How to increase your win rate and efficiency in World of Tanks? How many fights to increase your win rate?

1. Rolling out the cards. Choosing the direction of attack. Training in the training room by platoons

2. They will teach you how to play in platoons with statistics of 65 percent of victories.

Service price 500 rub per hour. You play on your account with us in random

It is possible to visit the client at home in Moscow and the Moscow region.

In the hangar for good training on the site in WOT with a statistician in a platoon of technicians from level 8 to 10.

Silver, additional soldering is required.

Do you want to increase the percentage of wins on your site in WOT?

But you want to play on your account in the world of tanks,We will be happy to invite you to a platoon with our tanker from the tanks website and drive with you, while simultaneously telling you the secrets of the world of tanks.

Learn how to play tanks in a platoon with a top player (statist) on the World of tanks website quickly

Now the question of how to increase the win rate in tanks will no longer worry you. Rolling out cards, tanking, traveling at the beginning of the battle, etc. etc., you can ask our player all this when playing in a platoon. Learn to play with our tank site. Training in tanks takes place at a time convenient for you with a top player (statistician), exclusively in a platoon, starting from training rooms and ending with random 2019. You will increase your win percentage and efficiency, you will also learn how to deal damage and perform lbz on ob 260 and the second company 2.0 excalibur, chimera, ob 279.

If you want to play with an extra in a platoon, just call our service in the world of tanks 2019

Training in tanks and platoon with extras (top players) call 24 hours

7 968 ​​657 90 13 Kirill computer club

I started playing World of Tanks purely for fun and before certain point didn't ask any questions game statistics. I simply took a tank and rushed into the thick of the battle and somehow fought through 1000 battles with varying degrees of success.

Like most beginners, I started downloading Soviet light tanks and, naturally, due to a misunderstanding game mechanics often leaked. Gradually I was drawn into the game, and by the time the number of battles exceeded three thousand, I began to pay attention to the numbers in the accounts of other players.

After looking at my stats, I came to the conclusion that something needed to be changed, since the win percentage was 47. I thought about how I could raise my statistics in game World of Tanks, playing solo in random.

For myself, I developed one recipe that helped increase the winning percentage to 50% or more. It really works and has been tested in personal practice.

Recipe for a successful stat

The whole point of your being on the battlefield is to live as long as possible and during this time do as many useful things as possible: inflict a ton of damage, disrupt the capture of a base, illuminate half of the enemy’s tanks, etc. Under no circumstances should you merge, even if you are at the bottom of the list.

Just wait until the situation with the placement of tanks on the map becomes clearer - and you will see how much you can do with just patience. If you are at the top, then try to save as much of your HP as possible by the end of the battle, since in this case everything depends on you.

It also happens that all your allies merge, and you are gradually left alone. Don't rush to repeat their mistakes. Continue doing your job and you will see that even in the most hopeless battle you can not only recapture your HP, but also pick up a few weaklings, or even drag them down.

Playing in a platoon

Over the many hours you spent playing the game, you probably made clan friends or acquaintances who were ready to share with you the bitterness of defeat and the joy of victory.

We unite into platoons and leave the hangar with experienced players. Remember that victory will mainly depend on your coordinated actions.

If there is no one in the contact list who could help you, then we go to random and look for skilled players.

Sandbox game

Change to low-level tanks and use your skill to the fullest. Before I returned to the sand, I discovered that only one battle had been played on the tanks of the first level.

I corrected this misunderstanding, easily winning several dozen victories. But keep in mind that in battle you will definitely meet freebie lovers like you.

Components of success

  1. Skill. Nothing is more important personal experience games in World of Tanks, so this item comes first.
  2. Top. Play on top technology. The stock is unacceptable to me for two reasons. Firstly, only the top-end configuration allows you to realize the full potential of the combat vehicle. Secondly, a tank that is unable to provide effective fire support and crawls like a turtle brings little pleasure. Don't play with stock technology. It is better to bring your technique to the top with the help of free experience.
  3. Crew. A well-pumped crew will share with you any hardships in battle. I train/retrain the crew for gold.
  4. Consumables. I don’t leave the hangar without a repair kit, first aid kit and fire extinguisher. I install an automatic fire extinguisher on vehicles from level 6 and above. I take a large repair kit and a large first aid kit depending on the tank or for the company/main battery.
  5. Golda. Be sure to carry gold shells with you. The principle is simple: the more often you shoot, the more benefit you bring to your team. How can you deal damage if ordinary shells do not penetrate the armor of a tank at a higher level?

How to increase your win rate

It's simple - play one short session a day! This is the simplest, but at the same time complex method, which I think everyone knows about, but few people apply it in practice. Yes, sometimes I myself cannot resist breaking it.

It doesn’t matter how many fights you have played - 3, 8, 10 - it is important that the number of victories is greater than defeats. Once this goal is achieved, that’s it, forget about World of Tanks and exit the game. The difficulty lies precisely at this stage.

As a result, the percentage of victories will depend on the systematicity and number of victorious battles.

Tanks for raising statistics

Many will say that it is best to play on immobile tanks, which give you an advantage due to the fact that they have outstanding characteristics. At different times these were different tanks, until the developers nerfed them.

