PC games in co-op. Co-op shooters. Tactical Monsters Rumble Arena – a vigorous strategy with monsters

Do you like to play games with someone, rather than alone? Then this TOP cooperative games for you.

What are cooperative games nowadays? First of all, these are online games in which players form teams and fight against bots or against other teams of players. But it could also be regular games on PCs, which in addition to single companies also have the ability to play online.

Co-op games are deservedly very popular, thanks to such an important component of gameplay as team spirit.

You may also be interested in the TOP 10 online games and the TOP 10 best MMORPG.

10.Resident Evil 6

Capcom often experiments with its games. If the previous part of Resident Evel failed, then Resident Evel 6 turned out to be very good.

There are several companies in the game for different characters, and it’s best to go through the campaign in co-op, since artificial intelligence a little dumb. By the way, the fifth part also had a pretty good co-op.

9. Left for Dead 2

Again, 4 people can play in co-op. The point of the game is to get to the shelter.

To fight off various zombies, you are given many different weapons. Pistols, shotguns, dynamites, Molotov cocktails, sniper rifles etc. Also, everything that comes to hand is used.

In addition to ordinary zombies, which you can kill in packs of 20, there are also bosses with whom you have to tinker. There are many different cards in the game, making the passage varied.

If you don’t have enough standard maps, then you can download more, but already made by amateurs.

8. Dead Island

The development of this game lasted more than five years, but still the game came out and turned out to be very good. A good plot, beautiful graphics, enemies are literally dismembered into pieces. The detailing was also impressive. The game almost looks like a well-made movie, where the players are the actors.

There are several characters in the game, and each of them has their own characteristics - some shoot better, while others fight. They won't let us really shoot - there aren't that many cartridges. But hand-to-hand combat - please. If you want, hit with an oar, if you want, hit with a bat.

You can play the game alone or with friends. The second option, of course, is much more interesting and fun.

7. Gears of War: judgment

In fourth place is one of the best Microsoft exclusives.

The most insidious and beautiful game Bill Corporation. Lots of weapons and meat, a very good plot. We won't even talk about multiplayer - it turned out just great. In our opinion, this is the best part of the Gears of Var series, especially in terms of online play.

Well, if you are not a fan of online battles, we recommend playing the first two parts of the series - they have the best plot.

6.Portal 2

In a co-op Portal 2 The same puzzles await us as in the single-player game. But they will be even more complex and unpredictable. Your partner has a portal gun.

Minus Portal games 2 is that the cooperative here is only for two people. However, no more is required.

It is worth noting that the map for the cooperative is constantly updated, which is very pleasing and generally fits well with the concept of the game, which is based on puzzles, and not just soulless shooting.

5. Army Of Two: The Devil's Cartel

The game takes place in Mexico. We are fighting against drug traffickers.

Thanks to the new engine, destructibility has appeared in the game, and the game itself looks graphically better than its predecessors. A detailed character customization system has also appeared. The game has a very wide arsenal of weapons.

This part of the game places a strong emphasis on teamwork, forcing players to think together in order to complete the tasks assigned to them correctly and efficiently.

4. Dead Space 3

The third part of the famous horror, and now also action, has changed a lot compared to the previous parts. The game takes place on a snowy planet inhabited by necromorphs.

The most interesting innovation can be considered crafting - now from defeated enemies It’s not money that falls out, but valuable resources. You can also find resources using a search bot. With these resources, you can produce weapons with or without blueprints.

Has changed and appearance characters - now they wear warm suits, which can be changed in the wardrobe.

A co-op is very different from single player- you need to interact with each other and play together. Periodically, one of the players experiences hallucinations, and the second player does not see them. The player, while under the influence of hallucinations, can shoot at different sides or even your partner.

3. Panzar

Free online game Panzar from Russian developers made at the world level, thanks to a modern game engine Cry Engine 3

The graphics have been raised to unprecedented heights. All details on the characters and the surrounding world are worked out carefully. If it’s snow, then it glitters and shimmers in the light, if it’s meadows, then you can see how literally every blade of grass moves, if it’s water, then it gurgles and flows realistically between the stones, the rocks are depicted in the smallest detail, and you can’t even talk about trees to say - they are great!

