What is the name of the triangle in billiards? Chapter ix. Dictionary of billiard terminology. Types of cue ball hits on an object ball

your basket is empty

Billiard terminology

An apricole is a hit with the cue ball first against the board and then at the target ball being played, i.e. This is a type of doublet that is used when the ball standing right next to the pocket cannot be played otherwise.

American is a game of pocket billiards. A variation of this game is American one line. Currently, the American has been renamed Pyramid.

Scam is a special term most often used in sports billiards when playing some games (Alager, Express), i.e. take on a scam - this means playing for your billiards partner in the game.

The cue ball is the ball that is used to hit the other balls being played. The name shock is also found. In international terminology, the cue ball is referred to as a cue ball or simply a ball that is struck by a cue ball.

A side kick is a strike with a cue ball at points lying on the left or right side of a vertical line passing through the center of the cue ball (left side shot and right side shot - French shot).

A side ball is a ball standing close to the side.

The diamond is one of eighteen mother-of-pearl dots set into the top wood of the sides of a pocket billiard (see Diamond system).

The Diamond System is a scientifically based billiard system that involves the practical use of diamonds on the sides that help match a clear shot pattern with the calculation of the path of the balls to a specific location (a specific point on the pool table).

A screw is a shot that imparts spin to the cue ball or object ball.

Eight is the name of the game of pool (an American form of pocket billiards).

To play a ball means to put the ball in the pocket.

Exit is a professional technique in the game by which the player, having put a ball into a pocket with a blow, simultaneously comes out with the cue ball under another ball being played in such a way that the latter can be relatively easily put into the pocket with a blow.

The pocket lip is the rounding of the side of the pocket.

A double shot is one of the illegal shots in billiards where the cue stick touches the cue ball twice during the shot.

The home is the place on the pool table designated for the kickoff, bounded by the sides and a chalk line running through the first point of the pool table parallel to the short side. You can install the hitting ball anywhere in the house.

The arc shot is a special type of side shot, when the cue ball describes a curved line after impact (see side shot and screw).

A double is a shot in which the object ball hits the board and bounces off it (see also Croizet) into the pocket.

To screw or twist the ball means to give the cue ball a strong and, moreover, only lateral rotation (see side and arc).

A called ball is a ball that the player intends to pocket and calls before hitting.

Finish the game with a cue - This is what they say when the player starts and finishes the game after a continuous series of hits (makes a bill - a series of accurate goals).

To cover a ball means to place your ball when playing the Moscow Pyramid or Russian Pyramid at a certain point so that the object ball is covered by any other ball (see also Smear).

Illegal strikes are strikes that cannot be made and for which the player is penalized - double, pressing on the board, pushing through.

Why do you need a triangle - this is one of the pieces of billiard equipment: a wooden frame in the shape of a triangle, with the help of which billiard balls are installed in a pyramid before the start of the game.

Playing three boards (from three boards) is one of the most technically difficult shots in billiards, when someone else's ball, after hitting the cue ball, touches three boards and falls into the pocket.

Playing over the back is striking the cue ball, in which the partner places the cue behind the back due to the inconvenience of playing at the object ball in this situation. I note that to avoid this inconvenience, you need to learn to play with both one and the other hand.

Playing with a ball is a type of shot - one of the options for difficult situations in playing sports billiards, i.e. a game in which the cue ball does not hit the object ball directly (the object ball is covered by other balls), but is forced to hit the auxiliary ball, which in turn, by hitting the object ball, will put it in the pocket. Hence the expression when playing - to play with a system of balls, when the blow is transmitted through several balls.

Playing with a pistol is one of the difficult ways to play with one hand. In this case, the cue is taken at the center of gravity on the thumb and ring fingers and grabbed with the index and middle fingers. The blow is usually made in the air or with emphasis on the elbow.

Play in a series is an expression used when playing chips, which means: the player makes strokes until the pins fall and there is no penalty stroke, after which the right to strike passes to the partner.

Playing from hand means that the player can place the cue ball and play it from anywhere in the house in the cases established by the rules.

play through the balls - this means hitting the object ball with the cue ball through several balls (playing with a system of balls of the object ball in the pocket).

The ball hangs over the pocket - this is usually said when the ball is so close to the pocket that the slightest touch to it is enough for it to fall into the pocket. When playing billiards, such balls are usually called dead balls.

What kind of pocket in billiards is a custom pocket - called the pocket by the player, into which he intends to put a custom ball after hitting it.

What varieties of the Pyramid game exist - there is a simple Pyramid (American), and there are also the following varieties of this game: small Russian pyramid (71 points), large Russian pyramid (91 points), pyramid with full balls, pyramid with colored balls, rolling pyramid, pyramid without touching the cue ball board, removing balls by hand, Moscow pyramid (Siberian pyramid).

What should a billiard player's stance be like and what is it in general - a stance is optimal position athlete at the table, i.e. position of the legs, arms, body and cue. There are certain rules for stance, but everyone has their own.

Carom - this word is the name of the game of billiards without pockets with three balls, and also denotes the collision of balls, in which a collision of the cue ball with two or more balls occurs sequentially from one blow.

Quatban is a shot in which the ball is reflected from the four sides into the pocket.

Kick, kick - Kick - an unsuccessful blow with a cue ball when the sticker slides off the ball (it results in a misfire). Kick - make a kick, i.e. hit the cue ball casually with the cue so that the ball only moves from its place or rolls in a direction unexpected for the player.

Klopstoss is a jerky, short blow to the center of the cue ball in a plane parallel to the plane of the table, as a result of which the cue ball, having hit the object ball, remains in place.

