Poker statistics. Basic Poker Statistics Poker Optimal Stats Positions

Statistical analysis on the example of poker distributions can be made by hundreds of ways. In order to simplify the process, I broke the whole analysis of a number of questions that can help us understand where the hero can improve their game. Issues that are most important for microlimit players, I highlighted fat. If you are a novice in poker statistics, then you must start with questions allocated fat.

Questions to identify faces:

  • Hero is the winning NL2 player? If so, how good is it in comparison with other winning players of this limit?
  • Hero is playing too luzovo or too tightovo?
  • The hero comes into the razdenness of the raise?
  • Hero is enough 3-Betit?
  • Hero wins money when comes to Schowdaun?
  • What is the hero of all-in equiti?
  • Hero stylus enough?
  • How does the hero play with the top 10% of its range? Is he in a plus from AK and JJ?
  • Is there a positive awareness about the hero?
  • Hero in a plus with suice connectors? Small pairs? Big couples?
  • Hero Contributic so often, how should he?
  • The hero effectively calls the river?
Before we start, somewhat important comments:
  • The sample size is 46,124 hands played on Full Tilt Poker on Limit NL2 (regular tables).
  • All hands were played on full-ring (9-Max tables).
  • To analyze, I downloaded my hands at Holdem Manager 2 and used reports of this program.
  • 46,124 hands are not small, but not a huge sample.
  • Sometimes, speaking of a certain static, I will refer to the optimal range. These ranges are the result of my personal experience game online, and I recommend them to those who loses, plays a zero or a small plus on micro and low limits. When the player begins to play better, then his statistics change together with his confidence in himself, the ability to read the hands and the ability to psychologically control.

Warele and Preflop-Stats

Whenever I spend a statistical analysis, I start with the most significant indicators. Below is an example of such significant stats. In the image, we see the total number of hands; Clean winnings; Ware (BB / 100); The percentage of hands with which the hero "voluntarily invested money in the bank" (VPIP); Preflop Ray (PFR) as a percentage, as well as a percentage of 3-beta.

bB / 100.

The first thing I watch when analyzing is a Warreit Hero on various limits. This time we only have NL2. BB / 100 is a statch that shows how many on average the player wins big blinds for every 100 hands. This Stat is the main criterion for determining your place among other players of your limit. Below is a simple classification that will help you understand that this statch means:

From -10 to -100 BB / 100 \u003d Player losing huge money on his limit;
From -10 to -1 bb / 100 \u003d player losing not so much;
From -1 to 1 bb / 100 \u003d zero player;
From 1 to 4 bb / 100 \u003d player wining not very much;
From 4 to 10 bb / 100 \u003d a good plot player;
10+ BB / 100 \u003d Player who crashes his limit (it's time to think about the transition to the next limit).

Our Hero BB / 100 is 2.93, and this means that he wins not very much on NL2. I admire all winning players, because I know how hard to start winning in an absolutely new game for myself, even if it is NL2. But I can also say that the hero can be improved.


VPIP is one of the most important stats for analysis, because it helps to understand how a tight or a lousy player you are. In the screenshot presented above, we see that the VPIP Hero is 18.6%, which means that 18.6% of the time hero voluntarily invests in the bank. It is possible to look different ways to this figure: it means that in the middle hero is playing the range, which includes the best 18.6% of the hands. This is a very simplistic look at this statch, but we need to start with something.

If you ask me about what the VPIP should be on NL2, then I will say that this should be something between 16-20%, and for new players to a greater extent is the indicator of 16%. VPIP Hero is 18.6%, which is ideal, but we must look at a number of other stats to determine whether the hero is optimally playing their spectrum of hands.

If you are wondering how the range consisting of 18.6% looks like, then look at the picture below. This range includes all the hands marked with purple color.

PFR and PFR / VPIP ratio

PFR (preflop-raise) tells us about how often the player is raised on the preflop. Our Hero PFR is 12.9%. This means that 12.9% of the time hero does with his hand to the preflop. By itself, this statch is capable of telling too much about the player, especially when it is in the range of 12-20%. If it were less than 12% or more than 20%, then we could say that the player is too tight or too aggressive on the preflop. However, this statch becomes more relevant if you combine it with VPIP to see the ratio between them.