I can definitely say that you need to raise the stats on those tanks that you like to play on. Even if this tank is not immodest, and everyone says that it does not bend, the main thing is that you like it.

World of tanks This is a game where you will have the chance to try yourself in driving heavy armored vehicles, namely a tank. The game has a huge variety of the most amazing types of tanks from different countries, which will suit even the most demanding user. Therefore, if you still do not have an account in Here, then hurry up and find your unique tank to dominate the battlefields.

Surely everyone who has played solo for a long time has had a situation where no matter how well you played, even if you made a dozen kills, the team still died and the game was lost, but when such pockets occur several times in a row? Such cases are not uncommon, and they discourage any desire to try to win. The whole point is that wot game It’s a team game and it’s absolutely impossible to win with just one player. However, if you want to increase your chances of winning, then you should start playing world of tanks with platoon. Could there be anything more fun than carrying a battle on your shoulders with your friends? Also raising statistics with a platoon becomes not so impossible and boring. But not everyone has such people ready to play together, if you don’t have them, don’t worry, the “site” will give you the opportunity to play with real professionals in a platoon.

Price for the service wot:

Minimum order - 10 fights

200 rubles
- 300 rubles

Minimum series of battles with 1 platoon - 50% +
Minimum series of battles with 2 platoons - 60% +

Conditions and implementation of the platoon service here

Your equipment is level 8 or higher (we can also use other equipment, check with the operator)
Voice communication

Our service guarantees you high-quality and memorable games. By playing in a platoon with our drivers, also known as platoon drivers, you also get increased statistics and experience from playing alongside the pros. Professionals in the platoon will improve your efficiency rating and show you the latest tank features. All you need to do is just write according to the data and discuss with the operator the basic information, including the price for games with platoon wot, game time, number of games, payment service with which you want to cooperate and more. As soon as payment is received, we will be happy to begin fulfilling your order for pumping services.

Tired of being alone? Use the “site” command and you will hardly know the grief of losing in a tense game when leveling up with a platoon.

5 years and 7 months ago Comments: 20


Today we will talk about raising statistics in World of Tanks - why it is needed and how to do it. We all want to fight good platoons, play in well-established, experienced companies, join top ones, participate in battles on Global Map, capture provinces, and receive in-game gold for this. Of course, there are people who just want to show off their achievements in the game to their friends, relatives, and so on. But it's not that simple. After all, for all this you need excellent account statistics.

Account statistics consists of three positions - the overall percentage of victories, (performance rating), and the number of battles.

There are several formulas for calculating performance ratings. We will consider only one formula, which is conventionally designated “eff” (Efficiency). This formula appeared before all the others, so we will consider only it. It includes:
-average damage;
-average number of frags;
-average number of exposed players;
-average number of base capture points;
-average number of base defense points.

Calculation formula:

DAMAGE * (10 / (TIER + 2)) * (0.21 + 3*TIER / 100) + FRAGS * 250 + SPOT * 150 + log (CAP + 1) / log(1.732) * 150 + DEF * 150

  • DAMAGE - average damage
  • FRAGS - average number of frags
  • SPOT - average number of exposed players
  • CAP - average number of capture points
  • DEF - average number of defense points

Here is a battle efficiency rating table:

Well, what is it for? good statistics- we sorted it out. Now let's see how to make it like this!

Many experienced water players, such as Gleborg, Maracasi, have made at least one video on the topic: “ How to increase your win rate and efficiency in World of Tanks" There they explained how they achieved their highest account statistics results. I'll tell you how it SHOULD be done.

I’ll say right away that you won’t be able to have a high percentage of wins playing solo (alone). Therefore, you will need a platoon, preferably of three people including you. Even if all three of them have bad statistics, then you have more chances to drag in and win than when playing solo, since you can perform coordinated actions, talk, three of you, attack... And plus, playing with comrades is much more fun, that’s why the mood will be better!

Go to your hangar -> Tab " Achievements" -> Tab " Technique» -> Sort by win percentage. There, look at tanks from level 6 with the highest win percentage and average damage.

Take this tank, prepare yourself to bend over and go into battle in a platoon, in a good mood. You work to the maximum in each battle, deal as much damage as possible per battle. If possible, capture the enemy base and defend yours. I think it’s clear, but I’ll say it anyway:
1)NEVER do not ride alone to the flank, without support;
2) Never merge at the beginning of the battle;
3) When playing as a platoon, distribute the damage. Let me explain. For example, if your platoon members have few hit points, you must cover them with your carcass so that they are not killed and you do not lose the potential of your platoon.

There is a legend that if you have been unlucky for a long time and are constantly losing, you can change the server, and everything will go away - you will be beating like in a fairy tale! I personally checked it, albeit a few times - the legend WORKS!!! So try it, maybe you will get lucky.

Let's sum it up

What you need to increase your account statistics:
  • Good, well-played platoon
  • A bending technique is a technique that you are lucky with or enjoy playing.
  • Work to the maximum in battles
  • Change server when there are leaks
  • Play only if you are in a good mood
That's all I have. I wish you to become " purple"! I hope the article was useful, I was with you iLetGo, Good luck to you in life and on the battlefields!
