Heroes generals entrance to the game. The game Heroes and Generals is a free online shooter. Screenshots from a military simulator

A prominent representative of games using a multiplayer mode, the plot of which is dedicated to the fighting of the Second World War, is the online game Heroes & Generals. It will provide the gamer with online opportunity prove yourself both in battle tactics and as a wise strategist. You can play Heroes & Generals only by registering at home page site. During the registration process, a simple form is filled out, the information from which serves to create account player. To access Heroes & Generals online, the following steps are required: - Go to the main page; - Find the big button that says “Play for free” and press it; - Decide on the language of the game; - Indicate your e-mail: - Enter the name under which you will play. Optionally, you can choose either a nickname or a real username; - Create a highly secure password and enter it in the appropriate field - Confirm the password by entering it again; - You can enter a promotional code, but this is not necessary; If you are interested in the news of the game Heroes & Generals Online, you can mark this in the appropriate box: - After completing all these actions, click on the “Registration” button, thereby confirming your agreement with the requirements of the user agreement. After completing these steps on the Heroes & Generals game website, registration is complete! The game Heroes and Generals places certain demands on the power of the equipment used. The computer or laptop must have the following characteristics: CPU 2GHz w. SSE3. RAM of at least 1.5 GB Video not lower than ATI HD X1800. Nvidia: 7900. OS: Windows XP or Vista or Windows 2007. Hard drive with a capacity of at least 1.3 GB. Since Heroes & Generals must be played online, a high-speed Internet connection is required. You can play Heroes & Generals in any of the seven types of military branches: 1. Infantry - universal soldiers armed with all types of small arms. From units of these troops, assault detachments are created. 2. Landing force - armed with small arms and used for a surprise parachute attack behind enemy lines. 3. Machine gun units - used in fortified combat points for machine gun attacks. 4. Anti-tank units - soldiers can fight with anti-tank grenades. 5. Recon - snipers. Lead fighting by using sniper rifle with an optical sight. 6. Fighterpilot - fighter groups. They can have any weapon except machine guns and grenade launchers. Parachute jumping is possible. 7. Tank troops use tanks of various modifications, equipped with different types of weapons. By choosing the game Heroes & Generals, you will be able to fully realize yourself as a general of any type of army, enjoying a well-deserved victory. Don’t delay, go to the Heroes & Generals Online website, register and earn yourself the laurels of a talented military leader.


Heroes and Generals is a multiplayer online game in the setting of World War II, combining FPS battles and strategic control. Developed by the independent studio Reto-Moto, which consists of several creators of the IO Interactive studio and the Hitman series.
On this moment the game is in beta testing and, probably for this reason, does not contain a complete set of what, it would seem, should be in such a game in the first place.
If you are interested in what will happen to the game next, you can contact, according to which, obviously, this project will develop.

Do you want to find yourself in the middle of a global conflict in which a huge number of people are involved, fight for dominance over a large strategic map, create, supply and send infantry units, tanks and aircraft into battle?
Who will win this conflict? Will it be the Americans or Germany? Fight to win, face to face with the enemy, side by side with fellow soldiers and friends. Fight to the last drop of blood for strategic points, for a victory that will bring you fame and glory!
Take what is rightfully yours!


When you first enter the game, it will download several files so that you can play both FPS as a hero and in strategy mode. GiG uses separate applications for this, called "H&G Sync".
The game may require administrator rights at this point, so make sure to run the application in this mode. Once the program starts running, you will see both "H&G Sync." and the browser downloading game files. Load times may vary depending on your internet connection and this is a great excuse to grab a cup of coffee or enjoy real life.

When the game is installed, you will see new screen in your browser. Now you need to choose a war. The only war currently available is Julius. There may be more wars in the future.

After you have chosen a war, you need to choose a side. At the moment, which is very strange for me personally, ONLY America and Germany are available. You might think that it was the United States that stood up to protect the whole world during World War II; no guys, it was the Soviet Union. And it was between the USSR and Germany that the bloodiest and most famous battles in the history of that war took place.


