Games with Santa Claus on the street. Round dance game with movements and words “We joined in a friendly round dance.” Competition-game “Fairytale Cars”

New Year's games. New Year's competitions">

Games and competitions with Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Round dances. Decorate the Christmas tree. Toy in a circle.

Compliments. Snow Maiden. Snowballs. Fluffy snowflakes.

Magic words. Centipede racing. Two Frosts. Auction.

Prank game. Two are better than one. Under a lucky star. Watch your back.

Round dances

The traditional New Year's round dance can be complicated and made more entertaining. The leader sets the tone for the round dance, changes the pace of movement and direction. After one or two circles, the round dance can be led like a snake, maneuvering between guests and furniture.

The steeper the loops of the snake, the merrier. The leader can come up with various options along the way: include those not participating in the round dance in the chain, sharply slow down the pace, etc.

Decorate the Christmas tree

There are two artificial Christmas trees in the hall.

There are only a few minutes left until the New Year,

The Snow Maiden says,

And these trees are not decorated yet. Perhaps there will be two clever people in the hall who will quickly do this.

Toys made of cardboard, papier-mâché and other unbreakable ones are laid out on tables 5-6 steps from the tree. But completing the Snow Maiden’s task is not so easy. The Snow Maiden reports that a short circuit has occurred, and the Christmas trees will have to be decorated in the dark (blindfolded).

Perhaps someone will hang their toys on their neighbor's Christmas tree, but the one whose Christmas tree turns out to be the most decorated will win.

Toy in a circle

Father Frost invites participants to stand facing each other. Music begins to play, and a toy, for example a doll with the image of the Snow Maiden, passes from hand to hand and moves in a circle. The music stops, the transfer of the toy stops. The one who has the doll left is out of the game. The game is on until there is only one person left.

If there are a lot of players, you can throw several dolls in a circle.

Compliments to the Snow Maiden

Santa Claus calls into the circle a young man who wants to play, who must compliment the Snow Maiden, taking matches from an apple completely studded with matches. Santa Claus gives it to the player before the start of the competition.


You need to throw 6" into a hanging (or standing on the floor) basket from a distance of 6-7 steps snowballs"

White tennis balls. The one who copes with this task most accurately will win.

Fluffy snowflakes

The Snow Maiden invites several guests to take light cotton snowflakes from the tray.

Each player throws up his own snowflake and, blowing on it, tries to keep it in the air as long as possible. The one who dropped his fluff can go up to his friend and help him complete the Snow Maiden’s task.

Magic words

The game is led by the Snow Maiden, she invites two teams of 10 people each, hands them a set of large letters that make up the word “Snow Maiden”,

Each participant receives one letter. The task is as follows: in the story read by the Snow Maiden, there will be words made up of these letters. As soon as such a word is pronounced, the owners of the letters that make it up must step forward and, rearranging themselves, form this word.

The team that is ahead of its opponents gets a point.

Sample story:

A fast river rose. Snow fell on the fields. The mountain behind the village turned white. And the bark on the birch trees sparkled with frost. Somewhere the runners of a sleigh are creaking.

Where are they headed?

Centipede racing

In a fairly spacious room you can hold centipede races. The players are divided into two teams and line up behind each other’s heads, holding the belts of those in front with their hands. A chair is placed at the opposite wall, which the chain of players must go around and then return back. If the chain is broken, the leader can count the team a loss.

The task can be complicated and made funnier if the teams move half-crouched, if both teams complete the task at the same time.

Variant of this game

- "Snake". "Head"

First in line

She must catch the “tail” that is eluding her. Having caught it, the “head” moves to the end of the column, and the game is repeated again. The “broken” links of the chain are considered losers and leave the game.

Two Frosts

A group of guys is at one end of the hall (room) beyond the conventional line. Drivers

They are located in the middle of the hall. They address the guys with the words:

We are two young brothers, (Together): Two daring frosts.

Frost-red nose.

Frost-blue nose.

Which one of you will decide

Set off on a path?

Everyone answers:

We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of frost!

The players run to the other side of the hall beyond the home line. Both Frosts catch and “freeze” those running across. They immediately stop at the place where they were “frozen”.

Then the Frosts again turn to the players, and they, having answered, run across the hall, helping out the “frozen”: they touch them with their hand, and they join the others.

Santa Claus says:

We have a wonderful Christmas tree in our hall. And what toys she has on her! What kind of Christmas tree decorations do you know?

The person with the last answer will win this amazing prize.

The players take turns calling out the words. During pauses, the presenter begins to count slowly: “Clapperboard

One, firecracker

Two..." The auction continues.

Prank game

Santa Claus announces to the audience that none of those present will be able to repeat after him the three short phrases that he will say. Of course, no one will agree with him. Then Santa Claus, as if looking for words, utters a short phrase. For example: “Today is a wonderful evening.”

Everyone confidently repeats this phrase. Santa Claus, embarrassed, looks for and hesitantly says the second phrase. It is also easy for everyone to repeat.

Then he says quickly and joyfully: “Well, you’re wrong!” The crowd protests. And Santa Claus explains that his third phrase, which had to be repeated, was: “Well, you were wrong!”

Two are better than one

Some three toys are placed on the floor: a ball, a cube, and a skittle. Two players come out and start dancing around them (the game can be played to music). As soon as the music stops or Santa Claus gives the command “Stop!”, each player must try to grab two toys. Whoever gets one loses.

The game can be made more difficult: increase the number of participants and, accordingly, the number of toys or objects. The one who grabs the most toys wins.

Under a lucky star

The winner of this game will be the one who first finds the star hanging from the ceiling with the number announced by the presenter. Stars with a number written large on both sides are pre-hung on threads from the ceiling of the room (or hall) where the dancing will take place. As the dance progresses, the music stops for a minute, and Santa Claus proclaims: “Lucky star

15!" The dancers try to quickly find a star with this number. The winner is awarded a prize.

Watch your back

Father Frost or the Snow Maiden gives various commands to those standing in the circle, and they must be carried out only if the word “please” is added to the command, for example, “Please, hands up,” “Lower your right hand!”, “Please clap your hands,” and etc. The game is played fun, at a fast pace. Those who make a mistake leave the game. The person who remains is awarded the title of “Most Attentive Guest” and is awarded a prize.

Games for the New Year's party with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are considered one of the most fun and memorable fun. I have collected in this article the most Interesting games, which can be used in the New Year's celebration program. Some of them are suitable for the little ones, while others are fun and active and will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.

Snowball game

To play you will need snowballs - cotton balls and 2 buckets.
Santa Claus tells the children that winter cannot happen without snow (Santa Claus walks and scatters snowballs around the hall) and invites them to play snowballs. The Snow Maiden divides the children into 2 teams: the Snow Maiden team and the Santa Claus team.

