How to make a treasure hunt map for children. Pirate treasure map. Drawing a treasure map

They decided to give their niece a “pirate” birthday. With costumes and everything. What is the best gift for a pirate? Treasures, of course!

Due to the availability of free time and desperate melancholy from idleness, I decided to give a gift in the form of a treasure hunt map and the treasure itself.

I started with gold. What is a treasure without gold coins? I changed money at the bank for 10 rubles and began to clean it. The best option turned out to be a brush with not very stiff bristles.

I was afraid that the coins might darken again, so I covered them with hairspray and carefully put them in storage until my birthday.

Now I take up the map. I’m not a very creative person, so the map came to mind in parts over a couple of days, and in the evenings pieces were added to the overall picture.
The result was this:

The stages of the treasure hunt are tied to my grandmother’s house (and garden), where my niece is staying.

Lake - tank

Cave - abandoned ring for a well (let's turn it on its side)

I'll tie one of the envelopes to the top of the crane's head.

And finally, the sandbox as a desert. There may not be many stages, but whatever you had enough imagination for, that’s what happened.

So, after Photoshop, a printer and fingers instead of scissors, we got this card blank

Colored a little with pencils

I tried it on a piece. Happened.

Now you can paint the whole thing. You will need coffee and a tray with sides (for convenience)

I held it for 30-40 seconds. It was difficult to remove, as the leaf softened very quickly from the hot coffee.

I blotted off the excess with a sponge. It can also be used to paint, so as not to immerse the entire sheet in liquid. As further experience has shown, a sponge is even better, because you can make the desired areas darker as needed.

To speed up the process, I dried the sheet with an iron (between towels, which I don’t mind)
After drying, I burned a couple of holes with a lighter and singed the edges along the contour

In order not to immediately understand where the treasure is buried, the map needs to be divided into parts (the edges of the pieces were made darker)

I made envelopes to pack the card parts.
Glued, wrinkled, painted with a sponge and dried with an iron

For the spider in the pantry I decided to use an envelope with a picture of a spider on it. Well, I didn’t forget about “his eyes glow in the darkness,” and painted his eyes with luminescent face painting (felt-tip pens would also work, but I didn’t find them).

There is no light in the granny’s closet (and there never was), so to find the spider you will need a flashlight, and not just a simple one, but an ultraviolet one (or you didn’t even know how to use it). In the darkness, the eyes glow brightly in its light.

That's all. Pieces of the map are laid out in envelopes, and for the “cave” I concocted and cut out such a pirate so that he would “hold” one of the envelopes.

The first part of the card will be given to the birthday girl as a gift.
In addition to the gold, glass balls and “gems” (for bracelets, etc.) will be added to the casket.

Meanwhile, a treasure chest arrived from the shore of the Black Sea. Beautiful, but very fragile (made of plaster), probably only enough to dig it up. But old chests should be decayed, and treasures should be bright!

That's all! Thanks to those who made it to the end and appreciated it.

) cards and print it out. This is what the original map file looks like.

I do not recommend printing the map in A4 format, but printing it a little larger (at least one and a half sheets of A4), then each part of the map will be large enough. This is the map I got (one and a half sheets of A4)

As you can see, the map is filled with different places like “Storm Island” or “Dead Man’s Cove”, it also contains icons of cannons, rum, a Jolly Roger flag, an anchor, a black mark, a cross, a steering wheel and a chest. This was also done so that in the quest you could make a reference to the map and you would need to find out, for example, “the number of cannons in Fort Hope” or “find out the number of chests in Flint Mountain.”

The middle of the map is empty, this is done so that in this middle, if you want, you can schematically draw a plan of the area or apartment with a designated place where the gift is hidden. In our case, this place will be empty.

This is what the map looked like after I burned it a little around the edges. Be careful not to get carried away and burn a hole in the map, like I did :) But since there are no vital places on the map in this place, I left it and did not redo the map.