As you can see, I have a scout selected.
Each character can be "sharpened" under different types battles. Do you want to drive a tank? -Create a character for this purpose. Maybe you like to drop bombs on enemy helmets? Then you need a pilot.

In total, the game has 5 different development branches:

Infantry - can appear in regular units in soldier slots.
-Tanker - can occupy slots in tank units.
-Scout - Occupies the reconnaissance and sniper slots.
-Marine - uses airborne slots
-Military pilot - can appear in planes and in pilot slots.

When you first connect, only the infantryman will be available to you.
Each character can be equipped different weapons at your choice.

As you can see in the screenshot above, I decided to equip my scout with a German K98k rifle with a telescopic sight and called it "Valkyrie" to send enemies straight to Valhalla.

It is important to know that there is a limit on the weapons that a character can carry with him. The more equipment your fighter has with him, the less he can run with acceleration and the longer he will have to wait for resurrection.

You may, like me, decide to use a rifle (of course, you will have to unlock it first), with it you will have more stamina to run longer. However, playing with just a rifle can be more difficult than it may seem at first.

Now let's take a closer look at the first screenshot in this tutorial. On it we see a lot of information, some of which you may not yet understand. Luckily for you, I have marked the important points with numbered boxes. Below you can find the explanations corresponding to each number:

1. This is the big red “Enter Battle” button. It will open a new window. Here you can choose either a random battle, or choose a mission manually.
2.By clicking here, you can switch between created fighters to customize them.
3. The strategic part of the game, called "Generals". Click here and the campaign map will open. I'll return to this mode later.
4.Your level is displayed here. If you click on it, you can see the progress of development and things that will open as you level up.
5.It shows how much more experience is needed to reach the next level. Combat experience is given for kills and victories, tactical experience is given for captures. This menu also allows you to switch to other development branches.
6.Stripes, stripes... even more stripes! If you want new weapons or equipment, as well as their modifications, you need to earn badge progress. By clicking here you can see the patches available in the game and their progression.
7. Insignia (medals) are fighter modifiers that affect game process. You can open them by upgrading your stripes. Medals give you some advantage. For example, taking one will allow you to carry more ammunition; another will make sure that your victim does not see you after you kill him, on the “death camera”.
You can put two medals in total. One - on a standard profile, the second - only if you purchase (for real money) a veteran's subscription (local "premium").
8.This block shows the weapon that the fighter is currently equipped with. By clicking on the rectangles in this block, you can switch between available weapons and purchase new ones (from 1 to 6).
9.In the lower left corner there is a "chat" button. There is also a friends menu where you can add and remove other players.
10.This pair of buttons allows you to switch from viewing weapons to cars - and back. I will tell you about weapons and equipment below.

I hope this part has become more or less clear, but I want to talk more about the equipment system. Click on the first weapon in the list and a new window will open, quite similar to the previous one.
For simplicity, I again outlined the important areas with a box.

1. For your convenience, the weapon can be renamed as you like. You can, for example, call K98k "Walküre".
2.Do you want to modify your weapon to make it stronger? This is the place where you can fulfill your plans.
3.These points show the general and maximum amount equipment that a fighter can carry. The dots at the top show how much a soldier can carry. The dots next to the weapon show how much “space” it takes up. The more points remain unoccupied, the more stamina the fighter retains for dashes while running.
4. “New weapon” button. Its name speaks for itself. Here you can buy weapons for in-game currency if they are already unlocked, or open and buy them for real money.
5.This block shows how much ammunition you will carry with you during battle. Here you can replenish modified ammunition (if any) and repair modules that are installed on the weapon.
6.By checking the checkbox next to the weapon, you will equip it. By removing the checkbox, leave it in the “warehouse”.
7.Here you can choose the coloring of the weapon. Can be purchased for gold (donation).

By opening the transport window, you will see that several vehicles can be unlocked with infantry. This is an SUV, an armored personnel carrier and a motorcycle.

Once purchased, the vehicle can be equipped in the same way as a weapon. You can also “modify” your vehicle by adding a box with grenade launchers or medicine/ammunition to the trunk, which can be used by all allies.