Snow Maiden and Santa Claus are holding a bucket or hoop. Children, on command, begin to collect snowballs and throw them into buckets. Whose team collects the most snowballs wins.

You can diversify or complicate the game by counting snowballs hitting the hoop. To do this, children must stand at a certain distance from the hoops.

Game "I'll freeze"

Santa Claus tells the children that he is already tired, the old man is completely tired, his legs are tired, he walks with a stick, but he offers to play the game “I’ll Freeze.”
This game is similar to catch-up. Santa Claus, pretending to be an old man, barely moves around the hall, and the children run away from him. But in certain moment The old man shows miracles of dexterity and dexterity and grabs one of the kids. Those whom Santa Claus caught sit on the bench next to the Snow Maiden.

This game is always popular with children; it can be played with both toddlers and older children.

Game "It's me, it's me!"

This game is calm and perfect for children to take a little break from active fun. Grandfather Frost asks the children if they know what winter is, frost and if they have seen winter cold. The children answer in unison that of course they know. Then Santa Claus tells the children that he and Snegurochka will ask them questions. And they will have to answer all in unison. But you need to answer with only one phrase - “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”

Grandfather and Snow Maiden take turns asking the children questions, and they answer. You can come up with any questions, as long as they are funny. To do this, you should combine questions.

For kids, questions might be:

Who is not afraid of frost and flies on skates like a bird?
- Which of you, when you grow up, will become Santa Claus?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
- Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
- Which of you, such good ones, came to the skating rink in galoshes?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
- Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
- Which of you walks on the pavement with your head upside down?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
- Which of you threw snowballs and hit a passerby?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

For schoolchildren, you can make approximately the following list of questions:

Who walks to school every day in a cheerful troop?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
- Which of you, tell me out loud, catches flies in class?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
- Who completes their homework on time?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
- How many of you keep your books, pens and notebooks in order?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends! !
-Which of you, I want to know, has an A+ in diligence?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
- Which of you comes to class an hour late?
-It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

The game lifts the spirits of all participants. Surely parents, teachers, and even Father Frost and the Snow Maiden will laugh.

Game "What's in Santa Claus's Bag"

Santa Claus tells the kids how much he has to do, how much he has to walk and deliver gifts to the kids. And time is very short, so if grandpa forgot something, then that’s it, you can’t go back, there’s no time. This is how Santa Claus leads the children to the game “What’s in the Bag.” He says that he forgot his glasses and cannot understand what kind of gifts he has in the bag.
Santa Claus takes out a bag in which there are various objects (you can put various small toys): cubes, pencils, small cars, mosaics.

Santa Claus invites children to guess by touch what is in the bag. Children take turns approaching the bag, putting their hand in and by touch trying to guess what kind of object they caught. If they guess right, they take this gift for themselves.

Game "Frost Breath"

Grandfather Frost walks around the hall in an important manner, knocking with his staff, and Snow Maiden asks the guys if they know that Frost can freeze water with ice, freeze laundry to ropes, freeze stones and other objects. The children answer that they know and have seen this more than once. Then the Snow Maiden tells the kids that Grandfather loves snowflakes very much, but he can’t play with them, as soon as he blows, he freezes everything. Frost will watch how children play with snowflakes.

Children are given ready-made cut out small snowflakes (older ones can be given scissors and a diagram for cutting out a snowflake). After this, each participant places his snowflake on the table and must blow on it until the snowflake flies to the other end of the table. While the children are blowing, Santa Claus actively runs around the table and cheers for the losers, saying that they have the frostiest breath.

Those who lose are awarded the title of “Santa Claus’s granddaughters.”

Game "Dress up the Christmas tree"

It's movable fun game. It will require artificial Christmas trees according to the number of teams and unbreakable New Year's toys on strings. Children are divided into two teams. At the opposite end of the hall, Christmas trees are placed on chairs. Each team player must take a New Year's toy (ball) with a spoon and carry it without dropping it to the Christmas tree and hang it. Whose team completes the task the fastest wins victory and a festive fireworks display (you can detonate a firecracker with confetti).

Game "Forgetful Santa Claus"

Grandfather Frost is capricious, says that he has become old and forgets everything. The Snow Maiden brings a chair to grandfather, trying to calm him down and get him to talk. Snegurochka says:
- Grandfather, tell the children what animals live in your forest.
Santa Claus becomes active and begins to tell the children:
- Yes, yes, there lives such an animal in my forest, it is gray, big with sharp teeth. Oh, I forgot his name.
Children guess the beast and tell Santa Claus:
- Grandfather, we know it’s a wolf!

You can pick up many different riddles in our article.

Game “Repeat after Grandpa”

This is an active and fun game, and both children and adults can play it. This game is about attentiveness. Santa Claus stands in front of the children and says that he will teach them to dance in the Santa Moroz style. The children are interested in what kind of dance this is. The Snow Maiden explains that you just need to repeat the movements of Santa Claus.

- Clap those parts of the body that I show you.
For example, Santa Claus says:
- Palms!
The children clap their hands. And then suddenly Grandfather calls the head and slaps himself on the shoulders. Children should not get confused. All movements are performed to the music.

Game "Who has the hat"

This game is less traumatic and more interesting than the option of removing one chair and pushing children around it.

So, the children sit in a circle on chairs. Santa Claus gives them his hat and then turns on the music. Children pass the hat to each other. As soon as the music stops, the child who happens to have a hat at that moment puts it on himself and walks in a circle. The child must portray one of the animals, and the children guess who exactly the child portrayed.

Game "Attach the Snowman's Nose"

This game will delight both kids and teenagers and even Santa Claus. The Snow Maiden brings whatman paper with a Snowman drawn on it, but without a nose. The nose sculpted from plasticine needs to be placed on the Snowman. The child is blindfolded, spun around several times and directed towards a Whatman paper with a Snowman attached to the wall. Very rarely does anyone manage to put their nose in Right place. The game continues until the nose is placed correctly.

Round dances.

The traditional New Year's round dance can be complicated and made more entertaining. The leader sets the tone for the round dance, changes the pace of movement and direction. After one or two circles, the round dance can be led like a snake, maneuvering between guests and furniture. The steeper the loops of the snake, the merrier. The leader can come up with various options along the way: include those not participating in the round dance in the chain, sharply slow down the pace, etc.

Decorate the Christmas tree.