A countergame is a decisive game between partners who have the same number of games won. It is called in short - back or contra.

A counter-touch is a reverse blow to the cue ball reflected from the side of the object ball.

Croise is a type of doublet in which the object ball, reflected from the board, crosses the line of motion of the cue ball. This type of doublet is also called a reverse, a reverse (see also Doublet). Performing Croise is also called Wrapping the ball.

Who are Hares - these are two touching (touched) balls.

Who is the King - this is the conventional name for an athlete who plays one against two (pairs) (see Prince). The king is also the name given to the colored piece in the game of chips.

Who is a Marker? This is a full-time official (manager) of a billiard room, whose responsibilities include servicing billiard players, as well as repairing billiard equipment. The marker, as a rule, must know all the rules of billiard games well and confidently resolve all conflict situations between players.

Mazik is one of the pieces of billiard equipment of the past, designed for hitting the cue ball instead of a cue.

A stroke is a position on the table when the ball or balls are blocking the target that you want to hit with the cue ball. Sometimes in this case they say that the ball is smeared and it is difficult to hit it.

Small Russian Pyramid is a game of Russian billiards up to 71 points, very common during official competitions.

Masse is one of the types of unusual complex shots.

A machine is one of the pieces of billiard equipment that serves as a stand for a cue when performing some shots. This device helps the athlete, for example, to play balls that he cannot reach in the usual way when playing with a cue. The machine is also called the bridge and mother-in-law.

Dead ball- this is a ball that stands in the lips of the pocket, and the slightest push on it is enough for it to fall. Such a ball is said to hang above the pocket.

“Undercut the ball” means making a shot that causes the cue ball to hit the object ball closer to the center.

A draw is a blow with a cue in a plane almost parallel (and sometimes at an angle) to the plane of the billiards at the part of the cue ball lying below its center; when pulling back, the cue ball, after colliding with another ball, lingering in place for a moment, rolls back during the reverse rotation.

Wagering is a defensive tactic in the game, as a result of which a shot is made in such a way as to make it difficult for the opponent to execute the next shot (put the cue ball to the board and away from the object balls, cover the cue ball with balls, etc.).

Pachekot is a type of game.

"Cut the ball" is when the played ball is taken at a sharper angle to the played pocket, i.e. the cue ball hits the object ball close to the edge (thinner than necessary).

A jump is one of the types of unusual shots when the cue is hit at the bottom of the cue ball at a large angle to the billiards plane. In this case, the cue ball jumps over the ball and rolls in the direction of the shot.

A pyramid - firstly, these are balls placed on a billiard table close to each other in a certain order and forming an equilateral triangle. Secondly, this is what the game is called now - in the past, American.

The rest is a position of the ball where it is very easy to play. Usually the ball stands near or directly in the pocket for playing someone else's object ball, or near the pocket for playing one's own cue ball (in those games where this is allowed by the rules).

Putting the ball on the spot is when the ball is, in certain cases, placed on the third spot of the billiard table. Usually, penalty balls that have been pocketed incorrectly and are ejected from the spot are placed on the spot. playing field. In the event that the point is occupied by another ball, the balls are placed along the line to the short side as close as possible to the interfering ball.

Why do they sometimes remove balls by hand - I remove balls in several cases - when playing the Moscow Pyramid, when the cue ball is pocketed, the opponent removes any other ball to the pocket of the one who scored. There is also a game called Ball Removal - a pyramid game in which partners take turns playing with a cue, and if one does not place the ball, the other will remove any ball with his hand in his favor.

Who is the Prince - this is the conventional name for each of the two athletes playing in pairs against one opponent (see also King)

An object ball is any ball other than the cue ball - the one that will be hit by the cue ball. There is also the name someone else's ball.

A miss means that the cue ball did not touch the other balls when hit.

A push is a forbidden shot in billiards. Usually done by hitting closely spaced balls - i.e. at the moment the cue ball touches the cue ball, the cue sticker is still in contact with the cue ball.

A straight ball is an arrangement of balls where the cue ball, object ball and the pocket being played are in a straight line.

Pool is a type of pocket billiards. The game is played with colored balls with a diameter of 57.5 mm on a table with wide pockets.

Robbery is the initial blow at the beginning of the game to the balls standing in the pyramid.

Expense is the termination of an unfinished batch by mutual agreement of the partners. This doesn't happen in competitions.

A ball cut is when the cue ball hits the object ball offset from the center of the object ball.

A rockambole is a ricochet of a ball along several sides.

Your ball - the cue ball is called your ball - the ball that is struck with the cue.

Snooker is a very popular pocket billiards game in the UK. This game uses twenty-two balls: 1 white (cue ball), 15 red and 6 balls of different colors (yellow, green, brown, blue, pink and black).

A dry game is the name of a lost game in which the loser did not manage to play a single ball or score a single point. They also say that the batch ended “dry”.

To play with air is to hit the cue ball very subtly on the object ball when hitting.

Playing a heel is a special case of apricole, when the ball receives a hit from the cue ball reflected from the side, and the point of impact of the cue ball on the ball is from opposite side location of the cue ball before impact. Wagering as a heel in Pyramid and some other types of billiards is now prohibited.

To play with pressure means to put the ball in play with an illegal blow - with pressure. This happens, in particular, when two balls are located close to a pocket and when one of them is pocketed (his or someone else’s), the player pushes it into the pocket.