The PFR / VPIP ratio shows, and not too often the player comes into the distribution by a lemp or a ridge. IN once, you must go to the raise distribution every time. The main reason is that it helps to disguise your hand range (if you are banding only with strong hands, then you say to the whole table, which every time you get a raise, you have a strong hand). Plus, it helps to build a bank and configures you to the contour, 3-bet (if necessary) and a potential triple barrel.

Our hero has a PFR / VPIP ratio of 68.9%, which is a low indicator, since the number should be in the range of 75 - 90%. We can conclude that the hero is lympit or a random collite in 31% of cases.

Range of 3-bet

It is not particularly talking about. 3-bet Hero is 4.56%, which is in the optimal range of 3-6%.

Statistics on positions

Now we have a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe most important stats of the hero, so it's time to dig in the database to understand why the Warreit Hero is only 2.95 BB / 100 on the NL2. Therefore, the next thing to do is to see how things are at the hero at each individual position.

The table below shows that in all positions besides the blinds, the hero plays in a plus. This is a good sign, but if you carefully look at BB / 100 for each position, then you will notice some interesting things.

Position alignment in terms of BB / 100

If we place positions from the unprofitable to the most profit, then we will get the following list:

However, the order must be approximately following:

  1. Button.

The blinds are always the least profitable positions, then there are average positions, then early positions and, finally, later. Early positions should be very profitable, because you have to play a very narrow spectrum of hands.

The fact that the hero of Batton is the 4th worst position, greatly alarms. This is definitely a big face. Also need close attention to pay the unprofitable position of MR2. From this position, the hero is playing 14.4% of the hands, so it's not about the range.

How many hero should lose on the blinds?

Let's assume that the hero is always Folding on a small blind. What is his WINE on SB in this case? -50 BB / 100. The fact that the hero has Warreit -27.57 BB / 100, tells us that he wins more money than with a voluntary loss of a small blind. The same can be said about the big blind.

Poker statistics displayed in HUD behind the tables can how to help you better understand the trends of the opponent, and confuse you if you are based on it with an unreliable sample. In this article we will tell you about the minimum number of hands that are needed for the correct use of poker Hada.

What is inaccurate statistics in the poker Hade?

First of all, let's say a few words about what the poker HAD is and how the stages that you see behind the game table are built. Players who are not very familiar with the nuances of his work, often fall into the trap of an unreliable sample of hands.

They make decisions based on rapid data that may not have anything to do with the real state of affairs. For example, if a little-known opponent for the last 5 distributions made 5 open-raises, then it does not mean that he is a maniac or even a lying player. He simply could successfully come in a row 5 strong hands, which in his place would play absolutely any player.

Therefore, it is important to understand for which stat, which sample of hands will be reliable and correctly evaluated their meanings. Otherwise, you can start performing very rough mistakes that will cost you a lot of money.

Number of hands or samples?

In any poker tracker, you can output the total number of hands that are collected on your opponent. For example, playing 10 handpaps with him in the same tables, you will receive an indicator Hands \u003d 10. . Playing different tables and even in different days, you in the database will be copied by a different number of hands on your opponents, thereby increasing the amount of information known to you.

However, even having hundreds of hands on some player, it may well be so that some kind of situation never met you. For example, on the screen above, you can see the statistics of one player on which there is an as much as 530 hands, but during this time there was only one case when he did a touch on the river. This information does not allow us to understand accurately, whether this opponent is simply not inclined to put 3 barrels in the post-flop, or he simply did not have such an opportunity for 350 hands.

As a result, we simply cannot rely on this value and build some conclusions on it. Different HAD indicators require different amounts of hands to set a reliable amount of samples and also it will depend on the style of the game of your opponent. Therefore, it is quite important to bring the number of distributions on your opponents to understand what data you can rely on, and which is better not to take into account during the game.

For example, on this opponent, we in the database there are more than 1,100 truses, which makes it easy to confidently judge very many stats, both on the pre-flop and in the post-flop.