There are two artificial Christmas trees in the hall. “There are only a few minutes left until the New Year,” says the Snow Maiden, “and these trees are not decorated yet.” Perhaps there will be two clever people in the hall who will quickly do this. Toys made of cardboard, papier-mâché and other unbreakable ones are laid out on tables 5-6 steps from the tree. But completing the Snow Maiden’s task is not so easy. The Snow Maiden copyright-by-holiday reports that a short circuit has occurred, and the Christmas trees will have to be decorated in the dark (blindfolded). Perhaps someone will hang their toys on their neighbor's Christmas tree, but the one whose Christmas tree turns out to be the most decorated will win.

Toy in a circle.

Santa Claus invites the participants to stand facing each other. Music begins to play, and a toy, for example a doll with the image of the Snow Maiden, passes from hand to hand and moves in a circle. The music stops, the transfer of the toy stops. The one who has the doll left is out of the game. The game continues until one person remains. If there are a lot of players, you can throw several dolls in a circle.

Compliments to the Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus calls into the circle a young man who wants to play, who must compliment the Snow Maiden, taking matches from an apple completely studded with matches. Santa Claus gives it to the player before the start of the competition.


You need to throw 6 “snowballs” - white tennis balls - into a hanging (or standing on the floor) basket from a distance of 6-7 steps. The one who copes with this task most accurately will win.

Fluffy snowflakes.

The Snow Maiden invites several guests to take light cotton snowflakes from the tray. Each player throws up his own snowflake and, blowing on it, tries to keep it in the air as long as possible. The one who dropped his fluff can go up to his friend and help him complete the Snow Maiden’s task.

Magic words.

The game is led by the Snow Maiden, she invites two teams of 10 people each, hands them a set of large letters that make up the word “Snow Maiden”. Each participant receives one letter. The task is as follows: in the story read by the Snow Maiden, there will be words made up of these letters. As soon as such a word is pronounced, the owners of the letters that make it up must step forward and, rearranging themselves, form this word. The team that is ahead of its opponents gets a point.

Sample story.

A fast river rose. Snow fell on the fields. The mountain behind the village turned white. And the bark on the birch trees sparkled with frost. Somewhere the runners of a sleigh are creaking. Where are they headed?

Centipede racing.

In a fairly spacious room you can hold centipede races. The players are divided into two teams and line up behind each other’s heads, holding the belts of those in front with their hands. A chair is placed at the opposite wall, which the chain of players must go around and then return back. If the chain is broken, the leader can count the team a loss. The task can be copyright-by-holiday complicated and made funnier if the teams move half-crouched, if both teams complete the task at the same time. A variation of this game is "Snake". The “head” - the first in the column - must catch the “tail”, which eludes it. Having caught it, the “head” moves to the end of the column, and the game is repeated again. The “broken” links of the chain are considered losers and leave the game.

Two Frosts.

A group of guys is at one end of the hall (room) beyond the conventional line. The drivers - Frosts - are in the middle of the hall. They address the guys with the words:

We are two young brothers, (Together): Two daring frosts. - I am Frost the red nose. - I am Frost the blue nose.

Which one of you will decide

Set off on a path?

Everyone answers:

We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of frost!

The players run to the other side of the hall beyond the home line. Both Frosts catch and “freeze” those running across. They immediately stop at the place where they were “frozen.” Then the Frosts again turn to the players, and they, having answered, run across the hall, helping out the “frozen”: they touch them with their hand, and they join the others.


Santa Claus says:

We have a wonderful Christmas tree in our hall. And what toys she has on her! What kind of Christmas tree decorations do you know? This magnificent New Year's gift will be received by the one whose answer is the last.

The players take turns calling out the words. During pauses, the presenter begins to count slowly: “Clapper - one, clapper - two...” The auction continues.

Prank game.

Santa Claus announces to the audience that none of those present will be able to repeat after him the three short phrases that he will say. Of course, no one will agree with him. Then Santa Claus, as if looking for words, utters a short phrase. For example: “Today is a wonderful evening.” Everyone confidently repeats this phrase. Santa Claus, embarrassed, looks for and hesitantly says the second phrase. It is also easy for everyone to repeat. Then he quickly and joyfully says: “Well, you were wrong!” The crowd protests. And Santa Claus explains that his third phrase, which had to be repeated, was: “Well, you were wrong!”

Two are better than one.

Some three toys are placed on the floor: a ball, a cube, and a skittle. Two players come out and start dancing around them (the game can be played to music). As soon as the music stops or Santa Claus gives the command “Stop!”, each player must try to grab two toys. Whoever gets one loses. The game can be complicated: increase the number of participants and, accordingly, the number of toys or objects. The one who grabs the most toys wins.

Under a lucky star.

The winner of this game will be the one who first finds the star hanging from the ceiling with the number announced by the presenter. Stars with a large number written with copyright-by-holiday on both sides are pre-hung on threads from the ceiling of the room (or hall) where the dancing will take place. As the dance progresses, the music stops for a minute, and Santa Claus proclaims: “Lucky star 15!” The dancers try to quickly find the star with this number. The winner is awarded a prize.

Watch your back.

Father Frost or the Snow Maiden gives various commands to those standing in the circle, and they must be carried out only if the word “please” is added to the command, for example, “Please, hands up”, “Lower your right hand!”, “Please clap your hands” and etc. The game is played fun, at a fast pace. Those who make a mistake leave the game. The person who remains is awarded the title of “Most Attentive Guest” and is awarded a prize.

Winter fun

Ice slide for kids.

It is better to build a slide during a thaw, when you can roll large balls of snow. Fold the rolled balls into a mound, compact the snow, and cut off the excess with a shovel. From the cut snow, make barriers along which the children will slide down the hill, and steps along which they will climb the hill. When it freezes, fill the slide with water, preferably hot. In order for the slide to be comfortable and safe, you need to choose the right place for it (children should under no circumstances go where cars drive). For every 1 meter of slide height there should be 4 meters of rolling (inclined descent) and 10-15 meters of rolling (flat track). The width of the “launching area” and the roll is 1 meter, the width of the roll is 1.5 meters, the height of the barriers is about half a meter. On such a slide you can organize competitions for the distance of descent.

Who will bring down the giant?

This game is based on traditional tug of war. Only the rope is passed through a giant snowman made of snow. The players are divided into two teams (preferably equal in strength) and, at the judge’s signal, they begin to pull the rope. The game continues until one of the teams knocks down the giant (this team is considered the loser). The game can be complicated if the giant is placed on an ice platform.

Cockfight on ice.

On an icy or compacted snow area, a circle with a diameter of 2 meters is indicated. Two opponents, with their hands behind their backs, try to push each other out of this circle. Not only the one who was pushed out loses, but also the one who removed his hands from behind his back. You can hold a real “cocking tournament” according to the Olympic system with the elimination of the losers and the determination of the absolute winner.