A point on the table, its purpose is a point on the table indicated by a colored circle with a diameter of 1 cm, pasted at the intersection of two lines connecting the centers of the two corner pockets with the centers of the two middle pockets (the first and third) and the middle of the middle pockets (the second). One of the points is intended for installing the pyramid (third), the second (middle) marks the middle of the table, and the first marks the house.

A triple is when someone else's ball is placed in a pocket when it is reflected during a hit from two sides.

The Ace is the ball labeled 1 (counts as 11 points when playing Russian Pyramid).

Turnyak is the thick part billiard cue. Some people incorrectly call it a horizontal bar.

A touch is any touching of any billiard ball with a cue, hand, clothing, tie, machine, etc. A touch differs from a hit in that during it the ball does not make, or makes a slight forward movement.

A frontal shot is when the cue ball hits the center of the object ball.

A through shot is a hit with the cue ball simultaneously on two playing balls that are close to each other.

The Finnish game is a game of billiards with 16 balls placed in pairs against each pocket, and three balls along the middle line connecting the middle pockets of the table.

Chips is a game, the peculiarity of which is that, in addition to three balls, five or seven chips are introduced into the game. It can be played both on billiards without pockets and on pocketed ones. A variation of the game of chips (or skittles) is Pachecote.

A foul is any violation of the rules of the game of billiards.

A handicap is when one of the obviously stronger playing opponents gives a certain number of points, balls or shots before the game, thereby leveling the level of the partners’ playing class. The name Handicap is also in use.

A fuch is a ball that fell into a pocket unexpectedly, unexpectedly. Hence the expression Fuchsian party, i.e. won by sheer luck.

What kind of game is “Two Balls” - this is a game of two balls, in which each of the partners must put the opponent’s ball into any pocket without assigning it.

What kind of game is "Five Balls" - a game of pocket billiards (60 points), Russian game. Played with five balls: 2 white, 2 red, 1 yellow. A variation of this is five balls with caroms.

What does it mean when they say “Clear” - this expression is used in the game to designate the case when the ball being played does not touch other balls in billiards during its movement.

What does it mean: A ball is visible or not visible - this is the position of the balls on the table at which the aiming point of the ball being played is visible or not visible.

What is considered the beginning and end of a blow - the beginning of a blow is considered to be any touch of the player to any ball on the billiards, and the end of a blow is the moment of removing the hand, cue, machine from the billiard table and stopping the movement of the balls.

What does it mean to kick, kick - this means hitting the side of your ball with a cue unsuccessfully, i.e. casually, so that the ball only moves from its place or rolls in a direction unexpected for the player. A similar blow occurs when playing, as a rule, when the end of the cue is not chalked, when the sticker has lost its roughness (has become greasy), or when the player uses damp chalk.

A ball pocket is when the object ball or cue ball is pocketed by touching another ball.

Stoss is a type of shot in the game of bowling. In this case, the partners take turns making one hit, regardless of whether the pins fall or not.

Effe is a relatively complex hit on the ball, which imparts a certain lateral rotation to the ball in addition to its forward motion.

Apricole- hitting the cue ball first against the board and then into the object ball.

cue ball- a ball that is struck with a cue during the game.

Outset- hitting the cue ball at points lying to the left or right of the central vertical line. Left side and right side possible.

Screw- a decentralized strike on the cue ball, in which the cue ball, along with translational motion, also receives rotational motion.

Exit- a shot in which, after a pocketed object ball, the cue ball comes under another object ball so that it can be easily played.

At odds- hit with the cue ball simultaneously on two balls that are close to each other.

Popped up ball- a ball that stops after completing a stroke outside the playing surface of the table.

House- part of the playing surface of the table between the front line and the front board.

Doublet- a shot in which the object ball first hits the board and then enters the pocket.

Back line- a line passing through the back mark parallel to the short side.

Order- a requirement for the player to announce before striking the object ball and the pocket into which he intends to play it.

Custom pocket- the pocket announced in the order into which the player intends to place the object ball.

Custom ball- a specific object ball announced in the order, which the player intends to play into the ordered pocket.

Playing table surface- a cloth-covered flat surface of the table between elastic sides.

Game from hand from home- a shot in which the cue ball can be placed anywhere in the house area.

Cannon- a shot in which the cue ball touches one object ball and hits another.

Katban- reflection of the ball from four sides.

Cue- a billiard accessory designed for hitting the cue ball.

Kix- an unsuccessful shot with the cue sticker slipping along the surface of the cue ball.

Countertouch- a reverse strike on the cue ball of an object ball reflected from the board or other balls.

Klapstoss- a shot in which the cue ball remains in place after hitting the object ball.

Krause- a type of doublet in which the object ball, reflected from the board, crosses the line of movement of the cue ball.

smear- a position in which the ball or balls block the target where it is desirable to hit with the cue ball.

Typewriter- a billiard accessory used as a support for a cue when striking a distant cue ball.

Chalk- a dry abrasive substance used to rub the cue sticker to prevent kicking.

Roll up- a shot above the center of the cue ball, as a result of which the cue ball continues to move in the same direction after hitting the object ball.

Sticker- a circle of specially treated leather glued to the end of the front part of the cue, which is in direct contact with the cue ball when making shots.

Guy- a shot below the center of the cue ball, as a result of which the cue ball rolls back after hitting the object ball.

Wagering- a positional strike that minimizes the opponent’s chances of a subsequent effective strike.

From the ball- a shot in which the object ball or cue ball falls into a pocket after touching another ball.

Party ball- a ball, the correct pocketing of which brings victory in the game.

Front line- a line passing through the front mark parallel to the short side.