At first I drew a plan of our apartment on the map, but then I abandoned the idea of ​​​​using it in the quest, but I left the plan just in case, it did not interfere with the quest.

This is what the map looks like after dividing it into several parts. It is important that the first part of the map contains a complete (not cut) island of the damned, because... We will need to see it in the second task. Unfortunately, I touched it a little, but the icons were not badly damaged and their full number can be easily determined.

Now we will give the map ancient look and make her very old. To do this, soak our card in tea and dry it.

Let's soak our map.

After about 2 hours, I pulled out the card pieces and transferred them to sheets to dry.

This is what we end up with

The holiday scenario was still spinning in my head, and I had already sent out letters from Old Flint to future participants with the following content:

“The pirate Old Flint assembles a crew to search for treasure.

The pirate ship "Barracuda" will be moored there at 10 am! (in case of bad, rainy weather, it will not be able to go to sea and the gathering of pirates will be postponed until next week).
The first task for the pirate is to come up with a real pirate name and arrive at the meeting place at the specified time in a pirate costume.

Show Old Flint the black mark."

I wrote the letter by hand, drew a pirate flag, photocopied it in the required quantity, and put it in envelopes along with black marks. Black marks can be cut out of cardboard, but I made them from plasticine. The children were intrigued, counted down the days until the event and took their preparations very seriously!

When preparing a quest, the script is always based on the location of the holiday and the age of the participants. In our case, these were children aged 3-5 years, most of the tasks were hidden at home and in the surrounding area.

Preparing the quest:

1. Encrypted message.

2. Key to the cipher– a note with pictures of the code and letters.

3. Colorful butterflies– 14 pieces. Butterflies of seven colors, letters are written on the back. Butterflies with letters collected in pairs form the name of seven notes. The task implies that children sort butterflies by color, see letters and add word notes: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, etc.

4. Treasure map. I tightly sealed the drawn map with cellophane, sparing no tape to seal it, and placed it in a plastic box, which I filled with water and froze. To make the card sink, I pressed it to the bottom with several pebbles. When the water froze it turned out beautifully, you could have added shells and it would have been even better!

5. Pirate Flag, hand drawn with black chalk on a sheet of A3 paper. Glued to the gate with tape (we called this place the Island of Shadows), under the flag is an envelope with a new task.

6. The inscription "Barracuda" to designate a ship. Actually the house itself was pirate ship, room - cabin, kitchen - galley, etc.

7. Envelopes with riddles and tasks.

8. Buy Balloons(about 10 pieces), firecrackers and a rubber spider. Kinder surprise eggs are treasures. With firecrackers, Flint excited the young pirates during the game and raised their morale :). And I put several notes with riddles in the balls. The inflated balloons were tied higher, so that the children themselves could not reach them.

9. Find pirated songs(Pirate song from the film Pappy Longstocking and theme from the film Pirates of the Caribbean).

10. Prepare riddles about the sea,(see Attachment).

For the whole adventure we only needed one actor– Pirate Flint, who played the role of presenter.


When all the children had gathered, Flint announced that the team would begin searching for treasure.

In order for the ship to set sail the sails must be raised.(We have roller blinds hanging on the veranda; they symbolized sails.) Unrolling the curtains, the kids discovered encrypted message and the main pirate explained: to read the code you need "key", he is with his girlfriend, huge spider, who is hiding somewhere in the garden.

The children went to wander around the garden and soon the spider was found. Underneath was envelope with key to solve the code.

looking for a spider

use the encryption key

The message was too long for the age of our team, and they had to be quite patient and continue to name the letters, matching them with the pictures. With the help of parents we read: “Listen to the rustling of butterflies inside the white jellyfish.”

What in our house resembled a huge white jellyfish? The children looked around in bewilderment until someone realized that it was a stole (mosquito net) hanging from the ceiling. I tied it in the middle in advance and put paper butterflies there. The kids rushed to the jellyfish, untied it and all the butterflies scattered across the bed.

jellyfish found!