Ice slalom on the broom.

This game is played on an ice hockey rink. Participants may be on skates, but this is not required. The players' task is to ride on a broom between the pins (clubs, towns) placed on the ice and not knock them over.

All-around luge.

In order to organize such competitions, you need to learn how to control the sled well. And tasks for multi-athletes can be like this:

When driving down the mountain, pick up 2-3 flags placed on the slope as you go; - drive through gates formed by ski poles or branches stuck in the snow; - throw a previously stored snowball at the target while walking; - Throw a ring on a ski pole.

The game is played on a well-trodden snow field or on ice. To play you need a small ice floe called a “yule”. The players form a circle, standing two meters from each other. A driver is selected and stands in the middle of the circle. He gets a piece of ice. By kicking the ice-top he tries to knock it out of the circle. The players prevent this, hold the spinning top with their feet and direct it again to the driver. The player who copyright-by-holiday missed the “yule” on his right side changes roles with the driver. They play for an indefinite amount of time, ending the game at will.

The game is more interesting when players move sideways in a circle to the right or left. If they move to the right, then they protect the right side of themselves, if they move to the left, then the left side. You can complicate the game by introducing a rule according to which those standing in a circle, having taken possession of the “top”, can pass it to each other without giving the “top” to the driver, but at the same time they must remain in their places in the circle.

You can only hold the spinning top with your feet. Whoever tries to hold it back with his hand becomes the driver; The “top” is considered to have flown out of the circle if it flies past the player below his knees.

Under fire.

This game is played on a snowy area when the snow is well sculpted. The guys prepare as many snowballs as possible in advance. The players are divided into two teams. The playing area is marked with lines or flags. Its approximate size is 10x20 meters. One team stands behind the long side line of the court. The other is located behind one of the short lines of the site (in the “city”). The team located in the “city” is considered to be leading, and the team behind the side line is considered to be attacking. The attacking team places prepared snowballs nearby. At the signal, the team of drivers runs from their “city” to the other side of the site. The attacking team, without crossing the boundaries of the area, tries to hit the running snowballs. Whoever gets hit by a snowball leaves the game.

You can play like this - being hit by a snowball brings the attacking team a scoring point, and the driver who was hit by the snowball continues the game. You can only cross when given a signal. If two players are hit with one snowball, the attacking team is given two points. The players run over a set number of times, after which they are told how many snowball hits were made, that is, how many points the team won. Then the teams change roles. At the end of the game, the total hit score of both teams is announced. The team with the most points wins.

12 sticks.

To play you need a board and 12 sticks. The board is placed on a pebble or on a thick stick or block, so that one end is on the ground and the other is raised. 12 sticks are placed on the end of the board lying on the ground. A driver is selected, he stands at the board and hits its free end, and all the sticks fly into different sides. The driver begins to collect them, and the rest of the players quickly hide in different places. When the sticks are collected and placed on the board, the driver goes to look for the hidden ones. Having found someone, he calls him by name, and he is obliged to come out of hiding. If a player noticed by the driver is named incorrectly, then he remains in place until the driver says his name correctly.

Hidden, but not yet copyright-by-holiday found, the player can, unnoticed by the driver, run up to the board, kick it with the words “twelve sticks are flying!” The sticks scatter, and the driver must collect them again, and all the players previously found by him hide again. The driver leads until he finds everyone. In the next game, the driver is the one who was found last. If the driver cannot find all the players for a long time, you can choose another one.

Squatting fight.

A circle of approximately 1x1 m is drawn in the snow. Opponents squat down, stretch their arms forward and, striking their palms against the opponent’s palms, try to push him out of the circle or force him to touch the snow with his hand. Whoever manages to do this is declared the winner.


To play, you need a flat stick, A-5 cm wide, 2-3 cm thick, 50-60 cm long. One end of the stick must be hewn so that it can be easily held by hand. This stick is called a bat. In addition, prepare a small stick - 1.5-2 cm thick and no more than 10 cm long. Its ends are pointed, like a pencil. This stick is a siskin.

A square, approximately 1x1 m, is drawn on the side of the site, the rest of the space in front of it is a field. At the front line towards the field of the square there is a small tablet or stone. The siskin is placed on the board so that one end is raised and the other lies on the ground. The players choose a driver who receives a bat and stands in a square with it. Everyone else disperses randomly across the field.

The driver hits the free end of the siskin with the bat and, when it jumps up, hits it with the bat so that it flies as far into the field as possible. The players try to catch the siskin in the air. If someone manages to catch him, he changes roles with the driver. If no one manages to catch the siskin, the nearest player takes it from the ground and tries to throw it so that it ends up in the square from which the driver sent it into the field. If he hits, he changes roles with the driver. If it doesn’t hit, then the driver from the place where the siskin lands will again, in the same way as before, kick it into the field. And so the game continues all the time with a changing driver. When playing siskin, you must comply with the following conditions. If the driver misses the first time and is unable to repel the siskin, he is given the right to one or two more attempts. If he cannot repel the siskin even three times, then he changes with any player on the field of his choice or according to the order.

You can also introduce the following rule into the game: when a field player throws a siskin into a square, the driver, defending this copyright-by-holiday square, can beat off the siskin flying towards him with a bat. If the driver misses and the siskin still lands in the square, the driver changes roles with the player on the field who succeeded in this throw.

New Year's attractions

"Invisible hat".

To do this, you just need to look into the mysterious box. You open it, and inside there is a large inscription: “You’re trying in vain, you still won’t see it. That’s why she’s invisible.”

"Instant photo machine."

On the box there is a wooden lid with the inscription: “Lift the lid and you will get your photograph.” Under the lid there is a mirror, on the mirror there is an inscription:

There are no bad photos here, our initiative is famous everywhere. Of course: here is a portrait - a handsome man or a beauty.

"Classic" attractions.

You need to blindfolded put the nose of a drawn clown in place or attach a tail to a drawn donkey.

“Which page is the bookmark on?”

Take a thick book with a bright bookmark embedded in it. It is not allowed to look into the book or touch it with your hands. Copyright-by-holiday. You need to guess which page the bookmark is on. It is unlikely that anyone will give an exact answer, rather close to the true one, but this is enough to reward the quick-witted person with a prize.