But for a true gamer, graphics don't matter, you might say, and that's true. What is the gameplay of this project? Is it worth paying attention to it, and how do you even play it?

Read all about the pros and cons of the game in the Panzar review.

2. Metal War Online

When we think about online session games with combat vehicles, we usually think of World of Tanks, War Thunder or Star Conflict. And these are just the most famous examples. At the same time, few people think that there are much more projects of this genre, and their level of quality is often no lower than all kinds of “Tanks”.

Metal War Online is an example of just such a game. This is a free session 3D shooter from Russian developers with a look to the future, which compares favorably with similar projects in terms of action and drive.

Here players do not get bored and hide in the bushes, but fight in co-op with each other in armored, high-speed and killer cars with machine guns, rocket launchers and artillery launchers. How many MMO games do you know with this kind of gameplay?

1. Warframe

And the best cooperative game, in our opinion, is Warframe, in which on good cooperative everything is sharpened with friends! Imagine an amazing combination of space ninjas, robots, mutants with swords, sledgehammers, axes and futurist small arms.

In terms of co-op, Warframe is definitely, if not the best, then one of the best online games. After all, all conditions have been created here for playing together with friends. The game is simple, exciting, has amazing graphics and is completely free!

The game's art and Russian voice acting were professionally managed.

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It's time to take stock of the past 2016. Especially for Coop-Land users, our editors, as happens every year, have prepared the top cooperative games focused on. Plus a couple bonus games to our taste.

10th place

Opens our golden parade, leaving behind many equally high-quality games. Created by an American indie studio and inspired by the hardcore series, the game offers an original approach to the genres.

From the outside, minimalistic and even easy, the game is overly complex, which is revealed during the gameplay. Enemies have a large amount of health, and the hero can lose all accumulated items upon death. The highlight of the game is the proposed co-op for four people, which tends to complicate the gameplay as the squad increases.

For its pleasant visual style and deceptive appearance it gets its well-deserved tenth place among the best co-op games of 2016.

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9th place

Having received the lion's share of votes and well rated by our editors, unfortunately, it did not show players a new cooperative or multiplayer experience, even despite high-quality gameplay transformations and fundamental changes in the plot.

The cooperative mode seems to be created for show and does not carry any individual features with it. It is presented in the form of joint passage of minor missions such as capture or hacking, and this is only for two people. It is worth noting that in such a rich setting it would have been possible to create an interesting and versatile cooperative mode corresponding to the big name, but this opportunity was simply ignored.

For its eminent status and pleasant setting it receives ninth place.

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8th place

The genre of post-apocalyptic survival with a harsh zombie theme has not gone out of fashion, and this is a clear confirmation of this. Having gone through a difficult year-long beta test, the game reached release with a bunch of new nice features: full-fledged co-op, updated locations and new system crafting

The introduced cooperative mode will allow players to jointly build bases, study the game map and truly survive in a zombie apocalypse. Despite the declared convenience, the network aspect has one unpleasant property: the promised maximum number of players - 16 people - can only be achieved by connecting four groups in the mode to a common host.

But even with such conventions it is a good cooperative game, for which it receives eighth place our rating.

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7th place

The best existing gaming farming simulator turned out to be highly rated in the series: the number of fans increased, and the gameplay became in demand among wide circles of fans of this genre. So, it confidently entered our top cooperative games, leaving behind a dozen boring shooters and sandboxes.

A specific multiplayer mode, which is not based on any competitive nature, will allow ten players to create a working collective farm: jointly rent land, engage in plowing and construction, and become interested in crop and livestock farming. It would seem that such passive gameplay only leads to despondency, but in fact, the massiveness of different functions gives the player great interest and motivation.

For the variety of in-game elements and some originality it ranks seventh place our cooperative chart.

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6th place

A heavy Lancer, equipped with a chainsaw and emitting a continuous hum, brings back nostalgic memories of fun days spent madly completing the first game. But only for a moment, because the world needs to be saved again, this time for the son of Marcus, in a traditionally bloody and epic way.