A more accurate indicator will always be SAMPLES that show us the number of situations taken into account for each stat, as in the example with the right-bet River. Of course, the more you will have situations, the more accurate there will be an indicator, however, from 45-50 samples you can be quite confident in his meaning, since if it changes in the future (when set of new samples), then in a very small range Unless of course the player has changed the cardinal style of the game.

However, the clarification of the number of samples in each situation takes time, therefore it is easier to focus on the following averaged values \u200b\u200bof the number of hands (Hands), which are required for a set of reliable sample for each of the stat.

Pre-flop stats

VPIP - 50 hands

The VPIP indicator shows us voluntarily invested money in the bank money and actually means the overall hand range with which the opponent participates in the distribution, through call and raise. It is one of the two key indicators and is gaining faster, since in fact, each distribution and action of the player, one way or another affects its meaning.

You can do the first conclusions through several distribution circles, that is, about 20 hands, however, you will get reliable values \u200b\u200bto play more than 50 distributions.

PFR - 50 hands

The PFR indicator shows the number of aggressive actions of the player on the pre-flop and, accordingly, displays the range with which the player has reized and re-raises on the pre-flop.

It is the second important indicator on a par with VPIP and also quite quickly gains the number of samples. It is also not worth confusing it with the RFI stat, which reflects the exclusively spectrum of the open-raise from any position.


The aggression factor shows the degree of passivity or the player's aggressiveness and is determined by the following formula:

(% Bet +% RAISE) /% Call

It is worth considering that it does not take into account situations where the player did a check or fitch, so a significant number of distributions will be required for a reliable sample.

FOLD TO STEAL - 150 hands

In order to accumulate the current number of samples for the player's filder indicator on the blinds, we will need at least 150 hands, and for full tables (9-Max) more than 200 distributions.

Attemt to Steal - 150 hands

Also, as in the case of Fold on the style, the frequency of attempts to steal the blinds from the late position we will be able to reliably understand with a set of 150 distributions.

FOLD TO 3BET - 150 Hands

This statch reflects how often the opponent is rented for 3-bet on preflop. Knowing this frequency, we will be able to estimate the feasibility of Light 3-betting. The minimum value will be 100 handpaps, but the aggressive game will not always be at the table and if the Player physically did not have the opportunity to split into 3-bet, then the samples in such cases will not be taken into account. Therefore, it is necessary to rely on this indicator when set of more than 150 hands.

FOLD TO 4BET - 750 Hands

Folds on the 4-bet will be even more rare the situation and the sample set speed will depend on how much the player is 3-Betit, as well as from the total aggressiveness at the table. In any case, we need at least 750 handpaps to get a more or less reliable sample of Folding on 4-bet, and in some cases 1000 hands may be required.

3Bet Preflop - 150 hands

Similarly, with the figure of Fold on 3-bet, the minimum value of the hands necessary to evaluate the status will be 100 hand, however, it is often better to have a sample of 150 hands.

4Bet Ratio - 750 hands

This Stat shows us the range with which the opponent plays 4-bet. It is calculated by the formula: PFR * 4BET.

Post Flop Stats

In order for the opponent to be attended by post-flop data, it is necessary to get on it, so we often need much more distributions to get more or less reliable information about its playing trends on the flop, a tern or river. Moreover, because, before each subsequent street, players reach on average and the number of hands will increase from the flop to River.


Through this stat, we can find out the percentage of cases in which the opponent will give up to our contact on the flop.

FOLD TO TURN CBET - 500 hands

To determine the feasibility of setting the second barrel in the bluff / semi-blood, this statch will help us. Since Beth across the Turn happens less often than on the flop, we will need more distributions.


Similarly for contact betting on River.

CBET Flop - 200 Hands

To determine with what range the opponent plays from the continued bet on the flop, we will be enough 100 distributions.

CBET TURN - 500 hands

With this static, we will be able to determine whether we are profitable to play float. So, if the opponent has a high contact rate on the flop, but low on the turn, the float will be profitable.

CBET River - 2000 hands

The higher the meaning of this status, the more on a wider range we are forced to play Colldown.


With this status, we can find out how often the opponent surrenders to the flop on the raise after playing from the cont Beta.

