How to wear a child for a walk on the weather. Several Soviets How to wear a child on the street game for girls from 6 to 8 dressing

Games of dress ups always attracted girls of all ages, religions, countries and forms. Girls love to dress up in front of the mirror, using all their wardrobe, borrowing things at mom, sisters, girlfriends and in general all acquaintances. So this female floor. Dress well need to learn from the oldest age. The most important thing is that you have a taste formed, and further can be experimenting, based on the basis. It is very important that it always looks suitable for a specific situation.
Free dressing games for 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 years . Here it is usually suited by the style of Kezhal. All this you immediately do not know. It was for this that the games with dressing were created. Here you will be told with some shrouds like this or that belt. How best to combine the blouse and skirt. What pants and jacket look harmonious together. All these questions should solve with a calm heart and soul.
Online dressing games for girls 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 years affect the other side. Here you can already create entire teams of stylists. You will exchange experience and make new dating on the Internet with the peers. Show them your festive outfits, and then look at what girls did. Never scold for a particular choice. Try to prompt advice, and listen to the wishes on the part. Dress up with taste now every self-respecting woman. Modern world This plan is rather severe. Do not lag from fashion trends. Form them!

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Although the favorite grandmothers and grandfathers are still difficult to convince, but you should not boot our babies at any time. However, the weather does not complain of us with stability and the question of the right selection of clothes for the future season makes thinking. In this article we will tell in detail how to wear children of two age categories: very small and preschoolers.

How to wear a child in 6 months in spring

Such kids still lie in the strollers and can not help mom with a choice of dress. However, they are already interested in the world around them: they spoil with interest and begin to look around. The wardrobe should make clothes with a hood, for children it is indispensable: blouses, sweatshirts. If it will be covered with the rain, and the hats at hand will not be, you will appreciate the convenience of such clothes.

In general, making up an outfit for a walk, you need to focus on the strength of the wind and the temperature on the street. If the weather is cold, from 0 to -10 Feels, do not forget the x / b sharpes and a warm hat, x / b and fleece slips, envelope and / or warm jumpsuit. At temperatures up to +8, you can wear a thin, and the envelope or jumpsuit is easier - 40 g of the insulation. About the sheepskin envelopes forget! If the street sucked, and the sun fires air to +13, time to forget about fleece slips and cap. Very warm, +17? Change the material of the jumpsuit to the velor. The child should not expire from sweat and falling on a walk.

How to wear a 6 month old child - the question is not so complicated, as it may seem at first glance. Just in case, we have prepared a memo for you:

  • +20 ° C and higher: Light Panama and Body, Short Sleeves;
  • +18 ° С: Spring-autumn overalls and lightweight cap;
  • +13 ° C: X / W Slip and jumpsuit spring-autumn;
  • +8 ° C: cap, cap, fleece slick, envelope;
  • +0 ° C: insulated slim, jumpsuit for winter, Spring-autumn hat, scarf;
  • -10 ° С: Warmed slim, sweaters stew, on the legs of booties, winter jumpsuit, Spring-autumn hat, on the neck - scarf.

We hope that now you understand how to wear a child 6 months to the street. Remember, overheating can be even more dangerous than if you climb a little. After all, such a child will look very much, and a small wind will make the body to transfer, and here, please, the cold. Superheated child must be given water or juice, ensure the right gradual cooling.

Child 6 years old: how to dress in spring

The question is simpler, because at this age the diens himself can say how comfortable it is. Try to take it into account of his wishes, because it often happens that the degree of "obstacles" of all family members is different, and in the end someone suffers, pouring on or on the contrary, freezes. In addition, dososholate - behave very actively, so you need to be guided also by practicality when choosing a wardrobe.

Pay attention to membrane clothes and shoes, which is made from a special material that allows you to keep heat and "breathe" the body at the same time. Before washing, carefully read the features of this material so that it does not lose its properties.

What is important for every young coquette? Of course it looks great and gracefully dressing? And how to learn this? Games for girls dress ups are opening in front of a small fashionista, the mounted world of high fashion and everyday style. Riding Games provide at your disposal the best outfits from around the world - Experiment and create an irresistible image! Playing the games of dress up for girls and enjoy the favorite activity of all beauties - fitting beautiful clothes - can be completely free! Take up time and travel to the Universe of Glamor and Chic, which will make you a real connoisseur fashion!

To stand in thought to the wardrobe - this time from time to time is engaged in all the representatives of the finest floor. The choice is heavy. And learn how to make it quickly and efficiently will help Games for Girls Delicious - an unsurpassed simulator for a sense of style!

Bright outfits for small fashionistas

You ask how it started? It is unlikely that someone will answer. You can come up with, compose, to express the version, maybe it will be close to the truth, but give an answer - no one can. Little people have always played in large, at least, how much they remember. The boys won the world, and the girls played in mother's daughters and dressing games. They became older, the illusion became a reality, and dolls by the ghostly memories.

Lady, Lady, Senorita, Miss, Signorina, Frau, Pani, Lady, Citizen and even comrade - they all come from childhood.

And they were different from them, and the world does not need to conquer, they needed to conquer men. And despite the enemy Emancipation, the appearance of a woman and the ability to file themselves to play no less role in her fate than intelligence. And to help dispose of your fate correctly can only parents - to instill a rare combination of mind, beauty and feelings of the style, which takes the modern woman to the top of society.

Once the doll itself was a sign of the top. And as it turned out, the games of dress up for girls have the oldest roots. The oldest of the preserved dolls of fashion was found in the sarcophagus times of Mark Aureliya. It is made of ivory. This baby has its own chest with bold, rings on the fingers and a stylish hairstyle from the Faustina Empress. She fully complies with the dominant trendy trends to its modernity.

And Maria Fedorovna (the mother of the last great prinjeon) brought up royal siblings in moderation, but the games considered the most important part of their spiritual development. Zesareev was also porcelain dolls with amazing outfits, which were sent from Germany and France, and ordinary Russian toys, traditional and original, more often handicraft production telling about the life and fishery of the native people. Dolls of dolls sewed along the canons of adult costumes. Together with Dolls, Zesarevna learned to behave at the table and dress properly.

Clay, porcelain, fabric, wooden. What were they just not? Of course, paper doll collections with hundreds of outfits for all occasions are worthy of special attention. Although they did not sleep behind the fashion, but they can be considered the predecessors of modern 2D games with puppet clothes.

What is a cocktail dress? What to wear on a soul dinner? What to look like a picnic? How to dress on a business meeting or a date? Agree that the answers to such questions are an integral part of the upbringing that will not make ridiculous mistakes in the future and always feel confident. And the most understandable form of answers for a child is free online Games Dressups for girls.

Now, thanks to online delay, young ladies are available to the latest collections from fashion boutiques. "Fashion victim" and "Blue stockings" - two of the extremes, from which the girl will save the girl's feeling, brought up in such an early age. Compliance with fashion trends in clothing opens up many doors. The ability to choose a style, a combination of color, accessories - components of a brilliant image. And very soon a little beauty and herself begins to give mom tips at the Couturier level.

In this section, each young lover of stylish outfits will find the best online dressing games for girls - free! We picked up dressing games with all the favorite heroines of popular cartoons and films, which can now be put on your taste! A lot of fun minutes and a lot of positive emotions are provided! To become an unsurpassed expert in the latest trends in the world of fashion can now not leaving the computer - our free games Dress Up for girls!