Front mark- a point on the longitudinal line of the table, equidistant from the center mark and the front edge.

Jump- a shot in which the cue ball jumps over the object ball.

Pyramid- the initial placement of object balls in the shape of an equilateral triangle with the apex at the back mark.

Object ball- any ball on the table except the cue ball.

Longitudinal line- a line passing through the central mark parallel to the long side.

Successful strike- a correctly executed shot, accompanied by the ball falling into the pocket and giving the right to continue the series at the table.

Raffle- the procedure for determining the participant who enters the game first.

Rockambole- ricochet on several sides.

Series (with cue)- a sequence of effective strikes by one of the participants.

Triangle- a billiard accessory used for the initial placement of balls in the shape of a pyramid.

Triplet- reflection of the ball from two sides.

Troisban-reflection of the ball from three sides

Horizontal bar- the thick part of the cue.

Touche- touching the ball on the table with a cue, hand, machine, etc.

Impact on cutting- a shot in which the point of impact is offset relative to the line of the centers of the cue ball and the object ball, as a result of which the object ball receives movement to the left or right.

Hand kick- a shot in which the cue ball can be placed anywhere on the playing surface of the table.

Kick from home- a shot in which the cue ball can be placed anywhere in the house. Performed at the beginning of the game, as well as in some games after the cue ball falls into the pocket.

Elastic side- cloth-covered rubber fixed to the inside of wooden sides. Elastic sides form the outer perimeter of the playing surface of the table.

Foul-violation of the rules of the game, entailing a fine and termination of the series.

Handicap- giving one player to another ahead of a set number of balls, points, strikes, etc.

Fuchs- a ball that fell unexpectedly, unexpectedly.

Central line- a line passing through the central mark parallel to the short side.

Center mark- a point located in the center of the playing surface of the table.

Foreign billiard terms.

CROSS SIDE- doublet into the middle pocket.
CROSS TABLE SHOT- doublet from the long side.
CUE BALL- cue ball (syn. ROCK, WHITEY, CLEAR BALL (card))
CUEING- use any blow except the klapstoss.
CUSHION- board
CUT SHOT- cutting.
CUT ANGLE- cutting angle.

DEAD BALL- a cue ball struck in such a way that all the rotation and speed imparted to it by the cue are transferred to the object ball, the cue ball loses them after the impact.
DIAMONDS- diamonds (syn. DOTS)
DOUBLE- doublet.
DRILL- method and approach to each blow.
DROP POCKETS- classic pockets without mechanical ball return.

END RAIL- short side
ENGLISH- America. effe, French kick, side spin kick; British SIDE.

FEATHER SHOT- very fine cutting.
FERRULE- America. white sticker attachment; British BRASS.
FLUKE- "fool"; score a fool - RAT-IN A BALL, SHITTING IN A BALL.
FOLLOW- roll up (syn. TOP SPIN, TOPS)
FOLLOW THAT CAR- a shot in which the cue ball follows the object ball into the pocket.
FOLLOW-THROUGH- accompaniment, movement with a cue, after a coasting strike.
FOOT OF TABLE- the place where the balls are placed before the start of the game.
FOOT SPOT- lowest point.
FOOT STRING- bottom line.
FOUL- foul
FROZEN- stuck ball.

GAME BALL- a correctly made ball that brings victory.
GATHER SHOT- a carom strike that allows you to roll all three balls as close to each other as possible.
GRIP- manner of holding a turnik.
GULLY TABLE- billiard tables with an automatic ball return system.

HEAD OF TABLE- “house” and the short side adjacent to it.
HEAD SPOT- top point.
HEAD STRING- top line.

INLAY- ornament.
INNING- impact queue (syn. FRAME).
IN THE KITCHEN- ball from hand within the “house”.
INVALID SHOT- wrong blow.

JAW- pocket lip.
JOINT- the middle of folding cues, where the blade and shaft are screwed together.
JUMP SHOT- jump.

KICK- British in snooker and English billiards, this is the moment when the cue ball momentarily sticks to the object ball, usually due to dirt (chalk) accumulated on the balls; America SKID, CLING.
KICK SHOT- apricole.
KITCHEN- house.
KISS- contact between balls.
KISS SHOT- a shot in which the cue ball touches more than one ball, carom.

LAGGING- America. drawing lots for the right to first strike (syn. LAG FOR BREAK); British STRINGING.
LEAVE- the location of the balls after the impact.
LEGAL SHOT- the right blow.
LOT- drawing lots for the right to first strike, regardless of playing skills (tossing a coin, drawing a short stick, etc.)

MECHANICAL BRIDGE- machine, mother-in-law, stand (syn. CRUTCH, RAKE, GRANNY STICK)
MISCUE- kix.

NATURAL ROLL- movement of the cue ball with lateral rotation.
NIP DRAW- short pull, used when there is a danger of a “double strike”.

OBJECT BALL- object ball
ON A STRING- describes the ideal solution;

Joe"s shape is awesome today, he"s got that cue ball on a string- Joe is on a roll today, his cue ball seems to be on strings.
ON THE HILL- this is what they say about a person who has one game left to win; if it is a pre-win draw and the winner of the next game wins the match, then the situation is called HILL-HILL or DOUBLE-HILL.
ON THE SNAP- win the right to strike first.
OPEN TABLE- open table.

POCKET- pocket.
POCKET BILLIARDS- pocket billiards.
POSITION- exit; to POSITION - go out.
POT- British a correctly played ball.
PUSH SHOT- pushing the ball.