Flint suggested that need to collect pairs and guess what these short words mean. When the children realized that these were notes, they were asked to find the next task where the notes were hidden - in musical instrument. In our case, it was a harmonium. The children lifted the lid and found an envelope with the next task:“Pirates are very cheerful people, dance the pirate dance together and have fun!”

sorting butterflies

we are thinking

I turned on the song, and everyone danced and jumped around.

When the children calmed down, Flint suggested select the chief mate from among the crew members in the following way:“Whoever knows the most fish and sea creatures will be the captain’s mate.” Everyone sat in a circle and took turns naming the fish; those who couldn’t remember anything else were eliminated. Thus, the one who had the honorable task of going to the galley and bringing a tray of watermelon for the whole team was determined.

While the pirates and their parents refreshed themselves with watermelon and sandwiches, I turned on a song from “Pirates” for the background. Caribbean Sea“, we imagined how we were sailing on a ship, the sails were inflated, the waves were beating against the side, the sun was above the clouds, etc.

When the pirates and their parents completed this tasty task, it turned out that With reverse side tray, at the bottom, an envelope is glued! The assignment said:“Using the Thousand Devils spell, transform into a monster with eight legs, two mouths and two eyes. Only such a monster will be able to rip off the enchanted balls; inside is a new task!”

Children took turns climbing onto the shoulders of an adult and blindfolded They cut off the balls suspended high. So everyone played the role of a monster, and everyone ended up with a balloon in their hands.

Further it was necessary to burst them, to read the notes hidden inside. It turned out to be fun, they just flopped their butts on the grass and then collected the scattered pieces of paper. On small pieces of paper there were riddles about the sea (see Attachment), and the next task: “Go to the Island of Shadows, where the pirate flag hangs. The island is enchanted; to get to it, build a bridge of shadows.”

The task implied that the children stood in a chain on a concrete path and chalk outline the shadows each other, moving towards the island.

Having thus reached the gate, our pirates tore off the flag and found a new envelope with a note:"Look for a map in the country eternal ice" The kids guessed that it was a refrigerator and found a frozen card. But how to get it from there? they carried it into the sun, picked at it with forks, but to no avail!

Flint came to the rescue, he brought a bowl of hot water and poured it into the box, then the ice floe melted and fell out of the box. They smashed it on the concrete path and took out a pirate map!

Using the map they determined where the treasures were hidden- in the country of “Melatia” (on the territory of the nearest swimming pool), it didn’t take long to persuade anyone - the kids happily went to the pool, where they found their well-deserved treasures under a tree, swam, refreshed themselves and went home, filled with impressions and positive emotions.”

It is not always necessary to buy for a child new toy to get his attention. Sometimes you need to show a little imagination and put in a little effort to come up with interesting game, capable of interest the most fastidious guys. One such undertaking could be searching for treasure using a treasure map. This kind of entertainment can keep not only one adventurer busy for a long time, but also a large friendly company of treasure hunters. Today’s article will discuss how to draw a treasure map in several ways.

Required accessories

In order to draw a believable treasure map, you will need to stock up on some important items, these are:

  • album sheet;
  • colored pencils or markers;
  • lighter or matches;
  • rope or thick thread;
  • "hidden treasures".

All subjects should be discussed in order.

Lighter, rope and pencils

So, the album sheet is the future map. Its size depends on the preferences, imagination and desires of the painter. By the way, how to draw a treasure map and where to hide the treasure on the diagram will also be decided by him. Colored pencils, which can be replaced with felt-tip pens, markers or paints (depending on what the child likes to use most), will help give the creation a unique color. A lighter or matches can artificially age the album sheet: burnt spots will add mystery to the masterpiece. Well, a rope or thick thread will be needed so that when you roll the finished card into a roll, you can tie it and fasten it. Of course, the most important thing is the treasures that will be hidden. This can be any edible goodies, candies or favorite treats of the particular child for whom the card is being drawn up. You can use small toys or a set of stickers. In principle, any little thing that comes to hand is suitable for this. All these attributes will bring the resulting masterpiece closer to ideal.