"Holiday Surprise"

A large, beautifully decorated box stands on a raised platform or is suspended from the ceiling. Everyone participating in the attraction writes on pieces of paper what they think is in the box. You are not allowed to touch the box, try it by weight, or look inside. When everyone has written their options, the answers are read out. It is very difficult to become a winner, because there are no guidelines for determining the contents of the box, but you can guess it by chance. As a last resort, you can accept an answer that is at least approximately suitable to the subject. This answer will be counted, and the winner will be awarded. You can also put several items in the box, this will only make the game more interesting, since there will be several winners. If there are several correct answers, the contents of the box (nuts, candies, etc.) can be divided among all the winners. Only the organizer of the attraction can know what is put in the box, who must choose the “surprise” himself, without witnesses, and personally seal the box.

"What is my name?"

Big beautiful doll sits on a dais. She has a sealed envelope with her name on it. You must guess this name, then the winner will receive a prize. If several people guess the name of the doll at the same time, then lots are cast between them to award the prize. If no one guesses the name, the leader continues the game until the correct answer. To help the players, you can tell which letter the copyright-by-holiday name begins with - a vowel or a consonant. If this name appears in literature, you can name the author’s surname and the work and thus lead to the correct answer.

“Shot Put” is a comic competition.

Two teams compete in the shot put. True, the core here replaces balloon, but “push” it is not so easy. Who will become the champion? The places where the ball falls can be marked on the floor with colored chalk, which will indicate the name of the “pusher”.

New Year's games and competitions

The driver asks any questions, and the rest must answer only with the word “herringbone”. If someone confused the words or laughed, he becomes the host or a forfeit is taken from him, which will later be useful for playing forfeits.

Snow fantasies.

It will be good if, after playing with your children indoors, you go out into the fresh air with them. Everyone can make a snowman instead, but it’s better if everyone makes a small figurine out of the snow: some a gnome, some a robot, some a Snow Maiden. You can arrange the figures in a circle, and then tell each other little fairy tales, and to do this, “disenchant” your heroes: tear them off the ground and make them move. Or you can compose a common fairy tale so that all the sculpted heroes participate in it.

You can even come up with musical accompaniment: play on a saw with a stick, on a tin box of cereal, with nuts, on a small tambourine, a tin drum and all sorts of other toy musical instruments.

Snow adventures.

You can draw copyright-by-holiday footprints in the snow. If you take long steps forward and backward, to the side, you get one drawing, but if you draw in small steps, when the toes and heels are close to each other, looking in one direction, and then in different directions, it’s a different picture. If you put your palm without a mitten on the snow, you will get a bear footprint - and the fairy tale can turn out either funny or scary.

Who can guess?

The presenter asks participants to guess how many pages there are in the book? What is the doll's name? How many nuts (candies, etc.) are in the transparent bag? What's in the box? (Or a bag - by touch). The person who answers receives this item as a prize.

Father Frost.

Santa Claus, chosen according to the counting rhyme, stands in the center of the circle outlined in the snow. The rest of the players, holding hands, dance around him, saying:

Grandfather Frost, Grandfather Frost has grown through the oak tree, Has grown through the oak tree, Rolled up a cartload of gifts: Bitter frosts, Flowing snow, Blizzard winds, Friendly snowstorms. He brought in a chilly cold and paved a bridge on the river.

After these words, the players run away, and Santa Claus catches them. The one he hits is considered “frozen”: he stands motionless in the center of the circle. Players can “freeze him off” by throwing a snowball. “Frostbitten” must catch a snowball and try to hit Santa Claus with it.

Got it - free. And when Santa Claus manages to “freeze” the three, they prepare a “payoff” for him - they sculpt a snow woman.

Around this woman, all the participants in the game dance in a circle with the words:

Grandfather Frost, Grandfather Frost, Baba brought a snowball, Baba, baba, hare, Get a snowball!

And, throwing snowballs one by one, they destroy it. And the game ends like this: two branches are stuck into the snow under the hill. This is the gate. Players slide down on a sled, trying to get through the gate. The one who missed them or knocked down a branch becomes the new Santa Claus.

White bears.

An ice floe is indicated in the corner of the site. On it there are copyright-by-holiday two drivers - polar bears. The rest on the site are cubs. At the signal, the drivers, holding hands, run out onto the site and catch the cubs: they catch up with the player and take him into their chain. They catch other cubs together. The game continues until all the cubs are in the chain. Players are not allowed to separate the polar bears' arms and escape when caught.


You need to build a pyramid from several empty tin cans. Then from a certain distance you need to throw snowballs at this target. The winner will be the one who knocks down the most cans in three throws.

Round dances

By complicating the traditional New Year's round dance, you can make it more entertaining, you just need to use your imagination. So, for example, the leader can change the pace of movement or its direction and generally set the tone for the round dance. You can first make a couple of traditional circles, and then maneuver like a snake between the furniture and guests. According to the decision of the leader, those who are not participating in it can be included in the round dance, or the pace can be sharply slowed down or, on the contrary, accelerated, they can dance in a round dance on one leg, jump on two, sit down sharply on command, etc.

Decorate the Christmas tree

For the competition you will need two artificial spruce trees (for New Year There are never too many Christmas trees), which are installed in the festive hall.
The Snow Maiden says: “Soon the chimes will announce the beginning of the New Year, and the festive fir trees stand without their festive attire. There must be nimble guests in the hall who can quickly decorate the Christmas trees?”
5-6 steps from the fir trees, unbreakable toys (rain, tinsel, toys made of papier-mâché or cardboard, clay and thread) are laid out on the tables. But to complicate the task, Snegurochka declares: “Unfortunately, there was a short circuit, so we will have to decorate the Christmas trees in the dark.” “Darkness” is arranged artificially by blindfolding the participants. It is quite possible that with eyes closed Participants may lose their bearings and mistakenly hang toys on the wrong tree. No matter how the decoration process occurs, the winner is the one who has the most elegant tree.

Toy in a circle

Santa Claus sends an invitation to the holiday participants to form a circle. To the sound of music, for example, a doll depicting the Snow Maiden moves, passing hands in a circle. As soon as the music stops, the transfer of the doll stops. Whoever still has the toy Snow Maiden in his hands leaves the circle. The game continues until one participant remains. If the circle consists of a large number of players, then you can throw several toys around the circle.

Compliments to the Snow Maiden

A young man is called to the center and Santa Claus hands him an apple with matches stuck in close rows. The young man must, taking out a match, pay a compliment to the Snow Maiden. The apple should lose all its matches, and the Snow Maiden should be showered with compliments.


Place (hang) the basket on the floor. Participants in the competition are given 6 “snowballs” (white tennis balls); they must fall into the basket from a certain distance. The most accurate thrower is declared the winner.

Fluffy snowflakes

For the competition you need to make light snowflakes from cotton wool. The Snow Maiden distributes snowflakes to the participants, who, having tossed their snowflake, must use artificial wind (simply blow) to keep it in the air for as long as possible. Whoever's fluffy snowflake has fallen can help his opponent hold it, thus pleasing the Snow Maiden and completing her task.

