Games for two Jim loves Mary 1. Games Jim and Mary. Modern interpretation of the famous story

Stories about love always cause trepidation. It is believed that only girls love romance, but boys are also susceptible to it, although they are embarrassed to admit it. The Jim Loves Mary games will allow them to become real Romeos and reunite with their Juliet in the vastness of the virtual world.

A real drama is unfolding before you. The couple in love did not find understanding among their relatives, and are forced to hide their feelings. But is it possible to hide a dreamy look and constant sigh from an experienced mother’s eye? Naturally, seeing what was happening to her daughter, the formidable woman took a rolling pin and threatened that she should not dare to think about love.

But where have you seen young people obey their parents, especially when it comes to high feelings? So our heroes did not adhere to the ban, and met secretly. And you will become Cupid, and in every possible way you will help hearts unite, playing games for two Jim loves Mary.

In search of happiness

To be united in a close embrace is the dream of our heroes. But to do this, they will face a difficult test. Every time Mary and Jim have a date, they come up with a secluded place where no one will find them. To get there, you have to overcome various obstacles in the form of walls, boxes and other objects. But this is unlikely to serve as a serious test before a great and bright feeling.

If only soulless objects stood between them. But no, every time the girl’s mother inexplicably finds out about the planned date, and pursues her unlucky daughter, trying to stop her. However, she is determined and will do everything to connect with her lover, even if she has to jump over her mother’s head.

Actually, this is what the heroes have to do throughout all levels.

  • Jump on platforms
  • Move the boxes
  • Avoid collisions with other characters
  • Collect hearts

If mom with a rolling pin makes you afraid, then get ready for a new meeting - with Mary's brother. He shares the family's opinion that it is too early for his sister to think about kissing, and therefore tries to drive away the groom. He armed himself with a pitchfork, and while his mother patrolled the area below, he occupied the middle floor, waiting for Jim to stumble and fall right into his arms.

It’s good that your opponents cannot jump after you, but only wander around in their area, allowing you to jump over their heads. Actually, in the plot of the adventure game, Jim loves Mary, only a young man does this. It is he who has good jumping ability, but Mary remains in a more passive role - moving boxes, climbing on them and jumping on the other side of the obstacle. To connect, lovers must pick up three hearts at each level, and only in this case will victory be theirs.

Soon moving ones will be added to the usual platforms, and sharp spikes will grow down. Apparently, the relatives will not rest until they separate the young people, and they still have many life-threatening ideas in their arsenal. With every level free games Jim loves Mary, new traps are thrown, and it becomes increasingly difficult for the heroes to meet. You'll soon need to perform complex combinations of actions by pressing buttons, launching platforms, removing boxes and jumping over traps. At these levels you don't even see angry relatives anymore. Apparently they are busy building new obstacle structures.

Romantic plot Online Games Jim Loves Mary is a fun platformer. Go through it to the end and find out how the love story of the cute couple ended. But it seems that everything will be fine, because you have been helping them all this time.

Time fun game for two “Jim Loves Mary” - 1 platformer adventure with love story and dissatisfied relatives. You can play in full screen and revive your hero for free if you fail if you do everything right. We'll tell you how to beat the game better, call your friends and start right now!

According to the plot of the game, Jim and Mary want to be together, but the girl’s family doesn’t like the guy! The guys have to see each other secretly, hiding from relatives armed with pitchforks, rolling pins and baseball bats.

How to play

Guide Jim and Mary to the common meeting place and help each other, this is the main secret! Switching levers will help open doors in different parts of the platform, while holding the button moves the lifts. Often the mechanisms are interconnected: Jim can gain access to a certain area after Mary manipulates switches or buttons, and in turn can press an object that opens a passage for Mary.

An important difference between the game “Jim Loves Mary” and most platform adventure games is that characters are endowed with special properties:

  • Mary easily passes under the low platforms;
  • Jim jumps higher and further;
  • the girl easily climbs on her mother’s head to get to the switch or pushes her brother onto the button;
  • Jim, when meeting his relatives, can be killed and saved if one of the couple managed to get a heart for the common piggy bank.

The third important difference is that the collected trophies are reusable. Hearts will save Jim's life only in a clash with relatives (they do not save him from an accident when falling on thorns). Instead of his life, Jim loses his heart and can pick it up to use it again.

Gamers liked the first game “Jim Loves Mary” so much that it continued with the second and third parts. Do you want to play them too? Write in the comments, we will try to find it as soon as possible. Have a good game!

The game Jim Loves Mary tells of incidents that are reminiscent of familiar events written by Shakespeare about Romeo and Juliet. The parents of the girl Mary are very aggressive against her lover. His mother constantly tries to hit Jim with a rolling pin, his father restlessly chases the poor fellow with a sharp pitchfork, and his brother, armed with a baseball bat, does not miss the opportunity to injure him.

However, the guys never cease to admire each other, so help Jim and Mary arrange a long-awaited date using all kinds of devices, switches, levers and elevators. The creative creators tried to think through the game for two in as much detail as possible. Therefore, even if the player cannot find a companion for joint actions, he can independently cope with the missions of the delightful section.