FOLD TO RAISE After Turn CBET - 3000 hands

Similarly, to determine the feasibility of the game through the Rake beta opponent's raise on the Turn. Since they play in this way on low limits relatively rarely, you will need the appropriate sample of distribution.


With this indicator, we will be able to determine how often the opponent will give up on the turn on our bet on his check after he is the opposite flop.


If you are floatite of the opponent and the flop, and on the turn, then this statch will allow you to know how often the opponent will give up to your bet after his check on the river.

This indicator helps track the quality of the game on the preflop. Here the percentage of hands is considered when the player makes an intentional bid on the preflop. Only Call and Raise are taken into account. Good players, the number of this indicator does not exceed 25% of the total number of draws. If you look at VPIP, it will immediately become clear with what hands the player most often enters the game. Naturally, the lower this indicator, the better the player estimates its chances of winning in hand.

How to use? If you see that the player has a high VPIP, you can safely go to the attack on the preflop, the chance of winning will be high enough: the higher the VPIP, the more chances you have to win.

2. PFR - Preflop Raise

This indicator in the percentage informs you about how often you are banding cards to the board. Using this data, you can form a picture of what player you have the case: passive or aggressive. Normal importance on this item is in the range of 7-13%.

How to use? If you see the indicator in the specified range, and the player can be raised from anything, it means that he has something serious in his arms, to resist him with a weak pocket card. If the PFR is at a high level, it is likely that your opponent enters the game with a raise with a weak card. And if you see that the high PFR is combined with high VPIP, then you are generally dealing with "Maniac", you can wait for anything. Successfully, if you play left hand against such an opponent and you can act after it, for example, a rereadness to check it.


Determining the level of the aggressiveness of the opponent. This indicator is determined from the ratio of three, according to the formula: (Bet% + Reise%) / Call%. In this way. This calculation is necessary to determine the action typical of the opponent.

The factor of aggressiveness can be considered for both the round and on the long distance: averaged indicator. A good aggressive indicator on the turn is in the range of 2.5-3.5, for Rivera slightly lower: 1.5-2.5. A good player knows how to act with a good card and bad. Do you drop bad and play with good? Welcome to society of reasonable players. Yes, sometimes it is useful to go to the rubbish on your arms, but do it very carefully.

4. WSD - Went To Showdawn

The percentage of the handstone in which the player was waiting for the flop outlet to the table and reached the Schowdaun. Stat Poker Tracker 4, which is intended to identify the style of the opponent's game: Tighosiness and dumbness with the preflow.

Using. A good digit on this indicator is in the range of 25-37%. This indicator performs the role of determining the resistance of the blampion opponent. High WSD rival will always answer your raise, even if he has a weak or younger couple in his hands, and even with a naked ace. Therefore, it doesn't make sense to bluff in such a distribution. If the WSD indicator is very low, it means that the player is afraid of losing and reset everything except NATsa. If you go into a bluff against such an opponent and see that he responded with a call, beware.

The following statics are interesting more often in private situations and in terms of assessing personal effectiveness.

5. VPIP From SB - Voluntary Put $ In The Pot from Small Blind

Not so important indicator, but useful if you like to attack the blinds, that is, often replenished due to the non-low little blinds. VPIP From SB in percentage ratio considers delivery from a small blind to the total number of distributions. A good indicator is in the range of 20-50%. Application: If the player has a high percentage of delivery, there is no chance to pick it up with his small blind, if low, boldly increase.

6. Folded SB / BB

The exact opposite indicator specified above. There is a percentage of dropped hands on a small and big blind when trying to pick them up without delivering them.

7. Loss FROM SB / BB

Percentage of losses from a large or small blind. An important indicator, since it can be calculated from it with the blinds. The fact is that when playing on the blinds, the player remains in the unremarkable position. This indicator is intended to track the way you act in similar situations.

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Use the statistics of the poker software correctly and defeat.

To assert that success in poker depends only on luck and good luck, is not correct. The outcome of this game affects mainly poker statistics. A very important source of information here is the behavior of gamers. Watching the opponents over the bord, you can determine the degree of their game, the range of the played hands, the manner of trading. All of these data allow you to read rivals with greater accuracy, and in their actions you can predict the power of their hands.