Magic words

This game is played by the Snow Maiden. She selects 20 participants, who are divided into two equal teams. Each team is given a set of large letters, from which the word “Snow Maiden” is composed. Each team player takes one letter. Next, the Snow Maiden reads a story in which there are words consisting of these letters. When pronouncing such a word, the owners of the letters included in it must come out and quickly build the word. The team that composes the word faster is awarded a point. Then, based on the number of points received, the winner is determined.
Sample story:
How nice it is in winter, the fast river is covered with ice. Snow fell on the spacious fields. Behind the village the mountain turned white. The bark on the trees sparkles with frost. The creaking sound of sled runners can be heard. At what distance do they keep their course?

Centipede racing

A sufficiently spacious room is required to conduct these races. Two teams are created, the participants of each line up (looking at the back of each other’s heads), and the player in front is taken by the belt with their hands. A chair is placed on opposite side the hall in such a way that it can be walked around. The created chain should reach the chair, go around it and come back. If someone opens their hands, the team where this happened can be counted defeated by the leader. You can complicate the competition or make it more spectacular in the following way: by forcing the teams to squat or by giving a simultaneous start for both teams, in which case they will also have to get ahead of the opponent in order to be the first to get around the chair. One of the variants of this game is “Snake”. It can be held after the races and by combining teams into one. The first player in the column is the “head”, the task of the “head” is to catch the “tail” (respectively, the last one in the column), which is trying to escape from it. Having caught the “tail”, the “head” becomes it and takes its place at the end of the column. And the “tail” that comes off is considered a loser and leaves the game.

Two Frosts

To play you need 2 Santa Clauses, so first you need to choose two participants (put red hats on them). The remaining participants in the game stand behind a conventional line at the end of the room.
Frosts (drivers) stand in the middle of the room and say to the other participants:

We are two young brothers, (Together): Two daring frosts.
- I am Frost the red nose.
- I am Frost the blue nose.
Which one of you will decide
Set off on a path?
What do the guys answer:
- We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of frost!

After the words, the players run to the other side of the room beyond the “home” line. Frosts chase those running across, catch them and “freeze” them. Anyone who is frozen remains in place and does not move. When everyone except the “frozen” ones has run across, the Frosts repeat their speech, having received an answer, the players again run to the opposite side along the way to “unfreeze” their friends, for which they simply need to touch them with their hand. The rescued friends join. Game continues.


The auction is led by Santa Claus, who says:
What a wonderful Christmas tree in our hall. And what beautiful toys it is decorated with! What Christmas tree decorations do you know? Name them! This amazing prize will go to the person whose answer is the last.
Players take turns calling names. Santa Claus slowly counts between pauses: “Clapperboard - one, firecracker - two...”. And so on, the auction continues until the options for the names of Christmas tree decorations run out, and Santa Claus says: “... cracker - three! Won!

Prank game

Santa Claus declares to the assembled guests that they are not able to repeat after him three short simple phrases. Those present, of course, do not agree with him. Thinking, as if coming up with complex words, Santa Claus pronounces a phrase of 3-4 words. For example: “It’s winter outside.” Those present repeat it without any problems. What makes Santa Claus embarrassed, he begins to mutter under his breath, as if looking for a complex verbal option, and hesitantly pronounces the second phrase, for example: “Today is a glorious evening.” This phrase is also easily repeated by everyone. And at this moment, Santa Claus solemnly says: “You’re wrong!” The players protest. To which Santa Claus explains that the phrase: “You’re wrong!” was the third in a row, which they were unable to repeat after him.

Two are better than one

Three toys (ball, pin, cube) are placed on the floor in the middle of the room. For the game, two participants are called and begin to dance near the toys (the game can be played with musical accompaniment). At the end of the music (or at the command of Santa Claus: “Stop!”, if dancing takes place without music), each participant must take possession of two toys. The player who manages to grab one toy is considered a loser. If desired, the game can be complicated as follows: invite more players and offer more toys. Whoever manages to grab the most toys is the winner.

Under a lucky star

This game requires preliminary preparation: write large numbers on cut out paper stars, hang the stars on threads from the ceiling of the room where the festive dances will take place. During the dance, the music suddenly stops and Santa Claus announces: “Lucky star - 13!” Anyone who has just danced carefree must, at the speed of sound, find the star with the announced number. The first to discover the star is declared the winner and awarded a prize.

Watch your back

The game is for everyone present in the hall. The game can be played by either the Snow Maiden, or Santa Claus, or both in turn. Or rather, not to lead, but to give various commands. Those present in the hall should follow commands only if the word “please” is added to them. So, for example, “Please sit down”, “Hands up!”, “Please applaud”, “Jump in place!” and so on. Commands must be spoken quickly and not given much time to complete them. This way, the game will be more fun and there will be more chances for mistakes. Players who make mistakes leave the game and become simply observers. The last player is awarded a prize and given the title: “The most attentive guest.”

Any celebration is, first of all, fun. What creates the mood for a holiday? Of course, entertainment! Including in the form various games and competitions.

We offer you New Year's games for children that can be played both at home and in kindergarten or at school near the Christmas tree. Among the whole variety of games and competitions, you will certainly find exactly what suits you and will make the New Year unforgettable.

Game “Name the Gift”

Place a lot of toys and figurines in a spacious bag. The child must, with his eyes closed, pull out the object and guess what it really is. If the baby correctly recognizes the figure, then the gift goes to him.

Game "Owl on the hunt"

An “owl” is selected from the team of players to be the leader. The rest of the guys must portray wild or domestic animals: a cow, a bear, a hedgehog, a frog, a rhinoceros, a dog, a hippopotamus. After the presenter’s command “Day!” all the animals are jumping and having fun. After the word “Night!” no one moves, because the owl begins the night hunt for animals. The one who changes his position, blurts out or laughs loses. This animal becomes the prey of a bird of prey.

Racing game "Fish"

The leader forms two equal teams. Each group is given a fishing rod with a small hook on a line. A hoop is placed in front of each team, playing the role of a pond. There are paper fish in the pond. Their number is equal to the number of participants in the game. From each team, accompanied by musical accompaniment, one person goes to the pond to pull out his goldfish. The first move is given to the captains, then to the rest of the participants in turn. The team that is the first to catch fish in its own pond is considered the winner.

Game "New Year's round dance"

One of the most common and favorite children's New Year's games. Children stand around the Christmas tree, holding hands together. A cheerful children's song is played, for example, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.” The guys, singing along, move around the tree in one direction, then the direction changes.