RACE- the number of wins required to win the match; Race to five - we play until five wins.
RAIL- the edge and the edge of the table adjacent to it.
RAIN TABLE- a table of terrible quality with a slow cloth, on which the balls quickly collect dirt.
REVERSE ENGLISH- America. French shot, in which the cue ball, after contact, goes in the opposite direction from its natural direction. (syn. HOLD-UP, INSIDE ENGLISH); British CHECK SIDE.
RULES- rules; HOUSE RULES - local rules.
RUN- series.
RUNNING ENGLISH- America. effe, a French shot, in which the cue ball, after contact, goes in the natural direction, but at a greater angle and with greater speed (syn. OUTSIDE ENGLISH); British RUNNING SIDE.

SAFETY- roleplaying.
SCRATCH- any foul related to the cue ball: pocketing, flying off the table.
SCREW- America. guy (syn. DRAW); British BACK SPIN, BOTTOM SPIN, BOTTOMS.
SHAFT- shaft.
SHARK- distract someone during a strike.
SNOOKERED- smear, smeared.
SPEED- characterizes the quality of the billiard player’s game (not speed); TOP SPEED - the most Best game, which a billiard player can show.
SPLIT HIT- a shot in which it is difficult to determine which of the object balls the cue ball touched first.
SPOTTING BALLS- returning the balls to the appropriate points according to the rules of a particular game.
SQUIRT- micro-displacement of the cue ball during a French shot (usually within four degrees).
STANCE- billiard player's pose.
STOP SHOT- straight stop, straight klapshtos.
STROKE- movement of the cue upon impact.
STUN SHOT- a blow that technically differs from a klapstos only in that a slight cutting is added.
SUCCESSIVE FOULS- consecutive fouls.
SWEEP- smash your opponent to smithereens.
SWERVE- stroke.

T.I.P.- sticker.
TRIANGLE- triangle for placing balls (syn. RACK)
TRICK SHOT- trick kick.