There are several cooperative modes in the game: one is shared passage storyline, the second, called Horde, challenges players to fight off ever-increasing waves of enemies. Both modes are based on team interaction of five people and are designed to complicate the gameplay: the larger the squad, the smarter the enemy becomes.

For the consistency of the series and good multiplayer modes it takes sixth place our rating.

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5th place

2016 was not complete without fantasy Rogue-RPGs, gameplay similar to or. Fortunately, the presented game turned out to be of really high quality and even adored by fans of this genre: starting from the release itself, it received good ratings from players and the press.

The proposed cooperative for four people fits perfectly with the plot narrative, revealing in detail the heroes and their characteristics - this creates motivation to conquer the cruel game world in friends company. Also adding to the interest is the division of characters into classes; in the basic state there are six of them. Customizable skills and long progression paths provide the ability to customize your profile, greatly honing co-op interactions.

4th place

The Spanish stealth action game, created by a small group of enthusiasts from Lince Works, gave the player a pleasant atmosphere of an oriental fairy tale, mixing bright red blood, black night and Japanese folklore in its setting. This palette puts it among the most colorful cooperative games of the past year.

The visual style, characterized by prominent lines and contrasts, perfectly complements two-person co-op. Gameplay-wise, the mode does not offer anything new: players remain with the same range of abilities, and enemies do not become smarter. But in the process, ways of joint interaction are revealed that are implicit and hidden in the single-player mode - they give the game variety and interest.

Editor's Choice

In the opinion of our editors, the title of the best cooperative game of 2016 is worthy of a small, simple, but painfully fascinating game that offers cooperative story walkthrough for four people in mode.

Architecturally, the game does not have any complex elements; its principle is simple and clear. But the gameplay process is hardcore and even unfriendly towards the player, which is not a minus at all co-op playthrough. High speeds, tons of tasks and lack of time - all this together makes the gameplay fun and even funny.

All the running around is harmoniously complemented by the locations and conditions for their passage. On a large plot map, the main places emerge, from which even goosebumps run: volcano vents, pirate ships, lost islands, long highways, ice blocks - each location causes a certain number of conditions. So, the sea gets pretty sick, and the ice is really slippery.

Having played many hours, our editors confidently declare: it is a dominant, but underrated contender for the place of the best cooperative game of 2016.

3rd place

Bald Lo Wang, diligently copying the image of a charismatic and brutal hero, judging by the high ratings of our gaming community, was nevertheless loved and accepted. Its bloody brutality, cold skill and caustic remarks have placed it in the top three of the best co-op games.

The game, which is a sequel to 2013's comparatively disastrous Shadow Warrior, has rocketed into the top ranks with some gameplay and story overhauls. Thus, the locations, arsenal, enemies and the character himself have undergone minor changes: the map has become larger and brighter, the weapons have acquired new trashy devices, the hellish creatures have clearly diversified and proliferated, and the hero has learned new tricks, become more accurate and honed his dark humor.

2nd place

Tom Clancy's plot, as usual, replete with ideas about political conspiracies and overflowing with the author's idea of ​​a difficult alternative reality, placed players in a snowy and dead New York, broken by a severe pandemic. This post-apocalyptic setting was liked by players and appeared in our top.

The game world, geographically divided into PvE and PvP zones, provides players with a huge springboard for cooperative and competitive gameplay. Characters– agents – regularly receive various kinds of tasks, but often it all comes down to a punitive cleanup of a certain place. Entire factions of bandits, so-called cleaners, mercenaries and similar killers act as enemies of different stripes.

But the gameplay, boring in words, turns into a fun team-up with friends. With a small group you can carry out raids, explore locations, complete quests and, most fun of all, conquer Dark Zone, in which PvP dominates. In such multiplayer operations, you can achieve maximum team unity, using not only high-tech gadgets, but also joint interaction tactics to defeat other players.

| Dark Souls 3 was distinguished by a bold, unquestioning and bitter point for the fan in the plot of Dark Souls.

Game process underwent some qualitative changes, to which fans of the series responded positively. The game has become more dynamic - this was facilitated by the introduction of new agile classes, an increase in attack and movement speed, and the development of an even greater dependence of combat on location. So, along with the dynamics, the complexity increased: the bosses became fiercer, their weapons became sharper, and main character on the contrary, it weakened.

