powerful cards that are given for pumping a character up to level 10. Secondly, the hunter relies on the synergy of beasts, and with its help you can learn how to use card combinations. And thirdly, playing as a hunter is fun!

A class's weakness lies in its hero strength. A sure shot does not in any way affect the state of the board, and without access to expert sets, it is impossible to build a sufficiently aggressive deck that would allow you to gain an advantage in damage dealt. Thus, our deck is of the tempo type. Strong spells (for example, Mark of the Hunter and Arcane Shot) allow you to eliminate enemy creatures at no special cost and gain a mana advantage. Hero Power is used to supplement the damage over time from creatures and increase the pressure on the enemy.

Choice of cards

In this section, we discuss some of the cards and how to use them effectively. We hope this information will help you succeed and shape other decks to your liking.

Hunter's Mark is a very powerful spell. It is best to use it closer to the end of the match to exchange a strong enemy creature for your weak creature. The mark allows you to remove a creature for 5 or more crystals for free, gaining a significant mana advantage.

Tracking is the only draw mechanism provided in this deck. This unique effect allows you to view the top three cards and select the one you want by discarding the rest. Before using Tracking, analyze the cards in your hand and plan your actions 2-3 moves ahead. So you can make the right decision by choosing the right card. Tracking often comes in handy towards the end of a match when the Kill Command is vital for you. to end the game.

Rocktusk Boar works well with other cards in the deck. Combined with the Hunter's Mark, it allows you to remove any creature for just 1 crystal. However, this combination creates a shortage of cards (since you spend two cards on this exchange, and your opponent only one). The Hound + Rocktusk Boar combo allows you to quickly restore your presence on the board after the enemy uses an AoE spell. Finally, the boar is the cheapest Kill Command activator. ...

This deck contains both types of basic beasts costing 2 crystals - River crocolisk and Bloodfen Raptor... They are valuable due to the different mechanisms of interaction with other cards in the deck. For example, on the second turn you can play one of the beasts, and on the third - the Hound (using a Coin).

Huntress for Igloshkurkh - standard card for all basic decks, because it fully justifies its cost. However, it is of particular value to the hunter, since The boar summoned by the Huntress is a beast and can effectively interact with other cards in the deck.

The Pet is another awesome class card. Of course, random selection does not always work the way the player wants, but all three possible Pets significantly exceed their counterparts at the cost of 3 crystals. Often, any of the possible options plays perfectly, but if the random choice matches the player's desire, this can radically change the game situation.

The hound is one of best cards in the game, designed to increase the pressure on the enemy. The houndman in the presence of the beast on the board adds a total of 11 units. characteristics for only 4 crystals, which exceeds all expectations regarding a card with such a value.

Oasis Snapjaw included in the deck solely because of the synergy with the Psar. If you manage to buff the Snapperjaw, you will receive a 4/9 creature that poses a serious threat to the enemy.

Chieftain of the Frostwolf was chosen due to the poor choice of basic creatures to fill the slot for 5 crystals. This creature does not have special mechanisms of interaction with other cards of the deck, so it can be safely played in the form of 4/4 or 5/5, if you have no other options for the move.

Boulderfist Ogre and Hero of Stormwind- large creatures for the final stage of the game. The ogre costs 6 crystals and has 7 units. health, and the Hero can buff other small creatures, turning them into a destructive force.

Other cards

In this section, we will look at cards that are not in the deck to determine their weaknesses.

The Timber Wolf is not used in the deck, because this card itself is rather weak. Despite the powerful buff, the wolf plays only in certain situations and often just clutters up the hand. In addition, the characteristics of the wolf (1/1) make it vulnerable to various hero powers. There are already several situational cards in the deck (for example, Hunter's Mark), so the wolf is superfluous.

Once upon a time, the Hungry Buzzard was one of the most powerful cards in the game. Subsequently, he was heavily nerfed, and now his effect does not justify the cost. To get at least some benefit, Buzzard should only be played after turn 7. The Tempo deck cannot afford to spend 7+ crystals to draw cards, because this technique significantly slows down development.

Tundra rhino excluded from the deck for the same reasons as the Hungry Buzzard. This creature has too high a cost (5 crystals) to be played in combination with other beasts. Stretching the combo over several turns (5th turn - rhinoceros, 6th turn - other animals) is justified only if your opponent does not have creatures on the table and powerful spells in his hand, but such situations are extremely rare.

Replacing cards

Of course, the base deck can be improved in a variety of ways. As you get new cards and dust, you can make some replacements.

If yours is open, consider the following cards:

2x Obsessed Crawler instead of 2x Bloodfen Raptor... With the release of Naxxramas, there is a new beast in the game that could be a significant addition to this deck. We are replacing lizards with Crawlers, not crocolisks, because the latter have more health, which means that they play more effectively with the Hound.