You just have to remember that a boy jumps much higher, but a girl has more flexibility and is able to crawl into the narrowest cracks. Get ready that in Jim and Mary for two, you need to alternately send characters on tasks that suit their abilities.

In the game, sympathy between the schoolchildren arose literally at first sight. They are ready to spend all their free time together: talking, playing, sharing interests and hobbies, and developing. However, their parents do not support their love, motivating them to be too young, so they are taking all measures to prevent Jim from getting close to his only daughter.

But the boy turned out to be not a timid one, and, despite the prohibitions, he comes up with a plan to see the beautiful Mary. Since the boy is still very young, he needs your help. In the game, users will go through numerous levels, each of them contains hearts, symbolizing the sincerity of feelings, so try not to miss them.

Overcoming various stages, the game will not be easy, since in the process Jim loves Mary all sorts of obstacles can lead to a difficult situation. But it’s even more difficult to bring the heroes together at the moment when all the hearts are collected; only in this case will a worthy reward be credited to your game account.

Quite often, heavy boxes act as traps. By moving them in the wrong direction, there is a possibility of blocking one of the players, then the meeting of the two halves is reduced to a minimum. Hurry up and launch the romantic game Jim and Mary and become a savior for the lovebirds who cannot cope without your support and care.

Managing lovers

Control over the movements of the main characters in the game is carried out using the keyboard. Mary moves when you press the arrow buttons. Jim is activated by clicking on the WASD keys. To go to the next round, press the spacebar and start the location again with the R button.

Jim loves Mary consists of twenty mandatory and several additional episodes. They are united by one common difficulty: continuous attacks from relatives. Mommy blocks the path, thus forcing her to look for bypass paths, and daddy tirelessly protects her daughter. A careless move and he will kill the boy with a heavy object.

When you collect special elements in the game, you gain access to bonus tasks that save you from death. But still, there is no need to once again encounter crazy relatives and be in danger. The final stage is activated when sixty Valentines are accumulated throughout the map. Try playing a wonderful arcade game that immerses you in an atmosphere of romance and teenage maximalism.

Surely you have heard stories about lovers who are prevented from reuniting by various unpleasant circumstances. But genuine feelings can overcome any obstacles, because they are driven by sincerity. Girls especially like such legends, so game developers could not ignore this topic. The first youthful love is a real treasure for creating entertaining applications that will seem interesting not only to teenagers, but also to older gamers. This is how the wonderful games Jim and Mary appeared.

An interesting category about romantic twists and turns has collected a whole set of cool flash drives, the heroes of which are guys trying to be close despite all sorts of obstacles. Preschoolers, teenagers, and even adults will enjoy playing them, because the passage has prepared exciting and funny tasks.

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Modern interpretation of the famous story

The adventures of Jim and Mary are very similar to the legendary Shakespearean work, where Romeo and Juliet had to struggle with the vicissitudes of fate. True, the events have been moved to the present day.

According to the plot, Jim loves Mary, but the girl’s parents do not allow the couple to exist in peace. So, her mother armed herself with a rolling pin and tries to hit the unlucky gentleman every time. Dad grabbed a formidable pitchfork with which he tries to scare the unfortunate boy, and the brother decided to protect his sister’s honor with a baseball bat.

It is very difficult for lovebirds to meet such vigilant control, so the games give you a difficult task - to organize a date for the separated poor fellows. Help them arrange a fabulous rendezvous by overcoming tricky obstacles. Games for two Jim and Mary will require good ingenuity, because you will have to use numerous mechanisms, levers, elevators and a bunch of buttons for the meeting to take place.

It's more comfortable to play with a partner. Then many quests can be completed faster. But if you decide to cope with the stages alone, then remember: Jim, like all tall boys, is a great jumper. And Mary, being slim and flexible, can crawl where no broad-shouldered guy can crawl.

All the hardships fell on the lovebirds because the young lady’s family believes that it is too early for her to think about boyfriends, and that it is better to immerse herself in her studies. But this does not stop the admirer who is head over heels. Literally overnight, the tomboy came up with a plan to get to his lady, and the game Jim and Mary for two will ask you to help the nimble admirer fulfill his plan.

How to control characters?

The games have a very user-friendly interface, so the controls are easy to understand. So, Mary will move with the arrows, and Jim will move forward using the WSAD keyboard shortcut. To go to the next level, you need to hold down the spacebar, and if you need to start it again, use the R button.

In total, the games have 20 main line rounds and several bonus rounds. At each stage, you need to help out enthusiastic adventurers using their individual skills. So, Jim is a fairly tall guy, so he can easily jump onto a hard-to-reach ledge. Mary is shorter, but she can easily get into the narrow passage and safely get out of the small tunnel.

But the beauty’s family will start doing dirty tricks on them, so you can’t bump into them. Any contact will end in penalty points, or even final defeat. At the same time, you need to collect hearts that open access to further missions, and at the same time protect the nimble knight from death. This effect will work even with one heart found.

To successfully complete the game, you must find 60 Valentines, and only then the final episode will open. We advise you not to bring your gentleman and his girlfriend together until all the symbolic elements have been collected. Try on the role of Cupid, guide the couple through locations filled with abysses with stakes, bulky boxes and ingenious objects, and prove that nothing has power over true love.

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