But there is a way out of such a seemingly hopeless situation, and it lies in the co-op that is familiar to the series. Dark dungeons are illuminated by fiery clues, and the souls of the dead run from time to time in strange and dubious alleys, warning of impending danger. The idyll is complemented by phantoms who, at the call of the artifact, come to the rescue in an unequal battle with some bloodthirsty dragon. This kind of multiplayer experience remains iconic and enjoyable for any Dark Souls fan.

Bonus: ugly duckling

In 2016, a game was released that had great potential for implementing a cooperative campaign, but, unfortunately, failed miserably due to the lack of some promised aspects and an outrageously small number of story and cooperative missions.

️ Preface

Don't Starve Together(2-6 players)

Gang Beasts(2-4 players) 🍺

Human: Fall Flat (2-8 players)

Magicka 1, 2 (2-4 players) 🍺

Helldivers (2-4 players)

Castle Crashers (2-4 players) 🍺

BattleBlock Theater (2-4 players)

Pit People (2 players)

Foul Play (2 players)

Broforce (2-4 players)

Rampage Knights (2 players)

Project Zomboid(2-20+ players)

ShellShock Live (2-8 players)

Worms W.M.D (2-6 players)

Mount Your Friends (2-4 players) 🍺

Move or Die (2-4 players) 🍺

Stick Fight: The Game(2-4 players) 🍺

Portal 2 (2 players)

Left 4 Dead 2 (2-4 players)

Zombie Army Trilogy (2-4 players)

Sanctum 1, 2 (2-4 players)

GrimDawn (2-4 players)

The Forest(2-8 players)

Dying Light(2-4 players)

Witch It (2-16 players)

Garry's Mod (Many players)

Grand Theft Auto V (4 players)

Far Cry 4 (2 players)

Wreckfest (2-24 players)

Saints Row Series (2 players)

Borderlands Series (2-4 players)

Resident Evil 5 (2 players)

Resident Evil 6 (2 players)

The Darkness II (2-4 players)

Factorio (lots of players)

Divinity: Original Sin(2 players)

Divinity: Original Sin 2 (2-4 players)

Tabletop Simulator (2-10 players)

F.E.A.R. 3 (2 players)

Stardew Valley (from 2 players)

Killing Floor 2 (2-6 players)

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare (20+ players)

Hammerwatch (2-4 players)

Terraria (Too many players)

Starbound (lots of players)

Trine Series (2-3 players)

Streets of Rogue (2-4 players)

Lord of the Rings: War in the North(2-3 players)

Meltdown (2-4 players)

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 (2-4 players)

Painkiller Hell & Damnation (2 players)

Gas Guzzlers Extreme (2-8 players)

Genital Jousting (2-8 players)

Cuphead (2 players)

Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine (2-4 players)

Torchlight II (2-6 players)

Crimsonland (2-4 players)🍺

Mortal Kombat Series (2 players)🍺

Skullgirls (2 players)🍺

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light (2 players)

Portal Knights (2-3 players)

Creativerse (many players)

Hero Siege (2-4 players)

Shadow Warrior 2 (2-4 players)

Titan Quest(2-4 players)

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (2 players)🍺

Prison Architect (2-8 players)

Door Kickers Series (2 players)🍺

Tell your friends about the games!

A friend will not leave you in trouble

There are simply many different toys for you and your friends to choose from. If you are looking for online games on your PC, then choose from the following list:

  • Shooters. Perhaps this is the best choice for both big company, and for two people. You become brave soldiers, enter the battlefield and fight various enemies. Simple mechanics, a lot of fun and priceless minutes together are guaranteed to you.
  • Platformers. These online games are suitable for a weak PC. Convenient, easy to use and with good graphics - they are suitable for any computer. You have a common screen and you go through the levels together, killing some particularly nasty evil spirits or other enemies along the way, depending on the chosen game.
  • Action games. Grab your best friend and dive into interesting worlds. Move along the plot, solving puzzles together or revealing some secret of the missing girl.

The main thing is victory

Of course, there is more than just online games for friends. You can play games online and with complete strangers. It’s even simpler this way, you don’t need to give in to anyone - go ahead, win battles, score more points than your teammates.