"Bring the snowball"

At the same time, two participants must run to the Christmas tree. The difficulty is that everyone has a spoon with an artificial snowball in their hand. At a signal, they scatter in different directions in the direction of the tree. Whoever turned out to be the most dexterous and did not lose his snowball along the way won.

Game "Bouncing Bag"

Two children take part in the race at the same time. They stand in an empty bag and begin to jump into races. The top of the bag is supported by hands. The first person to come running receives a legitimate prize from the presenter.

Game “We are funny kittens”

The guys dance in pairs to an incendiary composition. The presenter suddenly says the phrase: “We are funny kittens.” Immediately all the couples break up, and each individually depicts a dancing kitten. New Year's riddles are well suited for this game. The winners will be rewarded with sweet prizes.

Game "Build a Castle"

Several players participate at the same time. The guys study the drawn diagram of the castle. Each person is given a certain number of plastic cups. Blindfolded, children reproduce the castle from memory. The fastest one wins the competition.

Game "Football with tangerines"

The kids are divided into two groups. Tangerines are placed on a large table. Children must use two fingers to score a goal against the opponent's goal.

Accurate shooter

Select a suitable target. This can be a bucket or basket. The guys must use paper balls (snowballs) to hit the target and earn their team a certain number of points and defeat their opponents.

winter wind

To play, prepare a ball rolled out of paper or a wad of medical cotton wool. Place it in the middle of the table. The goal of the game is for players to try to blow it to the floor as quickly as possible.

Decorate the Christmas tree

Divide the children into two teams. Place a box of Christmas tree decorations next to each team. It is advisable that they are not made of breakable glass. Otherwise, in the chaos they will quickly break. Each team of players is provided with two Christmas trees. Players from each team must run from the start to the Christmas tree and hang the toy taken from the box. The game continues until the decorations run out. The fastest team to decorate their tree wins.


The guys stand in a circle and pass each other a New Year's cap. All this time there is music playing. As soon as the sounds subside, we see who has the headdress in their hands. Whoever gets caught tells Santa Claus a poem about winter or sings a song.

Build a snowman

First of all, you will need plasticine. The idea is that two people sit next to each other and jointly build a snowman. The task is difficult because everyone uses one hand. One person works with his right hand, the other with his left. Together they should get a New Year's snowman. It's especially fun if there are adults in pairs. The game truly connects and develops fine motor skills.

Cinderella's slipper

The guys take off their shoes and put them in a common pile. Everyone is blindfolded with thick cloth so that no one can peek. The shoes are mixed, then the presenter gives the signal to look for your things. A child with his eyes closed should be the first to find his shoes by touch. In the end, everyone will end up with someone else's shoes. The game is quite funny and active.


For the participants, slides of cereals, legumes and nuts are prepared and mixed. Players must remember the fairy tale “Cinderella” and, like it, but with their eyes closed, separate the ingredients.

Game "Train Engine" with dance elements

Both adults and children can take part in the game. Everyone stands behind each other, placing their hands on the waist of the person in front. Having lined up, the locomotive sets off to the accompaniment of lively music.

Competition "Help Grandfather"

Children are divided into two teams. Their task is to help Santa Claus pack gifts. One person runs a relay race with a bag and puts toys and candy out of it, and runs back. The second participant runs along the same route and collects everything back into the bag.

Game with Santa Claus “Pass the felt boots”

Children stand in a circle. They are given a felt boot, which they pass to a friend to the music. Santa Claus must catch up with his felt boots. You must pass the felt boots quickly, otherwise you may lose. Of course, Santa Claus will give in at first, but it’s better not to yawn.

Collect snowflakes

Tinsel stretches the entire length of the room. Paper snowflakes are attached to it. To make it easier for children, do not try to glue the paper to the tinsel too tightly. They choose two people and blindfold them with a scarf. While the music is playing, the guys must have time to collect all the snowflakes.


White snowballs roll out of paper. For convenience, children are divided into two equal teams. This game can be played in several ways. For example, pour the lumps onto the floor and ask the children to collect them in baskets while playing music. Or another option. Place a basket on the wall and hold a snow basketball competition. Whose team throws the most snowballs is considered the winner of the competition.

Competition "Smeshinka"

A very fun game for little children. Children sit in a circle, and the leader gives each person a new name. For example, a snowman, an icicle, a Christmas tree, a gift, Santa Claus. Then he asks everyone in turn simple questions: “Where do you live?”, “What did you get for your birthday?”, “What’s your name?” best friend?", "Which your favorite dish?". But the trick is that you need to answer the questions with your new names. The same answer is given to every question. It turns out to be a pun, but no one should laugh. Those who disobey leave the circle. The most serious person wins the competition.

Box with a secret

You will need several empty boxes of different sizes. Place the prize in the smallest one. Then place it in another box, and so on several times. Children sit in a circle and pass the box to each other, opening one of them. The winner is the one in whose hands the last one ends up - with the coveted prize.

New Year's auction

Children take turns listing everything that relates to the New Year: balls, gifts, Christmas tree, garlands, snowman, snow, candies, icicles, tangerines. Whoever could not come up with the right word is eliminated from the game.

Snowman portrait

To play the game you will need a large sheet of paper. This team game. Children with their eyes closed must draw a snowman. Each person draws a separate part: head, nose, buttons, hands, etc. Then the children are untied and see what the young artists have achieved. Instead of a snowman, you can draw a Christmas tree or the Snow Maiden.

Wrap the gift

2-3 children are invited to participate. The assignment requires them to wrap a gift. But instead of holiday packaging, they are given toilet paper. So the guys compete to see who can wrap the surprise more beautifully. The task is not easy, but quite interesting.

Guess the item

The guys put warm gloves on their hands and put their hands in Santa Claus's bag. With their eyes closed, they need to guess by touch which toy they got in the bag. If they guess right, they take the prize for themselves; if not, they put it back into the bag, and the game continues.

Game "Alphabet greetings"

Children should wish their friends a Happy New Year, but for a reason. The presenter names any letter of the alphabet he likes. And the child must come up with a text for this letter. For example, the letter Z: “Health to you and your loved ones in the new year, happiness, success and a sea of ​​smiles.” To be tricky, the presenter pronounces the letters not in alphabetical order, but out of order. It will be much more fun and spontaneous. Interesting situations occur when the presenter names letters such as Y, L, Ъ, Y.

Training your memory

Children carefully study what hangs on the tree, then turn away. Now they need to remember every detail and voice what they saw. The one who names the most toys wins.