Thanks to the statistics in poker, the player will be able to receive information on his visa, without spending no strength or the time of observation. And collecting information on yourself, the player will be able to identify shortcomings by analyzing its own game.

The gamer who plays extremely vigorously, and especially if he holds the gameplay immediately over several beards, it will not be able to carefully monitor each of the opponents. This is not valid even the most experienced poker. Therefore, to get any idea about opponents based on personal observations will be very difficult. However, using special programs for cache players statistics, you can get all the necessary information and read even those players you see for the first time.

What is the statistics of poker players

Player statistics in poker are indicators of features and quality of opponents. Statistics may consist of hundreds of parameters. But sometimes it is enough to own six or ten indicators in order to effectively use the stages. For example, such criteria may be data on what percentage of handpaps of Visazaws reaches the opening, the frequency of its inputs into the gameplay with an increase in the number of balls won on hundreds of hands, drawing hands in the percentage.

It is clear that throughout the gameplay it will not be enough to just look into the official poker statistics to get a more or less reliable opinion about the opponent. After all, all these data will be only numbers that you need to be able to set careful analysis. Consider, for example, the VPIP indicator, which determines the percentage of the distribution in which the gamer enters into a bidding. This parameter can tell about the manner of the opponent game.

If it exceeds 25% and is very high, this means that Visavi leads a lion game and in the auction comes with a wide range of card sheets. If VPIP is less than 12%, this suggests that the enemy prefers careful game and in the auction it only includes powerful pocket cards.

Main indicators of poker players statistics

Special programs determine more than hundreds of poker statistics. Many of them are quite specific and used only by some gamers in certain situations.

But key parameters are considered to be positions like:

  • VPIP: The number of hands played at their own desire. Thanks to this indicator, you can see how often the gamer comes into the gameplay with a coll or raise. If the VPIP coefficient is 8-12%, then you are dealing with a tight-aggressive opponent;
  • AF: Criterion, which in percentage ratio shows the total number of bets and the raises to the call. At a successful player, this figure reaches 2.5%;
  • BB / 100 Hands: Parameter, which reflects the average number of large gardens on the last one of the last gangs. BB / 100 Hands allows you to determine the game game, and, accordingly, the quality of its game;
  • PRR: Stat that displays how many times the pokerman entered the game with a raise. If this coefficient is low, this suggests that the opponent holds the tight style;
  • ETSD: Thanks to this parameter, you can find out how much percent is the autopsy of the enemy cards on the Showdow. At advantage of the game, this statch will be 25-35%.

Poker statistics for personal analysis

Official poker statistics can be used not only to predict the subsequent actions of their visa, but also for analyzing its own gameplay. Its last of its purpose is an incredibly important point that can bring good luck to the most part of the hand. In its operation, players:

  1. They analyze the won parties. It helps to establish possible misses, because of which the winnings turned out to be less, rather assumed.
  2. An analysis of those or other situations is carried out: games with a certain range of hands, distribution against specific visa and other.
  3. Detail disassemble the solutions that were taken on the lips lost. Due to this, gamers identify mistakes in their gameplay and produce the best tactics that will be used in the following parties when entering a similar situation.

Statistics in poker helps the gamer understand how his opponents see, which of its qualities can be used opponents against him. For example, if several rounds in a row due to bad hands he had low activity, then rivals can evaluate his player of playing games as a tight. Therefore, the poker is allowed to resort to such techniques like bluff or styling, because you will think that he has a powerful hand, they will be confident that they will be in front of them.

We disassemble the game of rivals

It is incredibly important to conduct the statistics of their opponents. Statistics cache players can help predict the behavior of people playing against you. This or other information will allow you to see how often one can go to the end of the gameplay, what hands it has at the same time, the frequency of throwing cards and more.

Properly applying the received poker statistics, the gamer will have superiority over his colleagues. However, it is always necessary to remember that opponents can have similar information.

Most of the modern online players resorts to the operation of poker players statistics. And most often, thanks to him, he wins his vizabi.