How to draw a treasure map with your own hands: a few simple ways

The first method is for the parent.

To begin with, it is worth deciding on the place where the long-awaited reward will await the “treasure hunters”. A package of delicious cookies, fruit or any other delicacy is quite suitable for her. Having discovered what was hidden, the kids will not only be happy, but will also enjoy a snack. Once the location has been chosen, you can get down to business. Since drawing a treasure map for children is quite simple, even those who haven’t picked up a pencil for a long time can cope with this task.


How we will draw the map:

  1. If the treat is hidden in an apartment or house, you should start the route from the farthest point and lead the children to success as confusingly as possible. The more complex the trail, the more interesting it is to look for treasure.
  2. Place significant objects located in the apartment on the map. If you can’t boast of creative abilities at all, you can simply sign these items.
  3. Aging the card by burning the edges with matches or a lighter. For greater plausibility, you can burn a hole in the center.
  4. Roll up the resulting masterpiece, tie it with a rope and throw it to your child. The result will not take long to arrive. Children's thirst for adventure will draw them into the game at lightning speed.

The second method involves joint creativity.

This option is suitable for an upcoming children's party, for example, if the child has a birthday with invited guests. It’s worth doing everything the same as in the first method, just giving free rein to your child’s imagination. Let your child design his own unique route leading to the goal and decorate the drawing as he sees fit. Explain to your child that the success or failure of treasure hunting will depend on how you draw a treasure map: the more accurately you indicate the route and indicate important details, the easier it will be to move towards the goal.

Play and creativity are integral parts child development, and if they can be combined, reinforced with delicious food and gifts, then this is a huge benefit for the younger generation.

Are you planning a noisy pirate party? Amazing! Of course, there will be a lot of trouble, but it will be worth it. So, games and competitions have been prepared, awesome outfits have been sewn, delicious treats are spreading a stunning aroma throughout the apartment... It's just a matter of small things: how to draw a pirate treasure map for children.

Namely, together with the little curious pirates, in a bottle of rum (a bottle of children's champagne is also perfect) the main attribute of the upcoming sea adventure - an old, time-worn treasure map - and begin sailing.

Making such a map is not at all difficult.

What you need to make from scratch

  • A sheet of paper (I used regular A4 size office paper).
  • Strong welding (for priming).
  • Cotton swab.
  • Black gel pen.
  • Colour pencils.
  • Scissors.
  • Ribbon or piece of twine.

How to Draw a Pirate Treasure Map for Kids

How to achieve the effect of paper that looks faded in the sun and aged by time? It’s very simple: brew strong tea or (if you want to make the leaf darker) instant coffee.

Wet a cotton swab thoroughly in the liquid.

And we process the sheet of paper on both sides.

We leave the paper to dry for a while; to speed up the process, you can put the sheet on the heating radiator. The result is a beautifully primed, slightly warped during drying (which is also wonderful) textured base for the future card.

Now we begin to place the necessary objects on the map. You can choose a suitable motif and copy from it, or you can sketch out a small sketch in advance. Draw directly on the map with a gel pen. You can also print text with assignments in block letters.

It turns out beautifully when the graphic lines are lightly “highlighted” with color. In my case, these are ordinary colored pencils. You can color in several ways - by softly shading or rubbing grated lead over the surface of the paper.

When putting objects on a pirate map, show all your imagination - interesting, scary names will delight little travelers (it’s good when they also coincide with the names of competitions and tests that arise “along the way”). And, of course, don’t forget to mark the place where the “old treasure” is hidden.

Using scissors, we shape the edges of the card as shown in the photo.

And carefully “smoke” the sheet over the candles and burn the edges. The main thing here is not to be lazy and not to let the fire ruin all the work done.

The map is ready! We roll it into a tube, wrap it with twine or satin ribbon and hide it in a suitable bottle.

How to draw a pirate treasure map for children for the holiday.

Solitaire Mat