Chef competition

Children are divided into three teams. In a minute, the first team must come up with festive dishes for the New Year starting with the letter “N”, the second team must come up with treats for the Snow Maiden starting with the letter “C”, and the third participants must pamper Santa Claus and come up with treats with the letter “D”. Whoever names the most dishes wins the culinary competition.

Grabbed - won

All kinds of toys are laid out on the floor: balls, dolls, trains, teddy bears. Participants dance around a pile of objects. Then, when the music ends and the presenter says: “Stop!”, each child must have time to grab two toys. Whoever gets one is eliminated from the game.

Glue the nose

Santa Claus is drawn on whatman paper full height, but at the same time they do not finish drawing the nose. Children are invited to fashion it out of plasticine themselves. With their eyes closed, they have to glue the nose into the right place. It turns out funny and fun.


Each child is given a ball of cotton wool. He must make a snowflake out of it by stretching the material beyond the edges. The snowflake must be made very thin so that it can fly up. After preparations, they launch it into the air and try to keep it suspended with their breath. The most dexterous one wins.

Musical hat

Pieces of paper with New Year's words are placed in a deep hat: Christmas tree, snowflake, Santa Claus. The guys take turns pulling them out and singing songs with the indicated words. Children can also recite poems on the specified topic.

Elusive felt boots

Near the Christmas tree there are large felt boots. Two children run around a tree from different directions. Whoever puts on his felt boots first wins.


Form two equal teams. Players are given bunny ears. Cabbages are placed near the Christmas tree. It can be made from regular green paper. A player from each team runs to the Christmas tree and removes one leaf from the cabbage, passing the baton to the next one.


Children pass the hat around in a circle and put it on their neighbor’s head. The game is played to cheerful music. When the music stops, they look to see who is still wearing the hat at that moment. This child recites a poem or sings a song about winter.


Chairs are placed around the Christmas tree. But there must be one less than the number of players. Children walk around the Christmas tree, and when the music ends, they try to take the nearest chair. Of course, someone does not have time to find a place and drops out of the game. The most dexterous one receives a prize from Santa Claus.

Winter mysteries

Children sit in a circle, and Santa Claus takes turns showing cards with New Year's motifs depicted: a candle, an Advent wreath, a sleigh, a Christmas tree. The guys must name what is shown and how it can be used.

Another version of this competition is that Santa Claus asks each child in turn riddles on winter and New Year themes. For each correct answer, the player is awarded a chip (coin, card). The one who collected the most trophies will receive the main prize from grandpa.

Portray Santa Claus

It might seem like a simple task, but it has its own difficulties. Two teams take whatman paper each and try to draw a New Year's character without hands. According to the rules, markers can only be held in the mouth.

Blind the winter

A newspaper is spread out in front of the players. It needs to be crumpled up at the command of the leader. One condition - you don’t need to sculpt a big lump, it should fit in the palm of your hand.

Race in felt boots

Two teams are given large boots of Santa Claus. You need to safely run to the tree, run around it and come back. The felt boots are given to a friend and he repeats the run of the previous player.

Give a round of applause to winter

The presenter pronounces a set of words, and the children must recognize definitions related to winter and the New Year. When they hear the right word, they clap their hands together. A number of words can be like this: vase, snowflake, shop, stick, icicle, snowdrift, chair, monkey, Santa Claus, whale, Snow Maiden, car, Christmas tree, leaves.

New Year is approaching

The New Year will not come if the guys don’t help him. They need to name as many New Year's words as possible. They take turns naming everything that comes to mind: snowflake, bell, garland, tinsel, star, chimes, snowball, gift, ball. Whoever has the last word wins.

Free the tree from needles

Two participants play. Ten clothespins are attached to their clothes, each. When the music starts, they must help each other take them off. The fastest one receives a sweet prize from Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Puzzle in mittens

Divide the children into two teams. Each participant puts on mittens and tries with his comrades to assemble a puzzle with winter landscapes. It is advisable that there are not too many details.

Nimble Throw

The Snow Maiden holds in her hands a hoop decorated with bright tinsel. The team stands a few meters away from him and throws small paper snowballs at him. At the end, the snowballs are counted. Wherever there are more snowballs, that team is considered the winner.

Santa Claus's Assistant

Form two equal teams. Place a basket near the tree. It will need to be filled with New Year's gifts. Prepare in advance ordinary boxes covered with colored wrapping. The first player is given mittens and a beard. The child puts them on himself and runs with the gift to the basket, throws it into it and returns to the start. Passes the false beard and mittens to the next participant. And this is what the whole team does until the last player.

Build a snowman

The presenter must cut out the components of the snowman in advance. Body, nose, eyes, buttons, bucket, broom. All this is laid out in a chaotic manner on the floor. Two teams compete against each other for a time. The guys must figure out how to correctly place the details in the composition, and also have time to accurately complete their work in the allotted time.

Ice cream

Father Frost and Snow Maiden perform dances and feel warm. The host advises them to cool off with ice cream. Everyone is divided into two teams. Opposite each one stand Father Frost and the Snow Maiden and hold paper horns in their hands. The guys must run to them and put ice cream - snowballs - into the cones. This is the only way they will save fairy-tale characters from the heat.

What types of Christmas trees are there?

The presenter says the phrase: “We dressed up our beauty, we did our best. What kind of Christmas trees are there in the forest?” The guys should remember the adjectives that describe the New Year's tree: fluffy, tall, New Year's.

Prizes and gifts

What are games and competitions without prizes? Let's figure out what is the best gift to give a child for winning a competition.

There is a universal and familiar reward option - sweets. However, you shouldn’t dwell on it, especially since new year holidays Children already get a lot of sweets, which is not very healthy. Here are a few more gift options that Santa Claus can give to the winners of competitions and games:

  • small toys. Depending on the age of the children, these can be small puzzles, cars, dolls, books, soft toys (including in the form of a symbol of the next year), mosaics, construction sets in small boxes;
  • souvenirs - calendars, pens, cups. Such souvenirs can be ordered in an individual design with a general photo of the group or class;
  • New Year's attributes - Christmas tree toys, snowflakes, figurines of Santa Claus, snowman;
  • lottery tickets. Just not the ones sold in special stores, but those made specifically for the occasion. These could be just pieces of paper with numbers, according to which prizes will be drawn at the end of the holiday;
  • wish. Comic wishes that can be fulfilled right at the holiday. For example: the child who won the competition makes a wish for the second child to sing a New Year's song or recite a poem. Or a wish for Grandfather Frost to light the lights on the tree or dance;
  • target. For example, to rescue the Snow Maiden from the hands of the Snow Queen, or to call the Snowman, or to somehow help out some holiday hero.

We hope this article helps you in planning a fun holiday! Happy New Year!