1x Loatheb and 1x Slime Belcher instead of 2x Chieftain of the Frostwolf... As mentioned above, there are very few good creatures worth 5 crystals in the basic set of cards. Chieftain Northfang does not provide significant advantages, so it can be replaced with the strongest cards from Naxxramas and improve the deck.

Other successful substitutions from the expert's kits are listed below. It should be noted that it is not worth spending dust on creating these cards. It will be better to get them from sets, and the dust will still be useful for you to create budget decks.

2x Let the dogs down instead of 2x Huntress for Igloshkurkh... Release the Dogs is a card with a unique and powerful effect. In combination with the Psar or the Hunter's Mark, dogs often make it possible to turn the game around or even win a battle.

2x Frost trap instead of 2x Bloodfen Raptor. Frost trap plays great in tempo decks. It allows you to eliminate a creature in just 2 crystals. As a result, the opponent will not be able to make an effective exchange, having lost the advantage on the table.

2x Savannah highmane instead of 2x Boulderfist Ogre. Savannah highmane is one of the strongest creatures in the game. Only a few opponents will be able to effectively respond to his appearance. By replacing ogres with high mane, you will increase the number of beasts in the deck and increase the level of card synergy.

(19 creatures, 11 spells), cost 0 units of magic dust.

This Hunter Deck:

  • It will come in handy for beginners to play Hearthstone and (or) those who do not plan to invest real money in the game (or will be limited to a small amount).
  • Compiled exclusively from those cards that are given free of charge as a reward for completing the training and development of the hunter to the tenth level.
  • Does not contain Expert set cards.

Although this deck has an obvious weakness due to its purely basic cards, it is very well balanced and quite strong. This deck will allow you to defeat the computer (both on normal and on advanced difficulty), and is also able to defend yourself in the game mode against players who have rare, epic and even legendary decks in their arsenal.

In addition to the list of cards contained in the deck, we will explain to you why certain cards were included, how to best use certain creatures, and how you can edit the deck yourself.

Please note that for successful game with this deck, you should make corrective decisions during the game. In this regard, we recommend that you also familiarize yourself with the sections "" and "".

The basic hunter deck consists of the following cards:

1. Distribution of mana

2. Strategy overview

For some reason, the class is great for building a base deck. First, after reaching the tenth level, the hunter gains access to some very powerful cards. Secondly, with the help of various options for the interaction between the cards of animals, the novice player can learn the basic principles of building various combos. Finally, playing as a hunter is just fun.

The weakness of this class lies in the strength of its hero. Steady Shot has no effect on the distribution of power on the board. It’s only by gaining access to the Expert Kit cards that you can benefit from this damage as you build a deck focused on ever-increasing aggression. With this in mind, we recommend building a deck that focuses on constantly accelerating the pace. With the help of such strong cards as you can cheaply destroy very strong creatures, gaining a mana advantage. With this in mind, you can use the power of your hero against the background of the constant increase in damage done by your creatures, and your opponent will be under powerful pressure.

3.1 A quick analysis of the maps

In this section, we will discuss some of the cards that were chosen for the deck, tell you how to use them effectively, and why we chose them. We hope that this will not only help you succeed with this deck, but will also be useful in the future when you build your own decks.

This deck uses both basic beast cards: and. This is due to the synergy of the deck with numerous beast cards. Having both of these cards in your deck increases your chances of making some extremely effective combos. For example, you can play one of these beasts on the second turn, and on the next turn, using the Coin card, strengthen it with the card.

this card is often included in basic decks, as it allows you to use 3 mana crystals quite effectively. But in the hunter's deck, we get additional benefits, because the summoned boar is a beast, and interacts perfectly with many cards.

Is a great investment option for your 3 crystals. Don't be too upset about the randomness of this card's effect. Any of the summoned beasts more than justifies its cost. Most of the time, you will be happy with any of the three effects of this card, and if you get exactly the pet you were hoping for, it will be especially pleasant.

- This is one of the best cards for putting pressure on the enemy. If you already have a beast on the board, and you play this creature, then in just 4 crystals you bring 11 points of statistics to the battlefield, which in itself exceeds all possible expectations.

- this card ended up in the deck solely due to potential interaction with the card. If you are lucky enough to play these cards in combination, you will receive a 4/9 creature that will become a huge threat to your opponent.

- This creature was added to the deck mostly to fill a niche in the base set for cards worth 5 crystals. While this card has no additional interaction options in this deck, feel free to play it at 5/5 or even 4/4 if you have no other options.

And they will become your main weapons in the final stage of the game. Ogre is an excellent investment for 6 crystals, thanks to its high stats, and the Hero is able to instantly turn several weak creatures into quite acceptable strength.