ABRICOLE - hitting the cue ball first against the board and then at the object ball.
BEK - European Billiard Confederation. Founded in 1985, it includes 17 states.
BILLY - a series of shots, each of which ends with the correct play of balls (see also CUE)
CUE-BALL - a ball that is used to hit other balls. Synonym -<свой>.
LATERAL - hitting the cue ball with a cue at points lying on the left or right side of the central vertical line. Possible LEFT SIDE SIDE and RIGHT SIDE SIDE (see also ARC and SCREW).
BORTOVIK - (side ball) a ball standing close to the side.
DIAMOND - one of eighteen mother-of-pearl marks embedded in the wooden part of the sides on a pocket billiard (see DIAMOND SYSTEM).
DIAMOND SYSTEM is a scientifically based billiard system that involves the practical use of diamonds on the sides, which help to create a clear diagram of shots with the calculation of a certain path of the balls.
WBS - World Billiard Union. Founded in 1959, it unites five billiard confederations (Europe, Asia, America, Africa and the Middle East).
THE BALL IS VISIBLE or NOT VISIBLE - when the aiming point is visible or not visible.
SCREW - A shot that imparts rotation to the cue ball or object ball. (Screw and twist) - give the cue ball a strong and, moreover, only lateral rotation (see also SIDEWAY and ARC).
In the forehead - hitting the cue ball in the center of the object ball.
SLASH - hitting two balls close to each other with the cue ball at the same time.
EXIT - a technique as a result of which the player, having put one object ball in the pocket, simultaneously comes out with the cue ball under the other so that he can easily play it.
DOUBLE STRIKE is one of the prohibited strikes.
HOME - the place for the initial shot, limited by the sides and a chalk line passing through the first point of the billiards parallel to the short side.
ARC - a special type of side kick, when the cue ball describes a curve after impact (see also SIDE and SCREW).
DOUBLET - a shot in which the object ball hits the side and is reflected from it (see also CROISET).
HARES - two shaded balls.
ORDERED POCKET - The pocket called by the player in which he intends to place the order ball.
CALLED BALL - A ball that a player names before hitting.
COVER - (ball) see MASK.
PLAY - play from any place (at home) in the cases established by the Rules.
CAROM - two successive collisions of balls.
KATRBAN - reflection of the ball from four sides.
KIX - an unsuccessful blow with a cue ball when the sticker slides off the ball (a misfire occurs).
KICK - make a miss (kick), that is, hit the cue ball casually with the cue so that the ball only moves from its place or rolls in a direction unexpected for the player.
PLACE - (making balls) falling into the pocket of an object ball.
KLAPSTOS - a jerky, short shot, as a result of which the cue ball, having hit the object ball, remains at the point of contact with it.
COUNTERPARTY - a decisive game between partners who have the same number of games won. Abbreviated as counter or contra.
COUNTERTOUCH - a reverse strike on the cue ball of an object ball reflected from the side.
KING - this is the conventional name for a billiard player who plays one against two (pairs) (see also PRINCE).
CROISET - a type of doublet in which the object ball, reflected from the side, crosses the line of movement of the cue ball. This type of doublet is also called WEREWOLF (see also DOUBLET).
MAZIK - a piece of billiard equipment. Instead of a cue, they hit the cue ball with a mazik.
MASK - when a ball or balls obscures the target that it is desirable to hit with the cue ball. Sometimes in such cases they say that the ball is (smeared).
MASSE is one of the special attacks.
MACHINE - a piece of billiard equipment that serves as a cue stand for certain shots. This device helps, for example, to play balls that cannot be obtained in the usual way. The machine is sometimes called<тещей>.
DEAD BALL - when the ball is in the mouth of the pocket and the slightest push on it is enough for it to fall. They also say about such a ball that it hangs above the pocket.
PRESS is one of the prohibited strikes.
ROLL - a shot in which the cue ball is rotated forward to follow the object ball.
TAP - (sticker) a leather circle glued to the thin end of the cue.
START OF THE GAME - in fact, the beginning of the game is considered to be the moment when the center of the cue ball crosses the line limiting the (house) (the so-called house line).
BEGINNING AND END OF A STROK - the beginning of a strike is considered to be any touch of the player to any ball on the billiards, and the end of the strike is the moment of removing the hand, cue, machine from the billiard table and stopping the movement of the balls.
WEREWOLF - (doublet) see CROISET.
PUSH - a blow from which the cue ball, having hit the object ball, rolls back as a result of the rotation imparted to it.
OFF THE BALL - When an object ball or cue ball is pocketed by touching another ball.
RECOVERY - a defensive tactic in which a shot is made with the expectation of making it difficult for the opponent to execute the shot (put the cue ball to the board and away from the object balls, cover the cue ball with balls, etc.).
JUMP - one of the special attacks.
PYRAMID - balls placed on a billiard table close to each other in the form of an equilateral triangle.
PYRAMID - a game of pocket billiards. Variations of this game: (Small Russian Pyramid) (71 points), (Big Russian Pyramid) (91 points), (Pyramid with counting balls), (Pyramid with colored balls), (Pyramid-roll), (Pyramid without touching the board with the cue ball) , (Removing the balls by hand).
PISTOL - (poke) one of the ways to play with one hand.
STAND - the position of the balls when playing effectively is not difficult.
PUT ON THE POINT - when the ball in certain cases is placed on one of the three main points of billiards.
PRESS - (partner) a tactic of playing the game in which the player tries to press the cue ball to the board and thereby make it difficult for his partner to execute a shot, forcing him to systematically play from a difficult position, as a result of which he<сбивается с удара>And<теряет кладку>.
PRINCE - this is the conventional name for each of two athletes playing in pairs against one opponent (see also KING).
OBJECT BALL - any ball other than the cue ball. Abbreviated as - (sighting). There are names: (alien), played ball.
MISS - when the cue ball does not touch the other balls.
KICK - one of the prohibited strikes.
STRAIGHT BALL - A situation in which the cue ball, object ball and the pocket being played lie in a straight line.
BREAKING - the initial blow to the balls standing in the pyramid; sometimes the term (robbery) is used.
EXPENSE - termination of an unfinished batch by mutual consent of the partners.
CUTTING - hitting the cue ball very thinly at the edge of the object ball. Hence the expressions: (cut) - when the ball being played is taken at a more acute angle to the receiving pocket and (undercut) - when the ball is taken at a more obtuse angle.
ROCAMBALL - ricochet on several sides.
RUSSIAN BILLIARDS - this is the name of our domestic pocket billiards in the literature.
MAKE A BALL - place, play it by hitting the cue ball into the pocket.
WITH KIYA - (finish a game or play several balls) when the player finishes a game or plays several balls with one series of strokes.
GREASE THE BALL - do not put a relatively light ball.
WITH HANDS - a game packed from (home).
BILLIARDIST'S STAND - the player's position at the table (position of legs, body, head, arms, cue).
DRY (game) - a game in which the loser did not manage to play a single ball and take a single point.
PLAY WITH AIR - hit the cue ball very subtly on the object ball.
TRAINING GAMES - rolling one ball to another, stacking balls into pockets, placing balls in numerical order, (Finnish game), (American in one line).
TRIANGLE - one of the pieces of billiard equipment: a wooden or plastic triangular frame with which billiard balls are installed before the start of the game.
<ТРИ БОРТА>- one of the most technically difficult types of carom billiards; played at the World Championships.
TRIPLET - reflection of the ball from two sides.
TRUABANE - reflection of the ball from three sides.
ACE is a ball marked with a number (means 11 points when playing Pyramid).
TURNIAK - the thick end of a cue.
TOUCH - any touch to any ball: with a cue, hand, machine, clothing, etc. A touch with a cue differs from a hit in that the ball does not move after it.
FOUL - any violation of the Rules in the sport of billiards.
FORA - giving one partner to the other in advance an agreed number of points, balls, strikes, etc.
FUCHS - a ball that fell unexpectedly, unexpectedly. Hence the expression FUCHS PARTY, that is, a game won only due to a happy accident.
THE BALL IS PLACED ON A COMMON BASIS - this expression means: when playing Pyramid, the ball is placed on the third point of the billiards or, if it is occupied, it is placed tightly in the middle of the short side opposite (home; when playing American and Moscow Pyramid, the ball is placed tightly in the middle of the short side , the opposite<дому>.
BALL - (Play with a system of balls) - when the blow is transmitted through several balls.
SHTOS - type of blow.
EFFE - a blow with a cue that imparts lateral rotation to the ball.

Apricole - hitting the cue ball first against the board and then into the object ball.

Billia - a series of blows, each of which ends with the correct play of balls.

cue ball - a ball that is struck with a cue during the game.

Diamond - one of eighteen mother-of-pearl marks embedded in the wooden part of the sides of a pocket billiard (see Diamond system).

Diamond system - a scientifically based billiard system that involves the practical use of diamonds on the sides, which help to create a clear diagram of shots with the calculation of a certain path of the balls.

VBS - World Billiard Union. Founded in 1959, it unites five billiard confederations (Europe, Asia, America, Africa and the Middle East).