Every time you take a car into battle, it will be slightly “damaged” and this “damage” will then need to be repaired using in-game currency or a donation. Repairs cost different things for different cars. It is inexpensive to clean up an SUV, unlike valuable and expensive equipment. For example, tankers will have to pay much more to repair a heavy tank.

Good to know:

That each character has a separate, unique uniform.
-You can equip sticky grenades, hand grenades and anti-personnel mines at the same time.
-In order for insignia (medals) to become available, you need to upgrade your “stripes”.
-For a small fee you can change the color of the weapon.
-You can attach a box with a grenade launcher or ammunition for infantry to the tank.


You help decide which cities should be captured or defended by military units. The strategic part of the game is just beginning for you.


The campaign map is where all the generals are active to lead their side to victory in the war. As you may have already seen, the map is a copy of part of Europe. Each side has a "home" city. For the Allies, this is London. For the Axis - Berlin. These cities can be seen on the map. They are marked with a large star. Initially, your units will be deployed in your “home” city. But first, a little about the basic elements of the map.

As you may have noticed, there is a timer showing the Day, Hour and minutes.
The "day" field shows how long the current war has been going on. The “hours” and “minutes” field is the time of day. Every second in real life equals three seconds on the campaign map. The map is painted in colors corresponding to the time of day (day, night, morning).

You can use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out of the map. If you zoom out too far, the names of the cities will no longer be visible and you will not be able to send troops to these cities.
Each line connecting cities is a road along which you can move your troops. Of course, this should be a line supported by your side. Each city on the map can be captured by you, someone on your side, or opposite side. In this case, you can send your troops to push the enemy out of the city.

Your units will always be different from allied and enemy ones. They will be yellow, allied and enemy - of other colors.
Moving troops is very simple. Select a squad in the right column on the screen, drag and release over the selected city.

Only three types of money are available in the game.

Can be earned for active participation in battles. Can be used to purchase new weapons, upgrades and weapon modifications. If the modifications are replenishable, you will also have to pay for replenishments.

Earned for activity in battles and victories. Also, DS can be earned by victories of your SHGs. DS are used to purchase and replenish SHG.

Gold can only be purchased with real money. Also, you receive 4 coins per day if you participate in battle. Gold can be used for any purpose. To purchase weapons, units and replenish them.
For gold you can buy Bonds, which are a source of gold for a month and help the game developers.


Finally! It's time to test your skills! There are two ways to get into battle. When you are on the page of your Heroes, you cannot help but notice the big red “battle” button. If you click on it, you will have a choice: find a battle manually or join automatically. Depending on the side, finding a fight may take some time. Auto search does not take into account resources in battle and as a result you may find yourself in a battle where you will have few resources.

Luckily for you, there's no point in worrying about this until you reach level three. This is to get you familiar with the basics of the game and prepare you to face the big boys on the big maps.

Manual selection of battles is preferred by experienced players. While on global map, look at the front line. Any shining city or hotspot is a battle you can join. Click on this shining dot and in the lower left corner, under the image of the current character, click “enter battle” or “queue for a task”.

Since there are people from all over the world playing the game, the servers are placed accordingly. There are servers in Russia, Australia, Asia, Europe and America. If YOU are the first to join the battle, the game will automatically search for the server closest to you. Has the game already started? Look at the ping: the higher it is, the more lags there are.

Before joining the battle, it would be a good idea to check the amount of resources in the battle. Click on a city and a new window will open. It will be possible to view the resources available to each party. In some battles there are no or very few resources. Try to avoid such battles and join where resources are abundant.

Now that that's explained, it's time to click "enter battle." If you are the first participant, you will have to wait until the lobby fills up. There must be at least 3-3 players for the battle to begin.

The next stage is “What to do in the game.”

Good to know:

The ping indicator will be green if the ping is good, yellow if the ping is acceptable and red if the ping is bad.
-When you are in the lobby, you can see which slots are occupied by players on both sides.
-By choosing a battle manually, you know which map you will play on.


The respawn system can be confusing for the first time. But it's a pretty interesting system. In the screenshot above you can see what the respawn system is like. I have outlined the important things.

