Games about Halloween. Game "Makeup on Halloween Makeup on Halloween Play

Recently, both boys and girls prefer to harrore party to come with makeup on physiognomy. Moreover, ordinary cosmetics in the hands of professionals turns into an art, transforming ordinary human persons in monsters masks. The more original and eccentric the image is, the better. The game "Makeup on Halloween" offers and you try your hand in the difficult thing of cosmetic battles. But do not be afraid, the heroine already has several blanks, and you only need to choose a couple of them and create a full-fledged image.

It is not difficult to play - in the background, shelves are visible with various cosmetic accessories. In order for each of them, the mouse and look what they do. Meanwhile, your heroine has chosen skin, drawings appear on the face, the color of the eyes, hair is changing. Further turn of lipstick, a pencil for eyebrows, carcasses and rumen. Cope? Then the game "Makeup on Halloween" goes to the choice of dresses and accessories, and at the end shows, so balls pull your bow.

Each young lady dreams of looking stylish, confident and attractive. But what should I do if you didn't get the charming beauty and boys to you in the queue to start a relationship with you? Output one - to study the wisdom of makeup, thanks to which any of us can turn into a blinding beauty. And game makeup to you will greatly help you!

Games for girls makeup is a real find for amateur vendors, because they will help you to transform a dugushku with pimples and inexpressive features in a luxurious lady who amazes all with its beauty and elegance. In this section you will get acquainted with different species Cosmetics, and learn how to professionally apply it for girls with bright, Eastern or African skin.

This category of games will allow you plenty to dream and develop individual taste. The main characters of the game makeup for girls will perform: Disney princesses, glamorous Barbie, popular rock singers and even the usual tired mother who has already forgotten when the last time took a cosmetic bag. Make them refreshing masks, apply bright cosmetics, add stylish accessories, and a new image is ready!

Description Flash Games

Equistry: Halloween Makeup


Have you ever celebrated Halloween? This mysterious, a little terrible Celtic holiday, which children and adults love. Halloween has its own rules: everyone must have a corresponding image, which means without thematic makeup can not do. In this mysterious night, all existing evil spirits will be gathered in one place and makes a real festival. And so that the holiday is truly colorful, each image should be unique, not similar to others, attract views and amaze.

Your task to help girls from Equistry prepare for their favorite Halloween holiday as follows and make a slaughter makeup. Help? In your hands - a large arsenal of means and elements from which you can create an excellent image for Halloween. Boldly use them, experiment so that the result is satisfied.

And you will begin, of course, from makeup. Makeup that brings fear. Mustache? Then proceed to the point! And let everything be according to the rules: cleaning, moisturizing, cosmetics. We do not want the paints to harm the skin ... After makeup, go to the Along of Makeup. He, in a pair with makeup, must be frightened, shock a little, and be sure to surprise. Therefore, do not skimp on fantasy and select the most interesting and unusual elements of the costume. And, of course, do not forget about unusual accessories, good, you will choose from what.

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