Games where it is not necessary to play with friends include the following: worms (explore a mysterious dark world and fatten up your pet), bubbles (connect balls of the same colors and earn more points than your opponent) or racing (choose the coolest car available and give the heat to everyone who meets on your way). The choice is yours!

Most gamers, of course, love to play in splendid isolation and single-handedly destroy hordes of various monsters, zombies, aliens, or simply enemy soldiers. However, sometimes there comes a time when you want to turn on Skype, microphone and play with friends - it is for such cases that we have prepared the best cooperative games for you.

The Division. The first to present the best co-op games on PC. An excellent representative of its genre, in which you will team up with other players and complete tasks in an infected and devastated New York. Various equipment, weapons, bonuses, many tasks and much more interesting things!

System The requirements Division:

  • System: 64-bit Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10;
  • Processor: Intel i5 2400 @ 3.1 GHz or AMD FX 6100 @ 3.3 GHz;
  • RAM: 6 Gb;
  • Video card: Nvidia Geforce GTX 560 or AMD Radeon HD 7700 with 2 GB of memory;
  • Disk space: 40 Gb.

Insurgency. Are you missing incredibly authentic military-themed co-op shooters? Then this game will definitely surprise you - you won’t find so much realism and hardcore anywhere else. You will find dangerous wounds from weapons, an excellent physics model, various tactical features and the harsh realities of a war that carries thousands of deaths every day.

System requirements Insurgency:

  • System: Windows XP;
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+;
  • RAM: 2 Gb;
  • Video card: nVidia GeForce 8600 / ATI Radeon HD 2600 with 256 Mb of memory;
  • Disk space: 6 Gb.

Titan Quest Anneversary Edition. If you love co-ops and the spiritual successors of the Diablo game, then this option is suitable like no other - take control of a nameless fighter and lead him to greatness, to Olympus itself. It is worth noting that a re-release was released relatively recently, and an addition takes us to a new region and is associated with the Vikings.

Titan Quest Anneversary Edition system requirements:

  • System: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 /10 32 or 64 bit;
  • Processor: 3.0 GHz CPU Dual or Quad Core;
  • RAM: 2 Gb;
  • Video card: 256MB NVIDIA or AMD card;
  • Disk space: 11 Gb.

Hunted: The Demon's Forge. Another pretty cool story, although it has gone over the ears of many players, which gives you the opportunity to fight against hordes of demons as one of two heroes. The peculiarity is that this is a team of an elf archer and a human warrior. You will find a lot of pretty funny jokes, an excellent plot and even a variable ending depending on the actions of the characters.

Hunted: The Demon's Forge system requirements:

  • System: Windows XP;
  • RAM: 2 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX / ATI Radeon HD 4830 with 512 MB of memory;
  • Disk space: 12 Gb.

Gears of War. Another relatively recently re-released game that will immerse you in a world that is dying and on the edge of an abyss. The planet is experiencing an invasion of certain mutants calling themselves locusts, and only in your hands is the salvation of the last pockets of humanity.

Gears of War system requirements:

  • System: Windows 10 64-bit (version 1511);
  • Processor: 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5 or six-core AMD FX;
  • RAM: 8 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti or Radeon R7 260X with 2 GB of built-in video memory;
  • Disk space: 60 Gb.

Far Cry 4. Why enjoy the beauty of India on your own when you can team up with friends and go on incredibly dynamic missions. You will find chases in various vehicles, shootouts, clashes with wild animals and a sea of ​​weapons to choose from!

Far Cry 4 system requirements:

  • System: Windows 7 SP1/8/8.1 (64-bit systems only);
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-750 (2.6 GHz) or AMD Phenom II X4 955 (3.2 GHz);
  • RAM: 4 Gb;
  • Video card: GeForce GTX 460 or Radeon HD 5850 with 1 GB of memory;
  • Disk space: 30 Gb.

Dying Light. One of the largest and most beautiful projects in which co-op, a bunch of homemade edged weapons, parkour, and zombies coexisted perfectly. You have a difficult and very exciting journey ahead of you, which can be brightened up by playing with real players who sometimes take the place of zombie hunters.