It is seen or the ball is not visible - when the aiming point is visible or not visible.

Screw is a decentralized blow to the cue ball, in which the cue ball, along with translational motion, also receives rotational motion.

Popped up ball - a ball that stops after completing a blow outside the playing surface of the table.

Exit - a shot in which, after a pocketed object ball, the cue ball comes under another object ball so that it can be easily played.

House - part of the playing surface of the table between the front line and the front board.

Doublet - a shot in which the object ball first hits the board and then enters the pocket.

Back line - a line passing through the back mark parallel to the short side.

Order - a requirement for the player to announce before striking the object ball and the pocket into which he intends to play it.

Custom pocket - the pocket announced in the order into which the player intends to place the object ball.

Custom ball - a specific object ball announced in the order, which the player intends to play into the ordered pocket.

Game from hand from home - a shot in which the cue ball can be placed anywhere in the home area.

Playing table surface - a cloth-covered flat surface of the table between elastic sides.

Cannon - a shot in which the cue ball touches one object ball and hits another.

Cue - a billiard accessory designed for hitting the cue ball.

Kix - an unsuccessful shot with the cue sticker slipping along the surface of the cue ball.

Klapstoss - a shot in which the cue ball remains in place after hitting the object ball.

Counterparty - a decisive game between partners who have the same number of games won. Abbreviated as counter, or contra.

Countertouch - a reverse strike on the cue ball of an object ball reflected from the board or other balls.

Croizet - a type of doublet in which the object ball, reflected from the board, crosses the line of movement of the cue ball.

Mace - a piece of billiard equipment. Instead of a cue, they hit the cue ball with a mazik.

smear - a position in which the ball or balls block the target where it is desirable to hit with the cue ball.

Typewriter - a billiard accessory used as a support for a cue when striking a distant cue ball.

Chalk - a dry abrasive substance used to rub the cue sticker to prevent kicking.

Dead ball - when the ball is in the mouth of the pocket and the slightest push on it is enough for it to fall. They also say about such a ball that it hangs above the pocket.

Roll up - a shot above the center of the cue ball, as a result of which the cue ball continues to move in the same direction after hitting the object ball.

Sticker - a circle of specially treated leather glued to the end of the front part of the cue, which is in direct contact with the cue ball when making shots.

Beginning of the game - in fact, the beginning of the game is considered to be the moment when the center of the cue ball crosses the line limiting the “house” (the so-called “home” line).

Start and end of the beat - the beginning of the blow is considered to be any touch of the player to any ball on the billiards, and the end of the blow is the moment of removing the hand, cue, machine from the billiard table and stopping the movement of the balls.

Guy - a shot below the center of the cue ball, as a result of which the cue ball rolls back after hitting the object ball.

From the ball - a shot in which the object ball or cue ball falls into a pocket after touching another ball.

Wagering - a positional kick, minimizing the opponent’s chances of a subsequent effective strike.

Party ball - a ball, the correct pocketing of which brings victory in the game.

Front line - a line passing through the front mark parallel to the short side.

Front mark - a point on the longitudinal line of the table, equidistant from the center mark and the front edge.

Pyramid - the initial placement of object balls in the shape of an equilateral triangle with the apex at the back mark.

Press (partner) - a tactic of playing the game in which the player tries to press the cue ball to the board and thereby make it difficult for his partner to execute a shot, forcing him to systematically play from a difficult position, as a result of which he “gets lost in the shot” and “loses the laying.”

Object ball - any ball on the table except the cue ball.

Longitudinal line - a line passing through the central mark parallel to the long side.

cutting - hit the cue ball very thinly, into the edge of the object ball. Hence the expressions: “overcut” - when the ball being played is taken at a more acute angle to the receiving pocket, and “undercut” - when the ball is taken at an obtuse angle.

Successful strike - a correctly executed shot, accompanied by the ball falling into the pocket and giving the right to continue the series at the table.

Raffle - the procedure for determining the participant who enters the game first.

Rockambole - ricochet on several sides.

Series (with cue) - a sequence of effective strikes by one of the participants.

Triangle - a billiard accessory used for the initial placement of balls in the shape of a pyramid.

Triplet - reflection of the ball from two sides.

Troisban - reflection of the ball from three sides.

Ace - a ball marked with the number “I” (means 11 points when playing “Pyramid”).

Horizontal bar - the thick part of the cue.

Touche - touching the ball on the table with a cue, hand, machine, etc.

Impact on cutting - a shot in which the point of impact is offset relative to the line of the centers of the cue ball and the object ball, as a result of which the object ball receives movement to the left or right.

Elastic side - cloth-covered rubber fixed to the inside of wooden sides. Elastic sides form the outer perimeter of the playing surface of the table.

Handicap - giving one player to another ahead of a set number of balls, points, strikes, etc.

Fuchs - a ball that fell unexpectedly, unexpectedly.

Central line - a line passing through the central mark parallel to the short side.

Center mark - a point located in the center of the playing surface of the table.

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The first stage in learning to play billiards is setting the shot itself, training the accuracy of the sight, and practicing hand movements. The technical practice of the strike is quite easy, but you should immediately learn how to perform it correctly. Most beginners ignore this, setting themselves the wrong goal right away. Your task is not to drive the ball into the pocket. The task is to comprehend the blow, performing it in such a way that the two balls, bypassing the collision, arrive at the place where you wish. It is advisable to work on fundamental skills using regular swings “head-on”: knocking out the cue ball at the center point of the ball. When your technical skill is already at a relatively acceptable level, it is time to learn more about different types blows, and begin to improve them. The type of hit on the cue ball is determined by the direction of displacement of the point of impact from the center of the ball. There are 9 similar directions and each of them serves as the name of a particular blow.