3.2 Forsaken Cards

We will now discuss some of the cards that were not included in the deck. This will help you understand and identify weak cards in the future, hopefully it will allow you to improve your deckbuilding skills.

- this card was not used, because in itself it is too weak. Although it has a pretty strong effect, often you just have to hold it in your hand, waiting for the right moment to play. Or you may have to cast her as a normal 1/1 creature that can be killed with a simple effect of Hero Power. Since you already have cards in your deck that are suitable for use only in certain situations, for example, it is better to avoid increasing their number.

- in the old days this card was one of the strongest in the game, but since its significant weakening it does not correspond to the declared value. Taking into account the cost of 5 crystals, it can usually be effectively played no earlier than the seventh turn. In addition, spending seven (or more) crystals on a set of cards can cause you to lose the tempo that your deck is focused on building up.

- this card was not included in the deck for the same reasons as the buzzard. Its cost is too high to be played successfully with other creatures on a single turn. By playing the rhino on the fifth turn, you hope to get the most out of this on the next, which is possible only in situations where the enemy does not have the resources to immediately destroy this beast. And such situations will happen to you not so often.

3.3 Replacing cards

Obviously, in the base deck there are always many options for enhancing and improving. As you improve your understanding of the game and gain experience, you will also gain access to new maps and arcane dust, while it will be useful for you to consider the following enhancement options.

If you have access to the cards in the series, then the following replacement options will be very useful to you

This guide is intended for those new to Hearthstone and those who do not want to invest in the game. real money... Below is a basic Hunter deck that doesn't include any common, rare, epic, or legendary cards. This deck consists only of those cards that are given for free for completing the training and pumping the Hunter to level 10.

In addition to this, the following will explain why certain cards were drawn or excluded, how best to play some of the creatures, and what changes can be made to the deck.

Basic deck for the Hunter:

Since this deck consists of only base cards, it has its weaknesses, but nevertheless, it is balanced and strong enough. It will allow you to deal with AI (both in normal and expert difficulty), and also will not be inferior to decks with rare, epic and even legendary cards in game mode.

Mana Curve:


You must play extremely aggressively as the Hunter. Your Hero Power, combined with the damage from your Beasts, enhanced by the buffs from Psar and Forest Wolf, will be enough to deal with your opponent at any stage of the game.

Use the Hungry Buzzard to draw additional cards. Try not to place this card on the board if you cannot place at least one other Beast with it on the same turn, because your opponent will try to get rid of the Hungry Buzzard as quickly as possible, and he will probably not live up to your second turn. ... Using two Hungry Buzzards at once is also a very bad idea, since the enemy can get rid of both at once with the help of massive spells.

With buffs from Psar, Hero of Stormwind and Priest of the Sin'dorei, you can significantly strengthen your creatures and cause huge damage to your opponent. Try to use this to gain an edge on the playing field.

Analysis of maps:

The presented deck is flexible enough, which means that it can be changed to suit your own needs and playing style. This is especially true for neutral cards. Any neutral cards included in this deck in one copy can be safely increased to two. For example, you can remove one Hero of Stormwind and replace it with another Acid Ooze if needed.

Neutral cards

Acidic ooze is the only one basemap which allows you to remove your opponent's weapon. When playing against Hunters, Paladins, Rogues, Shamans and Warriors, you must save this creature and use its Charge ability to destroy your opponent's weapons. If you are playing against other classes (or you are sure that your opponent does not have a weapon), then you can use this creature as usual.

The Sin'dorei Priest is a very effective creature with 3/3 stats and a cost of 3 mana crystals. In addition to this, it can strengthen our other creature by + 1 / + 1. This is a very useful buff that will allow weaker creatures to trade with stronger ones.

Frosty Yeti is a very powerful creature for 4 mana crystals, which is a constant choice even in many high-level decks. Yeti can kill most creatures worth 4 mana crystals and survive. This creature is great for fighting the Priest, since it has an attack of 4 (Shadow Word: Pain can only kill creatures with an attack of 3 or less, and Shadow Word: Death kills creatures with an attack of 5 or more).

Hero of Stormwind - not only has very high characteristics of 6/6, but also strengthens the rest of the creatures on the field by + 1 / + 1. If you can keep this creature as long as possible, it will allow your other creatures to arrange profitable exchanges with your opponent's creatures and help create an advantage on the field.

Special Hunter Cards

Only one Hunter's Mark was included in this deck. This is a great card that will help remove the most dangerous creature from playing field, but there is only room for one such card in a given deck.

One Tundra Rhino card was also included, because you won't need more than one such creature in a given deck (as in most other Hunter decks).