Dying Light System Requirements:

  • System: Windows 7/8/8.1 (64-bit systems only);
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-2500 @ 3.3 GHz or AMD FX-8320 @ 3.5 GHz;
  • RAM: 4 Gb;
  • Video card: GeForce GTX 560 or Radeon HD 6870 with 1 GB of memory;
  • Disk space: 40 Gb.

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 2. Why destroy heretics one by one when you can do it together? The crazy co-op mode for the second part of the famous series is still in great demand and brings many hours of excellent gameplay to fans of the Warhammer universe. Take control of unique fighters and go ahead and complete tasks!

System Warhammer requirements 40,000: Dawn of War 2:

  • System: Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista SP1;
  • Processor: Pentium 4 3.2 GHz single core or any dual core processor;
  • RAM: 1 Gb;
  • Video card: Nvidia GeForce 6600 GT / ATI X1600 with 128 MB of memory and support for shaders version 3;
  • Disk space: 6 Gb.

In tenth place in our top co-op games Assassins Creed: Unity. How do you like the idea of ​​uniting into a team of four assassins at once and carrying out various plot and side quests? Quite unusual, right? A little lame in optimization, but no less interesting episode of the life of the assassins, showing us Paris in all its beauty, will definitely delight you with fresh gameplay and new features.

Assassins Creed: Unity system requirements:

  • System: Windows 7 (SP1), Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 (64-bit);
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-2500K @ 3.3 GHz or AMD FX-8350 @ 4.0 GHz;
  • RAM: 6 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 or AMD Radeon HD 7970 with 2 GB of video memory;
  • Disk space: 50 Gb.

Resident evil 6 . Here you have a 2-person co-op, and the whole game is divided into 4 campaigns that are intertwined. Crazy chases, shooting, dangerous monsters, mutants and no less dangerous zombies - all this will fall upon you like an avalanche from the very beginning of the game. The game has excellent graphics and an equally excellent story that features both old and new characters.

Resident evil 6 system requirements:

  • System: Windows XP;
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo (2.4 Ghz) / AMD Athlon 64 X2 5600+;
  • RAM: 2 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS / AMD Radeon HD 3850 / 512 Mb / DirectX 9;
  • Disk space: 16 Gb.

The best co-op games on PC

Left for Dead 2. Of course, where would we be without this game? Here, gamers can expect as many as 4 characters that they can take control of and play together. Bloody and hurricane action from Valve, which almost needs no introduction - excellent graphics, a sea of ​​levels to complete and even more zombies that will try to chew you up. Here your comrades and improvised means in the form of automatic weapons or even chainsaws will come to your rescue.

Left for Dead 2 System Requirements:

  • System: Windows XP;
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3.0 GHz;
  • RAM: 1 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X800 with 128 Mb of memory;
  • Disk space: 8 Gb.

Dead Island. The top game with co-op continues with the game from Techland. Paradise landscapes, blue and clean sea, hordes of zombies who are trying to devour the remaining people, and among them there are four survivors. As you already understood, here you have the opportunity to choose one of the character classes and play with four players - your skills and specialization depend on who you choose. Your character will have to go through a very difficult path to leave the infected resort of Banoi.

Dead Island System Requirements:

  • System: Windows XP;
  • Processor: dual-core processor with a frequency of 2.66 GHz;
  • RAM: 1 Gb;
  • Video card: compatible with DirectX 9.0, equipped with 512 MB of video memory;
  • Disk space: 8 Gb.

Portal 2. This is the very option if you are simply really tired of shooting enemies one after another - here you will have to work with your head rather than with your hands, although the reaction will also be important. Co-op for 2 people invites you to walk through all the intricate levels of the destroyed Aperture laboratory with portal gun at the ready and solve all the most difficult puzzles together.

Portal 2 system requirements:

  • System: Windows XP;
  • Processor: Pentium 4 3 GHz or dual-core Intel 2 GHz or AMD64X2 (or better);
  • RAM: 2 Gb;
  • Video card: at least 128 MB of video memory, compatible with DirectX 9.0 and support for Pixel Shader 2.0b technology (ATI Radeon X800 or better / NVIDIA GeForce 7600 or better / Intel HD Graphics 2000 or better);
  • Disk space: 8 Gb.