Types of cue strikes on the cue ball

You can touch the cue ball area with a billiard cue in any way. The easiest way to decide on different directions is to use the pattern of shots in billiards. So, the types of strikes:

  1. Klapstoss - hitting the center zone of the target. The starting blow from which the polishing of billiard technique begins. The remaining beats moving away from the center point are called “effe”. One of the main ones, which makes it possible to “place” the ball reliably. When hitting exactly at its central point in the plane, opposite the billiard surface, the cue ball makes only a rhythmic forward movement and, having come into contact with the “foreign” ball, remains in place. The ball that in the game will bounce in a given direction.
  2. Roll up - runout above the center mark of the ball. Often there is a need for “one’s” ball to come forward without colliding with the “alien” one. For this purpose, a slow, elongated blow is applied to the upper area of ​​the cue ball. Here the cue ball, in addition to being pushed away from the player, will catch the oscillatory movement and, after colliding with the ball being played, pause for a second and move forward. By the way, it’s perfect for debutants, it’s easy to do, and the aim is quite accurate when hitting a given shot.
  3. Guy - runout below the center point of the ball. It differs from rolling up in greater complexity, since the ball must be given the opposite horizontal torsion. When the need arises to move “your” ball back, the blow is directed to the lower area of ​​the cue ball. Here, as opposed to a rolling shot, along with a slow forward movement, the cue ball will be rewarded with a spin around horizontal axis to the opposite side and, staying in place, avoiding the blow, rolls back.

Cue shots in billiards are famous for the backdrop, because it is the most beautiful and complex of the beats. Its application is quite extensive. The presence of a sticker for the cue is of great importance here. Only a properly chalked, rounded, elastic and rough surface will allow the beating to be performed accurately.

4. Right side - a strike to the area exclusively to the right of the center mark of the cue ball. With such a strike, the cue ball acquires, in addition to a slow push forward, a rotational movement around a vertical axis passing through the center of the ball, counterclockwise, and, colliding with the ball being played, giving it a forward movement, spinning like a top and carried away by its oscillatory rotation, it will only move to the right .

5. Left side - strike into the zone strictly to the left side of the center of the cue ball. The effect of such an oscillation is similar to the previous one, only the beating comes out in a vertical rotation clockwise and after a collision with another ball it will move to the left.

The next four patterns of shots in billiards are recognized as particularly complex and are called combined pushes, since they simultaneously include components of side hits, as well as roll-up or pull-back.

6. Upper right side or roll to the right - hit a point to the right and up from the center of the cue ball. Such a push is made, if necessary, so that the ball, after passing through a collision with a directed ball, rolls to the right side and forward. The blow with the cue falls on the upper right area of ​​the ball slowly and slowly. The resulting blow imparts three types of movement to the ball:

Forward forward;

Accelerating movement - roll;

There is some deviation, barely noticeable to the eye, to the right due to the lateral oscillation of the ball around the vertical axis.

7. Upper left side or roll to the left – a push to the area to the left and up from the center mark of the cue ball. The results of the given cue ball are similar to the previous one, only the ball moves to the left and forward.

9. Lower left side or pull to the left - strike to the area to the left and down from the center point of the ball. Allows you to “pull your” cue ball back and to the left when it comes into contact with the one being played.

Types of cue ball hits on an object ball

Taking into account the impact of the cue ball on the object ball, there are two subtypes of shots: straight and cut.

"Direct" blow

“Straight” balls are the arrangement of balls on the table when the cue ball and the target with the pocket are located on a straight line, leading to their center points connecting.

A particularly complicated push in a billiard competition is called a “straight” push, which is applied through the entire billiard table, “your” ball is distant from the target at an impressive distance.

Such a strike requires enormous precision.

"Cut" blow

“Cutting” is what players call playing balls that are outside the line that concentrates the striking centers and pockets. "Cutting" in many situations is better when the target area is visible. If the balls are placed at an angle of 90 degrees, then this position is considered “limit”.

Additionally, such shots have been developed when the object ball does not immediately go into the pocket, but bounces off the side, and then falls:

· doublet;

· cut doublet;

· croise (reverse stroke; the cue ball, after contact with the object ball, will cross the trajectory of its move towards the pocket)


If artificial lines drawn mentally from the cue ball to the target ball and from it to the pocket form an isosceles triangle, the angle of incidence will be equal to the angle of reflection. The target ball is hit directly “head-on”, into the immediate core of the ball, and it falls into the pocket. Such a doublet is considered direct. It is recognized as the most lightweight doublet strike.

It is recommended to hit the double into the middle pocket smoothly. Under a given condition, even in the case of a not entirely accurate shot, the target ball, having hit the lip of the pocket, will bounce off it and collide with its other sponge. Then, after hesitating, he will fall. In the event of an extremely inaccurate hit, the ball, having come into contact with the sponge, will move away from the pocket to a certain distance and the stand will not come out.

Cut doublet

A cut doublet differs from a straight one by a complex blow. Here the target cannot be beaten head-on. The ball must be "cut". This action at a small angle of incidence significantly increases the display angle. With a cut doublet it is possible to place balls of maximum complexity.


If the ball is located at an excessively obtuse angle, so much so that it is impossible to play it with either a straight or cut doublet, then a doublet called a croisé, or, simply, a reverse one, is used.

Different games