1. Shows your character, which you will play in this battle.
2. Shows the place where you will appear. Clicking here will bring you closer to this location. This is a "fight" and there is only one respawn point. There may be more on other maps.
3. On the “fight” map, the goal is to hold points to 100%. There are three points and this means that you need to hold at least two points to win. Because there are only three points, they are designated as A, B and C. After you reach the third level, there will be more points and they will be designated as A1, A2; B1, B2. They form a “line”, sequentially capturing all points on which, you can move on to capturing key points - O1 and O2.

Of course, if you are on the defending side, you need to prevent the capture of the main points (O1, O2), or “squeeze out” the attackers, taking away their “capture line”, including their entry point. In this case, the line will become inactive for them and they will have to respawn at another point, if they have one.
Capturing both "main" points leads to victory.

4. These are the ShGs fighting in this battle. I play for motorized infantry. Using the small arrows on the sides of the squad name, you can move to another squad, if there is one available.

Now everything is ready for rebirth. Click on the spawn point and the map will move closer to the place where you will be revived. Ally indicators will be shown around (if there are any). You will not see enemies until the moment they appear.

Depending on which squad you are in, it may be possible to appear on foot or in a car (if, of course, you have one). If you are a tanker, you can summon a tank. Different vehicles can accommodate different numbers of passengers. For example, an SUV - seven fighters. An American motorcycle carries only one passenger, while a German motorcycle carries three (four if you count the driver).

Let me explain what the indicators on the screen mean:

1. Capture progress. Yours is blue. Enemy - red. To win, you need to fill yours first.
2.Rebirth button. Depending on the situation, you can click on the right diamond and be reborn on foot or on the left (with a car).
3. It is shown who is killing whom. You can find out about your hits and kills by looking down the screen. If you missed it, press F3.

Previously positioning itself as a browser-based shooter, “Heroes and Generals” included too many bells and whistles to make it a full-fledged client shooter.

The creation of a separate client was able to increase the speed of gaming actions and significantly improve graphics and potential. Today, the military action game has a large army of gamers. In many ways, this was facilitated by the fact that the game has interesting story and is free to download.

Download for free


From the very beginning, the player is plunged into the times of the Second World War, where he will fight on the side of one of the troops - the Soviet Union, the Americans and their allies, or Nazi Germany. The gamer tries on the uniform of a real soldier from the Second World War, going to a bloody battle for the Fatherland (or simply for his preferred country). Each battle brings experience to the hero, which can later be used to advance and improve skills.

Gaming potential

Although "Heroes and Generals" is positioned as a kind of restoration of the picture of the fierce struggle during the Second World War, the battles there are divided into two categories - random battles, which will not take much time, but can bring experience to the hero; and the war itself - here you can make maximum progress, although the trick here is a kind of lot - no one knows where the hero will go next - into hellish hell and a bloody mess with a couple of grenades in his bosom at most, or on a ridiculously easy mission with maximum equipment with which you can still try to kill.

Fighter classes

Classes are essentially soldiers from different ranks and ranks. When you start playing Heroes and Generals online, you will be able to play through the very beginning rank of a fighter. The rest will be revealed as we progress. There are only five of them in this shooter:

  • Foot soldier - this fighter has one rifle with him, but at the same time he is great at storming and defending key points.
  • Pilot - attacks from the sky, in ground mode (if the plane crashes) shoots from a pistol or a mini-machine gun.
  • Tanker - moves and shoots from a tank and other armored vehicles. An indispensable craftsman who repairs equipment. If the car is set on fire, he comes out onto the battlefield with a submachine gun.
  • Landing party - these guys, armed with submachine guns and semi-automatic rifles, can appear anywhere and take any object by storm.
  • A scout is akin to a secret agent, secretly moving to different corners and scouting out the situation. Very useful, because he is able to tell a lot of useful things for a fighter. He himself is armed with a sniper rifle.

The game is freely available. It can be installed from the official website. Download right now and start your journey to the times of world wars, where the outcome of an entire war may depend on your actions.

Gameplay overview

Screenshots from a military simulator