PayDay 2. Well, this game is already suitable for those who are bored of fighting just like that - you are given the opportunity to unite in a gang of up to 4 people, make your character unique thanks to a frightening and original mask, and go off to rob another large store or even a bank. Basically, the task is to do everything as cleanly as possible without allowing the police to enter the building and surround you. Bring out as much as you can and get the title of the best among the best.

PayDay 2 system requirements:

  • System: Windows XP;
  • Processor: dual-core processor with a frequency of 2.0 GHz;
  • RAM: 1 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 / ATI Radeon HD 2600 with 256 Mb of memory;
  • Disk space: 8.5 Gb.

Dead Space 3 . Taking the next position in the Top Co-op Games on PC, this is a creepy and extremely beautiful game. Don’t be confused by the fact that there is only a two-person cooperative here - this will be enough so that it is not too easy or too difficult. You will find unusual twists in the plot, dark nooks and crannies of space stations and the endless expanses of an icy planet on which the necromorphs, of course, will not leave you alone.

Dead Space 3 System Requirements:

  • System: Windows XP;
  • Processor: Single-core processor with a frequency of 2.8 GHz;
  • RAM: 1 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GS with 256 Mb of memory / AMD Radeon X1300 with 256 Mb of memory / Shader Model 3.0 / DirectX 9;
  • Disk space: 10 Gb.

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. Don't be confused by the slightly cartoonish graphics - here you will find a lot of funny references to other games, peculiar jokes on the verge of madness, interesting story and many new enemies. You can play with four players and you have a choice of six characters, each of which is unique and specializes in certain types of combat. Join the fight for the next vault and find out how Jack turned from a hero into a villain.

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel system requirements:

  • System: Windows XP;
  • Processor: 2.4 GHz Dual Core Processor;
  • RAM: 2 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 8500 / ATI Radeon HD 2600;
  • Disk space: 13 Gb.

Continues our top games with co-op Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 . New part the famous shooting game in which you will finally be given the chance to go through the campaign not alone, but together with three other players. An original setting of the future, new abilities that you gain thanks to cybernetic implants, a sea of ​​weapons, robots and an excellent plot. Visit the sites of global disasters, strike the immortals and find out what the Winter Forest is.

System Call requirements of Duty: Black OPS 3:

  • System: Windows 7 64-bit / Windows 8 64-bit / Windows 8.1 64-Bit;
  • Processor: Intel® Core™ i3-530 @ 2.93 GHz / AMD Phenom™ II X4 810 @ 2.60 GHz;
  • RAM: 6 Gb;
  • Video Card: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 470 @ 1GB / ATI® Radeon™ HD 6970 @ 1GB DirectX: Version 11;
  • Disk space: 15 Gb.

Killing Floor 2. Continuing the traditions of the first part, this first-person shooter throws up to six players onto a map where you will have to destroy the fiends - mutant monsters that will come in waves, after which a strong boss awaits you. Destroy enemies, improve your hero, buy new weapons and armor, because your task is to survive and believe me, it will not be so easy.

Killing Floor 2 system requirements:

  • System: Win7 64-bit, Win8/8.1 64-bit;
  • Processor: Core 2 Duo E8200 2.66GHz or Phenom II X2 545;
  • RAM: 3 Gb;
  • Video card: GeForce GTS 250 or Radeon HD 4830;
  • Disk space: 10 Gb.

And it closes our top cooperative games on PC Diablo 3. Not so new, but extremely exciting - once again you will have to challenge death itself and destroy the hordes of demons that have escaped from Hell. You are given a good number of characters to level up, a lot of different perks and just a sea of ​​weapons and monsters that are automatically generated every time in a new way, just like the levels themselves.

Diablo 3 System Requirements:

  • System: Windows® XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 ( Latest updates) with DX 9.0c;
  • Processor: Intel® Pentium® D or AMD Athlon™ 64 X2;
  • RAM: 2 Gb;
  • Video card: NVIDIA® GeForce® 7800GT or ATI Radeon™ X1950 Pro;
  • Disk space: 25 Gb.
